Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Frankberry Stool

Episode Date: November 4, 2016

This week on Sawbones, Dr. Sydnee and Justin delve into what may just be history's oddest actual medical diagnosis: Frankenberry stool. Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saubones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, time is about to books. One, two, one, two, three, four. I'm a For the mouth. Wow. Hello everybody and welcome to Saw Bones, a mental tour of Miscite and Medicine.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I'm your co-host Justin McElroy. And I'm Sydney McElroy. Sit, pretend I did the intro sad. Like pretend I sound sad when I did it. Do you want to start over again? No, no, no, no, just pretend I sound sad. Oh, Justin, you sound so sad. What's wrong?
Starting point is 00:01:22 Thanks for noticing, Sydney. I'm just a little bit depressed. Why are you a little bit depressed? Well, it's just, I don't know, you know, the seasons are changing all around us, but I get... The beautiful fall leaves are falling. Kinda unimpressive this year, don't you think? I will.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Flash is prickly. I feel like it kinda happened all at once because it was hot all the way up until it wasn't hot So they're all more like brown and crunchy straight there instead of like the Oh, why did you have to say brown and crunchy? Oh, that's what I'm really sad You're really sad because of brown and crunchy. Yeah, the mind this is you're gonna have to give me some explanation here Sydney Halloween season is over and that could only mean one thing monster cereals are over. Oh. Why do they make cereals that I could only have sometimes? Well, really if you think about it all cereals should only be eaten
Starting point is 00:02:15 sometimes. Okay, Dr. Phil, maybe you could get off my back for a second and try to sympathize with me. I'm just saying like not every single night right before you go to sleep, maybe. I'll see you in the maybe. I haven't had the past two nights, but thank you for noticing my huge accomplishment and really giving me credit for it. I'm just. I think it's because you made cookies.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I did make cookies. They were hazelnuts, these salt cookies, what you want from me. Sydney, I'm so sad about monster cereals going away. I am sorry about that, Justin. I know that you enjoy that all of the Halloween inspired monster themed artificially flavored and colored. Art officially flavored and how dare you. They harvest those Frankenberries naturally.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Monster cereals with sweeties. With sweeties. With sweeties. Well, you're, check out the old commercials form, if you have it, they, they, they used to say, they're filled with sweeties to keep from saying, like, we put marshmallows in the cereal.
Starting point is 00:03:13 They're big us. That's what they are. They're secretly, I don't think that's better. I still think either way, I'd think like, there's candy in there. Yeah. Uh, well, Justin,
Starting point is 00:03:21 even though you might not be eating Halloween theme cereals anymore, you may still be able to experience their joy in a way. How is that possible? Well, has your poop changed color? I change color every day. Sydney, I'm a man in the midst of a change always. Is that what that song's about? Fiber, I'm a man in the midst of a change always. Is that what that song's about? I'm vibrant.
Starting point is 00:03:47 That way. Have you ever heard of Frank and Barry Stools, Justin? No, I haven't. I'm assuming it's not the kind you sit on. No. I want to tell you about Frank and Barry Stools. Okay. But before I get into this intriguing Halloween tale,
Starting point is 00:04:08 post Halloween tale about multicolored poop, you know, the various excretions that come from the human body can come in a wide variety of colors. This is no surprise to me, I'm almost 36. We tend to assume that there's kind of like a designated color for everything. But we've known, and I mean, you can find records of this back to the ancient Greeks, that we can look at poop and pee and spit and blood and, you know, all the other various things that
Starting point is 00:04:42 come out of the human body snot and based on its color or its odor or even its flavor, we've been able to tell things about our state of health. We've referenced before on this show that there used to be a wheel of urine flavor. Yes. That you could check. America's worst game show. Wheel of in flavor. But there is so much that the color of these various human excretia can tell us. Well, I'm sure there's no way I'm going to be able to dissuade you from it.
Starting point is 00:05:14 So, let's talk about colors of excretions. Can you paint with all colors of your paint? Let's start with urine, because I think we all have some preconceived notions about what colors pee can come in and what it might mean. So Justin, what does good pee look like? Good pee is clear, because that means you're getting enough water. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Well, you don't want to completely clear. What? If it's completely clear, if it looks like water, then you may be over hydrated. Nobody's over hydrated. Nobody's drinking enough water. Okay, I understand what you're saying. Like generally speaking, most people don't drink enough water,
Starting point is 00:05:55 but there is such a thing as over hydrated. Okay. That you can drink too much water. I want, okay, so, okay, I wanna ask you a question, but we're gonna wait till we get through this for a few colors. So clear is maybe over hydrated. Yeah, pale yellow is what you're really shooting for.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Now let me say this though, I think it's important to note, a lot of people think they're supposed to like hydrate to some sort of urine color. Thirst is a much better marker. Okay. So don't, I'm like you shouldn't be looking at your pee constantly and going, ooh it's so a little darker yellow
Starting point is 00:06:28 than I think it should be. I'm sorry that once you're thirsty, it's too late, you're already dehydrated. Yeah, when you're thirsty though, drink. Don't go like pee and think, well I'm not thirsty at all, but my pee isn't quite as pale as I think it should be. I better drink a bunch of water.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Okay. This is just, it's a little tedious, it's a little silly. Is it's a little tedious, it's a little silly. Is it in a general way, if your urine is a little more pale yellow, you're probably better hydrated, if it gets darker yellow, a little bit dehydrated all the way to, you know, if you're really dehydrated, your peak can even start to look like orangeish.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Okay, here's what I wanted to get to. The, and this may be more of a theological question, I guess our fill itself on okay if you're Okay, if you pee clear liquid you might be ever hydrated if you're P like yellow or orange you might be a redneck. Oh come on You might be I just didn't know where you were going. You might be dehydrated, right?
Starting point is 00:07:26 Yeah. But pee is mainly water, right? Yeah. So why isn't your body, why is your body, if your body's dehydrated, why does it have extra to pee? Why isn't it holding off your dear life? It has to flush, I mean, you still have to flush toxins out of your body and then come out dissolved in a liquid.
Starting point is 00:07:46 That's what I have my foot pads for. But if you notice, no, okay, that no, no, no, no. That was a gentle move on, no. The thing is what you're looking at, the color of your urine is how concentrated it is. So when it is darker and more concentrated, your body is doing exactly what you're suggesting. It's conserving water. It's keeping liquid in and excreting the stuff that needs to be excreated in a smaller amount,
Starting point is 00:08:14 a smaller volume of liquid. So you have more solute within the liquid, so it looks darker. So. But you still have stuff you gotta flush out. There's stuff your kidneys just have to get rid of. So orange is very dehydrated among other things. It can also mean things like you have a build up of of bio of so like maybe a liver problem.
Starting point is 00:08:33 There's certain medications that can turn your urine orange. The one that I hear about most frequently is an over-the-counter medication that people sometimes use if they have a urinary tract infection and they get burning while they pee, it's called peridium, but this medication and it is sold over the counter and it will tell you on the box, it will turn your urine orange, bright orange, impressively orange. I cannot stress that enough. There's also things like muscle breakdown that can turn your, that can turn your urine orange. Now pink urine is possible. Now generally when we see pink, we get nervous because pink is the predecessor for red. And pink can mean something scary like blood, but it could just also mean you ate a lot
Starting point is 00:09:21 of beats. If you eat enough blueberries, it will turn your urine pink. Okay, I got stuff about my blueberry exemption. If you eat enough rhubarb. So you could think of like a really delicious pie, maybe. A pink pea pie. A pink pea pie, a blueberry rhubarb pie, that probably works, right? I think it works.
Starting point is 00:09:40 It's strawberry rhubarb, works, doesn't blueberry rhubarb? I mean, it's not going to hurt your pea to throw some strawberries in there if you're worried about it. Well. I mean don't throw strawberries in your pee. Well no that would be ridiculous. That'd be a very bad punch for even worse party. Of course red urine makes us all nervous. We worry about blood in there. We worry about letter mercury poisoning or there's certain other things that can cause red urine in general. If your urine is pink or red you probably should go talk to your doctor.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Your urine can turn green. Now generally, this is from food dyes can do this. Obviously, green food dyes. It's certain herbal supplements. I've seen green urine before, quite green from just taking various herbal things. You could actually eat enough asparagus to cause your p to turn green. Asparagus is always wanting to mess a pee. I know, we all know about the odor, but it can also, it can turn. Do you know the odor doesn't come from the asparagus? What does it come from? Something your body's doing.
Starting point is 00:10:35 We've talked about this before. Did I learn this on saw bones that we're very embarrassing? Yes, because not everybody has, yeah. Not everybody has weird asparagus pee. We've talked about asparagus pee. I don't want to get into it. Yeah, we've already covered this.
Starting point is 00:10:49 So we've covered this on the screen. I don't know if this is a pride I get from asparagus pee. Because I know I ate some asparagus like a good boy. Have you ever had a blue diaper syndrome? Nope. I bet you could guess what that is. Blue pee pee. Blue pee pee.
Starting point is 00:11:02 That's right. And it is something that usually shows up in babies. So we call it blue diapers. Sometimes in medicine, we're not very creative. Yeah. Like you pee in your diaper and it's blue. And so it's blue diaper. There you go. It's actually related to like build up a trip to fan, which will make the urine look blue from a familial elevation in calcium, a familial genetic kind of disorder. But yeah, the first thing might be your diaper's blue. And not like when the stripe on the diaper turns blue to tell you that your baby p-peed,
Starting point is 00:11:32 which is just a little handy thing. There are a couple different foods that can turn your urine black. If you eat enough rhubarb, push it past pink, you could actually make your urine look black. Ala, which we've talked about before, they're like, aloe drinks and things, which I still haven't had,
Starting point is 00:11:49 can make your urine black, fava beans. Well, by nice county, that helped. I don't know, maybe that make it kind of a nice burgundy. Something. I don't know. If your urine is white, it could mean infection, but it could also mean that you got a lot of protein in there.
Starting point is 00:12:07 That would be weird. That one would trip me out. Yeah. Yeah. White. Usually cloudy is what you see first, but it can be white. Now purple. This is kind of an interesting.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Have you ever seen purple urine? Okay. Think about what you're saying. Like, no, I don't. Purple pee. I don't encounter, okay. If I had seen Purple Euron, you would have heard about it because it would have been my own.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I don't know what your life is like, but I only see, I only see my own pee classically speaking. I see my own pee. Have I ever seen Purple Euron? I have seen Purple Euron. I saw him in that one episode of Scrubs though. I was going to say don't you remember when I brought home the porphyria pee and put it in our windowsill?
Starting point is 00:12:51 Yeah. I had, there was a patient, there's just porphyria, if you have this, then when you take the pee and put it in UV light, turns like a dark purple kind of color. Should you say that you brought home someone else's pee? It was, I didn't do that. I didn't bring up someone else's pee. No, I didn't do that. All right. I put it in the window so, uh, it's before we had a toddler thing in the hospital of a sterile room designated for pee experiments. Every hospital has one. In the hospital is where I put that there. And then it, I was terrible there. No, has one. In the hospital is where I put that there and then
Starting point is 00:13:25 it was Terran Purple there. No, that isn't even the purple I'm talking about though. So there is something called purple urine bags syndrome. Okay. Now I bet you can't guess what this does. No, try me. It turns catheter bags or urine bags purple. Okay. Why that's specifically. Okay, so this is kind of an interesting thing. This was observed. There were It turns catheter bags or urine bags purple. Why that specifically? Okay, so this is kind of an interesting thing. This was observed, there were some case reports of actually a lot of female residents of nursing homes who had chronic catheters, so they always had a catheter in their bladder. And they started noticing several different patients that the bags, the catheter bags
Starting point is 00:14:01 where the urine was collected, was turning purple, bright purple. Okay. So this is why you have in your diet, tryptophan, we're back to tryptophan again. This is colorful little amino acid. Tryptophan is metabolized by bacteria that's already in your gut to produce something called endol. Endol is absorbed into the blood, passes into the intestines, passes the liver, converted to something called endoxyl sulfate. This is excreted in the urine. Now, what makes that turn purple, it can be broken down into Indy Rubin and Indigo, which obviously are pigmented things that look purple, are certain bacteria that can live inside
Starting point is 00:14:46 urinary catheters, specifically certain ones made of like PVC and stuff. So anyway, the bacteria are just living, not causing problems, just like harmlessly living inside this tubing and bag. Then this endoxyl sulfate comes along, it gets broken down by this bacteria, bam, you've got a purple catheter bag.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Wild. Yeah. It's really wild. Yeah, it's easily fixable usually. Okay, I'll take care of it. Now, one thing we don't talk about very often is breast milk. I mean, I talk about it a lot.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Yeah, I was gonna say, by weed, you mean you and I, because I feel like it's a hot topic. I think it's interesting just to not everybody is gonna secrete breast milk in their life. Some of us are, some of us aren't. But I think it's an interesting thing to hear about because if you are someone who at some point in your life is going to breastfeed,
Starting point is 00:15:36 the fact that sometimes it comes out different colors can be very disturbing to you. Dr. Manjum. So an experience that Justin, you and I had, was pink breast milk. Well, you had and I witnessed. You witnessed. For. Mangil. So, the experience that Justin, you and I had, was pink breast milk. Well, you had and I witnessed. You witnessed. For a safe distance.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And I will say, actually, the breast milk itself wasn't pink, but my pump and tubing and all this stuff turned pink. And that is because there's a bacteria called serratia that's normally found inside your baby's gut. And it can, in certain settings, call it different diseases. But usually, there's not enough there to make baby sick or anything. The problem is that if you leave your pumping equipment out and you didn't completely clean it, so it's still got a little bit of milk residue on it, and it sits at room temperature
Starting point is 00:16:15 too long, or if you were to just sit a bottle of breast milk at a room temperature too long, this might happen too. And let's be honest, if you have a baby that requires breast milk, you probably didn't properly clean it. We started. You'll do really well in the beginning, and then those late nights at one time, you're gonna think you're rinsed it out pretty well.
Starting point is 00:16:33 And then it turns pink because it's growing this bacteria on it, and then you probably need to replace everything. But it can make your milk look pink, so you can have pink breast milk. That sounds adorable. It's not really great, because it is, in fact, a bacteria. There's a green breast milk. That sounds adorable. It's not really great because it, I mean, it is in fact a bacteria. There's a green breast milk, which again, just from stuff you eat, like spinach or seaweed or again, different like herbal supplements.
Starting point is 00:16:54 There's a something called rusty pipe syndrome, which can cause brown breast milk. That's a bad name. I have just learned this name while researching this episode. And I am simultaneously calling for the end to this name because I find it offensive as someone with breasts that produce milk. Don't call them rusty pipes. Yeah, that sounds like bad slang. It's only British slang, obviously. I don't like it at all. What it means is that there was a little bit of irritation in one of the ducks and there was some dried blood in there and the dried blood came out kind of like a rusty pipe.
Starting point is 00:17:24 The name completely upsets me. Please stop calling it that. It's just and there was some dried blood in there and the dried blood came out kind of like a rusty pipe. The name completely upsets me. Please stop calling it that. It's just a little bit of dried blood. It's fine. You need another name for it. You were just getting on doctors for not being creative enough. Someone comes up with a fine metaphorical name and then you try to shoot them down.
Starting point is 00:17:40 That okay, no, that compares the beauty of the mammary glands, the magic and wonder that is everything that goes into lactation to rusty pipes. I'm just saying you need a better alternative. I am not plumbing, sir. Fair enough. I never said you were. Black breast milk can be caused by a certain medication, a medicine which probably shouldn't be taken if you're breastfeeding anyway. And there can be orange breast milk can be caused by a certain medication, menopsychling, which probably shouldn't be taken if you're breastfeeding anyway. And there can be orange breast milk, seasonal, orange breast milk. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:18:10 If you eat enough pumpkin or squash. Oh, kind of, everybody's going that pumpkin spice and breast milk. I wish I had thought to do that. You'd just so much pumpkin or squash that Charlie can have fested. That's the weirdest pumpkin spice thing. You have the season.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Jeming, never. I didn't. That's the weirdest pumpkin spice thing. You had the season. Jeming. I didn't have a lot of weird pumpkin spice. I saw pumpkin spice. Twinkies. Twinkies. I was gonna say that was the weirdest thing I saw, but I didn't know. We have pumpkin spice Cheerios.
Starting point is 00:18:36 That was fine. They were okay. They're fine. They're fine. You eat too many Cheerios. I feel like solitary in among Cheerios. I feel like if I eat too many Cheerios, I feel like a solitary in among cereals. I feel like if I eat too many cereals, I'm like, what am I doing?
Starting point is 00:18:48 Like, what has even happened? Like, nothing's happening. I'm eating these, like, there's no variation. It's so boring to eat cereals. Even rice crispy's, they'll like clump together appetizingly sometimes. Like, that does not have them, which heroes, it's so boring these heroes, any flavor.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Well, well, I appreciate Justin that you're sinking deeper into a sense of existential on way of materials. Could we maybe head to the billing department? Let's go. The medicines, the medicines that ask you lift my cards before the mouth. I'm Bez, and I'm Teresa, and we host the weekly comedy podcast One Bad Mother. We celebrate our moments of parenting genius, as well as our failures.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Just like, we're gonna have hot dogs, and I'm like, no, we're having fun, everybody loves hot dogs. And I just like smashes that thing right on my chest, and then I'm just crying in the middle of like kid space while people are like literally dancing with their children. Parenting can be sad and painfully funny at the same time. So join us each week as we admit that this is hard but we're getting really good at it. Find us at or wherever you download podcasts.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Okay, I, you talked about peeing, you talked about breast milk. I think there's a notable other secretion there that you're, you're skipping. Right, let's talk about poop. Heck yeah. Now we've talked about, we've talked about poop on the show before, that's not new,
Starting point is 00:20:18 but I don't know that we've gone into all the different colors of poop. No, I keep trying to, I just end to that territory and you're always pushing back against it. So before we get into the story of Frank and Barry Stool, let's talk about some of the things that might happen to your stool anyway. I should mention real quick, to sidebar, not I'm super not grossed out by any poop related stuff. So like if you are I'm starting advance for not being a good mouthpiece for your displeasure. Listen, I apologize.
Starting point is 00:20:43 not being a good mouthpiece for your displeasure. I was not, I apologize. But Cindy doesn't like, I don't like poop stuff. Okay, well, go on. Do you know that boobery could turn your stool green? That doesn't make sense. It can turn it, it can turn it kind of bluish, but a lot of people do report sort of bright green stools if they eat enough boobery. It's just a, is this episode just all monster serial character assassination?
Starting point is 00:21:06 No, because I don't think Count Tocquella does anything to your poop. I've... I leave a lot of no frames in there with my marshmallow sweeties. You can get blue stool from, like I said, boobarry could make it kind of of blue although most people report green. There was a smurf cereal that used to turn your food blue. Oh, Sydney. What?
Starting point is 00:21:32 It's my favorite cereal. Did you love smurf cereal? Sydney, you've never talked to me about smurf cereal. Are you kidding me? No. Smurfberry crunch or smurf magic berries. But specifically for me with smurf berry crunch, was the most delicious cereal I've ever eaten
Starting point is 00:21:47 in my entire life and no cereal tastes like it. Did it turn your poop blue? I wasn't big into checking that sort of thing. This is like seriously, it makes me, I bet we'll have some listeners turn on the same boat. It is my favorite cereal on the planet. They're so good and there's no cereal taste like them. And you'll find people in some of the forums
Starting point is 00:22:11 talk about how like they don't know other cereal tastes like it. And I don't care what color it turned my poop. I would eat a box of those so hard right now. I'm checking eBay to see if I can score any. Okay, while you're doing that, let me tell you that if you want orange poop, you could eat some flaming hot cheetos.
Starting point is 00:22:28 I don't mean the smurf cereal, okay? The smurf cereal is based on the ill-fated Neopatric Harris vehicle, not interested. Smurf berry crunch. Okay. Okay. If you want purple or magenta stool, you could eat enough beets, could do that. Do you know that if you drink enough Guinness, your poop could look black. I did not know that.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Yeah, but also... It's not too bad. I know, I'm not going to ask my dad about his poop, but also blood could turn your poop black. So go see a doctor if your poop's black, same with red, but also enough cherry. I see, we'll turn your poop red, so there you go. I love cherry. There are pills out there you can take that will make your poop sparkle poop.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Have you seen those? No. Yeah, there are capsules you can buy on the internet that you can swallow and you won't digest them. They'll just come out in your poop, give you sparkle poop if that's your bag, whatever. Don't poop in the bag. That's no, I mean, whatever, whatever you enjoy.
Starting point is 00:23:22 You can also buy actual gold leaf pills that will make you have 24 carrot poops for the low low price of 425 dollars. Let's talk about Frankenberry stool though. Finally in 1971 General Mills released a line of monster theme cereals that we have been discussing Count Chocula and Frankenberry I believe we're the first two to be released. Okay. Justin can correct me on serial history.
Starting point is 00:23:49 If you want to see it. This is part of my new series, serial history. You would, you would do great at that. Yeah, it was Frank and Barry and Count Chocula first. Frank and Barry, of course, is strawberry flavored and duskly must be pink because strawberries of course are quite pink. That's not true. But strawberry flavored things tend to be pink.
Starting point is 00:24:12 So it turns out that the die that they used originally in Frank and Barry cereals was red dye number two. Now red dye number two is not broken down as it passes through the human digestive track. So it will come out looking pretty much exactly like it did on its way in. Okay, which is bright, bright, bright pink. Right, bright, bright pink. And this was used in other things, by the way, like hot dog casings, for instance, used
Starting point is 00:24:41 to use, yeah, dye number two. Yucky. Yeah. What followed after this serial was released in 71, in 1972 were a lot of freaked out parents. Because as they began, and I can vouch for this, parents often investigate their children's droppings, to make sure everything's looking cool. Yeah, I'm dissensed to it.
Starting point is 00:25:03 We do that. Their children were pooping pink. Now, a lot of parents seen pink. As I mentioned, we tend to think of pink as a precursor to red thought that, oh no, my child is having blood in their stool. So they went to their children's doctors, freaking out, worried.
Starting point is 00:25:20 A lot of kids were probably checked to see if there was blood in their stool, but nobody was quite sure what was going on. Now I imagine this was something that was coming and going depending on how much Frank and Barry serial your child was consuming. But it was finally the case was finally cracked by a doctor in acula. No. Dr. Payne. Dr.. Payne.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Dr. John Payne, who worked in Maryland and published a case report in the Journal of Pediatrics, which followed the story of a 12-year-old boy who was admitted to the hospital with what he called Strawberry Ice Cream-Colored Stools. Well, that ruins Strawberry Ice cream excellent, great, excellent. I think you get, but I mean, I think that's a good descriptive. Like I see exactly what color that must have been. Oh, you think this is the worst episode we've ever done. I'm retitling this one, two hosts, one yuck.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Oh, no. His mother was particularly afraid because this particular 12 year old boy had a history of eating strange things from time to time, like she got to meeting coffee grounds one time. Like right. So like things that weren't necessarily edible. And so she thought he's eaten something really crazy and it's either causing hemorrhaging
Starting point is 00:26:42 in his bows or maybe it's poked a hole in his bows. I mean, she was really worried. Now, we should be noted by the way, the kid was totally fine otherwise. crazy, and it's either causing hemorrhaging in his bows, or maybe it's poked a hole in his bows. I mean, she was really worried. Now we should be noted, by the way, the kid was totally fine otherwise. Other than that, his stools were this pink color. He was feeling fine. He was acting fine. Like, this was not a sick child.
Starting point is 00:26:54 It just had pink poop. So he was admitted to the hospital and was there for a while while the doctors tried to figure out did every test they could think of on this pink poop sent it to the lab and ran it for all kinds of bacteria and for blood and just to try to figure out what is happening inside this kid's digestive tract that he's making pink poop. So Dr. Payne had a creative idea. After taking a thorough history and figuring out all the different foods and things that went into this kid's diet, he staged a test.
Starting point is 00:27:23 He had the kid stay there until he was pooping normal colored poop again. And then he fed the kid four bowls of Frank and Barry cereal. Ray science. I bet that kid and that young man was named Bill Nye made him low science forever. Oh man. You know what I'm saying that, but like I, I have definitely eaten one bowl of Frankaberry or any cereal of that nature and thought like, I could get a little bit more. I've never eaten two bowls of cereal and thought like, yes, I let.
Starting point is 00:27:57 When you were 12, don't you think you could have eaten four bowls of Frankaberry? When I was 10, I ate an entire box of Pac-Man cereal and thoroughp on my and couldn't eat cereal marshmallows for a decade. Yeah. I know it's a sad is that what you're saying is I get sad. I mean, I guess I'm sad that like it's too late and I've already been married to you for a decade.
Starting point is 00:28:20 So I can't go back and take that back now. I know that story. Well, if you want the really sad part, that 10 years included periods where the monster cereals were in constant production and not just seasonal production like they are now. So there's a lot of bowls. Your man, Jay, missed out on because he was on that.
Starting point is 00:28:39 He couldn't eat cereal, Marshall's exhibit and inform him. Think about all the extra years you're going to live because of all those bowls of cereal marshmallows you didn't need well might have been that was then we have taken different just whatever you do if time travel is invented please don't go back and stop yourself from meeting that whole box of Pac-Man cereal because chances are then you would have been eating cereal marshmallows on a daily basis for that decade and you might not be alive right now.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Okay, so I'm sorry to interrupt you were throwing shade at my boy, Frankenberry? Anyway, so the kid eats four bowls of Frankenberry cereal, some period of time later, and I'm assuming some light bathroom reading. Some highlights. He begins to, once again, poop strawberry ice cream colored stools,
Starting point is 00:29:24 and the condition, the actually named medical condition, begins to, once again, poop strawberry ice cream colored stools. And the condition, the actually named medical condition, Frankenberry Stool, is born. He was discharged and it is noted that his mom took him home to find his little sister now pooping pink as well. Because I guess, well, they were at the hospital, dad just let her eat nothing but Frankenberry or something. I don't know. So after this, after this was published, word spread about the new diagnosis so that when
Starting point is 00:29:49 worried parents rush children into the emergency rooms, the doctors could reassure them, hey, is your kid eating Frank and Barry? Yeah, don't worry, that's all it is. So either, yeah, I mean, you don't even have to stop if you don't want to, keep eating Frank and Barry, you can have pink poop. Now they did take red dye number two out of the cereal. So yeah. So Frank and Barry actually will not cause you to poop pink now because they replaced it with red dye number 40. This wasn't actually only because of Frank and Barry stool. While that was
Starting point is 00:30:20 distressing to parents, it wasn't actually dangerous. There were some tests done. And again, like with most things, they thought that maybe it caused cancer in rats. I know what it does, I am to say. And this was also during the later part of the 70s when kind of the first fear about food dies began to become popular. So in response to that, they went ahead and took red dye number two out of all foods, replaced it with red dye number 40, which is broken down. Classic.
Starting point is 00:30:47 So it wouldn't do that anymore. And that's been all the way since like 76, 78, something like that. So any Frank and Barry you've had in your life has been red dye number 40. Nowadays, only about 75% of the dye in general, or about 75% of the dye in general male cereals are actually natural.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Oh, I'm so worse. So by 2017, their goal is that all food dyes will be plant based in natural. And so you won't have any of this red dye number 40 left. It's the word, honestly, go to, go look at a bowl of like tricks right now with the natural colors. It is repalant. The cereal is disgusting now.
Starting point is 00:31:22 It looks, it's terrible. It looks like a broken down amusement park. It's like muted purples and muted yellows and muted oranges and muted reds. It's terrible. I completely disagree with you. I think it's probably a little closer to what food is supposed to look like.
Starting point is 00:31:35 No, no way. I'm really angry about this. I completely disagree with you on this, but again, I'm not a, I'm not the cereal fan you are. They ruined it. I thought it would be worth noting. Did you ever read Kujo? Uh, no.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Stephen King book, Kujo. There, and I have not read it either, but as I was researching this, I found that there is a part in it where there is a serial called Red Raspberry Zingers, which turn kids, poop, red, and freaks their parents out, and their parents all come running into emergency rooms thinking their kids are hemorrhaging inside. This was probably related. Probably inspired by Pringamersho. I think it came out in the early 80s.
Starting point is 00:32:10 The book was written in the early 80s, so this would have been right on the heels of all of us. Well, I'm sorry you had to be smart to name some of my favorite cereals here, Sydney. Hey, listen, I think they clearly there is a market out there for people who want their poop to look like something. So if you want to eat some boobery, I have seen reports of electric green school in response to boobery. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I'll go to shot. Folks, thank you so much for listening. We hope you enjoyed this week's show. Want to say a big thank you to the taxpayers for less users on medicines is the intro and outro of our program. Oh, you know what I wanted to mention that we have not I don't think we've actually talked about on the show. Sydney and I are going to go on a cruise and we're just bragging. No, we're not because we want you to come with us on the cruise. If you go, it's the Joe Co. cruise, that's Jonathan Colton cruise,
Starting point is 00:33:07 if you go to, you can book a cabin right now. We're headed out in 2017. Oh, Sydney, guess you're just gonna be there. They just added Cecil Baldwin. It's gonna be on the career. It's very cool. Host of Night Vale. Very cool.
Starting point is 00:33:29 It was very cool. Max Timkin, creative cards against humanity is gonna be there. Jonathan Colton, Ed Bruebaker, Rhea Butcher, Camernaz Bizito, Matthew Wynner, the creator of Mad Men, Peter Segal, Patrick Rothfuss, John Roderick, Paul and Storm, Gail Simone, Janet Varney, Will Wheaton, Nerve Herder, creator of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer theme song is going to be there, a ton of other people. And I guess they're doing a live welcome to Night Vale on the ship too, so that'll be
Starting point is 00:33:59 fun. But you can come with us. We're going to do a live, yeah, we're going to do a live solbona, the juxtra will be there. And it's's gonna be great. So go to jokoku and book your suite now Thanks to maximum for letting us be a part of their network and There's a lot of great shows you should go listen to so go do it and
Starting point is 00:34:20 Is that all Sidster? Is there anything else? I think that'll do it for us, Justin. Thank you to the taxpayers for our theme song, Mettax. I think I think I think them. No, you didn't. I didn't. I'm pretty, I don't, if you didn't, we did. I feel like I did. I don't think you did, but even if we did twice, I think they deserved it. Please don't tweet about it.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I'm really, I can't, I can't find out. You can tweet about anything you want. There is going to be one other thing that has occurred to me. There's going to be a Nashville Max Fun meetup. Our buddy Eric Near reminded me of it. He's a Nashvilleian. There's going to be max fund meet up for fellow Nashville folks. That's going to be on November 9th. If you search for it on Facebook, search for maximum fund, Nashville, you'll find all about it. So go do that. It'll be a lot of fun. And also go vote, please. Go vote. This will last time we'll talk to you before Tuesday, November 8th, Election Day.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Please go vote. Please go vote. I prefer you vote for the candidate. I support, but it is important either way that you vote. So. Well, no, I mean, I really prefer. Actually, just, you know, go vote for who I think you should vote for. I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Go vote. Participate in the democratic process, please. Cool. Folks, that's going to do it for us. Thank you so much. Until next week, my name is Justin McRoy. I'm Sydney McRoy. And as always, don't drill a hole in your head. Alright!
Starting point is 00:36:16 Comedy and Culture, Artistone Listener Supported comedy and culture, artist owned. Listener supported.

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