Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Heartburn

Episode Date: February 19, 2016

This week on Sawbones, Justin and Sydnee eat some coral in a misguided attempt to cure their heartburn (while upsetting as little of the ecosystem as possible). Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saw bones is a show about medical history and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion It's for fun Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it just sit back relax and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth Your worth it. All right, time is about to books. One, two, one, two, a day for our family. We came across a pharmacy with a toy and that's lost it out. We were sawed through the broken glass and had ourselves a look around.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Some medicines, some medicines that escalate my cop for the mouth. Hello everybody, welcome to Sov bones. A metal tour of Miscite and Medicine. I am your co-host, Justin McAroy. And I'm Sydney McAroy. Uh, Sydney, this is a... ...mementus is probably too strong a word, but that's the one I'm going to use. This is a momentous day in Sov bones history. It is? I want to, for one of the first times ever, we may have pretended that this is a momentous day in Sobba and Cistery. It is.
Starting point is 00:01:25 And for one of the first times ever, we may have pretended that this is the case, but. I legitimately don't know what Justin's about to say. Usually we're setting this up as some sort of joke, like, how it is, so tell me about it, Jelston. I really don't know what he's about to say, and I'm quite frankly horrified.
Starting point is 00:01:39 It's not a joke, this is the first time, you told me what the topic is for this week, and this is the first time you told me what the topic is for this week. And this is the first time I am suffering from the malady. We are discussing as we are discussing it. Oh, okay. I'm like living in this. And that's probably true. And as a fair, this isn't an imagined thing that you have, like,
Starting point is 00:02:03 fear, you know, been so afraid of that you now are manifesting Psychostomatic symptoms like you really have this the third house of this show mr. Tumna Smite. Oh me is not having a fun time right now No Sad bad what what happened? That did you make did you make some bad choices? I made some bad decisions. Lamb and burger arapas. I believe it's the pronunciation to Lebanese dish. I've been led to believe by the fine people of Bluapran, some arapas and aras. Aras? Yeah. Well, there's arapas too. That is a thing, but that is not what we have for dinner. It looks sort of like what we ate. They do, but I think it's a different like it. These were pizzas with lamb. This looks sort of like what we ate. They do, but I think it's a different.
Starting point is 00:02:45 These were pizzas with lamb. This didn't have a pea in it. They didn't have any pea in it, guaranteed. I have heartburn. Yes. Well, and not to say there's anything wrong with the product. No, a lot of it is how I eat too fast, and a lot of it's that I don't eat throughout the day,
Starting point is 00:03:02 and a lot of it is I have heartburn every single night of my adult wife since I hit 30 years old. Well, just I can I can not only sympathize I can empathize because while I don't have heartburn at the moment, thank you for motiting, I do often have heartburn and have ever since pregnancy. Thank you, Charlie. And you know, we're not alone. I would hope not. If it was some weird disorder that only we had,
Starting point is 00:03:31 that would be very distressing. No, it's estimated something, maybe like 60 million people have heartburned, maybe more. Lots of people have heartburned. Heartburn is a very common illness. It's more common now in the industrialized age than it used to be. But I think everybody has probably suffered from a little bit of heartburn at some point in their life even if they don't have it all the time. So, so let's talk about it. Okay. How is it? It's an old thing. I assume. It is an old thing. First of all, thank you Jeremy for suggesting this topic and
Starting point is 00:04:02 Thank you Justin for getting heartburn and thank you Justin for getting heartburn Mm-hmm and making you think of it. Yeah, and me because I actually had heartburn and that's what made me think you know what We should do an episode on it because I have heartburn again Heartburn has been around a long time even though as I said it's probably a lot more common now The first mentions of it date back to like 3000 BC now. The first mentions of it date back to like 3000 BC, when King Darius, the first of Persia, had his personal doc, one of his generals. So he was, he was, there was like a war going on and they were trying to take over like Greek city states. And one of his like super important generals, like main man, right hand man kind of guys wasn't able to do his job very well because he had heartburn. So he had his doctors like check out my general and fix his heartburn, although
Starting point is 00:04:53 they didn't call heartburn yet, fix whatever's wrong with him so that he can get back out there on the battlefield and do a good job. And they came up with the recommendation they come up with was elevating the head of his bed. It seems like not that considering I sort of have some vague idea what Harburn is. Now does this seem like a terrible solution? No, that's actually a good idea. Before they had available to them, not bad. That's actually a really clever solution that when we get to the end and I talk about what we do
Starting point is 00:05:19 with Harburn now, that's one of the suggestions we give now. So that's one of the suggestions we give now. So that's pretty good. I actually mind is in a fun new twist when I have my morning heartburn. It is actually like severely irritated by the yoga that I do because I end up like pointing it like this way to the place that hurts.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Come on, someone cast it here with me. So that's a lesson. See, you're hanging upside down a lot. Yeah, a lot of stunts like that. I see it. I don't ever get to see you do yoga. It's hard for me to imagine that you are coordinated enough. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:06:01 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Batman like hanging from the ceiling with those special foot boots. We used to start doing that in Charlie's room so I can watch you on the NES cam while I'm at work. And no, it's not about looking good. It's about feeling good. I do both, but it's mainly about the second one.
Starting point is 00:06:18 I should take a quick step back and just mention, I took for granted that most everybody knows what Hartburn is, but just to clarify, though term heartburn really just refers to that burning pain that a lot of people will feel in their chest, usually related to acid reflux. Now, heartburn doesn't have to mean acid reflux disease,
Starting point is 00:06:43 which is a whole other thing, but for the purposes of the show, we're generally going to use it to refer to that, because that's most of the time if you have heartburn, it is because stomach acid, which belongs in your stomach, hence the name. Hints the name. Stomach acid, has come through the lower esophageals,
Starting point is 00:07:01 fincter up into the esophagus. Yes, it's fincter. Nice. Yes, so the bottom of your esophageals fincter up into the esophagus. Yes, it's fincter. Nice. Yes, so the bottom of your esophagus should be kind of a one-way door. Stuff goes down, your esophagus, open, it opens up, it goes into your stomach, and then stays there. For a lot of different reasons, for a lot of people, that muscle is loose, and so then acid can come back up, irritate the esophagus, and you get pain, and that is called heartburn.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Now, there are other things, like spasms and such that can cause What we would term heartburn because it's a symptom right? but Generally the two you can use the two together even though a gastronolologist will be very quick to tell you this and not the exact same thing I don't even really think of it as heartburn anymore. I just think of like 10 to I even really think of it as heartburn anymore. I just think of like 10 to AM to 2PM is like the afternoon calm. Like I'm tip of, I tip of five time
Starting point is 00:07:51 by the time I don't have heartburn. The absence of heartburn. Yes, the absence of heartburn. What do you, do you have a name for that special time? The afternoon calm. That's it. I just, yes, that is it. That's not right, catchy.
Starting point is 00:08:01 No, I just expect to do to have a better name for it. I don't, I keep hoping that my life will be turned around by some mysterious force. And I guess I could be, I don't, here's embarrassing, I'm like, I don't take famotidine as much as I should, but like for some reason I worry that I'm like stamping down a problem.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Like, you know, like putting lipstick on a pig, you know what I mean? Like, I've got some sort of problem that I need to fix it. It's called, like, it shouldn't be happening to me. So I just get in the habit of like taking it every day that seems like not, not like a solution, a good long term solution. Well, and it would be fair to say it's not. You know, there are lifestyle modifications that would probably be better for you and me. And you know who knew that too?
Starting point is 00:08:49 We're the Greeks. Oh yeah. Who recommended for most things, the Greeks were really into dietary treatments for most things. An exercise, they love that. Yes. So, which, I mean, those are good ideas. It's hard to say they were wrong, per se.
Starting point is 00:09:05 But diet was one of the main things that they would recommend if people had symptoms of heartburn. Usually, something that consisted of, like, gruel and honey and water and vinegar just mix all that together and exercise in moderation and have less sex. I don't know. I mean, I guess if like you just ate like a pizza and then you had sex and then you know, you'd get that would cost some acid reflux. Yeah, like sex right. The sex everybody loves. If you were kind of have right after a pizza and upside down and upside down. If you're prone to acid reflux, that could be,
Starting point is 00:09:45 that could be acid reflux and heartburn inducing. Um, Hippocrates specifically advised against eating cheese after a meal, which seems like a weird thing. Like, is that a thing that people do? Like, I've just had a big meal time for my piece of cheese. Well, no, but I mean, like, there's such a thing as a cheese plate. But doesn't the wine and cheese course come before or is that after a meal? I try to avoid meals where wine and cheese course will be like part of the thing. I mean we're not fancy enough to know. I have like a beer and popcorn course which is like what I eat late at night when I'm so hungry.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Yeah, I have a beer and popcorn. I have a cereal course at about 11.30 every night. That's, this is absolutely true. This is part of the reason Justin has heartburn. Is it? Oh my gosh Sydney, are you saying my bad food choices make connect to my everyday heartburn? I just wanna share this.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Every night we go through the same bedtime routine. I go to like brush my teeth, take my contacts out, pee, wash my face, get ready for bed. I feel like you've really covered this before. Have I told, have I shared everybody? Yeah, I'm pretty sure. And then I come in the bedroom and every night I find Justin stretched out on the bed,
Starting point is 00:10:56 crunch, crunch, crunch, crunching, a bowl of cereal. I guess it's a good point that because some people may not have missed, they may not have missed the episode where you talked about my secret cereal. His secret cereal at night. Addiction. I just want to make sure everybody knows. Hey, hey, Dr. Smart, but you got any more, me more trivia you want to share about old dudes, not me.
Starting point is 00:11:17 How about we talk about Plenty? Excellent. I knew that fool. We'll be popping up. Plenty had a treatment, Plenty the elder, one of our favorite, one of the big fans of the show, I would like to say. Sure. He had a treatment for Hartburn, as he did for everything. And his recommendation was to take coral and crush it up into a powder and ingest the powdered coral. Okay, there's something about that
Starting point is 00:11:46 on like a deep level that sounds not bad. Like that sounds, the idea of eating coral sounds soothing to me for a heartburn. That is a strange statement. On one hand, you're right in that coral does contain calcium carbonate, which would be useful for heartburn. So he was actually on to something here.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I would say on the flip side, is it Coral one of those things you're not supposed to go mess with? Like aren't, like, isn't it? You can't back in plenty, is that? Are you kidding me? Like you're not supposed to like swim down and break off pieces of coral,
Starting point is 00:12:20 like you're supposed to like leave it alone. You think they gave a solitary crap? They were living to 26 years old. They'll break off what they want. I'm just saying like as a solution now, I don't want anybody disrupting any reefs so that they can fix their heartburn. Are you telling me that you envision some people
Starting point is 00:12:37 might be like, well, heartburn again, I might go to ride a day and get some thumbs or am I put on my Scouba gear go visit the great barrier go crush some coral I don't know I just don't want anybody to disrupt any ecosystems yeah definitely never heartburn it was actually gailin who came up with the term heartburn cardiasia is what it was called was heart pain heartburn And he also had a remedy for it. But this was not unique, this remedy that he came up with was Galen wrote an entire book about it.
Starting point is 00:13:12 It was his remedy for most things. It was called Theoryak. This was actually, we talked about on a previous show, something called Mythridate. Do you remember that? Which was sort of like this cure all that was made of all kinds of stuff. It was like a semi mystical quality to it.
Starting point is 00:13:28 And this was actually kind of a derivative of that. By the way, mid-thirt day is totally a thing in Final Fantasy and Dragon's Dogma. You asked if it was in video games and it is fully, fully in video games. And I would, I would pause it that this may be as well. Oh. Okay. Theory act. And in other ones, I don't know, maybe it just, it has that same kind of. Can you spell it for me? Uh, T-H-E-R-I-A-C. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:58 So it was, similarly, it was a cure all. It was made of many different ingredients. Usually some of them had to be kind of hard to obtain and maybe cumbersome to prepare. Like you had to cook things or heat things or dry things or mash things up for a long period of time. It usually had about 64 ingredients, but of course, like anything, you know, any ancient recipes like this, it could vary. Right. Because of how long it would take to prepare and how much time would go into it, because it would take like months, it was usually something that was only available to rich people or royalty or somebody
Starting point is 00:14:33 who could afford something like this. It almost always contained opium or mer or hemp, something like that. And then the big thing that differentiated it for a mitherdate is that it usually contained like viper flesh Whoa This one actually could contain different kinds of animal meat Which is a little weird and then honey and some fermented herbs and various oils and fruits and roots and barks and minerals
Starting point is 00:14:58 The most famous of these you can find a recipe for it online Was a Venetian form of this that was actually also called Venice Treacle. Okay. But this was Galen's remedy for heartburn and I mean, and everything. Like this is what he would have prescribed you, whether you came in with tuberculosis or leprosy or a sinus infection or heartburn or you were bleeding, it wouldn't matter. So, if only some Venetian Theoriac
Starting point is 00:15:26 was that gonna run me today, you think? I'm assuming it would be pretty expensive. I don't have a... It's on, because I'm looking at a page on Amazon where you can fully buy a wildcracket. How much is it? Venetian Theoriac. It is $50.
Starting point is 00:15:43 For how much? A pound. A pound? A pound. It is $50. For how much? A pound. A pound? A pound. Is it like a solid? Because I got the impression that it was kind of like a solid. I think they just probably mixed up a bunch of crap and called it Vinesian Theory Act.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I'm not really sure but it's $50 on Amazon. I don't normally Google during the show but I checked to see if that was in video games. And the first response is you could just buy some Theory Act on Amazon if I don't normally Google during the show, but I checked to see if that was in video games. And the first response is you could just buy some theory act on Amazon if you if you want that. I wouldn't. Yeah, it's probably not going to help. Because because the the thing to remember about it is that it was in fact a cure all and what I know about curals. Well said the cure nothing. That's right. Thumbs the brakes. also the cure nothing. That's right. Thumbs the breaks.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Throughout the years, there have been a lot of natural kind of treatments for heartburn that people have tried and that you'll still find popular on the internet today. If you start looking for like home cures for my heartburn. People are really drawn to, like you see a lot of home cures bubble up around things that are more annoyances than they are actual impediments their day-to-day life.
Starting point is 00:16:47 So that way you can avoid going to the doctor, right? Yeah. Because we're all just trying to steal your money. You give me a home cure for like gaspane once to like destroy it. It was awesome. It had ginger in it. Lemon in it. It was pretty good for an upset stomach.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Similar kinds of things are often recommended for heartburn. Drinking a lot of water, I don't know that that would help, although if you're drinking water instead of heartburn, causing things, that's probably good. Lemon has been recommended for heartburn. Oh, I'd be careful with that, because a lot of citrus things give me heartburn. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Cloves, almonds, something called angelica, which my favorite part about this. Yes, Angelica from Rugrats is great for heartburn. And it was, it was mentioned that little rascal. It was mentioned that, uh, it was also really good for farts. So, I guess if you have that problem, we just don't say farts in the front of their show, it's a medical show. We got license to do. We just don't do it
Starting point is 00:17:45 That's a very I like what I like about it is because it's such like a dainty name No, it's a dainty name that you're taking for your like heartburn and farts like I'm gonna take some Angelica Honey, honey, did you get any when you were at the store earlier did you pick up any Angelica for me? Bad new bad news honey honey I got fart burn. That means I have fart in heartburn but I'm busy. I'm too busy being in pain so I call it fart burn. Could you run to the store and get me some angelica please? That's a farting record. So I'm set the doctor to say that J had a fart. record himself at the doctor to say that Jay had a hard time. Anyway, you could try lettuce. Again, I don't know if that would work.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Cardimum, Gentshin Violet has been recommended. Apples. And then I saw Apple cider vinegar a lot. I'll tell you, we probably should do a whole show on that at some point just because Apple cider vinegar is recommended for like... I love it, huh? Everything. But heartburn often. These are all I mean I guess
Starting point is 00:18:48 at least if you want to try these things you may have them in your pantry. I think we could all do with eating a little more lettuce especially in this household so I'm certainly not going to discourage you from eating lettuce. Yeah. Similarly in the late 1800s one particular cure that was popular was the Sippy diet Which sounds like a lot of people assumed it was named for what you do which is like you it's a bland liquid diet That you would be on so they thought that's why it was called that because it was like something you would kind of sip at But it was actually the guy's name Bertram Sippy. Oh That's a cute name. There's a doctor from Wisconsin and he he recommended that you just like I said it was a very bland diet it was mainly
Starting point is 00:19:30 liquid and then every hour you would have some milk and antacids which probably was the most helpful part. It's but the antacids. I just can't imagine I hate I have a heartburn like constantly and I can't imagine I ever getting that extreme about it. Like I can if I can come up with a convenient way to rid myself of it maybe, but any other, any other. I mean, can you imagine that every hour taking in like a bunch of milk and cream and antacids, every hour? It's wild.
Starting point is 00:20:04 I know, I think that would make me very nauseous. And also milk is one and antacids every hour. It's wild. I know. I think that would make me very nauseous. And also milk is one of those double-edged swords. Like it feels good going down, but it's actually not doing any good in the long run. See, okay. But it's a base, right? Yeah, but it's the calcium stimulates acid production.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Okay. Yeah, you gotta be careful with that. The calcium carbonate is what's in town. Yeah, stimulates acid production. I know. Boraliant, brilliant product. Are you gotta be careful with that. The carbonate is what's in town. Yeah, stimulates acid production. I know. Borilliant, brilliant product. Are you kidding me? Or it's what you take it, makes you need more later.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Oh my God. Sign out. Proctor's changed my whole life. Fract it wide open. That's why milk feels good. It's not fixing it. There was also something called Fowler solution that was made by a Dr. Thomas Fowler. And it was used by a doctor Thomas Fowler and it was used for again
Starting point is 00:20:46 How did you just move on from this earth shattering news about Tom? You still suck on the fuck I'm a theater the crying game was my marble I'm gonna get sued by Tom's. I mean it will relieve the pain you're feeling from your art burn transiently That's why it's not good if you, and I'll say this at the end again, but if you're, if you're having to take Tums all the time, you should probably go talk to your doctor about it. But Fowler's solution, again, another cure all was really just a solution of potassium arsenite. So arsenic. Oh, okay. Yeah. Not good. No, there was a time period, again, where arsenic was a very popular medicine for everything.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Uh, any like more of the meme past stuff? I want like that deep, deep, weird, natural stuff. I'm going to take you to the deep, weird, natural stuff, but first, why don't you follow me to the billing department? Let's go! The medicines, the medicines that ask you Let my cards before the mouth So what you got for me? You got some of that homeopathic stuff?
Starting point is 00:21:53 We got. I do. I've got some homeopathic here. Oh, choice. For heartburn for you. That doesn't end in perfect. Yes, it is. That is a synonym for heartburn. Don't tell anybody. So if you remember from when we talked about homeopathy or just because you know, homeopathic
Starting point is 00:22:10 cures are always something that is really, it's really just a drop of something that is actually a substance, like some sort of supposedly active medicinal substance in a bunch of water. Yeah. So it's really just water with the essence of something. Got it. Right. And it's usually something that sounds poisonous or toxic or something like that because the idea that like if you're having a symptom, you know, vomiting that if I give you something
Starting point is 00:22:39 that would induce vomiting, only I give you just a drop of it in a big bottle of water. Then it'll, it's a like nothing happened. It will move on with our lives. It's a pretty good way to waste $20. So because of this one treatment is Nux Vomica which is again a very popular homeopathic remedy for a lot of different things. It's from the tree where we get strict nine. Cool. Cool tree. Thanksgiving tree. What I like is that so I was reading on one homeopathic website where there are a lot of different cures for homey opa or a lot of different cures for heartburn And how you decide which one to use is partially based on the person's personality. Yeah, yeah, it's not just the symptom of the medical problem. Sounds good and real.
Starting point is 00:23:25 So for instance, they said if you have somebody with heartburn and you are thinking about using Nuxfamilka, this may be person who has a brusque temperament, their overwork, it's a high-powered businessman who's very intense. They may be bossy, easy to anger, They often eat and drink alcohol and excess. They desire coffee and spicy foods and fatty foods and stimulants. It's somebody who's inclined to overdo everything. So Mr. Big from Sex in the City. I was thinking like Don Draper personally. Okay. I was thinking was Mr. Big from Sex in the City. Okay, go for it. If he has heartburn, he closes up the big book of ideas and he says,
Starting point is 00:24:08 that's all the business I have time for today. I have heartburn. This is the, he's gonna reach for a drop of Nexon Rubbercat, the glass of water. Listen, I'm bossing easy to anger. I'm a high powered businessman. I do everything in excess. Could I have some Max Wallmaker?
Starting point is 00:24:25 Yes, Max Wallmaker. Now, let's say that instead you have somebody who is maybe a little more dependent, maybe somebody who's the subject of pity, they are afraid of being alone, they desire a lot of sympathy from other people. This is, and that maybe somebody who really likes ice cream and pastries.
Starting point is 00:24:45 This would be somebody that you'd want to use Pulsatilla for. So. Especially, by the way, if they come to you and say, I have the feeling of a whole being burned in my stomach and it's accompanied by the lachelants. We're back to flachelants again. Then you want to use this highly toxic crocus called pulsatilla. So if Steve from Sexton City gets hard work while he's caring for his beautiful terrifying son Brady. I didn't know you knew this much about Sexton the city. I honestly, I've just been listening to the worst I'd be able to time a lot.
Starting point is 00:25:23 They're watching Se and city do every We're like sexy city too is like very big in my life. It's probably my number one movie that I've never seen I've never seen it either so you want to Yeah, I think that's a good idea for you tear-frag details. Should you desire that? Let's save our listeners from that. Okay, fair enough. Just go, let's set the old title, take care of it for you. So if you want, if you want homeopathic cares for heartburn, I don't know why. There are lots of them and you really should probably have like a personality test done first
Starting point is 00:25:59 to determine which one would work for you specifically, or just drink some water, because that's essentially what it is. It's a bottle of water with something in it, with like a drop of something in it. Fate. Now have you ever heard of in pregnant, I mean, obviously we know, I already mentioned that in pregnancy you're more prone to getting heartburn.
Starting point is 00:26:19 The hormones that you have increased levels of are they can easily make that lower soft gills when we talked about a little more relaxed, and so it allows for acid to come up, plus like the pressure of the baby itself as your stomach gets bigger and it kind of pushes everything up. I remember being a serious issue around our house.
Starting point is 00:26:35 It was a horrible issue for me. It was bad enough, and then, do you remember when we were in New York and I had that kimchi? Yeah, I'll never forget. I won't either. Seriously, that kimchi destroyed me for weeks. I mean, for weeks.
Starting point is 00:26:49 We were in this post-cultivating. What was it? Pocha 32? Is that the name? Something like that. It was delicious food. Yeah, Pocha 32. Yeah, we had an amazing time.
Starting point is 00:26:58 It's a free and place. And Criotown is like, it's fantastic. It's outstanding. It's in New York. It's fantastic. It's outstanding. You should absolutely go there. They, this big watermelon soju, which is like a watermelon, cold watermelon,
Starting point is 00:27:10 it would occur that they serve in half a watermelon. It looks delicious. It looked, oh, shhh. Because that was quite correct. Yeah, I forgot. Yeah, it looked great. The kimchi was delicious. I paid for it for weeks.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Yeah, well, okay, weeks. You're a minute of a dollar. No, seriously weeks. No, I mean okay, weeks. You're a medical doctor. No, seriously weeks. No, I mean, really, it messed me up proper. Anyway, you may have heard the myth that if you have a lot of heartburn and pregnancy, then that means your baby has a lot of hair. Have you heard that?
Starting point is 00:27:35 Yeah, yeah. Do you know that they did a study and they actually found that there is a correlation? What? That there is a correlation. And I mean, it was a small study and it was just one. So who knows? But it was interesting because that's always something
Starting point is 00:27:48 they've told you, like, oh, you got a lot of heartburn. Your baby's got a lot of hair. And what they think it is related to, it's not the hair causing heartburn. That's craziness. That's not where the baby is. The baby is nowhere close to your esophagus. But maybe the same hormones that lead to
Starting point is 00:28:02 that relaxed esophagus can also make your baby hairier. So maybe there is a correlate. That is wild. No, it's just an interesting thing. That is wild. We did have a hairy baby, I will say. She was hairy. She was hairy. She's a hairy baby. Not a hairy human now, she's like fine. No, well, she was, I mean, she had a lot of hair, like long hair. Yeah, okay, yeah. You don't mean like, liking through levels.
Starting point is 00:28:27 No, no, I mean like, she was like a human baby. Sydney, I love our human baby, but all I can think about is my heartburn. What can I actually do that will actually fix it? Okay, so some actual heartburn info for you. Again, probably if you have that heartburn, it's the result of acid reflux, so that acid coming back up into your esophagus, although there are other things that can cause it.
Starting point is 00:28:50 So it is okay to try lifestyle modifications and over-the-counter medicines, but if this persists, please see your doctor. Don't just assume it's nothing. Don't just assume it's anything I've said. Go see your doctor and talk to him about it. So some things to do, first of all, would be to find your trigger foods. It's usually a spicy food.
Starting point is 00:29:11 For me, anything citrusy, I can no longer drink any mixed drinks with sour mix in them. Unfortunately, I can't drink orange juice. Alcohol is a common trigger as well. Carbonated things, peppermint, fatty, fried foods, chocolate, onions, tomato is really bad for me. Large fatty meals, those are all common triggers. Identify those and try to avoid them as much as possible.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Or if you eat them, just know what's coming. It is worse than overweight people and it's worse than people in pregnancy, typically. So you should also, as we mentioned before, as they even they knew thousands of years ago, elevate the head of your bed can help. It's a gravity thing. It keeps the acid down where it belongs. You should leave about two hours between the last thing you eat and when you go to bed,
Starting point is 00:29:58 you don't want to lay down flat right after you eat. So you should try to avoid eating something and then going horizontal. Because the stomach acids are doing their thing right? Right. Because you're releasing more stomach acid because you're digesting the food. So if you can try to say upright for at least two hours after you eat a meal, that should help too. So try not to eat really late in the evening. Again, don't lay down after don't smoke, smoking contributes to it. So like again, that scenario where we talked about where you have a big giant pizza and then have sex. Certainly don't do that and then have a cigarette. So all of those movie scenes, like you can just imagine that all these classic films, you had pizza
Starting point is 00:30:34 and then some sex. And then a cigarette, you can just imagine the heartburn they were having. There are medications available over the counter just and I keep mentioning the one we take. It's not a plug, it's just really cheap and you get a lot of them for cheap. And we're news and generic names, so it's cool. But by the way, please buy generic hardware medications. That's fine, they're much cheaper and there's no reason to think they wouldn't. Do you know the only name brand medication that I buy is Advil? Because I really like the candy coating on Advil, it's just not the same with the off brand
Starting point is 00:31:04 versions. And that will not work for heartburn Please don't take it for heartburn. Okay. I wasn't suggesting that I just didn't want to confuse people. Okay. I also like night well like what are you talking about? There are a lot of over-the-counter medications antacids that you can take we've mentioned like Thumbs and relic things like that There are femotidine and remittedine things, like they're called H2 blockers. There's certain kind of histamine blocker
Starting point is 00:31:29 that will reduce them out of acid that is produced. And then there's the proton pump inhibitors or PPI's. You've probably heard about them on the news. And all the proton pump inhibitors, I'm trying to blast those, they're here. Not that. Not your proton pack. Now, it blocks the release of acid in your stomach.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I'm sure you've heard of their medicines like Nexium, Prylasec Previsate, all those kinds of medicines. You may have seen them in the news recently because they have been correlated with things like dementia and kidney disease. Have you heard about this? I have had a lot of people asking about this. There is some data that is interesting about that. What I would say is this, if you are having to take these medications all the time, just talk to your doctor about it.
Starting point is 00:32:15 It may be that you just need to work on your lifestyle and change some things so that you don't have so much heartburn, but please go talk to your doctor about it because it's never a good idea to just be taking medications unsupervised for years and years on end. So if you're having a lot of heartburn, it doesn't hurt to ask. They may tell you to give up some of your favorite habits and foods and whatnot. Yeah, because I know that myself, and this is something I'm working on and trying to get better, but I know a lot of times I use those medications because like, it's just a way to continue eating like an idiot and not expecting there to be repercussions.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Well, and they, of course, there will be, always will be. They will facilitate that. That's the unfortunate thing is that it may be that you really do need to kind of reexamine your lifestyle and make some healthier choices for yourself. Look, it's something really worth it or not, especially if maybe some of these medicines we are going to find have some long-term consequences. So if you're
Starting point is 00:33:09 finding you need them all the time, please go talk to your doctor about it. Excellent. Thank you so much to all of our sponsors. Thank you to slash solbons and slash solbents. Thank you to the maximum fun network for having us on as part of their extended family. Once again, congratulations to our buddy, Lynn Mail, well Miranda, for his Grammy win performance who for too very exciting. It was amazing. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Congratulations Lynn. And thanks to taxpayers, Fliteness user song medicines is the Intro Now Trauma Program. Melissa is still buffering. It's in each of she does with her sister. Thank you, Justin. Even if you don't listen, go to join their Facebook group because it's amazing. It really is. There's so many cool prom pictures on there. Oh, right now it's like prom pictures. Glow it's the best.
Starting point is 00:34:00 But it's a show about being a teen. So it's great. I think that's going to do it for us. Didn't you got anything else? I think that's going to do it for us. Didn't you got anything else? No, that's all I have. Excellent. Well, listen folks, thank you so much. Sorry we're a little bit late this week, but we'll try to not make it happen, but, but so in that sense of eternal optimism, I will say until next Wednesday, when we have
Starting point is 00:34:20 something else to talk about. My name is Justin McRoy. I'm Sydney MacRoy. And as always, don't drill a hole in your head. Alright! Comedy and Culture, Artistone. Listen or supported.

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