Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Nosebleeds

Episode Date: January 22, 2016

This week on Sawbones, Justin and Sydnee have got some wicked nosebleeds, but it's no problem: They've got some Doug to stuff up there. Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saabones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, time is about to books! One, two, one, two, three, four! We came across a pharmacy with a toy and that's lost it out. We pushed on through the broken glass and had ourselves a look around.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Some medicines, some medicines, the escalant macaque for the mouth. A lot of people who look at the saw bones, Merrill, you're a misguided medicine. I'm your coach who's just Nakaroy and I'm Sydney Mackerel. I am so happy to be back on the ground Sydney Well me too Justin What were you? Jumping on? No sweetheart. We took you this is like I Mean I've heard of like playing dumb to help with a bit before. But like, we were in the plane together.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Like last week. Yeah, when we ginned. Yes. Yeah, we took some flights to New York. You said a lot has happened since then. You know, I'm a busy woman. I've got a lot going on. Sure.
Starting point is 00:01:38 I'm out there making deals, closing deals. Closing deals, chopping them up and spitting them out. Yeah. But we know what doctors do. We've fluid and it, well, you do chop them up and spit them out. Yeah, but we we know what doctors do. We've fluid in it while you do chop up I guess no, I that's I mean like I'm not a surgeon. I I five chauvin people up. That's surgeon doctors I think you probably put me in jail. Surgeons and doctors are the same thing basically. Well, I mean yes, but Glad we agree No, we had some we had a rough flight going in because the weather was super bad. It was like I heard somebody got hurt going into New York.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Not on our plane. Not on our plane, but from the turbulence, it was really rough. It was. It was scary, except that I know the trick now on a plane, which is you just look at the flight attendant. Yeah, you look at the flight attendant. That's the secret. And the flight attendant for the most part, although they don't look scared, and so that's your way of knowing, like don't be scared, the flight attendant's not scared.
Starting point is 00:02:28 But did you hear the flight attendant on that one flight, saying that he makes faces to mess with people? That's awesome. That's great. Like sometimes they'll be turbulence, and he'll just make like this really horrified, shocked face and like look around, because he knows.
Starting point is 00:02:43 I'm so into it. Like, but like. No, I think that's terrible. That's an abusive power. No, that's amazing because if you get out of that alive, it's like in five clubs. Like the breakfast you have the next morning will be the greatest meal you ever eat.
Starting point is 00:02:55 It's like you'll really appreciate the little things. How would you like that if I did that to my, to like if you were my patient? And I just got like your lab results back. And I said like let me pull them up and look at said like, let me pull them up and look at them, and like, I pull them up and look at them, and I just like, like, I can't be right.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Because that's how people react when they're scared, right? Oh, I'm gonna see now, I gotta turn your mic down, because I didn't know you're gonna get Randy, much of a man savage on me, bringing that, those decibels, the desis as we call them in the audio engineering industry Sorry about that But it wasn't the worst flight I've ever had certainly not the worst one I ever had was
Starting point is 00:03:32 One time I got a nose bleed on a flight and I had nothing I didn't I Never had I got a nose and no it was really it was really embarrassing because like I didn't have anything I had to call the Stewardess over and she look because we were about to take off and take it off yet And she looked at me like I was like a flight rest like do I need to go back to the airport? My terrible nosebleed because because you can't offline one time we got oh we got a nosebleed her on the plane one time I was a we don't have sky mal from these to mop it up anymore. I miss sky mal. We we One time I was a we don't have sky maw from these to mop it up anymore. Um, I miss sky maw. Um, we, we, uh, one time I had a, um, uh, I was working the polls
Starting point is 00:04:11 as like an election official, uh, and if you can believe they trust a judge to do that, they didn't. I got a nosebleed during that and they, uh, a lady. And I was like, just, you know, I was attending to my nose bleed and the late this lady comes up for those of you at home Justin just like put his finger up his nose right I mean I had that moment as if that's how you attend to a nose bleed you just like cram your middle finger and she looks at me and she says can I get someone else to help me vote you've been fooling with a nosebleed. Okay, lady. All right, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:04:47 It's like, you don't want to play it. I don't like you nosebleeders involved in the electoral process. It makes me very nervous. So Justin, other than, you know, having them, what do you know about nosebleeds? It is a source of great mystery to me. I know what to do if I get one.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Okay. I know that it is often caused by like dry conditions, they seem to be more prevalent. Yeah, I know that if they don't stop your trouble. Yeah, well, I mean that's and that's a good point to make about bleeding of any kind from any any site on your body really is that if it doesn't stop you're in trouble. That's bad. So that's it. Why don't I tell you some more about nose bleeds? Please do Sydney because I do get them from another time and I'd like to know more. Yeah and and so I do want to thank you for for helping inspire this topic because you get them. So thank you for getting nose bleeds I guess. Also, I wanna thank Cheryl and Joel,
Starting point is 00:05:46 as well as Derek, for suggesting this topic. The nosebleed kids, they call them. Yes, Cheryl, Joel, and Derek, the nosebleed kids, and Justin, Justin's in that club too. Nosebleeds, you know, probably have been around for as long as people have had both noses and blood. To at least 6,000 years. That's sure, at least.
Starting point is 00:06:11 At least. At least, at least. Yeah, we'll say that. We'll say that. That's fine. I'll leave that alone. It makes sense then that we have writings about nosebleeds back to the time of the ancient Greeks because again, you know, people had noses back then,
Starting point is 00:06:25 presumably, I know. I don't know any reason, any reason to think they didn't have noses. No. But nosebleeds weren't always seen as a bad thing. Oh, really? Yeah, there was a belief for a long time that bleeding from anywhere,
Starting point is 00:06:39 and specifically from your nose, may just be a way of purifying yourself. Like your body was getting red of blood, it didn't need. Because you had some sort of illness or something spiritually wrong, you know, within you, and so you would just bleed, and then that would make things better, which makes sense if you think about a long, long tradition of bleeding somebody, or, you know, leaching somebody in order to fix them. Spontaneous bleeding may just be your body taking care of it on its own.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Well, there is a certain logic to it if you don't, if you're like don't know anything about anything, because most of the things that get like expelled from your body, that was what you did want to happen. Breathing out, bugs, poo, poo, pee, pee, it's all supposed to come out. It's like good that it's coming out. Almost, think about it, like anything. No, okay, well that's fair. Almost anything that came out of your body liquid wise,
Starting point is 00:07:36 it's because it was supposed to. Okay, I think that's a fair point. So you can follow the through line, as what I'm saying. Because you didn't know that you had like, at a given moment, you have a finite amount of blood. Right. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I mean, you're granted you're going to make more, but like, you're not going to make it instantly. So at that moment, there's only so much you have, but you wouldn't know that. Right. I'm just saying we think, I mean, we see most of the things that get expelled from your body, that was, it is ideal. You did want that.
Starting point is 00:08:03 There's very little that's like, hey, get back in there, you know. It was also a thought that in addition to it maybe being beneficial, then maybe it was just the result of like exercising too much. It was thought that if you exert yourself too hard you might you might just get a nosebleed. I get nosebleed so it's not it's not that. It was signed to like like chill out, relax more, or maybe that you were two. It's how they came up with Joe Chille. That's how they came up with Joe Cool. Joe Cool.
Starting point is 00:08:31 It was Snoopy and then you just had like blood gushing out his nose. Hey, chill. It was a campaign to stop nosebleed. Don't have a count man. You also might get a nosebleed if you were too sexually excited. Which is like, that just paints the picture for me of the saddest kid in school, the saddest high schooler who's like, there's that moment. In the old 80s movies, you would see the girl you like and the music would play real slow
Starting point is 00:08:59 and they'd be like, you know, and then you'd see her and like every in her hair is blowing and then like bloodsushing. The bloods is gushing out. Yeah. Um, it could be seen as a sign of anything like a, from like a sign that you were in love to a sign that you were about to die. So pretty much like, nobody really knew how to interpret them. Um, Hippocrates did describe ways of stopping them.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Very practical ways, just like stick something up your nose and make the bleeding stop. Congrats, Hypocrites. So which, as we'll discuss, isn't really too much different than what we do nowadays. The Assyrians also wrote about similar devices, a scrivenous larges from the first century spoke of a device that you could use
Starting point is 00:09:49 that would plug up your nasal passage but also had like a hollow tube through the middle so that you could breathe through it. Okay. I mean, that's a good idea, I guess. Sure, yeah. I mean, you got two nostrils and like a mouth. Yeah, you'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:10:01 But sure, sure. There were other ancient cures that involved like generally for stopping bleeding, anything that was bleeding, they would tell you to put something cold on it that would stop stop bleeding, or applying pressure, which as we know now, is like the best thing to do for bleeding.
Starting point is 00:10:16 So that was a terrible idea. But then it ran the gamut from that to like, if somebody's bleeding, you should like dump, like put them in a bath tub and keep dumping ice cold water on them until their limbs turn green. What? And then just bathe their head in limestone water and vinegar. No, I would say no don't.
Starting point is 00:10:38 No, well yeah I wouldn't do that either. I've never seen somebody get so cold that their limbs turn green. No, that sounds made up. Maybe they made that one up. Maybe that was a funny joke. Is it funny? No, like for those times it was. Not like ha ha funny.
Starting point is 00:10:54 This was a time before, there was a point in history. Somebody was like, why did you can cross the road? And they were like, I have no idea what you're talking about. And then the person said to get to the other side. And everybody thought they were like a comedy legend, like Don Riggles, level of funny. This is a time before that time. So like, it doesn't, it don't take much.
Starting point is 00:11:14 It don't take much. My favorite joke involves chickens. Yeah. Have I told my favorite joke before? Go ahead. I'll make time. Why does a chicken coop have two doors? Why does a chicken coop have two doors, Sydney?
Starting point is 00:11:29 Because if I had four, it would be a chicken sedan. Crushed it. That was my favorite joke. Crushed it. Also, by the way, I never noticed before, pretty sure chicken coops have one door. Just the one, I think. I mean, like, they probably have a front and a back door.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Really? You think for it? I have no idea. I mean, like they probably have a front and a back door. Really, you think for it to be? I have no idea. I'm the first for the chickens. I don't know. It's just to leave the joke alone, okay? It's my favorite. Why do you have to pick apart my favorite joke? The final way it is.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Other things that they may have used for nosebleeds in ancient times, cupping. Are you familiar with that? The cupping? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Where you light a match under a candle and it creates section by. Well, not a candle,, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, where you like to match under a candle and it creates suction by... Well, not a candle, just like a candle.
Starting point is 00:12:08 No, no, no, like a you like to... You move the oxygen from something and then put it on your back to create suction and it creates these awful rings. And it hurts you and... Bloody areas, maybe. Yeah. Yeah, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:12:18 It's like a hikki from a fishbowl. Like a fishbowl. That's a great, yes, it's a hikki from a fishbowl. Yeah, tiny fishbowl. That sounds like a great like album title. a Hicky from a fish bowl. Yeah tiny fish. Well That sounds like a great like album title a Hicky from a fish bowl Do you lose the news? The ancient Egyptians would use a mixture of papyrus ash and vinegar and just kind of plug up whatever was bleeding Which I mean I guess that's yeah I'm gonna work
Starting point is 00:12:42 dried cannabis has been used. Yeah I mean, I guess that's probably work. Dried cannabis has been used. Yeah, not talking. Sure. Leak oil mixed with vinegar and mana, because that's readily available. Yeah, I always wanted to eat mana.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Really? Mana from heaven, you know, when they would show it in like, like biblical cartoons and study school and stuff. No, I didn't watch a lot of biblical cartoons. Yeah, no. I'm like, trust you on this one. They would always have cartoons about like mana
Starting point is 00:13:09 falling from heaven and it always looked like the best. It looked like ground up clouds of cinnamon so good. I was like super wanted to eat mana. It was everywhere. I always assumed it would look like like white blobs. Yeah, but I think they have magical heavenly sparkles on them and it made it look like I should have been... Cinnamon sugar best thing from the cinnamon sugar.
Starting point is 00:13:32 That sounds better than what I imagined. Yeah, it's probably not. Yeah. Which is more like this mushy turnip is what I always kind of. Ooh. A ruined metaphor, me. There's a stone that is thought to be helpful against any kind of bleeding and specifically against nose bleeds, blood stone or heliatrope was thought to stop bleeding if you would
Starting point is 00:13:53 just get the stone really cold and then hold it up against whatever was bleeding eventually it would stop. Maybe, yeah, I mean, it's like pressure, right? I mean, yeah, I guess if you're applying pressure, but that wasn't the thought process behind blood. Sure. Yeah. That it was a magical stone that would stop bleeding. Plus, the benefit of that though if you decide to use heliotrop is that you know not only will it stop your nose bleed, supposedly, it's very stimulating to your base and heart shockers. Oh great. Which as you know, just if you know one thing about me, it's that I'm very concerned with that
Starting point is 00:14:26 And it will also teach you how to travel Invisibly between worlds and negotiate different realms. What are you talking about? Because it has shape shifting properties. No, what what are you talking about? We have to do a show about crystals and Healing rocks so much That's why I knew by the way that's my new YouTube heat by the way People talking earnestly about crystals is like That's my new it's like my new makeup tutorials
Starting point is 00:14:52 I found this from like at like a magical like crystal and healing rock and stuff Gershary Halls makeup tutorials endless candle reviews. That's the that's that old stuff I'm on of those crystal videos now earnest crystal videos and Not earnest as in hay varnits earnest. Oh talk about crystals heard no not like that like people speaking super honestly about raising their energy Delectable Okay in relation to the four humors moving moving on from crystals and Justin's YouTube video obsessions. In relation to the four humors, any kind of bleeding, we kind of talked about, like, may
Starting point is 00:15:34 have been seen as a natural thing that the body needs to do to balance out the humors, but if you did see it as a bad thing, then you would just use some other method to try to get those humors in alignment. So like, you're getting a nose bleed, have this inema. Because your day isn't bad enough already. Alright then. Here's a special diet, or here's something that will make you puke, or pee. Or maybe you're having a nose bleed, we wanted to stop, so we will bleed you somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I mean, that will work eventually. Yeah, well, I mean, you won't have a return client. No. Like you're gonna lose a return business there. No, that's true. Plenty of the elder had a lot to say about nose bleeds. No. Of course.
Starting point is 00:16:26 For one, he saw them as an important regular, like, you know, like a regular bleeding for humans. Kind of like, you know how sometimes we're supposed to have forest fires. Do you know what I'm talking about? Like there's like sometimes a fire is supposed to happen. Like it's like a healthy thing for an ecosystem. I guess he saw nosebleeds kind of like that.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Like every once in a while, you just need to have a bleeding. And for men specifically, it was seen as like a vicarious menstruation. Like men don't menstruate instead, they get nosebleeds. And then there was a belief that like at puberty, just like women would start having their periods, men would just bleed maybe once a year, like from their nose.
Starting point is 00:17:05 No, maybe. It was even a reason not to actually do, like bleeding or leaching on men and women who were about to approach puberty, because a thought was like, well, they're gonna start getting their nose bleed soon, and that's gonna take care of it, so don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:17:20 In which case, that was kind of helpful. And it was thought that even in that light, if you didn't get nose bleeds, you might get headaches or joint pains or other kinds of issues because you needed the nose bleeds for something, you know, useful. There was also this belief that plenty agreed with that sometimes you could divert menstrual bleeding to the nose, by like, it's the same way that they, you know, and then the fake disease hysteria, they would like move the uterus back into place.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Yeah, okay. By like holding a pleasing scent towards the end of the body, you want the uterus to move forward. Lower it down there, yeah. Or whatever, a bad scent to move it away. If you moved the uterus up some, it would divert the menstrual bleeding to the nose, and that was like a healthier menstruation,
Starting point is 00:18:01 the nasal menstruation. Well, that's wild, man. Yeah, that's not an inaccurate, right? Yeah. Well, that's wild man. Yeah, that's an inaccurate right? Yeah Yes, honey, that is inaccurate. You can't divert the menstrual blood to your nose By holding something that smells bad under your vagina I I would have guessed that I mean had I been do want me to write that down? No, they cross-stitch it on a pillow just how I remember. Okay, great all in all plenty had about 55 different herbal recipes for nosebleeds So so effective you know So the next time you have like a week of vacation my recommendation for you
Starting point is 00:18:42 Get plenty's book get a nosebleed try out all 55. Let me know what works. I Rule cure all's cure nothing. We need one that's like if there are 55 cures for something there is Is it one there isn't a cure and also plenty probably came up with it. I want to know like about I want to know about nosebleeds like really like what's going on in there? Well before I tell you that the truth about nosebleeds, Justin why don't you follow me to the building department. Let's go! The medicines, the medicines that ask you let my cards before the mouth. So Sid what I have to know about like nosebleeds. Can you tell me anything about them?
Starting point is 00:19:26 Like I just wanna know how they happen. Well, Justin, I'm gonna tell you like how they actually happen, but we've only made it through ancient times. We've only made it through plenty. We still have the ever so gross and disturbing middle ages to get through. We need like, I wanna middle ages sound effect. Cause like, it's about to pop off. Anytime you get to the middle ages to get friends. We need like, I want a middle ages sound effect
Starting point is 00:19:45 because like, it's about to pop off. Anytime you get to the middle ages, like if you thought things were maybe getting better, the middle ages is like, ah, ah, ah. It's like that computer program on Dentist and Dentist and Computer, when you try to break into it. Ah, ah, ah, nope, things aren't getting better.
Starting point is 00:19:59 It's the middle ages, buckle in. And the sound effect would be like something like, like burping and rotting and like, future fine. Like a burp sound and then a woman saying, it smells like rotting. The burp. I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And it just, in post, if you could just like, whip that up for me, okay? I'm gonna need. All right, perfect. I did it perfectly. That was exactly what we were looking for. It smells like rotting, didn't it? So in the middle, it was like, what didn't that bad, did?
Starting point is 00:20:33 When we put lots of gross stuff, various places on our very gross selves, cranial moss was a very popular remedy for bleeding. I feel like we've heard about cranial moss. We have. We talked about cranial moss. We have, we have, we talked about cranial moss in a past episode. And you may remember, it is the moss that grew on skulls, mainly from people who were hanged
Starting point is 00:20:57 and then were left outside to- A lot of gross patients to get the cranial moss. To rot in the elements, unfortunately, that would about that nobody was cleaning up and so they're leaving to rot But we may get a nose bleed later and we need your skull to grow some moss so we can take the moss off of the skull and then stick it up our nose Yeah, and if that's not bad enough There's something worse. Something again that we've talked about before.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Do you remember mummyya? That's like mummy jello basically. Yes. So the melted down gooey black remains of mummy's or mummyya was also used for bleeding. So if you didn't like the idea of getting moss off a dead guy's head and sticking that up your nose, how about an actual dead guy melted down into a gooey black residue that you could stick up your nose? If you don't want to take the time to go find cranial moss to stick up your nose, how about some dug up there?
Starting point is 00:22:05 What if he just found some old dug? Just put some dug up there. I don't take care of it. Poor Doug. Do you think when Doug was alive, he had any idea that someday his last job, his last earthly task would be to be melted down into goo and stuck up somebody's nose to stop
Starting point is 00:22:25 if Doug had that thought I bet he was an interesting cat like not like invite party's interesting but like if you ran into Mary once a while you might be like hey Doug what are you thinking about right now? can you imagine like all his friends would like sit down for drinks later and be like anybody got any good Doug stories and be like oh man you will not believe that Doug told me. And then later his friends like does anybody have any good Doug? Now all I can think about is if I'm going to end up as a gooey black subs. Can we stop with the existential crisis and maybe do our medical history progress?
Starting point is 00:23:03 I'm sorry. I think the least disturbing treatment I found from this time period is actually there was a belief that somehow toads were associated with being able to stop bleeding. For whatever reason, toads were just thought to do that. And so you could just hold a toad on something that was bleeding or something like that.
Starting point is 00:23:24 But the most popular way to do it was to get dead toads that like you could, you know, just hold a toad on something that was bleeding or something like that. But the most popular way to do it was to get dead toads that were dried out and then soaked them in vinegar and then either put one on your forehead or you could like string them up like a necklace and wear them around for fashion and also tip stop nosebleeds. And also if you don't want friends. Yeah, you don't want anybody around. Oh, that's sticky, Mcnoesbleed. Everybody hates his cuts.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Why is it any cool like us and just stick dug up his nose? Just put some dug up there. It's no problem. In the 1600s, less discussing but maybe also less effective plan was to just write some magical words on your head. I mean, by the time your friends finished doing that, it would probably have stopped. In following years, it was suggested that maybe you could, if you were having a nose bleed, you could get some of the blood that was coming out of your nose and fry it up and then
Starting point is 00:24:19 sniff it and then that would stop the bleeding. That's what blood Blood sausage is right Nope, is that what black pudding is this what black pudding is right? Not that not no No, basically that basically that no, I'm pretty sure it's not nose blood. Okay. I'll take your word I think it doesn't fall blood though, right? It's just like congeal blood, yeah. But black blooding it. And it's like other stuff, right? Probably some onions.
Starting point is 00:24:48 It's congeal blood and onions. I don't know what you're eating that. I don't think it's nose blood either way. Like I'm 99% sure it has nothing to do with a nose. Don't write in it until it's never eating anything called black pudding, sorry. Tell me whatever you want, and it's not gonna change my opinion.
Starting point is 00:25:09 But if you enjoy that, please feel free. I am not here. I am not here to tell anybody what kind of putting they can or can go wild. There was also a thought that we ate an old putting that we let rot in our closet for six weeks because that's what Mary Berry said today. That's a Christmas putting that is totally legal. It was soaked in booze. You set it on fire. It burned for it burned for a while a good A while right yeah, it burned for a while a Burn for a while. It was great. Yeah, um It was also thought that maybe you could take some scarlet silk thread and tie it into exactly nine knots And then wear that down the front of your shirt and that would stop future nosebleeds. Probably not.
Starting point is 00:25:49 I wondered if that was one of those like like, you know, Cure's like kind of things because like if you had like a red string down the front of you tied a knot It would kind of like, it's like a whimsical like take on nosebleeds. It sounds like something like a kicking nosebleed. Like an interpretation you'd see on like project runway of like, it's like a nosebleed, but it's a red silk. And like Tim Gunn's looking on, looking very worried. Desir, it's perfect.
Starting point is 00:26:19 I don't know. It's genius. No, I think you'd be very worried about that. You could also try to find an ash tree, but it needs to be an ash tree that is either one, two, or three years old, no more, no less, and then cut some of the bark off of the one, two, or three year old ash tree and apply that to the inside of your nose at exactly the minute that the sun enters Taurus. Like I don't understand what these people find at time to do this in case of nosebleed.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Just like, here's Justin, here's Justin the elder. Just wait for like a second and find, now it's over, just like that. Justin, do you know how much, like, okay, let's say that I don't know, I'm a doctor, except I didn't have to go to medical school really or know any medicine. There weren't any like real great books for me to study or any science behind anything I do. Do you know how much crazy stuff I could make up in that time?
Starting point is 00:27:14 Like if I was just making stuff up, these people had all the time in the world they were just making it up. Yeah, that's fair. That'd be great. An awful, it'd be awful. But I feel like it would really stimulate me creatively though. Yeah, you could really open yourself up to a lot of avenues of healing that may or may
Starting point is 00:27:28 not work. In the 1700s, there are two different French surgeons named Beloc and Beloc. And you can't see that one ends with a C and one ends with a Q, but they definitely do. Yeah, I bear witness for you. Yes. And they are both credited with the invention of like an instrument, a curved instrument that you could use to kind of place a plug
Starting point is 00:27:52 in the back of your nose to stop bleeding that was coming from further back in your nose. A lot of bleeds come from more anteriorly, further front. But you could use this instrument to put something way back there. And there's this huge dispute over which of these, which of these bright Frenchmen made this very clever device.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Actually, I saw it referenced as like the block with C and Q at the end. Sure, well, those slashes are just thrown both in there. And it became one of the most illustrated medical devices for like 150 years in medical textbooks. One of the, you were sure to see a picture of blocks, you know, I don't know, whatever curve nasal plug instrument. And so you'd think that this would be like a big deal like which French dude made this.
Starting point is 00:28:42 They both went credit for it. But in reality, it was almost never used. So I don't even know why we care that much about it. I always say half of it will be a little straight. It just looked really great. It was fun to draw. It was lovely. We didn't have a lot of medical instruments,
Starting point is 00:28:56 so we drew what we had. Sure. Most docs just use like a catheter, because it was a lot easier to just place that up there. In 1807, there's a description of a balloon made out of animal intestines that you could like, stick up the nose and inflate, and then that would apply pressure and stop bleeding.
Starting point is 00:29:12 And throughout the 1800s, you see even more like, balloons created, caps, even like condoms, and then you start to see rubber use instead of animal intestines. And this idea of like a balloon that you could inflate in the nose, and that would apply like pressure all the way around. Okay, so-
Starting point is 00:29:28 Would be more helpful. I give up, like what do we- So what do I actually actually really do? Okay, so let's say that you do have a nose bleed. One, well one, how about let's try to avoid it first. Okay. So to avoid having a nose bleed, you want to keep the inside of your nose moist, especially this time of year,
Starting point is 00:29:47 like the heat in our house, this makes the air really dry and that makes you more prone to nose bleeding because there are a lot of blood vessels inside your nose and that skin, it's a very fragile area. And so those vessels completely easily with some irritation or dryness. So just plain, like saline nasal spray can be helpful.
Starting point is 00:30:05 You know, not that, no, don't use that afferent note. Just like nasal saline. Keep your blood pressure controlled. So if you've got high blood pressure, keep it controlled. Maybe there's probably better reasons to do that even than not getting a nose bleed. But you could make that argument.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Also don't stick stuff up there. Hey, a lot of nose bleeds are caused by local trauma. So you know, like fingers. Get that out of there. Get it stuff up there. Hey. A lot of nose bleeds are caused by local trauma. So, you know, like fingers. Get that out of there. Get it out of there. Just don't stick stuff up your nose. Or in your ear. Get it out of there.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Saw buns. You should, now let's say that that doesn't work and you do get a nose bleed. You should apply pressure and lean forward. Don't lean back. Okay, but leaning, I wanted to ask you about this when I heard we were doing the topic, is this like a recent, I mean, probably not recent development, but like, has this been
Starting point is 00:30:53 in flux or whatever, because like I have very clear memories of being a kid and everybody leaning back. I just, I think people didn't, I just think people don't know. Okay. No, because I mean, you don't want to swallow all that blood. You know, I mean, that's the thing. You're not leaning forward because that's going to stop the bleeding faster. The pressure is what's going to stop the bleeding, hopefully, that's the plan.
Starting point is 00:31:17 It's the blood that is going to flow until the pressure works. You don't want to swallow it because it'll make you feel sick. Yeah. It's not that free either, right? It's not that free either, right? It's not gonna kill you, it's not gonna hurt you to swallow, but it just makes you,
Starting point is 00:31:32 you're gonna get really sick to your stomach probably. So you heard it here for a lean forward or lean your head back, it does not make that much better. No, just don't swallow that blood, you're gonna get sick, just lean forward. If you are on like a blood thinner that would make you
Starting point is 00:31:45 bleed more easily or for longer, or if the nose bleed doesn't stop, go see a doctor, because it is important when you are bleeding that it stops at some point. Remember that. We have these great little rhino rockets, which are sort of like tampons that you stick up your nose. And we have other more sophisticated like nasal tampon like devices. There are balloons that are inflated. You can use things that are sort of like the catheters we use for bladders that have like little balloons on them. Similar to that, you can stick up in your nose and inflate and that will apply pressure.
Starting point is 00:32:19 It's just different ways of applying local pressure. There are a lot of different ones that are, you know, fancier. If all those fails, we can do stuff like cauterized, like, like, burn some things in the inside of your nose to stop it. Or we can even do procedures where we imbalize, which means like we clot off, like intentionally put a little imbalis, like a clot inside a blood vessel to make it stop bleeding. That's not usually the first stop. That's like a last resort, but we can do that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Because we hospitalized people for nose bleeds. You mentioned nasal tampon. Couldn't you use, could you use like a regular tampon? You could. I would not advise, if it is to the point that you're thinking about sticking a tampon up your nose, I would go seek help because one, that's not a good thing to have to do for a longer period of time. You know how we talk about toxic shocks and dry them and things from leaving tampons
Starting point is 00:33:13 into long? Sure. There are similar things if you leave something up your nose too long. Okay. Like you just in general don't want to stick things into orifices and leave them blocked off for a long period of time. So if you're bleeding enough that you're like, I'm gonna stick this tampon up my nose. Just like come feed me.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Come yeah, let me help. Let me help you out. Exciting news. This is an exciting news break from Justin McAroy and Sydney McAroy. So you remember the Sabons podcast episodes featuring Sydney and her sister, Riley. Also known as probably like your favorite episode. Well, those two cats have finally done it. They're making a podcast of their very own.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Sydney, 30 seconds, tell us about it. Give us the elbow of a very rich. So our podcast is called Still buffering. It's a sister's guide to teens through the ages. And it is basically Riley and I sharing information about our experiences as teenagers, then and now. And hopefully I give her a little sage advice with hard earned wisdom through the years that that she can benefit from. And in exchange, she tells me
Starting point is 00:34:24 what's, you know, cool today. These are, uh, uh, uh, we got another show in the McRoy line called Schmanners hosted by my brother Travis and his wife Teresa, who's kind of, uh, etiquette expert. I think you can call her that. And, uh, it is a show about etiquette. And both of those are launching next week. Still buffering is going to be on Tuesday. She's manners. We'll also have an episode Tuesday, but typically it'll be Friday,
Starting point is 00:34:50 but still buffering will be every Tuesday. That is on the maximum fun network. You can find it right now. They've got a little teaser up. You can get that at iTunes, just search for Still Buffering. And if you like what you hear after the Tuesday episode, a rating or a view would be awesome
Starting point is 00:35:07 And if you like the art for still buffering my other sister Taylor did that So it's there you go. It's a family affair here So make sure you get still buffering in shmanners you can go subscribe to both of them right now so don't wait and Thanks maximum fund or for for being so kind to us and letting us hang out in there in their Polatial podcasting universe universe if you will and Thanks to taxpayer to let us use their song medicines is the intro not your program and I think that's gonna do it for us folks My name is Justin Macaroi and it's always don't draw a hole in your head.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Comedy and Culture, Artistone, Alright! Comedy and Culture, Artists Don't Listen or Support It

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