Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: The Four Humors

Episode Date: February 25, 2015

This week on Sawbones, Dr. Sydnee and Justin wear a Taz T-shirt in a mall fashion show. Also, bile, blood and phlegm is discussed. Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers ( ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saabones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, time is about to books. One, two, one, two, three, four. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here.
Starting point is 00:00:48 I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here.
Starting point is 00:00:56 I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here.
Starting point is 00:01:04 I'm sitting here. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting tour of misguided medicine. I'm your co-host Justin McAroy. I'm Sydney McAroy. I said hey Justin I think you're gonna be excited for our topic today. Oh, yeah, yeah, because I think it's it's quite humorous Oh it's it's quite humorous. Oh, um, well, that's good. I mean, that's kind of what we do on the show. So I'm happy to hear that it's a humorous, uh, you know, topic. Um, no, but I mean, I think this one, especially will be very humorous. Okay. I mean, that's kind of my department. So there's more of me up to me to like decide and make sure it's funny, but I'm glad you hear it. Well, but this one, I mean, will be I think filled with humor. Well, it's it's frankly not off to a great start. Now,
Starting point is 00:02:03 why do you think it's going gonna be? Okay, never mind. It's about humors. Oh, well, you do. I just thought you'd get it eventually. You don't have any very well. Humors, got it. Yes. Pun, got it.
Starting point is 00:02:13 I'm with you. Okay. The pun is the highest form of humor. I don't know many. Sure, of humor. So fun. Did you get it? Okay, no.
Starting point is 00:02:22 There's another one there at the end. Now I'm with you. Yeah. I'm on board. I thought, you know, we talk about the idea of humors and the four humors a lot in our show, just kind of in passing. So I thought we should finally kind of take a step back and maybe talk about, you know, what the four humors actually were, what the system of medicine that I suppose you call humorism.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Okay. Really is. So where did the word we come up with this one? Well, before we talk about it, I thought we should thank someone who suggested it. And I think a lot of people have mentioned this to us before actually asked us like, hey, have you done one on the humor chat? But somebody who mentioned that we should do this long time ago is Chris. Grant, my boss.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Yes. Well, I didn't know if you'd want to. No, that's fine. I'll blow up his spot. Okay. So thank you, Chris. Thank you, Chris. Other people recommended this topic for easily one of you who will fire me if I don't mention his name specifically.
Starting point is 00:03:19 So thank you, Chris. Justin has to mention his name at least three times a day. It's the law. In a podcast form or else he fires him. So I do so many podcasts to get all the mentions of Chris and then I need a few. So let's talk about humorism. Okay. So it's an old system of medicine.
Starting point is 00:03:33 It dates back to probably Hippocrates. I mean, a lot of people during that time period were talking about, we're probably influencing this concept of medicine. I don't want to say that it was all just Hippocrates, but he was one of the first ones to write it down, and so we'll give him credit. This, what's cool about this, I think, is that it was so practiced by the Greeks, the Romans followed in this tradition.
Starting point is 00:03:55 The Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine, it sort of takes it and there's a twist on it, it's not identical, but you see this humorism as the basis of medical theory all the way throughout the 19th century. That's crazy. Yeah, but the system persisted for as long as it did. Yes, especially with, as we're kind of gonna talk about,
Starting point is 00:04:17 it's a little wild. I mean, it's definitely not just an anatomical or a scientific basis of thought, it's definitely not just an anatomical or a scientific basis of thought. It's not all empiric. There's a lot of maybe even a little magical thinking, some influence of the planets, stuff that's not just scientific as a way of looking at the human body. So what is it? I mean, we've talked about it a lot, like you said, but like broadly speaking, what is it?
Starting point is 00:04:42 Okay. So it mainly focuses around the idea that there are four fluids in your body that you have to keep in balance in order to maintain physical and mental health. So it's not just physical, it also has to do with your psychiatric health, which is I do think is a kind of interesting point
Starting point is 00:04:58 about the humorous system of medicine is that it recognized the mind, body connection, I mean intrinsically. The four fluids are created well, blood, pp, and air. That's a fluid, air is a fluid, and your blood, pp, liquid air, and it's not. Is that your guess? Blood, BB liquid air and it's not. Okay, that's wrong. Wrong. Okay. That's wrong. Well, I'm good at opening salvo, the other places start. Not that the four humans were right, but that is wrong. Right. Okay. No. So the four fluids that
Starting point is 00:05:38 we're going to talk about are blood, flim, yellow, bio, and black bio. Okay. They are created in the liver. And then they're stored in various blood, flim, yellow bile, and black bile. They are created in the liver and then they're stored in various organs, okay? And the idea was that they are the products of digestion. There used to be this belief that as we took in food or drink or whatever, that our body went through four different like series of digestion.
Starting point is 00:06:04 And the first time, the first digestion took place in your stomach and it actually made like your stool, you know, your poop. Yeah, with it. Okay, I got it. You looked confused. No, I know what it's to us. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Yeah. The second one, the second digestion would release the four humors. It took place in your liver and it would release the four fluids that we talked about. The order in which the humors arise reflects how important they are and how vital they are to your well-being. Just in case you wondered, the third and fourth digestions make pee and then sweat. Okay. Okay. They don't. They don't, but they don't. This was the belief at the time that your body took in stuff and then digested at different
Starting point is 00:06:50 places. I think the fourth digestion takes place in your skin or something. Ooh, okay. So I think the third was in your blood vessel. So like, no, this doesn't really happen. Right. Anyway, so the humor, the order in which the humor's arose was first blood, which was seen as like the richest in nutrient.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And so you had the most of it in your body. The thing you had the most of was blood. Okay. Well, it makes a certain kind of sense. Yeah. So your liver broke stuff down. Blood came out first. And it was filled with all kinds of good stuff that you needed.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Second was flim. And it's important that when we talk about flim in this context that you understand, it's not just like, yeah, oh no, that's pleasant, keep that coming. Yeah, I thought everybody listening would like that. Somebody really, really keep Hawking. Really enjoy. No, so it's not just that, it's not just, you know, mucus. Flim was kind of this intangible, clear-ish substance that definitely existed in the body. And yes, could come in the form of saliva and mucus and that kind of thing,
Starting point is 00:07:53 but was also just there and you didn't always see it, but could be responsible for all kinds of ills. So it was more than just flim. Okay. Then there was yellow bile. Oh, and flim was also, it also did have some nutrients in it, and you needed a fair amount of flim. Okay. Then there was a yellow bile. Oh, and flim was also, it also did have some nutrients in it. And you needed a fair amount of flim in your body.
Starting point is 00:08:09 The next thing that came out was a yellow bile. And you don't need a lot of yellow bile is the thought. You need a little bit to help you function. Now, would they have ever seen yellow bile? Like, is there an actual yellow bile in the body that they're referring to? Is it like, John does? Well, that is where they're coming from there.
Starting point is 00:08:27 So if somebody were like to throw up and we talk about somebody throwing a bile and you would see like kind of a yellowish fluid. Okay. Or if somebody turned yellow because they had liver disease and they were John does. So they were probably basing it on bile, you know, somebody made or somebody who has an elevated belly rubin. And so they turn yellow
Starting point is 00:08:45 So they're probably basing it on this Concept but it wasn't I mean their idea of it wasn't entirely correct. Does that make sense? Yeah and Then finally you make black bile. That was the thing that you needed the least amount of And you stored everything that you didn't need. And the reason is that black bile was a nutrient poor. It didn't do a lot for you.
Starting point is 00:09:10 And you could tip the balance really easily. Black bile, too much of it could make you really depressing. And like EOR probably had too much black bile. I got too much black bile. That's a good way to think about it. Okay. Remember EOR whenever you think of black bile. I got too much black bile. That's a good way to think about it. Okay. Remember EOR whenever you think of black bile. Which I'm sure you do often.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Yeah. As to where this came from, because I mean, you got a wonder like, so we saw somebody bleed and we thought, okay, well, they've got blood in there and blood does something. Check. And then they spit and you were like, well, hey, they's some flim.
Starting point is 00:09:45 That was, was that blood? No, it looks different. It looks different. Let's call it something else. I could see the yellow bile showing up somewhere. Well, you're in your yellow for some reason. So that, you know, they must also, you would think they would think it was PP, wouldn't you?
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah, that's true. And they didn't connect it with that. No, weird. Maybe they're better hydrated than we are. Yeah. So they didn't have a lot of. Well, maybe they're better hydrated than we are. So they didn't get a lot of yellow. So their pee was nice and clear. It seems crazy. Although, I'm certain that would be considered a symptom of, if your yellow bile was too
Starting point is 00:10:14 high, your peepee would be darker. Right. Absolutely. But then the, where does, I don't know where the black bile comes from in terms of their belief in black bile. But there is a theory. there are a lot of theories, but one theory that I particularly like, so I'm going to tell you about it, Swedish physician came up within the 1920s trying to study the system of humors and think like, why did people buy this?
Starting point is 00:10:37 And so he thought it was from, if you take blood and let it just sit out like in a container out in the open air for a while, fresh from the human body. Without any kind of, you know, like when we put, when we draw your blood and put it in a test tube, there can be stuff in there that's going to help the blood like separate out in certain ways or preserve certain chemicals in it. So you just take fresh blood, set it out, and then it separates out so that there is like a dark clotted part like your blood of cloth. So like that could be maybe what the black bile was thought to be. It's like scabs.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Yeah, sort of like scabs. Scabby material. Or have you ever seen like a blood clot? No. It gets darker. That's the point. Where would I have seen a blood clot? I mean I see him pretty frequently.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Sure, sure. Where would I have seen a blood? Well, you know me pretty well. What a linear idea that I ingest, do you think I would have searched out? When you get your nose bleeds. Uh-huh. It clots eventually.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Okay, yeah. Oh, fine. I'll print you that. You got me. And it's darker. So you could imagine black bile. Let's run it up by the way. Super, super appreciated.
Starting point is 00:11:39 You don't want to get in this place. We're only cool, Danny Zuko image. My cool dude. My nose bleed free cool dude lifestyle is now on blast there was so okay so if you separate out the blood at the bottom there's the dark clotted part there would be a layer of like red blood like red blood cells so that would look like blood there might be a whitish layer sometimes or at least a more clear layer that could be like white blood cells or stuff or
Starting point is 00:12:02 or if there's other substances in the blood so you may see something that look kind of whitish that you could mistake for flamm. And then there's the yellowish serum, which you could mistake for yellow bile, which is part of the thought is that maybe yellow bile was actually the serum in our blood. So this is one theory as to where where did we come up with these four fluids? Who knows? So let's talk about the four fluids a little more. Okay. So first of all, the black bile, because it's more than just that it's in your body. It was connected to all sorts of
Starting point is 00:12:32 temperaments and the seasons and there were planetary influences on each one of these four humors. For instance, black bile was a cold and dry humor. It was seen as good for building like solid structures. So like you needed a little bit of black bile because it helped to form your teeth and your bones and like your connective tissue. So that's why you had to have some of it. Okay. They associated it with the element earth.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Each one was associated with an element. So black bile was associated with earth. It was associated with the season autumn. So your black bile will raise in the autumn, automatically, just in response to the seasons. And you store the excess that you don't need in your spleen. Okay, let it make sense. Which I would say the average person doesn't know what the spleen is for anyway. No, you're just guessing. Yeah, so why not for storing more? Let's feel a surprise. They had a spleen. Yeah, you do. know what the spleen's for anyway. No, you're just guessing. Yeah, so why not? It's for storing most of the pranks. Surprise. They had a spleen.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Yeah, you do. I mean, unless it's been removed. Okay, yellow bile is hot and dry. So not cold and dry. It's hot and dry. And yellow bile was seen as good for digesting things. So I can see where that connection would come. If you thought it had something to do with the liver and blah, blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:13:43 and it's connected with the GI tract. So it was good for the digestion of various substances. It was associated with the element fire. Ooh, spicy. And the season's summer. That fits together. And it excess yellow bile is stored in the gallbladder. You know, close.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Slim is cold and wet. Yes. That's a good statement. If you're a dog and you're sick, then it is, yes. Correct. I don't know if you spit on somebody. It's not pleasant. Well, I guess it's warm at first. It was good for flushing things out of your body,
Starting point is 00:14:17 for purifying your body. So cleaning out, when you spit things out, or sometimes even urine, if it was really clear, you have a lot of flim in there, it's cleaning you out. It's associated with water, the season winter, and excess flim is stored in the brain. Oh perfect. So, I don't know why your brain would be good for that. I would think that would be a problem if you had a lot of flim in your brain. No, I don't think the brain needs that to run. And then finally, blood. Blood was hot and wet. It contains, it was the most important.
Starting point is 00:14:50 So blood contained your heat and your vital essence. And you know, I mean, we're talking about a time when heat was very much associated with life. And so your blood is where your heat was. And if you lost it, you would die. It was associated with the element air and the season spring and excess blood was stored in your heart. Which again, isn't it terrible? It's not stored there. It makes a trip through there though. Yeah, it takes a pit stop. So it's an important part of the circulatory system.
Starting point is 00:15:19 And the other thing about the four humors is, like I said, you had to maintain a balance, but that balance was specific to you everybody had a slightly different balance of the four humors that they had to maintain There must have been somebody whose job it was right to just like check those humors check those levels check your humor levels check your dipstick Well, I mean, that's the thing. It's like you couldn't exactly there were no specific tests there It was kind of a feeling you couldn't exactly, there were no specific tests. It was kind of a feeling, an assessment. Like I feel like you're being really grouchy today. I feel like your black bile must be high.
Starting point is 00:15:52 And you might need more blood or yellow bile than I would to maintain balance. And they're influenced by your age, by the time of year, by your diet, your exercise routine, and then of course different substances that you could take accidentally or intentionally to change the balance of your humors. So what else did the humors like play into? Well, Justin, I'm going to tell you all about that, but before I do that, why don't you
Starting point is 00:16:23 take a trip down with me to the billing department. All right, let's go. The medicines, the medicines, the escalate macaws before the mouth. So, Sid, we were talking about how the humors can affect your personality. That's right. So, like I said, I think that's one of the more interesting things about the humor is that it wasn't just your physical well-being. You wouldn't just get physically ill if your humors were out of balance. They also were linked to your personality. So for instance, somebody who had too much black bile would be depressed.
Starting point is 00:16:59 We actually get some terms from there. People who were seen as just always having too much black bile, that was just who they were. They were somebody who at their baseline, at their perfect balance, just has a little more than extra, has a melancholic temperament. To a black bile. Right. Eol. So they're melancholy.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Got it. Yeah. So we know where that word, we know that word. If you have too much yellow bile, that was thought to cause anger or even derangement if you had a whole lot. So like when he the poo is yellow and he's deranged like that, right? Do you think when he the poo was deranged? Rabbit, would rabbit be better from when he the poo? Rabbit, okay, rabbit is the one that has too much yellow ball and he's angry and deranged.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Yes. No, I think that works. Yeah, we should call it color. To take care of it. Yeah, that would be actually. No, okay. No, take care is not yellow. Take care is blood red.
Starting point is 00:17:56 That will be important later. Okay, no, no. Rabbit would have too much yellow ball. Okay. Okay. Too much flim causes you to be apathetic. You're just kind of like whatever. You're flagmatic if you've heard that term. Piglet? Would you put piglet? Piglet doesn't seem to have a lot of
Starting point is 00:18:16 ambitions. Just piglet the one that's was like... What are you expecting from piglet? I don't know. I mean, you you you hope he has some goals, but so Flem is like piglet. Yeah, okay got it. I Don't know is Flem like when he the poo when he the poo is Flem like I would say that he doesn't have a lot of goals I mean once he gets his head stuck in a honey pot He does have the goal of removing his head from the honey pot. I guess when the honey's gone That's true at first. He's just kind of chilling in there from the honey pot. Only when the honey's gone. That's true. At first, he's just kind of chilling in there and he's fine.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Okay. Let's say when the poo is flam. I think he's kind of fligmatic. And then too much blood would cause you to be really carefree and happy. So sanguine. Like tiger. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:01 There you go. So black bile, e or yellow bile, rabbit, flam, winning the poo. And too much blood is tigger. Tigger. Too much blood. That's the problem. You can connect that. There are all kinds of nice little charts you can find online with like the four elements
Starting point is 00:19:19 and the four humors and the four seasons and they connect all of this together. Make sure you're. And you can throw in. Yeah. Winning the. Just throw the shop when you the poo care store. Like I do on all of my t-shirts. I think it's also kind of interesting. People try to make fun of our way, the food t-shirts are like back off. TTFM is what I say to them. He's just doing his thing. I'm doing my thing. I'm doing my thing. He's doing his thing.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Oh, I got wimp shirts and taz jeans. I'll mine have Tweety Bird on them. And it, I got, with who shirts and taz jeans. I'll mine have Tweety Bird on them. And it's like, but it's Tweety Bird with attitudes. She's like, he's, he, he, he, he, yeah. I thought Tweety Bird was a she. What? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Well, he's sassy. Pansexual, pansexual bird. It's like, don't mess with me, I'm Tweety. Yeah. I don't know. He's pan-gender. I don't know with me. I'm Tweety. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. I think he is. Is it a dude?
Starting point is 00:20:09 I don't. I literally don't know. I don't know either. This is not an area where I'm an expert. It doesn't matter. Whatever. However, Tweety wants to identify as Tweety's business. What were we saying?
Starting point is 00:20:21 Sorry. I didn't mean to talk about my Tash shirts. You know how I get it? I used to have a Tashmite in devil matching hat and shirt that I wore with red jean shorts. I thought it was a really cool look. I modeled it in a mall fashion show once. Oh my god. That's the 90's thing I've ever heard my entire life. The four humors also kind of mimicked your lifespan. So, there were children were seen as having excess blood. So, they were very sanguine.
Starting point is 00:20:48 So, they were like happy and it's spring and they're kids. And yay, we have a lot of blood. And then you move on to your adult years and you are caloric. So, you're angry, you're passionate, you're frustrated, you've got all this stuff you're worrying about, stuff all the time, you're angry, you're passionate, you're frustrated, you've got all this stuff you're worrying about, stuff all the time, you're like, I'm got lots of yellow bile.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I'm gonna vote. I'm gonna take out the world, vote. And it's summer. Got it. And then you're like middle aged, I guess. And then like, stuff's are so like, worry you, and you're like, everything is really hard, and I'm kind of of depressed and like, am I ever gonna get
Starting point is 00:21:26 to retire and I got a lot of black bile. I'm kind of melancholic. I found my people. I'm just not about that now. Oh my gosh, I'm just, I'm very e or right now. Yes, very, you know. Okay. Lane guilt trips on my kids and everything.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Sure. And then finally, and it's autumn. And then finally, you move on to winter. You're kind of at peace. You're filled with flam. You're just overflowing with flam. And you just like, I don't really care. I'm kind of apathetic. I'm like, I'm at peace. I'm so flammy. It's wonderful. I'm filled with flam. I gotta get there. You kids with your angry blood and your melancholic moods, you just chill out. I don't have time for that anymore.
Starting point is 00:22:06 No time. It's winter and with sit in my rocking chair and chill out. Watch your NCIS. Just hang. There's like eight NCISs I can watch. Yeah, I've got a full schedule. Oh, I want to be at that point in my life. I just want to be chilled out.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Watch an NCIS about Karen. That's not asking so much, is it? I don't think I've moved out of the yellow bile yet. Yeah. I suck at angry. The hang in there as long as you can't trust a sister. It's all yours out here. I think that that warm blood. Well, you can fix it.
Starting point is 00:22:37 So if you've got too much on them. Where have you been for the past three years? You can feel better. You just have to eat the right foods or take the right medicines to get rid of a humor or get more of a humor. I've been in my thirties for four years and you're just not telling me those. So if you wanna get phlegmatic,
Starting point is 00:22:52 just eat some cold food. Okay. And then you'll make more flim. Propsicles. Yes, go eat a box of popsicles. I don't wanna skip to the all person part if I could do something to do the young person thing. Okay, eat more hot foods
Starting point is 00:23:04 and then you'll have more yellow bile. Spicy. So there you go. Yeah, love it. Yeah. Let's get pattyed of it. If you have too much, that sounds good. It sounds really good.
Starting point is 00:23:13 It's really spicy, okay? Yeah, back to the podcast that we're... That is about being on the podcast. I just did a podcast joke. That is serious that I do want pattyed, right? But like, I want to be spicy and depending on the gender. Okay, we'll get some Thai house. Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Okay. Bloodletting, of course, was the best way to get rid of excess blood if you have too much blood. Yeah, I was wondering when this bad boy was gonna take his appearance. If you're too carefree and happy, then you've got to get rid of some blood. And of course, we did that with zest, gusso. Zil. We did that, yes.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Zeele, that was what I was looking for. It was washing your scissors to the air. Yeah. If you had too much flim, if you're too fleckmatic, if we need to like get you up off your butt and have you do something, we could give you some diuretics and make you pee a whole bunch. Get rid of your flim.
Starting point is 00:23:59 And then yellow and black bio, we usually tried to balance with either laxatives or things that would make you puke called emetics. So like, hey, eat this, you'll puke balance with either laxatives or things that would make you puke called emetics. So like, hey, eat this, you'll puke everywhere, you'll get rid of all that. Yellow bile and you'll feel better. Okay. It's excellent.
Starting point is 00:24:13 And we knew a lot of this is in herbal form, but physicians off throughout history have been, I mean, the Greeks, the Romans, I mean, no matter what time period we're looking at, we're pretty skilled at knowing, like, eat that plant and you'll poop all day. Yeah, we mastered that skill. We could make anybody poop.
Starting point is 00:24:29 We were really good at making people poop and vomit and pee and then cutting them to bleed them. Like, we were really good at those things. Maybe that's why we stuck with this humor system for so long because we knew how to do these four things. Well, that's a good point. If, yeah. And in that sense, your physician was very much a dietitian, not now, but we used to
Starting point is 00:24:54 be because we would use herbs to influence these things, but then we would tell you like, we'd give you a diet. Like, well, you're a really chaleric person, so you need to stay away from these foods and eat these foods, and otherwise, you know, you're a really chaleric person. So you need to stay away from these foods and eat these foods, and otherwise, you're gonna get worse. So, hey, and that would be the same if you went to your doctor and were like, I don't know, I'm just feeling really sad.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Be like, well, I have the cure for that. Stop. You have too much black bile, so stop beating all those foods that have a lot of black bile in them. Right. Also, stop beating things with black bile in them. That's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:25:27 That's really gross. Why did you do that? Some specific treatments for things. So if you had the plague and we did a whole episode on the plague, so there were lots of things that you could do that would have not at all, would not help in the least with the plague. But one of the things you could do that wouldn't help would, would be to get rid of some of your humors. It was thought that the plague, but one of the things you could do that wouldn't help would be to
Starting point is 00:25:46 get rid of some of your humors. It was thought that the plague just represented like you were overwhelmed with all of your humors, your blood, your flim. Right, right, right, a pop. Both your biles, you're just filled with humor. And so you need to get rid of it and arsenic was good for that. Oh, excellent. So it's going to perk you right up. To be fair, it probably wouldn't kill you any faster than the plague was going to If you had a fever
Starting point is 00:26:09 Then it was thought that you had too much heat and of course remember heat is in yellow bile Heat, you know that they're connected. So To remove excess heat you need to have some camomile and then you'll get rid of yellow bile. Oh, okay And if you have too much flim, so if you're a laid back apathetic, fleagmatic person, then you should drink some wine. That is empirically untrue. I don't think that one will not work. I have researched this thoroughly.
Starting point is 00:26:39 It is not a way to kickstart your day. I like to think that was something that somebody who was really fleagmatic came up with. I just needed to drink more wine. I like to think that was something that somebody who was really flak mattic came up with. I just needed to drink more wine. I don't know what I'm doing. Treatment. Then I'll definitely want to go do the laundry. Paint the house. Whatever. This was referenced in popular culture pretty frequently.
Starting point is 00:27:03 To the point where a lot of your characters in a play would be like they would reference certain aspects of their personality in terms of the four humors to like clue the audience in like, oh, this is a flagmatic person. They're never going to get anything done. Watch out, he's Collar. What do you think thought it was hereditary? Like, obviously they didn't necessarily,
Starting point is 00:27:25 I mean, we kind of understood heredity for quite a long time and I mean, even broadly speaking, like I would have assumed since the dawn of man, we sort of understood heredity at least in the concept. Well, at least looking at somebody, you kind of look like your parents. Right, exactly, yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, so no, I think they definitely probably,
Starting point is 00:27:42 you know, thought that there was some influence, like if you come from a line of melancholic people, you know, or if everybody's pretty sanguine you might also. Right. In the one specific cultural reference in the taming of the shrew, so they, they mentioned at one point that there are certain characters who shouldn't be served mutton. Why? Because they're already caleric, so they're already really grouchy. And mutton was considered a food that would make you have more yellow bile. Because nothing's gonna make me grouch here
Starting point is 00:28:11 that we had to nine mutton. That would be a good excuse for me to not have to eat mutton. Like, well, I'm just really caleric already. You're good. Thank you, though. This is also why we still call certain foods hot, or like, oh, that wine is really dry. Hot?
Starting point is 00:28:28 I mean, is it hot? It's hot. No, not like hot temperature, like hot spicy. Oh. Why is something that's spicy considered hot? It's just, you know, it's like hot. Like it burns you. Well, no, it's because it used to be considered like a hot.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Oh, okay. Because remember when we talked about this before, there was hot and dry and wet and cold. That makes sense. I guess it just- The balance of all of them equaled to humors and then that balance inside your body equaled good health or bad health and certain foods, good influence them. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:29:00 All right. Also, so like I said, anyway, this was continued through the 19th century and then we realize that this doesn't make a lot of sense. Imperically there's not a lot of grounding for it and it was replaced by, you know, cutting people open and looking inside and like the study of anatomy and actual medicine. Sure. But if you're interested as to what humor did they exist might predominate in your personality, there are tests online that you can take to find out which which humor am I? Yeah, you were dominated by. So do you want to take one?
Starting point is 00:29:38 Yes, yes, I believe we have time. Let's find out which humor you are. Okay. Okay, so you've driven eight hours instead of four on your way to your holiday destination, stuck in traffic jams and getting lost repeatedly. When you arrive, you start a fight with your partner, go help host Prepare Dinner, fall asleep, sit down with a glass of white wine and complain, or sit down with a glass of champagne and make jokes. I would do the last one. You would do the last. Sit down with champagne and make jokes.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Okay, your grandma calls you three times in a row to tell you remember bring my special medicine when you come to see me. Okay. But by the third call you laugh, cry, scream, I heard, don't answer, or just say, grandma, you know I got you already bought it. I would definitely do that one. Chill, grandma. I don't know why your grandma needs her special medicine. It sounds like she's got a problem. Yeah, chill out, grandma. So you just got married. And now I have to, to me,
Starting point is 00:30:32 and now I have to leave town for a few weeks. Whoa. This is very sad. And we've been together for months. So right after I leave, do you feel sad, but then you call your best friend and you have lunch? Do you feel sad and you just lay on the sofa like unwilling to do anything?
Starting point is 00:30:49 Do you have some chocolate and then read some poetry? That one. I don't need to hear the rest. Okay. You finally take a holiday exhausted after a 10 month stretch of hard work. Your first choice is the desert, the beach, the spa, a country cottage,
Starting point is 00:31:03 or an expedition in the jungle. Spa. Really? At a beach. A beach spa. I can't choose a boat. Okay, just spa then. You need to lose a little weight.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Okay, wow. This is a cool time to tell me. Yeah, that's not a question. Oh, okay. Burn. Burn. No. That's a question.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Don't you? Don't you? Do you ignore the fat, become obsessed, exercise and cut down on sweets, get depressed about it and just eat more or you never need to lose weight? I guess exercise and cut down on sweets. I mean, this is an ideal person I'd like to be, so that sounds fine. Let's see, these questions look rather long. You're going to skip to the end.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah. Okay. Which am I? Now, I'm going to ask you the last one. Okay. You're late for dinner at a friend's house and leaving a hurry, but on your way you realize that I, who shut the door after you, may not have locked the door. Do you forget about it?
Starting point is 00:31:55 Do you tell me that robberies happen all the time? Do you ask me repeatedly why I forgot and yell at me about it? Do you go back home and lock it yourself? If you have a problem, or do you say nothing but worry all evening? I'm gonna worry all evening. All right, so do we wanna see what your personality is? Yeah, what's my, what's my humor?
Starting point is 00:32:16 Blood. 42% blood. That means you're sanguine. Yeah, well, this test is bad. You need a new test. That's the best of all the humors. Yay. Look at that. You're thoughtful and you're bad. I didn't answer the other ones though. I'm gonna go back and answer the rest. It looks like you need some melon collie though. You have too much.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Sorry, what? Yeah, I have too much what? Blood. I need some melon collie. You need some more melon collie. Excellent. I will definitely look into that. Seeing as it's been February for five months now, and it's been winter for seven years, and I'm actually full up on melon call right now. Thank you very much. I'm sorry, you're gonna need to get frozen tundra wasteland, I've never left this house. We'll work on getting you some more melon call later.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Excellent. Well, I'm looking forward to it. Can I just listen to melon call in the infinite sadness? Is that an option? Well While I'm looking forward to it. Can I just listen to Mel and Collie in the Infinite Sadness? Is that an option? Well, I think that would work, actually. Yeah, that's fine. That'd be a good idea. You can listen to that while I'm doing my 90s fashion show with them all with my
Starting point is 00:33:15 taz shirt. Folks, thank you so much for listening to our podcast. We hope you've had some fun. Thanks to TaxPairer for less users on medicines as our intro and outro thanks to you for listening if you get a sec If you can go to iTunes Solbons and rate and review our show that would just be swell We would certainly appreciate that and tell you what we got max fun the max fun drive Coming up next week. So that's gonna be fun. There's always a lot of exciting stuff going on
Starting point is 00:33:44 And we're sure to have a lot of good stuff for you. So get hyped for that that's starting soon. Maybe next week, but week out soon. Very soon, that's the important thing. And anyway, that's gonna do it for us until next Tuesday. I know it's Wednesday, but until next Tuesday, I'm Justin McRoy. I'm Sydney McRoy.
Starting point is 00:34:01 As always, don't drill a hole in your head. Music Music Music Music Alright! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:34:25 Comedy and Culture, Artistone Listen or Support it. Alright! Comedy and Culture, Artistone Listener Supported

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