Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: The Man Who Ate Everything

Episode Date: February 10, 2017

This is a story about Tarrare. Tarrare was always hungry. Here is a list of some of the things Tarrare ate: A cat. A puppy. A snake. An eel. Offal. Poultices. And maybe people. Music: "Medicines" by T...he Taxpayers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saubones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, time is about to books. One, two, one, two, three, four. We came across a pharmacy with a toy and that's lost it out. We pushed on through the broken glass and had ourselves a look around.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Some medicines, some medicines that escalate my cop for the mouth! Hello everybody and welcome to Saul Bones, a marital tour of misguided medicine. I'm your co-host Justin Tyler, McElroy! And I'm Sydney, it's Merle, formerly in McElroy. You've got to quit with the middle names. It really throws me off. I know I've been trying to introduce it to set myself apart. There's another Justin McElroy who's a reporter in Canada. And sometimes I get tweets from him about very disturbing murders in Vancouver. So I'm trying to like, it's different shape my brand.
Starting point is 00:01:32 It was either this or JT McAulay. So you think the way to do that is by saying your middle name just in the intro to Sobans. Yeah, it's like how Michael Fox and Michael J Fox never get confused. Who's Michael Fox? That's not actually a real. I know, but that's it.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Do you know that his middle initial was initially A, and he changed it because he didn't want people to say, Michael's a Fox? Why wouldn't you? I wish people would say, well, not Michael's, I mean, like my name's Sydney, but my last name is at Fox. It didn't work. I read that. It actually doesn't work for me. I'm going to go ahead and take that
Starting point is 00:02:08 back because it in no way works for my name. I read that about him in a fan book about how great him. How great him. How great he is. How great him was. Yeah, how great him be. All right, we're not great at talking today. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried.
Starting point is 00:02:30 We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried.
Starting point is 00:02:38 We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're worried. We're'm looking forward to it. Can't wait. But would you say that you're hungry?
Starting point is 00:02:47 Fine, fine. Yes, I'm hungry for this episode. You know who you're not as hungry as. Who's Sydney? Terrier. Who's Terrier? Well, that's who this week's episode is about. Man.
Starting point is 00:02:57 See what I did there? That was, I'm looking around for the seams. I'm, it's seamless. I'm going to have to order online, order it in online, because that was seamless. You'd think that I wrote that down, but I didn't just did it. You'd just spread the numbers.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Yeah, I just did it right there like that. I know, you're welcome for that intro. I think Justin, we need something a little bit lighter and a little bit more. It's been heavy a few weeks. Yeah, but a heavy few weeks. We need some good old fashioned solbons. Got some choice.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Medical grossness. Got some choice. Medical grossness. Got some choice tweets about the past couple of weeks. That's right, that's who we did. That's fine, bring it on. But also, here's some gross funny stuff for you. Because we all need a little bit of that. Thank you to Janemory, Kathy, Tess, Aaron, Brittany, and Shay for recommending this topic.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Hot one. Because, whoa, I wasn't familiar in Boy, I am so glad that I am now. I'm so ready. I'm so rary. Is the name of a human. I said rary because you said, you're rary and you confuse me with sounds. Listen, it's not a great day for the J-man.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I'm not feeling great. So, you just, you let me take the lead here. Yeah. So, Terares the name of a human, a human person that used to be like. So off to a good start. Yeah. In the name of a human a human person that used to be a lot too good start Yeah, in the 1770s a child was born in France used to be alive You say we're starting with their death usually you save their death for the end of the episode
Starting point is 00:04:15 Well sure he was born in the 1770s, so what I mean were you guessing he was still around? Yeah, that would be amazing. He is the oldest living human that no one has heard of except me Yeah, if he's still living I know, that would be amazing. He is the oldest living human that no one has heard of except me. Yeah, if he's still living, I know why we're doing an episode about him. He, now he may have had a different name than Terere, I don't know. All we know him as is Terere,
Starting point is 00:04:36 sort of like Madonna, except we do know that she had a different name, so maybe not a great example. He, there's a, the question of where does this nickname come from? May come from an old phrase in French that was popular at the time, bomb bomb, terror, which was the way you would say something exploded, I guess instead of saying like kaboom. It's like tic-tic-boom, you say. Something like that. And why he may have been compared to explosions while I'll get into that. So he was a fairly normal looking kid other than a few distinguishing characteristics.
Starting point is 00:05:12 And this is kind of important to his story. He had a very large mouth. It was noted that he could fit either 12 eggs or 12 apples in his mouth at a time. Yeah. I'm guessing like small apples. Yeah, because they're all in the same size. So I'm thinking like real deal like organic natural apples. Sure.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Not like the things, you know, the things that we have created. He had pretty thin hair. Which are great. Which are great. Yeah. And help feed a lot of people. Exactly. Thank you, Jeanette.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Good, modified food. You're the best. That's right. That's right. I have no problem with large juicy genetically modified apples. Yeah. I'm just saying this not. That's probably not what he was sticking in his mouth. And he had a distended belly with a flap of skin so large that he could wrap it around himself. That's gross. He also reportedly smelled pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Even it was noted specifically, even at 20 paces, quite an odor. They talked about vapors that you could see rising off of him. I'm in a guess that was an exaggeration and that he didn't cartoonish like. Did I have visible snake lines? Yes and that he sweat all the time. He was also recorded to have pretty bad teeth was very hot to the touch also always had constant horribly smelly diarrhea and never really gained weight. Okay. His stomach would become very distended after meal and his cheeks would flush and he would smell worse but he was always very slim. And why am I telling you about his appearance and his weight
Starting point is 00:06:37 because the other thing you should know about Terrera is that boy he loved to eat. Well, what else is he gonna do? The dates weren't piling up, I assume. Getting a great job is hard, what with the constant. And I believe your term was smelly diarrhea. Yeah, it was particularly foul, not just any diarrhea. Not that regular good smell in diarrhea. You read so much about fantasy novels.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And the thing is, he liked to eat so much. Even as a young child, his parents could not keep him fed. And he ate constantly, like I said, to the point where his belly got very distended and his skin hung off of him, but he never, he never really gained weight. He was eating. But how would he gain, how did his belly get to send it if he wouldn't gain weight? It would get really big and bloated and distended after he would eat. And then as he would digest it,
Starting point is 00:07:25 it would just hang like a big flap of sand. That's buck wild. Yep. He was eating before he was kicked out of his house by his parents who ran out of food. He was eating about a quarter of a cow a day. The question of course was, which quarter do you eat which day?
Starting point is 00:07:42 Because if you save the head and just treat yourself to the butt quarter and the mid quarters, that's really unfortunate. My question was how many cows do they have because a quarter of a cow a day, that's a cow every four days. I mean, two cows every eight days.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I mean, run the math. I mean, I don't know how many cows this family had, but eventually they were gonna run out. Not many cows, I would say they didn't have a lot cows this family had, but eventually they were going to run out. Not many cows. I would say they didn't have a lot. So they ran out of cows and they kicked him out. The end.
Starting point is 00:08:11 So no, his parents did turn him out. They couldn't keep up with his demand for food. So at this point, he did what any team... It was a great time in human history when you're like, no, he eats too much. He must leave. Like, he thought he's our son. Should be, he eats too much. He must leave. Like, he thought he's our son, should be. He eats a cow. He eats a fork out.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Is that your friend, Jackson, now that he eats? So he's turned out by his parents. And he does what any teen on the run does, at least from all the books that I read as a teenager about other teens on the run. He eats local cows. No, he takes up with a band of questionable characters, people who steal things and people who try to run scams
Starting point is 00:08:51 on people and whatnot. And just basically wanders the French countryside for a while, doing whatever sketchy people do for gash, illegal kinds of things. That is an unfortunate life if you're like, not just regular hobo hungry, but like super-hobo. Super-hobo. Super-hobo. Super-hobo. That's rough.
Starting point is 00:09:12 He eventually figured he'd- It's a hobo. He just starts eating his own real-way companions. No. No. No. We'll get there. Okay. He eventually joins up with a medical show because he figures, you
Starting point is 00:09:26 know, I can eat a lot more than most people. I should use it to make money because what, you know, if you got a talent, celebrate it. So he, he signs up with this, this kind of quack doctor who goes around selling fake patent medicines and he basically is in charge of drawing the crowd. So he would stand in front of a crowd of people and say, Hey, come watch me. I'm going to swallow a live animal. And then a bunch of rocks, basically anything, I will eat anything. I'm always hungry. And then a big crowd is drawn and then the doctor comes out and gets everybody to buy
Starting point is 00:09:59 his tonic or whatever. I'm assuming the two weren't actually connected as like, you could be just like him. Like, no, thanks, I'm good. I'll be regular human food, thank you. Not really, just like a, just a kind of as a side show kind of thing. Got it. By 17, he was eating more and more through this time
Starting point is 00:10:16 and by 17 he was said to have been able to eat his weight and beef, which still wasn't very much because he only weighed like 100 pounds. I bet that's still about a quarter cow. Yeah, probably. He began to see that this eating thing could be bigger than just medical shows, but he's got to get out of the countryside. He's got to get to the big city, to the city of lights.
Starting point is 00:10:35 He's got to get to Paris. J. Perry, where a professional eater can really... Well, it's more romantic than eating your weight and beef. So he goes to Paris looking for bigger crowds and more money to get and assuming. So basically he gets there and he would stand in the streets and eat things for money. He would eat, like he would buy a basket of apples and then just stand there and eat the entire basket of apples. He would eat quarks because he could flint anything that he could find or afford or that people were willing to hand him. And I'm guessing it was like probably a dare thing. Like, if
Starting point is 00:11:14 you'll eat this, I'll give you two, two, francs. Yeah, it's a rough super power. You eat these two francs. I'll give you two more francs. No, you can just have those. As a bonus, you'll keep them. You can have them. Of course, we're hazards in this line of work. One point he suffered an obstruction of his intestine from any of these items. Yeah, I take it big. Any of them, and he ended up in a local hospital. They cured him by just giving him lots and lots
Starting point is 00:11:41 of laxatives, which eventually worked. What you could do. A whole day. We were good at laxatives. We've always been good of laxatives, which eventually worked. Which he could do. I guess. We were good at laxatives. We've always been good at laxatives, humans. That's something we've always been good at. Making people poop. He offered while he was there to show the doctor his tricks and repayment by, he said, you know, if you want me to, I can swallow your watch and the chain.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Just watch, I'll do it right now. Can you not, sir? Can you not? This basically what the doctor said and then said, you know,. Just watch, I'll do it right now. Can you not, sir? Can you not? This basically what the doctor said, and then said, you know, if you do, I'm a surgeon, I'll cut you open and get it back out. So please don't swallow my watch. He's like, well, if you do that, I'll just
Starting point is 00:12:14 can't eat it again. Cause that's how the terminal is. That's not a rare word. And now can I be a doctor too? No, that's not how it works. That's not how many of this works. So with the French Revolution, Terrer feels his patriotic duty. He must sign up. I will eat all the guns.
Starting point is 00:12:33 He probably could have. But instead, he ran into a problem because if you're going to join the military, you got to survive on military rations. Now they they recognized and were sympathetic to the fact that he was hungrier than your average French revolutionary soldier and they gave him quadruple rations. Nice. But that still could not sustain him. And after he ate all of the poltices in the apothecary's office, that's right, he ate all the poltices. They decided we're gonna have to put this guy in the hospital, he's just, there's something wrong with him.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And he claims that he was still completely exhausted and starving and couldn't do anything anyway. So they put him in the hospital for exhaustion and the surgeons are kind of excited. Okay. That means because he's interested. Yeah, what's happening here? Because we don't get this, we don't understand this guy.
Starting point is 00:13:28 So while he's there and they're trying to figure out what's wrong with him, he basically eats everything he can get his hands on. They find him eating scraps of other patients' trays, they find him going through the trash, digging through the gutters, just basically any food that he can find, he's eating. And they even at one point start tying him to the bed because he was eating all the food in the
Starting point is 00:13:54 hospital. And I mean, other people needed to eat. So the surgeons, of course, were rather fascinated with this guy, start doing some experiments. So for instance, there is a meal that was prepared for 15 laborers. History does not know what the 15 laborers ate that night, but what I do know is that they didn't eat the meal that was originally prepared for them because instead these surgeons let Terraralus and said, go eat it. And he did he ate to giant meat pies plates of salt and grease What are you even doing with that and then drank four gallons of milk
Starting point is 00:14:34 Before passing out into a deep deep sleep. So he's like he's been this cat's basically a human Tasmanian devil Basically, they tried some more More frightening. I would say experiments than just eating plates of grease and salt. They put a live cat in front of him and he ate it. Okay. They tried other animals, snakes and puppies and lizards. He seemed to prefer snakes, but he'd eat anything, for first snakes, but he'd eat anything. And he wants even eight an entire eel hole. So I'm supposed to be that was your climax after eating cat and puppies. He ate a eel hole. Doesn't supposed to get me a whole. He didn't swallow the cat hole. What do you do? Just kind of you don't want to know. Trust me, you don't want to know.
Starting point is 00:15:22 You just kind of, you don't want to know. Trust me, you don't want to know. So, okay, this guy will eat anything. We've established this, but the surgeons aren't really learning necessarily, I would say anything. I'd say they're pretty horrified. They're pretty horrified. They're kind of discussing. Very good, let's try again.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Let's just keep putting things in front of him. And the army is not thrilled with this. Why, listen, we need, we need all hands on deck. We need all of our soldiers. Let's just keep putting things in front of him. And the army is not thrilled with this. Why, listen, we need all hands on deck, we need all of our soldiers, we need our surgeons not occupied with this situation. So could we just get him back out here and let him do soldier stuff again and please stop feeding him animals? And the surgeons are like, well, no, we still want to get some, we could probably squeeze
Starting point is 00:16:01 some more science out of this guy. We're really fascinated. So they come up with a plan. Why don't we make him sort of into like a human carrier pigeon? Okay, I like it. Since he'll eat anything. So they test it out by putting a message into a small wooden box and having him swallow the box.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Some number of hours later, outcomes the box, with the message inside completely intact and legible. Message of course, where's the beef? Gross. I don't know why they picked that. So once the doctors try this out and give me this good work, they take him to the headquarters of the French Army and ask him to perform this trick again for all of like the commanders. Hey, look at what your new super spy can do. And they have him eat a box and then wait. And then he poops the box out. And then there's a message
Starting point is 00:16:54 in it. And it's like, surprise, I'm your new spy. Yeah. So he's the box. I mean, the theater is this fall. He eats the box in front of him. And then he's like, they're like, you think that's good? Just chill here for like 12 hours because it's about to get great. I mean, that's basically what happened. I found one footnote from one source that maybe Napoleon was there, which is just too much for me to handle.
Starting point is 00:17:16 No, I can't, I can't handle that source. That's too good. No way, no way. In return for this, by the way, because they say like, okay, we're gonna use you as a super secret spy they give him thirty pounds of raw bulls liver and lungs which he of course eats on the spot
Starting point is 00:17:33 okay so what was this dood's deals in the i got a no well justin i'm gonna tell you more about her air but first why don't we head to the building department let's go the medicine the medicine that i still in the car before the mounds Let's go Okay, I have to know more about this cat and obsessed them okay, so he's my hero I want him to play in the movie and we are at the point where Tarrer has been Not like having James this big fat guy because I mean he can be but he can also be I be, I mean, like, look at here comes the boom. For example, you look great in that. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I'm just saying, I think he'd be funny. Okay. I think you know a lot more about Kevin James than I do. So I don't have much to contribute to the Kevin James conversation. That's fine. I'll keep it going over here. Right. I'll buy a channel.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Good. So anyway, I do know about Terrera. Let me tell you about him. So he, at this point, we have, he has been, it's been decided by the French Army that we're gonna send this guy who can swallow things and poop them out later intact. We're going to send him on a secret spy mission. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:38 But they're a little nervous. They don't doubt his physical ability. I mean, he has shown them what he is capable of. Yes. And they are impressed. Like eating boxes and pooping them out. Exactly. But they are concerned about his temperament, let's say. Okay. It is noted actually in one description of him, historically, one of the physicians
Starting point is 00:19:00 wrote that he was almost devoid of force and of ideas. Okay. So, they're a little worried about his ability to pull this off, like the spy part. So the first, they tell him, we're going to have you swallow a box with some top secret documents in it, okay? Super secret stuff. Really, all they do is put a note in the box to this French kernel who's been imprisoned by the pressions. And the note basically says like,
Starting point is 00:19:31 Hey, did this work? You'll never guess where this note came from. Also, BT dubs, you got me until you want to let us know about just testing, testing. Through this guy's bar. Can you hear me? Through this guy's bar. I mean, that's basically it. It had no useful information in it. It wasn't a top-secure document.
Starting point is 00:19:52 It was just, it was like a test run. But they didn't tell them this. Terrier thinks that what is hidden in his gut is of utmost importance. So, he swallows the box, he takes off. He gets behind enemy lines disguised as a German peasant. However, there's a hitch. There's a problem they did not think about. What's that? Terrar does not speak a word of German. So, problematic. As a result, he is almost instantly discovered as a spy.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So, he's captured. They figure out that he's on some sort of secret mission. They obviously don't, the press and army does not know what the nature of said mission is, but they interrogate him, they beat him, and finally he reveals his mission. At this point, they basically chain him to the Lou and Wade. And eventually the box comes out and they discover the not so helpful message. Now, there is, by the way, an alternate story that I found in two sources that made... There was some question as to did they ever actually get the box out or did Terrer re-swallow it, like poop it out and then instantly re-swallow it?
Starting point is 00:21:13 And then so they never got the information. Either way, even if it got the information, they saw that this guy really didn't have anything. He didn't have any good stuff. So at this point, his captors get really mad because they're waiting for this guy. They've had to go through his poop. There's nothing useful. So they hold basically a mock execution. Okay. Didn't know that was a thing. They actually get to the point of placing the new surround his neck before they then remove it and just kind of send him back on his way back to France.
Starting point is 00:21:47 If they knew what sweet trick he could do, they probably would have kept him. I don't know. Maybe they saw that that that plan didn't work out very well. You have been so fun for like base entertainment I guess. So after this and after this escapade, he's pretty freaked out and he's really kind of over the whole military experience so he he gets back to his to his team to his camp and he says I just want to go back to the hospital there's something wrong with me in case you guys didn't know and I just want to be admitted there until you fix me I can't do this fighting thing or these secret spy instruments anymore please please somebody fix me so at this, instead of just feeding him random things
Starting point is 00:22:27 and seeing if he gets bad and seeing what happens, the doctors actually start trying the cures of the time. And as you may have. So basically they gave him random things and saw what happened. Exactly. Only instead of just seeing if he'd eat it and going, whoa, I can't believe you ate that.
Starting point is 00:22:40 They wrote it down. They wrote it down. And they were like, let's try some Lodnam, you know, OPM. Nope. I mean, he feels great, but he's still eating everything inside. OK, give him some vinegar. We love to give people vinegar.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Nope, that didn't work. Tobacco pills. That's great. Let's try it. No, doesn't do anything. And then they try to treatment that I really I would like to coin as the cool hand Luke method where they basically just gave him as many soft boiled eggs as he could eat. I don't know if the idea was just see
Starting point is 00:23:16 if they could fill him up. Or they took bets. But anyway, it didn't work. He just ate tons of soft boiled eggs and then they ran out of them. And that was the end of that. It was getting pretty late, and they all decided to go home. They were like, man, now we don't have any eggs for the morning. Yeah, we'll get them next time. And they tried a bunch of controlled diets, just limiting how much he was allowed to eat, but changing what, trying to concentrate on color content or protein or whatever, and anyway, none of it worked. So he still wanted to eat everything in sight.
Starting point is 00:23:48 And he was sneaking away at night while he was in the hospital because of his growing appetite and all of these treatments that weren't filling him and eating again, worsen more stuff. He began to go to all the local butcher shops and eat any awful that he could find Left over in dumpsters and trash cans It was noted that he would fight Allie cats for carrying That would be left there
Starting point is 00:24:18 He would dig through trash Just was eating everything His surgeon stuck by his side for a while and then things started to get really bad. He was found drinking blood that was being taken out of other patients who were being blood as treatment. And then they found him trying to eat corpses
Starting point is 00:24:44 in the mortuary. Oh, come on. Still his surgeon stuck by his side and said, we must keep this man here. Our job is to heal. I am a healer. I will do what it takes. We will work harder to control him,
Starting point is 00:25:00 but we're not giving up on terror. Right up until a 14 month old child who was in the hospital went missing. I mean, I've been hungry before. Don't get me wrong. I have no proof that this is what happened. No one really does, but I guess it was heavily suspected. So as a result, even his surgeons could no longer stand by him, which I think, by the way, all they do is kick him out of the hospital. It's not bad. Not bad. Considering that they thought he ate a baby, I think just kicking him out of the hospital is not the worst. Oh my God. Is this like a backwards origin story
Starting point is 00:25:41 for fat bastard from the hit film, lots of powers too. This is why he's shagging me. No, absolutely not. I would not be telling that story. So, uh, Terrier leaves the hospital. I'm going to eat your baby, remember? Yeah, I remember. Oh, don't get open window.
Starting point is 00:26:00 It's just this, yeah, just as funny as it was back then. Oh, don't get open the window. That one's from Shrek. Is it? That one was Shrek. Right. They all just, you know, they're kind of a parfait. So now you're going to do Shrek voices. That was Donkey. Right. That was Donkey. Now you're going to do characters from Shrek. Are there any other impressions you'd like to get a more quick before? I can't do this question. Before, well, it French ones, I can't do this question. Well, it's French ones.
Starting point is 00:26:26 You can't do that. Moving on. You're bad at this. So we lose track of her air for a while, because he's turned out of the hospital, and no surgeons are writing about it. That's why we know so much about him. By the way, a lot of this just comes from fascinated doctors
Starting point is 00:26:39 who had no clue what was happening or what to do about it, but just could not help but write about this guy. So he turns up four years later in a different hospital. He actually sends for one of the surgeons, asks someone to try to get him to come see him because he is very ill and he believes he's dying and he is in another hospital and he wants, you know, he remembers the surgeon
Starting point is 00:27:00 who worked so hard to try to help him and you know, didn't give up on him until maybe he committed cannibalism. I do have his name. I just didn't write it down. Oh, sorry. It's okay. It just got lost in history. No, it's there. I mean, it's very history. Got it. Yeah. There. It's didn't write it down. So anyway, so he's, he's very ill. He's dying from what he thought was the result of swallowing a golden fork. That's what he tells. Is he Rumpel Stiltskin? What?
Starting point is 00:27:32 Did Rumpel Stiltskin swallow a golden fork? No, it's just like an appropriate fairy tale sort of Grim's brothers thing. Like this character vacillates wildly between like, man, that sounds like a really tough medical affliction. And then other times I'm like, this guy is a human troll or an ogre that lives in the swamp. And he's shrek, a person named Shrek. I mean, he's like Shrek the person. Yeah, he does some pretty horrible things. But either way, he thought that he ate a golden fork.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Oh no, he did, I mean, he probably did eat a golden fork. Well, that's true. He thought that he was feeling poorly in a poorly manner because he had eaten a golden fork that a witch had cast a spell on and poisoned him with magic, a magical golden fork. Percy is the name of the surgeon, but... Percy. Alright, got it. So Percy arrives at the bedside.
Starting point is 00:28:26 He hears the story of the Golden Fork, but there's nothing he can do. Tarrera is very sick. Actually, after examining him, whether or not the Golden Fork is causing a problem, he is certain that Tarrera has tuberculosis at this point and that that is actually why he is so sick and why he is dying. He continues to deteriorate. He developed a very severe diarrhea, and then he died.
Starting point is 00:28:49 At this point, as you can imagine, there were a lot of doctors who wanted to know what the heck was going on. And so an autopsy was performed, which at the time the what you would have been able to learn from an autopsy would have been pretty limited because our understanding of the human body was still fairly limited. So, you know, even if they had performed an appropriately thorough autopsy, who knows if they would have been able to put together exactly what the cause of his condition was, but they didn't perform a complete autopsy because what they found after they first began, the procedure was so gross that they didn't proceed very far.
Starting point is 00:29:37 He did have the way they describe it is that they were able to open up his mouth and look down directly into his stomach. That his his esophagus and his stomach were just huge. And when they opened up his abdomen that it filled like the entire abdominal cavity, his stomach, which it's not supposed to be that big, you could probably imagine, that his liver and his gallbladder were huge, that there were ulcers everywhere. there was a ton of pus everywhere. And basically it just got too much for everybody in the room and they said, you know what, we don't know anything yet. We're not gonna, we're not gonna figure this out
Starting point is 00:30:11 for 1,800. It's the 1800s, yeah. We don't know anything. Let's just, let's leave this poor, this poor guy's been through enough. Yeah. Let's leave this body in peace. It should be noted they never found the fork.
Starting point is 00:30:23 For all of you, for all of you at home who are wandering, but where is the fork? Yeah, sorry. They didn't find the golden fork. Now, you may be wondering, this is where the story of terror as far as we know ends. Now, what's interesting, if you find this story fascinating is we are not the only ones to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:30:45 There are puppet shows about terror, there are plays, there are short films, there are all kinds of, there's all kinds of artwork out there based on him. I think he's a really interesting character in literature and art just as a kind of this picture of a glutton, some call him of, I don't know, but it's a very interesting, he's become a very interesting artistic figure as a result of all this. Well, it's got to be a walking hell, right, to like, to be always hungry, to never be full, to always be hungry. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Exactly. So that insatiable. What was wrong with him? Character. Well, that's a good question, Justin. We're not sure. I'm not going to be able to give you a completely satisfactory answer. There have been a lot of theories about what was wrong with him.
Starting point is 00:31:37 People have suggested things like hyperthyroidism. When you have too much thyroid hormone, it can make your metabolism fast and you can have some of the symptoms such as you could have trouble gaining weight or have weight loss. You could have diarrhea, you could have a lot of sweating, you could be hot all the time. That being said, your hair could be thin. That being said, generally, we don't accept that it also makes you eat live animals and drink human blood. And still, maybe it's for fuel.
Starting point is 00:32:09 That's the hybrid heroism could explain some of the things, but not everything. Certainly, some people talked about diabetes. Very uncontrolled diabetes can have symptoms like wanting to eat all the time or losing a lot of weight. But again, obviously that doesn't explain everything. You'll see what's apparently pounding babies. No, at least not in the commercial. There's also been talk about, was there damage to a part of his brain called the amygdala, which is part of what controls your hunger and people who have damaged amygdala's in
Starting point is 00:32:40 history, especially animals we have noted have just shown this insatiable hunger. But again, there was a lot going on here. This is clearly a very complex case. And we've never seen one exactly like it in history. There were other famous people who ate a lot and who ate odd things and even like live animals and things like that. But this case takes the cake, not to make a joke. He is clearly the biggest up.
Starting point is 00:33:08 The word by the way is polyphagia. Polyphagia. It means you eat a lot. It means you're hungry a lot, I should say. So someone with polyphagia is just hungry all the time, eating all the time. Cannot be full. And that is that is a rare.
Starting point is 00:33:23 I think you mentioned to me, if you're still hungry for more a rare, I think you mentioned to me, if you're still hungry for more to rare, I think you mentioned to me our friends and stuff you missed in history class covered to rare as well. That's exactly right. They did an episode on it as well. So from the historical perspective,
Starting point is 00:33:36 it's a fascinating story, poor guy. Poor guy. Poor guy. Well, he may have eaten a baby. Maybe you've eaten a baby. It really does cast a poll on him. But you innocent until proven guilty, right? Yeah, and good luck with that one.
Starting point is 00:33:50 That's going to do for us. Thank you all so much for listening. Thanks, Tax Payments Fuller. As users on medicines is the intro natural program. Hey, if you get a second, you want a new podcast? I got one for you. It's called Still Buffering. Sinyo's to other sisters, Riley and Taylor,
Starting point is 00:34:03 and they compare teen life then and now and this week is all about YouTube. So if you finally want an old internet video, so if you want to finally want to understand YouTube and what the kids are doing on YouTube, search for Still Buffering on iTunes or go to and you'll also get there.
Starting point is 00:34:23 It's another maximum fun program. There's a lot more at And you'll also get there. It's another maximum fun program. There's a lot more at If you want to see all the shows our family makes, you can find it at But I think it's going to do it for us for this week's sister. So until next week, I'm Justin McRoy. I'm Sydney McRoy. And it's always don't throw a hole in your head. Alright! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:35:06 Comedy and Culture, Artistone Listener Supported

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