Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Warts

Episode Date: May 27, 2014

Welcome to Sawbones, where Dr. Sydnee McElroy and her husband Justin McElroy take you on a whimsical tour of the dumb ways in which we've tried to fix people. This week: We pay you to eat our warts. M...usic: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers (

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys, enough further, dude! My dough, my dough, my hands all over! Applause That's what I'm going to show you, my medical history. And not in the whole say, should we take an as medical advice for opinion? It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it to just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. Your worth. You're not a bad man. You're not a bad man. You're not a bad man.
Starting point is 00:00:46 You're not a bad man. You're not a bad man. You're not a bad man. You're not a bad man. You're not a bad man. You're not a bad man. You're not a bad man. You're not a bad man.
Starting point is 00:01:02 You're not a bad man. You're not a bad man. You're not a bad man. You're not a bad man. You're not a bad man. I had it all. I was like, are you done now? Wow, okay, I'm just a macro. I'm Sydney Mac. This is all about the marital tour of Miss Guy and Medicine. Whew, that was unwinding, Sid. What, it is exciting. Hello everybody, how's it going, Dylan? What?
Starting point is 00:01:21 What? What? What? I'm here. I made people with guys out audience from New York today. I made those like out the house. I made ladies like out the house. I made people have been struggling with warts for the most of their adult life. You don't like it. That's the case. It's a safe space. You can just face you to tell me.
Starting point is 00:01:45 You girls had awards. Okay, some modest people. It's not. There's not a lot of people. That was kind of a weird icebreaker. It was a little weird. You guys are over that. I wanted to figure out a way to talk about awards.
Starting point is 00:01:53 And that was the best I could come up with. That was kind of weird icebreaker. It was a little weird icebreaker. Yeah. You guys are over that. I wanted to figure out a way to talk about awards. And that was the best I could come up with. That was kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Of course, I encourage you if you want to share your personal or struggles with us. Not with us. Maybe in an email with easily-enorable subject on the snowman about mortgage rates perhaps. We're like eight forwards in front of us. Yeah, right. Yeah, look like something my mommy would send me. Yeah, shit. I don't feel in front of you. Yeah, right. Yeah, look, look, look like something in my nanny, what's that mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Tell me. I don't feel pressured to help you. Yeah, it gets really good. I see. Let me go towards you. All right, we're going to talk about awards. Two people want us to talk about awards. Like it.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Oh, it hurts. Oh, it hurts. OK. I know. OK, so who are going to start over? Sullivan and Brandy L. Thanks, with? Sullivan and Brandy L. Thanks, you're Sullivan and Brandy L. So what's a word?
Starting point is 00:02:51 What's a word? Yeah. Well, I mean, let's start with the fact that words had been around for a really long time. I would assume so. Nobody knows where they came from. We didn't discover them. Well, I mean, we discovered them on us. Well it's okay all right great at some point someone was the guy I said hey
Starting point is 00:03:12 I'll be there. It's less weird. And we've found them on mummies so they've been around that long. I don't know how they found words on mummies. What? How could you tell? I don't know. Everything is kind of... Yummy and delicious looking. Oh yeah. There we go. It's great, yeah. Toe.
Starting point is 00:03:37 It's good. It's a feast. Keep the feedback, go ahead, I really. It's like subtitles for people who never listen to this show. It's very good. Why are they here? I don't know. Sid Hors. So, the scientific term, Tom Maloma, is from the Greek word for knob or knuckle, because they
Starting point is 00:03:58 kind of look that way. And there are a whole bunch of different terms for them through history that used to call like, Ficus, because they thought they looked like a ficus. Look, the reports must have been way more heinous back then. It looks like a tree. It's disgusting. It's like, thymus because they thought it looked like time when the herb... Again, I don't know, so they're calling...
Starting point is 00:04:19 They just look like a bum. I mean, they're call flowers, like a little call flower. Yeah, they kind of do it. Oh, you've never seen a horn. So sorry. So sorry. And the most important thing I think we can say about words tonight is that they're not caused by frogs. OK, is that the common misconception?
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yes, yeah. Words are not caused by holding frogs or if they pee on you, although I wouldn't advise having frogs pee on them anywhere. Like, this is not like three-ringo, you know, get frog pee. Go for it. But that's not where they come from. They come from a virus. We know that now, the human petal of a virus.
Starting point is 00:04:55 That's all words, all words with their own hand or, you know. I don't know. Taking the other place. Your belt? I don't know. See the other place. Your belt? I don't know where. Down there. Oh, baby, oh, baby, sir. Yeah, the baby's there.
Starting point is 00:05:15 And they're common. They're very common. They're completely benign, so don't worry about it. And most of the time, they're going to go away on their own. But that has not stopped us for centuries trying to find out how can we get rid of them faster. Actually, King Henry VIII granted legal residence to anybody who had any ideas on how to get rid of war. Like, it didn't have to prove that it worked. Do you know? Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:45 You want to speak English? Yeah, come on. Yeah, come on. You want to be a comedian? Come on. So as far as, so I told you what really causes words. But what did they think caused words? I always got, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I just mean that generally speaking is just like a lot of times it seems like Jesus is mad at you too, he was a bummer. He's not like superman ever you. He's like he is mad. That's pretty close because they thought I'm actually... We're talking about the work of this if you're like Jesus forgives you for a sec. That's a cross stitch. That's a cross stitch. That's the other one. Actually, sort of, because they thought it was punishment for little boys and little
Starting point is 00:06:30 girls who engaged in solitary habits. Grading? We're back with the bathing suit area again. Oh, okay. There was also a theory that, and I didn't know that alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright that anyway. Also, again with eggs, if you would dip your hands into a water that eggs had been boiled then you could get worse. Which is different than if you dip your hands into water that potatoes had been boiling because then that would cure your warts.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Okay. Now if you're making potato or egg salad under the two or intermingle, your hands will fall off. Just do the eggs first. Okay, let's call you to the potatoes and your couch. No, it works for an afternoon. Um, then. To carry grip, it will be works for an afternoon.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Should we never do that? It's good, if I cap it up. That's why I said that to you. Cap and I brought up the colors. I think I'm doing six block acid. I don't know the list I'm stupid, I'm capric. Let's watch that signal you can't remember. I think I'm doing six block acid. I don't know the list, I'm obviously. Now it was understood pretty early on that somehow you could get worked to other people, like everybody got that idea.
Starting point is 00:07:57 And so a lot of the cures, as far as how to get rid of it, that we're going to go over are based on the idea that I have a ward, I don't want it. Good, maybe I can give it to you. Oh, so a transfer. Yeah, yeah, because they knew that you could give words to other people so they thought well maybe that was a way to either you know pass warts on and then get rid of it. Whether it's one in the person or an animal or just an object, something. So now before we go into because there are lots of ward remedies and you probably have all heard some and there are probably, I don't know, 10 times as many as
Starting point is 00:08:31 I was mentioned. But just so you know, we did figure out how warts are transferred, you know, by the virus, by a little bit of self-experimentation. This was back in 1907, a scientist, a cofo who took some material out of a wort and then inject a he ran through a filter that was so small that the only thing that could get through was a virus and then he injected it into himself and he got a wort. So there you go. Kind of a weird...
Starting point is 00:09:01 Kind of weird. Didn't have an extra energy, really. No. I mean, yes, very smart. Everybody thinks you're great. You't have an exercise strategy, really. No. I mean, yes, very smart. Everybody thinks you're great. You get a little positive about how you do. But you also have worse. Well, I have lots of exercise strategies for you now.
Starting point is 00:09:14 OK, I'm ready. So let's go through some work here. And this goes, like I said, as long as there have been more, it's people want to get rid of them. In Roman times, you could pay somebody to chew them off. That have a suing finish place. Right? You know there was somebody who just did it. We don't, we don't hurt on this show. There are things on this show that happened
Starting point is 00:09:50 that a child's head would melt. I, every, we, there's no swearing. It's great for kids. There's like arc of the covenant level by dance. Being open before your child's eyes. Sorry, good. That's what you mean. So, definitely, I don't know how to bring this up,
Starting point is 00:10:10 but I heard from a guy who heard from another guy. I don't know if I can give you five. Trial. I'm not there for it. Little back is up salt. I don't know. I'm not there for it. I'm not there for it. I'm not there for it. I'm not there for that. I'm not there for that.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Okay, I'm not gonna lie to you. Because then you could use that at any time. Then you would chew my warts off for me. Don't answer yet. Let me tell you where they are. And all these cures apply to all warts, I should say. Yeah. All warts, wherever they may be.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah. And that may all work equally well in which I guess how to do so. That's not. Less exciting, they would also just burn them off. So just take a metal iron heated up and burn it off. I know that's not as good. Now let me ask you, if you burn the surface of a ward off, is that even going to work?
Starting point is 00:11:10 I mean you could burn it off. You know, you could colorize it off, yeah. We'll just grow back from below the skin again. If you burn, deep it off, no. Okay, well that's good. I'm going to really freeze them off so you can burn them off. I don't do this. But it would work.
Starting point is 00:11:26 No, they're a much less painful way to get rid of your work. Yeah. You know, Mark Twain was really into work here. Um. I find that much more upsetting than I will have three minutes ago. It's about magic at worst. Actually, we just subtitled a large joke. Tom Sawyer had a work here.
Starting point is 00:11:59 He said, just put your hands in the water. Hold on. I think we've run into a linguistic barrier. Let's just skip over. There's no way we could make that. I'll never get back clean tag on my tooth. I don't know any people got this. It's not like a spoon water well. What's well?
Starting point is 00:12:23 It's water that collects in the hollow of a tree stump. Oh, OK, got it. No, not nearly as exciting as you thought it was going to be. So you have to do it at midnight. Of course. And then there's a champ that you said. And then after you're done with it. I feel like I'm hot, I feel like I'm having a home.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I feel like I'm having a divorce guy that goes. That was good. Thank you. We know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. when you get home, your boards are gone. Yeah. How did they bait a test this? How did they try that? You know what? I feel like I'm close to something, but I did talk to someone away home.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Maybe that's an extra factor. Let me do that tomorrow at midnight. Yeah. Huffin had a different idea though. It was much simpler. I don't know if it was lovelier, but you just take a dead cat and throw it in a graveyard. I think.
Starting point is 00:13:34 I think it's already dead. Like, don't kill him, the cat. He wasn't advocating for a car. That's just like, clean up. That's like municipal service. I think. You should have, they should extend that. I would see some trash line around. That's just like clean up. That's like municipal service. They should extend that. People see some trash lying around. You said, a girl is getting lots of disappear.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Go away, get me a bumping. That's why Mark Twenth and Dr. Schmitt are here. Mark Twenth as how old look? Stick around for one minute show. Twenth, a live-village. Start this in the background. I can just stop this and you can understand. I can't. I can't. I can't.
Starting point is 00:14:10 I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't.
Starting point is 00:14:18 I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. This plays into a lot of the work, work mythology, I guess. So one thing you could do is take dust from crossroads and just rub it on your warts and that would make it go away. Or you could rub a sender on your wart and
Starting point is 00:14:35 then put in a little like package and tie it up and go bury it in a cross road and wait for somebody to walk through the crossroads and then they get the work from you. I don't know. Or you could cut a bean in half and then you could take some blood from your ward so you gotta like cut it and get some blood out of it and put it on half the bean and go bury that in the crossroads. Again, you have to do that one at midnight.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Sure. And then... Well, obviously. But this is, like I said, a lot of this was the idea that Sure. And then... Well, obviously. But this is, like I said, a lot of this was the idea that we know that warts, we know that sometimes we pass warts on to other people, so maybe we can do it through the comic gootoo. So, you can also buy and sell warts this way.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Like on a stock exchange. Like, our warts trading well? Yeah. Like hook them up cards. Now catch more. What? The warts. No, I think it was more like as a service, like you could say, like, hey.
Starting point is 00:15:35 I will take that opportunity, you say. Yeah. But give me your warts. I'll carry that. That's a weird thing, because you're kind of like, I'm assuming if you're the one without the wart, you're not going to pay for the warts. No, I'm assuming if you're the one without the word, you're not gonna pay for the word. No, you're saying, if you carry this war for me, it's like a surrogate baby word. You carry this war for me and I'll give you $30 or drop in our packets of soul and whatever time you're going to buy.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Let's just continue to deal and start. Yeah, that's an easier conversion. You could also, if you wanted to stay away from the whole crossroads, nonsense, and all that, you could rub your hand against the father of an illegitimate child. I'm weighing, having worse versus having that conversation. So were you two, when you were, were you, were you, were you just built your guy and say, hey, do you think you have any kids that you don't know about?
Starting point is 00:16:34 Can I, do you mind if I just, you know, that's almost worth playing the odds. Just start rubbing your fingers on guys. Figure on guys, guys, guys, guys is I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:49 I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:57 I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, you know what I mean? I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just like, you know what I mean? I mean, I was just and then you hang the slug on a thorn. How you have to murder the slug.
Starting point is 00:17:06 How do you be able to become an inconvenience in these people's lives or our perilous wars? Like seriously, how much of an issue is this for them? Is it a hobby at this point? It's like, we don't have TV yet. Well, everybody was trying to get into England, I guess. Yeah, we're like, hey. I got a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:17:24 I got one. It was also a source of employment if you were a vagrant in a town, and everybody probably wanted to get rid of you anyway, I guess, in a vagrant, like we don't want you here. One service you could provide is, hey, okay, I'll leave. And if you'll pay me, I will count all the wards in town. Like not a people with wards, all the wards.
Starting point is 00:17:45 And then I will write the number inside my hat and wear it out of town and take all the wards with me. That is actually how Fubu got it started. Now you know. There you go. That is how that was the first move we had. And after that, that's true. The first hat made by Fubu had the number of lords in a town
Starting point is 00:18:07 written on it, as a grand started in the 1700s and it's been flourishing and we're sitting in the middle of the clock. Yikes. Where does David Johnson come in with that? What? He discovered it later. The food we went to during for a few hundred years, he discovered later. I did not understand the dark power, the lower half of the man's body is calm and
Starting point is 00:18:27 was. So you're proposing wearing food food clothing as a treatment for warrants? What I'm saying to you. You're a highness. So Mag go in, why? So there's a lot of gross stuff people tried to rub on the words. Why not? Why not? Why not? Why not?
Starting point is 00:18:46 Dove poop was popular. You're going to get that tobacco spit. Any dead mouse part will do. Oh, yeah. That's happening. No, it's anything. Spider webs, that's not as gross. That was one of the middle agents' curious, which
Starting point is 00:19:00 isn't gross enough, I think, for them. Yeah. These are like pig's blood, or minster blood, if you're out of pigs blood. Oh, great. Grab it on. No, more. Or there was a specific grasshopper
Starting point is 00:19:14 that actually the German name for the grasshopper means work-biter, because you could catch this grasshopper. It's a long-horned grasshopper. Try to get that to bite it off. Perfect. So, I know that's hard. This is a great day so far. I guess that's that math.
Starting point is 00:19:30 There were a lot of, like I said, a lot of this was tied to voodoo and witchcraft. So there were a lot of, I don't know, they said there were witches. You could go and pay them and then give you stones that they would put charms on. And then you'd be like, just rub this stone. Your warts go away. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:47 That was a very popular business. See there's a lot of them. It was a great, big hit. It was a great hit. Yeah, right. Maybe we need to do that now. How about it alone? There are.
Starting point is 00:19:55 There are also a lot of ways to get them to courses. Oh, perfect. So if you're going to give warts to somebody, maybe you're like, Kate, my warts. Let me get down to the course real quick. So you could like, as you saw funeral processions passed by, you could like rub things on your word and throw them in their path. Take a, take a, take a, take a, take a, take a, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No fangilized song at. You can never ask what's second up there.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I saw you scrape your work fragments off. Throw that for a mask out. You can, you can take, I like this one. You can take a tick off a dog and put it on a work and leave it there for a couple days. It'll drink the worms. And he does, he drinks the worms. And then you take it off, but you gotta put it back on the dog.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I love the idea that you're going to make a dog. How well trained are these ticks? Nope, don't move right in the ear. Go nuts. I don't want to be a bar room man. I think the most romantic was to wash your hands in moonbeams. Which I was washing hands in moonbeams. So what they meant is you get a really well polished sink and then an open window in the light of the moon and just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:18 You know what, I don't know. Fix what? I don't know. I'm good for the spirit. What do we do? What about now, Sid? Well, just as a note, in reality, I wouldn't do any of these things, but they probably all worked. Huh. In this thing like that. What? In the sense that words usually just go away. So if you wait long enough and you're doing any weird thing to award, it will probably go away after a while.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Eventually, right. So you don't have to put Mr. Blood on it or try to give them to dead people or anything. Don't. No. And one little note, it warts in seats. This is something a lot of people think that warts, have you heard this? Warts have seats. Too many of you heard that?
Starting point is 00:22:04 And your mom ever tell you got to get the seed out of the ward before it'll go away, especially the roots. Yeah, well, the same kind of thing, and like a planter's work on your foot, if you've ever seen those flat wards, they'll say the little black things, like all you got to get that out of there,
Starting point is 00:22:18 their roots are seeds or something, they're not, they're just clotted off blood vessels, and will not help you to pick them out so don't do that. You hear that? You chuckle heads. That was just shut up. You just got bent out by a physician. Come on, we got two minutes left. Okay. Tell me what we do now.
Starting point is 00:22:42 What do you do for words now? Tell me. Once you just leave them alone, live with them. They'll go away probably. Most of them go away. Two, you put duct tape on them that actually does work. You put duct tape over for like a week and then you take it off, rub it with a like a stone, like a pumice stone or something, leave it off for 12 hours, put the duct tape back on. It'll probably go away in a couple weeks. Leave it off for 12 hours, put the duct tape back on. It'll probably go away in a couple weeks. Easy.
Starting point is 00:23:06 No, seriously. You are the last message of crazy work here. I was just saying, I'm weird. You just said, like, it's when you're asked to up. I know, I think this one's legit. It feels perfect. No one takes four weeks. It's the truth.
Starting point is 00:23:23 And that is fair. They're probably going to go away anyway. If you don't like that, they can be frozen off. There's stuff over the counter and then your doctor can freeze them off with lipid nitrogen. I do that sometimes. And then there's salicylic acid. It's in a lot of the over-counter product. So there's a lot of this stuff you can buy now.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And then we can get rid of them with a, it's kind of like vinegar. So if you read online that you can hear words with vinegar, this is where it's coming from. There's a kind of acid called TCA that's related to vinegar, which we do use in the doctor's office and we'll get rid of, usually use them on, you know, the bathing suit words. Perfect. So who's going to go fishing or probably won't do it?
Starting point is 00:23:59 Who's going to go fix their words tonight? It's Saturday and I'm depressed. Thank you all so much for easy and super fun. If you, if this is your first almost in our show, we put a new one every Tuesday. And that's going to do it for us. Thank you for having us here. Thank you to the people from Feet or for having us. Thank you for coming. My name is Joseph Acker, but as always, don't drill a hole in your head.

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