Scheananigans with Scheana Shay - Confessions, Tears and a Near Death Experience

Episode Date: January 14, 2022

Scheana is joined by co-host Janet Elizabeth and the girls start the episode sharing the story of how they first met… It all started at a wild Hollywood Pool Party and the rest is history! ...Janet talks about how she had recently watched every single episode of Vanderpump Rules before running into Scheana for the first time and how they related on so many levels. Next, Janet shares the story of how she flatlined and almost died and you won’t believe what triggered it… Tune in to hear her describe the dream she saw as this was all taking place. They also talk about the graphic details of childbirth that no one tells you, the importance of self-care and what the Reiki specialist told Scheana that left her in tears during her last session! Follow us: @scheananigans @scheana Laser Away: http://Www.nofuzz.La/scheanamarieSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Vanderpump Rules to Vegas and everywhere in between, it's time to party with Sheena Shea. This is Shenanigans, and now here's your host, Sheena Shea. Hello, everyone, and happy new year. Wait, is this the first episode of 2022? Or was it Raquel? I think it was Raquel. She beat me. I think it was. I guess we're already in the second week of 2022. She deserves it. Anyways, here doing a drinking and podcasting with my girl Janet. Cheers. So yum, rosé. So one thing I like that we've been doing since we started hanging out again is drinking rosé. Didn't get to do that for a while because I was pregnant. started hanging out again is drinking rosé. Didn't get to do that for a while because I was pregnant and I've had so much fun since we've started hanging out again. I feel like we're completely back on track. We're back. Back doing the podcast and I hope we can do this even more often. I know.
Starting point is 00:01:18 I love it. I keep getting messages from people that are like, I loved hearing you and it makes my whole day. It's so fun. But one thing I noticed when we were out the last time that we don't do anymore is smoke weed. Oh yeah. We used to get down with the weed. Literally. Now I just, whenever we hang out, I'm like, ooh, Janet's coming over. Rosé. I feel like that's one of the things we first bonded over. We were both girl stoners, which you don't encounter a lot. I mean, more nowadays, but I feel like growing up, all the stoners I knew were guys. Yeah. And then when you and I met out here, I was like, you want to roll a joint with me?
Starting point is 00:01:50 Cool. I'm sure we've talked about it, but the first day we met, I feel like we should do a little recap. I loved that day. When I was out with Lala yesterday, someone was like, how did you two meet? And I was like, I owe all of my friends to Sheena pretty much. Yeah. And I always think back, if I wouldn't have gone to the pool party at the Mondrian where we met, my life in LA would be totally different. I would have, who knows who I'd
Starting point is 00:02:13 be friends with and where I'd be and what I'd be doing. But I met you and then now half the people I hang out with are people I've met through you, including Jason, fiance oh my god that's so true like who knows where I'd be otherwise I was talking about this last night so we went to watch the Chargers Raiders game at a sports bar and Brock is like totally cool with Rob the ex so funny to me now I mean we are so in love and like he's so confident Brock has nothing to be intimidated by by Rob so I was like you know Rob hit me up and wants to know like what we're doing for the Chargers game because he's a massive Chargers fan and I was like if we go to this bar like do you mind if he comes or
Starting point is 00:02:54 whatever he's Brock's like I don't care like totally we can hang out and so Rob and I were talking about the day we went to that pool party and I was like oh my god I was like that was the day I met Janet but I'm like we wouldn't have gone to that pool party if there wasn't a rumor on the show that he cheated on me oh you guys were trying to be seen in public to fix things well no not even that it was just he was out of town he flew back I picked him up at the airport and I was just like I'm such a people pleaser chaser like if someone's pulling, I try that much hard to chase. And I was like, okay, like I feel him pulling away. I'm like, what do you want to do today? Like, do you want, like your friends are at a pool party? Like, do you want to do this? Do you
Starting point is 00:03:30 want to do that? Like, I'll do anything. I don't like LA pool parties. When I was 21, totally, but like mid thirties. Yeah. As you say, actually, after we became friends, I feel like we never went to a pool party. So it's funny that we met at one. No, because that's not something I normally do. Especially the Mondrian. Yeah. And I got blackout drunk. We got so high. We took like 200 photos on your camera. Literally, I'm not kidding. It was 1100. Oh my God. My memory card was full after that. Wow. There were 1100 photos. I still have all of them. Yeah. We'll have to like throw it up on the shenanigans page for this podcast. Let's do it. Okay. Yeah. I went, the only reason I went, I was here visiting, looking for apartments secretly because I knew I wanted to get divorced.
Starting point is 00:04:09 So my friend Allie was here and I was trying to find like a sublet or something where I could come out and have my own place here. And the person I ended up moving in with and subletting a room from, I was texting him and I was like, Hey, actually I went to his restaurant first. He's a restaurant manager. Yeah. And he knew you, was at your wedding. Yeah. I think he got a DUI that night. Really? Sounds about right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:31 He was with my cousin. We were just talking about that recently too. Sounds about right. But he, we went to his restaurant and had breakfast, lunch, whatever. And I was like, what should we do today? Like what's, you know, fun to do like on a, whatever date was Saturday in LA. And he's like, oh, like there's a pool party at this hotel rooftop. And I was like, that sounds so LA. And so my friend Allie and I got dressed up. I was like, what do I wear? Do I
Starting point is 00:04:54 wear a bathing suit? He's like, yeah, but you wear like heels and like with like a cover over it. And you do not get in the pool. People in LA do not swim at pool parties. Don't get the pool. And I was like, okay, weird. What kind of pool party is this? You just stare at the pool. Yeah, I was like, I guess I'll leave my goggles at home, which I, now I just swim at pool parties don't get the pool and I was like okay what kind of pool party is this you just stare at the pool yeah I was like I guess I'll leave my goggles at home which I now I just bring to pool parties and I don't care if I'm the only one swimming but he was like go to the Mondrian it's really fun I was like okay and then I got there and like probably a month before I came out on that trip I had the flu and I stayed home and I binged five seasons or something crazy of Vanderpump Rules so it was like fresh in my brain. I had everything memorized of like what had happened.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I feel like when you watch it, like when it's on and stuff, you don't remember everything that happened. Totally. But I had binged it. So I was like, oh my gosh, this is all fresh in my brain. I knew I was about to go through a divorce. You were going through one. We had like an Eskimo brother situation. Oh my God. Which whose name we will not say and I was like oh my god we should like you know talk about this whatever and so I was
Starting point is 00:05:55 like hey I think I'm gonna move in with your friend I was like he actually told me here to come here today and I texted him when I saw you from like across the room and I was like oh my god Sheena from Vanderpump Rules is here and he's like I'm friends with her go say hi and tell her like you know me and I was like okay so I like ran up to you was like let's do a shot which turned into like seven shots so I was black out drunk that day like we were hammered all the pictures now I look back and when I first met you I was like oh she just gets hammered she's on like this bar show and she just gets blacked out all the time and And like, this is her life. And now looking back, I'm like, that was probably the drunkest I've still ever seen you. And I look back at the pictures and your eyes are like not
Starting point is 00:06:31 open. I wasn't there. No. But we had the most fun day. We just had a photo shoot and we're just like running around drinking, smoking on a rooftop, which I thought was so cool at the time. I was like, you can smoke in public here. Like in Ohio, you get arrested for this. Yeah. But we did used to be the biggest stoners together and now neither of us smoke at all. No. So I was so happy to learn, like when you and I started talking again, the first time I think I had reached out when your dad passed away, but then we didn't really rekindle anything yet. It was just like sending a message. Right. And then you hit me up on my birthday. Yep. So it was like right after I had the baby and then we ran into each other at Ariana's birthday. So fast forward like another couple months. That's when we cried to each other. Yeah. I missed you. I'm sorry. I know. And it was like normally I'd be like, let's go
Starting point is 00:07:18 smoke a joint. Yeah. Let's have a shot. But I'm like, I'm breastfeeding. I don't smoke weed anymore. And you're like, I don't either. Yeah. I was like, wait, what? We like separately both quit. You had to quit for a normal reason. Yeah. I had to quit because of a crazy, I don't even know if you call it a disease or a disorder or illness, maybe illness is the correct word, but it's something I had never heard of until I got it.
Starting point is 00:07:41 And then now I see it. It's like, there's like CNN articles about it. I had never heard about this. Ariana told me you died. I almost died. I flatlined in the hospital and like had a vision of my dead dad to bring it back to square one. So there is something called cannabinoid hypermesis syndrome. CHS is what people call it. It happens to people who are like long-term stoners. I started smoking weed when I was in college. I didn't really smoke in high school because it wasn't my crowd. My friends and I like drank occasionally and stuff. We would like play beer pong, but like the stoners were like a whole
Starting point is 00:08:11 vibe that I wasn't really that big of a part of. Like I smoked weed for the first time in high school, but like it wasn't my thing. And then I got to college and the dorm room down the hall from me, they sold weed and there were these like hot guys. So my roommate and I were like, ooh, let's hang out in their room. We started smoking with them. And then occasionally like my roommate and I would buy weed together and like just smoke it occasionally. Yeah. Then it slowly became like a daily habit.
Starting point is 00:08:34 By the end of college, I remember like my sorority had an initiation night, which is supposed to be like fancy ceremony night. And it was on 420. And I was like, well, I'm going to be stoned. So I made a hundred weed funfetti cupcakes and I gave them all to my entire sorority so like the entire sorority could not function like half these girls didn't smoke at all they literally during the ceremony were like saying like all these basically prayers it's like basically like church nobody could get a word out without being like because you're saying things like hail
Starting point is 00:09:07 neophyte thou da da da da and like everybody's stoned half of them for like the first or second time ever and then everybody one person be reading and be like and then everyone will start cracking up they're so different oh my gosh and there was probably like five milligrams of weed in these cupcakes but it was enough that put everyone was just slouched back in their chairs, dead in the eyes, cracking up. So by the end of my college years, I was a full fledged stoner, which lasted into my adulthood. I was, I was always a very functional stoner. Like I could be, I could smoke weed in the morning, go about my full day. Like I graduated college in four years after smoking all the time, it never stopped me. I feel like also partially because of my ADD, it helped kind of mellow me
Starting point is 00:09:49 out and then I could go about my day. So there, you know, 12 something years later, I'm still somebody who smokes at the beginning of my day, end of my day. It's just something I do. And I always got my shit done and it never had a negative effect on my life. Yeah. I also think I treated it like I sort of needed it to be able to eat. I never really had an appetite when I was younger. Like up until high school, I was really, really skinny. When I started smoking, I was able to like plow down food for the first time in my life.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Yeah. I kind of used it for that and like sleep and just anxiety and ADD and just, it sort of helped me with a lot of different stuff in my life that I didn't want to take like prescriptions for. And I thought it was all fine and dandy until the fall of 2020. I started feeling like kind of sick. Did you smoke like a ton in quarantine when there was lockdown? So in quarantine, when I was unemployed, I was like, what do I do?
Starting point is 00:10:47 Jason's working all day, every day. He's like closed up in his office. I'm sitting out there and I'm like, yeah. So it was like when I was unemployed all day, every day. I was probably smoking a couple blunts a day. Oh my God. A lot. Because it was just like, what else do you do?
Starting point is 00:11:03 I'd like smoke a blunt, go on a walk, smoke a blunt, make breakfast. Yeah, yeah but like the whole thing like i take like a hit i would do like a half at a time so i'd smoke like half a blunt in the morning go for a walk come back smoke the other half make breakfast finish breakfast smoke the other half and put a show on when you have when i had no responsibility nothing to do that's when i got higher and higher that literally I started smoking all the time. And then my dad died in November of 2020. And right around that time, fall, winter, I started noticing when I woke up in the morning, I was really nauseous, which is kind of like why I started smoking weed on a regular basis in general, because I would wake up in the morning and feel kind of like sick to my stomach. Smoking would always help. So I was trying to medicate the same way I always had by smoking
Starting point is 00:11:50 through it basically and I started feeling worse and worse in the mornings and I would notice and this is the telltale sign of CHS that I see like written everywhere this is how a lot of people get diagnosed with it and realize it's that and not something else. If I felt sick in the morning, I would smoke and then I would take a really hot bath or shower and I would feel fine afterwards. It was like, I would feel like I was about to throw up and then I would take a lot, like I'm a bath girl. I would take a hot bath. I know. No, you literally don't shower. You only take baths. I haven't showered in like a year, except if I'm in like a nasty hotel, then I will shower and not take a bath. What if you're somewhere that only has showers, like in my house in Palm Springs? I've showered there. I will shower. I just prefer a bath. And I have like a whole ritual of cleaning
Starting point is 00:12:32 my bath every day so that it's always fresh and pristine. Like I'm a full-fledged bath person. So it was like right around the time my dad died. So I was like, oh, this is probably a physical sign of depression. I'm sick. I have no appetite. I'm going through it and I did all get through it, but I was still smoking. And then I would take a bath in the mornings and I would make me feel better. And I'd go about my day, like nothing was wrong. Then slowly, like the bath would only help for like a couple hours. So then I was taking baths and showers four times a day, like not washing my hair, but just getting in the bath and having the heat. Oh, wow. Like, and then I'd be like, okay, and I'd be good for a couple hours, then it would kind of the stomach stuff would come back. Finally, it caught up to a point where I
Starting point is 00:13:13 couldn't the baths weren't helping showers weren't helping the heat was not doing anything for me. So on like a Friday, I started feeling really sick and kind of felt nauseous to the point where I was started to throw up. Then I threw up like all day Saturday, all day Sunday. And I was like, oh, I must, I was like going back in my head and I was like, what did I eat? Something clearly I ate something. Thinking it's like food poisoning.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Food poisoning. Or I had like maybe E. coli or something. I'm like, was the chicken I had good? Like, did I check expiration dates? I'm checking online. Like, is there salmonella going around and like lettuce or something again? Right. Nothing. Nothing. I'm checking online like is there salmonella going around and like lettuce or something again right nothing and after like 48 hours with stomach stuff then I started thinking I might have cancer or like like a tumor or something really really wrong and by Monday morning when I was still
Starting point is 00:13:57 throwing up like I was throwing up like every 15 minutes oh my god I couldn't take a sip of water without it coming right back up did you ever think think you were pregnant? I took a pregnancy test, wasn't pregnant. And it was right around like I just got off my period or something. And like because I was so sick, hadn't had sex. So I was like wouldn't be that. Right. But I still took a pregnancy test because I thought that at first. I was super worried.
Starting point is 00:14:17 So by Monday morning when I had to call in sick, which I never call in sick for work, whatever I'm going through, like I have to be on my deathbed to call off a day of work. I'm just not what I do. So when I had to call in sick to work, I was like, I have to, I was like, I need to go to the doctor. And Jason was like, I think you need to go to the hospital. You haven't eaten in four days and you can't even keep water down. Like you're probably super dehydrated. Yeah. And I was like, okay, let's go to the hospital and like, see what they say. So go to the emergency room. They give me an IV. It made me feel better temporarily. And then I went home and about a couple hours later, like started throwing up again, nonstop went back the next day. They were like, it's probably just a crazy food poisoning.
Starting point is 00:14:54 You just have to get out of your system. And I'm like, at this point, it's been like five days. I haven't eaten. I haven't been able to keep a sip of water down. The only liquid and stuff that was keeping me alive basically was the IV I was getting at the hospital when I went. Wow. So Monday and Tuesday, they just gave me an IV and sent me home. It helped for a little bit. Wednesday I came back and I was like, still couldn't keep anything down. And they're like, we're going to admit you into the hospital. Jason had to leave because it was COVID time. So like I had to go back there by myself. A doctor comes in and basically is like, okay, let's go through your entire chart and all of your daily habits and all of your stuff. At this point, I was so sick. I was willing, I'm like, I was willing to
Starting point is 00:15:30 tell my deepest, darkest secrets. I wanted to be like one time in third grade. I like, I cheated off of this person's homework. I'll tell you anything. Just make me feel better. And so I'm like, I smoke weed every day. These are the strands I smoke. I order it from this shop. These are any drug. Do you think like it could have been like poisoned or something like a bad batch of weed or something and I but also I was telling him I'm like I drink like seven diet cokes a day I love McDonald's I was just gonna I'm like I'm telling him everything I'm like whatever it is whatever I'm doing I will stop anything just make me feel better because I was like basically while I'm talking him in the 10 minutes I'm talking to him I threw up like three times into a bag oh my gosh and it's not even
Starting point is 00:16:07 throwing up this point I'm just dry heaving and like right because there's nothing in your system like ice chips that had melted water from that was coming out and then like my bile for my stomach kept coming out it was so so bad and so he like is taking all these notes he walks away for a second he comes back and he's like I think it's from your chronic marijuana use. And I was like, I just told you I drink seven Diet Cokes a day and I get McDonald's four times a week and you're telling me it's from pot. Yeah. I'm like, this guy doesn't know anything. Can I get a new doctor, please?
Starting point is 00:16:35 And so he leaves and there's a nurse who's our age and like, cool. She just looks like someone I would hang out with. And I called Jason and I'm like, this guy thinks it's from pot. So I was like, take me to Cedars. I was like trying to stay in the hospital that was in my like insurance network. And I was like, fuck it. I'll pay whatever bill. Cedars bills, man. I know. I'm telling you. I was like, but at this point I was like, I'm going to die. He thinks it's from pot. Wow. I was like, there's no way. And so this nurse overhears me telling Jason, like,
Starting point is 00:17:04 take me somewhere else I don't trust or believe this guy and she's like hey I know you think he sounds like a cop she was like read this information pull this up and she's like it's called cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome CHS and I looked it up and the biggest thing I saw in there was like baths and hot showers temporarily relieve symptoms until it starts adding up some people take like 10 hot showers a day before they end up in the hospital. They had all these phases for it. And I was like, this is what I have. And I was like, how have I never heard of this? I've been friends with so many stoners. I had never heard of it until Ariana told me what happened to you.
Starting point is 00:17:38 And I was shocked. I was like, okay. And I was like, so what happens next? And then I started researching more and it got pretty scary because people were like after i got admitted to the hospital i was some people were there for like two weeks oh my god and you basically just have to wait for your cannabinoid receptors in your brain to clear out so like if you think about your cannabinoid receptors as like water glass every time you smoke you pour water into it it drains out a little bit but when you're smoking all the time like especially like i was during covid for long periods of time, years and years, your glass overflows. When you overflow, that's when you start throwing up, your body starts rejecting it. So I ended up being hospitalized for six nights, completely by myself in a room by myself. Jason couldn't visit me every other day
Starting point is 00:18:22 or every day he would drop off like fresh socks and like pjs for me at the front desk they'd bring them up and I would could like change my clothes I was on an iv of liquids that was the only thing they were like as soon as you can stomach a bite of food and keep it down we'll let you go home six days they would bring me like chicken broth applesauce jello I would take a bite immediately throw it up couldn't hold it down whatsoever so I was on an ivy with liquids morphine and zofran which is for nausea right morphine for pain which I tried to get the littlest of because you know like we both have encountered people who are addicted to stuff like that and that's how it starts with like an injury you're in a hospital or something and then it's like you need it and in my brain I was like I could be here for two
Starting point is 00:19:03 weeks I don't want to be on morphine for two weeks so they wanted to put me on like three or four milligrams of it and i was like give me a half a milligram let me see how that worked and that at least dulled the pain enough that i was able to like sleep and not be literally crying from it on like the fourth day so this is for me like day like eight without a bite of food or drinking liquids and being able to hold it down. I went to sleep one night and I had a dream about my dad who had just passed where I just was, I walked up, he was like on a pier or like at the edge of like a beach somewhere. And I walked up and I was like, oh my God, dad, you're here. And I hugged him and I felt really warm and light. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:19:42 oh, and he was like, okay, sweetie, you have to go now. And I was like, no, no, no, no like no no no I'm gonna stay with you like I haven't seen you in so long I'm gonna stay with you and he's like nope you have to go and he kind of like pushed me away and right as that was happening I literally got chills all over my entire body and I don't I'm not a religious person I don't believe a lot of the stories that I hear like this but this kind of changed my perspective on the afterlife a little bit I completely believe that when you have those dreams that feel so real, like it is a visitation from this person. Like a hundred percent. I've had those dreams before. And it was reassured to me because when he started pushing me away, I woke up because I started hearing like all this stuff. And I woke up and all of my vitals on like the monitors were all beeping going off stuff and I woke up oh my god I just got chills again all of my vitals on like
Starting point is 00:20:26 the monitors were all beeping going off and I woke up and I was like and someone people started running in my room they're like are you okay are you okay and I was like I'm I'm okay but I took me a second to be like I gotta like snap out of it and they were like okay and they like did a bunch of tests and stuff and they were like you stopped breathing or something stopped for a minute so they were like we're not gonna you, I think they like lowered my morphine even more after that. And I was like, yeah, please don't give me anything that's going to do that. But I basically like not fully flatlined, but my vitals went dropped significantly for that time where I had this dream and they kept checking on me then more and more, but finally it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Finally day six, I was like like I'm actually starting to feel better and so they brought in like chicken broth and applesauce and I was able to keep a couple bites down they were like okay we're gonna let you go like end of day today if you can keep you know if it stays in your system and like this is maybe TMI but like I didn't poop for four days five days because I had nothing in my system like it was so weird like I days or five days because I had nothing in my system. Like it was so weird. Like I would pee a lot because I had an IV, but like I've never gone that long without going to the bathroom. Well, when you have a baby, you also go that long. Really? Because the baby's like smushing in there? No, because you poop a lot while you're having the baby. Oh no. You pooped
Starting point is 00:21:39 while you had summer? Oh yeah. Everyone does. And they just like wipe it and keep going? Everyone does because that's the one thing you have to do. Mm-hmm. Yep. Saw it. Probably smelled it. Yeah, that happens to everyone. Anyone who says they didn't poop when they pushed out a human, I don't believe it.
Starting point is 00:21:55 So they just, like, wipe you and keep pushing? Yeah, they have the little, like, pad under you and they just go, okay, keep going. And I'm like, no, no, because it's like no matter what kind of epidural they gave me, I still felt it. Yeah. I'm like, you can't tell. I still feel it. matter what kind of epidural they gave me, I still felt it. Yeah. I'm like, you can't, I still feel it. Did Brock see it by your head or did he watch the whole thing down there? No, he watched everything.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Oh my God. And I have it all on video. My sister was there with the camera. Full vagina. Burst. I want to see it. Yeah. Did you have a bush or like, did you have?
Starting point is 00:22:19 No, girl, I've been lasered for years. You know this. I always hear from super, oh, you've been lasered. That's why. Yeah. Shout out to Laserway. They're doing a free one, a laser hair remover right now. I need to do that because you know, I always have hairy armpits. Yeah, no, it's the best I want today. Cause a lot of people I know who are super pregnant are like, Oh, I wanted my husband to like shave it cause I can't reach down there. I can't see it over the bum. Yeah, no, you definitely can't. But thankfully I was lasered. I was, I've never been more thankful to be lasered than the third trimester of my pregnancy.
Starting point is 00:22:51 That's really funny. So yeah, but it was like, I mean, at least five days after, maybe even a week, I was like getting concerned and they're like, that's normal. Wow. So. Well, that's the longest I had gone without pooping. But basically, finally I was able to go home and And then pretty much for a couple weeks after that, I could eat like 50 to 100 calories at a time before I would feel completely full because my stomach was like nothing. Yeah. I had no basically tolerance for food. But since then, I don't smoke. And I thought it would be a lot harder, honestly, like to give up.
Starting point is 00:23:21 But as soon as I kind of got in the groove of it I just didn't need it anymore and I thought that I was like oh I can't sleep without it I can't eat without it whatever but once I cut it out completely I was like I can do all these things just fine I fall asleep at nine o'clock on the couch every night yeah I eat just fine let me tell you I gained I lost 30 pounds in the hospital in the 10 days that I was sick and then the time after I went from 140 something to like 116. Like I was like, really, really skinny. And then once I started eating again, I was like, Oh, I can gain like all this weight. And I gained it and then some back, but I thought I wouldn't be able to have an appetite. I thought my anxiety would be really high. I thought I'd have all these issues, but
Starting point is 00:24:00 actually I'm like, I was relying on something that I really didn't need it was like a crutch right and it's like to use to cope with something totally just because you're bored like there's so many different reasons that I realized too and once obviously I knew we were going to try again after the miscarriage and I had already quit smoking because I was getting ready to freeze my eggs yeah and it was like oh I don't need this. I started meditating a lot, which is one thing I haven't done since I've had summer. And I have my- It's probably harder now to disconnect knowing she's in the room. It's so, because even at night, I don't want to like zone out and meditate because I want to be able to hear her if she needs me. So it's like, I love my Calm app. I miss it so much. Yeah. But you're still doing acupuncture and that's worked for you. I remember when you were
Starting point is 00:24:48 freezing your eggs and I would go with you to your appointments and you would do acupuncture before or after. And I was like, Sheena, you look more stoned than I've ever seen you be stoned just from acupuncture. It's like such a euphoric feeling. It is the best. And I still haven't done it and I want to do it sometime. When you're down in San Diego, come to my girl. Her name's Monica Foitsik. She has a second practice. She just opened up, but the first one is called Reiki City Wellness. So it's an acupuncture and Reiki lounge. And in one room they do Reiki, the other room they do acupuncture. Have you done Reiki too? Yes. And you like that? And I'm going to do it again soon because when I was at acupuncture. Have you done Reiki too? Yes. And you like that? I'm going to do it again soon because when I was at acupuncture last week, I was talking and Monica is literally like my only
Starting point is 00:25:28 friend in San Diego. I love her so much. She's such a, an amazing person. But it is, it's nice when I have such a big circle in LA to have such a small circle in San Diego. Cause I'm like, can I escape? Hey Monica, do you want to get dinner tonight? It's like, what do I do? Yeah. Um, so I actually love it, but I was just talking to her about just how i'm afraid of everything i'm afraid you know right now like i'm watching the monitor constantly and i just keep checking okay summer's at 26 breaths per minute i'm always so afraid something's gonna happen to her i'm afraid when she eats she's gonna choke but i know like deep down I'm not manifesting this because I'm not actually afraid of it because I don't want to believe that it'll ever happen I know that it could happen I
Starting point is 00:26:11 know so many bad things totally and I think that's normal but I I want to have that go away a little bit at least like I want to have the normal fears and be cautious, but I don't want it to consume my thoughts. And some days I feel like it consumes me and it frustrates Brock. And he's just like, honey, like, because I'm like, no, no, no, don't give her that. No, wait, break that in half. And I, no, she can't try this yet.
Starting point is 00:26:37 And it's like, he wants to give her scrambled eggs. And that's one thing we need to introduce soon is dairy and shellfish. And I'm like, I know, but the eggs, and like, she only has these two little teeth. And what if she doesn't chew it and it gets stuck in her throat. And I'm like, I know, but the eggs and like, she only has these two little teeth and what if she doesn't chew it and it gets stuck in her throat? And I just like, I freak out and I'm like, I need to let go of these fears because I do say them out loud. But when I really truly think about it, I'm like, she's not going to choke. Don't manifest that because it's not going to happen, but it could happen. And that's why I
Starting point is 00:27:00 have a life back in every house because it could happen but i just want to be able that sucks food out if they're choking yeah okay i want to be able to release some of these fears and like insecurities and just things that i feel and monica was like you should do another reiki session with melly melly is so good it's basically like you lay on like a massage table and they kind of just move their hands over they walk you through like a deep meditation like the first time i did it it literally felt like an an out of body experience. So she'll pick like a color and it's like, okay, you're going to focus on the color blue or navy blue picture, a navy blue, this and this and that. So you're picturing, you're visualizing all these things. And all of a sudden I pictured myself floating above me. That's crazy. And I was like, but I
Starting point is 00:27:43 felt like there were like these stones that she puts in my hand. I think they're, they're called shug night. I don't know. It's called shug night. Is it that the guy who like killed Biggie or the rapper and all that? So you hold this shug night. And the thing is you can move if you need to. I'm not paralyzed, but you feel paralyzed in the most relaxing way. And I'm just like, like weighted blanket kind of totally. Okay. There were things that she did with like my inner child. There were cords that she said needed to be cut. There were just so many things. And she was like, today I was with your 12 year old self. And I was like, wait, I'm like, out of all the 36 years you could
Starting point is 00:28:23 pick, why would you pick 12? And she was just like, that was the age that you needed the most healing. And I'm like, how the fuck would you know that that was the hardest year of my entire life? I was just going to say, did something happen that year? Yeah, I got severely bullied. I would wake up and like literally feel like I would just be better if I was dead. But I was never suicidal. But it was just so hard in school because everyone was so mean that it was just like, it was like my mom, like she was pregnant and then she had a miscarriage and she got pregnant again with my little sister.
Starting point is 00:28:53 And I've never for one day felt anything less than so much love for my family. And I was never suicidal. But I just remember waking up just being like, it would probably just be better if I was dead. It was the worst year of my life. She, and you had never told her that. No, I mean, now I'm saying this on a public platform, but that's not something that I just put out there and really tell people, especially specifically the age of 12. Yeah. I mean, I'll say like eighth grade and like, I mean, I guess you can, you know, figure out 12, 13, 14, whatever. But when she said like, she did work on my 12 year old self, I was like, holy shit. Wow. It was insane. And you felt really better afterwards. Yeah. I felt
Starting point is 00:29:31 like a huge weight was lifted when I went in after my miscarriage, when I found out I was pregnant. The next time I did another session and she said that the baby that I lost, his energy was still there. And I was like, wait, why did you say he? Because I really felt like it was a boy. And she was like, I felt like it was a boy. And she goes, you need to be able to let him go because she needs room. And I was like, why did you say she? I just got chills over my entire body.
Starting point is 00:29:57 I was like, I don't know. I was only six weeks pregnant. We didn't know what I was having yet. She goes, I'm just getting a female energy. I literally have goosebumps over my entire body. That is crazy. And so I was like, but I don't want to let that baby go. Yeah. That's why I got the tattoo of my poppy flower, like for that baby. So I never forget him. But you know, for her, I need to be like, okay, thank you. Like if it wasn't for you, she wouldn't be here.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Every time I've gone, it's been such an incredible experience. I need to go to her. Yeah. She's incredible. It's almost scary because I'm like, what age are you going to pick? There's a lot of bad years in there. Yeah. That's crazy though.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Mm-hmm. Wow. Yeah. It was nuts. And now you have your baby summer and it's all worked out. Yeah. How often do you go and do Reiki and acupuncture and stuff now? Acupuncture, I try to do twice a week. Oh, wow. Yeah. How often do you go and do Reiki and acupuncture and stuff now? Acupuncture, I try to do twice a week.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Oh, wow. Yeah. I didn't realize you were going that much. I went every Monday and Friday my entire pregnancy. Now that we're still like back and forth, I go at least once a week. And then when we're back down there full time for the next few months, I'll do two times a week. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:04 And then Reiki, you really only need to do like once a month, maybe twice a month if you wanted to. But like I felt like once a month was satisfactory. I want to do like once a month maybe twice a month if you wanted to but like I felt like once a month was okay satisfactory yeah it was really a good experience sounds like crazy healing yeah and she has like different types of reiki like they have some that can cure certain things in your body with like electro therapy sort of things that can help cure like certain like viruses and whatnot. That's wild. See, this is something that normally I'd be like, I don't know if I believe in that. Yeah. Since having the experience I did in the hospital with my dad, I'm like, there are forces bigger than us and that maybe we can't see or fully understand that sometimes you just have to put your trust and faith in and be like, what's the worst that can happen? You're going to lay on
Starting point is 00:31:43 a table for an hour. Sounds kind of nice. Yeah. Get stuck with a couple like tiny little needles. It can't hurt, you know, acupuncture is like thousands of years old. You know, it's like a Chinese medicinal thing that people have been doing for years. So clearly it's has some sort of effect and work on people. Otherwise it wouldn't be as popular as it is now. But that's something I feel like a lot more open to since having the experience I did in the hospital. Yeah, that's so crazy. Like I completely believe in that. I've had a couple dreams that literally shook me to the point where I felt it was so real. Like my friend who killed himself, when he came to me one night, it was like maybe almost a year after he died. It was like in that first year.
Starting point is 00:32:27 And I, in my dream, was like in a house I've never been in. And there was a knock on the door. And I opened the door and it was him. And he gave me the biggest hug. And he said, I'm so sorry. Like, I didn't mean to do it. Like, it was an accident. I didn't mean to, like, go through with it.
Starting point is 00:32:43 I didn't mean to do it. That would kill me. And I woke up the next morning and I the entire day I was fucked up yeah because I was like oh my god like he didn't mean to pull the trigger like he changed his mind at the very last second and it was too late and I truly felt like that was real yeah there's a documentary about people who have jumped off the golden gate bridge there's been couple of people that have survived and like broken like every bone in their body. And they're like, as soon as I jumped, I regretted it and things like that. I had a similar experience.
Starting point is 00:33:12 You and I both have talked about this many times, but I lost my best friend in high school from suicide also. And I've had dreams with him where he's come to me and those didn't feel as, I guess, like the light that I felt with my dad but he did come to me in a dream once when my parents were going through a divorce that had been going on for two years and he came to me and he's like I know you're struggling right now everything will be okay by your birthday and about a month later this was a couple months before my birthday about a month later my mom was like I hate to tell you this but we set our final like court date and it's like
Starting point is 00:33:42 it was either like my on my birthday or the day before or after. And she was like, so I'm sorry, but we have one of our final court dates on your birthday. And then after that, my parents' divorce was finalized and the fighting and the court and all this stuff I was constantly hearing about was gone. And Blake, my friend who passed away had told me that everything was going to be okay on that date. And it kind of came true. And I was like, that was the first time I was like, hmm, maybe there is some sort of afterlife or something that's like a connection and people can kind of visit in another universe
Starting point is 00:34:13 or dream state where they can actually connect with us. But the one with my dad was extremely powerful. I felt like a light and stuff that I had never felt before. I remember I FaceTimed or like, because Jason has a droid, I probably like Instagram videoed. Oh my God, did you have to WhatsApp? I either WhatsApp or Instagram video chatted him and I was like, you're not going to believe. I just had this dream about my dad and I started crying. I was like, it felt so real. I don't know what to do. And it was just this whole crazy thing. Yeah. That was the first time
Starting point is 00:34:41 it really made me believe in that. Now I really want to try Reiki and acupuncture yeah when you go i highly recommend it and like i said you guys if you're in the san diego area it's called reiki city wellness and melly and monica are fucking incredible sounds incredible yes highly recommend well this has been a fun little drinking cheers and podcasting happy 2022 everyone do you have any resolutions so i mean one of them i had said is i really want to try and get over a lot of these fears that i have like i just want to try to be a more confident mom and just in myself yeah and i just want to feel more secure because i don't think I'm really an insecure person. With a first baby too, you're always going to have that scary stuff. You know, people always say like first baby,
Starting point is 00:35:30 you're like worry about everything. And third, you're like, who wants to hold this baby? I'm weaving. Is this truth pasteurized or not? Don't give up. Yeah, right. So I feel like that's very normal. But I think that if you just tell yourself,
Starting point is 00:35:41 I've done a really good job so far and I just need to accept that and know that everything's going to be okay because it has been okay. I think that's a good resolution. What about you? I'm trying to lose some weight, girl. I'm trying to lose all the weight after I lost all of it and then gained it all back. So now I'm just trying to be healthy. I'm keeping track of what I'm eating, trying to do Pilates more. I don't want to get unhealthy or anything like that. I just want to feel strong again, have better posture and have all the clothes that used to fit me, fit me again. Yes. But in a healthy way, you'll be there. Just lots of extra veggies and lean meats
Starting point is 00:36:15 and not getting McDonald's three times a week. I got it once since I've been dieting. Well, I mean, you need your cheat. I just had my one little McMuffin and hash brown and that was it. Perfect. Lunch is where I go ham. Yeah. Remember my order? Cheeseburger and your nuggets and your Diet Coke.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Yeah. But no more of that. But yeah, just trying to be more healthy and regular and all around I feel like being a good person and just trying to be well to my friends, my family, keep my priorities straight, do well at my job. Yeah. That kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Definitely. Drink a little less. Yeah. Except right now. Yeah. But like, you know, just not every night. Exactly. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Well, I can't wait for you to come back next time you're here. I really want to talk about second weddings. Oh, yes. Because we both have been there. And now we're both engaged. And we've had so many friends, I feel like, that have gotten engaged, married. Yeah. Babies for're both engaged. And we've had so many friends, I feel like, that have gotten engaged, married. Yeah. Babies for the first time.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Yeah. And I feel like we could have some advice for what not to do. Right. Because both of us have messed it up. Exactly. At a time. Yeah. So we will be back soon, getting into some more shenanigans.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Until then, you guys, enjoy your 2022. Thanks for having me. Thanks for being here. Sheena Shea. Shea FK. Thanks for listening to Shenanigans with Sheena Shea. Download new episodes every week on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Outro Music

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