Scheananigans with Scheana Shay - Everything Wedding with Brock

Episode Date: December 10, 2021

Scheana and Brock open the episode with a quick recap of the Vanderpump Rules Reunion. They can’t give too much away but it sounds like things got pretty heated… Next, they talk about upcoming wedding! They reached out to listeners for destination wedding advice and got some very helpful responses. At first, Scheana and Brock have different expectations for their big day but by the end of the episode, their visions come together. What kind of dress is Scheana planning on wearing? Who is invited? They’re more excited than ever! Tune in now for all the details. For the exclusive video version of this podcast be sure to sign up for Scheana’s Patreon at Follow us: @scheananigans @scheana @brock__daviesSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Vanderpump Rules to Vegas and everywhere in between, it's time to party with Sheena Shea. This is Shenanigans, and now here's your host, Sheena Shea. So here we are shenanigans time post reunion pre wedding. How you feeling, honey? I like that post reunion pre wedding. Yeah. Um, wow. I feel like it was definitely a wild season, that's for sure. And then just to top it off was just like the element of what was added into the reunion. Because I feel like this was my first reunion. I didn't know what to expect, but I wasn't expecting that.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I think my framing point or my vision board of what a reunion is like was literally the last one was a virtual so then the one before that which was even really i wasn't a part of that at the end and said hi but i'm saying the one before that was season seven and holy shit yeah i just saw like highlights of that one i was like i don't know if i'm ready for this type of reunion but i was i was i that's what i said that was what i framed what the reunion should be like felt like or what it would be like yeah and and you know what it definitely wasn't that it really sucked though not having everyone in person i mean it just added a different element which you guys are all gonna see and for us we say it sucks right but supposedly that's entertaining of how chaotic it was which keeps it very real it was just hard to like get our points across when you're trying to argue with
Starting point is 00:01:52 a tv screen you have an earpiece but there's a little bit of a delay so their mouth isn't matching what you're hearing and then you couldn't it was it was definitely a challenge but kudos to first off the fact kudos what is not kudos kudos those kudos kudos kudos to first off the fact, kudos, it's not kudos? Kudos. It was kudos. Kudos. Kudos to, you know, obviously evolution for that, for that adapt, adaption, quick response, but it was definitely wild. How was your experience? It wasn't the same. It was like the last two years put together because honestly honestly one of the people you know I would have had the biggest issues with when we're talking about the season wasn't there in person so it was hard to really not even necessarily argue with her but it was just like
Starting point is 00:02:39 it wasn't the same like when you're in person it's so different it's different so okay I got a question for you so from my experience from this year's reunion do most do the reunions kind of just like to say andy go and cohen just ask the questions that want to be asked right and then you just kind of like cover those topics that he talks about or do you open them up to like your other beefs or because i felt like two seasons ago when you guys would have a conversation this would be andy will give you a talking point yeah and then you guys would have a conversation, this would be Andy will give you a talking point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:05 And then you guys would just run with it and go down this rabbit hole. Whereas I felt like this reunion was like Andy would give us a talking point and ask us a question that everyone wanted to know. And you answered that question. And that was it. Everyone kind of like respectfully let you speak. Yeah, I guess every year. It just kind of depends.
Starting point is 00:03:23 It depends who's in the room you know because if other people were there it may have not just been as polite at certain parts so are we allowed to now talk about what happened with james and ricala we allowed to touch the base on that i mean it's yeah they both posted it is public knowledge and it was a freaking shock bombshell had no how did you feel about it I had a feeling something was up because I could tell something was bothering both of them when they arrived and so this is my theory like hopefully do they normally show this at the reunion like behind the scenes reunion oh they do film behind the scenes so it's like when you're getting makeup commercial breaks when someone as you know what happened stormed off the cameras follow them like yeah there was a time when jackson i really got into
Starting point is 00:04:10 it and i was yelling at him and i was like i'm gonna walk away like i just need a minute and then boom cameras follow you so even when you get your minute you want your minute you're still on camera interesting yeah i guess i didn't get that much prep into it. In my idea, I thought we're going to have arguments here. I thought we were going to voice our opinions and have our says. Which did happen, but it was different. I feel like it was respectful. Everyone just sat there, said their piece. Everyone nodded along.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Yeah. And then someone else went. Yeah. It was definitely real, which is why. I guess I didn't watch too much of like the other reunions i just saw people yelling i was like this is what a reunion's for but like i think we all kind of i enjoyed this summer filming with everybody yeah as much as you guys might have thought it was like a shit show a shit show and kind of like the red flags and all that that was something to me like
Starting point is 00:05:00 i'm a very kind of easygoing person i guess you could say i would just be like yeah you know what you have your rights to be this and go for this situation. And then at the same time, like, look, I own up to my shit. And, and here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Andy answered me correctly. Andy asked me a question and I was like, look, buddy, like I answered it. And he was like, so why did, why did this come out completely differently?
Starting point is 00:05:22 And I was, I explained why. Because it was Lala telling your story, not you. And that was why I wanted to go into the season. When I went down this narrative, I wanted to tell it as much as possible. And, you know, like when I have these women DMing me being like, oh, once a woman basher rose, a woman basher rose, I can see that Sheena's being abused. It's like, let's have a reality check real quick.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I was 19 years old. Yeah. I'm now 31. I do not I was 19 years old. Yeah. I'm now 31. I do not go around abusing women. Yeah. Okay. I may have a voice and I raise it in groups of people, but I don't abuse women. But anyway, I guess I kind of went into the prenotions of that reunion.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Like I wanted to say something to Lala. I had some issues because throughout the season, you guys have seen it, Lala has her opinions and we all have our opinions, but it just really rubbed me the wrong way because I had so much to say, but at the same time, this woman now, fast forward six months, is going through so much. What are your thoughts on that, Bob? Speaking of that, I want to address something that I'm kind of irritated about. Because I saw on Instagram today. Full disclaimer, this is probably going to start a podcast war again.
Starting point is 00:06:35 No, I hope it doesn't. Because I have messaged Lala about what I saw. And I've already voiced how I felt. But since she talked about it on her podcast, I'm going to address it online. So Real Vanderpump posted, for those of you watching on Patreon, I'm going to pop that up. Real Vanderpump posted a statement that she had said on her podcast this week,
Starting point is 00:07:01 and then in the caption it said, she said that only Raquel reached out after the reunion and she now it's all over reddit people are commenting saying like I can't believe like Sheena didn't reach out and this and that and I just want to set the record straight and I could even post a screenshot of the text message of me checking in on her shortly after we wrapped. I literally said, how are you feeling about that? It fucking sucked not having you there in person. That whole event, the whole day was weird, right?
Starting point is 00:07:34 Okay, we don't have to talk about the details, but the reasons why Lala ended up at home, like all of that was so crazy. And you guys are all going to see that unfold. But then on top of that, add in the drama that we had. And now here's the thing. Lala's going through it right now. And she's going through the walls. And I've been there for her.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And that's why I'm irritated. You have. That she said Raquel was the only one who checked in. Because maybe I was the only other one. But I checked in. Honey, you- I texted her that night. You went out of your way when this first happened
Starting point is 00:08:03 to find her a place, offer her a place to live, get her connected with our complex when we were here. You've been very attentive because you are at heart just a genuinely good person and good friend. Maybe check this in the box of Sheena's not loyal, but after everything that she put you through, I was still there for her in more ways than one. I think that for me, that's the hardest part about all this. And I still will be, just for the record. And you are.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I'm just really annoyed because it's not about me, but for her to then make a statement and say the only person who checked in was Raquel is not true. And that's what I mean. I think for me, dealing with this,
Starting point is 00:08:48 our relationship, me and Lala's relationship, it started off on rocky grounds when, and here's the thing with everybody this season, when she made these comments about us not being there, it was like, well, that's because I already said this to the season, like you isolated yourself. And especially when she stood by your, you know, I'm a standup guy comment, you kind of set your benchmark. And by setting that benchmark, you kind of, you know, a lot of us were upset. And I said this at the reunion,
Starting point is 00:09:12 but that for her to go ahead and say, no one checked in with her, I'm not going to check in her there because that's not my fucking place. Well, and also other people, not going to say who, but I'm just saying you can't expect everyone to check in after you've treated people a certain way is what I was trying to say but I still did so that's what I'm saying call that
Starting point is 00:09:31 you know being disloyal to you so to say but I as a friend still have checked in on her have offered if she needs anything multiple times so I was just very hurt by that statement being put out there all over red Reddit and people then saying like, wow, I can't believe like Sheena didn't check in and blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, but I did. Here's the thing. I don't, we don't want to use this to kind of like go forward for what else we want to talk about today.
Starting point is 00:09:56 But it's like, listen, mate, be accountable for what you say. And unfortunately, we know you're going through some stuff and, but there's no, but there's no need to then be like, you know, you just treated all of us this whole season. The whole season you were attacking people this season. You attacked fucking me heavy. You think this is hard for you to deal with in the public eye? I literally came into this group this summer, this year,
Starting point is 00:10:18 and all of a sudden I have 1.7 now million of your followers fucking coming at me. And you don't see me, and, and you don't see me and I mean, I guess you don't see me, but now I'm talking about like, Oh, how I felt for it. It was a struggle, but I kind of like, was like, well, fucking, you know, that's my biggest one. Is this like, you know, you weren't there for us. And for me, honey, I felt like even though you flip flop around your friends,
Starting point is 00:10:41 you were definitely there for Lala. And I'm drawing a line in this fucking sand where we were we are there for you and if you want to continue you want to perceive it there another way go for it but i'm not i'm not going back on that yeah i'm planning my wedding we're planning this out yeah and i just think we just wanted to get that off our chest off your chest and me too like i'm fucking pissed i saw that this morning and it really upset me and i messaged her instead of you know, putting it out there on the podcast, letting this come out and letting her hear it that way. I was like, hey, I haven't listened, but this is what I saw.
Starting point is 00:11:13 And I just want to remind you that I did check in. And then she didn't even acknowledge that and was just telling me that, like, you know, she feels alone. And I'm like, you don't have to feel that way. We are here for you. Exactly. And I said like, you don't have to feel that way. We are here for you. Exactly. And I said this to her before this, I was like, Lala, like if things aren't, this was when we were filming, when we were filming, I was like, Lala, like this was when I said, I'm sorry. You want to come to my birthday that same night. It's like, Lala,
Starting point is 00:11:36 I don't know what's going on, but just know that we don't put you on a pedestal. We don't think you do that by judging us and talking down to us and having your, doing that to us, but we all love you. And I still stand by that, even though you raise all these red flags about me. And it's like, I'm not going to ever sit here and smile and be like, well, look what happened here. But it's like, look, please choose your words carefully because they offend people, especially someone like yourself. I'll get your back. Okay. And I know for a fact that I was all for not making up with Lala. I told you this. I was like, you know what? I've seen how she acts. And then for you to go out of your way, telling me, you know what? That's fine, but I'm going to be her friend still. And so I accepted that. Then to have her fucking dismiss you checking in on her and really
Starting point is 00:12:19 caring about this fucking situation. It's a red flag for me. Yeah. And when I saw that this morning, I was like, hold up. And I go back in my text because I'm like, did that not send? And I'm like, I know she responded. And she did. It's a red flag. And it's like, okay, where do we go from there? Anyway.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Anyway. I wanted to podcast about all things. What a transition. Destination wedding. So that's where we're at, baby. Let's wrap up the reunion talk. Before we get into All Things Destination Wedding, I want to take a quick little break.
Starting point is 00:12:52 All right, y'all, I have told you about the most amazing home-delivered meal kits from Green Chef before, and I'm here to talk about them again because they are so good, so fresh, so flavorful, so many options to choose from every week featuring premium, clean ingredients that are seasonally sourced for peak freshness. Green Chef has pre-made, pre-measured sauces, dressings, and spices that get you more chef-curated flavor in less time. It makes it so easy. The recipes are super easy to follow.
Starting point is 00:13:29 There was actually one time when Brock and I forgot the recipe and with all of the ingredients, literally figured it out on our own, winged it, and then when I found the recipe, I was like, oh my God, we completely made that the right way because they make it so easy. They are literally the number one meal kit for eating well with dinners that work for you and not the other way around. Whether y'all are looking for carb conscious, gluten free, plant based,
Starting point is 00:13:57 or calorie conscious options, or you just want to have delicious balanced dishes, Green Chef has flavorful, good for you-you recipes that are sure to satisfy. I love having the Green Chef meals delivered to us because it makes figuring out dinner so much easier when you're really indecisive, like Brock and I. And we're like, what do we want for dinner tonight? Do we want this? Do we want to order that? Do we want to go here?
Starting point is 00:14:21 But with Green Chef, we're like, boom, this is what we're having. And it's always good. You guys can go to slash Sheena10 and use code Sheena10 to get 10 free meals, including free shipping. And again, that is go to slash Sheena10. Use code Sheena10 to get 10 free meals, including free shipping. The number one meal kit for eating well. All right. So yeah, we are wrapping up 2021, going into a new year very soon, a year that we're hoping to get married. You said yes. I said yes. We're going to get married. I'm just hoping that it will be in 2022. I'm hoping these new variants and borders and all of this doesn't affect what we are currently planning,
Starting point is 00:15:11 which is going to be in Bali next November. We already found a venue that we love, but I wanted to post for do's and don'ts and just get some advice on destination weddings because we're in a pickle I've planned a wedding before but that was local
Starting point is 00:15:29 I haven't planned a wedding before and as you guys could tell by this season not really the best planner that hasn't happened yet well you will see
Starting point is 00:15:37 but obviously I think we found a place that we want to go to but I don't know anything about destination or weddings so we asked everybody for help we wanted to get you guys experiences I don't know anything about destination or weddings. So we asked everybody for help.
Starting point is 00:15:45 We wanted to get you guys experiences. We're going to talk about that. And we'll break it down a little bit because. A lot of comments. I have a lot to make up for on the marry me part. And I'm going to be a bridezilla. As a groomzilla. Groomzilla.
Starting point is 00:15:59 You're a groomzilla. I will be a groomzilla. Okay. So we got a lot of responses the first time i posted i think people thought i was asking for recommendations of places yeah locations and i was like thank you for all of the location suggestions location suggestions but we already have a location so i wanted to know more of like the do's and don'ts for a destination wedding. Experiences like, hey, I've done this before.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Maybe you recommend this. And make sure you do this. Don't do this. Did we get a few of them? We did. Because I didn't get any of them either. I just got all opinions about, you know. Where?
Starting point is 00:16:36 Where? Yeah. Actually, you know what? Where? Where? Where? Although someone did say that they got married. This is Micah said that she got married in Bali, and it was 1,000 out of 10 service in 2018, which is exciting.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Guys, Balinese culture, Indonesian culture in Bali is a very beautiful – it's very simple, very beautiful, and I look forward to just going through that with everybody over there when we go there, taking you guys with us on Patreon, and on YouTube, and on the podcast. Who knows? who knows but it's gonna be a fun here's the problem groomzilla right here i want to do all these cool things yeah i'm talking about like fireworks and infinity pool dad's floor and we can do all those things with the location well there was other things there was also other things i was about to say i really really wanted but everyone just
Starting point is 00:17:23 looked at me and i don't want to get judged, but I'll say it right now. It's like, yeah, we'll do the elephants and the monkeys, but you can't do that. I know. No, we are going to the monkey forest where the monkeys are all free and living in the forest. But we can't just have like, you know, right up like. I'm not going to ride an elephant down the aisle. Listen. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:37 It could be done in Bali, but it's not appropriate. No, you're not doing that. I know this. But yeah, it's going to be beautiful. I look forward to just pulling out all the bells and whistles and blowing the socks off this thing. Yeah. So what do we got? So the first one that came in was,
Starting point is 00:17:55 will you incorporate Brock's New Zealand heritage and will Brock do a haka? Ooh, fun conversation. Okay, for all you guys that don't know what the haka is, it's a traditional Maori dance done before they went into battle. And you guys want to know a really, really cool story about the haka? Yeah. My great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather,
Starting point is 00:18:15 Taurupie, he invented the haka. And so it's on our side. And what it was was there was all these little wars going on, and him and his boys went from the north all the way down to the North Island and just conquered it and just beat tribe after tribe. And then they would do the haka because he was the first kind of like religious man that believed in himself to kind of go ahead and speak about his forecomings. Like I haven't got the power of my ancestors in me, boom, boom, boom. And it turned into a very kind of strong thing, you know? And it's even done now, as you guys know in the modern day,
Starting point is 00:18:48 as the Haka, when sporting teams play each other because we're going to go to battle. And I'm telling you, when we do the Haka, it is like an adrenaline shot. I think it should be not illegal because once you finish it, if I'm playing rugby and you're doing a Haka, you are so psyched. But at the same time, when you're on the other side of the haka and you get it, you feel the presence, you're super psyched as well.
Starting point is 00:19:11 So I don't think it will be a part of our wedding. But maybe when I take you guys to New Zealand, you'll see more of that culture there. Stay tuned. Next one. Keep it small. Have a big reception back home. You'll thank yourself later. I promise.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Big reception back here? Yeah. back home. You'll thank yourself later. I promise. Big reception back here. Yeah. They're saying to just like a lot of people said that we should just elope and do something at home. What the fuck's the point of a destination or wedding? I know. This is my first rule on the destination. It really makes you pick your guest list, right? Your guest list really have to work. What are you talking about? You've literally invited everyone, people, even we've just met at a Christmas party last weekend. You can come to my wedding. Even the guy was like, hi, I just met at a christmas party last weekend well that you can come to my wedding even the guy was like hi i just met you thanks for the invite but like i don't think you mean that no i do here's why let me justify my answer you got your friend group then
Starting point is 00:19:53 you got your friends friends right and you got the people that are like want to come but you forgot about if you open that invitation up they still have to fly there now this is a question we don't pay for people's flights there no okay just yeah they still have to fly they. Now, this is a question. We don't pay for people's flights there. No. Okay, just, yeah, they still have to fly there. We don't pay for the- We just pay for the experience while we're there for the wedding and all that, right? Yeah, like we pay for the wedding, the rehearsal dinner, all the food, the bar, all of that we pay for. They pay for their own flight and hotel. So we, okay, we'll break this down a little bit more, but that is why I like a destination or wedding
Starting point is 00:20:21 because I feel like I can invite everybody because if I invite 200 people, they're not all buying plane flights to come to Bali. No, I'm sure they're not, but we're also, the next question was how many people are you inviting? We're not inviting 200 people. No, you're right. We're going to invite like 300. I'm joking. You can come.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I mean, our venue is scheduled to have up to 150 people. And that's a thing. But the thing is, honey, you still only invite 150 max. And then if people regret, then you can go down the list and invite other people. Is people what? Regret? Yeah, when you like regret to inform you that they can't come. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Is that what that word? Yeah. Perfect use right there. Regret. I like that word. I'm going to use it more often. Next one. You won't have a lot of guests commit to coming, sadly that big okay so what do you think that i mean we can't really ask
Starting point is 00:21:09 them why but what do you think that would be like i think this person is just meaning because you know it is expensive so i think they think like a lot of people aren't going to come because it is very far yeah and it's not actually that expensive though once you're there. That leads me into our argument right now. We're having a debate, guys, because I do believe it is an expensive, timely trip to make for just a four-day wedding experience. And that's why I do want to have something scheduled
Starting point is 00:21:40 for like, hey, guys, this is the four days. Get in here and we celebrate this. But after the wedding, there's this and this and we're going to do this. So some of the things I screenshot, we're going to get into that. Okay, cool. Yeah. Yeah, look, I think an RSVP, it is more difficult because you're like, hey guys, you want to come to our wedding?
Starting point is 00:21:58 Instead of saying, yeah, I'm coming, it's like, oh, it's going to be just under like 800 bucks round trip, you know? Yeah. Hence why we can invite everybody and only 150 will come. Joanna 432 said to check their COVID rules for those who didn't get vaccinated. I don't know what the COVID travel policies are currently. They could also change. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:22:21 You know, like we don't know if in a year from now, if certain airlines are not only going to require the first dose of the vaccine, but boosters, some might not require it at all. Some countries might not. Some countries require a quarantine, as we know. So that is something that was a very good point that we do need to look into. You got to understand, we're international. We're not just focused on like America.
Starting point is 00:22:41 In here, like there's this big push about COVID. We're out in Australia. You read about it. But back back home i'm telling you guys queensland has never been below 70 capacity like they've just been pumping the whole way they lock down and then they open up new zealand zero you know what i mean yeah so when when it comes to those rules we have to put a full plan a plan in place right and be aware of that so that's a good point it's a good point but um fuck are you gonna fly your dress there i will absolutely have my dress with with me in a carry-on i'm not shipping it there i'm like that is one thing that like whenever we go to watch it happens
Starting point is 00:23:19 live and we go in new york in my carry-on i have have my dress, my shoes, my jewelry, like the most important things I need in my carry-on will be with me. All right. So I've got a question for you talking about flying, carry-on and all that. My vision for the flight there. This is my vision. If this works out, that would be great. It's probably not going to be our flight because we're going to be going early. We're going to Australia first, but for the guests. Time out. If we pull this off, we're going on this plane because this plane will be lit. So what I want to do is I'm going to contact the airline, reach out to an airline, and imagine if we could get, you know, if we had 100 guests, 150 guests that actually confirmed,
Starting point is 00:23:59 and we've got mad deals on this one plane. And go in there, right? And everyone can book their after flights, but the wedding experience starts from that flight. No, that would be awesome. But we will not be on that flight because we are going early. We need to be there several days before, make sure everything is good to go. We are not going on that flight.
Starting point is 00:24:17 The guests can fly in. It will be such a lit flight. Well, good. Then the party can start early for them. But we need to go before. I've already promised my parents we're doing Sydney first. Yeah, good. Then the party can start early for them. But we need to go before. I've already promised my parents we're doing Sydney first. Yeah, you're right. We're going to do a little press tour pre-wedding in Sydney.
Starting point is 00:24:32 I'm already working on that. So we're doing it in Australia. Okay, I take that back. I will not be on the party plane. We will not. Air Brock and Sheena will take you guys safely from LAX to Bali with one stop over in Australia for a beer. Melissa Buck, I like this one. Take time for the two of you alone each day. We did dinner alone
Starting point is 00:24:53 most nights. I don't want to do dinner alone, but I like that one person had told me my lost wedding, but I'm going to take this advice to our wedding and I give it to every- Look, at least we get all this solicitated advice plus experience. Totally. But I give this advice to people whenever they ask on a cameo or something for advice for a wedding day, is to just take a moment where you just, at the end of the night, in the middle of the dance floor, wherever it is, take a moment, hold each other's hands, stare into each other's eyes, look up at the stars. Whatever. But really just like take in a moment.
Starting point is 00:25:25 You think we're going to have trouble doing those? Because I feel like we always have moments. No, we do that. But for those listening, that is my advice as well. This was given to me. I did do that moment at my first one. How was it? I mean, honestly, the whole day, there was just a little bit of a pit in my stomach.
Starting point is 00:25:43 And I just chalked it up to nerves. We're filming. There's so much to do. There's so much going on. But I think it was my body trying to tell me that like, it wasn't right. Interesting. Because obviously, and now now I know, you know, you know, you know, you know, I got one for you then, honey. So what do you think? from that i feel like and i didn't watch the episode of your wedding i just heard it was a fucking shit show with a planner well she was terrible we don't need it okay learn our lessons right i want you to know this right now and you guys are going to hear us we're going to plan it beforehand and then we're
Starting point is 00:26:20 going to pass it over to your sister no but we're going to also have a day of coordinator and planner. Yes. Yeah, we're going to have a planner out there in Bali. I'm telling you, you are not involved. After you pass these plans to your sister and my sister, and a month leading up to the wedding, or once we get there, you're not involved in anything, nor is your mother. No, my mom needs to be involved because she makes sure shit gets done.
Starting point is 00:26:41 So, yes. She will have a heart attack. No. Your sister and my sister can handle this. Yes, but so can my mom. So you and your mom can enjoy this and you're not going to do anything. My mom's a control freak. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:26:51 She enjoys being involved. I'm telling you. I'm telling you how it's going to be. We'll come back to that. No, no, no, no, no, no. She can go ride some elephants, okay? That would never happen, but elephants are her favorite animal. So she can go look at them. Okay. I'm telling you right now on this thing, this is how we are going to do our wedding.
Starting point is 00:27:10 You are going to share the information. We're going to plan it all out. And then you, because I know who you are, are not going to be involved in the day-to-day. Once we get there, we do have planned out four days of the event, and we're staying at a beautiful place. We're going to be having this spa days. Our wedding is going to be partying in the evening, chill in the day and really enjoy the culture, enjoy the food.
Starting point is 00:27:30 And then there's the wedding and we'll break it down a little bit more too. But I'm saying this now. Next piece of advice. You're just going to move past all that? Yeah. No. You need to look at my eyes and tell me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I'll tell my mom she needs to relax more. No, no, no, no, no. You're going to tell your mom when this comes up that this is Courtney and Nicole's purely only, if she wants to, if they can go through Courtney, but they make the decisions that day. Yeah. That's it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Keep it very small and give zero fucks. I promise you I'd fucking have it like that. And she knows it. Keep it very small and give zero fucks about who gets mad about that. Exactly! What do you mean exactly? That's what I've been saying. Keep it small, honey. We don't need to invite 150 people. I was just vibing off the zero fucks.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Exactly. No, we don't need to invite everyone and their cousin who we fucking know. I'm sorry. Did we go through our bridal party and we're already at like fucking 35 people? What are you talking about? We each have six people. Plus their partners? That that's 24 people plus my family and your family that's not 35 my family your immediate family we're at 30 and then plus your immediate plus your cousin family you're already up at 50 to 60 people sorry i'm not lying no yes that's the number already and
Starting point is 00:28:42 we haven't even talked about our friends. That's just your immediate family. I have so many people. My immediate family is now 60 people. Well, okay. Let's say, for example, Dave and Cynthia come and the kids. Okay. That's five or six right there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Okay. That's just. And then you got your uncle, Aaron, and his wife and his kids. I know that all of the kids aren't going to be coming. Okay. And not all of the family is going to be coming either. They are all invited. I just want you to understand. Not everyone is going to be coming and not all of the family is going to be coming either. They are all invited. I just want you to understand.
Starting point is 00:29:06 They guarantee not everyone's going to come. So, okay. I said the same thing. No, I'm saying, honey, when we do someone's podcast and you invite them to our wedding, we meet someone at a Christmas party, you invite them to our wedding. That's what I'm meaning. I'm not talking about family and cousins. I'm saying when you meet people, do not invite them to our wedding.
Starting point is 00:29:23 I just want to bother them a good time. Because now we have not invite them to our wedding. I just want to bother them a good time. Because now we have to invite them to our wedding. What's wrong with that? It's a wedding. What about it? You invite people who are hopefully going to be in your life for the rest of your life. You don't just invite people you just met on a Tuesday. Well, then fuck everybody.
Starting point is 00:29:40 No one's coming. You know what I mean? Sweet. Small it is. Why not save the wedding money and travel instead? Well, we're saving money honestly by doing it this way. It's going to be cheaper than doing it here. It is.
Starting point is 00:29:53 It is. And we are traveling because we're going to Australia. We're going to Bali. We maybe go to New Zealand. It's two birds with one stone. We're not paying for everyone's flights out to this destination. Yeah, exactly. We've already done the math.
Starting point is 00:30:05 And if we get every single bell and whistle thing that we want at this venue, it's still under $$$ for everything for 150 guests. And that's not including the elephants because we're not including the elephants. We're not doing elephants. Guys, Bali is a beautiful place and it's untouched. And you're putting money into a community that definitely needs it they're they're a tourism destination and the pandemic wiped them away I'd rather go put money into these local villas that we're renting that we'll be renting out
Starting point is 00:30:35 then going to go do a nice wedding somewhere and have everyone stay in the Hilton or the Marriott you know like Bali is yeah the Bali is untouched and it's beautiful. And I can't wait to show our close friends plus podcast guests and random people at parties how beautiful that culture is. Definitely. Next piece of advice. Don't force your guests to do activities. Give them the option and they can RSVP if they want to. This is what I'm saying too. We can give suggestions of different activities in town and things to do if you would like. But I think for the things we want to do, it just needs to be bridal party only. We're not making reservations for 65 people to go to the monkey forest and things like that. The activities will be just our bridal party. They're going to be fun
Starting point is 00:31:22 activities that we know our friends wouldn't want to miss out on anyways. So, okay. And I really understand that because our bridal party, like I said, is already plus ones. We're already up there. So what do you think?
Starting point is 00:31:34 So you think we should just like, do we just say, this is what we're going to be doing and we recommend you guys do these other things at your own will? Or what do we do for that? Do we put people in a group chat and WhatsApp?
Starting point is 00:31:45 Be like, oh, we're going to stay longer? No, in the invitations, we can say, here's some local activities if you want to book. These are the days that would be great to book activities. And then I do think that everyone should be invited to the rehearsal dinner, or at least all of the family. You know, like a big rehearsal dinner. But we do the rehearsal dinner two days before the wedding
Starting point is 00:32:05 because you need to give your irresponsible guests and family members time to recover. So for the wedding, they're not hung over looking like shit standing up there with you. You're not going to like my next wedding story, honey. When Charlie invited us to his wedding. Oh, I've heard. The wedding cake was thrown across the room.
Starting point is 00:32:23 That will not be happening. You will not smash cake in my face. You will not fuck up my dress at all. If you or any of your friends or my friends do anything with the cake, and if any of that ends up on me, you will have a very angry bride. Just you don't need a scolding bride i already just saying i can't i've heard these horrors i can't even do pranks with you at home i want to do prank videos for you guys on patreon but she'll be like uh don't be doing that to me i'm like it would be funny but you know i know my rules but yeah that was definitely fun next piece of advice pick
Starting point is 00:33:01 bridesmaid dresses that are in a packable material like chiffon to make travel easier. And that was actually a good tip because I already have the dresses I think picked out and I was like, ooh, that actually is a good material that you can pack and, you know, it can just steam. So that was a good piece of advice. I think the grooms would just carry theirs on the plane. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:23 And I mean, the planes, you know, you can hang up your stuff too. So I just definitely think put it in your carry-on. Brock and Sheena, yeah, we'll be able to carry everyone's stuff. Are you going to incorporate Summer into the wedding ceremony? Absolutely. Yo, she's going to be walking. She's going to be the cutest little flower girl ever. She's going to be walking with her monkeys and they're going to be throwing flowers.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Yeah. No. Imagine if we just had like a random monkey that would just walk in. Oh my God. Because it happens, guys. I know. All the villas have their private monkeys. Not their private monkeys, but they eat the offerings.
Starting point is 00:33:53 In the community, they give their offerings every morning and there's food in these offerings. It's full of spirits. And there's little local monkeys for every single villa because they're like, oh, every morning these guys are going to come out and drop food. Thank you very much. So look, if we put a sprinkle of like some seeds in there and she's throwing some flowers and some seeds on the ground, there might be some monkeys running down the aisle. It's not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:34:14 I'm just forecasting. See, another one. Don't force all your guests to hang out together. Let them plan their itinerary. So these are people who have probably gone on destination weddings who were annoyed that it was like, oh, at 4 p.m. we have this and then we have this. And it's like, I'm on vacation. I'm paying my own money to be here.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I want to do what I want to do. So that's where we can suggest things. But people, this is their vacation too. They're coming to our wedding. We don't do the whole thing, right? We just say, hey, for these four days, we've got this resort booked in for you guys. Yeah, you book a block of hotel rooms. And then we just say, like, these are the main times.
Starting point is 00:34:50 And the rest is up to you guys to do all the other cool things and up to you guys. And then after that, you can go do whatever you guys like. Yeah. Okay. I like that idea because, listen, my friends are growing up. So I don't need to babysit and be like, let's go do this together. Exactly. And it's just too much.
Starting point is 00:35:03 We're already planning a wedding. We don't need to plan 150 people's vacation. So do we send them like place suggestions? We can do that. Like, hey, we suggest these places. Yes. In the invitation, we can send a suggestion of, you know, we recommend going to the monkey forest.
Starting point is 00:35:17 We recommend going here for dinner. And we can call them up and just try and get like a discount or something like that. Sure. I love a discount if you haven't heard. Yeah. We can have my publicist do that. What are you doing differently for your wedding
Starting point is 00:35:28 this time around? Will you have bridesmaids? I had bridesmaids the first time. I wasn't going to have them this time. That was going to be the one thing
Starting point is 00:35:34 I was going to do different but because you've never had a big wedding, you groomzilla want a bunch of groomsmen so now I'm like, well, I guess I'm having bridesmaids.
Starting point is 00:35:42 I can't wait to see like the video. But I've only asked two so far. I have my maid of honor which is my sister and then as you guys saw and heard i asked ariana i have yeah see i briefly touched over it but i feel like i want to have like a you know an in-person one when i say it to my boy but yeah no i haven't talked to anybody no don't like we need to like document all of of this and get it on camera when you ask people. You know, my vision. What you have almost accidentally done is asked the wrong person to be your best man.
Starting point is 00:36:11 You mean groomsmen. So don't ask the wrong person to be your best man because that is a higher standard than just a groomsman. And then if you ask the wrong person to be your best man, they're like, oh, wait. Just kidding. Sorry. You're not actually the person I want as my best man. I just want you as a groomsman. Then it's just awkward.
Starting point is 00:36:27 So just make sure when you ask them. Because the groomsman's job is what? Well, there's the best man and the maid of honor. Those are your number one people. And then the groomsman and the bridesmaids are all of your other closest people. Oh, see, look. But the best man is the number one guy in the group.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Yeah, number one guy in the group? The number one guy in the group is your best man. Oh, wow. And you know who your best man is the number one guy in the group. Yeah, number one guy in the group? The number one guy in the group is your best man. Oh, wow. And you know who your best man is going to be. But you said, oh, I thought about asking so-and-so to be my best man. I was like, no, you mean groomsman. Ding, ding, ding, ding. Because it is different.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Got it, got it. It clicked. Thanks for slowing that down for me. Your best man is your go-to person. I'm so glad you got so much experience in this. You know? Yeah, my first wedding was a shit show. Fucking, I loved it.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Do you have your wedding dress picked or summer's dress? Not at all. I have a slight vision. What is your vision? Oh, listen to this. I'd wear the flowiest wedding dress because you are beyond perfect and ethereal. Did I even say that word right? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:21 That was so sweet. Thank you, KGB. I want to know what your vision is for your dress because. You're not going to know my vision because you're not going to see my dress because we're not doing that. The first look will be when I walk down the aisle. Okay, I'm telling you though. You're not seeing my dress ahead of time. I joked about it.
Starting point is 00:37:37 I'm not wearing a crop top. Okay, perfect. No, what I will say I'll do. I'll wear whatever you want to wear. I saw a question. I don't know if I screenshot it in here, but someone had asked about if I'm going to do like more than one dress I did like what Brittany did at her wedding is she had this gorgeous princess gown and then for the reception like a piece of it like the extra train came off and then for like the after party the
Starting point is 00:38:02 whole bottom came off and then it was like a short cocktail dress okay yeah no we're just getting three different dresses no i'm not doing three different dresses i do like the idea of having more of like a train for the ceremony but then for the reception more reception let's have two dresses well maybe maybe two but i i like the idea of just one working with one designer and having a piece that's detachable. Gotcha. We're also, you know, getting married in Bali on the ocean. Like, so. I can't wait to see that then.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I look forward to that surprise. Yeah. It's going to be beautiful. Will Summer Moon be the flower girl? She will be our flower girl. Yes, she will. Wow. I'm talking about this, honey, because it kind of gets me like a little excited, you know?
Starting point is 00:38:45 Well, you should be a lot excited. No, not like, I mean, I'm will. Wow. I'm talking about this, honey, because it kind of gets me like a little excited, you know? Well, you should be a lot excited. No, not like, I mean, I'm stoked. Yeah. But like now kind of like talk about like, I want to after this, go write down our names and start figuring out that list. We do need to start doing that. Just so we can make sure we invite the mosties. Yeah. Use a local photographer.
Starting point is 00:39:00 They will know all the best spots. See, that's what I want to do. I want to have one of my own photographers. Then I do want have a local one i want to have at least two so just so you know i have been speaking with the villas out there they have people and i am speaking with a third party person who lives in bali from australia and she has got a friend there that does weddings oh okay we might have an in-house wedding planner from australia that lives in bali that works with all the locals. So because there's a thing about Bali, guys, like there's a crime syndicate there.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Like there's like gangs and all that. And you got to respect people there. And so you got to pay the right people. Otherwise, shit happens. So all of that got to get in consideration. You see it on there. They're like, oh, the villa is this plus 20%, 15% in permits and all of these permits and all that.
Starting point is 00:39:46 So we're going to apply for that too. But this wedding planner will help us. Yeah, definitely. What type of wedding do you both like? Traditional or probably planned the way you want it? What's traditional? I think a little bit of both. Like the traditional vows, you know, and like certain aspects of the wedding that are traditional
Starting point is 00:40:02 parts like that. We're going to write our own vows? Yes. So I want to do the like repeat after me, but. We're going to write our own vows? Yes. So I want to do the repeat after me, but I also do want to write our own vows. So do you have to say repeat after me plus your own vows? Yeah, because the repeat after me is the through sickness and in health, that traditional part, I do like that. And I did take those vows seriously when I said them the first time.
Starting point is 00:40:20 It just unfortunately didn't work out. But I tried very hard. And I would like to do that again because I do mean those words I say, but I would also like when you proposed to me and you had everything written down, you know, just like before saying what you said, when you got down on one knee, having all of those written words, like that meant so much to me. And I definitely want to do that for both of us, but whoever's marrying us, I want him to read those so we can just have the moment, look in each other's eyes and listen to each other's words.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Oh, okay. I like that. You know? Yeah, because when I proposed to you, I'm surprised you even heard it on the show, but I was just like, it's just emotion. So I can only imagine. It hasn't aired yet. Well, when you watch it.
Starting point is 00:41:09 What's the biggest thing on your do not do list you learned from your first wedding? Number one, what is it? Don't hire that same planner. No, I think that I need to, this time, just be okay with letting go of control as you said you know let our sisters take the reins because i had such a strict schedule of things i wanted to do and when things weren't oh i can imagine the way i wanted i could imagine it was a shit show i was just like i really wanted
Starting point is 00:41:37 to do the dollar dance that is a tradition it has been a dollar dance it's when people come up men or women can dance with you same with me you have a little pouch and they put a dollar dance. It's when people come up. Men or women can dance with you. Same with me. You have a little pouch and they put a dollar, $100, however much money they want in it. That goes towards your honeymoon. But it's not even about the money. It's just this is the one time in the wedding when you don't get a chance to walk around to every table and to talk to everyone. There were so many people at my wedding that I never even saw other than like on Facebook. I saw photos of them.
Starting point is 00:42:04 I'm like, oh, I never even got to talk to them. You don't even know whoever I'd invite. It's Frank over there. The dollar dance is a time when people can line up and you get your, you know, 30 seconds or whatever with each person. And I just really liked that. And it was like,
Starting point is 00:42:17 thank you for coming to my wedding. You got the money, but it's a dollar, you know, but also then you have a little spending cash for your honeymoon. And it was just, that was like one of the things that I wanted to do that so bad. And then it wasn't happening. I was freaking out.
Starting point is 00:42:30 So I feel like this time around, I just need to kind of let go of control. You know, if things don't go as planned, like the same with, I didn't want to have a birth plan, you know, because I'm like, I just want to go with the flow. Whatever happens, happens. If I have to have an emergency C-section, if I have to end up getting hospitalized for five extra days and I get help syndrome, I had no expectations going into that. I just wanted a healthy baby. I promise you, honey, your sister and my sister will make sure they deliver with the wedding planner. They will get it sorted so you and your mom don't have to be upset or have any
Starting point is 00:43:00 expectations or be scared about it. Hand in Okay. Hand in hand. We agree. You said yes. Okay. You promise. You're going to enforce this rule for me. Okay. She, if for everyone not watching our Patreon,
Starting point is 00:43:14 you should. Okay. But if you're not, she's pinky promising me right now, because look, this is a hard thing for you to do. And I know it is. Because I know my mom wants to be involved.
Starting point is 00:43:22 I know she can have, she can be involved, but that, that when we get there, no involvement because there's no fun this when there's that on us. You know, you just said it.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Perfect. We did it. Make sure everyone is invited to every event, rehearsal dinner included. So that's where if, you know, there are things like that, like I said, I want- Guys, you're really helping us
Starting point is 00:43:41 put together this wedding. Get a wedding planner or day of coordinator saves you so much stress. Abso-fucking-lutely, just not the one I had, I want. Guys, you're really helping us put together this wedding. Get a wedding planner or day of coordinator. Saves you so much stress. Abso-fucking-lutely. Just not the one I had my last wedding. She was a bitch. Well, I feel like working with her between you and me.
Starting point is 00:43:52 She literally went and blasted me on social media. She was a fucking bitch. Even years later, like was like watching reruns. I remember. It was like, actually, what I did. I was like, oh, no, no, no, no. That is not what happened. Listen, to work with you on your wedding would be a nightmare anyway.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Anyways. Yeah. Give everyone plenty of notice and suggest some hotels, places they can stay, villas, et cetera. Absolutely. So that's what. I feel like we're getting through this. We're going to have like our, we're like, this is what's going to happen. Yeah, but then you give a suggestion of, you know, we have the hotel rooms blocked out at these three places.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Use code Brock Washina. Right. Don't underdress because you're doing a destination wedding. Go for a proper dress. Oh, yeah. No, I'm going. I want like. I can't say this yet.
Starting point is 00:44:39 I want like lacy, like fucking beautiful. Ariana and I have been looking at some gorgeous dresses. No, like princess. No, no, it's not going to be princess. I can tell you that. Sexy. It's not going to be princess. It's going to be just, I'm not telling you.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I'm not telling you. But trust me, you will be very happy. You will be very happy. Have some optional group activities outside of the actual wedding. Hikes, picnics, et cetera. Yes, we've said that. I think that is a great recommendation. Putting this wedding together real quick.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Yeah. Ask the flight attendant the second you board if they can hang your dress in the closet. Perfect. Yeah. That'll be Airways Brock and Sheena sponsored by Qantas. I think so. A lot of the other ones that I screenshot were just kind of repeats of that. But a lot of people had a lot of good advice.
Starting point is 00:45:25 So thank you guys so much for reaching out, sending in all of your do's and don'ts and recommendations. It's going to help. It's going to help. Now I feel like we're going into 2022 in just a few weeks, honey. We need to make our list. We really need to start planning this. Work on the list. Let's lock in the venue.
Starting point is 00:45:42 I need to reach out to some designers. Oh, my God. I'm to reach out to some designers. Oh my god, I'm excited. It's all happening. If you work for the airlines and you want to have a chat with me, I'll look forward to this conversation. We're going to book anywhere from 80 to 150 flights.
Starting point is 00:45:57 It's going to be fun. We're doing it. I'm excited. I'm so excited. Well, thank you guys for helping me get through this and make some strong decisions. Thank you guys so much me get through this and make some strong decisions. Thank you guys so much for listening. We will be back next week with, I don't know what yet, but we'll be getting into some shenanigans. Well, what we will be doing for our Patreon fans,
Starting point is 00:46:16 you can watch this one too. You can hear it on the podcast. I think Sheena and I are going to get sex therapy. So that one's going to be fun. Yeah, we're going to have a sex therapist come back on the podcast and give us some tips. Talk to us about new parenting, sexual stuff, relationship sexual stuff. I also want to do another episode with our sleep trainer, with our coach. I think she has a lot of interesting things that a lot of moms would be.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Yeah, but you have to listen to what we have to start making stronger decisions on. We are doing pretty good. No, we're not doing that on this episode. Thank you guys so much for listening. Bye. Go write a review. Thanks, bye. Thanks for listening to Shenanigans with Sheena Shea.
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