Scheananigans with Scheana Shay - It’s Not Always Sunshine and Rainbows

Episode Date: June 26, 2020

Life has its ups and downs. This week, Scheana opens up about something very personal in a raw and unfiltered episode. She is then joined by Brock and they wrap up with a Q&A from their l...isteners. Scheananigans with Scheana Shay is produced by ACTIONPARK MEDIA Follow us on Instagram: @scheana @scheananigans @actionparkmediagroup Details for the Psychic referenced in this week’s episode below: Grace Stella Maris Readings Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, this is going to be a little bit of a different shenanigans podcast. I'm going to end it lighthearted with a lot of your questions that you sent in on Instagram, but I just wanted to let you guys know what's been going on in my life the last few weeks. Brock will be here with me in a little bit, but this part was something that was just a little too hard for him to talk about. And I obviously respect that. So I'm going to fill you guys in myself and then he'll be joining me in a little bit to end with a Q&A. So it's not just an entirely sad podcast because I've never done that but I have always been an open book and I've always told you guys everything that's going on in my
Starting point is 00:00:52 life and so many of you have followed me on my fertility journey over the last year and a half This is a part of it. It's just a sad part. So a few weeks ago, we found out that I was pregnant. And for those of you who have followed my fertility journey and freezing my eggs the last year and a half, I did two rounds, one in January, one in July, and I didn't think that I could get pregnant on my own. My AMH levels, for those of you who know what they are, were 0.28. That's basically your fertility levels, and that tells you your egg count. I have a very low ovarian reserve egg count, whatever you want to call it. And my doctors told me that it would be close to impossible to get pregnant on my own. I have been on birth control for many years, but they said that's not a cause of it. This is something that's just genetic.
Starting point is 00:01:59 And there's really nothing you can do to change it. There's no diet. There's nothing you can do. It just, it is what it is. So I decided to take my future into my own hands and freeze my eggs. Last year, I did two rounds. We got nine the first round and seven the second. So I have 16, which sounds great, right? But it's actually not. It's good. It's not great because they're just eggs right now. They're not embryos. So they're not fertilized. Once they're fertilized, you maybe lose half. Once they're genetically tested, you maybe lose another half. And then you never know if the implantation is going to take. So I did this last year just as a backup plan, but also as what I thought my only option would be. But a few weeks ago, I missed my period. And I was like, wait, maybe I'm like, I'm not on the pill anymore.
Starting point is 00:02:55 So maybe I'm just like a little irregular. Maybe, you know, I've been hanging out like we'd been in isolation for so long. But I started hanging out with Ariana and Jamie again. And I thought, you know, maybe I'm just sinking to their cycle. So I didn't really think anything of it. And then I had a tarot card reader. And I've never really done the tarot cards. As a lot of you probably know, I'm a huge believer in psychics and mediums and all of that. And I guess ever since the episode of Vanderpump Rules aired, I had a lot of psychics reaching out who wanted to give me a reading. So this woman, I can post
Starting point is 00:03:33 her information as well, did a tarot card reading for me. And the night she did it, I was four days. I had missed my period, but I just thought, you know, I'm a couple of days late. It's coming. It's coming. We were in Arizona that weekend. I drank a little bit that weekend, but I hadn't really drank at all since my birthday. I was cleansing, getting ready for my third round of freezing my eggs. So there was one night in Arizona we drank and I got really sick and I threw up a bunch and didn't think maybe I'm pregnant. I thought, oh, well, that's what you get when, you know, you mix white claw with tequila shots or whatever. One, I had literally one shot and a couple of white claws on the boat. And I just, I hadn't really drank in a few weeks. So I just thought, you know, I ate a lot of food that day and mixed the sweet white claws with a tequila shot at the end of the night.
Starting point is 00:04:28 And I got really sick. Didn't think anything of it. So I get back from Arizona and I have this tarot card reader. And she's telling me all of these things. And it was really, really spot on stuff. And at the end of it, she goes, do you have any questions? And I was like, actually, yeah, I would like to know about kids. I always ask because I'm just interested to see what psychics have to say about that and what they see. And she goes, has someone told you
Starting point is 00:04:57 you can't have natural children? And I was like, well, science and doctors say there's a very slim chance to that, but psychics have told me otherwise. And she was like, well, science and doctors say there's a very slim chance to that, but psychics have told me otherwise. And she was like, yeah, she goes, I see natural children. She's shuffling her cards and shows me this card. And I don't know anything about tarot cards. She shows me this card and she says, you have a child today if you want it. And I was like, well, yeah, I mean, I froze my eggs. it. And I was like, well, yeah, I mean, I froze my eggs. So technically, if I wanted to unfreeze them, you know, today per se, I could. But the way she said it, I was like, hold on. And then
Starting point is 00:05:34 I'm thinking about how I got sick over the weekend. I am a few days late. My best friend, Brett, was staying with me. Brock was down in San Diego. And there was just something that I'm like, was staying with me. Brock was down in San Diego. And there was just something that I'm like, what if, like, what if a miracle happened? And so Brett and I go to the store. I buy a test. I come home. I'm on FaceTime with Brock. I'm like joking around because I'm like, I'm 35 years old. I've never been pregnant in my life. Like it's all every time I've, you know, been a few days late and I pee on a stick, it's negative, negative, negative. So he's like, why are you doing this? So like casually while I'm on the phone with you, I'm like, because I already know what it's going to say. And as I'm waiting for it to develop, I'm on FaceTime with him. And in the first
Starting point is 00:06:18 circle, there's two circles, there's like a circle and an oval. And it's like two lines for pregnant, one line for not pregnant. And as it's developing, there's one line in the first one in the circle. And I'm like, wait a second, wait a second. And I start freaking out because I'm like, oh, well, maybe it's just going to not be in the second one. That's just the line in the first one and maybe, and then there's a line in the second one. And I'm like, there's no way, there's no way. I need to go back and get another test. We go back and we get the most expensive test. I get three more. I did five total.
Starting point is 00:06:49 They all say pregnant. I'm just like, oh my God. We weren't even trying. This is a miracle. I'm so happy. And Brock is like, wait, what? We're just freaking out, but we're so excited because we didn't know or think that it was possible.
Starting point is 00:07:05 So still, I'm not convinced. I'm like, I need to go get a blood test. So I go, I get the blood test. My doctor calls me and says, congratulations, you're two to three weeks pregnant. And I was just like, oh my God, I didn't know this was possible. So we're getting really excited. You know, like Jamie came out that week. She brought me a present, brought her daughter out here.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I babysat for the weekend. I'm like, well, I've got to get used to this. And I told my mom and my sister, and we were so excited to tell my dad on Father's Day. We made him this like surfboard that said he's Dutch and in Dutch you call grandma and grandpa Opa and Oma. And we got these letters like stickers on it and it said only the best dads get bumped up to Opa's. And we were so excited to give him this for Father's Day. And then over last weekend when we were down in San Diego for Brock's birthday and I know it looked like I was probably drinking and partying but this was literally just stuff for the vlog
Starting point is 00:08:12 because I wasn't going to announce in the first trimester that I was pregnant so I was just you know keeping up the facade so no one really asked questions I had a shot of water at dinner. I had a virgin strawberry daiquiri. I had this awesome purple mocktail with like foam. So yeah, it looks like I'm drinking, but I wasn't. Even on the drinking and podcasting episode that I did a few weeks ago with Brett, that was the night I found out. So he was drinking Aperol spritzes. I wasn't. I was just pretending, but I actually wasn't. I was all over the place kind of on that podcast, not because I was drinking, because I was like, holy shit, I am pregnant. And I was still trying to process it all, but we were so excited. And so we're down in San Diego for Brock's birthday. And after our date night, the first night, if y'all saw my vlog,
Starting point is 00:09:07 you know what I'm talking about. We get home from dinner and not to be graphic, but I went to the bathroom and there was blood. And I know that it's normal to spot in the first trimester. So I'm like, okay, this is more than I would like to see, but I'm okay I'm okay like it's gonna be okay the next morning I wake up and I see all over the internet that Stassi's pregnant and I'm like oh my god like we're pregnant together like I'm like I wonder how far along she is like she announced so early I was like I swear we were all drinking when we filmed the reunion but maybe she had a mocktail like I don't know and so I see this mocktail. Like, I don't know. And so I see this, I obviously text, congratulations, but I don't say anything about me because not only did I start bleeding
Starting point is 00:09:53 the night before and I'm worried I'm having a miscarriage, but it was too early. I was only, I think at that time about five weeks. So I wasn't really telling anyone other than my two best friends, my mom and my sister, obviously Brock. So no one knew. And I wanted to keep it a secret until we knew it was safe to tell people because my hopes were already up and I was so excited. Obviously, you guys know where the story is going. So the rest of that weekend, we're down in San Diego at Viejas Casino. James and Raquel are down there with us. We're having a lot of fun. But I just felt off. I felt like I felt pregnant a couple weeks before. And then I just felt normal. But I was still bleeding all weekend and it wasn't stopping. And Brock was like, well, you know, like at least like it's consistent. And I'm like, it's not consistently good, honey. It's, it's not getting heavier. It's consistent in that sense, but this isn't like a good sign. Like it's, it's not stopping. So I'm freaking out. So that Monday we go on his birthday,
Starting point is 00:11:06 So that Monday, we go on his birthday, his actual birthday after the weekend in San Diego, we go to my family doctor to get some blood work done. And just to make sure, you know, my levels are going up and everything's good. And we weren't going to get the blood work back until the next day. So we get the blood work back the next day. And my HCG, which is like the levels that tell you if you're pregnant they're supposed to double or triple every two to three days and it went up significantly but it wasn't doubling or tripling as it should but i was still like okay but it's good it went up like this is a good sign and then they called me back a little later and said
Starting point is 00:11:45 what my progesterone and estrogen levels were and my progesterone dropped significantly and that's not a good sign so I call my OB and I was like I I need to come in like I know my appointments not until I'm eight weeks because of COVID and everything. You guys aren't seeing patients yet, but my progesterone levels were already, they already started out low and now they're even lower and I'm freaking out. And so I got on progesterone pills and the bleeding stopped and I was like, okay, this is good. But there was just still a feeling, no matter how many positive thoughts I had or how much I tried to be like, no, no, no, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Like the HCG went up, like maybe, you know, your progesterone fluctuates. Like I was Googling everything. I found the one and only article where there was one sentence where it said, if your HCG went up, but your progesterone dropped, like it was still okay. It wasn't necessarily the sign of a miscarriage. So I just held on to that little bit of hope. And then last week, my OB got me in early and he did an ultrasound and there was no heartbeat, and there was just nothing progressing. There's nothing growing inside. There was parts that he could see where it was starting to form, and it just didn't. So obviously, just devastating. We were so excited, and then to just like be excited for a few weeks and then it's just like gone so quickly. It's still been a lot to process because now I'm at home and I'm just waiting to naturally, Miss Carrie, have to go back to my doctor this week so he can do another ultrasound
Starting point is 00:13:48 because now I'm just literally sitting here waiting, feeling normal, but still treating my body as if I'm pregnant, which is a complete mindfuck because I know there's nothing progressing, mindfuck because I know there's nothing progressing but there's still something there and I haven't passed it yet so I have to go back on Friday and find out exactly what's going on and what the next steps are if I don't know if they give you a pill a suppository if they have to do a DNC procedure. We don't exactly know yet, but I didn't want to not put a podcast out this week and have people speculating why I didn't put one out. I've already had people saying like, oh, are you jealous of Stassi because you haven't congratulated her? I'm like, Stassi and I have been texting every day just because I haven't posted something publicly. I'm overjoyed for her. I am so happy for them. They deserve this. Like, I know they've wanted a kid for, they've been trying for a while and I'm
Starting point is 00:14:57 so, so happy for her and Bo, but I felt like I owed it to all of you guys to explain what's going on in my life, to not skip doing a podcast, just to not say anything. And this isn't easy to do. It's easier because I'm sitting at home. I'm not in the studio. But I know a lot of you have followed me on this fertility journey. And I wanted to put this out because a miracle did happen and I got pregnant for the first time in my life. And although this one isn't working out and we don't know yet what's exactly gonna happen, I know that I was able to
Starting point is 00:15:43 get pregnant on my own and that alone is a miracle. And I know that this is something that's common that so many women go through. I found out cousins of mine who I never knew had multiple miscarriages. My best friend, her sister, like so many people, so many women have experienced this, but that doesn't make it any easier. And even though I was only six and a half weeks, that doesn't make it any easier. We still got so excited for something that isn't happening anymore. And it's been really, really tough to wrap my head around. It's been really, really tough to wrap my head around. And I've always been such an open book.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And I knew that I wanted to tell my story the way I want to tell it. And that's why I'm doing it here on my podcast. So it's my words that you guys are hearing and my emotion. Sorry. But I know that now I want this more than anything. When I was freezing my eggs a year and a half ago, I'm like, I don't even know if I want kids. Like, you know, I'm not a big kid person. Like I'm not the person who goes to a party and wants to babysit your kid or hang out with your kid or hold your baby. That's never been me. But maybe that's because I was just always afraid that I wouldn't be able to have kids on my own. So I've always like blocked that out and pushed it away. But the second that test said positive, I was never been so excited for something in my life. And I know now that I do do I really want this more than anything so
Starting point is 00:17:26 now it's a waiting game and it's literally the worst thing I have ever waited for in my entire life because I don't know when it's going to fully happen I don't know if it's gonna happen tonight if it's gonna happen in a a month, I don't know how long it can take. So I'm just sitting here at home feeling like the most able, like disabled person. I feel like I'm okay. I can go for a walk or go for a run, but then I'm like, no, I'm afraid to do anything because I don't want to hurt my body. And it's like, oh, I'm afraid to do anything because I don't want to hurt my body. And it's like, but then I have to remind myself that there's nothing progressing. And it's just,
Starting point is 00:18:16 it really, it really is just, it's a mindfuck. I started doing my acupuncture again. I was literally eating all the right foods. I was doing everything right. And like I said, you know, all of the drinks that you've seen in my last few vlogs were not even alcohol but seeing that ultrasound and just seeing no growth no heartbeat was really really tough and now I'm like afraid every time I do go to the bathroom that there's going to be blood that there's gonna it's just gonna happen at. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be graphic. It's just, it's, it's terrifying and it's terrible. And I would not ever wish this upon anyone. And I have so, so, so much empathy for anyone who has been through this because no one should ever have to go through this. It is just the worst feeling. But I just, I think it's something that's important to talk about because I think
Starting point is 00:19:15 a lot of women don't talk about the hard parts of fertility. They hide it. They're embarrassed by it. They think it's their fault. They think that they did something wrong. And I know there's nothing wrong that I did. I know this just, it happens and it's unfortunate, but it happens. And, you know, maybe that means that there was something wrong with the baby and that it's better it happened this way, but it doesn't make it any easier. Like maybe it wasn't the right time okay but we were ready we were so ready so it doesn't make it any easier and I know it's been really hard for Brock
Starting point is 00:19:55 he's been just so angry and I'm like are you angry at me because I'm sad. And he's like, no, I'm angry because I was excited. Like so excited. And it's just been a roller coaster of emotions. Like yesterday was the first day I woke up and didn't cry and I had a good day. And then it was like, I almost felt guilty for having a good day because I'm like, no, I should be sad. But it's like, no, you need to just go through the motions. And I feel like I'm just going through all of the stages of grief so quickly that I have to like get to acceptance because like it is what it is. I have to accept it. But it's like, but I'm still sad. And I don't know when I'm going to not be sad. But I know that when I had a good day yesterday, I just tried to embrace that because I didn't know if today was going to be a good day.
Starting point is 00:20:48 God, it's just been a roller coaster. Kristen came over this weekend for Father's Day and brought me flowers and was just so sweet. And it was really, really good to see her and just to know that I do have some amazing friends. And Stassi, we've talked more in the last five days than we have in the last five months or probably even five years. Sent me the sweetest, most heartfelt message. Just genuinely being there for me. And that really meant a lot because she's pregnant right now. And I'm sure like being pregnant you can't imagine you know losing it and to see one of your friends going through the opposite it's just
Starting point is 00:21:32 everything in our group there's been just a lot it's just been really messed up lately but I'm thankful that Ariana and Brittany I mean everyone's been really really supportive and I wanted to let you know those close to me know what was going on first before I did decide to talk about this publicly but like I said I just I always want to be real with you guys and if that means me being vulnerable talking about the bad then be it. Because life isn't always sunshine and fucking rainbows. I am well aware of that. And, you know, sometimes you just go through some really shitty things. But I hope that it makes us stronger.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I think it's brought Brock and I even closer together. And I'm just trying to tell him it's okay to be sad. It's okay to be mad. We were so excited. It just going through the motions has just been very challenging to say the least. For Father's Day, I just I was still wanted to be consistent with posting for you guys and keeping you updated on everything going on in my life because, you know, we're not filming right now. We don't know what's going on with that. So I filmed some stuff with my dad for Father's Day and I tried to just enjoy my day with him and not be sad, but it was in and out of being sad. It was so great to see Kristen. And next week, I did, we had already started vlogging so much of my doctor's appointment and peeing on the sticks,
Starting point is 00:23:14 knocked up style and just everything so far leading up to it that I thought was going to be, our announcement vlog. I did not think it was going to go in this direction, but I think it's so important to talk about the hard things in life that a lot of other people don't like talking about. So I am going to put that out next week. And it was a really hard one to record and it's probably going to be a really hard one to watch back but I just want all of you out there who have experienced this to know that I feel your pain and no one should ever have to feel this literally it's the worst but I will always always let you guys know what's going on with me even if it pisses some people off because they think, you know, your whole life doesn't have to be public, Sheena. You can save some things. You know,
Starting point is 00:24:09 some things are meant to be private. And I'm like, that's not the job I signed up to do. I signed up to give 100% of my life to tell the whole story, the good, the bad, the ugly. story, the good, the bad, the ugly, and that's what I'm doing. So now that you guys know what's been going on in my life the last couple of weeks, obviously I would just appreciate support and love. That's all I ask for right now. But so this isn't a total downer podcast for all of you listening out there. You did send in a lot of questions. I'm going to go grab Brock. We're going to get into some of those. Thank you for those of you who didn't turn this off yet and are still listening.
Starting point is 00:24:57 It's cathartic. It feels good, but it's hard to talk about at the same time. But keeping things in and bottling it is never good. You need to let your feelings out and you need to feel the way you feel. And it's okay. And that's what I'm trying to tell Brock. It's okay to feel what you're feeling. You don't have to keep it all inside.
Starting point is 00:25:19 You don't have to be strong all the time. And I don't know how long I'm going to feel sad for. I might, you know, feel sad for a really long time, but I just now know that I can get pregnant on my own. I now know that we do want this. We are ready for this and, you know, now we're going to try again, but in the meantime, I'm just going to keep on. I don't, I don't even know. time, I'm just gonna keep on. I don't, I don't even know. Okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go grab Brock and we're gonna, as Andy Cohen says, switch gears here and get into some of your questions. Now, joining me, my amazing boyfriend who drove two and a half hours to be here with me tonight because obviously we're both
Starting point is 00:26:06 sad but he just opened up his gym today he's been working since 5 a.m and still drove all the way back to palm springs to be here with me so thank you honey you're welcome baby i was trying to do the conversation before but it's just not my cup of tea right now i know it's it's not easy to talk about i definitely cried a little bit but like i was just telling you earlier it's okay to feel your feelings and to let it out strong men feel feelings it's okay so this is also the literal only reason that I didn't go to any of the protests because I've been pregnant for the last several weeks. And everyone's like, why aren't you out there? You know, you're such a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, yet you're not protesting. And I'm like, I just can't tell you guys why.
Starting point is 00:26:59 But now you know. That's why I wasn't out there. Anyways, I said we're going to Andy Cohen switch gears here. That's what he always says on the reunion when he wants to change subjects. Switch gears. All right, yeah. Let's go to some questions, eh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:14 What is your pet peeve about each other? You got to say who said it too. We got to give shout outs. Zoe. Zoe. Dot. Underscore. Dot.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Underscore. Dot. Underscore. My pet peeve is when you don't feel your feelings. My pet peeve is when you don't feel your feelings. My pet peeve is when you feel your feelings. So that's good to know. Clint would like to know, who would win in a chop-styled home cook-off, you or Brock?
Starting point is 00:27:39 My money is on you. Thanks, Clint. Yeah. Although, I think Brock might win that one. Wait, Clint said he backed you? Yeah. That's a dark horse to back. Come on, buddy. Cupcake Montgomery,
Starting point is 00:27:54 my girl, said do you guys want to work together in the future? Absolutely. Yeah, I think we're already working together now on YouTube and that and starting to do some podcasts together. We're very fortunate that this is going to be what our job is or part of our jobs is our relationship, which is great. I think we're a good team.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Yeah. What's your favorite thing you've done in quarantine? Says, you know, teacup. Favorite thing? Yeah. You first. Probably finishing Netflix. Finishing Netflix.
Starting point is 00:28:27 I mean, honestly, I just enjoyed how much one-on-one time I got with you, not working, just here. Yeah. I think I just enjoyed the time. We had some good time. Yeah. We did a lot of things. Took up golf.
Starting point is 00:28:43 How long have we been together? Charlotte wants to know. About 10 months now? Yeah. We did a lot of things. Took up golf. How long have we been together? Charlotte wants to know. About 10 months now. Yeah. 10 months plus three months of COVID, so that's about five years. SarahGoat24 wants to know, what's your favorite moment together? I know mine. Bali, fins, when you told me you loved me.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Oh, disgusting. It was such a good moment, honey. Mine was Brisbane Airport kissing you when you landed off the plane. Oh, that was literally a kiss like out of a movie. I was driving for like an hour and a half down to the Gold Coast just thinking about how good that kiss was. Yeah. Put my coffee down.
Starting point is 00:29:17 She walked over, kissed her. We went to the left, and it was just ridiculous. Yeah, let's see. Sabrina.Canzio zios sorry i got that completely wrong how do you feel how does brock feel about you on pump rules honey how do i feel about you on pump rules i mean i think you'd probably prefer if i didn't if it wasn't my job but i don't know that's a question for you it's not a question for me. No, it says to you, how does Brock feel about your job? Oh, well, how do you feel about my job? I just, I get it.
Starting point is 00:29:49 I do. I just wish that you did better. And like, yeah. Well, you know what? If there's a season nine and you're on it, I think that's going to be our season. I think it'll be. Yeah, you'll be chasing around little 14-year-old boys. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Ew. Lizzy G17 wants to know, what was your first argument and how did you resolve it? Do you remember our first argument? Not the first one. I mean, I remember. I remember the main one, our first big one. The pizza. It's not about the pizza.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Yeah, I am. Get this, guys. first big one the pizza it's not about the pizza yeah so get this guys so at the beginning of quarantine brock was doing all of his like zoom workout videos in the garage and he needed to plug in the ring light for his videos that he was recording and lighting yeah instead of plugging it into an empty outlet. There was none available. Yes, there was. He unplugged my garage fridge and plugged in the ring light. There was no available plugs in the vicinity of the perfect light. Yes, there was. So a few days pass. I go out to grab a drink from the garage fridge and I'm like, weird. I was like, they're not that cold. It's like cool, but not cold. and I'm like weird I was like they're not that cold it's like cool but not cold and I'm like turning the knob all the way to cold and I'm like this is weird
Starting point is 00:31:10 and I'm like honey can you come check the fridge because like it's cool but it's not cold and I'm turning it all the way am I doing something wrong and he just kind of gives me this little like smirk and like laughs and then plugs it back in and I I look at him and I go, how long has that been unplugged? And he lies and goes yesterday. And I was like, bullshit. You were out here three days ago doing your workout videos. It's been unplugged for three days, huh? And he's like, uh, and I'm like, why are you lying?
Starting point is 00:31:36 I know when you unplugged it. So I opened the freezer, all of the pizza rolls, the frozen pizzas, everything's just ruined. He's like, it's a fucking pizza, mate. Get over it. And I'm like, full James Kennedy. everything's just ruined. He's like, it's a fucking pizza, mate. Get over it. And I'm like, full James Kennedy. It's not about the pizza. You were selfish. You only thought about yourself and your freaking video.
Starting point is 00:31:53 And you unplugged the fridge and now all the food went bad. And it's not about the food. It's the fact that you thought about you and you didn't think about me. See this problem, guys? It's because I wasn't thinking about her. It wasn't about me wasn't thinking about her. You see that? It wasn't about me. It was about her.
Starting point is 00:32:07 You were just selfish in that moment. Yes. And you didn't even. I didn't know how to handle it. So then we started an argument. He's like, I'm packing my bags. I'm going back to San Diego. I was like, you walk out that door.
Starting point is 00:32:19 You ain't coming back. He didn't walk out the door. Oh, please. We cried a little. It was a good argument. We did. It was. But that's the thing. Oh, please. We cried a little. It was a good argument. We did. But that's the thing. Even earlier tonight, sorry to go back.
Starting point is 00:32:30 No. But when we've had some arguments and get some anger out, it's very productive. And it's okay to be angry and to be upset because we need to be honest with each other with how we're feeling because we get to a better place. And I thought it was very productive. Sorry, I fell asleep. This is boring.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Must feel good to be in such a great place right now. Bet you want to say, that's right, bitches. Don't know what that was for, but put that context for me. Just saying, I'm in a good place right now. I'm in a good relationship. And like, you know, fuck you, all you haters. Yeah, that's right, bitches. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Yeah. All the people making fun of me saying, oh, I'm boy crazy. It's like, that's right, bitch. Look at me now. Yeah. At B-T-Z wants to know, what are some of our favorite things to do in San Diego?
Starting point is 00:33:23 Mine is date night at Sugar Factory. Yeah, that's a good one. That's a good spot. Good for movie theater. What's that boy's name that runs that place? Donnie. Donnie. Donnie always hooks it up.
Starting point is 00:33:33 We go way back. How far back? Like 2006. What type of friend was he? Oh, shut up. Just a friend? Anyway. Did you buy him an iPhone 1?
Starting point is 00:33:42 What? Did you get him an Apple shuffle? I knew him before iPhones. You got an iPad shuffle before him, didn't you? Yeah, an iPad shuffle. That's not even a thing. Yeah, whatever. You knew what I was saying.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Anywho, I love getting dinner in Little Italy. What's that little waterfront, like the waterfront area where... Waterfront, yeah. Yeah, but they have like cute like restaurants and stuff down there. Mm-hmm. I like that area too. Sienna wants to know, who takes longer with their hair. But the thing is, neither of us actually do our hair. Brock throws his in a bun. I put a headband
Starting point is 00:34:14 or throw it in a ponytail. And I really despise doing my hair. The only time I actually do my hair is, this is not an ad, it will be on my Instagram next week is when I use my brush x that thing actually works and I do use it and that's the only time I do my hair which is once a week babe two people Courtney and Danielle J want to know where your glasses from oh the ones in the picture I posted are key q u a y it looks like quay but it's pronounced key and um chrissy teigen has a collection with them i have so many pretty much anytime i'm wearing sunglasses they are keys it was broke for new zealand or australia ray i am born in new zealand raised in australia man of the world the og queen bee another one of my huddle girls. So now you guys are missing each other now that quarantine is ending.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Is it a big adjustment? No. No, I'm so glad to be, you know, ready for him. Just away from her. Have him down in San Diego. It's been so nice. I finally have my space. To be honest, I just want to get off this so I can go cuddle.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Okay, so. No, but I'll say, like, I've lived alone for the last several years. I have had my apartment in Marina I have an apartment in Vegas and before that I was at Park La Brea and I am a person who's very social but I do still like to have my alone time and then in quarantine I've had zero of that but I got so used to having people around that now when Brock is back in San Diego and I'm just here by myself it's like it does get lonely and I do miss him. So I'm trying to just be productive in that alone time and remember that I do enjoy it, but I do miss you. I miss cuddling you.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Felicia asked us a question, babe. She goes, what makes this relationship work so well for you? Question mark, by the way, total couple goals. Kiss blowing emoji. Thank you. I do think that we have really good communication. I think sometimes I have to force it out of you. But we always get after every argument we have, I think we've gotten closer and we've gotten to a better place in our relationship. Do you disagree?
Starting point is 00:36:23 I agree. Exactly. I think what makes our relationship work is that I am not going to give up any bullshit, nor you. We respect each other. We treat each other with respect. Yeah. And you're not always easy on me, which is frustrating at times, but it's because you just want the best for me.
Starting point is 00:36:41 And I appreciate that because you challenge me and you push me in a way that no one else ever has before and you make me have that like competitive spark back again you sure you want to text my sister about that one or what oh i oh if you act like an asshole i will text your sister if i like if i act up she just wants to justify my actions by proving to me that they might be either correct or wrong but she wants to ask somebody else for their opinions and then go towards my sister because Sorry, Nikki. Thanks, Nicole. Because he listens to her.
Starting point is 00:37:08 See, I say sorry. She's like, thanks, Nicole. Yeah, because you listen to her and she puts you in your place. When you don't want to listen to me, I'm like, I'm calling your sister. I don't like doing that. I like calling her, which is good news. Hey, honey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Taylor wants to know, where do you see yourself going in the future? Back to Bali. That's for damn sure. Forward. Yeah. Taylor wants to know, where would you go? Where do you see yourself going in the future? Back to Bali, that's for damn sure. Forward. Yeah, working hard and go to Bali. Yeah. Get some good traveling in, get some good businesses going, all the good goods. How often do you work out? Any dieting tips?
Starting point is 00:37:41 Guys, big one for dieting and working out is do your best. That's my biggest tip it's consistency create a habit with if it's a working out habit or an eating habit it's a habit it's not going to be a diet or a plan it becomes a habit you do it every day then you create accountability then from accountability you get to use your willpower which created that habit and apply it to something else you're up honey last one last one we'll see we also i'm just gonna shout out a few people we're good on the questions gree stephanie said can't wait to see what the future holds for you too avbh1934 said just wishing you
Starting point is 00:38:17 both happiness tonight and kelly mama underscore said I watched your video, the Meet My Boyfriend, and I loved it. So thank you guys for listening, for watching the vlogs, following us throughout our quarantine. Yes, thank you very much for supporting the woman and I. And for those of you who are still listening, who have been listening from the beginning, thank you for hearing everything I had to say I just it it does Brock may disagree but I think it feels good to talk about the hard things because people don't do that all the time and that's even with the Black Lives Matter movement keep the conversation going and I think that's important to do and spread love. It's still pride month. Happy birthday to all of you cancers out there. Anything else, honey? Good night, Kiwis. Good night, guys. This little guy's going to go to bed.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Yeah, we got to go cuddle. Bye. Thanks for listening to Shenanigans with Sheena Shea. Download new episodes every week on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, gonna make you mine. Yeah. Do you want it? Let me see you shake that. Do you need it? Let me see you shake that. Do you want it? Let me see you shake that. Come and get it. Let me see you shake that.

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