Scheananigans with Scheana Shay - Janet's Back and Zack Attacks!

Episode Date: July 17, 2019

Janet is back from her vacay, and neighbor/friend of Scheananigans, Zack Wickham joins in to talk about getting rid of boys who DON'T matter, updates on dating lives, hook ups etiquette and......what's a PLATINUM gay?? See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you for listening to this Podcast One production. Available on Apple Podcasts and Podcast One. Shenanigans is brought to you by MTV's The Real World Atlanta, streaming now only on Facebook Watch. The original reality show is back and streaming now only on Facebook Watch. MTV's The Real World Atlanta is the next true story of seven strangers picked to live in a house and have their hookups, screw-ups, apologies, fights, tears, voices, and lives streamed exclusively on Facebook Watch. It's the return of the first
Starting point is 00:00:30 unscripted show in TV history that tackled gender, race, AIDS, taboo, life, death, addiction, connection, acceptance, and reality. And it's being reinvented. MTV's The Real World Atlanta is an all-new reality experience with content dropping daily and new episodes every Thursday. Find out what happens to the next generation when they stop being polite and start getting real again. In Facebook, click on the Facebook Watch icon and search The Real World on Watch. MTV's The Real World Atlanta, streaming now only on Facebook Watch.
Starting point is 00:01:19 From Vanderpump Rules to Vegas and everywhere in between, it's time to party with Sheena Shea. This is Shenanigans. And now, here's your host, Sheena Shea. What's up, guys? We are back with Janet. She is fresh off the airplane from Mexico. Hi. Welcome back.
Starting point is 00:01:48 We also have our good bestie, Zach Wickham, here. I i was like you better not say good without bestie right after our good friend our best friend and my neighbor yeah yay i'm so happy about that okay so we're currently in janet's new apartment they call this building the friendship building because i think like almost everyone we know lives in this building except me. I love it. I have my own apartment here, but everybody lives here. So I have all these lunch buddies and friends around, but grocery buddy and like, Hey, let's just hang out, smoke some weed buddies. Love it. How has it been living by yourself? Well, so far I moved in and then I left for 19 days. You've been gone like the whole time you moved in. I moved. I came back yesterday to a bunch of boxes. That's all I did today. But so far it's been good. Pretty much. Yeah. You've been gone like the whole time you moved in. I moved. I came back yesterday to a bunch of boxes. That's all I did today.
Starting point is 00:02:26 But so far it's been good. This is the first time I've ever lived by myself ever. I went from my mom's house to the sorority house to my husband's house. Congratulations. Embarrassing. But now I'm by myself in my own house. Yes. Almost 30 and you're living alone.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Yes. Two more weeks till I'm 30. Doing it. Well, she thinks she's living alone. I will most definitely probably be here a lot more than she probably wants. Love that. Yeah. You're welcome all the time. So, um, speaking of living in the friendship building, you know, who else is your neighbor around the corner? I heard after I signed the lease, my least favorite person in the entire world. No, not least favorite, but he's on that list. He's on the list. And, um, if you don't know who we're talking about, that would be Adam's spot.
Starting point is 00:03:06 So, Janet, I haven't even filled you in on everything. Yeah, I got to know. I know my listeners heard the whole story last week, so I'm not going to retell the entire thing because I don't want to repeat myself. But we are no longer. And we found out that he has a girlfriend. I don't think it's his girlfriend, technically.
Starting point is 00:03:24 They're dating. They're seeing each other. Whatever the fuck it was. They were just in Tulum right before you were there. Wow. Yeah, we were at the same... Okay, I still don't know if it's cenote, if that's how you say it. All of us were calling it...
Starting point is 00:03:34 They're C-E-N-O-T-E, which are like these sinkhole caves that you can swim in that are really cool and pretty. There's a bunch of different ones, but we're not sure if it's pronounced... All of us were like, it's pronounced Senate or C note or cenote, but cenote seems like the most like Spanish. So we'll go with that. Yeah. He was at the same one, uh, with his, I guess Adam's not ever been a man with labels for his relationships. So whatever he calls the girl he's going on vacation with an exclusively dating exclusively dating, they were at the same cenote right before I was. I was like, thank God he's gone because if I ran into him in Mexico, it would be very awkward.
Starting point is 00:04:12 You're probably going to run into him on the corner here, but Mexico, that's a whole other story. I'm going to be avoiding corners then. I've only run into him once and I've lived here forever. Amazing. I'm going to be opening my garage, driving all the way and closing the garage before i get out of my car so speaking of him he was at sir last night why exactly my question it does not work there anymore for listeners to know he hated it anyway he doesn't work at sir he's been going to sir and tom tom recently and i'm just like why are you going to places like are you going because you want to bump into me like why are you going to the place that I work at the place that I hang out at that I'm at
Starting point is 00:04:49 several days a week like I don't get it was he with anybody no he was so last night he was by himself oh wow that's I don't even go to serve by myself I know so I would never I guess he was by himself at sir and he like really pissed off Peter because he at the end of the night, I guess he brought up a bunch of fans to like Peter and like was asking Peter like he said that he was literally like begging Peter to like take a photo with these girls. Peter was like, if I asked him to suck my dick and get down on his knees, he would have. He was that desperate for me to take a photo with these girls. And I was like, was he wasted?
Starting point is 00:05:23 He's like, I don't know. Probably. But Peter was like counting money. He's like i don't know probably but peter was like counting money he had like two thousand dollars cash he was like doing everyone's closeouts and adam was there with like these like fan girls like trying to get peter to take photos and then one of the girls started just like saying different i was like 22 78 and just like fucking with him while he was counting the money he was so pissed like literally this morning he called me and he's like I woke up still in a bad mood because of this fucking guy. He's like, he's not getting free drinks ever again. I told the bartenders I was going to write them up.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Like, he was so angry. But I don't know if, like, Adam left with the girls, but apparently then he was, like, sitting at their table for a while, and then Peter thinks that he, like, left with one of them. Do we think he just went to get fan attention because he hasn't had it in a while? Yes, that's what I think. Ding, ding, ding. Weird. Like, you need that validation. That he like left with one of them. Do we think he just went to get fan attention because he hasn't had it in a while? Yes. That's what I think. Ding, ding, ding.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Weird. Like you need that validation. So you're going to go to Sir where girls are like, oh my God, it's Adam from Vanderbilt Brawls. She knows X or whatever you guys were. Not my ex. But. What else would you call him?
Starting point is 00:06:17 I know. Exactly. What's his name? I mean, whatever. My old hang and bang fling. Hang and bang. We still need to make t-shirts that say that right hang and bang we need it we need to get merch we do you really do so okay he's done we don't need to
Starting point is 00:06:33 rehash all of that you guys heard about it last week and um hopefully that's the last time you ever hear about him on shenanigans again you know i hope so and i would actually prefer that i would love to never hear the name adam spot ever again 100 and we're gonna talk over each other on that because we are so passionate about that so this weekend i went out on my friend cory's boat in the marina we had like just a really awesome sunday fun day and i was like talking to the girls i was with um one of his friends from college who actually is my friend now. I'm like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:07:06 A few good things came out about him. I did make three great girlfriends from him. So we're like, okay, well, we'll give him that. But they're all team Sheena now. So, you know, they don't even really talk to him anymore. It's not hard to be. But they were like, Sheena, you'll know. We'll know that you're over him when you stop talking about him.
Starting point is 00:07:24 And I was like, well, that's the thing. I'm not like like over it yet but I'm like my I have no feelings I'm not invested like I'm just like you know what I mean it's like I'm over it but I'm not over it make sense I do I totally get that but are you would you ever be under it again no as Dua Lipa says if you're under him you ain't getting over him okay well that's I love that yes no never I'm actually I've been I've been dating guys I love that we okay I heard am I allowed to say there are some new men in the running since I've been gone yeah we're just not saying names okay no names okay and let me say for the, I am always right and the best friend to you about people in general. Oh, God. I was right about Adam from all along.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Okay. I get my one I was right moment, but also one of the guys that you met separately because he's kind of around in the group. He has some mutual friends with some of our friends. Yeah. I tried to hook you up with six months ago. I loosely remember this, but I also don't remember this. I was like, I know this guy. He has his shit together and has his own job, career, and fame from, I won't say what, but
Starting point is 00:08:33 he has his own sort of Hollywood career. So he wouldn't be using you for all of that. I was like, wait a second. Rob? No. I was like, oh my God. No. And I tried to hook you guys up six months ago, but you were like still in it with Adam.
Starting point is 00:08:45 And you were like, I need like some time before I date anybody else. I don't want to piss him off. And then you met him on your own and you were like, I met this really hot guy and you told me his name. And I was like, I tried to hook you up with him six months ago. So Jamie was like stalking his Instagram. She goes, Janet likes and comments on all of his photos. And I was like, wait, Janet knows him?
Starting point is 00:09:01 I had no idea. Yeah. So I've met him through some of the other people. Actually, one of the first weekends I moved to LA, I met him. So I've met him through some of the other people. Actually, one of the first weekends I moved to LA, I met him. He has a bunch of mutual friends of ours. And, um, I went to his house and, uh, met him there. And I think he had a girlfriend at the time. He did. But, um, and I had a boyfriend because I guess it was two prides ago. So I was like, talk, texting with him the other night. And he was just like, I've tried to talk to you for so long.
Starting point is 00:09:25 He's like, and you always blew me off. And I'm like, you've never tried to talk to me because you're tall, dark and handsome. And like, why would I ever blow you off? Like, no. And he was like, but he's like, I asked Lala about you and I think you were seeing someone at the time. And I was like, oh, well, then I was probably just being a really good girlfriend. I wasn't blowing you off, obviously. And he's like, yeah, most likely. I'm sure that's what it was and he was like I always thought
Starting point is 00:09:47 you were so standoffish he's like oh my god he's like you're so nice like you're something else and like this she knows standoffish that's really funny so um yeah so like you know we've been talking and texting and we'll we'll see where it goes if it turns into anything you guys will be the first people to know i love it but um i also lala set me up with someone who i've met who you met she set you up with someone yeah a friend of hers one of her friends from home right um they know each other from back home yeah and he's really good looking. Great job. Like has his shit together. He's a little younger than me, but that's okay. I don't want to like put age as like, you know, like I don't want that to be like, oh, you have to be over 30. You have to do that.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Like I don't care about that. And literally like this guy at his age makes Adam look like 10 years younger than him. It's crazy. I was like, wow, age really doesn't matter. You just want someone that has their own life and own stuff going on and doesn't need you that they choose to be with you for who you are instead of what you have yeah totally and that's like that's what i support yeah i agree 100 and that's like i'm not on dating apps you know because it's like you never know what someone's intentions are if they're gonna recognize me and swipe right because they want to get on the show or want some followers or like i don't know well that's exactly why like janet and i wouldn't
Starting point is 00:11:08 have any of you all in our pictures on dating apps like you know what i mean yeah i think she doesn't want in my pictures on my dating app but there's also a koala bear i'm calling you out on that then it's also there's also a koala bear in it so i like and i couldn't crop the koala bear out without cropping sheen out so i had to keep yeah but a lot of my guy friends will put me in some of like their pictures on their profiles because they think it helps them get girls and it works i don't doubt that wait okay i have to ask you guys something i'm not gonna name any names but i have a story okay so i obviously i was at i haven't been home so i was in la and then I went to Jackson Brittany's wedding in Kentucky. Then I drove home to Ohio for a week and then went to Tulum with my Ohio friends for a week.
Starting point is 00:11:50 And now I'm back. Yeah, you got to fill us in on all of that. In that time, and I'm not going to say which part, but I ran into a guy that I used to hook up with. And we never dated. It was just a very casual friends with benefits situation. We hooked up for a little while. We decided, hey, this is getting too complicated. People were starting to ask like what we were. We were like, we want to just be friends. Like we didn't have feelings for each other. We never
Starting point is 00:12:12 planned on having anything serious. So we stopped. Then we both started dating other people like shortly after when he started bringing his new girlfriend around, I was super nice to her because I know what it's like to bring, you know, new people into friends and stuff like that. So I'm always like inclusive to new people in this group, my friends from home group, everybody. And so when she first started coming around, I was super nice to her. I obviously didn't tell her. I assumed that her boyfriend told her, yeah, Janet and I used to hook up a long time ago, but it was nothing. So while this happened all like a year ago, more than a year ago. So, but I ran into them, this couple, um, over these two weeks while I was home and, uh, away and the girl was being super cold and standoffish towards me. And I was
Starting point is 00:12:59 like, you know, this, it was so obvious that I was like, Hey, would you mind if we like talked over here for a second? And she was like, no, I do mind if we talk over there. I'm not talking to you about anything. I think you're a fake bitch is I think what she said. Oh my God. And then said, I was like, wait, wait, what did I do? Cause when he first started dating her like a year ago, she and I were friendly and like, I never, you know, thought anything of it. I hadn't seen her in a while. And I was like, what did I do? And she was like, you were so fake nice to me when I first came around and never once mentioned that you and my boyfriend used to hook up.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And I was like, wait, like, isn't that his job to tell? So my question to you guys is, did I fuck up? And should I have pulled this girl aside when she first came around and said, hey, by the way, I fucked your boyfriend, which I, to me, I have pulled this girl aside when she first came around and said hey by the way I fucked your boyfriend which I to me I wouldn't want that I would think that was me like trying to stake my territory in him or be like by the way like I had him first yeah don't you think it's the boyfriend's responsibility to be like hey I'm you know my friend Janet by the way like she and I used to have a thing but it was never anything yeah I think it is the guy's responsibility I would always want my boyfriend or girlfriend or whoever to tell me not the other
Starting point is 00:14:08 person okay their responsibility what it would make you look so bad if you came up to a girl that he has just been introduced to a new group and been like yeah i fucked like i was with your boyfriend like i didn't even want to be with him he was you know uh that's the rudest that's what i thought no that's terrible and you were even dating somebody at that time so that makes no sense and i was like well the guy never once came up to my boyfriend like hey by the way man to man i want to tell you like this so when i said you know i think that that's your boyfriend's responsibility to tell you she was like no you should have come to me as a woman woman to woman and said but you told your boyfriend didn't you yeah and i was like well i told my boyfriend i figured your boyfriend
Starting point is 00:14:49 would tell you and i i don't think it's that big of a deal everybody has a connection to somebody that they've slept with in the past it shouldn't be that big of a deal anyways sorry so you guys agree that it's not my responsibility to go up to if i'm friends with somebody who i used to hook up with it's not my responsibility to tell their significant other. No. No. You think that'd be worse. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Yeah. Okay. Good. What is like. I was like. Am I in the wrong here? Is that like. Responsibility that I'm supposed to have.
Starting point is 00:15:14 My thing is. Some people have insecurities. That they just. Either can't get over. Or. That manifest. In. Certain ways.
Starting point is 00:15:22 So. This is. Literally just an insecurity. That. She already has. That she's just throwing on on you but really it has nothing to do with you has to do with her relationship with her guy yeah and i feel for that everybody's been in a relationship where they felt insecure or worried or well yeah look at you we've all been that there you know if like my boyfriend used to date this like Victoria's Secret model looking chick, like I would be insecure too.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I mean, she's a pretty girl. Like that's, you know, but I, and I get that. Like, yeah, everybody has a comparison or whatever, but, and we've all been the girl who's been worried about somebody. I can't think of somebody I've dated where I haven't been like, oh, your ex or, you know, somebody. Right. So we've all been there.
Starting point is 00:16:03 This is why I always date down. There's never a question. See, that's what, you know, somebody. Right. This is why I always date down. There's never a question. See, that's what I'm not doing anymore. I am not dating down. That's all I've done, I feel like. 1,000%. You know what? Maybe that's why I'm single.
Starting point is 00:16:15 I need to start dating up or at my level. Yes. Oh, my God. Is that what we've been doing wrong? Maybe. I think, you know what? Because we look at it as like, we're like, no, this is going to, you know, like maybe we put like the arm out because we look at it as like we're like no this is gonna you know like maybe we're put like at the arm out yeah not sure we need to be more confident yeah i mean i'm
Starting point is 00:16:32 confident but i just like i am too i just tend to date down and i know why do we do that i think i think i do it because i'm not looking for anything serious right now and it's an easy safe zone yeah it's fun it's easy like you know i Yeah. It's fun. It's easy. Like, you know, I mean, other than Adam, like I don't, I don't have feelings for anyone and I don't want to get feelings for anyone. And it's like, you know, these, like this guy just went on a couple of dates with Lala's friend. We're going on another date tonight. Like I'm just literally staying so guarded because I don't want to get hurt again
Starting point is 00:17:06 I've been hurt so much and also I don't want to only date one person right now Like I'm still in that zone where I'm just like having fun. It's not that time We're gonna pause for sirens as we do when we're filming Vanderpump Rules Well, also you're freezing your eggs right now, so you can't have sex or really like go too far with anybody i can't so that actually like keeps it where you're like i have to keep everybody at a distance school level yeah i love it like keep jesus in between you this might be my bane yes oh just a lot of can you like get fingered i mean i, I guess like, you know, not like, or can you do anything in your vagina? I probably shouldn't get like blasted, but you know, I mean, I guess I could blasted
Starting point is 00:17:52 Zach's gagging over here. Wait, Zach, have you ever had sex with a girl? I have not. I'm actually a platinum gay. What's a platinum? Is that different from a gold star? It is. What's a platinum?
Starting point is 00:18:01 Mom had a C-section. Mom had a C-section. So I have never touched a vagina. Cause I was like wow i'm not coming out of that nope no i've never heard of that before a platinum gay well i made it up like when i was in grade school or high school and then or high school i wasn't out before then but um then will and grace used it last year and i was like okay well i've been saying that forever. So where's my- Yeah, I've heard this before and not from you. That's like a thing.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I did see it on Will and Grace. Maybe that's where I heard it. Maybe. But like I had been saying that forever. So Will and Grace stole it from you is what you're saying. What's the furthest you've ever gone with a woman, girl, female? Woman, girl, female. Well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:18:41 I'll just take you back to Pride. I made out with four girls on pride you've only made out with girls on this pride i made out with four girls and only one guy on pride i was like what did i just turn into and i made out with four oh and by the way and by the way i brought a girl home who one of our friends and we made out in bed but i didn't what you have to tell me and then my roommates thought that it was a boy but she she left earlier than whatever and then i didn't know it so they told me that it was a boy in my bed and i was like i swear to god i didn't have a boy in my bed i also forgot that like i brought her home but yeah so oh my god I'm but I've never but I've actually never gone like
Starting point is 00:19:25 I've dry humped I've if you're a finger to go on no I I I never touched a vagina very good at it I just I feel like I feel like guys finger buttholes yeah okay I don't know the prostate gland is for straight men in there too it's like it's not just a gay thing it's just a pleasure thing that's why like i was on my mba trip um to rome and like some of the straight guys from class like we were only like let's say six months into the program so they were like bro bros like frat bros and we're all on this trip together and so they like they started to realize like i was cool and whatever and so then we started hanging out and so then they started asking me like all those questions you like never get to ask a gay person but now you're kind of friends
Starting point is 00:20:14 with one so you're gonna ask all the questions in rome so they were like okay so like if you put a finger in a butthole and so like that's how this conversation started. Oh my God. And I'm like, listen, have your girlfriend put a finger in your butthole does not make you gay. It makes you like your butthole played with by a woman. I'm like, I've never said, have you ever stuck a finger up a guy's butt? No, I have nails.
Starting point is 00:20:39 That would hurt. Oh my God. I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy. That's for real though. I've never stuck a finger up a boy's butt either anyways moving on so um janet let's talk about mexico because i i know you had wi-fi we texted a bunch while you were there but i feel like i didn't really get any stories like i watched your stories but then i had fomo because i wasn't there because i was here working. So much fun.
Starting point is 00:21:06 So I went to, well, we flew into Cancun for a night, which was, so all of us, we were originally all flying in from different places, but we all ended up flying on the same flight from Ohio. So, uh, we flew into Cancun for a night and, um, we went to senior frogs, which is very interesting. Have you guys ever been to senior frogs? Senior frogs. How do you say it?
Starting point is 00:21:23 Senior. What did I say? Senior. Like you're a senior in high school. Oh, I spelled it like that on my Instagram too. No, it's Senior. I know. I accidentally spelled Senior Frogs.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I was like, you do know what an ñ is, right? Yeah, ñ. Yes. I spelled it wrong on my Instagram and someone commented on that. Señor. Okay, so we went to Señor. Am I still saying it wrong? You know what I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:21:47 You know when you say a word so many times that it starts to sound weird? Now it just sounds weird no matter whether you say senor or senor. We went there, which I hadn't been to since I was like underage trying to get drinks. And we all went and got hammered. We were drinking those like yard drinks. They were tilting our heads back and pouring booze into it. I love that. Which also there were like babies and kids there, which I was like, are they allowed in here? But I guess it's Mexico.
Starting point is 00:22:05 If it's a restaurant. It's fine. There was food there. We didn't eat it because it was- Is the drinking 18 there? 18, yeah. Right. I didn't get carded once in Mexico, which I was like, this is great, but also making
Starting point is 00:22:15 me worry about turning 30 a little. Same in Australia. We didn't get carded the entire 10 days we were there. Yeah. So we went to Senior Frogs. Okay, amazing. Senior, yeah. And it was super fun but we were the oldest people there so we hopped around drank and clubbed everywhere then the next day
Starting point is 00:22:31 drove one hour like south down the coast of tulum which is amazing and so pretty oh so you weren't staying in tulum we stayed in tulum for seven days but we stayed in cancun just for one day first okay and then we rented a car and drove down we had a huge airbnb there that was so fun and then we just went and did all these like cenotes cenotes i don't know how to pronounce it i sound like an idiot like you just sound really white frogs i know you sound very american right now so we did all these like single cave dives which were awesome um we went kayaking one of the last days and we like rented all these kayaks and paid to get into this place and as we're walking through this like jungle path to get to the last like sinkhole area it was like okay there's this like where you could kayak it was like a big one um they were like signs like iguanas lizards and then one of the last signs before we got there
Starting point is 00:23:20 to put our kayaks in was like crocodiles i was like okay i'm cool you're like those are harmless that is not i was like i'm cool with the iguanas cool with the lizards crocodiles absolutely not cool with kayaking with crocodiles right is that so we get in and there's all these people there were probably actually like eight people there who were diving like off of the thing into the water swimming back up swimming across i'm like and i asked the guy i'm like uh so these crocodiles he's like oh they're only this big. And he puts his hand out to like three, four feet long. I'm like, that could still absolutely bite you. So we were like, we're going to be brave anyway. And just kayak through it. So we did my friend, Alison, who's a total
Starting point is 00:23:57 scaredy cat, um, got on the back of my kayak. She refused to get in one by herself because she was afraid she was going to eat and by herself, I guess it was better for two of us to get eaten together but that was super fun and then just all the food um azulik which is the place that everybody posts instagram shots from it looks like a pirate bar it's like rope bridge a bunch of like nets where you can sit and eat dinner so we had our birthday dinner there which was was super fun and awesome. Got all of our Instagram images. I sound horrible by the way, cause I'm so sick. Seriously. You sound like I usually sound. I know I have no voice. I'm so happy. I haven't coughed yet on this, but it probably will happen. So the last two days was just my friend, Alison, Nicole, and I,
Starting point is 00:24:40 who we've been friends since we were five. So it was good to get some quality time. It was the first trip that the three of us have been together on that wasn't a bachelor party or a wedding since we were 18 so it was fun just to get to hang and lounge with them but the last second to last day all of us started coughing and getting sick which we were convinced we gave ourselves because we saw these two huge spiders in our Airbnb and we like attacked them with raid. But then we were all in the room like coughing because the raid, we were in like a raid cloud. And the next day, the next day after that, all of us literally were like, could not breathe
Starting point is 00:25:16 without like wheezing like that. And we're coughing nonstop. And I'm like, I swear to God, we poisoned ourselves with raid. Oh my God. That's so funny. We literally couldn't breathe and we were like sneezing, coughing and just like, we poisoned ourselves with Raid. Oh, my God. That's so funny. So we literally couldn't breathe, and we were, like, sneezing, coughing, and just, like, fucked up all of our sinuses. And then we were like, we're still going to go out.
Starting point is 00:25:31 We're just going to go lay on the beach and, like, make the best of it anyway. And then we went to this Thai restaurant, which seemed really pretty and nice and not, like, shady or, you know, we weren't eating, like, taco trucks stuff. So we went to this nice restaurant and then about four hours later we get home and thank god we had three bathrooms because all three of us got the worst food poisoning from this Thai place no all of us had to separate into bathrooms I'm not kidding all of us were coughing sneezing I was like one of us is definitely gonna shit our pants like through these sneezes like there's just no way and all of us were coughing, sneezing. I was like, one of us is definitely going to shit our pants through these sneezes.
Starting point is 00:26:05 There's just no way. And all of us were just, it was disgusting. I won't go into too much detail, but throwing up, going to the bathroom, coughing and sneezing for the last 24 hours. And let me tell you, I'm so happy I've been friends with these girls since I was five. Because if it was anybody else, I would be so embarrassed. Because all of us basically were just naked in the bathrooms, throwing up, going to the bathroom, coughing and sneezing everywhere. That sounds lovely, Janet.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Repulsive. Lovely. That's a great way to end a vacation. Yeah, we were all like, well, I guess this is a good way to end because we're not going to miss each other because we're all so excited to get home to our own beds. Being sick in a foreign country is the absolute worst. It is the worst. to our own beds being sick in a foreign country is the absolute worst it was the worst we went to pharmacies but what actually kind of saved us is my friend ali brought cbd oil which like i've taken before here and stuff and i always notice like uh it always i always say it's like kind of
Starting point is 00:26:55 like an advil for me like you don't notice like you don't get high from it but you like makes like things just casually go away yeah so that actually helped a lot with all of those individual symptoms. Totally. So I was like, all of us were just downing shots of CBD oil. And then we went to the pharmacies and got DayQuil, NyQuil, all of that stuff just to try to make us not die. Actually, that's one of the things that I'm missing right now because while I'm freezing my eggs, I can't have any CBD.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Everyone's like, well, you can't smoke weed, but you can still have CBD. And I'm like, no, I can't have like anything right now. But you weren't here last week when I was talking to Kristen about this. So you guys should never take CBD until you do this one thing. And Janet, I don't think you've done this yet. But if you go to you can see for yourself so you just need to like educate yourself if you know anyone who's tried cbd like no matter how excited they are about it just share this news with them as soon as you can and it's like i feel
Starting point is 00:27:56 like so many people talk about it but at they literally reveal everything including the reason why you simply can't take CBD without doing this. Oh, okay. Interesting. So yeah, again, you guys just go to www.mycompletetcbd5, the number right now to see why you should never take CBD until you do this one thing. And again, that's and that's the number I'm going to look that up. Cause I need a full stock of it. Cause it would definitely was a lifesaver in Mexico. If I,
Starting point is 00:28:30 I, if we wouldn't have had that. Well, and we always talk about CBD oil, but like, do we know all the benefits? Do we know all the, how to take it?
Starting point is 00:28:37 Yeah. I don't really know a lot about it. Also. It's like, you don't want your friends like wasting money and, you know, embarrassing themselves, buying the wrong thing. Yeah. And knowing how much to much to take yeah and also like some things may say they're
Starting point is 00:28:48 cbd but like they're really not so this website helps you with all of that interesting yeah i would love to educate because we were just like literally taking shots of it we were like whatever will make us feel better we don't know how much or how little to take i was like give me everything you're like taking out your souvenir shot glasses and just like I would have literally done anything to make myself feel better like back and it was horrible while you were gone you missed some really fucking awesome birthday party I know I was I had a lot of FOMO everyone was texting me it was funny Zach kept texting me I kept getting texts from people or calls like hey what are you doing tonight and i was like i'm still gone i'm still in mexico gone so sandoval you know i mean he's always so extra and always loves a theme party yes we love a good theme party in this group we really do
Starting point is 00:29:34 so this year the theme was be your most extra self and not even like your most extra self but just like be extra in general he's like i just want everyone to have a look and to commit to it so i show up and our friend jason comes up to me and he goes what happened to your lion costume and i was like what i'm a dominatrix like what do you mean lion costume he goes i saw on your snapchat you were a lion i'm like what honey i was getting my makeup contoured. Oh my God. Oh my God, I'm dead. Oh, that is such a straight boy thing to say. Straight boy. No gay man or woman or anybody but a straight man would ever say that. I was 100% sure you were showing up as a lion.
Starting point is 00:30:16 He's like, I was looking for a lion at the party and then I see this dominatrix and realized it was you. That's so funny. You saw your highlight and contour and thought you were for sure like Nala. That hurts my little gay heart a little. That was my first cough. So even today I got my makeup done again at Marine Salons.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I had to film an interview today and I sent him a snap of me and I was like, Lion King, here we come. I'm auditioning. That's so funny. I can't wait to see the Lion King, speaking of. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:46 So excited. Oh, my God. Did you see the video of, it's like Beyonce and Jay-Z standing on the red carpet for the premiere in London. And Prince Harry and Meghan Markle came. And they all hug. And Beyonce and Meghan hug. And then she goes to hug Jay-Z.
Starting point is 00:31:02 And he hugs her, but like, doesn't touch her. It was like, everyone was saying like, this is what happens after lemonade comes out. The first time you cheat, you now only hug people like where you just stand there. He literally like just kind of, his arms start to start to get touch her back of her arms.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Then he does this like tappity thing and then just stops. And you can tell Beyonce's just like, that's right. That's right that's right so that's the best thing ever so yeah so for sandoval's party i decided you know everyone expected me to be like full-on neon and glitter yeah and i'm so glad i didn't do that because then jack's had an 80s party and i would have been basically in the same thing twice in the same week true so i was like you know what i'm gonna go black like my heart currently
Starting point is 00:31:45 and i just went full-on dominatrix chain leather yeah chains and whips excite me you know i love that yeah it was really i was when i saw you in it i was like damn i mean i must have i'm not exaggerating literally whipped people about 200 times that night love that like everyone was just lining up and bending over being like whip me whip me whip me and i was having so much fun with it and then jacks comes over and he's like whip me and so i whip him he's like do it again and i was like i probably shouldn't be doing this you just got married but whatever it's like your birthday and it was tom's birthday and whatever and then britney comes over she's like can you please stop with my husband oh my gosh i'm sorry she's like no it's okay just stop i'm like sorry he asked for
Starting point is 00:32:26 it i know i shouldn't it was like low-key inappropriate but also it was really funny but um that was such a fun party sandoval literally walks in 17 feet tall on stilts i saw this and i'm that's like the most extra tom sandoval thing i've ever heard he learned how to do stilts for a party oh he's the i'm actually surprised that's the yeah i'm surprised that's the first time he's been on stilts right i feel like tom would be like oh i feel like i got this i have those in my clothes no i feel like i feel like he didn't was just saying that you know what i mean like he totally knew how to do stilts yeah yeah but i mean he killed it he wasn't on them very long i'll say that but he had of course talk to people
Starting point is 00:33:05 no he had an outfit change what was he was he like a fucking pilgrim or something what was the second outfit change um i'm not gonna lie i have no clue what he was supposed to be it was like i don't know george washington or some shit i have no idea interesting yeah everybody's outfits looked amazing yeah and then jackson 80s theme for his yes and i'm so bummed you missed that one too i know because i love that shit so i mean you guys are gonna have to wait and tune in to find out all the drums that happened that day but it was a good party i love that i got i think i have the best uh birthday present ever for jacks who messaged me uh britney and jacks messaged me and they're like hey come to jacks's party it's here's a date and place. And I was like, oh, I'm still in Mexico. And Jax goes, wait,
Starting point is 00:33:48 you're in Mexico? And I was like, yeah. He goes, you want to do me a weird, huge favor? And I was like, depends on what it is, but sure. He goes, I love Mexican Doritos. He's like, they make them with real cheese. He's like, it's like how Mexican Coke is made with real sugar. They're just like different and better. Can you please get me a bag of Mexican Doritos and bring them back? And I was like, sure, consider this your birthday present. Did you? I got him a bag of Mexican Doritos and I brought him back. It was kind of awkward because I brought them in my carry-on that I had in my backpack.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Yeah. So I put them at the top so I wouldn't crunch all of them. But then as i had to get stuff out of my bag when i was on the plane like my laptop and stuff i had to move this giant bag of doritos that i never once opened on the flight because they weren't for you they weren't for me so everyone next to me like seemed had to have thought like it was very weird that i was just moving this bag of spanish doritos like in in and out. But anyway, but I brought him the back of the Doritos, and I'm very excited to give them to him as a late birthday present.
Starting point is 00:34:49 I nominated myself best dressed at that party. Oh, your neon outfit. I saw your ass was out. No, you were by far. So, okay, so get this, Janet. So I'm pulling up. So Jamie and I, like, she was, like, 80s Madonna. She had, like, the denim and the pearls and the
Starting point is 00:35:06 lace and all of that I'm just you know neon queen and so we pull up to Rocco's and I look and I see Lala Stassi Bo a couple other people no one is dressed in theme oh no one it was optional it wasn't mandatory. Huh. But, you know, I mean, I don't pass up a theme party, especially 80s. I'm like, this is the only, like, costume that I didn't have to go to storage for. I always have 80s gear. I was like, no, no. Everyone's like, oh, my God, I had to prime this.
Starting point is 00:35:37 And then I had to go to Melrose for this and Forever 21 for this. I was like, I literally had this in my closet. Like, I'm not joking. So I pull up and no one is in theme not a single person and i was like did i miss the memo or no i thought the memo was let's fuck with sheena and this is my l woods moment where i show up to a costume party that's not a costume party and so jamie was like well at least like i'm in costume too i'm like yeah thank god like you're with me i was like but you look kind of normal because at least like I'm in costume too. I'm like, yeah, thank God. Like you're with me.
Starting point is 00:36:05 I was like, but you look kind of normal. I'm, I'm in a neon pink bathing suit, fishnets. My ass is hanging out. It is not gay pride. That is literally Elle Woods. Like I literally felt like, and I was like, you know what? Fuck it. I'm embracing it.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I'm having my Elle Woods moment. And then when I parked and walked in several people were dressed in theme and then Jax got there and he was all like rockered out and everything wig but I swear for like a second I was like did they do this to fuck with me and Jamie's like well then they went all out because when Brittany invited me she hold for sirens I'm so used to doing that when we film that's funny I never noticed. So Jamie was like, well, if they did like,
Starting point is 00:36:48 or if they are pranking you, then they did go all out because she goes, Brittany texted me and said it was an 80s name. She's like, maybe she knew that I would tell you. So we think everyone's like inspiring against us. And I realized like, no,
Starting point is 00:36:58 she knew you're not that important. Everyone just didn't want to dress up. I was like, I feel like a lot of people were, except for the people you just named. Yeah. Yeah, pretty much everyone else was. And then I think it was because when I saw Brittany, she just wasn't in neon. And I was like, oh, Brittany's not even dressed up.
Starting point is 00:37:15 But then when she turned around, she's like, I'm Brittany Kapowski. And I was like, aw. And then there was Jax Morris. They tattooed on her arm with a Sharpie. It was so cute. But did you see the foot? Who got Jax the foot? Ied on her arm with a Sharpie. It was so cute. But did you see the foot? Who got Jax the foot? I saw this.
Starting point is 00:37:29 I thought it was Jamie. No, it wasn't Jamie. I have no idea. I don't know who got Jax the foot, but we all know Jax has a foot fetish. So someone brought a present to Jax that is like a real life like silicone foot that instead of like where the foot's cut out like the ankle it's a vagina so you could like have sex with the foot yes and it has britney's like foot tat bow was like britney take off your shoe took a picture of her foot and then drew her exact foot
Starting point is 00:38:00 like star tattoo and i'm not gonna lie it looked like when it was on the table it looked like you would cut off britney's foot and put it on a table it was creepy it was so creepy okay so what do we think the chances are that jacks fucks the foot honestly the hole was so small and all the guys said none of them selves would fit in it so i don't know if he has but i don't i don't think that's what he would want to do I would love to see a video Of Brittany coming home To startle Jax and find him Fucking her foot
Starting point is 00:38:30 That's like Jax's American Pie moment I would love to see that The only bad thing about the foot Was the toes were webbed And we're like this is weird Two of the toes were stuck together It was disturbing It got close to say the least.
Starting point is 00:38:46 It was disturbing. It got close to me once and I was very uncomfortable. I was just like, get this away from me. It's so funny now seeing on Jax and Brittany's Instagrams, they've been calling each other husband and wife. She's like, look at my husband. Look at my wife. I'm like, oh my God. It's so cute.
Starting point is 00:38:58 I know you guys already did a wedding recap, but that was seriously the best. I kept telling him, I'm like, I know it was the best night of your lives. It was the best night of my life too. Yeah. Better than my wedding. I went up. I told Jax, I was like, this seriously the best i kept telling him i'm like i know it was the best night of your lives it was the best night of my life too yeah better than my wedding i went up i told um jack so i was like this is the best wedding i've ever been to don't tell tom and katie but it was so fun it was and i loved how it was like three in one like you had the ceremony yeah then you had the reception then you had the after party with the dj and the hooters oh my gosh and lance bass dancing to bye bye bye with all of us which was made all of my dreams come true i mean i don't think one of us dancing was like like all of us were just like in a euphoric state we're just
Starting point is 00:39:35 yeah this cannot be happening but it is happening we're all doing the bye bye bye dance with lance back in sync it was amazing with land it was amazing yeah oh that was a good time i had so much fun in kentucky you stayed in kentucky for like a week after the wedding right well yeah because i wanted to go visit my friends and family and every time you guys get to come to kentucky obviously britney loves it but i love it just as much because you know i always love when you came to louisville and we went out to play louville and had so much fun. So much fun. You want to go back so bad to go out. Wait, Janet, you probably don't know this.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Zach didn't even know this until like a couple months ago. Oh my God. This is hilarious. This is like almost two years ago. It was like right after like doorman and I broke up and I'm just in a very dark, sad, depressed place. So I go to Kentucky like Brittany and I were just like, we're just taking over the world. We did Brittany and Sheena take Atlanta, take Kentucky, San Francisco, Vegas. We go everywhere.
Starting point is 00:40:29 So on our second stop on our American world tour, we were in Kentucky. We were in like Winchester at the farm. We're in Lexington. And then Brittany had like a bridal shower or something to do with all of her girlfriends. And Zach was going to Louisville and going to like the gay bars. And I'm like, no offense, Brittany,any like love you but kind of would rather go with zach to louisville yeah so we do we go to this club called play and it's like this huge drag show zach ends up getting on stage dancing twerking like it's just the best time ever you wouldn't
Starting point is 00:40:57 expect anything else i had about 17 shots too many and all of a sudden i was just like oh god not gonna make it to the bathroom not gonna i was like oh my god oh my god and i'm like looking i'm at the table to throw up and i have a table so we have a table we have like a table with table service and stuff like on the side so it's not like and the audience is all looking forward so it's not like anyone's looking at her like i didn't even see her and i was like two people away from her but people knew i was there people were asking me for photos so i'm like trying to be as like a low-key and discreet as possible so i'm like what do i do and i see the ice bucket on the table grabbed the ice bucket felt a lot better after i threw up in it oh and zach's friend kate this angel she was like don't worry honey i'll dispose of it and she went and stashed it somewhere.
Starting point is 00:41:45 So nobody knew until she came to LA a couple months ago. And we were like telling that story. And Zach's like, what? I didn't know that happened. I was like, nobody did. Kate never even told me that that happened. Didn't tell anyone. Thank God she disposed of it.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Can you imagine sticking a bottle back in there and realizing you stuck a bottle in frozen barf? She never told anybody because she's a really good friend. She is a really good friend. I love that. But I i loved kentucky my dad had the best oh my gosh we had the best time sunday after the wedding we went to britney's farm family house which like her grandma aunt and mom all live on this 400 acre property that is gorgeous oh they told me 400 me 400. I heard from Sherry Cartwright herself. Yeah. And I thought it was five. We just rode. Her dad gave us like a tour of the whole thing and took us to like, what'd she call it? Like she had, she's like whitey white rock and dripping
Starting point is 00:42:35 rock and yeah. Whitey white land. Yeah. Whitey white land, dripping rock. She had like, they had like all these cute names for all the different parts. We ATV'd all over the whole property, which was so fun, and then had like a cookout with her family, which reminded me so much of home. I was like, I would be homesick if I wasn't going home the next day. I was drinking bourbon with the uncles.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Oh, I loved it. It was, we had so much fun though. That was like, honestly, one of my favorite days ever, but it just completed the awesome wedding weekend with Brittany's family, who I love. I made best friends with her Aunt Kim, who now I'm calling Aunt Kim. Yeah, right. I just feel like that's, you know, like mama, like she's always like, everyone's always going to call her mama. I love her. She was just like, whenever you
Starting point is 00:43:14 want to come back, darling, I'll make you some, uh, some beer cheese. Like you have a place to stay. And I was like, I want to come back. Oh my gosh. So in their gift bags at the wedding, they gave everyone some mamas beer cheese and it was cold. Like the container was cold. So I was like, okay, probably needs refrigerated, but maybe not. Cause none of the hotel rooms had fridges. So we ate the first one, the first day, Courtney Berman and I, and then the second day, I don't know whose room I stole the second one from, but we all kind of bounced around rooms and I ate another one that had been sitting out for a little while. So then I asked ma'am on Sunday, I was like, by the way, is that stuff supposed to be refrigerated? She's like, oh yeah, honey. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:43:55 so if I eat two containers of it more than 24 hours after I've been sitting out and she was like, I wouldn't recommend it. I was like, oh, well I did did. And I'm fine. So just so you know, another selling point. Yeah. You can eat it without being refrigerated. Maybe wouldn't recommend it unless you have a stomach like of steel. But yeah, that shit is so good. Yeah, it really is. I was the one that put them into the bags.
Starting point is 00:44:18 So I might or might not have forgotten to put a couple in for some Love that. So I could have them. Love that. Some people were like, wait, we didn't get beer, cheese and art gift bags. What are you talking about? That's probably his room. I was in stealing it. Zach's like, it's in my belly. I'd be like, mm-hmm. Yeah, but that wedding was so beautiful and so much fun.
Starting point is 00:44:38 So much fun. That was kind of like my last, like, I think, no, actually, no, 4th of July. I was going to say the wedding was like my last, like, party weekend before freezing my eggs. No, no, 4th of July. I was going to say the wedding was like my last party weekend before freezing my eggs. No, no, 4th of July. We did Palm Springs with a bunch of girls. Oh, did we do Palm Springs? Oh, gosh. Well, a few guys ended up showing up. Jamie invited a few boys.
Starting point is 00:44:54 And I was like, look, if the guys want to come and bring booze and grill for us, I'm not going to say no. Yeah, no. You know, I mean, a little eye candy at the pool. They all had abs. We're like, okay. I can't even get into the details because it was a rager. It was so much fun. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Who slept in my bunk beds? Who did sleep in your bunk beds? I think Natalie, Nicole, and Nicole. My bunk beds. It's my room. We'll talk about that later. I peed on the whole perimeter. That's funny. But will yeah so janet you know has the front room of the house is dedicated that's janet's room and every time i give someone a tour of my house i'm like and this is janet's
Starting point is 00:45:34 room where i have my bunk beds yeah but i feel like i got to pick out the bunk bed well in parentheses at the bottom of the door it says zach's here sometimes too then you couldn't be zach's here sometimes i feel like we need like a framed picture like me and you yeah of us yeah for your room we definitely do it's so funny when we were picking out well i went to the store with your mom and she was like picking out furniture and stuff for the house and she's like which lamp do you want for your room this one this one or this one and i almost felt awkward for a second because i was like oh erica you don't have to buy me a lamp. And I was like, I, she's not buying me a lamp. She's buying it for your house. It's just going in my room. Yeah. But I got to pick out my lamp and she sent, you sent me three links for bunk beds. And you picked out which ones you liked. I loved it. And now you have your own
Starting point is 00:46:16 room. I can't wait for you to come see it. I haven't seen the bunk beds yet. Cause they got delivered right before 4th of July. Well, very soon we'll be doing that. I have, I'm on currently I'm on day six of my shots. I think I have three or four more days and then a trigger shot and then my retrieval. How many eggs do you, let's, should we take bets on how many eggs you think you're going to get? In my head, I don't know why I have the number 18. Okay. I don't know why. I think you're going to get 12. Okay. Zach? I got nine the first time. I was like, you only... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:46 We got 12, but only nine were mature. Right. I'm saying 12 mature eggs. Okay. I'm going to say 14 mature eggs. Because I feel like it is going to be more because you've done it once. And I feel like it's going to... And I started out with like over double the amount of follicles this time than last oh amazing so by the next podcast episode I will probably have
Starting point is 00:47:10 had my surgery already and you guys will be hearing about it but um yeah I'm excited to get this done and then you can where are we gonna go celebrate and do taco Tuesday with tequila oh my god we gotta do that somewhere on the west side We got to do that. Somewhere on the West side. Yeah. Yeah. What's the best tacos on the West side? What are your favorites? El Tarasco on Washington.
Starting point is 00:47:32 I postmated it last night. I kind of just ate everything out of the insects. I'm not really supposed to be having carbs right now, but they're so bomb. It's like right there in Venice, close to the beach. It's this little hole in the wall. It's so good. I can't believe you're giving up carbs, alcohol, weed and sex and sex all at the same time. I saw you were doing acupuncture and I was like, thank God. I'm doing a very selfless thing for my future. Maybe baby. True. And maybe our baby. Cause I already have one egg from the first round and depending on
Starting point is 00:47:59 how many you get for the second, I might claim some more. I claim rooms and eggs. the second I might claim some more. I claim rooms and eggs. Got to get on it, Zach. Yeah. I'll let her keep her eggs. She can have my sperm. Oh, that would be a cute baby.
Starting point is 00:48:13 I know. That's what I said. I said if I'm 40 and single and I want a baby, I get Zach's sperm. Light eyes, tall, like great genes, you know? Super smart. Love it. Super funny. Whether it's the next shenanigans or the following, you guys will be hearing about that.
Starting point is 00:48:26 We will let you know who wins the bet on how many eggs Sheena gets. Love it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Thanks for being here, Zach, and joining us. Thanks for having me. Yeah, give us your handle on Instagram. Shout it out.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Tell them where they can find you. Zach Wickham on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. And Z-A-C-K. W-I-C-K-H-A-M. Boom. Love it. Janet, welcome back. I missed you, Betsy.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Thanks, I missed you too. Aw. All right, guys. Thanks for listening, and we'll be back next week. See you next week. Bye. Thanks for listening to Shenanigans. Download new episodes every Tuesday and subscribe on the Podcast One app at or
Starting point is 00:49:04 at Apple Podcasts. And don't forget to rate and review the show on the Podcast One app at or at Apple Podcasts. And don't forget to rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts. Do you need it? Let me see you shake that. Do you want it? Let me see you shake that. Come and get it. Let me see you shake that.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Step in the club, little black judge. Hello, I'm Brad Jenkins, host of the Fired Up podcast. We're fired up that you're joining us. And that is the whole point of the podcast. We're going to have guests on to talk about the thing that they love the most. We picked the perfect first guest, Senator Cory Booker. Here we are getting Jersey Shore jokes every five minutes. Because of a bunch of people from Staten Island, no less. I mean, they didn't even live in Jersey and they gave us a bad name.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Fired Up with Brad Jenkins. New episodes weekly. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts and at

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