Scheananigans with Scheana Shay - Just Thrive with Tina Anderson

Episode Date: May 20, 2022

This episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct, or indirect financial interest in products, or services ref...erred to in this episode. This week Scheana and Brock are joined by Just Thrive founder Tina Anderson to discuss all things probiotics and gut health. They learn what the importance of gut health is, the connections from gut to brain and talk about their newest product Just Calm that helps with mood and stress relief. What is a psychobiotic?? Tune in to find out!    Save 15% site wide and use code SHAY   Produced by Dear MediaSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following podcast is a Dear Media production. From Vanderpump Rules to motherhood and everywhere in between, it's time to catch up with Sheena Shea. This is Shenanigans. And now here's your host, Sheena Shea. Hello, everyone. Welcome back to Shenanigans. Today, we've got my fiance, Brock, co-hosting. You can say hi, honey. Oh, everyone. Welcome back to Shenanigans. Today, we've got my fiance, Brock, co-hosting. And we have, you can say hi, honey. Oh, hello. I was just waiting for a time to get in, but you just didn't give it to me.
Starting point is 00:00:53 We have an exciting interview. So I'm doing something a little new today, and we're doing a founder's interview with Ms. Tina Anderson, who is the founder of Just Thrive Health. with Miss Tina Anderson, who is the founder of Just Thrive Health. It is a probiotics company that we're going to completely get into because I personally have a lot of questions about, you know, breastfeeding and pregnancy and probiotics and all of that. But first, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself, like where did Just Thrive come from? And why is it different than other supplement companies? Damn, you went come from and why is it different than other supplement companies? Damn, you went straight for the, why is it different, eh? Well, yeah, just, you know, like tell me about yourself. Tell us about yourself. Tell me why it stands out,
Starting point is 00:01:35 you know? Yes, I get it. So yeah, why my, a little bit about myself is I had a very interesting journey. I actually was in litigation for many years. So I'm an attorney and I went that route and I was working crazy hours and never at home. And my husband was in sales, you know, hardly working and making a whole lot more money than I was. And I'm like, something's wrong with this. So yeah, she was a trial lawyer. Yeah. It was so fun. Not really. And then I was fortunate enough to go into a family pharmaceutical business. And I was like, this is great. We're delivering life-saving medications to people. It's wonderful. But after being in that industry for a while, we started to notice the abuses, a lot of the over-prescribing of medicines, a lot of the just abuses in the whole industry
Starting point is 00:02:20 as a whole. And so my husband and I are really deep thinkers. We read a lot of Norman Vincent Peale, Wayne Dyer, and we decided that we wanted to do something that was more in line with who we are and how we lived our own lives. And so we pivoted careers and we decided to go, we just dove into a lot of the natural health space and learning about it. And through all of our research, we really started to understand the critical importance of gut health and how we now know the gut is dictating virtually every single aspect of our overall health. I swear, I think it's like prayer, meditation, being at the right place at the right time. We were able to license these very exclusive strains from London University,
Starting point is 00:03:01 Dr. Simon Cuddy out of Royal Holloway University. So it has been the most incredible thing. So we launched this product. We had no experience in doing anything like this, but we wanted to do something that meant something to us and that was going to make an impact on this world. And so it has been amazing. So it's about nine years later and it's been the most gratifying career journey I've ever been on. Awesome. So Brock is in like health and wellness and the fitness space. So that's why I wanted him to co-host because I know he has some questions and you know, you take a lot of supplements and stuff and he's always,
Starting point is 00:03:36 he always has something new he's trying. And I'm like, what is that? What are you taking? Is that a steroid? I think the biggest one for me and for what you're doing is just bringing awareness because the problem with the the health environment or the ecosystem of health out there and the awareness of it is there isn't a lot of awareness around it it's only what we read and what you see and the problem with you know in the supplement market is you get brand you can brand whatever you want it but it's whether that product can actually do that or whether you take it upon yourself to go out and look into these products, especially for probiotics, what you guys have done and actually looking to say, okay, there is, like you say, there is these probiotics out there, yogurt, all of these things that you can get to
Starting point is 00:04:16 probiotics from, but how does that biology go on your body? How does it actually work? And I think with health and wellness, but mainly with when it comes to supplements is there might be a name for something, but it doesn't mean it's actually good for you. Right. No, I'm so glad you brought that up, Brock, because that is literally what's at the core of myself, my own personal values, but our core values of our company is empowerment. I just am so passionate about bringing this knowledge and information to people. I just want people to start to take control of their own health. I mean, unfortunately, the conventional medicine system, medical system that we're in is putting band-aids on things. You know, they have, you have high cholesterol, you have autoimmune. It's like, you know, everyone's just putting
Starting point is 00:04:57 band-aids on things. We need to get to the root cause of conditions and figure out why you have it. Pharmaceuticals, there is a place for them. They're great for life-saving medications, emergency type situations, but we are deficient in so many supplements out there. There is a place for them. You nailed it with that one sentence because everyone will take a prescription or they'll go to the doctor and take it as gospel, but it's not fixing the actual problem. It's just putting a bandaid on it. Exactly what you said. And okay, that's,
Starting point is 00:05:26 it's, it's great to talk to the problem with people is they don't understand that concept. Well, and I mean, I personally don't, I never really understood anything until recently we had this drink that we were drinking and it said there was what,
Starting point is 00:05:38 like a million probiotics in it or something insane. And I was like, yeah, six million or something. It was fermented, fermented apple juice. And, and they kept the And I was like, yeah, 6 million or something crazy. It was fermented apple juice and they kept the live, whatever it was. Yeah. But I was like, how is there 6 million things in like this size can? Like, that's crazy. I'm like, hold on. I don't even understand what a probiotic is. So that was why I was excited to
Starting point is 00:05:59 get you on the show to talk about this. And then we were looking into like gut health and everything. And I mean, the only thing that's going to sound stupid that I think about like gut is like a gut feeling, you know, but it's like, no, there is your gut, your actual gut. Can we jump in there and for your listeners out there, because this is the new, this is the new one for Sheena doing a founder's talk. And this is definitely a new one in the supplemental space. Yeah. So let's tell your listeners a little bit more about what gut health looks like, kind of why it's important and then the, and's important and kind of help them understand this for us. And why it's like the core of our overall health.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Exactly. Yes. I'm so glad you started with that because I think that's where we have, it's just so foundational. So when I talk about gut bacteria or like probiotics or what gut bacteria is, it's basically the It's basically the microbiome is the totality of organisms that are living on it in us. And so we are 10 times more bacterial cells than we are human cells. So that's worth repeating. We have 10 times more, we're making up more of bacteria by 10 times than we are made up of human cells. And yet we live in this world that is so offensive to bacterial health from
Starting point is 00:07:05 antibacterial hand sanitizers, which is relevant now, but antibacterial soaps to antibiotics, all of these things are so offensive to our gut health. So here for all these years, we've been like bacteria, bad bacteria, bad only like less than 1% of bacteria is bad. The majority of bacteria is so incredibly beneficial to us. It determines whether we're somebody that, you know, metabolizes food faster, whether we're one of those people that could look at a cupcake and gain 10 pounds or eat a dozen cupcakes and not gain any weight. It's our bacteria that's determining that. It's our bacteria that's determining whether, you know, you mentioned Sheena, the whole thing of, you know, you have that gut feeling. That's because the gut is sending
Starting point is 00:07:44 signals to the brain and the brain is sending signals down back to the gut. So that's not like woo-woo, like when we're nervous or you have to go to the bathroom when you're nervous or something, or you're excited and you feel the butterflies. That is because there is a bi-directional communication between the gut and the brain. But when you start talking about gut health, it's hard to find any disease that is not associated with an imbalance of your gut, from heart disease to dementia to cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, autoimmune issues. I mean, all those types of issues are all a direct indication of the balance or imbalance of your gut health. So it is foundational to health. It is absolutely where you your gut health. So it is foundational to health. It is absolutely where
Starting point is 00:08:25 you start with health. And, you know, Brock, you brought up something earlier about you don't know what supplements are out there. And I think that is one of the things that were the research behind them. And that is one of the things that really stood out to us is we were huge fans of supplements, but my gosh, you don't know what to take that's out there. You don't know, you know, the research behind it. And so it was really important to us to only bring products that were researched and backed by science. So we actually have double blind human clinical trials on our strains, which is unheard of in a supplement space and unheard of in the probiotic space.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Back to the gut health. I mean, it is, you know, you're talking about immune, everyone's talking about your immune health. I mean, your immune system, 80% of it is found in your gut. Serotonin, which is the happy hormone, 90% of it is produced in your gut. Dopamine is produced in your gut. GABA, all these really important neurotransmitters are all produced in your gut. So it is foundational when you start talking about health, overall health. So what would you say are like some tools to improve your gut health?
Starting point is 00:09:30 Like I know there's like intermittent fasting and certain things, but what else would you say? Yeah, no, I'm glad you brought that up because intermittent fasting is super important. It's really helpful to create diversity in the gut. Another big thing is avoidance of things. The world we live in is so offensive to our gut health. So I'm curious, what would you say are some offenders to gut health? Yeah. Well, unfortunately, the world we live in is so incredibly offensive to our gut health. So we start out just with antibiotics. So antibiotics that we take,
Starting point is 00:10:02 we know we need to take antibiotics sometimes. They save lives. We have to sometimes take them, but there's such an overprescribing of antibiotics. Sometimes that's the doctor's fault. Sometimes that's the patient's fault. Like a patient will be like, I'm going out of town. I really want an antibiotic. I've done that before. Yeah. We all have been guilty of it. But you know, we know antibiotics are killing the good bacteria in our gut and that is so harmful to our overall health. So we don't want to do that. We want to avoid antibiotics at all costs.
Starting point is 00:10:29 The problem is a lot of the food that we eat is really offensive, you know, or they have antibiotics in it. So antibiotics are huge offenders, even like glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in Roundup that's sprayed all over our produce, that's sprayed all over our grass. We are ingesting this glyphosate and that's very, very offensive to our gut health. It's killing only the beneficial bacteria. With antibiotics, it's killing the bad bacteria, but it's also killing the good bacteria. With glyphosate, it's only killing the bad bacteria. So that's pretty scary. And then household cleaning products are super offensive to our gut health. Stress is really, really offensive. People don't realize how...
Starting point is 00:11:10 I'm stressed all the time. I know. Yeah, I know. It's like it's... We all are. I mean, this is the world we're living in, unfortunately. So stress is a huge offender to our gut health. And that's due in large part because of that gut-brain connection that I talked about.
Starting point is 00:11:24 our gut health. And that's due in large part because of that gut brain connection that I talked about. So alcohol, sugar, sorry, folks, but those are all really big offenders to our gut health. So you have, I know you mentioned stress. You have something called Just Calm now, right? That's a newer product in your line that focuses with stress, correct? Yes. So that's really exciting. So probiotic, our flagship product is the Just Thrive probiotic and antioxidant. And so that's really important because it's dealing with one aspect of stress, but the new product called Just Calm is actually has been shown in studies, the 17-14 strain to actually reduce cortisol levels, which is very, when we start getting stressed out, the hypothalamus gets
Starting point is 00:12:05 activated and starts, the adrenal starts to shoot off cortisol. And now we have this high cortisol in our body, which is inflammatory and causes all kinds of issues. So the 17-14 strain that's found in Just Calm has actually been shown to reduce that cortisol level. You know, and I think the problem is we have been so focused. Psychiatrists have had their hands tied with, they only pretty much have SSRIs to deal with depression and anti-anxiety meds to deal with anxiety. And really people aren't having much luck with that, much if any luck with it. And psychiatrists are having that same issue treating patients. And I think the reason is because they've been looking at the wrong place. We need to be focusing, rather than focusing on the brain, we need to be focusing on the gut
Starting point is 00:12:48 because it's the gut that's sending those signals up to the brain. And that is very well documented. Yeah. That's so interesting you say that too, because up until I got pregnant, I was on anti-anxiety medication. I was taking Wellbutrin for so many years. And it was only when I found out I was pregnant, I asked my doctor, I'm like, should I like, you know, cold turkey, stop taking this. And he didn't recommend that way. He said, you know, solely to wean myself off it. But with that being said, probiotics is something that even during my pregnancy, I didn't know too much about. And then when I received your products more recently, I was like, well, I'm going to wait until I sit down with Tina to ask because I'm now weaning myself off breastfeeding. So for pregnant women, breastfeeding
Starting point is 00:13:29 women are probiotics, something they should be taking. Are they safe? Are there certain ones that are better? I was curious about that. Oh yeah. I'm so glad you asked that because I am so particular about children. For example, you know, I have three kids of my own who are now adult children, but I mean, we see now kids are just so many kids have allergies. So many kids, you know, when I was a kid, which was a long, long time ago, they had one, I had one kid that I knew all through college, all through high school that had a peanut allergy. Now you see every, you know, there's peanut free tables.
Starting point is 00:14:00 People have all these allergies. This is a complete reflection of gut health. This is why there's this prevalence of allergies and autoimmune issues, ADHD, autism in children is because their guts are so imbalanced. So it is so important for a pregnant mom to be taking care of her gut by taking a spore-based probiotic because you're, as a pregnant mom, you are passing on your bacteria to your child. That is the only time your child is inoculated with their gut bacteria is through vaginal childbirth, close skin to skin contact and breastfeeding. So there is never a more important time to be on a high quality probiotic and to be supporting your gut health than when you're pregnant because you are passing
Starting point is 00:14:42 on to your child. And then when you're breastfeeding, it also is great. It's great to give this to kids. I mean, you could give it to kids, even to young babies. If you wanted to get sprinkle a little bit on like your breasts, if you're nursing or, you know, just as they get older, you could put it into their food and you could eat it. You know, that would be fine. That actually is one of the questions that I just put on my list for my daughter's pediatrician at her appointment that she has in a couple of weeks is what other vitamins or things should we be giving her? Because now that we are weaning her off breast milk and she's on whole milk and she's eating solids, I'm like, but is she getting enough? Like if she has her greens, but then some
Starting point is 00:15:19 days she doesn't want to eat her lunch. And so I'm like, so now I'm like, I just want to eat her lunch. And so I'm like, you know, so now I'm like, I just want to make sure she's getting enough vitamins and whatever she needs. So that's, that's interesting. You say that. And you mentioned, forgive me if this is a stupid question, but I'm sure my listeners would have this question as well. You said spore based probiotics and I have no clue what that is. So can you explain a little more? That is not a stupid question. I'm like, wait, what's a spore? I know I talk about spore-based probiotics. I just think everybody knows what they are. And of course half, you know, 90% of the population is going to know. Now shenanigans is definitely going to know. So spore-based probiotics are completely different category of probiotics. And those are the type of probiotic strains that we used and just thrive.
Starting point is 00:16:05 And that's why we were like disruptors when we came into the probiotic market. Nobody had spore-based probiotics. And here is the two biggest differences, I would say. One is they are able to survive the gastric system. The majority of probiotics on the market, when you swallow them, die before they ever get into your intestines. So you were talking about that drink that you were drinking. And they may have 6,000, 6 million, 6 billion CFUs in their product, but it's about how many get into your intestines. That's the key. And so with this Just Thrive, with the spore-based probiotic, they have this endospore shell around themselves and that gives them the ability to survive the stomach acid. The stomach acid is very acidic.
Starting point is 00:16:45 It's meant to be acidic. That allows them to get to the intestines where they get there 100% alive. And so that's a huge, huge difference. And that really is what sets us apart from the majority of probiotics in the market is their ability to get to the intestines alive. So we have 3 billion CFUs in our product. And we know that all 3 billion get there 100% alive and actually make a shift. And we've done a study that showed it caused a 30% shift in the microbiome,
Starting point is 00:17:13 which is also unheard of. You don't find any probiotics that have studies of that magnitude, of that type of shift. This was just after two and a half weeks. But the second part of that, of these strains, why they're so different is that these strains were found in the soil by our ancestors used to eat off the land and they would get these strains off the soil. So these are not something that we've engineered to make them super duper. Like we didn't put some enteric coating on them or made them. These are like the same strains our ancestors used to eat on a regular basis. And so that's where I just feel like when, you know, you're the doctor, when you go to the doctor and you ask them, it's like, we have to remember that these are the same strains our ancestors used to eat. And if we were living in a tribe in Tanzania where our, you know, soil was clean and it wasn't
Starting point is 00:17:58 contaminated and over farmed, we would be getting these on a regular basis. And that's why in those places in the world, they have virtually no incidence of ulcerative colitis or digestive issues, gas, bloating, diarrhea, all of those things. Can we jump on there? Because I guess for me, first understanding that, and then I was trying to visualize what was going on with my probiotics as they were going through my gut is seriously consuming them. But you're right. When they go through your digestive tract, your stomach acids generally do their job and break it down. And to get probiotics through that, I just imagine them getting a little shield on them, lube them up a little bit and shot straight through. They got out of there, they're alive.
Starting point is 00:18:36 They weren't limping. They weren't damaged. They are strong. That's what I had in my head. Yeah, my little boys get in there. And then so obviously when we take care of gut health, there's also a relation. You've spoke about the brain, gut to brain. Let's jump into that a little bit more. What role does the gut play in mood and brain health? Yeah, the gut plays a huge, massive role. So I was starting to kind of talk about how I don't want to get too scientific because I don't want to lose anybody.
Starting point is 00:19:02 But the bottom line is- Oh, you can get scientific and I'll give it to them in like imaginary terms, lemon terms. I got you covered. Perfect, perfect. Okay. I'll try anyway. I'll do my best.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Yes, I have a feeling you'll do awesome at it. So there's two sources of offenders to our gut health. And it's basically two sources of brain inflammation. One is coming from something called LPS-derived inflammation. LPS is lipopolysaccharides. They're found in our gut, and they seep into our bloodstream when we have a leaky gut. I don't know if you've ever heard of leaky gut, but leaky gut is basically the intestinal wall opens up and toxins start to seep into your bloodstream. Then the immune system starts causing this inflammatory response. And so
Starting point is 00:19:45 this inflammation goes to, it could go to your heart, it could go to your kidney, it could go to your brain. And we find that a lot of the inflammation goes to our brain. So the probiotic is what kind of takes care of that. We have a double-blind human clinical trial on leaky gut showing that it's reducing the LPS toxins from seeping into the bloodstream. So this is a huge aspect of it. The other part is that 17-14 strain that I talked about, because the other cause of inflammation to the brain are external stressors. So we've got too much to do, the baby's up in the middle of the night, you know, you've got this list of things to do. You know, there's all kinds of stressors, obviously that we live in, there's a pandemic going on, you know, all these
Starting point is 00:20:28 crazy things that we've lived with. And we can't get away from that. Unfortunately, we can't get away from it. But we do know that that 1714 strain that I was telling you about in just calm, our other product that just launched that was so exciting, but we know that it's reducing that cortisol, the cortisol levels, which is helping reduce the inflammation in the gut. So the gut, like I said, serotonin is produced in our gut. Dopamine is produced in our gut. GABA, all these important neurotransmitters are all produced in their gut and they're sending signals to our brain and they're sending signals back down. So there's a bi-directional communication between the gut and the brain. Yeah. That's, that's the first I've actually heard that. I would have,
Starting point is 00:21:08 I just always thought that dopamine and serotonin and all of that was in your brain because I know when I was taking my like anti-anxiety medication, it was like, oh, this puts serotonin back in your brain. And I'm like, oh, I don't know. I mean, I just, I took it and my doctor prescribed it. And I think it was even maybe more of like a placebo, like, because once I stopped taking it and I was pregnant and now for the last two years, I haven't been on it. I feel my anxiety has naturally gotten better. I think Brock definitely helps in that sense. And you know, there's just, I'm a probiotic for that, right? Good job, Brock. I don't feel that I need these prescriptions that I was on in the past. I haven't even taken my allergy medicine since, you know, we had summer.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I think that goes back to the beginning of this conversation. It's like we're over-medicating ourselves through pharmaceutical drugs when we can actually internally look at what our body does naturally. And if we can encourage that, that's the best option. I had another question too. What is a psychobiotic? Yeah, well, a psychobiotic is that strain that's in Just Calm, the 1714 strain. So a psychobiotic is basically the friendly bacteria that alters mood cognition. So it's helping your mood and it's altering your mood in a positive way. So that's the biggest difference
Starting point is 00:22:25 is a psychobiotic. And this is a fairly new term that's been out there. It's not a very common term. And we're one of the first probiotics out there that has brought a psychobiotic to market, which is really exciting. And again, getting to the root cause of it. And that is my biggest passion when you talk about this is, is just, I want to empower people to just like figure out when a doctor says to be on medicine, figure out why, you know, maybe an anti-anxiety med is right for a little bit just to get you through something. And, but you want to get to the root cause of it. And, and virtually everything stems with your gut. You know, people will say, Oh, I have, I don't have any gut issues. I mean, I don't have gas or bloating and diarrhea, constipation. And those are, of course, times where people would turn to a probiotic.
Starting point is 00:23:08 I have a lot of gas or bloating, diarrhea, constipation, that kind of stuff. Yes, those are times that you turn to a probiotic. But what people don't understand is skin rashes, skin issues, acne, all of those things are a direct result of your gut microbiome. And like we said, mood issues, mood disorders from anxiety, depression, you know, all signs, that's all stemming from your gut. So I don't want, I just really, if there's one thing people could take out of this conversation is to like, start doing their own research. I mean, our website has tons of information, but go to other
Starting point is 00:23:40 places, you know, listen to podcasts like yours and, and just educate yourself. So you have a knowledge base and a baseline understanding of gut health and all the things and getting to the root cause of an issue. Yeah, totally. What do you think are like some myths about probiotics? Oh yeah. That is my favorite thing. The first myth, so many people that are listening will relate to this one. If they know anything about probiotics, they'll be like, oh, to take one in the refrigerator is the best. It's always a higher quality probiotic than it's in the refrigerator. And the reasoning behind that is that, oh, it's live bacteria. We need live bacteria. The bottom line is it needs to be alive in your intestines. It doesn't need to be alive in the refrigerator. Yeah. Right. Right. It's going to get killed by the stomach. Exactly. And so the, that's a big one. Like it does not need
Starting point is 00:24:30 to be refrigerated to be a good probiotic. It needs to have studies behind it that shows that it gets there a hundred percent. I'm just going to go get my, your kilt and just throw it away real quick. I'm excited for you to try these though. Yeah. A lot of fermented foods have other benefits. It's not to say like I'm a huge fan of fermented foods, but I would never replace it as a probiotic. There's a lot of nutrient dense foods in there. You get a lot of nutrients in there, but it's not a replacement for a probiotic. And I think that's a big myth out there too. I mean, that's another one. Another myth out there that I always like to talk about is those products. You'll see products on the shelf that are 50 billion CFUs. That's how they measure products. You know, mine's 3 billion, like
Starting point is 00:25:14 50 billion. You see some as high as 250 billion or 600 billion. You know, you see these crazy numbers and there's actually no science behind that whatsoever that shows that more is better. All it, the key is how many get into the gut and when they get there, what kind of change do they make to the gut? And if you remember, I mentioned the study that we did. Now we only have 3 billion CFUs and we've shown a 30% favorable shift in just two and a half weeks. So these products with 50 billion, a hundred billion, they have, I mean, I don't know any of them that have a study that shows this kind of shift in the gut microbiome. And it's why people see so much improvement in whatever they're feeling. You know, we have people
Starting point is 00:25:55 will say like they started taking it, maybe they had bloating, they'd really bad bloating, they started taking it, but then they'd say, you know, I'm sleeping better or like I have more energy. And it's so funny because in the pharmaceutical world, it's like side effects include suicidal thoughts, weight gain, all these different things. With us, it's like, you know, side effects are like, oh, I have more energy. I'm happier. Yes. I mean, you know, you laugh, but that's so true. I see that all the time.
Starting point is 00:26:22 I have people say that to me all the time. Like I'm in a better mood. I'm able to handle things better and, you that's so true. I see that all the time. I have people say that to me all the time. Like I'm in a better mood. I'm able to handle things better and, you know, more energy. Because when you're going to the bathroom more regularly, you're getting rid of toxins. And, you know, it's just, it's all falling into place when you do that. So it's really fun because you might go to the probiotic to maybe for whatever reason, maybe you want to become more regular. Well, that's what I was about to ask that. What would be the reasons for the listeners right now to be like, wait, maybe you want to become more regular. Well, that's what I was about to ask that.
Starting point is 00:26:45 What would be the reasons for the listeners right now to be like, wait, maybe I want to have a look more into my gut health and my probiotic levels and help myself out. What would be, okay, being tired, what are some other symptoms that they might be feeling right now that they can go ahead and be like, maybe this is something that can address these issues. What are those major concerns? Yeah. So I think, you know, the most common would be the gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea. Those are the things that most people would notice something, you know, more quickly, but even like skin rashes, like acne, things like
Starting point is 00:27:15 that, people will start noticing differences with that. Any type, somebody who has any type of allergy or autoimmune issue, they are, it's a sign that you have some gut imbalance going on, even your immune system. We mentioned the immune system, 80% of your immune system is if you're someone that gets sick more often, you know, you might want to start taking it to be taking care of your gut health. But I mean, I would argue that there is nobody on the face of this planet that doesn't need it. More important than a multivitamin. I mean, because the thing we have to remember is most of our guts are inflamed because of the world we live in. That's so offensive to our gut health. But when, and if your gut is inflamed, you're not
Starting point is 00:27:56 absorbing nutrients as well. So the foundationally before you're taking a multivitamin, before you're taking vitamin D, which I think all of those are really important. You need to be taking care of your gut because then you absorb those nutrients so much better. Yeah, that's so true. Yeah. Cause I mean, that's how you consume your nutrients is through your gut. So wow. And I don't want to leave everybody like negative. Like it's so, because we do, I said all these offenders to gut health and we are living in this world. That's so like offensive to our gut health, but there are so many things we could, I said all these offenders to gut health and we are living in this world that's so like offensive to our gut health. But there are so many things we could do. You know, you met, there were other, one thing that I think you had mentioned earlier, Sheena,
Starting point is 00:28:32 was the whole intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is really beneficial to our gut health, which is interesting because it actually, it helps feed when you're not eating during longer periods of time. It actually helps feed bacteria, which is kind of counterintuitive, but it's really, it's been shown in studies. So that's really great to create diversity by intermittent fasting. Another thing is just trying your hardest to eat organically, meditate, you know, and breathing, whatever it is that calms you down. Those are really important things because like you said, that gut and brain are talking to each
Starting point is 00:29:04 other all the time. So it's important to just try to be as calm and eliminate stress. And I know that's easier said than done, but there are things we could do. And the gut will, and then of course taking a probiotic, but the gut can repair itself. We just have to be taking care of it, nurturing it. So it's not all gloom and doom. Right. So can all of the Just Thrive products be taken together? Well, yeah, they definitely can be. I wouldn't necessarily like, if we have like, I think nine or 10 products now. So I would always start with the probiotic. I mean, you could start with the probiotic, which is Just Thrive probiotic anti-accident. That would be, everyone should just take that. If you're feeling any stress or you're feeling like your mood's down, then the Just Calm, you could start those at the
Starting point is 00:29:50 Yeah, that's what I really want you to try, the Just Calm. I think that would be beneficial. I think both of us. No, but I mean, you seem to be more stressed, I think, sometimes than I am, but I think that that would be good for both of us. So. Yeah, no, I think it's, the feedback on it has been incredible so far. I mean, it's been so exciting because when you get to the root cause of something, you just see great changes. And then the prebiotic and then would be another great, the prebiotic is kind of the food for the probiotic. So I think those are the ones you could kind of start with. And then if we have a product specialist on our, if you call our number, who's amazing. And you know, if anyone has any
Starting point is 00:30:30 more questions, but definitely the number one, you need to start with a probiotic. That's just, it's, it's non-negotiable. So yeah, it's really, well, you you've sold me. So I have your products. I'm going to start taking the products. I just, I was like, I just need to check. I'm always just so paranoid with breastfeeding of what I put in my body. But then people are like, no, you should be putting that in your body. So I'm like, Oh, good to know. But you're right to be paranoid. I'm the same exact way. You're absolutely right to, I mean, you should make sure and like, and continue to be so vigilant like that and find products that are the research behind it. And you're doing things that are really beneficial. So nothing harmful. So I know Just Calm is the newest, but what's next on the horizon for Just Thrive?
Starting point is 00:31:12 Well, we are working on some really exciting. One is something that will help us with the acid reflux, which the probiotic alone, we've seen. I kind of needed that when I was pregnant. Yeah. I know a lot of pregnant moms need that so badly. So that hopefully should be coming out. We're fingers crossed on that. So we really do spend a lot of time on research and making sure things are viable and all of that before we launch anything. And we always say we're not a supplement company that's going to come out with 200 different
Starting point is 00:31:42 SKUs. We really only bring things that are missing and needed in the market. Nobody had a sport-based probiotic when we came. We brought this technology, this something that was truly missing and needed. And we really want to make an impact on this world. And I've seen it over the last two years, the impact we've made on people's immune systems. And it's been amazing. After all my careers in my life, I finally got to the one that was the right one. So that's awesome. It's the best when you can be passionate about your career and be happy. And then when you're working, it doesn't feel like work. Yes. I love that. It's so true. I love, I mean, we love it. My husband and I are in business
Starting point is 00:32:18 together. Just like you guys are doing stuff together. It is so fun when you get to work with your partner. I mean, it's sometimes, you know, you do need to like separate, but I love it. I love when we got to do this. So, okay. You had mentioned meditating, but what are some other things that you do like daily just to like live your best life? What are some things that the listeners can implement into their daily routines? Yeah. So I wake up every day and I do a deep breathing or meditation, or sometimes I do both, but I do like to deep breathe. I'm like Brock, very stressed out, always like high, strong. And, and I've really done a lot to make that not the case anymore. So I wake up, I do my deep breathing. I drink hot water with lemon. I go on a walk outside,
Starting point is 00:33:03 even though I live in freezing cold Chicago, I walk outside no matter lemon. I go on a walk outside, even though I live in freezing cold Chicago. I walk outside no matter what. Yes, I just love being in nature. And I think we know it's good for our microbiome to be in nature. So I walk, even when it's like, unless it's like icy, icy or really, really cold, I do that.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I say daily affirmations every day. I love that. Walking is my drug of choice. You know, it's just, it's amazing what it does for me. Just being outside is really, really awesome. Yeah. I love that. Those are some good daily tips for the listeners. And my last question is, what do you think is the most important thing that you want all of the listeners to take away from this episode? thing that you want all of the listeners to take away from this episode? The most important thing I would say is to take control of your own health. Start young. I can't, like I said, the world we're living is so offensive to our gut health and to so many other aspects of our health. I mean, we see
Starting point is 00:33:59 this with the onset of all these childhood diseases and childhood, you know, allergies. And so the current medical system is not working successfully. I mean, we need to be taking control of our own health, do your own research, you know, find a functional medicine doctor, you know, just getting to the root cause, find someone that's going to look at your whole body, but you be your own CEO of your health, really focus on your own health. Go to a doctor. They have lots of expertise. But you know the numbers. When I go to the doctor, I give the doctor what blood tests I want. I mean, it used to be like they tell you what to get.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I did that when I was pregnant. Good for you. That's awesome. That's so awesome, especially being young and knowing that. I didn't know any of that stuff for years. So good for you. Yeah, I was like, you're going to test my progesterone. You're going to do this. I gave them a list of everything I wanted checked. And I did that stuff for years. So good for you. Yeah. I was like, you're going to test my progesterone. You're going to do this. Like I gave them a list of everything I wanted checked
Starting point is 00:34:47 and I did that weekly. So yeah. And keep on with those checking your hormone levels. I think that's super important because like the progesterone is so great. That's that probably also helped you feel calmer too. That's, you know, progesterone is really calming and, but just take, taking control of your health and being your own CEO, I think, is the best thing someone could take away from this today. Oh, yeah. And it's so easy to do that, too. It's all your fingertips. So that's a great tip for everyone listening.
Starting point is 00:35:11 So, listeners, you can save 15% sitewide at Use promo code Shea. And, again, their website is Promo code Shea for 15% off site-wide. Tina, thank you so much. Is there anything else that we didn't cover that you want to say to the listeners before we go? I think we covered it all.
Starting point is 00:35:34 It was awesome. It was so fun chatting with you guys. And I hope everybody starts taking care of their gut health to see their overall health improve. Agreed. Honey, anything else? Well, Tina said it, guys. And I'm a big believer
Starting point is 00:35:45 in this. Like the world is there. You have it there at your fingertips. You got to take control of what you can do and that's everything. You got to take control of your own life, which is be your CEO. I love that one. I do that with Homebody, with my startup as well. And I think it's an opportunity for everybody to stop kind of like being caught in a rat race and take control. So thank you very much for that. I appreciate the message. You know what, wait, I've got one last question. You've got one to take from it?
Starting point is 00:36:11 For Tina, but for you, do you have any advice for a new CEO doing a startup and starting their own business? Oh, that's a great question. Let me think of it. I mean, it depends on like what they're in, obviously. But I think the biggest thing is taking care of your team, like culture. And like when we start a business, we think we're the only ones that could do it. And I think what we thought I was taking, I was doing everything for so many years. I knew every customer.
Starting point is 00:36:40 I knew everything. And then I'm like, I need to let this go a little bit. And we hired our first hire and it just changed everything. And then I'm like, I need to let this go a little bit. And we hired our first hire and it just changed everything. We started to grow. And then we hired another hire. And it was like, all of a sudden the company started growing so much faster. I mean, I could never have done it. So relinquish control when you're starting a company. I think that's an important thing. And just take care of your team. I mean, I love every, I love, when I say love, I love every single member of our team.
Starting point is 00:37:08 They are amazing people. I hope they think I treat them like gold because I love them. I think they're amazing. We treat them, I love them and they treat us like gold. So I would just say hire people to help. My goal is to hire people smarter than me. That's all I ever do is hire people smarter than me. I love that.
Starting point is 00:37:23 That's perfect, I gotta hire a few people then. Perfect. Yeah, that's why I have a big team now. Yeah. Well, again, I know you are a very busy lady. Thank you so much. And listeners, one more time, 50% off site wide code Shay at Tina, thank you for your time. This was so fun and informational. Thank you guys. You guys are a lot of fun. It was a great time. Thank you for listening guys. Bye. Bye guys. Thanks for listening to shenanigans with Sheena Shea.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Download new episodes every week on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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