Scheananigans with Scheana Shay - Kickin' it with Kailah

Episode Date: July 23, 2019

Kailah Casillas is back to shoot the sh*t with Scheana and Janet about a HORRIBLE BIRD COLLISION(!!!), the euphoria that is Euphoria, and Scheana's upcoming surgery. Plus, 2019's most burning... question, is an eggplant a fruit? See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you for listening to this Podcast One production. Available on Apple Podcasts and Podcast One. Every car comes with its share of stories. That ding in your bumper when you nervously picked up a first date, the luxury package you got after a big promotion, or the mileage you saved by riding your bike all summer. While you can't put a price tag on your stories, now with True Car, you can at least find out what your car is worth
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Starting point is 00:00:50 True Cash offer not available in all areas. Andorra's box for ya, I'll bring the rock for ya We're gonna own the night From Vanderpump Rules to Vegas and everywhere in between It's time to party with Sheena Shea This is Shenanigans And now here's your host, Sheena Shea We're good as gold Because we're good as gold
Starting point is 00:01:19 What's up guys? We're back doing some Shenanigans We got Janet, we got my raspy twin sister Kayla. Hey. How you doing? Good. In LA for the day. So I was like, you know what? While you're here, we're going to podcast. Yay. Yay. Janet is not sick and dying anymore. My voice is still not back. I don't think, but it's sexy. You like kind of like, you know, all of us were like, we have that raspy thing going on. Is it sexy? It's so sexy. Fit right in. I love it.
Starting point is 00:01:54 So, okay, I'm just going to start this off by telling you guys a story of what happened to me on Sunday Funday. Not sure if you saw my Insta story or not. Kayla hasn't heard the story yet. Janet's already heard it. So we're just going to go into it. So yesterday I was at the Whaler. They have this amazing, talented singer. He's the one man band.
Starting point is 00:02:11 It's so dope. So like he'll record his voice like harmonizing and then like on one microphone and record it. And then he'll start singing. But then that's playing in the background. It's so dope. So it's like one of my favorite things to do on the West Side. I'm going to be there again next Sunday. So I'm just like, you know, enjoying my day. Live music. It's amazing. I had some awesome sliders. The day's great. Meet up with some friends. We're like, oh, let's go to waterfront and like Venice, Santa
Starting point is 00:02:34 Monica. The traffic was insane because it's Sunday to get an Uber was just like nuts. It was a little too far to walk. So we're like, let's hop on some birds. So we get on bird scooters. And my friend Devin even said, he was like, I'm kind of nervous. Like when girls get on these and I'm like, dude, I literally ride these all the time. Famous last words. No, but first of all, this wasn't my fault. So I am on the bird. We're not even, I mean, 30 seconds into the ride. And there's five of us on one side of the road. We're like in this little alleyway in Venice. There's one guy coming the opposite way.
Starting point is 00:03:11 And he sees me. And I didn't know if he recognized me, thought I was pretty, thought I was ugly, whatever it was. He like freaked out for a second. So he like sees me and was like, oh, my God. And I'm like, I'm'm like you make eye contact with the people as they pass you because you make sure you know you don't fucking run into them so he like makes eye contact with me and as he's doing that like hits a little bit of a pothole and was like oh my god jumps off his bird throwing it into my bird which literally makes like my bird like
Starting point is 00:03:43 buckle so it like takes my wheels out i'm you know going like what 15 17 miles per hour as fast as these little fuckers go so he like throws his scooter into mine causing me to have to like jump off my scooter because we've now been in a collision i hit my knee on my right knee on the scooter. I then catch myself. I'm like trying to like run, but I'm going too fast that I just fall on my left side. So my hand and left knee catch my fall. My hand like skids. I had a Chanel purse kind of like crossed across like, um, like from my left shoulder
Starting point is 00:04:22 going down my right. So it's kind of covering my stomach. Thank god because i don't have my surgery until wednesday so i haven't frozen my eggs yet i realized as that happened i probably shouldn't have been on a scooter in the first place my doctor not yeah they weren't too happy with me this morning they're like i i just said that a person crashed into me and they're like but were you you on one as well? I'm like, why you got to ask that? It doesn't matter. Don't worry about it. Point of the matter is this person crashed into me. So I'm thrown my hand, like catches my fall. Thank God. Face teeth. All of that was okay. Could have been worse. No broken bones. Just some broken nails. Oh, two broken nails. Um, Oh, two broken nails. Um, my knee, I mean, it's, I would say this, it's like bigger than a 50 cent piece. Like my entire kneecap, the skin is gone. Then my, the palm of my left hand, the skin is
Starting point is 00:05:16 gone. It's like, Oh God, it's so bad. I'll spare you the details. If you saw my story, you saw how bad it was. So that happens. I'm just literally sitting in the middle of this alley. I have like five of my friends there and I'm like, I don't know what to do. I'm like in shock. I don't know. Like what's the next thing? I'm like, I'm literally, I don't know what to do. The guy is just like standing there when he jumped off his bird and threw it into mine. He didn't crash. He literally just threw his scooter into mine. So he jumped off his bird and threw it into mine he didn't crash he literally just threw his scooter into mine so he hopped off it and then just kind of jogged and ran a little bit into a wall and has the tiniest scrape on his elbow and a little scrape on the side of his leg and he's like crying being so dramatic and he's like but look at me look at me oh my god there's
Starting point is 00:06:00 blood there's blood and i'm like are you fucking kidding me bro look at me i can't even stand right now i'm bleeding out in an alleyway sheena currently is sitting here looking like a mummy all like wrapped up it's so bad everywhere i can barely walk so he's like crying and then he goes but i know who you are i recognized you i recognized you and i'm like i don't give a fuck if you know who i am like you you crashed into me and he's like but i didn't i recognized you and i'm like i don't give a fuck if you know who i am like you you crashed into me and he's like but i didn't do it on purpose i'm like i understand that it's it's called an accident for a reason just apologize just say you're sorry and he's like no but i know who you are i'm like it again it doesn't matter that you know who i am you literally
Starting point is 00:06:39 crashed into me i am i can't even stand i'm bleeding out he's just like crying that he has the tiniest scrape and i'm like okay bro get the fuck out like what do i what am i gonna call the cops do i exchange insurance information do i like find out where he lives like i don't know what to do in a bird collision right never happened to me i bird every time you tell this story when you start to tell it i imagine you riding a a bird, like an animal bird, and this happening. Then he threw his bird on my bird. The bird's fought. You smoke too much weed, apparently, because I never once thought that.
Starting point is 00:07:14 But now every time I hear her say it, I'm going to think that. She's in a horrible bird collision. We're like doing an ostrich race. How did this happen? Sheena did take away my weed pen today oh here honey i'm gonna give it back oh yay mommy's giving you your juice back recharge my battery it's because i can't smoke so i was a little jealous that janice is hitting my amazing pax pen and i can't smoke for a few more days how does it taste it's amazing can you do you can't do cbd either no i can't have anything damn but cbd is
Starting point is 00:07:46 a great thing that i will get back into as soon as i can and kayla do you take cbd yeah i actually do every day really yeah what form do you take it in liquid like the eyedropper type thingy okay do yeah you can just like squirt it in your mouth it doesn't really taste like anything um it's supposed to be really good for your joints and all sorts of other stuff i'm like i'm just gonna hop on this bandwagon because everyone else is doing it yeah but so many things as well i will say though there's one thing that you should do before like if your friends ask about cbd you should send them to this website it basically just has like a bunch of like quotes and like very interesting facts and information about CBD because it's like
Starting point is 00:08:25 I feel like CBD is kind of like this like secret that no one knows about it's like everyone knows what weed is and people just associate CBD with weed but it's like no CBD isn't THC granted you can have a mix of it you can have a pen that has both in it and like higher CBD or higher THC but just CBD by itself I feel like so many people don't know about and especially like my dad uses it for um his joints and stuff arthritis and stuff yeah and people who get drug tested you know at work like even though weed's legal it doesn't mean that they're okay with people you know being under the influence of marijuana while on the job it's supposed to be really good for anxiety and depression and all that that That's why I take it. So I'm like missing it right now.
Starting point is 00:09:05 I'm on like two weeks, no CBD. But you guys, if you just go to, you can see for yourself, just educate yourself. If you know anyone who's tried CBD, like no matter how excited they are about it,
Starting point is 00:09:15 as we are just share this news with them. And, um, yeah. So again, it's called my complete where they literally reveal everything, including the reasons why you simply can't take cbd without doing this one thing so i know janet's checked it out you've
Starting point is 00:09:31 seen the website there's a lot of stuff i didn't know about cbd until i went and checked no there's like so many interesting facts so i mean yeah and even if like you personally don't take cbd it's just like fun facts to know if you're like in a fun conversation. You're like, Oh, actually right now. Exactly. So again, just go to right now to see why you guys should never take CBD until you do this one thing. And again, that's
Starting point is 00:10:00 The number five, not spelled out. So back to my story. So i have a question about your story yes not that it matters but i'm just wondering was the guy drunk like he was drunk okay he was drunk he was gay not that that makes a difference but he was just like like fangirling and like being overly dramatic and i'm like look honey it's okay like i'm not even mad at you like i wasn't screaming i wasn't crying like he was so adorable and i'm just like i wanted to like give him a hug and be like it's okay i know you didn't do this on purpose but he was just like oh my god oh my god i'm bleeding i'm bleeding and i was just like okay okay you can just get the fuck out like you
Starting point is 00:10:40 can just leave like if you're not gonna apologize to me and you're just gonna freak out that you ran into me like yeah just go like so i assume he didn't get the picture he wanted no no he did not get a photo also didn't help that you are completely sober from everything dead sober shouldn't have been on a scooter honestly didn't even cross my mind that i shouldn't be scooting until until this happened flying her bird you know but i will say um shout out to chanel and also chanel if anyone who works for chanel is listening and wants to send me a new purse first should get okay the first time you said chanel i was like okay cool plug and now you're doing it again and i'm like oh she definitely did that on purpose no we were literally her purse the whole front of it, like, skid across the cement.
Starting point is 00:11:28 But I think. Scraped up. Yeah, but I think it protected my stomach. Because I'm like, you know, my ovaries, my uterus, my cervix, my eggs. Like, all of this right now, I think Chanel saved me. Oh, wow. And possibly from hitting my face. Because had my purse not been there to, like, pad my stomach, I could have went flat on my stomach and hit my face, my chin.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Like imagine if I hit my chin so hard that I like bit my teeth and cracked my veneers. That could have been so bad. I fell on my chin before and it is not fun and it bleeds a lot. Yeah. And like I'm very accident prone as we all know. I'm very accident prone, as we all know. However, I don't think I've been injured or tripped or fallen or anything other than like bumping into the corner of a table and having a little bruise and like going on like five years now. Like I've been very good, but I do think this Chanel purse saved my eggs. So thank you.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Episode of how Chanel saved our lives. But seriously. chanel saved our lives but seriously so i'm sitting there just in the middle of the alley and i'm like someone someone needs to figure out what to do so all of a sudden this man this angel appears out of nowhere has like an suv with the back opened has a full first aid kit shut up swear to god he's like sent down from heaven to just save you from your bird i look up accident five feet away from me there was this woman who lived right there who saw the whole thing and she was like for a second she was irritating me because she was like well honey this is why they're dangerous you know and i was like this is not the time not the time for a psa
Starting point is 00:12:59 okay like i don't i don't need your public service announcement of why you shouldn't bird why i should wear fucking knee pads. I have my Chanel purse. It's enough. Okay. I mean, I was going like not even half a mile. Like it was just like a little like we didn't feel like walking. And it was too late.
Starting point is 00:13:15 It was like too crazy to get an Uber. So we hop on a bird, go like the safe way where there's no traffic. And this happens. So now my friends are like cleaning me up i'm like in an alleyway this is the most like ratchet thing i think i've ever done definitely have homeless people pee like mixed into that oh gross thanks jimmy thank you for that you cleaned it up really well it's good well and that's why we cleaned it so well because we're just thinking like oh my god there's probably piss on this fucking sidewalk and this beach is, like, not the cleanest place.
Starting point is 00:13:45 No. So we cleaned it up really well. We wrapped me up. And I'm like, okay, well, now we have to call an Uber. Like, I have to go home. Actually, we called a Lyft. So I wish Lyft was, like, one of my sponsors. That would be a great plug right now.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I was actually kind of waiting for it. I'm not going to lie. Like, oh, here we go again. Hey, Lyft, hit up your girl sheen at shenanigans so um we call a lift and the guy like looks at me and he's like shook i was like i i'm not bleeding i'm wrapped in a lot of gods like i just i i need to go home can you please take me home he's like wait the random guy with the first aid kit no no no i'll let the lift driver we call sorry i zoned out for a second no so the guy um what happened to the guy
Starting point is 00:14:25 that gave you the first aid stuff he just cleaned you up in the back of his cleaned me up okay and then he gave us a bunch of supplies to take home because i'm like i need peroxide like i need to like clean this better like when we get home so he gave us a bunch of stuff we call a lift we get home my friend devon different devon not my friend devon from the bachelorette different devon we call him other devon i feel bad i'm like sorry because I met you second, but I have to say, like, you know, Other Devin. So Other Devin, Natalie, and I get back here. Nurse Natalie. We have to, so I'm like, okay, how do we do this?
Starting point is 00:14:55 Like, I, she's like, and also, they've been drinking all day. They had a super fun Sunday fun day. So Natalie's a little drunk. She, I think, saw how much blood was coming out of me and instantly sobered up so we get back she's like okay just like close the toilet and sit on it so we're like in the bathroom where the hardwood floor is she goes to port prox and i'm like whoa that's still gonna get all over the floor i'm like i think we should do this over the shower so she gets in the shower she's like just put your leg in the shower but the toilet
Starting point is 00:15:22 is too far from the shower so i can't reach and i can't just like stand i'm standing on one leg i'm like i'm not a flyer anymore i'm 34 years old this is not a cheerleading stunt i'm not trying to have a balancing act right now so other devon sits on the toilet to have me but closed toilet closed toilet it's like a fucking chair okay has me sit on his lap so my leg can reach into the shower. No one thought to take a picture of this. Oh, no. It's documented. I Insta-storied it. Oh.
Starting point is 00:15:49 But during... Oh, actually, okay. While the shower... Can I think of anything better, like an actual chair or like a stool? No. To be over the shower, like we needed to just pour the bottle of peroxide on my leg. So I wanted it to just be poured in the bathtub. I still think there's a better way of it than like four people sitting on a toilet.
Starting point is 00:16:04 It was two of us. Okay. Toilets for one, for one person at a time. Whatever. And you were the sober one and you thought of this. I was just like, just tell me what to do. Like there are some times in my life where I just need to be directed because I'm really good at taking direction. I'm also good at giving direction. But in this moment, I was like, just tell me what I need to do. You couldn't sit on the bathroom floor? No, look at where my shower is. Or the edge of the bathtub?
Starting point is 00:16:35 No, Jenna, it's not wide enough. And also, I have sliding doors. Like, I have the shower that has the sliding glass doors. So the track, I would have had to sit on the track. That not comfortable like my ass where there's a better i'm gonna take a look at this there's a better way go go assess the bathroom and let me know do you want to go and report back because and also miss jamie lynn just texted and said that our food they she found a way to get it outside the door oh our postmates is coming in yeah oh my god she okay so my friend jamie shout out is this another plug for postmates no i'm just shouting out my amazing friend no it's a plug
Starting point is 00:17:10 for jamie the plug yeah so she's sending me chicken noodle soup right now because i'm incapable of leaving my apartment other than going to the doctor this morning and also she's sending janet um a chicken nugget kids meal so how did they get up here that's what i want to know she probably gave them the code to like get in the garage did you janet hell yeah no jamie probably did oh you know what maybe i don't know how this happened this is a safety problem whatever this is amazing we've gotten postmates delivered to my door in a building that is impossible to get in she has like five different things you have to go through before you're up here oh my god this is amazing hell yeah this is the best anyway back to my story i'm sitting on other devon on the toilet, leg in shower. Nurse Natalie is pouring peroxide on me.
Starting point is 00:18:06 I swear to God, Kayla, I almost like I'm like hugging Devin and my like net like our necks are like intertwined because I'm just like I don't want to look. I'm just like hugging him and I'm like I need it. I did it. And I almost like bit his neck like a vampire to distract myself. I'm like, what can I do? And I'm like, OK, I'm not going to like make out with my friend's neck but i was like i kind of wanted to like bite he's like do you need to squeeze something or he's like do you need something to like uh squeeze or hold on to i'm like there's a really bad joke i have right now for this no i don't i don't need something to
Starting point is 00:18:38 hold on to other than you so i'm like squeezing him and i'm just like right i wanted to bite his neck so bad not to hurt him just just to distract myself from the pain. But I didn't. So Natalie, her sister is a nurse, so I think she just had a little extra training in what to do. Neosporin, peroxide, rubbing alcohol, which after everyone's like, why would you put rubbing alcohol? I'm like, because there was probably homeless piss on my knee,
Starting point is 00:19:01 and I just wanted to get any bacteria. Open wounds like that though. That's like the worst pain in the entire world. It burned so bad. Yeah. So bad. I have a very high tolerance from pain as I'm sure many of you have seen on my instant story.
Starting point is 00:19:15 I've been injecting myself with the hormones every day. I thought you were going to say I've been getting Botox. That too. Lip injections. That too. Those things really hurt. Yeah. They do. They really do so we
Starting point is 00:19:27 wrap me up we're good we end up again getting postmates got some chicken tacos i was very happy we binged a bunch of episodes of euphoria if you guys have not watched that show wait kayla have you seen euphoria no i haven't it's on my list too yeah it's i keep seeing people write about it on Twitter and stuff, and I'm like, I have to start it, but I feel like it's one, it looks like from the outside that you kind of have to pay attention. So, like, I'm just waiting for a time that I feel like doing that. Well, yeah, you just, you need to watch it from the beginning. So, there's, um, episode five was last night.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Okay. So, there's been, or five, or maybe it was six. It might have been episode six. Anyways, it's basically like a darker 13 reasons why oh yeah so it's um zendaya she's the lead of it love her i just saw spider-man with her in it the other day i can't wait to see it it was so good she's everywhere janet just saw this really hot photo of her look at this she's killing it she has this red cord like it's like a suit Saw that
Starting point is 00:20:25 And underneath is red But see through Yeah Yeah She's really young too Isn't she I don't even think She's 20 yet
Starting point is 00:20:32 Crazy She's really young She's like She's been a Disney Channel star For years now She was on Dancing with the Stars The same way
Starting point is 00:20:38 The same year Lisa Vanderpump was actually Oh I don't remember If she won or She was runner up She looks like She could dance
Starting point is 00:20:44 Was that the same year Carlton was on it? I mean, that's not Alfonso. But anyway, so she's the lead. There's also a transgender character. Like, they're super with the times. There's like the jock. There's the slut. There's, you know, the girl who's a little thicker,
Starting point is 00:21:01 but it's like there's nothing more powerful than a fat girl who doesn't give a fuck. And she's just like, it's like, there's nothing more powerful than a fat girl who doesn't give a fuck. And she's just like, it's like, it's so good. I don't want to give too much of it away, but like, there are just so many interesting dynamic characters that are so relatable.
Starting point is 00:21:14 I think to this generation in high school, there's, you know, issues with the parents. There's, which is weird that it's on HBO then, because like, I feel like that's not a very kiddie kind of channel or like something that like younger generation watches it's not kid friendly like there's tits there's
Starting point is 00:21:29 dicks oh it's very r-rated oh all right yeah so like it sounds like a show i would try to sneak and watch when i was like younger absolutely yeah no it's so good but i mean it tackles like all of like you know drug addiction we see her tits you see you don't season day as yet Oh, but I'm going to he wants her to be a lesbian Like on Twitter people like really I saw that me you're telling me this girl's fully straight. I mean again her in that suit Yeah, I saw that really I mean including me not gonna give away storylines, but you guys need to watch this show. It's seriously Incredible like it's really fucking good I mean, including me. I wouldn't. Not going to give away storylines, but you guys need to watch this show. It's seriously incredible. Like, it's really fucking good.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Gotta check it out. So, yeah. Euphoria on HBO Sundays at 10 p.m. It's like my new obsession. Also. I'm not sure anymore. What's a plug in right now? I'm just plugging things that I'm into right now. I'm just giving you guys an insight into my life.
Starting point is 00:22:21 She does plug. I love CBD. I love Postmates. I love Lyft. I hbo and euphoria also my new favorite show other than euphoria is on abc oh it's on tonight yay it's because it's monday night as we're recording we have mental all in the bachelorette and then well whatever but then after that is this new show that evil on gorya produces uh called grand hotel have you seen it or previews? It's so good.
Starting point is 00:22:52 It's like I don't even know what to compare it to, but it's just like, you know, like the Desperate Housewives type. But it's like in a hotel and a bunch of really good looking people and like up and coming actors who have either been on soaps or no names. But it's really good. So while I am crippled on my couch tonight unable to leave i'm so thankful that i have some great tv i have a good one for you because you watch all of those like singing shows and stuff right yeah okay so mikey and i on our way here watched two episodes of a show on nbc called song land oh i haven't even heard of that it is so good you're gonna like it so pretty much what it is is a panel of three really famous songwriters like the people who write shit for like rihanna and beyonce and all that and then
Starting point is 00:23:32 every week is a different um celebrity so the two that i watched the one was john legend and then the other episode was the jonas brothers and they have like a couple other famous people whatever i think um megan trainer has an episode and whatever anyway so um each week four people who are songwriters perform songs for that artist and then they narrow it down and they work with the other like famous songwriters to make the songs better and then the star picks their favorite song and they end up recording it yeah and it's like amazing because the people who are the songwriters are like amazing vocalists and they're amazing songwriters and it's just so cool to see how like a song will transform and then to hear the artist sing it at the end and like put it on their album sounds like more the behind
Starting point is 00:24:19 the scenes like part yeah yeah and i think it's so cool and just like hearing john legend sing a song that like some random kid who's like super young wrote yeah like with dreams of being a songwriter super cool i love that yeah you guys should check it out i'm like addicted to it now love that i haven't watched tv in so long well you've been gone for like a month janet i've been gone and then the last week i had one thing to do which was be home for the cable guy at 11 a.m. and I've missed it. Why did you miss it? I don't know. What were you doing Janet?
Starting point is 00:24:49 I don't know. Probably at the store or something. I don't know. Hey you're the one who brought it up. You missed your appointment. Oh I missed it. Uh huh. I need to call them back and be like hey it's me again.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Yeah. I know I ignored your calls for a while, but. Sorry, I was at the store. That's what you're calling it, huh? Yeah. Is that what we call that now? I have to go to the grocery store. To get some eggplants or something?
Starting point is 00:25:23 Is eggplant a fruit or a vegetable? Janet? I don't. Janet doesn't even eat fruits or vegetables but she said i know what are fruits and i know which are vegetables that's a hard one and i'm gonna go i feel like it could be a tomato one where it's like because it has like little seeds does it have seeds i think it's like zucchini zucchini has those like tiny little seeds like cucumbers do i'm gonna say vegetable let this. Let's Google it because honestly. I have no clue. Well, it's generally thought of as a vegetable.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Eggplant is actually a fruit. You're right. Yes, because it has seeds. It's a squash. Yeah. So squash, zucchini, cucumbers are all vegetables. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Interesting. Some even consider it a berry. Oh learning so much stuff so i've never eaten a banana or a grape but have you how have you gone your whole life i am there's others too i'm trying to think of like the those are like the big ones that everyone freaks out why um okay bananas texture is weird smell is weird to me not a big fan just think it's very odd the peel situation i just don't like it and then grapes are like eyeballs i like grape juice and i like banana flavored run okay janet let's let banana flavored runs taste nothing like actual bananas no that's probably why i like that because bananas i like banana flavored runs though they're great but the thing is banana flavored things don't taste like banana you know what i'm saying it's like a banana doesn't taste like a banana flavored reds though. They're great. But the thing is banana flavored things don't taste like banana.
Starting point is 00:26:45 You know what I'm saying? It's like a banana doesn't taste like a banana flavored anything. But neither does like raspberry and raspberry flavored things. That's true. At all. Like blue raspberry doesn't taste like raspberries. I haven't had a raspberry in a long time. I mean I've had one.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Okay Janet let's go through your weekly or daily diet. Yeah what do you eat? Because you are the skinniest person I know in like the hottest Victoria's Secret model way. I'm not saying like you're too skinny in a gross way. I feel like she's like one of those naturally. She doesn't go to the gym and she doesn't eat well and she doesn't. It's like annoying Pilates lot.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I'm going to start doing it again now that I'm in my new place and like have my thing out. But for the past year, for the past year, I would say my meals typically look like I wake up in the morning and have, I love chicken pot pies in the morning oh my god i love it and everything with cream cheese are they the frozen kind yeah the frozen like cheap ones like murray calendars yeah no not murray calendars are too expensive for me they're like banquets they're like 99 cent
Starting point is 00:27:40 cheap ass chicken pot pies love those um or a tostinos pizza in the morning pepperoni party love that one or an everything bagel with cream cheese that's normally my breakfast foods the past couple days i've had beef jerky for breakfast because i have a lot of beef jerky right now and then normally for lunch i'll have like a pasta normally with sheena like at or places like that and then normally tacos and rice for dinner. You eat like a third grade. I know. She literally eats like a growing boy going through puberty.
Starting point is 00:28:11 And I also have to have at least four Diet Cokes a day. But how many times? You're leaving out your most important part of your diet. Where do you go at least three times a week? McDonald's? Yeah. The Golden Arches. What do you get there?
Starting point is 00:28:24 Ten chicken nuggets, a single cheeseburger, a hash brown, and a Diet Coke. You do not eat all of that. Yes, she does. She doesn't always finish the chicken nuggets. I usually will help her with those. Yeah. She starts with the cheeseburger. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:28:36 And then eats as many chicken nuggets until she's full. I love how much you know this. Yeah. How many cases? I know the answer. How many cases of Diet coke would you think janet currently has in her fridge i'm scared of this answer the best part is it's the only thing in my fridge right now oh no i made a cheesecake this week i have that in there too okay hold on
Starting point is 00:28:59 do you only have the diet cokes in your fridge or do you also have some like in a pantry only in a fridge but if i would have them in a pantry if I had other food in my fridge. But I have a lot of space for the Diet Coke right now. I don't know. Five cases. Four. Four. That's a lot.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Yeah. I know. And honestly, that's only going to last her the week. Shut up. No. That'll get me through eight to ten days. Oh my God. On average, how many Diet Cokes do you have a day?
Starting point is 00:29:25 Like four. I'm, I'm mean in the morning until I have a Diet Coke. Literally angry. You're like addicted. She started, oh, I'm a hundred percent addicted. I stopped drinking coffee. Now I only drink Diet Coke. No, you only drink aspartame.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Yeah. I'm into that shit. But when Sheena and I were traveling like a lot, like there would be mornings where she would be like, like, just look at me and be like, you need a Diet Coke. Here, we need a Diet Coke, and then we can talk when you're not crabby. I'm like, I need morning sex. Some people need morning coffee. Janet just needs Diet Coke.
Starting point is 00:29:55 And perhaps a chicken pot pie. That is the weirdest thing to eat in the morning. It's so good. I don't like breakfast foods normally. I crave dinner foods in the morning like i would ever i only i crave like i don't like breakfast foods normally i crave um dinner foods in the morning i have a really great chicken pot pie recipe that's like super easy that'll last you like days for real like you can just pop them in and warm them up in like three seconds love it they're super easy and delicious amazing yeah it's like four ingredients
Starting point is 00:30:20 i love just have to mix them together i can't wait until i can get back to like my normal diet you guys i've not had pasta in a couple weeks i've had tacos a couple times but i pretty much just eat everything out of the taco because i feel guilty eating the carbs right now although yesterday i did have sliders at the whaler my mom was like sheena your eggs are fine a few sliders on a hawaiian roll are not going to kill you just enjoy your lunch i'm like okay well if my mom said it's okay then it's okay are you avoiding carbs because you. Just enjoy your lunch. I'm like, okay, well, if my mom said it's okay, then it's okay. Are you avoiding carbs because you can't work out right now and Seth's telling you to or doctor or both? Doctors, orders.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Yeah. I'm supposed to be on a very low complex carb, if anything, diet. I'm not supposed to have any of the simple carbs like white flour, white rice, like sugar, anything like that. I would die if someone told me not to eat that stuff. Like I actually would run out of stuff to eat. But honestly, I haven't gained a single pound doing this round. I'll probably gain like three or four pounds after my surgery on Wednesday, but that's mostly water
Starting point is 00:31:12 weight. And then that goes down. And the thing with that after my surgery is I get to be on like a higher sodium diet, which is fantastic. I was like, wait, you mean like top ramen? They're like, no, not like bad sodium, but I'm like, I'm still going to mean like top ramen yes no not like bad sodium but I'm like I'm still gonna have some ramen doc but because I forget how to explain it exactly it's something about like when they take the eggs out of the ovaries the liquid from your bloodstream fills the ovaries so you bloat so it's a bunch of water weight and then the sodium attacks the ovaries putting the liquid back into your bloodstream I actually think I described that perfectly, and I don't know how I remember that. We decided earlier that you're a PhD.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Oh, yeah. I have my PhD, I said. And Jen is like, it's an MD. I'm like, whatever. A PhD could be in literature. Whatever. I am basically a chemist, you guys. You saw me mixing that Menopur earlier.
Starting point is 00:32:01 I did. Okay, she is crazy. I crushed it. It was syringes and shots and crushed it yeah and this round really good junkie well thankfully i'm not an addict i know but like if you ever wanted to you could like shoot up really cleanly yeah i mean i have a shit ton of needles left over so you know her and all of her junkie friends but one thing too so the first time when i did this in january i took full advantage of the service where you go into the doctor's office every day and they do the shots for you because I didn't want to do it wrong.
Starting point is 00:32:32 But after like watching them, there were a couple of times I had to do a few of the Lupron shots, which was a brief or it was just like one syringe that I just sucked the liquid out of and stabbed myself and injected it. But this time I was like, you know what? I'm busier like obviously um we're filming I'm working so Penny just turned the tv off I have my cat she's a little crazy um so I this time don't have as open of a schedule to go to the doctor every day so I've been having to do my shots at home but this time for the last today was day 12 for the all 12 days of injections I've done all of them on my own with the exception of one day because I was just over I think this was like day eight or nine I was at the doctor and I was like can you just do them for me like I'm really sick of poking myself my left side kept
Starting point is 00:33:21 bleeding and I was just over it I can't believe you did those all yourself. Yeah. I couldn't even watch someone else give you one without like thinking I was going to faint. I almost stole the thunder. She knows a point that was. Seriously. I was there for moral support and I was like, oh my God, I can't watch this. I'm going to faint.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Like, you know, like when the dad like faints during like giving birth. Yeah, that was me. Yeah. That was almost Janet. How many do you have to give yourself like a day uh four shots a day okay but last time it was six shots a day and it was three different times so i had morning four in the afternoon and the night jesus christ yeah it was a lot it's a lot i'm putting my body through for a maybe baby a maybe baby oh yeah but last time we got nine eggs i know we were taking bets last time
Starting point is 00:34:06 however i think we're or i know we're all wrong because we all guessed over 10 and what i found out this morning at my appointment is i only have 10 follicles all growing like they're all a very good size so hopeful for 10 eggs if all those are mature, great, but most likely not. But we're all wrong. So now knowing I have 10 follicles, we're going to take new bets on how many mature eggs I have. I'm going with my lucky number seven. Janet? I'm going to go eight. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:34:37 I'm going to be optimistic and say nine. Love it. Wish I could go nine and a half, but I guess that's not really an option. Half an egg doesn't count. No. There's not much you can do with half an egg. Well, next week you guys will find out. I was hoping by this episode I would have my surgery because I was thinking it was going
Starting point is 00:34:51 to be Monday or today, but it's, um, wait, today is Monday. I meant Monday or tomorrow, whatever. It's going to be on Wednesday. So next week. You get your trigger shot tonight. My trigger shot tonight at 2 a.m. And wait, the trigger shot tells your body trigger shot tonight at 2 a.m. And wait, the trigger shot tells your body to release the eggs or what does it do?
Starting point is 00:35:10 Um, maybe. Like, is it ready or something? All I know is the trigger shot is done exactly, precisely 36 hours before surgery. So because we didn't know what day my surgery was going to be, the surgery center's already booked all day Wednesday. So the soonest they could do it is 2 p.m., which means my trigger shot has to be at 2 a.m. And I just feel very bad. Shout out to Julia, the amazing nurse who also bandaged me up today,
Starting point is 00:35:32 who has to drive to Marina Del Rey, as we all know. It's like so far at 2 a.m. to give me this trigger shot because it's the one that I cannot do myself. It's so precise. This is the most important shot out of all two weeks that I have to do. Final shot. Final shot. Last one.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I feel more bad for you that you're going to have to wait till two o'clock in the afternoon to eat or go into surgery. You're going to be starving. I mean, it's not. Sleep in as long as you can. Yeah. Good idea. Well, it's not uncommon of me to not eat until like 2 p.m because i'm not a big breakfast person
Starting point is 00:36:05 but just knowing i can't yeah i'm going to be starving but then i'm like okay because usually before like surgery they say like after midnight no liquid no this but if it's a 2 p.m surgery i'm like is it still after midnight but also like 12 hours before yeah 2 a.m at your shop okay and honestly i mean i shouldn't be eating or drinking anything at 2 a.m. anyways. So that's fine. I mean, I'm doing this for, you know, a good reason for a future maybe baby if, you know, Prince Charming comes along one day. Or if you and I decide to get married in Vegas or something. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:38 You could become a lesbian and have a baby now. That's so cool. We could. Wouldn't that be cute? I tried to get you to marry me last when we were in Vegas for that one night. You did? Yeah. I kept saying it. I was i was there okay but did she get down on one knee oh good that's yeah i need to be corded pun intended but why does jenna have to be the guy because i definitely would be the guy in this one let's be clear absolutely i mean the two of us i'm definitely the one with the dick yeah so i mean had you courted me got down on one knee right okay maybe even we're in vegas you watch for
Starting point is 00:37:13 this this is happening maybe like a ring pop or something i think okay i love that i just want to be the flower girl okay i wear like a really cute dress and elvis has to marry us of course of course obviously yeah okay This is good. Okay. Now, if you and I get married, we both have our ex-husband's last names. Ooh. What do we do about that? We make it.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Do we just drop our last names and go middle name? Shatner. Shortener? Or. Shortener. Shatner. Sounds too much like shatting. No, I think at this point you guys would just make up your own last name like think of something really cool tacos chamomile tacos janet elizabeth tacos i love that yeah it sounds pretty good
Starting point is 00:37:59 well it's not gonna happen this week so we know some time my birthday is this weekend which you can drink for now that you are gonna have your eggs. I can do birthday shots with you. I'm so excited. I can get high with you. Yes. Yeah. What are your birthday plans? Um, you should come back into town Sunday. Um, Sunday, Sunday, we're doing a Dave and Buster's party. Obviously my favorite place ever. Everyone like last night I was with a logan tom tom logan and is oh there's two gay tom tom oh wait no there's lucas is who i'm thinking of and then there's a brett there's too many brett's too many brett's logan's and max's uh i was talking to logan yesterday and he's like oh what are you gonna wear to your birthday party dave and buster's i was like
Starting point is 00:38:40 my dave and buster's christmas sweater obviously and my dave and buster's slides he's like no janet you have to dress up you can't just wear dave and buster's Christmas sweater, obviously. And my Dave and Buster slides. He's like, no, Janet, you have to dress up. You can't just wear Dave and Buster's stuff. And I was like, the goal is for everyone to end up with Dave and Buster's stuff. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to eat, drink, play, and it's going to be amazing. My goal is to have everybody come and play and then give me their tickets at the end, because I really, really want the Dave and Buster's electric guitar, which is 50,000 tickets. And I want to mount it on the wall in my new apartment, which funny story. I was telling my ex-boyfriend about this plan and he was like, are you kidding me? And I was like, yeah, no, of course.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Like I want that, that guitar on my wall. And he goes, Janet, when we were living together, you wouldn't let me mount a surfboard. I was like, I mean mean i guess that's kind of a good point but yeah he i said no to the surfboard but the dave and buster's guitar is so much better um and it's so me it's like it says it says like i'm an independent woman it screams oh yeah i'm an independent woman totally i don't even know how to play the guitar but i need that dave and Buster's guitar on my wall How many tickets do you need?
Starting point is 00:39:48 50,000 That's why I want everyone to come If everyone that I invited comes and wins a thousand tickets We got it I think we can make it happen I think we can do it I think if everyone listening to this podcast Right now shows up and helps you.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Yes. That would be great. Dave and Buster's in Hollywood, guys. Yes. You have to go. Wait, Kayla, I want to talk to you really quick about something. What? The real world.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Oh. Have you watched the new one on Facebook Watch? I did. I watched the first episode. do you think it was okay but you weren't on it so you're like it was better when i'm on it right yeah i mean it's just it's just different because it's you know online but i think it's something that everyone's going to get used to because facebook is like a new i've been coming like the new netflix right it's something that everyone's going to get used to because Facebook is like a new, I've been coming like the new Netflix, right? It's the new, I'm incoming thing. So it's just hard for me to keep up with, but I think it's good. And I think it's cool that MTV is like evolving and being like hip
Starting point is 00:40:53 with the times, you know, except for their new YouTube show. I'm not even going to shout it out. We all know what it is. Not going to shout it out, shouting it out. What, um, I just want you to do one thing before you leave so in the beginning you know of like the real world when they do like the starting yeah what what is it what do they say oh shit my season didn't do this but it's something like when seven strangers get picked to live in a house and stop being polite and start being real don't they eat sleep and work together find out what happens and people stop being polite and start getting real the real world las vegas yeah so now they're doing it on facebook watch
Starting point is 00:41:32 is that what it's called yeah so shenanigans is actually brought to you by mtv's real world atlanta which is streaming now only on facebook watch it is the original reality show which is featured the amazing kayla but now it's back and streaming, as we said, only on Facebook Watch. It's literally the next true story of seven strangers picked to live in a house, have their hookups, screw-ups, apologies, fights, tears, voices, and lives streamed exclusively on Facebook Watch. Yeah. It's the return of the first unscripted show in TV history that tackled gender, race, AIDS, taboos, life, death, addiction, connection, acceptance, and reality.
Starting point is 00:42:06 And it's being reinvented. You guys, MTV's The Real World Atlanta is an all-new reality experience with content dropping daily, new episodes every Thursday. So find out what happens when the next generation stops being polite and starts getting real. Love it. Again. And Facebook, just go and click on the Facebook Watch icon and search The Real World on Watch. MTV's The Real World Atlanta is streaming now only on Facebook Watch. Thanks for coming all the way from Vegas and podcasting with us, Kayla.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Anytime. Yeah. I love the shenanigans. I know. So much fun. All right. Well, I need to go and take care of myself. And before you go, what are your Instagram and Twitter handles?
Starting point is 00:42:43 Bandaged and bruised. And your drunk Twitter handle? Shout out to drunk Kayla. Yeah. Um, so all of my handles are at Kayla, K A I L A H underscore. Casillas C A S I L L A S.
Starting point is 00:42:57 And if you want to know what I'm doing while I'm drunk, you can follow me at my drunk account on Twitter. I think I have like 4,000 followers now and I don't know if I'm proud of that. I love drunk Kayla. At drunk Kayla. Love it. Love that. And Kicking It With Kayla.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Oh, and then I have a radio show called Kicking It With Kayla, so you can follow me on Instagram at Kicking It With Kayla. Love that. Which I was supposed to be on the last time we were in Vegas, but someone slept in. We all slept in. Don't even. Oh, we slept in until 3 p.m. Yeah, do not.
Starting point is 00:43:26 I was awake in time to make the show, but I was like, haven't heard from Kayla. Going back to sleep. Yeah, we'll make it happen eventually. Love it. All right, guys. Thanks for listening. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Thanks for listening to Shenanigans. Download new episodes every Tuesday and subscribe on the Podcast One app at or at Apple Podcasts. And don't forget to rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts. We'll see you next time. Hey everyone, it's Nazanin Mandy and Nadia Moham. And it's time you got a relatable, unapologetic view on life with the Ladies Like Us podcast. We're going to give you a modern day woman's perspective on the issues that really matter. Anything goes with ladies like us. Get ready for plenty of laughter, open conversation, and amazing guests. We'll also be connecting with you, answering questions, giving advice, and helpful tips.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Be sure to subscribe to Ladies Like Us right now on Apple Podcasts or Podcast One. And don't forget to leave us a rating and a review. And it better be good.

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