SciShow Tangents - Stump Ceri - Unlocked Patreon Bonus Episode

Episode Date: December 28, 2021

SciShow Tangents is taking a couple weeks off for the holidays, but we aren't gonna leave you hanging! This week, we present an unlocked Patreon patron bonus episode in which we try to stump Ceri with... a barrage of science and pop culture questions!Head to to find out how you can help support SciShow Tangents, and see all the cool perks you’ll get in return, like bonus episodes and a monthly newsletter!And go to to buy your very own, genuine SciShow Tangents sticker!A big thank you to Patreon subscriber Garth Riley for helping to make the show possible!Follow us on Twitter @SciShowTangents, where we’ll tweet out topics for upcoming episodes and you can ask the science couch questions!While you're at it, check out the Tangents crew on Twitter: Ceri: @ceriley Sam: @im_sam_schultz Hank: @hankgreen

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, Tangents is going to take a couple weeks off for the holidays, so we won't be recording any new episodes, but we'll still be posting some cool fun stuff. This week we present an unlocked bonus episode, usually only available to SciShow Tangents Patreon patrons. In this episode, we try to stump Big Brain Sari with some very hard and some very stupid questions. And if you like what you hear, there are like a dozen more bonus episodes available on our Patreon with more coming every month. Just go to slash SciShowTangents to learn more and enjoy this bonus episode.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Hello and welcome to the SciShow Tangents bonus episode only for our Patreon patrons. I'm Hank Green, and joining me as always is science expert Sari Reilly and our resident everyman Sam Schultz. So last month, we grilled Sam about science, and then we made fun of Sam. And this month, we're turning our attention to Sari. So we have put together a devious list of high school science quiz questions and we're going to see just how smart Sari really is. I hate this for you. I'm so sorry. I don't know if any of these questions even make any sense. I just got them all all also high school science is like pretty vague it's been quite a few years since i've been in high school i also feel like
Starting point is 00:01:31 the like i don't know it'll be interesting to go through i will i'm sure i will have opinions about which one of these things are actually important do you want me to administer the test tank and then you could see if you can answer or Sari can't answer? Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. Don't look. I will not look. I will not look. But since we think that Sari might do and or I will do fairly well on these quiz questions, this quiz, which is called, of course, Q and Bidet, we still want to make fun of Sari. So we snuck a few questions in about things that she definitely doesn't know anything about.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Sari, so we snuck a few questions in about things that she definitely doesn't know anything about. And in between each category, there will be a lightning round in which we ask Sari questions about a classic song that she has only recently heard for the first time. So Sam, can you start us off with our stupid game? Hey, I worked really hard on the stupid game. Very fun, yes. I had to do nothing for once in my life for SciShow Tangents. I could just sit back and be ready to be quizzed. Also, Sam, I have to say that it is really important to work hard on stupid stuff sometimes.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Yeah. Absolutely. That's one of my goals in life. Okay. So, first of all, I'm going to start you guys off with everyone's favorite field of science, biology. So this one should be okay. So, Sari, I'm going to give you the chance to answer the question first, and then we'll go to Hank to see if he can answer it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:54 So number one, which of the following is an example of endocytosis, a plasma membrane engulfing large materials so that they can enter the cell. Two, light and carbon dioxide being converted into carbohydrate and oxygen. You're shaking your head at that one. Three, a vesicle transporting materials into a cell. Or four, a vesicle transporting materials out of a cell. Number one is the most endocytosis. But I would say a vesicle transporting stuff into a cell. It's not like quite, but it's similar in that.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Both of those things are the same thing. Yeah. A plasma membrane versus a vesicle. A vesicle is just like a little bubble holding other stuff and then fusing with the plasma membrane as opposed to a cell like engulfing something else. That's like the instigator of the movement feels slightly different but okay well according to this test number three is the correct answer so sari you get the point because you said either one or three number one i said number one was more correct so maybe i have an explanation okay okay according to this website plasma membrane
Starting point is 00:04:03 engulfing particles to enter the cell would be an example of penocytosis, period. What's a penocytosis? Peno-noir, penocytosis, the cell's getting drunk and made up a term. Yeah. We also have to allow for things having changed, maybe. Penocytosis versus endocytosis. Lord Almighty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Do you know what penocytosis is? Have you ever heard of it? I've never heard of it before. No, no. I've heard of phagocytosis, which is like what a white blood cell does. It like eats up the little bad guys. Little Pac-Man man. Yeah, but never heard of penocytosis.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Here's question number two. Which of the following statements is not true concerning enzymes? Number one, they lower the energy of activation. Number two, they increase the rate of a reaction. Number three, they increase the amount of products. Number four, they are biological catalysts. They increase the amount of products is, I guess, the most fake. But by speeding up the reaction, there are technically more products.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yeah, at certain times. In a shorter amount of time. Yeah. The idea is, I think that what they're saying is that over an infinite timescale, there would be the same amount of products. They're not a cloning machine. Yeah. They don't create. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:22 They can't create nothing. machine yeah they yeah they don't create yeah they can't create nothing but like there are situations in which enzymes will create more products like that's just true i'm sorry that's that's bullshit pedantry like there are situations in which like that is not a false statement but anyway that's the one that they want us to say. Yeah, that's the most false. That's the right answer. Okay, Sari, also each round is going to have
Starting point is 00:05:51 a bit of a dummy question that is not related to science at all. It's related to something you don't know anything about, I assume. Cool. In the 1972 film
Starting point is 00:06:00 The Godfather, what famous line is uttered by the character Clemenza after assassinating a disloyal associate? Number one, Merry Christmas, you filthy animal. Number two,
Starting point is 00:06:11 now that's an offer no one could refuse. Number three, leave the gun, take the cannoli. Or number four, I believe ya, but my Tommy gun don't. Oh, no. In my head, I thought it was the only thing from The Godfather that i know and i think you made fun of me for doing a horrible impression oh yeah it's the on this the day of
Starting point is 00:06:30 my daughter's wedding uh-huh what was number two again now that's an offer no one could refuse i think that one that one feels like now that's enough i don't want to do it yes what is it no no it's like a gravelly old man voice. I don't know what an Italian accent sounds like, though, so I'm going to offend everyone by trying to do it. Yeah, maybe that's okay. Well, also, that answer is incorrect, Sarah. Does Hank know? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Hank, do you know? I watched the Godfather trilogy after getting my wisdom teeth out and do not remember any of it. So I'm going to say Merry Christmas, you filthy animal. I'm so sorry, Hank. That's from Home Alone 2 Lost in New York. I thought that was just a Sam phrase. And the second one, Sarah, that you said was
Starting point is 00:07:18 something that I just made up because I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse is something that they say in The Godfather. The correct answer is leave the gun, take the cannoli. Oh, my gosh. They go out on a chore to pick up cannolis, and they kill the guy on the way,
Starting point is 00:07:34 and then they're walking away, but they're like, oh, wait, we forgot something, and they take the cannolis with them. I'm not the biggest fan of cannolis. I wouldn't take the cannoli. I would leave the gun and then just walk out probably. You're a bigger fan of guns than cannolis no i don't like either so i would like leave the gun leave the cannoli i'm just gonna leave the gun leave the cannoli leave everything behind go to cabo and i'm not involved in this anymore i don't care what if the cops knew you didn't like cannoli and they were like, ah, that's cannoli
Starting point is 00:08:05 hate and sari. That's your thing. I'm going to a non-extradition country, baby. I've watched enough crime shows that that's where people go. Okay, number three. Which carbohydrate cannot be digested by humans? Glycogen, amylose,
Starting point is 00:08:22 starch, or cellulose? Starch is two things. Starch is amylose and amylopectin cellulose i guess is the most obvious answer because it's the it's the stuff that makes the structure of plant it's the the stuff that cleans out your digestive system because it's stringy. Don't eat grass. What I said. Come on. Just a little bit. The correct answer is cellulose.
Starting point is 00:08:52 I'm going to eat one blade. You can have as much grass as you want, Sam. I'm just trying to keep Gen Z alive. Well, I think that you can't really digest amylose very well because it's, I just edited a script based on this. So amylopectin has alpha one, four glycoside linkages or something like that. So it's like a little bit more chunky in the way that glycogen is, but amylose is lays flatter and packs more compactly. So it is harder to digest, probably not as hard as cellulose, but still hard to digest. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Well, take that high school. Yeah. I took college organic chemistry. Yeah. So here's the last question in the biology round. Filtration occurs in what section of the nephron? Number one, distal convoluted tubule. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Number two, the loop of Henle. Number three, glomerulus. You okay? Glomerulus. Glomerulus. Or number four, proximal convoluted tubule. So this is going to be a guess because I dropped out of my anatomy class in college. I was like, there's too much memorization.
Starting point is 00:10:04 I'm not learning enough. And I'm not going to be able to remember. Is this an anatomy question in college. I was like, there's too much memorization. I'm not learning enough. And I'm not going to be able to. Is this an anatomy question? Yes. It's a kidney. So like a nephron. It doesn't explain any of that in the question. Questions aren't there to explain things, Sam.
Starting point is 00:10:17 But what if you need help? I think if you're like, oh, it's a kidney. Then now suddenly I know what the loop of Henle is. Now you're still screwed. Yeah. It's just like particular regions of the kidney. And I'm sure one like filters, one rebalances minerals, one just like is a storage chamber. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:38 But I'm going to say the loopy part. The loop of Henle. That sounds like a good. Yeah, that one. Wrong. I must say, is it the nephrons? That's where we're talking about. What section of the nephron is it?
Starting point is 00:10:48 It's in the nephrons. Look, you want me to be more specific than that in high school? I'm not going to cut open a cadaver right now. What's going on? Who needs to know this? You got to look at the textbook diagram and memorize it. I'm going to go with one of the, I'm going to go with the distal convoluted tubule. Unfortunately, those are both wrong.
Starting point is 00:11:07 It's the glomerulus. The glomerulus filters the blood resulting in the filtrate, which will then go through the tubules. Okay. Whatever that means. I guess that makes sense. So there's like a part, this is what I interpret from that. There's a part of the kidney that's like, I am the place where I suck everything out.
Starting point is 00:11:27 And then all the tubes are just like sends the whatever junk gets sucked out through all the tubes to rebalance. Yeah. The loop of Henle is where the piss goes. So that's important to know. That is. It's delightful. You should have known that because if it's named after a guy, it was discovered earlier. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Usually. Very obvious. Like as you cut open your cadaver, it's like, uh-oh, I cut this tube and the pea's coming out. It's named after me now. My name is Henley and I saw the pea. Yeah. My favorite one of those is the mobile wad of Henry. What is that?
Starting point is 00:12:05 So like, uh, I don't have well enough defined muscles, but if you like pull your arm toward your arm, there's this little like chunky bit of your forearm that comes out. It's several different muscles that are all sort of bound up together. So it's a bunch of your forearm muscles that are, that like move around and,
Starting point is 00:12:23 and, and like work together. I'm all chunky bits, unfortunately. Yeah. I can't see what you're talking about. Yeah, I even unbuttoned my shirt to show you guys my forearm as if there's any way you can see a muscle. Oh, no. Okay, so that was the end of that round.
Starting point is 00:12:42 And now it is time for the first musical lightning round. Before recording, I had Sarah listen to some incredibly well-known songs that she had never heard before. The first song that she listened to was Smells Like Teen Spirit. Before we get into that, Sarah, do you have any thoughts on the song Smells Like Teen Spirit? So I listened to it once yesterday and once over breakfast today. I couldn't understand a single word of what they said.
Starting point is 00:13:07 There's a Weird Al version of this song where he talks about how the singer's mouth is full of marbles. So that was a well-known thing at the time. I would agree with that. I don't think I've ever heard it before. Okay. But I think I may. So this is a contradictory information.
Starting point is 00:13:22 I don't think I've ever heard it before. I didn't really care for it because I couldn't understand a single word. It was just kind of like a background soundtrack as I was eating my cereal. But I think I listened to a podcast where they mentioned it. And I know it's like named after some sort of deodorant. Teen Spirit is a deodorant from a long time ago. That maybe still exists. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:43 So is understanding words important to you in a song yeah i think so i think probably because a lot of what the the music that i've listened to is like solidly instrumental like this is a video game it's in the background or musical theater so it's like i want to hear the words because the words are telling the story that's important sure okay so you didn't like it. How many stars out of five would you give it? I don't want to be mean to them. Two? I don't want to be mean.
Starting point is 00:14:13 That's mean. So not one. Like, I wouldn't choose to listen to it again. I don't know if it played in a bar or something. I wouldn't be like, oh, that's that one. Wow. Okay. And I always thought it was Smells Like Team Spirit.
Starting point is 00:14:31 And then it was only until I looked at the Spotify playlist that you made me. I was like, oh, it's teen, like a teenager. Yeah. So good attempt by those talented young men. Maybe better luck next time. So here's some questions about the song. Okay. Number one, what group performed this song nirvana great number two i've played rock band oh yeah yeah number two who is the front man of the band nirvana oh dear um one time my dad went with
Starting point is 00:15:00 his sister to uh a tour of, this is kind of morbid, but like grave sites around Seattle. I know he's from Seattle. Is it Kurt Cobain? Oh yeah, it is. Wait, how did you get that from knowing that your dad went to his grave? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:15 My dad only went to like Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, and like a couple others that I've since forgotten. So I had one of two chances. I'm pretty sure Jimi Hendrix plays guitar and by himself. Yeah. I mean, he doesn't really play by himself. I'm pretty sure Jimi Hendrix wasn't the front man of Nirvana.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Yeah. Okay, last question about this song. In what western Washington state town did Nirvana form? Seattle? No, sorry. Aberdeen? I don't know. Aberdeen, the only Aberdeen I know is in South Dakota. I didn't know that either. Well, it's like 60 miles from Kirkland. Isn't that where you grew up?
Starting point is 00:15:57 That's where I grew up, yeah. Yes, I've never been to Aberdeen, Washington. I've been to lots of small towns in Washington, but not. Not that one. Okay. Next up is a field of science that Sari does not like quite as much. Physics. PV equals NRT. Is that an answer? No. Number one.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Which of the following is not in international systems of units? Unit. Number one. Okay. Degree Celsius. Number two. Hertz. Number three.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Ampere. Number four. Pascal. Number five. Mole. What? like a different not si units uh i'm gonna guess it's hertz ain't wrong celsius hell yeah hank stole it from oh it's kelvin kelvin we use kelvin oh yeah we. All the other ones are French, right? Is that, that seems like a clue. I don't think Hertz is French. They're two related to electricity.
Starting point is 00:16:52 So I was like, Hertz or Ampere, one of them's fake. But yes, I overlooked the obvious. Yeah, it does feel very trick questiony. Is this from actual class? Well, no, I don't know. Okay. I'm going to beep out what the website is. It's from a website called.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Oh, God. We need to fix education, you guys. That's what I'm learning here. So I took this quiz and I got like an F on it. So it's hard, you know, because I'm smart. Number two, a block is pushed with F newtons of force. What other information do we need in order to find the acceleration of the block? Number one, final velocity.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Two, acceleration due to gravity. Three, work done on the block. Four, initial velocity. Five, mass. Oh, you need, I think you need initial velocity. That's one thing you don't, that's one thing you definitely don't need oh no but you do need other things yeah there you go uh-oh well you don't get it doesn't count but you got it okay well yeah i guess that makes sense yeah because because velocity is irrelevant
Starting point is 00:18:02 to acceleration because because acceleration takes current velocity out. So you can be moving at a certain speed and then your acceleration doesn't matter. It takes into account your initial velocity. But the thing about F equals ma is that you have to like only if there is no other forces acting on the block. If you have F newtons of force in a block, you have to say that it's like a frictionless surface. Because otherwise, like, you're not going to know the acceleration. Because like that, you might not even overcome the coefficient of friction. And it just sits there.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Like I'm pushing on my cup, but it is going nowhere. Friction is an important one. But in physics land, they almost always are like, just ignore that for now. But they don't say it. They stop saying it eventually. I don't want to say I hate physics. This is my problem with physics is that I overthink things
Starting point is 00:18:51 and that like I'm trying to imagine an object moving through the world. And with biology, I can do that very effectively. And with physics, I can almost never do it correctly. Okay, here's the next one. An object can never reach absolute zero
Starting point is 00:19:04 in a finite number of steps. Which of these laws supports this statement? Oh, God. Third law of thermodynamics. Newton's first law. The statement is not supported by a standard law of physics or the second law of thermodynamics. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:19:19 God, I have like a vague guess. First law of thermodynamics is... I'm not even going to try and guess. I was like. One of them is an equal opposite reaction. One of them's, it's basically the idea that you can't make something stop completely. Like there will always be atomic vibrations. And so that's the third law of thermodynamics. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:43 That's right. Yeah. And so that's the third law of thermodynamics. I don't know. That's right. Yeah, it's basically that's the entropy law that like things will always be tending toward disorder. And for some reason, that means absolute zero. Like you can't get there. Entropy is such a weird concept because it like it makes perfect sense to me. Like it makes sense intuitively, like your room gets dirty. It also makes sense that like your room gets dirty it
Starting point is 00:20:05 also makes sense that like a mathematical level there are more states of disorder than states of order but then when you try to be like and the universe has lots and and and this is the reason why time exists i'm like shut up like you can't base physical laws on just like there are more states of disorder than order. And so timing, even the, the idea that there's more states of disorder than order, like applied to headphones getting tangled or something like that still blows my mind a little bit. Cause it's like,
Starting point is 00:20:38 but this is such a tangly state of disorder. Like there are so many states of disorder that are less bad than this one, so why did it get this bad? Okay, ready for the next question? Uh-huh. Yeah. In the classic Simpsons two-parter, who shot Mr. Burns? Who shot Mr. Burns?
Starting point is 00:20:57 Number one, Homer Simpson, who had recently been fired from Mr. Burns' nuclear power plant. Number two, bartender Moe Sislak, whose bar had been closed due to fumes emitted by Mr. Burns' nuclear power plant. Number two, bartender Moe Sislak, whose bar had been closed due to fumes emitted by Mr. Burns' oil drilling operation. Number three, Maggie Simpson, a baby. Our number four, Waylon Smithers, Mr. Burns' personal assistant who had recently resigned from his position due
Starting point is 00:21:17 to Mr. Burns' new plan to block the sun from Springfield being too evil for his taste and he had fallen into a deep depression. Who shot Mr. Burns? I'm going to guess Moe the bartender. Wow. What a bad guess. It's wrong. Well, it felt like the most unexpected. It was like everyone else has a personal
Starting point is 00:21:38 tie or a baby could just have a gun in the Simpsons universe. It's the baby. It's the most unexpected one. It was. The baby just has a gun was literally the answer. Have you ever seen
Starting point is 00:21:53 a single episode of The Simpsons? Probably passively. My dad watched early seasons of The Simpsons and I do remember very distinctly going to,
Starting point is 00:22:02 so, I joke, but I think it's partially serious, that part of the reason why he had kids is so he could get three Happy Meals instead of one and get the toys. And so when the Burger King, Burger King had Simpsons Halloween themed toys. And so we ate at Burger King a lot anyway, but we went extra to get all the toys between me and my brother and my dad. That's very sweet. It is very sweet.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Your dad sounds like a man after my own heart. Final question of the physics round. Enthalpy is a measure of blank. One, how easily something changes temperature. Number two, total energy of a thermodynamic system. Number three, total energy lost in heat transfer. Or number four, the conversion of energy to heat i forget enthalpy i think it's the conversion of energy to heat you shouldn't think that because
Starting point is 00:22:55 it's wrong oh no is it the is it the total amount of thermodynamic energy in a system it is yes i have like a first instinct and then with physics questions questions, I'm like, that can't be it. That simply can't be. And then I go with my second instinct. You know what? You had that same instinct for the who shot Mr. Burns question. Yep. And also for everything in your entire, like every question you've ever answered on SciShow Tangents ever.
Starting point is 00:23:18 You're always going with your second impulse and you should really never do that. Here's a second musical lightning round. So for this round, we had Sari listen to The Thong Song. So before we get into questions on The Thong Song, any thoughts on The Thong Song, Sari? This one I wasn't sure whether I had heard before because I'm pretty sure it's like played and people around me have gone, oh, The Thong Song, but it did not register at all familiar to me. When I told Sylvia, my partner, I listened to it, then she started singing it. And I was like, that's it?
Starting point is 00:23:51 Even though I had just listened to it? You didn't recognize it when she sang it? No. Okay. It was very forgettable, is what I'm saying. Holy shit. It's fine. It seems like...
Starting point is 00:24:04 What a horrible thing to say. Yeah, it was a fine song. I didn't think it was quite catchy, but I am also not the target demographic. I don't like dancing. And I don't like clubs. And I don't like low-rise jeans. Interesting. I'm wearing very high-waisted shorts right now.
Starting point is 00:24:23 So even, I don't, and I have never worn a thong. So all of those together. You couldn't relate to it at all? No. Unrelatable. I couldn't relate to it. Even if I were to be looking at a girl in da club, I would not be looking for a thong, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Okay. Well, I think if this song came on in any club in the entire world, by the very first millisecond of the song, everyone would be losing their minds probably. They'd be so happy that it was playing. But you're just built different, and that's okay. So here are some questions about the song. Number one, what musical artist performed this song? This I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:25:03 This is the one that I didn't recognize. I knew you weren't going to remember. It has a cue in it, which I thought was weird. It was like... You ever watch Deep Space Nine? No. That won't be helpful then.
Starting point is 00:25:15 That helped me though. Now I know. Oh dear. I don't know. Sun Q? Sun... No, I don't know. Sun Q? Sun? No, it wasn't Sun Q. Hank, who was it?
Starting point is 00:25:30 Cisco with a Q. It's Cisco. I thought it was Nelly. I was just wrong. I feel like Cisco kind of only did that. Yeah, but that's a lot. He did a lot for us and then he left. Number two, according to the song, what did she have dumps like?
Starting point is 00:25:52 What did she have dumps like? Oh, like a truck. That's what it was. Which I thought was quite odd. Is he talking about her poops? No. He's talking about her butt. Her butt.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Oh. Well, okay. I have never heard dumps related to butt dumps is poop i mean it is poop dumps is more commonly poop it's yeah and so that's why i thought it was like kind of rude that he was talking about her poop and then talking about how much he liked her butt like you're watching someone dance in a club and you're like oh she dumps like a truck like that's what i think like one of those big man i bet that that girl has some big dukes yeah it's like whatever you're into dude but like that that is not what
Starting point is 00:26:33 i would like to project if i was trying to flirt with someone okay well the final question is more of an essay question uh when cisco was touring with this song, his hair was dyed platinum white. What reason did he give for his hair being that color? He wanted to usher in the future age of music. And we all know that platinum or like chrome is the color of the future. That's a really good guess, but it was because according to him,
Starting point is 00:27:02 the first time he saw a thong, it turned his hair white because he saw a thong it turned his hair white because he was so excited about it i mean that's a win that's a huge win for it that's just that's great i love like i love it when people make up stories that are definitely fake and everyone knows that they're fake but like it's just such a good story or like i saw a thong and my hair just turned shock white it was like a plane crash okay and then the final category is more essay questions so we gathered some questions from our dear patreon patrons that require more long form answers this is q and bidet this is the this is the q and bidet section of the podcast okay i'll call the final category is q and bidet this is the this is the q and bidet section of the podcast okay i'll
Starting point is 00:27:45 call the final category is q and bidet jared mandile asks could a fungus like cladosporium sphero spermum whatever that one that lived in chernobyl could that exist on the surface of mars i would guess probably not because even though it adapted to radiation, it adapted to radiation on Earth. And so I assume that the fungus still needs some combination like Earth's atmosphere with like oxygen and other nutrients that are found in Earth soil or like Earth decomposing matter. And I think that the radiation that came from Chernobyl, it's like ionizing radiation. And this is where my answer, I should just stop instead of like keep talking, but I'm going to keep talking,
Starting point is 00:28:33 is different than solar radiation. And so I think that you can't necessarily, like even if it's a radiotrophic fungus and like uses that radiation in some productive way, I don't think it would be the same if it was just getting direct solar radiation from the sun yeah they would both be ionizing radiation but they are different kinds of ionizing radiation do you do research sam i did a little bit of research according to what i found they did put this fungus on the international space station for 30 days and exposed it to space radiation
Starting point is 00:29:06 yeah whatever that is and they found that it absorbed the layer of fungus two millimeters thick absorbed two percent of the cosmic radiation and could live through it so if they put it on mars it would be too cold so you can't grow it just on Mars. Yeah. But you could have it in some kind of protected environment absorbing radiation on Mars and it would probably live and they're looking into possibly lining buildings on Mars with it
Starting point is 00:29:35 because if you had a 21 centimeter thick layer of this fungus it would be enough to protect the people inside from harmful space radiation is the theory right now. So I don't know if you were right or wrong. I'll just say that you were right because you can't grow it on Mars,
Starting point is 00:29:51 but not exactly for the reasons you said. Yeah, I should have stopped talking when I said I should have stopped talking. That was actually exactly when you started to be wrong. I'm very good at knowing when I'm starting to get into dicey territory but did that help me on my tests no okay here's the next one ariel rojas asks we're ross and rachel on a break is this about the tv show friends it is ross is the shitty one right and no one likes him
Starting point is 00:30:19 yeah he's they're all shitty but no one likes likes Ross. Okay. I'm guessing this question is in context of Ross cheating on Rachel or something like that. That's the whole crux of the conversation. Did he or did he not cheat on her? Because they were maybe on a break or maybe not. I see. Okay. I don't know. Judging by the general public impression ofoss he he just doesn't seem like a
Starting point is 00:30:46 very good communicator so i i could see him saying like oh no we were on a break but that not being communicated and so i think it would be considered cheating because they didn't communicate well in their relationship so they were not on a break they were not on a break did they is there a canon it's pretty much exactly what you said well i wouldn't argue that anyone's saying that they weren't on a break because they rachel was the one who said we're on a break but he cheated on he slept with someone else the same night they went on a break which is classless yeah so it's not i would say this doesn't hold yeah this is what i i think that they were on a break, but I also think, don't, don't.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Yeah, Ross, just don't. That means, that's not like an end to the monogamy. That's a moment of reflection. Yes. It's like, oh, we're on a break. I need to go home and think about that. No, not, oh, we're on a break. Finally.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Okay, that was it for all the questions. You answered them all, except we have one more musical lightning round. Okay. This final song, When Doves Cry. Sari, what did you think of When Doves Cry? You didn't ask me what my favorite one. I liked the other one. I was gonna give five stars to the one that you didn't ask me
Starting point is 00:32:02 about. I'm sorry. To the David Bowie's Life on Mars? Yeah, I really liked that one. That was my favorite of the bunch. It's a great one. The other ones I feel like are more universally known and beloved. That checks out with
Starting point is 00:32:17 me that I would like the least universally known song. I thought it was okay. I don't think I've ever heard, and I might be wrong, I don't think, I know the artist is Prince. I don't think I've ever heard
Starting point is 00:32:31 another Prince song before because I looked at it specifically. I was like, I don't think I've heard this person sing before. There are some fantastic ones. Yeah. That's a deep catalog.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Oh, okay. Well, I'll check it out maybe. Probably not. But if you send me one, I'll listen to it. Okay, I probably won't do that. It was fine. I would say it was my second favorite of the four songs.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Okay. How many stars would you give it? Three. Okay. Number two. In 1992, what did Prince change his name to? Oh, no. Famously.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Very famously. Everybody made fun of it so much. Really? Oh, dear. Purple something. Purple? Oh, dear. Purple something. Purple. It was purple. He liked purple, I think.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Okay. I don't know. Just a shape. Circle? No, it was a specific shape that he made up. It was a shape, an unpronounceable symbol, sometimes referred to as love symbol number two. Oh. But people, when they had to say his name, called him the artist formerly known as Prince.
Starting point is 00:33:32 I have heard that. Which may have referred to some variation of, yes. Love symbol number two is also a color, though, and that color is purple. So maybe Sari was right. Yeah. Well, I just know he liked purple. And that was actually my third question what is prince's signature color oh purple boom done so you knew more about prince than you thought you
Starting point is 00:33:50 did well there you go that's the end of my test i think sarah got an a plus i think she did too i think what we learned is maybe be careful and and uh what you're picking to be your study guide helper if you are in high school. Don't pick the first one you Google. Thank you, everybody, for supporting us on Patreon and having a good old time with us today on our special bonus podcast just for you. It was a joy. And we'll see you next time. For Q and Bidet. No.
Starting point is 00:34:21 For Q and Bidet. No.

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