Segments - 438: Protesting

Episode Date: June 8, 2020

In this episode we discuss another inspirational week and answer some questions about demonstrating and donating.Give any spare time, energy, money to the cause by clicking here!See Privacy P...olicy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Podcast. straight to your door. How do I know this? Because Brooklinen delivered me a quilt, sheets, pillowcases, and I love them. Plus, Brooklinen has been tested and awarded by experts, including Good Housekeeping, GQ, Wirecutter, and the hosts of We're Here to Help. So listeners can save a ton by purchasing a hardcore bundle, which includes a core sheet set, which is the thing I got, extra pillowcases, and a duvet cover. You can also mix and match. They do this stripe thing that's cool, but that's a dealer's choice. So are you ready to build your dream fall bed? Visit in-store or online at That's Get 15% off your first Brooklinen order and save extra when you bundle.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Hello, if you're listening to this podcast before September 27th, 2024, we're doing a live show in Philadelphia. You can still buy tickets at slash live. Hope to see you there. Nice. Try one more where it's clear that i'm like the star there's a reason i didn't have you say anything yeah because you're nervous you're skittish you're stuttering right now i'm a little so i don't want you in this ad at all i don't want
Starting point is 00:01:35 to be steamrolled but i know i won't be recording one in fact for you asking that i'm going to keep this part in don't this part is now edit part out. But let's do one clean ad. No. You will edit this part out. You will absolutely edit this part out. Tell you what. I'm going to say my fucking social security number. So you have to edit it out.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Okay? Let's hear it. 091-3662. Now you have to edit it out. Keeping it in. But we'll see you guys there. No, no, no, no, no. No. Now you have to edit it out. Keeping it in. But we'll see you guys there. No, no, no, no, no. If I were you, if I do, I'd ask you to.
Starting point is 00:02:11 In fact, I'd ask you if I were you. Nice. Punk rock. Punk rock to match the mood a little bit. Her name is Misty Lakes, and i'm the hostess with the mostest and she has a podcast feral friends so she is a hostess okay um so thank you misty lakes for writing that cool theme song because she says she's afraid of the unknown filled with trepidation menstruation and mastication whilst awaiting eagerly and
Starting point is 00:02:45 gingerly for my jaunty theme tune to be played so we finally played it wow okay i think i said it matched the mood and now i now i really feel like it does because of all those adjectives yeah that's the that's the that's the state of the world right now a little bit state of the world on sunday june 7th 10 a.m. Pacific time, 1 p.m. Eastern. How are you feeling this week versus last? I guess as bad, but maybe with a little bit of... I feel like there was maybe like a despondent air about the beginning of last week. And it feels a bit more like there's a groundswell and a movement that's positive to watch, even though there's like, I mean, it's in the face of horrible atrocity.
Starting point is 00:03:40 But the community around doing something seems seems kind of seems positive in its way yeah it's insane how i'm also like a little more optimistic and encouraged by how huge this movement is like it's in every state and the cities that are protesting have marches in the tens of thousands now it seems like it's only growing in fervor. Yeah, I would say so. Did you go to another protest I saw in Brooklyn? Yeah, I went to a couple. I went to the George Floyd Memorial. I think that was on Friday where his brother spoke.
Starting point is 00:04:21 And then I went to the protest like through downtown brooklyn and stuff yesterday part of what like gives me hope is the idea that maybe like covid plus this giant black life matters movement is like teaming up in this giant communal intersection to get rid of our president yeah and overthrow like whatever he's been doing for the last three and a half years. You know, it's interesting, I guess like how, it's interesting how everybody has like kind of a different thing to focus on. Like, do you focus on national politics in times like this? I haven't really been thinking about Trump as much as I normally have. No, because I still read his like statements and it still pisses me off.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I mean, i hate the guy yeah you're i know you're saying like the protesting is so loud that you can't even like think or care about corona right now let alone trump's response to all that stuff right like i i think when i'm at the protest i'm like specifically thinking i don't know if this is right or wrong but i'm like specifically thinking about police brutality and like racist cops and stuff yeah um so like that's what i'm very angry about but i mean like also i'm angry about the guy in charge sort of uh have i don't know having like this attitude where all of this seems like it's fair game yeah that's been uh the state of politics for a while he seems to not only think it's fair game but he only he encourages it so he's like yes let's bring
Starting point is 00:05:51 in more people we're bringing in the national guard let's fucking do this we have to like be strong against these peaceful protesters and then when they show up in droves he's like oh it wasn't that big of a protest like he's like the grinch on a hill, like, critiquing the size of the crowds. These are crowds that are protesting, like, racism and police brutality. He's like, they're not that big. Is he like a pundit or like the actual president? I don't understand. I think the problem, at least with him, is that he's so, like, narcissistic and dumb
Starting point is 00:06:24 that he thinks the protests are about him like if he could understand that it was about systemic racism like you would think it wouldn't be that hard for him to be like oh like this is a good movement we should defeat systemic race to racism but he's he can't separate the fact that like the people marching outside are it's about something bigger than him so he's just like so he has to detract from the protesters he has to say that they're bad that they're small that they're violent um but it's kind of i feel like it comes from a fundamental misunderstanding like the women's march was specifically about him kind of yeah yeah i mean it's direct response to him being elected yeah and while
Starting point is 00:07:06 it is true that all the protesters do hate him they're not currently protesting him yeah exactly also like he went to he went to his panic room last week he had to go to the panic room in the white house and he was and then his excuse was he was going in there to look at it to check it out yeah he was inspecting it is all so even even if you're gonna lie it's still not like why did you have to inspect it you didn't you you were a little bit afraid that you were gonna have to use your panic room even if you thought even if you were there to inspect it you were look like why inspect it if you don't think you might have to use it soon yeah it's hard not to latch on to these funny little sad moments with trump in times where there are so much bigger more important issues at hand and one other one i
Starting point is 00:07:55 want to latch on to real quick though is the way he held the bible i mean jesus christ you think anybody is just like people are like all right i'm on board for the photo op. We'll gas the protesters. We'll beat them away with a stick. We'll march you to the church and you'll take a photo with the Bible. And then finally he gets there and he holds up the Bible in the dumbest way possible. Like a seven-year-old found the Afikoman. Hi, I got it. Shit, he's posing with it bad.
Starting point is 00:08:23 This isn't going to look right in retrospect yeah everything he does is so like incorrect it's so funny like just go in there and look pensive he's like i got it don't worry go in there grab a bible seemingly upside down and hold it over my head vertically and then when somebody asks like is that your bible he goes it's a bible he's so dumb um but yeah so like do you when you think about national politics are you like we have to get trump out that's like number one yeah or at the very least like thinking about this giant groundswell and being like maybe this will get enveloped into the anti-trump movement specifically so it's like yes while everybody's out here protesting police brutality let's register them all to vote and then like let's keep marching and keep this like uh fervor up into november so that like when it's time to actually put our anger into voting we can get him out of there yeah man i
Starting point is 00:09:22 cannot wait to vote but that's's, yeah, it's June and the election's not for another five months. So I don't know if we'll be in the streets every day until then. Yeah. Yeah, like the fact that Corona is happening means people are more available to protest. So like in a weird, dark, sad way,
Starting point is 00:09:40 the Corona shutdown of everything has only like helped the protesters even though it's kind of dangerous to protest right now everyone's just like you know eager to get outside and do something so it seems like yeah and i mean it's exploded with a positive energy like and record unemployment and everything too like there's just there's anger and people with a lot of available time. And also a long history of being fed up with the way things are. I feel like history books are going to have a fucking heyday with 2020. What an insane... We're not even halfway done.
Starting point is 00:10:20 What an insane few months of this year. Good Lord. even halfway done what an insane like few months of this year like good lord and just because uh there is so much action happening between corona and this black lives matter movement if trump were to actually still win i think i would be that much more disappointed because it's like he was already bad he's been doing worse he's so awful then like he's now like helping uh this disease spread rampant throughout america hundreds of thousands dead and then also black lives matter and his response to that it's like this is the worst he could possibly be so like if we still can't vote him out like that's really fucked up right because
Starting point is 00:11:02 2016 was like the argument was just that like oh like this is all just your theory of how bad things could go that he'll that he will be a bad president for then like you have four years of proof like now he really is like look guys look we have the evidence yeah we have the receipts now look look like the economy is in shambles unemployment is record high over 110,000 dead at this point so it's like we got him right like this is the proof we all needed it like but no his his approval rating the republican party is still at an all-time high so the question is like did all those people who didn't vote or the ones who are on the fence did any of them find the last four years not good it's clearly not good right we're all hating it yeah this is also part of the thing that people are saying to do this week is
Starting point is 00:11:53 just like try to reach out to friends and family that think differently than you that like they're the ones that maybe think trump isn't that bad or that think he's bad, but think that the other guys are worse. And you have to like, just talk to people and try to convince them to have a sane point of view. Yeah. It's the same point of view that he's like, when he was, before he was elected,
Starting point is 00:12:17 he was talking to like African American voters. Like, what have you got to lose? Well, now we know what they had to lose, but that's what I have to say to people on the fence. We're like, all right, now we know how bad it can get. Obviously, this is awful.
Starting point is 00:12:29 This is a low point in the recent American history. So what have we got to lose? Let's switch it up and see what happens. I feel like there have been so many years in the last four years that people have like, maybe it was 2016 was it 2016 when we like when like a ton of celebrities died or something and everyone was like yeah fuck 2016 or fuck 2017 or whatever year it was yeah i can't wait till the next year where no celebrities will
Starting point is 00:12:56 die and everything will be fine i took like and i remember when 2019 was over i'm like 2020 is gonna be a good year but i think this is this is the part that's been encouraging because like on monday i didn't think 2020 was a good year at all and now i don't think that 2020 is a bad year because of the groundswell the uprising this like the reaction monumentous change yeah that people are banding together and marching and people that you never see being active are now for the first time. People, you know, it just it feels it's embarrassing that it took so long, but it feels different. So you you want to believe that it can be. And I think that's positive thing for 2020 and 2020 might be the year that we fucking boot Trump from office.
Starting point is 00:13:43 So that'll be great, too too like there's still hope for 2020 is all i would say corona sucks i mean obviously obviously that one's bad okay but every year can have one shitty thing let's just make it let's just make corona the only shitty thing of 2020 uh did you see the videos of las vegas reopening too no i didn't but you know like i think with all of these protests i've i mean i'm still wearing a mask and you know i feel like all a lot of like corona behavior is ingrained in me now to like wash my hands to not touch my face to give people space and to wear the mask and all that stuff but being out in the crowds like i i don't care that much about crowds anymore yeah but this is indoors las vegas reopened this weekend
Starting point is 00:14:34 and just thousands of people in casinos like hanging out dealing with chips money cash food not wearing masks so it's like the worst of the worst of the worst all coming together and exchanging germs and diseases so it's gonna be make sense it makes sense to me i like because you're just like fed up of being indoors there's it's that and then also like not everywhere i feel like in new york and la we like felt coronavirus, you know, like it was happening all around. Like I know several people that got sick from it. Like I don't think Nevada had numbers like that. Yeah. Yet. But I mean, everything is still like growing. So people are sort of being like, you know, enough is enough. I'm just going to live my life. And if I get sick,
Starting point is 00:15:23 the problem is like i read a tweet that put it succinctly of like the amount of like capital we built in for like staying at home is like used up so like even if there is a second surge at this point people will be like no i'm not i'm not staying at home anymore like we did that once it didn't work numbers are really high this time if there's like a second peak people are like not gonna just go back indoors and quarantine for another four months that's man yeah i i don't know i i don't want to say i i don't agree with like just like fuck it i'm gonna go outside and do whatever live my life do whatever i want but i do at least personally i'm gonna like i don't know be like within my comfort zone i'm i'm comfortable maybe not i'm not gonna like go flying and stuff and i'm not gonna go gambling but if a restaurant
Starting point is 00:16:13 reopened i would go get a drink there interesting indoors like completely not even outdoor style um i guess i mean yeah yeah i think i would I'd like to sit by a window I think last week LA restaurants quote-unquote reopened um but yeah that was supposed to happen then you know there's all these demonstrations and people have to just sort of shutter them all up again but I think restaurants are reopened probably in New York soon too yeah i mean i i think that i've noticed that like new york just feels more like european like there's just to-go windows everywhere people are like getting coffee and cocktails and food just like at at the window of the restaurants and like eating outside on um like tables and chairs that the like the restaurants i think they
Starting point is 00:17:06 like either either they're not ticketing it anymore or they like actually let restaurants just like all have these permits for outdoor seating so there's just a lot more um people doing stuff outside which i think i feel like that would feel nice if there weren't so many other shitty things happening. I guess I'm just not that worried about summer virus time. I'll be worried again in the fall. I'm just looking at these hotel rates. We can get $79 a night at Caesars, $59 at Aria, or if we want to go in for a suite, if we want to have a Corona blowout,
Starting point is 00:17:47 there's this suite with a bowling alley at the Palms for $4.99 a night. What's the price at the Cosmo? Yeah, at the Cosmo, it's somewhere in the $200s, but they have an all-you-can-eat buffet, and they're doing no shield guard anymore because everyone sort of has to wear a mask, or hopefully so. So the food's sort of out in the open in a trough. Yeah, Vegas is not what I miss i don't miss like clubbing i miss my friends so
Starting point is 00:18:11 like i'm not ready to fully open society but like the idea of you know those like socially distant hangs in people's backyards with masks and stuff yeah i'm ready to do that except like no masks really just well i mean i'm not gonna wear the mask loosely so like i'll come with the mask and then i'll like sort of drop it down under my nose a little bit and then finally over on my chin and i'm not saying like i'm doing that right now i'm saying i'm ready for that like that emotionally what i miss is like being able to hang out at my friends' apartments and yards. And yards I've been doing.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Like, outside hangs I have been doing. Yeah. Flights are going to be interesting. I know. I think Jeffrey flew home this week. I want to ask him, like, was the plane full? Were people wearing masks? How dangerous is flying versus just sitting in a room with people?
Starting point is 00:19:02 Jill's sister flew last week, and she had a connecting flight. On one of her flights, it was like kind of empty. They didn't have anyone in any of the middle seats. But the next flight that she took was like a regional flight from Texas to New York and it was packed. She had a middle seat. I thought they got rid of middle seats.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Evidently not. At least not on American Airlines. Maybe they just got rid of all the flights. That's crazy. That's no personal space at all. You're touching somebody when you're in the middle seat. Yeah, and I think they're getting rid of so many flights that 10 flights worth of sparsely populated planes are all cramming onto one flight a day.
Starting point is 00:19:49 That's why the planes are still overcrowded, but there's not that many people at the airport. Yeah. So you sort of imagine that flying is better because less people are doing it, but it also just means less planes are doing it. So it's harder to get a flight more stressful and then it's it's super crowded and then like going through airport security is awful because they have to like take your temperature and do all that shit like that ah 2020 time to relax uh all right this is if i were you an advice podcast i guess uh shall we take a break and try to answer some questions i suppose so why not uh all right let's take a break thank some to answer some questions? I suppose so. Why not? All right. Let's take a break. Thank some sponsors.
Starting point is 00:20:26 And we'll be back with some Qs and As after these messages. Oh, yeah. Quick note to let y'all know that we're conducting an audience survey at slash segments. And we want to hear from you guys to keep making content you love. Exactly. It's a survey that lets us know what you think about the ad experience. But in order to do that, we need to know a little bit more about you, our audience. The survey is quick, easy, and free to support segments. It'll take two minutes and you'll be helping us a lot by taking it. It's at slash segments to fill out the audience survey.
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Starting point is 00:24:03 It feels weird to promote anything other than donating as much of your spare change as you can to the cause right uh there's so many places that could use donations between i've seen like legal services bailout funds uh elections i just donated yesterday i guess trump and biden are close in texas and they're trying to get as many undecided voters leaning left you could vote to that i think i retweeted it you could check that out uh but there's there's got to be something to to donate that's up your alley so uh go online if you see what you can if you haven't found anything that you're like passionate about donating to or contributing contributing to that you just haven't tried hard enough. Like it is, I understand that it can feel overwhelming, but as soon as you start to
Starting point is 00:24:48 dig in, I feel like you find something that you feel like calls to you, it speaks to you, and then you can devote some time and money or effort or whatever you want to it. And it feels, it helps you feel a little bit better. There's something I forgot to talk about in the first half when we were talking about Trump holding the Bible. It was a similar dark, sad, comedic moment when they were interviewing the attorney general about whether he used pepper spray on peaceful protesters
Starting point is 00:25:18 or another type of irritant. Because the White House is saying the media lied. We never pepper sprayed the protesters that specific day we actually used something else so he said so the reporter was like you used pepper spray he's like yeah pepper spray is not a chemical irritant and she's like yesterday he's like no it's not because it's not a chemical it's a pepper ball it's a pepper ball so he's trying to like make the case that everybody lied that they weren't tear gas the protesters they were sprayed with something called a pepper ball which is technically not a chemical
Starting point is 00:25:51 because it's made out of a pepper so that's the type of shit that i'm finding online as well it's so fucking dumb like did it hurt people's eyes really bad yes yes and did it make them tear up yes but is it technically a tear gas i don't think so excruciating pain and they had to run away and they weren't doing anything also the president could take a dumb photo with a bible in front of a burned down church from a riot that he kind of helped start hold on i found a really funny tweet that's just up this alley. I'm trying to find it so I don't steal the joke. Oh, yeah, it's from this guy named Julian Hyde. And he wrote, it's not tear gas unless it's from the Thiers region of France.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Otherwise, it's just sparkling white supremacy. That's good ah see there's moments of sunshine through the cracks of sadness yeah let's see questions that we got they're starting to pertain to the current mood of not just america the whole world everybody i'm seeing cities like in australia and germany france and italy protest i mean the i i think i saw it was like a new york times article that just had like overhead shots of all of the protests all around the world and like london there was and then there was like three in australia i think it was adelaide brisbane and per and uh no adelaide brisbane and and melbourne maybe yeah but if i can love my Aussies marching in solidarity
Starting point is 00:27:26 and I guess it is good that Trump thinks it's about him because it kind of is and then he sees all these millions of people worldwide that are marching against him I mean he he does represent racism and a racist so it makes sense like i guess it's not specifically about him but it absolutely applies to him because he's a racist guy so it makes sense that he feels bad and threatened yeah he would be a police that was using police brutality but he's not like strong enough so he wants to be a cop but but he, he can't even get there. No. Uh, we actually got a question from Brazil talking about international affairs.
Starting point is 00:28:11 All right. Uh, we'll call this guy, uh, Ronaldinho, famous Brazilian soccer player. I'm from Brazil and we recently, uh,
Starting point is 00:28:20 elected the dumbest president ever. Seriously. If you haven't heard, this guy's a racist, misogynistic homophobe. Sounds familiar? I would venture to say he's worse than Trump. I'll go even further. It's like Trump took a plump crump dump on a stump in a sump, and out of his plump rump with a bump and a wump, dare I say a thump, jumps out this one pump frump lump of a chump that gives me the grumps and the mumps. Can you imagine such a grump schlump?
Starting point is 00:28:48 Having said that, I just found out a close friend voted for him. Did something like this happen to either of you? And if so, what did you do? What should I do? Your help would be very much appreciated. Love, Ronaldinho. much appreciated love uh ronaldinho so um imagine one of your friends voted for trump or this guy who says it was worse than trump i gotta look into this yeah i think it's balanaro i've i've i've heard about him but i don't know much all i know is that he's like supposedly worse than trump
Starting point is 00:29:22 i guess all i know is exactly what this guy said in his email yeah uh so uh do you have any friends in your life that voted for the donald um i don't we had one friend that was a republican that i think was like on the fence and everyone convinced him to do the right thing um but i don't think i know anyone oh i guess i have a cousin um that voted call him up let's talk to them well she totally regrets it now so like they're she's been convinced all right that's one yeah one down 62 million to go i feel like this came up when we when trump was first elected and we had billy on the podcast and like my inclination really had had been like to if somebody i know voted for trump like i'm done i will never talk or care about them again i'm just like fuck off fuck you and that's like it's hard for me to
Starting point is 00:30:25 not do that but i also as i mentioned i understand that now there's like one of the things you can do to help that will maybe even have like a bit of a difference is to like connect with people that you disagree with on this type of level and try to convince them to come to the right side of history so i guess that's my advice isn't it crazy like we were so anti-trump and we had only really known about him for like six to eight months of campaigning like what did we hate like granted we were right but what the hell are we so mad about like he hadn't done a lot of the crazy terrible idiotic stuff that he's done in the last four years i think well i mean he like came his first i feel like one of the first things he said was uh that mexicans were rapists so like yeah that was before the election then he also said that obama wasn't born in
Starting point is 00:31:20 america that was years before the election right and then he uh he's been like a bad racist man for a long time all right i guess he urged a muslim ban before he was elected as well so yeah i mean he was but everything before he was elected was just like you remember that like a lot of people who were talking about voting for him were like oh no he's just saying this to get people riled up when he's president he can be presidential he'll pivot he's a unifier right like that like he clearly not clearly not like you see uh did you see the rocks video you see the rocks video against him i did but he didn't name him he said where, where are you, right? Yeah, he's like, we need a leader. Where are you?
Starting point is 00:32:07 You're supposed to unite, but you're not. So like, that's pretty close for him where he tries to remain as apolitical as possible to call out the president. That's true. I'm not gonna critique anybody's activism. That's not my place. But so I think that's great. I think that more people should be calling Trump out
Starting point is 00:32:22 because he sucks a lot. Yeah, but it was fun to see him do that and all his all his fans were like what are you talking about he's doing great the dems won't let him lead you just lost a fan duane well i think that that's i guess that's indicative of what we have to do is like that there's a lot of people that feel like it's the Democrats fault. What the moment that we're in. So yes, if your friend voted for, I think his name is Bolinaro,
Starting point is 00:32:51 right? Yeah. I can look it up. If, if your friend voted for this guy, then I think all you can do is connect with your friend and try to figure out why and try to convince them to vote better in the next election yeah uh i guess it also depends on how big of a friend bolsonaro bolinaro um
Starting point is 00:33:16 it depends on how big of a friend like if this is your best friend from childhood then yeah like you have a history with this person you don't want to just throw it all away when you can do some light convincing and change his mind from the inside. If this is like an acquaintance or a coworker from like two years ago, that's probably less important slash doable. But I'm sure it's a lot of kids with their parents too. Like one generation behind you usually votes much more conservatively than you. Man, I wonder if that'll happen if we have children. Yeah, will we be the conservative ones?
Starting point is 00:33:49 I don't know. You have pretty liberal parents. You don't just magically become conservative. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. Would you say you're more or less liberal than your liberal-ass parents? I would. I mean, I think I'm like as equally, I i don't know i think i'm equally as liberal they're
Starting point is 00:34:07 very liberal yeah um yeah no they're i don't think i don't think i'm any more or less like my mom voted for bernie damn that's cool have you ever drank her liberal tears i i actually think i owned my lib dad once oh really you owned the lib dad i i dunked on him on twitter i saw that it was just a bad picture of him that you posted but you totally fucking dunked him and then drank his cock ass tears i made a meme in MS Paint. It's a funny headline right now. I dunked on my dad. And here's what happened. And you wouldn't believe what happened next. Or why.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Here's another person writing us in from Los Angeles, a lot closer to home. We'll call this guy Kobe Jones, famous Los Angelino soccer player. For full upfront honesty, I don't have any questions for the show. As you guys self-reflected in your most recent Black Lives Matter podcast, so did many of your listeners,
Starting point is 00:35:20 and I've always appreciated you both for knowing when to pause the show and use your platform to share your feelings. Some friends of mine just launched an e-newsletter with bite-sized news, events, and actions to inspire change around injustices in our society. So if you guys ever receive a question from the audience about how they can better be allies to the Black community
Starting point is 00:35:39 or feel the need to share something like this as your unsolicited advice tidbits. I'd be forever appreciative. The website to sign up is let's not Thanks for keeping a smile on my face during the toughest times. Oh, I guess we can say his name. It's Jonathan Lopez. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:57 All right. I'll sign up. Let's, let's not An ongoing commitment needed to fight injustice. Yeah, I guess that is the fear is the like, protest and protest and protest. And then eventually, it'll just go away and nothing will really change. But we already are starting to see like, micro movements, even on the policy level. Yeah, I think I know, like when this started, also, like people were saying to follow
Starting point is 00:36:21 these, follow different Instagram accounts and sign up for different newsletters and like part of me was like that's not very active just like following different accounts like i want to do something more um but now i've realized like because my feeds are those accounts and stuff it actually it does like keep it on the forefront so like aside from this guy's newsletter find find whatever resource speaks to you and, and subscribe or like do monthly donations. So you like stay in touch and keep hearing about the fight and how you can help.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I think that is, I think it is good. Uh, all right. One last question. Hi guys. Longtime fan, third time emailer.
Starting point is 00:37:01 I wanted to get your thoughts on the absolutely necessary protest in the middle of a pandemic. I am an avid supporter of Black Lives Matter movement, but much like Amir, I'm still terrified of the coronavirus and catching and then giving it to my loved ones at risk. The reason I am writing in for this is because I want to know specifically what Amir thinks of not protesting due to fear of COVID-19. Take a backseat, Jake. I feel like I should be out there in this moment in time that I absolutely want to be a part of, but I'm still so freaked out about catching the virus, and those large groups seem to be a perfect spot for it to spread. I know Jake's been protesting, and that's awesome, and I'm so happy about it, but I haven't seen Amir post anything of that nature. He's calling me up. Is donating and spreading the word on social media enough?
Starting point is 00:37:46 Or do I need to just suck it up and risk that Rona for the movement? I need advice. Nothing to plug except a shout out for my wife, Olivia. Yeah, I usually don't plug something at the end of a question, but shout out to Olivia. All right. Shout out to Olivia. Nothing to plug except for my question and my wife. How do you feel? Yeah, it's true. I am terrified because I am surrounded by immunocompromised
Starting point is 00:38:12 people and I don't want to get this illness and pass it on to a family member. But I saw something on, I forget at this point whether it's like Instagram or Twitter or whatever. Maybe it was a TikTok or a Vine back in the day. All I know is that it wasn't a news it wasn't the news it was a buzzfeed listicle uh just that there's different ways like everybody is protesting in a different way whether you're marching or donating or spreading awareness or talking to a loved one like that's all considered protesting not like you have to physically show up, though everything is helpful in a very specific way. Yeah, and have you found that what you've been doing
Starting point is 00:38:52 has been helpful for you? I guess it's not really about us, but... Yeah, I mean, I'm posting and talking to you about it and donating and sharing my donations and getting others to donate. So I do feel like I'm doing as much as possible while staying at home, like a coward and urging my friends to protest as much as possible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:14 I mean, I think, but I know that thing that you're talking about too, is something about like everyone has a lane or whatever. Yeah. Like that post that was circulating. I think it makes sense. And I think it's like
Starting point is 00:39:26 partially about bandwidth and it's partially about passion like you have to do something that's authentic like i for me the protests have been incredibly helpful because i feel like i'm seeing beautiful powerful things there and if you're're getting that from donating or sharing and like communicating with people on social media, that's good. Like that's what I'm getting out of the protest. Right. And even within the protest, there's like different levels of like how much you can get involved. You can be on the front lines shouting at the police. You can like stay past curfew and like show that like you're not going to be constrained by the government telling you you have to go home. Or you can, like, arrive early and march in the back and hold up your sign six feet away from people and then leave before it gets dark out.
Starting point is 00:40:17 You can, a lot of people who don't want to be, like, right up in the crowds, like, bring and have them like on the outsides so like every time you're like walking away from the protest there's people just like passing out water snacks hand sanitizer masks so if you wanted to like go to the protest but not be right up in the thick of it you can be on the outskirts and keep your distance and stay pretty safe yeah and at the same time you like don't know specifically what's going on in like individual people's lives like some on the outskirts and keep your distance and stay pretty safe. Yeah. And at the same time, you like don't know specifically what's going on in like individual people's lives. Like some people can't afford to donate and some people can't afford to just
Starting point is 00:40:52 spend the days in the crowds with people. So everyone is hopefully doing as much as they possibly can, but ours is not the place to judge how people, how people push back and support the cause. Right. As long as you've looked into your own soul and have decided what you can do. Yeah. That's good.
Starting point is 00:41:15 And you can, you know, help protesters without necessarily showing up. Like, you can donate to bail funds so you can help people who do get arrested, who are, like, battling in the front lines. I mean, I see some of these Mike Carnell posts and I'm like, holy shit, this guy is like in the thick of it. Yeah, dude's at war. Yeah, he's been arrested, right? I think like three times now. I want to talk to him about what in the world that means.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Like you get arrested, they throw you where and what do you have to do to get out? And do you go to jail? Do you have to do to get out and do you go to jail do you have to appear in court or is it like a ticket he i you should definitely talk to him i talked to him i mean he has no voice his voice is gone horse dry uh completely spent um i think they they hold them at the police station i don't know if it's like in a cell or what um they give you a they process you and give you a ticket um he i think he called it like a desk ticket um but you basically you have a court date you have to go back and and plead guilty and pay a fine wow for every single time it's not like one size fits all yeah and i mean well and now all it's always changing too um because the i think like a
Starting point is 00:42:28 judge just ruled now they'll they can hold people for 24 hours so it's like even scarier if you get arrested you could just spend an entire day and night in jail and then but then also the curfew was just lifted today so i mean the best thing you can do in addition to like whatever you're you're um you're going to do with like your time your cash or whatever is just like staying informed because then i mean that helps you decide how to help uh all right that was our comedy podcast in the face of a spiraling hurricane of pain that is right you know what maybe we should do uh come november we should do some like some live shows um if they're if they're allowed at all just like in polling places oh that'd be nice you mean if we can travel to places yeah maybe we can drive around the country i could
Starting point is 00:43:17 be a comedy activist we drive around the country the shows are outdoors everyone is six feet apart no laughing because that's where the aerosol particles sort of come out so like you have to keep your mouth shut yeah because we'll be talking about serious issues that don't have very much comedy behind them uh all right the opening theme song was written by oh god i forget her name already. She had a mysterious name that already escapes me. It was punk rock. It was like Miley, Minnie. Oh, Misty Lakes. Yeah, Misty Lakes.
Starting point is 00:43:55 And this closing one is, Where Is My Mind parody. Let me search who wrote this. Who wrote that song, Where Is My Mind? The Pixies, right? Yeah, Where Is My Mind tony spaulding this is uh that was me and jill's wedding song oh damn there you have it that was our first dance dude i'd just like to give a shout out to the band i play with in with my brother and cousins andy and the chinese ferrari sex fire death crash awesome oh so thanks andy and the chinese ferrari sex fire death crash and
Starting point is 00:44:29 to you guys for writing in and to you guys for listening and to everybody for donating uh we'll be tweeting more donation links and um ways to get involved follow us on social media and uh do as much as you possibly can thanks so much for listening and fighting indeed and uh we'll be back next week as always and more videos and stuff on our patreon and more head gum comedy on the head gum podcast so if you always if you ever want more there's always more for you and uh shout out to that guy's wife olivia just uh in case you know that yeah the one who wrote the question earlier yeah i just want to make sure shout out to olivia well of course all right yeah as always as always You call Jake and Amir
Starting point is 00:45:32 When you're feeling down When you find yourself Needing advice Yeah If your girlfriend's mean, or your job just sucks, so you ask these dudes, if I were you. If I were you, if I were you. guitar solo that was a hate gun podcast

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