Sex, Lies & DM Slides - 120. Revealing Our Beauty Secrets...

Episode Date: October 3, 2024

So, as the seasons are changing and our skin is trying to adapt, we thought we'd chat about our health and beauty secrets for today's bonus. We're revealing our favourite skin care products, Saff give...s away the incredible health hack she learnt during her PT course, and finally, we're giving our hot takes on the latest crazy beauty trends! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi everyone and welcome back to another episode of Sex Lies and DM Slides. It's Thursday which means we are back for another bonus episode. So as the wet and cold weather is creeping in, we thought we'd have a bit of a chat about how we're adapting our skincare routines according to the colder months. Our beauty steps that go into preparing for dates and what we think of beauty crazes that we keep seeing. As I'm doing this, my skin right now is probably the worst it's actually been.
Starting point is 00:00:31 In a very, very long time. I have this spot on my cheek and I haven't had like a big spot like this in a very long time actually. Is it an under the skin spot? It's an under the skin. The white head still hasn't come out. And it is so painful.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Where's yours? Because I don't know if you can see it still. I have one here. That's really close to mine, my tear. Yeah, and I've got one on my forehead and it's the exact same under the skin, like dying to come out but not coming out. And like, it's almost stretching the skin
Starting point is 00:01:00 because of how tight it is. And maybe it's just a change in weather. Maybe it is that. I know exactly what's given me this spot. What? For the last maybe a few months, I've not eaten sugar. I've literally not eaten sugar. And everyone's like, oh, you've lost so much weight,
Starting point is 00:01:18 blah, blah, blah. But let me tell you, the best thing about me not eating sugar is my skin. My skin has never been better in its life. Like even in my acne scars, like everything faded. I can't even tell you, like my face was less puffy. The last weeks, ever since I went to the Maldives, I started eating sugar again.
Starting point is 00:01:36 And there's nothing wrong with obviously eating sugar. Like life is about balance. And I started eating sugar again and I was eating the best food. Ever since I've eaten sugar, my face is so puffy. I'm not joking. It's a noticeable difference. My best friend Jasmine was OBS day and she was like, no, I couldn't really see the difference because she's been around me not eating sugar. And she's like, the difference is huge. And I genuinely on my heart have not had a spot in about three months until the last week when I've eaten sugar, I've been getting spots,
Starting point is 00:02:03 which is crazy. But everyone does say, your skin can be really controlled by your diet. Yeah. Everyone does say that. And like I've eaten not just like a normal amount of sugar, like I've been on holiday, so I've been indulging on everything. As you should. I've been having desserts of every meal.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Yeah. I've been honestly, like the amount of chocolate I've been eating. But you were on your dream holiday in the moldies. I'm not complaining about it at all. But I honestly think that is why my skin's been bad and I've been drinking way less water. And I really think like, obviously skincare products are so important.
Starting point is 00:02:40 And I have a complete routine when it comes to my skincare products, but I can't stress to you enough how amazing just water is for our skin. I recently have been drinking a lot more water actually, I have it here because I got Stanley cups and this is the best thing. There's honestly like I drink so much more water now because of this Stanley cup, but I think it's drinking out of straw, you know, for me.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Oh yeah, I drink out of straw from that, it's so nice. But I never used to do that. Yeah, anytime I drink out of straw, I drink 10 folds more than if I just drank out of glass. I also love the fact that it stays cold because if I just have tap water, it's like, mine's like lukewarmish and it's just not very nice.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Whereas that keeps it such a nice temperature. I actually saw like a nude Stanley Cup yesterday when I was in HomeSense and I thought, oh my God, that color is like, it's Anna. Because if I think of a color that's you, it's the color nude. You get everything in the color nude. I do, I get everything nude.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I thought, oh my God, I want to get that for Anna. But then I thought, oh, I remember a guy got her a standing cup for a date and I have a feeling it's a nude one, but it's not, it's cream. It was cream. And I've got it, I didn't get it. Yeah, guys, I'll tell you what, nothing came from that day, but the best thing that did come out of it was my Stanley Cup. Was that Stanley Cup? Was my Stanley Cup. I love it. Drinking water has really helped my skin, but I've had such flare ups at the moment
Starting point is 00:04:07 and it's these two under the skin ones, which because I've got makeup on, you can't see as well. But I get really bad spots all around my jawline and on my chin from hormones. And I was going on TikTok and having a look and people were talking about, is it corsetile levels? I don't know. People said that when you've got really high corset, your face looks really like puffy. Okay. And, but there's nothing that you can like take to like lower your core levels. It's just all to do with diet. So I really need to try that because I think that will genuinely help because I- You know, I was actually watching a video,
Starting point is 00:04:38 sorry to interrupt. I was watching a video this morning and it was this guy reacting to people saying they've cut out sugar on their face and how it's less puffy. And he was like, well done. You've learned about water retention. Like I talk about sugar in the sense it affects my skin with spots. And I really do think it does. When it comes to the puffiness, I genuinely, and I completely agree with this guy, it is water retention.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And what people don't realize is, and this was the craziest thing. So when I was taking, so in, during lockdown, I took a PT course, which actually not a lot of people know. But when I was taking this and I was like studying about diet and stuff like that, the biggest thing I learned is to get rid of water weight. You have to drink an excessive amount of water. So you have to drink more water to get rid of it. You have to drink water to flush out the water weight.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Like it's the only way to get rid of it. You have to drink water to flush out the water weight. Like it's the only way you get rid of it. So actually to get rid of the puffiness on your face is water. Like drinking a lot of water is actually what will get rid of your water weight, not sugar. So like if you're puffy, it's not sugar, but it is sugar because sugar holds water. But the most important thing is drinking water and that will slim down your face. Oh my God, that's so interesting. I didn't, I mean, to be honest, I haven't thought about things like water retention. Like I literally haven't thought about it,
Starting point is 00:05:51 but it makes sense. Like I'm shocked, but it makes sense. Good job I've got my Stanley Cup. Well, it's even like, okay, so the supplement that I take, which is so off the subject now, and I don't know why I suddenly think I'm this amazing guru, but like, okay, so when I was like really into the gym, there's a supplement called creatine,
Starting point is 00:06:08 which I think is the best supplement in the world. It is phenomenal. I think everyone should be taking it. I keep forgetting to take it. But what does it do? Creatine is something our body naturally produces, which is why it isn't bad. We just don't produce enough of it. And so it's not like if you were on steroids and we're putting
Starting point is 00:06:25 something into our system that we don't already produce, like we produce it, we just don't produce enough of it. And it really helps basically improve strength, like speed, like lots of runners take it. Like Mo Farah is taking creatine religiously. Like lots of people take it. If you're one in gains, you take creatine because it helps grow your muscle faster. A lot of like girls get scared of taking creatine because they're like, oh my God, I'm going to take creatine. I'm going to be really muscly. Like, no, it's not, it's not you being on steroids. It's all it does is help your muscle grow faster, which for you to do that, you still need to be working out obviously. But when I took creatine, this is not a issue of
Starting point is 00:07:02 skincare. It's not a issue of the subject. And I actually apologize. But I'll try and wrap this up really quickly. When I was taking creatine, the improvement in my speed was wild. But like you could run faster. Within three weeks. So there's a, lots of people probably do the park run, which is a five-kilometer run you do every Saturday, like around the country. My first week and my third week was like a different person. When I told you I like would shed minutes and that wasn't happening. Like I was never, and like the amount I could lift was so much more. Um, but anyways, my point of talk about creatine is creatine holds
Starting point is 00:07:39 loads of water retention, loads. So lots of people, when they take creatine, they're like, Oh, but it's making me look fat or it's making me look bloated. Yeah, you are bloated because it holds water retention. So with creatine, you have to drink so much water, but it just goes down to the same thing. It holds water retention. You drink water, it gets rid of the water retention. Oh my God. I learned so much from Saf guys. I wouldn't know half of this stuff. And there you go. So if I start taking creatine, will I be able to run faster?
Starting point is 00:08:11 You'll be able to run faster. And if you went to the gym, you would see like the most insane like improvements. Well, I need to get back into the gym. I forget to take it. Like that's so the thing is you've got to take it religiously. You can take it in different doses, but I'm not going to keep going on about it because this is not the whole point of the podcast. But everyone creating.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Creating it's a great supplement. If we're talking about skincare routines and stuff, I'm going to be honest, I feel like you have way more of a set routine than I do because I find that when I use loads of products, that's when I break out more. I used to be like that. Yeah, I know. But now I just literally take my makeup off, put a moisturizer on. I use Cetaphil. So I take my makeup off, love Cetaphil. I love Cetaphil.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Love skin and me. The moisturizer, I think that's so good, but I think it's because obviously that's catered to my skin. Obviously you fill in the form and stuff. And other than that, I do use makeup wipes, which is really not good. I really need to get out of that habit. You should use my cellar water. I know. I used to use my cellar water all the time. So I just need to switch back because I don't know why I've got lazy and use makeup wipes.
Starting point is 00:09:17 But other than that, it's really random and hit and miss with what I use. It's really bad, but I don't have a set routine. I'll just open my cupboard and just see what I have. And I'll just try something. I'm like, oh, this looks good. Let me try this today. You know what though? I do think it's different for us
Starting point is 00:09:30 because we get sent so much PR. So when you get sent so much PR, you're like, oh, I've seen people talk about this. I want to use it. I'm a bit spilt for joy. Yeah. And I do really think you don't need a 20 step routine. Like it is actually unnecessary.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Like it fully is. And I was the same, like when I was using so many products, it was actually when my skin was worse. It doesn't need that. Yeah. Um, but I think if you find that your stable products, it's like anything, it's like consistency, like you should use the same products every day. You shouldn't keep changing it up because it's like going to the gym, like
Starting point is 00:10:04 to actually see muscle growth, you have to do the same thing every time. It's boring, but you have to do the same thing. I think the same thing goes with skin. I'm like you, I have my favorites now and that's what I use. I always use the same set of face wash. There's just a routine and I just use the same thing. Don't get me wrong, now and then if someone comes through the post, like I'll try it out because I'm like, oh, I want to see what this is like, what it sounds like. But I don't know, there's
Starting point is 00:10:30 always just going to be my favorites that I love. Yeah, me too. I've definitely got like a few staple things as well. I love, don't know if you've tried it, the Graces Faces Beauty Crop. I haven't. It's like a face wash cleanser. I don't know what you call it. Cleanse Balm. It's so good. Like I love that because I can't use anything that's overly fragranced. No, neither. That's when my skin reacts really badly to it. But I have really bad pores, like really, really bad pores. I always have to use those
Starting point is 00:11:10 like those pore strips. I love those. You're lucky though. I feel like you don't have any because you did you used to have acne. Yeah, so bad. Yeah. And I don't think you have any scarring like I have scarring. No I don't. Because I didn't have it on my cheeks. I had it all here. Like it was literally just on my chin. I mean, I'd have, I had the acne on my chin, but then it was more like red angry spots on my cheek, in my forehead. Oh my God, I have to send you the picture or find it. It was awful. I used to joke and say it was called my Rose garden
Starting point is 00:11:38 because of how many red spots there were, but then it all cleared up by the time I was like 18. So maybe it was just growing up. Oh, bless you. But luckily it didn't really scar. But you know what, at least there's a positive. I have, actually my scar, I was actually thinking weirdly because my face was really puffy, like I've not drank water.
Starting point is 00:11:57 And I do really think that traveling and stuff, and I do think the colder months do affect your skin more. 1 million percent. They're actually saying that though, like fresh air, I really think is like quite nice affect your skin more. One million percent. They're actually saying that though, like fresh air I really thinks like quite nice for your skin. It is. But do you know what was the worst thing for my skin? Do you remember when everyone got spots around their mouth because the COVID mask?
Starting point is 00:12:13 Oh my God. But even then it affected my chin. Like everyone was spotty around here. Yeah, it was so bad because of the COVID mask. So bad. But I was gonna say a product that I also love, like I obviously love my Tetra face wash and there's so many things and I love Usirate.
Starting point is 00:12:25 There's so many brands I love. I recently started using this like Sicilic Acid from the Inkey List and that's also amazing for scarring. Oh, I tried the Inkey List spot patches and they were really good. Yeah, I love the Inkey List. But I think as far as like cleansers and stuff go, I'd always recommend Cetaphil because it hasn't got like nothing like high fragrance and I feel like you just can't go wrong. And it goes back to that like minimal is more sort of thing. One million percent. Minimal is more for me. Like I can't do, well, I could choose to do
Starting point is 00:12:55 like a seven step skincare routine if I found the right products. But I think as I'm getting older now, I don't want to try tons of new things because I've kind of found what works ish. Like touchwood, apart from the odd spot that I'm getting, they're really angry right now. My skin is actually quite good. But also my skin just looks better in the summer anyway because I'm tanned. We've both really gone on our skin journeys that we actually really have. We really have. We've both had very bad acne.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Yes, and look at us now. And we both power, look at us on the other side. We've powered through. I mean, I do love it when I was on holiday in Mykonos and I didn't really wear makeup in any of the days and I was laid with my face in the sun. It's cleared up my skin so much and all my freckles came out and I was like, oh my God, I love this. Oh, I love when my freckles come out.
Starting point is 00:13:35 And now I'm home and they're all gone. So I have to draw them on now, which is quite sad. That's okay. You can do that. I can draw them on and live like that. It's so fun. Exactly. That's the pro. So to round this
Starting point is 00:13:45 episode up, we're going to do a quick fire. What are our thoughts on these crazy beauty trends? So the first one, this is actually gross. Beef tallow. So it's rendered beef fat or beef fat that has been slowly melted to be purified and it can act as a great skin hydrator. As much as it sounds gross, I can understand this working. I'm a very big believer. Oh my God, I feel like this is really controversial. I shouldn't say it's online. That red meat is really great for us.
Starting point is 00:14:15 But everyone's doing this carnivore diet on TikTok. So everyone do that, the model carnivore diet. Have you seen it? Yeah, and I fully, like at the end of the day, before we were humans, I'm not gonna get into it because here I go. I really think that we were meant to eat red meat. When people say you have too much red meat,
Starting point is 00:14:33 I don't believe it. I really don't believe it. I know people say you're not meant to have loads, but like I love steak. And I don't- Same, and I've never had an issue. It's never, it's only been great for me. People I know that only eat red meat
Starting point is 00:14:47 have a very healthy diet. I mean, there's such mixed reviews. Now it's coming out that it's great for you, but I've been saying that the whole time. I don't think I could have it every day, purely if I had to probably get bored. But the foods that people are making on TikTok, the steak, avocado, and eggs actually looks unreal.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Like I wanna try it. I see how it goes. Yeah, I just love it. I do love it. If it's like a good like, but I just can't cook it how I like it. I love it in a restaurant, but I can never cook steak good as like as they can. Yeah, got you. But would I put it on my face as a skin hydrator? I don't know. I wouldn't like. Saf would. I don't think it would bother me that much. Okay, there's like things that would bother me more surprisingly. Okay, then what about a salmon sperm facial? Fuck that. I'm not putting fish on my face.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I don't like fish as it is. See, I love fish, but I wouldn't want sperm facial. No, I wouldn't opt for that. Potato slices for acne. How the hell does that help acne? I don't know how it could help. I could do it because putting a potato on my face wouldn't bother me. Like a slice of potato, that's so fine, but what does it help?
Starting point is 00:15:51 I don't know. Snail slime. No, I'm refusing. Absolutely not. I'd be sick, I think, if someone put snail slime on my face. I actually think I'd rather the salmon than the snail slime. Yeah, snail slime. Snail slime.
Starting point is 00:16:03 That's a tongue twister, isn't it? the snail slime. Yeah, snail slime. Snail slime. That's a tongue twister, innit? Snail slime. Okay, and the last one, this is actually fairly normal compared to the snail slime. Going to get a vitamin IV drip. I would do that. That's so fine. I would do that.
Starting point is 00:16:15 That's a completely normal one. Well, mind you, actually, the two times I've done that, I've literally passed out. Oh yeah, you had bad experiences on the IV drips at Coachella didn't you? I've had the worst experiences from IV drips. They've literally sent me crazy. See, I've never like had a vitamin one.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I opted out of Coachella because not the biggest valid needle. Because of my experience. Yeah, then you told me what happened. Which is crazy because it's vitamins. So just one example, one time I took a, so the first time I took a vitamin drip is before my 18th birthday.
Starting point is 00:16:42 And I was like, oh, like I'm just lacking a bit of energy. Like it's my 18th birthday. I will have an IV, I'm just lacking a bit of energy. It's my 18th birthday. I will have an IV drip, have a lot of B12 and stuff, and then just have lots more energy. I went into genuinely depression. I know people will think I'm lying. I'm laughing, but it's actually not funny. It's really bad. It's so bad. Anyone around me was like, she's gone crazy. And this is like really sad. Like I have my IV drip, genuinely guys. And I remember feeling it like when, so when I've actually had three IV drips and whenever I've had them, I know it sounds crazy, but like I genuinely
Starting point is 00:17:18 feel it run the whole way through my body. This is what put me off. Like I feel it the whole, I could tell you where it's going through my body. This is what put me off. I feel it. I could tell you where it's going through my body. It's bizarre. Bizarre because it's vitamins. I know I would recommend everyone to have a vitamin drip. It's something wrong with me and vitamin drips. Anyways, on my 18th birthday, long story short, I was so depressed.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Literally within hours, I am crying my eyes out. Bear in mind, I've never been like this. I've not cried my... I wasn't crying before I got the IV drip. Crying my eyes out, so sad. I couldn't even explain why I was so sad. My emotions were like, my hormones were absolutely everywhere. Like my mom was like, don't ever give yourself an IV drip. Like it doesn't go well with her.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And basically they were saying I already just had too much B12. So like, because I eat quite like a healthy diet, they were saying you have all of those things that you didn't need that. And I just have way too much in my hormones. It still makes no sense to me because I'm like, surely you just can't have enough vitamins. But clearly you can and you've learned the hard way. Yeah. And then another time I had a vitamin drip, like I remember thinking, oh my god, I'm going to pass out, I'm going to pass out and I could feel it go through my body and it just doesn't make me feel good. It's so strange. The thought of being able to feel it go through my body is really not what sits right with me.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Like I can't do that. But it's weird because like after a hangover, I'm dosing up and broca. So why can't I just have a vitamin drip? I know, it gets in your system faster as well, isn't it? Cause it goes straight into your blood. Yeah, and it's essentially Boracca. Well, don't worry. I've got actual Boracca in the cupboard ready for this weekend.
Starting point is 00:18:56 No drip, just Boracca. Amazing, no drip. No drip. I do want to try it again. I feel like if I'm really hungover one time, maybe I'll try it again, but I am pretty scared now. You you don't need to try again, you've had three bad experiences. I've had three bad experiences. Always happens to me. Yeah. I know. True. So that's a good way to end it on guys. Be careful when you get any
Starting point is 00:19:13 IV vitamin drip. Well, thank you so much for watching and hopefully we should see you guys next week for our main episode on Tuesday. Bye everyone. See you guys then.

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