Sex, Love, and What Else Matters - VPR From the Start - S1 E6 & E7

Episode Date: July 20, 2023

Episode 48. In this episode, Kristen and Luke recap VPR Season 1, episodes 6 and 7!  Sponsors: Go to and use code doute50 to get 50% off plus free shipping. Give yourself the h...air you never thought you could have with Vegamour. Get 20% off your first order by going to and use code doute at check out. LMNT is offering a free sample pack with any purchase, That’s 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. Get yours at If you use my personal code DOUTE15, you can get your bottle now for 15% off and start getting that life changing, ready to wake up and kick ass sleep that you deserve. Go to to grab yours now Follow us: @kristendoute @luke__broderick Email us: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi you guys, I'm Kat and I hope you come hang out with me on KatSatlerNow. On my weekly podcast I continue to ask the questions. I've been interviewing people for more than 25 years now, but that doesn't mean I found all the answers. Make sure to listen to KatSatlerNow, wherever you get your podcasts. What's up my little vander, Pumpy fans and sex loving, what else matter fans? Welcome back to another episode of VPR from the start. Oolah, la, la. Are you ready for this, Luke?
Starting point is 00:00:47 I'm ready. Now watch the episodes, this is episode six and seven. Episode six is titled, Caught with Your Trausers Down. Caught with Your Trausers Down? Wonder who we're talking about. So when this opened up, I actually put a little heart note in my notebook because I remember filming, so obviously it's my eight seasons that I filmed and as
Starting point is 00:01:08 Seasons and years went on I remember a lot of us being frustrated like they never highlight like what we were doing like Pre-Sur in all of that but then this episode opened up with literally them showing what we were all aspiring to do and what we were aspiring to be and that showing what we were all aspiring to do and what we were aspiring to be, and that Sir was just meant to be a stepping stone, a place for us to make money, to pay our bills, to achieve our dreams. And I was like, oh man, that made me smile. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:01:35 Yeah, no, that's great. Yeah, it was really nice. And then we go into, oh my gosh. So we go to Lisa's house. This is not Velarosa, guys, but this is the old house, which is just as ginormous, if not bigger, and beautiful, but I fucking love Ken. So we have Lisa talking to serves publicist.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Number one, I'm like, sir, has a publicist. Why? Isn't that weird? Do you think, do restaurants have publicists? I mean, maybe in Los Angeles in Hollywood, I'm just new to me. I guess I didn't know either, But I love Ken because he goes, oh, did you hear the rumor?
Starting point is 00:02:08 Lisa, did you hear the rumor? And I was like, oh my God, this is so season 10 of Ken to do. Hilarious. Was it season 10 that we just, let's say in a watch, correct? Yeah. When Ken spilled the beans
Starting point is 00:02:22 about Raquel sleeping over Tom's and now Ken's like here just like spilling another rumor about Jackson, Lourley having sex at Sir And it's just like the only mistake he made was to not lock the door Which was hysterical which I got a love I I love Ken I love his take on that and I think it's kind of hilarious because I am he's pretty right if they got caught doing it But you know we'll come back to this as we get going to Shay tou Shay and I think it's kind of hilarious because he's pretty right if they got caught doing it. But we'll come back to this as we get going. Touche, touche.
Starting point is 00:02:48 So, Vorley is obviously crazy in love with Jacks and Jacks is obviously on the fence. He loves the intimate side of things, but. I love how you say the intimate side. Jacks is basically like, we have great sex and she's like, I love Fisher from Wedding Crashers. Right, I will find you. I'll find you. I'll find you. She's like, I love Fisher from Wedding Crashers. Right. I will find you. I'll find you. She's like, he's basically perfect,
Starting point is 00:03:09 and he's like, she's a really good late. It's the best sex I've ever had. Is this very standard, do you think, for guys that are like not in a relationship? Like, do guys talk like that? Because in my brain, they do. Like, younger dudes. Short answer, yes.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Okay. Yeah. Okay. Interest on tape. Short answer, yes. Okay. Yeah. Okay, interesting. And then, oh, really quickly, they show like Katie and I at cycle house, which not a whole lot to say about the scene, except for you guys. Let me tell you how hard it is when you're about to throw up all over yourself.
Starting point is 00:03:38 My face is like purple, right? And Katie and I are sitting outside with these tiny, little cold towels. And you have the producers being like, we have to talk about feelings. purple, right? And Katie and I are sitting outside with these tiny little cold towels, and you have the producers being like, we have to talk about feelings. You guys know we have, we have so much shit to talk about. There's a lot going on with like the two of you with Stasi and like all of that, so you have to talk about it. And we know this, right? This isn't them telling us to do something that isn't honest or true, but I'm like, I'm going
Starting point is 00:04:01 to vomit on myself. I think that my lungs are collapsing. And you want me to talk about feelings? It just made me laugh. So I thought you guys would enjoy the little tidbit of moments like that. I loved how red your face was because it made me feel, yeah, maybe feel better about how my face gets when I do heavy workouts. It's so beat red. Okay, I mean, if I go for like a really long jog, I look like a beat legit. Any hose, let's talk about Jackson Lourley. Yes. Let's talk about them.
Starting point is 00:04:32 So Lisa calls Jackson Lourley into a meeting in the VIP room, which we'll get two seasons later, the exact same place I got fired. And she calls them out straight up. Like I heard from, you know, good authority, which obviously was Ken, that you were called, your trousers down and Lorley immediately is like, well, they both deny it, but she goes,
Starting point is 00:04:55 we had sex it took home. I thought they did a great job of denying it. Really, I mean, it was pretty convincing. I mean, Lorley's a really good actor and Jackson's a really good liar. Yeah, and there's really nothing but liar. Yeah, and there's really nothing that, yeah, there's really nothing though that LVP could do about it.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Like, she doesn't actually have evidence. She doesn't have a video or anything. Someone says one thing, you can't do something if they deny it together. Right. But then we get to my favorite, like, the interview bites, the confessional moments where they're like, no, we definitely had sex
Starting point is 00:05:22 in the VIP bathroom. Oh, yeah, that's great. It's so good. But then Lisa excuses Lourli because she wants to just have the little one-on-one and reprimand jacks. Right, right. Jack's been there longer and how did you feel about this? Do all is interesting. I thought that the biggest point in that was Jack saying Lourli is not my girlfriend,
Starting point is 00:05:41 which Lourli believes 1,000% she's his girlfriend at this point. And he says, I shouldn't have a girlfriend right now. Yeah. Like, I don't have a girlfriend, I shouldn't have a girlfriend right now. Uh, this girl definitely thinks she's your girlfriend because as we see later, he essentially breaks up with her. So it's not your girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Ooh. Yeah. Interesting. Quite, quite interesting. Lourley, less Lourley for season one, I swear to God. Oh, this was something really funny for me. Katie goes over to Stasi's house and she brings two bottles of wine for two people, right?
Starting point is 00:06:14 Not odd, we used to drink a lot of shit ton of wine back in the day, still drink wine. But my favorite part about this was, I don't know if you guys have seen this, but one of my friends showed me a TikTok that has our old casting videos from like our pilot from like 2011 and I've never seen these casting videos before. And in the casting videos, you have like our some of our producers Jeremiah, Alex Baskin and Bill Engworthy making these comments like on the side, they're being interviewed as
Starting point is 00:06:43 well. And they literally said in these casting videos, these kids, these people would spend all their money that they had, like wine and drinks, but they couldn't pay their rent or afford food. They're not wrong. And so when you see Katie go to sausage and she has two bottles of wine,
Starting point is 00:07:02 I'm like, yeah, rent's not getting paid, you're definitely not eating today. Yeah, that sounds about right. Priorities are in a different place at that age. I know, and we were so young, you guys. It was like, it was easy to stay skinny because, you know, the metabolism, trust me, I'm 40 now, and I'm not the same as I was back in my 20s, any who's. Now we get to the real bulk of it all. Oh, yeah. I don't even know why this was called caught with your trousers down because, yeah, that was a part of it, like the real bulk of it all. I don't even know why this was called caught with your trousers down because yeah, that was a part of it like the Jackson Lurley thing.
Starting point is 00:07:29 But the bulk of this episode for me was truly showing the beginning stages of Frank's douchebaggery. Yeah, he really, I don't know what a fucking piece of shit. I don't know how with what he did going off on a customer he could actually expect to keep his job. He does act like he's like,
Starting point is 00:07:47 yeah, I did that because I wouldn't be a fire. I wouldn't be a good one. What did he do? So let's take it. In case you guys are not watching this with us and you're like kind of going back and we're jogging your memory, he literally ended up calling customers peasants.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Because they said that they were double charged for a martini that they asked for a double Okay, and a martini is literally just liquor So it's like actually not even like possible to do a double martini unless you have a glass big enough for that Anyway, whatever the case was yeah, Frank's like charging these people at the ass. They get upset about it So he starts calling them peasants and telling, what did he say? Something to the girlfriend,
Starting point is 00:08:28 like his girlfriend's ugly. I don't remember exactly. He's just being like himself. Something like Alem Barrissue right now in front of your girlfriend. And said, yeah, and I said it was a full Nelson. Atomic Wedgie or. Atomic Melvin.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Atomic Melvin, yeah, basically Wedgie with underwear pulled up over your head. Yeah. But only seeing cartoons, that doesn't really happen. No shit, exactly. All of this is all being said. And Frank is going in to have this conversation with Lisa right before meeting Mark and Dana who are Stasi's parents, who by the way you guys are not together.
Starting point is 00:09:02 They were not together in this season. and Luke was like, wait, really? I'm like, no, they just really got along and it's cool. This whole scene flashed back to me in the very beginning of this episode. Where Frank is like already being demeaning Dostosian, he's like, you know, if you just get off your ass once in a while and he was talking shit about her writing for the magazine that Pandora had hired her for.
Starting point is 00:09:25 And like, who the fuck are you, Frank? Like you're a fucking bartender at certain, you're sitting here belittling her dreams. Like, oh, God, I keep, oh, I love Frank. I think maybe more than almost anybody I've ever had to film with. I felt that from you. The second he entered the scene, the season, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:44 He just just what a fucking douchebag. Oh, but how I love though when they do get to her parents right after he's fired. So, so Lisa fires. They get there and Stasi's parents are halfway hammered already. They've been drinking pound and vodka since they got there. New Orleans baby New Orleans. Yeah. Hey, it's fun. Yeah. And so at first, it's like Frank is essentially like belittling saucy right in front of them. And I can see her dad's face like, what the fuck? And then I see Dana just looking like she's gonna kill him.
Starting point is 00:10:15 But somehow some way, Frank like turned that situation around and they all started laughing about it. Like Frank was literally insulting their daughter right in front of them, and then in turn almost insulting Dana as well. Right, and Mark. And he did a great job of, well with the parents essentially,
Starting point is 00:10:32 spinning off him getting fired, saying, oh, that's what I meant to do. I'm gonna focus on my commercial real estate. Oh, he makes himself sound like this big wig. Like, if you were a huge commercial real estate, you wouldn't have picked up a part-time job at Sir of all places. You fucking asshole, anyway, I just hate him.
Starting point is 00:10:51 And then I loved Luke, you did not know about Sossi's chin and plant. I did not know that, no, that was like mind-boggling for me. I don't know anyone that's just super odd for me to fathom somebody getting a high school graduation present, that is plastic surgery. Okay, see, I don't think that's as odd. I thought you were going to say it's odd.
Starting point is 00:11:11 You don't know anyone who's ever gotten a chin implant. Oh, that too. I don't. I didn't know that existed. But just to be any kind of plastic surgery at 18 years old, because yeah, you graduated at high school. She had a round face. She looked got it.
Starting point is 00:11:23 She wanted to be pretty. Hey, it worked for her. I just didn't even. It wasn't aware that this was a thing. You had a round face. She looked goth it. She wanted to be pretty. It worked for. I just didn't even. It wasn't a wear. You have a beautiful chin. You have a beautifully gorgeous chin and Hartford has bows. So she'll never have to have a chin in plan. And I got to say, I'm glad you are not wearing the teal contacts anymore. They, they, they, so threw me off when I first, the first interview or first. When Shassy had her skills. Shassy had him in. I'm like, what is wrong with her eyes? I know you said she's wearing color, or she's wearing contacts.
Starting point is 00:11:49 And I was like, no, she's not dude. She has like the prettiest blue eyes. And you're like, no, they're not blue though. They're like, really teal. And it took me a second to her. Remember that she did use to her teal contacts during filming. Yeah, it was just weird to me. Only in the beginning of filming.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Right. But that was really funny. So Frank Seduce bag, somehow he gets through this lunch with Marc and Dana without looking like the horrible human that he is fine. But then later you have Tom, Tom, Katie and I at lunch and Jack's with the twitchy thumbs like can't wait to call Frank out fucking fired. That was funny. Or just obviously you and Jack's been friends a long time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Robo for the show too. But he calls you to tell you this and you're right there. I don't know. Oh, did he called me and not like one of the guys? Yeah, exactly. He called you to tell you. Maybe it's also because he's for gossipy. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:12:40 He knew you would spread it fastest. Yeah. He's like, how do I get this to everyone fastest? Kristen, that's how. And because I hated Frank the most. Yeah. Because Katie hated him as well, but Katie was much more logical brain.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Like, I'm the emotion, she's the logic. Right. And so Katie would have been like, oh, wow. And like, told a couple people where I would have asked someone to buy me a bottle of champagne so I could pop it and then shout it from a megaphone. So West Hollywood could hear the Frank Cut fired. Before I did.
Starting point is 00:13:10 It was amazing. It was fantastic. My favorite part about that whole scene though, when you and Katie are at lunch with the Tom's, I'm just weird, but Schwartz's glasses, the flip-up sunglasses, I don't know, it made me laugh. I laughed out loud, it was awesome. Is it not just so short, though?
Starting point is 00:13:25 It is very short. I mean, he still looks like a baby there. Yeah. Socks with sandals, a new pair of glasses for every single outfit. Oh, man. That's what he has to give to the ones. I like socks and sandals. I know you do.
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Starting point is 00:17:27 Oh yeah. So we're here on episode seven in love with someone else. Ooh. So this scene or this episode opens with Lorley and Jackson and Son of A, but we're gonna fast forward pass that so we can touch on it when we come back to the Lorley A meeting.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Yes. We're gonna hit it all together. This is a very heavy Jackson Lurley episode. But in the beginning, Katie goes over to Stasi's and she tells Katie, like, Frank and I broke up and she decides, like, I just think I need to not be with anyone right now because, like, clearly I'm not making these decisions rationally.
Starting point is 00:18:02 And she says, even, like, specifically, she goes, I think it was the idea of being with me that he liked, but it wasn't actually me. And as a 23-year-old, barely 23-year-old girl, I thought that was like pretty profound to like sit with those thoughts and kind of say like, okay, I know, I need to know a little bit better now. Right, it is, but do you think that there's any way she would have even called that a relationship or a breakup? She says, flat out, two breakups in two months, and I'm like, to me, that's just mind-boggling. You don't have two relationships.
Starting point is 00:18:32 You can even call a breakup in two months. That's not. Okay, but when you were like in your early 20s— That was in high school. I had two breakups in two months. But you would say— You dated someone for a month or three months. Were they your girlfriend? Did you ever call someone your girlfriend when you dated someone for a month or three months? Were they your girlfriend?
Starting point is 00:18:45 Did you ever call someone your girlfriend when you dated for like a few months? A few months, sure, but not after I'd not immediately start dating someone else after breaking up, after being together for two months. So my question to you though is, do you think there's any chance you would have called him, called Frank, her boyfriend, if she hadn't already been sleeping with him for a period of time while she was with Jacks? if she hadn't already been sleeping with them for a period of time while she was with Jacks. It's a good question. And I think because of her age at that time, yes.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Okay. I feel like there wasn't a lot of quote and quote dating around that time at her age. Yeah. Like I was, I'm much older than Stasi. I was like 27 or 28 when we started filming this. But I remember back to like my early days and I'm mostly a relationship gypsy as I've said before.
Starting point is 00:19:27 But when I never was like, oh, I'm dating someone. It was like, you're my boyfriend or we were not ones. Girls are different thing, guys. I don't know. That's just my thoughts, but you're not wrong. I just feel like once I got to college, obviously I had a high school girlfriend. We dated two years in college. After that, anyone that I was saw for a period of time, I wasn't ready to call my girlfriend. Like, we dated for a while. You also weren't dating someone at your work and filming a reality show with them, so you were with them 24 fucking seven.
Starting point is 00:19:56 True. So maybe that was part of it. But you're not wrong. That's a fair point. Yeah. And then just a couple quick things before we get into the bulk of the Jackson Lourley thing. I thought this was so wild when Lisa, I don't remember who Lisa was talking
Starting point is 00:20:08 to, but she says to someone about like maybe she, uh, somebody about like working a party for her friend, Mohammed. So just so you guys know, Mohammed, that's a GG and Bella Hadeed's dad and on war as well. But it's so wild because way back then, I mean, those girls were so young. I mean, they were teenagers. And I remember when Pandora, at least daughter in Jason, Pandora's now husband, they had their engagement party was at Mohamed's house. And he had like a fucking elevator. He had a ballroom. He had a Turkish bathroom. I mean, I'm telling you, every room in that man's house was like bigger than any apartment or even the house that I owned, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Wow. So it was just wild hearing this now, you know, this many years later, over a decade later, where she's like, oh, my friend Mohammed, and we all waited on Mohammed. We all knew who Mohammed was, and we knew that he was one of Lisa's like wealthy friends, but he was so kind to us.
Starting point is 00:21:03 But now I'm like, I'm talking Gigi, but in Beledi, it's dead. Anyhow. So we're ready to, oh, are we gonna talk about the girls kind of talking shit about you before you get to the pool day? Yeah. I think I handled that fairly well.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I haven't seen that, that episode or that scene since season one. Yeah, you did. And my question for you though, that's interesting with recording because there's editing and there's all this time before you ever get to see that. Were you do you remember being aware of that being the case before it aired or did you just watch that when it aired and be like, oh damn, they were talking shit about me when I
Starting point is 00:21:38 showed up. So I don't really remember it right now. I don't remember like, oh that that day when I went into go film, but watching myself and knowing myself and how confidently I acted when I walked upstairs and like got to the rooftop and very specifically said hi to Shina, hi to Katie and ignored Stasi. I definitely knew what I was walking into. Okay, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I mean, I can see the way that I acted. So you were surprised when you've found out more details. No, I don't think so. But now, like, if it were me now, like this is also it's funny, is it? Right now, if I were on this show and filming this scene and let's say all the same shit was going on and I had to show up there, I would walk up and say hello to all of them and just be like, I don't fucking care. Yeah, not on your petty shit anymore. But that's my 40-year-old self, not my 27-year-old self, you know?
Starting point is 00:22:29 Yeah. Wild. Interesting. Okay, so now let's just fall on lorally yet. Okay, let's get after it. Oh, okay. So this whole son of a thing was interesting, right? Jack says it's totally not his jam yet.
Starting point is 00:22:41 He spends up spending more time in there than she does. And then he makes that horrific joke. Is this what it's like when you talk to your dad because he's in prison? Yeah, that is a. What? And the actual fuck. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I mean, listen, I'll always say God bless Jack's Taylor for making great fucking television and saying things. Maybe people are thinking or things we wouldn't have thought of that are very like off-colored kind of fucked up jokes. So that's where I stand with it, but also now watching it. I'm like, what the fuck, bro? That's cringey. I mean, that's like, oh my god.
Starting point is 00:23:15 But also then, I guess in retrospect, you do have to also imagine Lourleys like, oh, I used to be addicted to math. Ha ha ha ha. Like, she's very like dirty laundry all over the place. Totally, so I get it. I've made a mistake before with a friend that was sensitive about a subject that she frequently joked about,
Starting point is 00:23:33 and I didn't realize she was the only one that could joke about it. So I've done it before. So can't totally blame Jax. If it's something that they are like comfortable talking about all the time, and then you like throw your joke in, coming from you, it doesn't land.
Starting point is 00:23:44 No, it made me physically fucking uncomfortable though. Yeah, it was cringy. Oh my God. Yeah, so then I thought, for some reason, when that scene popped up, I was like, did they have sex in the sauna? For some reason, I thought that they did, but thank God they did not, that we know of.
Starting point is 00:23:58 But then as they're leaving though, Lorley and Jacks are talking about Lorley's drinking and that it just happened sometimes and sometimes Jackss doesn't hear from her for a while because... And she's been sober, I think, six days she said our week or so. Right, yeah. And then the next day, he just finds out that, oh, she fell off the wagon essentially. And she drank a shit ton and, yeah, she's feeling like shit. So that brings that up and that brings us right into the A.A. meeting.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Yeah. And I will say to tag on to that, I don't know if there's more of Laura Lee with the drinking at the end of the season or not. I don't think so, I can't remember. But I was very good friends with Laura Lee around this time and I really, I'm the helper, you know, I'm the fixer that's who I am and I wanna like put everyone under my little wing
Starting point is 00:24:40 and fix the broken souls of the world. But I do remember like her being really kind, really fun, really funny, really fucking talented, but very dangerous to herself. And she really did have a really big problem. I would come home to the apartment I have a sand of all. And I would tell her if you need to go somewhere, it's close to work, if you just need to get out,
Starting point is 00:25:01 you can go to my apartment, and she would have drank like a fifth of vodka. So I'm not shaming her, I'm just saying, she was very dangerous to work. If you just need to get out, you can go to my apartment and she would have drank like a fifth of vodka. So I'm not shaming her. I'm just saying like she was very dangerous to herself. And to be honest, she probably shouldn't have been on the show for her mental health, but- Okay, for her mental health. Also she's her mental health.
Starting point is 00:25:14 For her mental health. I'm gonna say, I love that lower leasing the season. She's like, might be my favorite character this whole season. You've said that ever since she was introduced, you were like, I love her. I love her. She's fantastic. And I agree. I agree. I ever since she was introduced, you were like, I love her, I love her, she's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:25:25 And I agree, I agree. I wonder what she's up to these days. But then yes, so we, now we're at AA. I was very surprised watching it now that they allowed camera crew in alcoholics anonymous because it is anonymous. Right, yeah, that is interesting. But I guess they must have had people
Starting point is 00:25:44 willing to sign off on it. Maybe there were people that are like now sponsors for other people. And, you know, maybe that they wanted to highlight that, I don't know. But I definitely felt like a shock value that they allowed that to be filmed. And then yeah, Jack's breaks up with her at her fucking A meeting. Well, his jaw totally drops when he hears her like confessional when she picks up the mic and starts talking, his like jaw drops. He didn't like confessional when she picks up the mic and starts talking his like jaw drops He didn't know everything that she just spilled in her a meeting
Starting point is 00:26:08 Yeah, I can't remember exactly what she said, but I remember it's like seeing his face He's just like oh, I didn't know this stuff. It was yeah, it was dark details and they'd only been fucking for like a couple of weeks Right, so but she's like planning their wedding jacks with this impeccable timing They're leaving a a this I just the right time to break it off and what kind of reaction would you expect? I mean granted law early has the things that she's dealing with but come on you can't blame her for like I Thought I actually think she handled it pretty well. She could have lost her shit way worse than she did Well, she does coming up, but but it's funny to me about Jack's back then. He's trying to be honest with her, right?
Starting point is 00:26:50 He's actually really like, it's just a lot right now. It's a little too much too fast. It's every single day. He's essentially saying, we just jumped into almost like a fucking marriage instead of like a fun casual dating. But then he even says, you know, I still want to be intimate with you. And she's all excited about it.
Starting point is 00:27:10 But he's basically like, I want to fuck you. I don't want to be your boyfriend. And that's that. Yeah, well, I appreciate the honesty to be fair. I'd say there's a lot of men or young men out there, boys, whatever that I've had. A similar line said to a girl that they were, you know, started off, they hook up
Starting point is 00:27:29 and then they start off like kind of dating, more just having sex all the time. And then they're like, oh, I don't really wanna date this person, so they feed him some line like that. But what I think from my personal experience, because I have done that, I'll admit to that. Okay. Is that that is what kind of sparks hope in the girl
Starting point is 00:27:46 that is like obsessed. You're absolutely right. And that is kind of the bigger mental issue with doing that. And I like said, I admit that I've done it. And I know that lots and lots of men have also done the same thing. Oh, it's happened to me so many times.
Starting point is 00:27:57 100% But it sparks that hope in your mind. Exactly. Yeah. That you're like, oh, he still wants to have sex with yourself. So you're saying there's a chance. Right. Oh, I can get him back.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I can make him fall in love with me. Yeah. Yeah. He loves having sex with me still wants to have sex with me. So you're saying there's a chance. Right. Oh, I can get him back. I can make him fall in love with me. Yep. Right. Yeah. He loves having sex with me, loves making out with me. Therefore, he likes spending time with me. There's some kind of little disconnect that I will figure it out, and he will love me. Yep. 100 fucking percent.
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Starting point is 00:30:58 That's beauty, to get yours now and use code Dodie15. Okay, so we're about to wrap up this episode and I wanna quickly just talk about the She-Not audition scene because I would, I do remember back then when people watched it and obviously we didn't have the Instagram and all of that, but I do remember people kind of thinking
Starting point is 00:31:23 She-No was like being dramatic about it and being like, I missed a really important audition to work your dinner party because you said I had to work your dinner party, Lisa. Now you're telling me I can't work your dinner party. So why the fuck am I here? I felt for Shina so fucking hard watching this back and it brought me right back to that day.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Because Shina at that, was a working actress and she was auditioning a lot and she had an agent and a manager and was working far more than anybody else on our cast was, right? And also, what's fucked up about it and sorry to production, but it was fucked up for them to give her this call time
Starting point is 00:32:03 to say you have a call time as a cast member to be at this restaurant. Therefore, you cannot go to your audition. And then to have it spun on her, where she missed an audition that could have been really great. Now granted, everything worked out as it is. Sheena is filming season 11 of Anupun Brules now. She's killing it, but just that one moment in time,
Starting point is 00:32:22 I remember being like, this is really fucking unfair. And I think it was the first time I felt like a cast member was a bit manipulated by Lisa or the producers or someone. I didn't know much about it, but I just remember really like feeling for her and being like, yeah, you should have Shay come pick you up. You should go home, fuck this. They're not going to fire you from sir. You're not fucking waiting tables here like get out, you know. Right. I felt really bad for her. And then we end that episode with essentially what the episode it was called in love with someone else. Yes, Jack's trying to get Stasi back and letting her know that there's a chance. He said knowing I can get
Starting point is 00:33:03 you again, like the possibility is enough. And this is coming from like a 32 year old man talking to a 23 year old girl. Right. But it's sometimes 32 year old men or not, 32 year old men, 32 year old boys. Right. And this isn't the same situation, but it totally makes me think a dumb and dumb or really? Yeah. Of course, they tell Jim Kerry, saying 99 or no, one in a million was a chance that they end up together. And he just gets this big grin and goes, so you're saying there's a chance.
Starting point is 00:33:32 You're so right. When I was watching, I was like, oh my God, I remember, and Luke, I feel like you can probably attest to this and anyone listening who was younger, in love, it's like when you're in that moment, it does feel like forever. Like, what do I do in this moment? Like if we break up, like we're,
Starting point is 00:33:52 I'm never gonna find this husband or like, I'll lose him forever, there's no chance, it just feels so heavy when you're in it, whereas when you grow up, why they call it growing pains, you know, you start realizing, there's a lot of efficiency. And emotional awareness. Yeah, that's a huge part of it too.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Yeah, so it's just, I don't know. I thought, as I was rolling my eyes, watching the scene, and then I stopped myself, and I was like, it's really easy to roll my eyes at it now, but back then when you're in it, like you're fucking in it.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Yeah. You know? Absolutely. 100% and it, like, you're fucking in it. Yeah. You know? Absolutely. 100% until, yeah, with that, Jack's talking to Stasi very shortly after. Laurelite decides it's time to call Jack's out. Drop the bomb. Yeah, let's drop the bomb right now. Right now.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Front of the customers. Let's just get after it. I'm going to tell you everything I think about you. God bless. Fucking slow clap for Laura Lee. I, she's literally, that's kind of shit I would have pulled, I think, but I never did, but I wanted to have the balls to do, I would do that on other people's behalf,
Starting point is 00:34:58 but never really on my own behalf, because then I just looked crazy, where Laura Lee's like, how about just have some fucking respect and say, I'm sorry that I've been inside of you. Like, damn, Gina, get it. Oh yeah, no, she nailed it. I think, wait, is she on any other seasons? No.
Starting point is 00:35:18 No, that's a shame. Yeah, that was the end of Laurelese. And I do remember when she left the show she booked were the millers right after and then a Jennifer Love Hewitt television show And then to be honest, I have no idea where the fuck she is since then Haven't spoken to her since so for her Lurley this catches wind to you. You want to come talk in the podcast? Yeah, please go hit me up girl. You know, I got you So yeah, that's that. And coming up next week, we just have the finale and the reunion.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Finale and reunion. And you guys, all of you Vanderpump watchers, you know it's about to happen. Luke has no idea what is about to happen in the finale. I don't, but I'm curious. So I'm curious. Do you think you can guess what happens? I haven't thought that far ahead. But, well, let me just ask you right now. So the finale that always goes out with a bang on a show, right? There's some kind of confession or a moment or like two people break up or get together or someone admits something or a lie is exposed or, you know, there's some kind of bang.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I'm gonna say, what do you think it is? Stasi decides to give Jack some hair of a chance. Mm-hmm. Then he either does something to really fuck up or some truth about something he's been lying about, comes out and then in the reunion, it's Stasi being really pissed at Jack's and Laura Lee chiming in a bunch and that's my guess.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yeah. Okay, well we'll find out next week, will. Well, I'm hoping you think we can really nail jacks down to be honest. Let's nail jacks to a cross to be a part of next week. We need to make him do this because I think it'd be fantastic. We're manifesting it right now. Yep, it's gonna happen. I'm holding him down, it's happening.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Jason, Jason Kouchy, you've got to be on the finale for season one episode final. Okay guys, oh my gosh, this is so wild. I can't believe we're going back in time but yeah stick with us next week will be the last one and I'm gonna forest Jason Couchy'd be on and don't forget as always Wednesday's sex love and what else matters and we'll talk to you next week. Thanks for listening. Bye! Make sure to follow us on social media. You can follow me on all platforms at Kristen Dodie and follow Luke on Instagram at Luke Double Under Score Broadred.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Be sure to click the subscribe button so you can stay up to date with new episodes every single Wednesday. Thanks for listening. See you next week. you

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