Sex With Emily - Episode 287 - Get More Sex!

Episode Date: September 6, 2011

No, it’s not an ad for hot local babes, although Emily and Menace do talk about live webcam girls today. More realistically, learn how to get your partner to have more sex, find out why your man not want sex, and how to deal with marriage counseling and intimacy issues. Emily finally gets cable and shows off her FyreTV porn box, and Menace recaps a wild weekend after drunk tweeting. In the wide world of sex, a woman sues for sexless marriage, and a sperm donor has 150 kids. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mark our sacred institutions Betruma eyes they call them in a bygone way hey, I'm only you got a boyfriend because my man E here you just got his heart broken he thinks you're kind of cute the girls got every stand Oh my the women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry?
Starting point is 00:00:26 It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm so, so, so, so. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:00:39 We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information about sex with Emily, go to We've all your sex news and everything in between. For more information about sex with Emily, go to We've all your sex news and information that you need and all the shows, all the podcasts, you can check out there. So thanks everyone for listening.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Hope you had a happy long weekend. We're glad to be back here, aren't we, Menace? I am so happy to be back. So happy to be back. I feel well rested. Do you? After all your crazy drunken tweets. Well, we'll talk about that later.
Starting point is 00:01:03 In a minute, but today's show, how to have more sex. Also, if you want to call into the show, our number is 415-9927392. And we've got a contest going on. What would you give up for amazing sex? So get a free toy from Adam and, a sexy gift. So email us feedback at What would you give up for amazing sex?
Starting point is 00:01:26 So do that feedback and we've also got your emails and some of the topics include Oming, which is what we talked about a lot last week, orgasmic orientation, and how medication can affect your erection and some swingers emails, of course, because we always got those. And yeah, that's what we got. Menace, what's up? Nothing. I mean, oh, what did you end up doing? I ended up well, okay, so my weekend I don't was in this crazy years. I was without email internet and phone for three days Which to me is like a whole you're such a hippie testament to our can you do it? You know can you I was like driving up there and all of a sudden my phone went out because like three it's like two hours
Starting point is 00:02:05 East of your somebody this cabin that we go to and it's just like nothing like desolate So it's kind of nice having a little tax to be an email. We hung out. We went to the lake. We swam we drank We canude It sounds nice getting one with nature How many people are you with five? Okay, how many guys are girls? Two got three guys, two girls. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Okay, get crazy. No, one was married couple, and then two my single guy friends and myself. Oh, so you and two single guys, eh? Yay, and three dogs, including my own. That's annoying. Yeah, no, no, you're. Well, my dog, I'm okay, so my ex-boyfriend
Starting point is 00:02:42 has decided to co-parent my dog with me. So we're gonna share the responsibilities and co-parent like every other week i think i can do that for now and if i can't do that for now then we're going to get rid of the dog i'm gonna get rid of the dog but he's kind of stepped up because he loves the dog too the so but he's gonna take it on full time no part time but we're like divorced parents and we're going to share the
Starting point is 00:03:02 dog for yeah uh... crazy crazy but it was fun it was you know the weekend there was no sex But we're like divorced parents and we're gonna share the dog for yeah Crazy crazy, but it was fun. It was you know the weekend. There was no sex with Mary couple whatever they maybe I've had sex I doubt they did but it was good to get away good to go get away from the phone I feel totally recharged and energize and ready to be back for you know September like camp leave it fall craziness Gonna happen this year, and now I am the next few months. My weekend was pretty crazy. I went and saw Little Wayne on Friday, which was awesome. I was in the fifth row.
Starting point is 00:03:33 And it just his energy, because he was in jail for a while. So he's just happy to be out. Right, I'm sure. So you can tell he's totally changed up his way of of doing things and then the next day I was supposed to go to this Electronic music festival thing and I said I'll skip it Right, so I stayed home and I like I'm gonna stay home. I'm not gonna do anything. Okay. I'm gonna chill gonna stay home Then my friends started hitting me up. Oh, we're all going out and then it's just more are you coming out? There's all the friends started texting each other how they're going out and they kept on bugging me and bugging me like come on
Starting point is 00:04:12 Let's go out. So then my buddy texted me. He's like, hey, can I come To your house and the pregame pregame is also different It was gonna free game you no, no know not pre-gaming but it's uh well you know working you drink ahead of time. Free game I get it. Not masturbate. So we started drinking the keela and this people started taking their sweet time so we're just like we're just drinking them drinking them and by the time I got to the to the bar I don't even remember really being at the bar. Awesome. And I just drank a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Next thing I know, I was at a restaurant. And then- Next thing you know after you blocked out and came to? It came to again. I was at a restaurant for a second. And then I woke up in my bed and my friends are sleeping on my floor. Like what the hell happened? That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:05:03 So apparently, I drank too much. And we went out to a bar and that was fine. And then we went out to eat after. And they said that I went to the bathroom. I come back from the bathroom and there is a onion ring in my mouth. Oh, apparently, I befriended somebody and let them. Ask them for an onion ring? Yeah, and then they gave me an onion ring and then I brought them to the table with me and we started talking about Google+. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Which was, you know, that's very nerdy of me to do. But the worst part is looking at my Twitter the next day. Right, what you do, what you do. It just even makes sense. It doesn't even make sense. People like, I text. It's there forever. You can't delete it, you can't erase it.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Oh my God, and then I- You texted me, but I was like, I couldn't have it. I didn't have self-service. Yeah, no, I didn't text you at that time. Oh. But I was looking at the text messages, and they just do not make sense. Do not make sense.
Starting point is 00:06:03 That's when you drink too much. Oh my God. And then one of them is just like every other word, f this, they can suck my dick and blah, blah, blah. I just suck it. Oh, your tweets? Can you delete them? Oh, my text.
Starting point is 00:06:16 When I was texting back and forth. Right. Oh, honey. Good time, so fun now. So embarrassing. I feel so bad in the next day. I just can't even look at that kind of stuff. Oh, that's painful.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Just don't go back, don't go back. Keep it before it keeps moving, pretend it never happened. And then suddenly I kind of just like got in a blanket burrito and just like recovered all day. And watch TV. Yeah. Because love TV. I know.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Speaking of TV. OK, so I got my cable. It totally happened this morning. They came in. I have a million channels. HD, he was trying to explain to me all this stuff and the DVR which you're gonna come set up for me and I'm excited But I'm also nervous because I haven't had TV in like 15 years or something like that. I haven't had cable I haven't watched TV. Not that I haven't watched it
Starting point is 00:06:57 I always date guys with really big TVs that go to their houses and consume a lot of media often times I've done that but as far as my own TV watching, not a long time. So I did it. I got all the channels. And the only thing I was nervous about is the guy was there for like an hour, right? My front room fixing it up. And I was in the kitchen in the front.
Starting point is 00:07:16 He's in the front, whatever, the back, and I'm in the front. And I realized that he's in my, all my cords and stuff. And I've got my fire TV box. How does he do that? And I'm like, he's probably going to wonder, it says the hottest box on television. It's like it's fire TV is FYRETV and it's, I've got 20,000 porn titles in this set top box.
Starting point is 00:07:37 He's like, so I should tell him because I know he's unplugging and re-plugging things. So I was like, what do I say? What do I say? He's like, I go in there. I'm like, um, just say? What do I say? He's like, I'm gonna play. I go in there, and I'm like, um, just so you know that Fire TV box is just like 20,000 porn titles. And it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:50 He's like, no, that's cool. He's like, that's cool. That's cool. What I'm like, good for you, good for you, babe. I'm like, no, you know, Santa, I have the sex talk show, sex with Emily. And I do like porn. I'm not saying I don't like porn.
Starting point is 00:07:59 And anyway, he was like, what ifs, let's just get this thing done. Totally got caught. I got caught without my phone. It was really funny. So yeah, I'm really excited. I'm just going to go home watch, start watching TV now for the rest of my life.
Starting point is 00:08:10 It's going to become a junkie addict. But you are going to have me say the DVR if I know what to watch. That's what I don't know. And I have HBO and Showtime too. That's awesome. I know. You can watch everything.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Everything, DVR, the whole thing. So that's very exciting. If anybody has recommendations for shows because I don't you know I don't watch everything. Yeah, what should I watch feedback it sex with a new watcher? I'm a new TV watcher feedback at sex. I'm a not just found television. I just never did but now that I have to I have to do it for whatever life So I'm gonna be doing that and then yeah, it's gonna be Kind of a busy week lots of great birthday parties, lots of burtos. Literally I have 15 friends of birthdays today.
Starting point is 00:08:49 I'm not kidding you. I don't know why. It's a big day. September 6th, Happy Birthday to my friend Julie. Millie people. You better make my birthday a big deal. Dude, I will. I won't blow it off for some lame ass guy this year.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Okay. Like last year. You did. I had a huge blowout party. I know, but I would've hated it with all these people I know with the guy There was a VIP area in my I would have been VIP I would have been so styled in your VIP, but I yeah last year I felt really really bad and I'm still feeling bad so I will be your party this year for sure
Starting point is 00:09:18 So yeah, that's it. That's what I got and Try to think what else. Yeah, so they got the dog back. You know that. I'm going to try co-parenting for a while. That doesn't work. We're going to get rid of it. And yeah, so... She'll just give it away to a listener. Feedback attacks, then why you want my dog? Oh, I have another Feedback attacks, then. If you want this, okay. So one taste, as you know, on Friday, if you want the Free Friday show, you check it out. We talked about one taste and omeng
Starting point is 00:09:45 or gazes of meditation. This thing I went through, they're giving on, they're giving away a turn on women's retreat, intimate conversations about women, orgasms, and life. It's in San Francisco, October 16th of the 18th at the Hilton Hotel, and they wanna give it away to one of my listeners. They wanna give away this whole weekend
Starting point is 00:10:01 with one taste, if you're interested in it, check out Friday show, email me feedback at sexathelmew.comcom tell me why you want to win it and I'll see if you can win That's cool. I Want to ask you something I was watching One of your new favorite shows that you'll be watching is the Kardashians last night and it was all about Family vacation, okay, and you have a brother, right? Yes. Yeah, a brother and the whole Kardashian family was there and then Kim Kardashian kind of has this brother who's 24 years old. He doesn't know what he wants to do in life
Starting point is 00:10:35 So he kind of lives at another sister's house in their mansion and kind of doesn't do anything right? So she started getting on on saying he's a loser and all this stuff and then he starts going off and saying well I think you're a whore and just like. I'm the during the show. During the show yeah. And saying all these things. While Kim Kardashian's now husband was her boyfriend at the time, this is his first time, like really hanging with the whole thing and stuff like that. He's like, can I get this in all? Does it too late? No, but Kim went to him initially and said,
Starting point is 00:11:13 you need to defend me and you need to say something when he's talking to me like that, right? Right. And so, and one of the other sisters overheard. So later on That other sister talked to Kim and said hey He's still too new to start trying to say Yeah, then he you know he does it you don't want the brother the hate your your boyfriend
Starting point is 00:11:42 Automatically and stuff like that and I wanted wanted to see what your feelings on it. But you already expressed, like how long do you have to take somebody? I think I would want, I think it's interesting because her thing is like, you're my man now, you gotta stick out for me, but he's just, I mean, that family can be very overwhelming and I don't think he should go in
Starting point is 00:11:58 and start defending her right away. And the man said, her man said, you are a whore. You are a whore. No, if he goes, if it was anybody else, like they would be on ground right now. Right, right, right, but it's your brother. It's your brother, but he didn't have the conversation
Starting point is 00:12:14 with the Kim beforehand, so he went to, he went to the brother and said, hey, you know, either I get apology, out of you, I'm gonna beat it out of you. Basically, this got, her man is freaking huge. She's like six seven. He's a giant. Wow hot Yeah, so But then the brother said, you know, I already I apologize to everybody because I'm not apologizing to you But I apologize the way I actually okay, so they worked it all out. Yeah, I love the Kardashians
Starting point is 00:12:43 I can't we just start watching it. Is that one of the things you're gonna DVR for me? No, but so you agree though, like he's doing something. What about us and like they're married now? What about, and then the brother's still talking like that. How do you? Okay, let me think.
Starting point is 00:12:56 I have a brother. Yeah, a brother. And I'm married. And my brother is making fun of me. And calling you a whore. Calling me a whore. In front of your. In front of my new husband. Yeah I
Starting point is 00:13:08 My husband to say got a little bit, but I just don't think that whatever happened my brother would never do that So I can't say but I understand why he might have not wanted to come forth coming in so soon into the relationship I think I would say something, but I want to be like, oh, I'm gonna kick your ass. Yeah, I wouldn't say I'm gonna kick your ass and be like, hey, dude, chill, chill. I'd probably say like, try to temper it and be like, yeah, that's not so cool.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Like, let's just try to all get along here. I probably would try to be the mediator and I would prefer to be the mediator and not take sides. Because he's trying to have a relationship with everyone in the family. So I'd be like, okay, guys, let's just cool down here and try to just bring happy place to everyone. That's what I would do.
Starting point is 00:13:49 All right. Anything else? Anything Jersey Shore or anything you need me to? Oh, the Jersey Shore is so good. The situation, he was gonna fight. Well, it's the situation, right? There's one of the characters on the show. Right, I've seen it.
Starting point is 00:14:03 There's a couple on the show. I've seen it. There is there's a couple on the show that's Sammy and Ronnie. Right. And the situation said to Sammy the chick, oh yeah, Ronnie said he's going to take five chicks home and blah, blah, blah. So that pissed off Sammy. And then Ronnie found out that he said something and then Ronnie went to go beat his ass. And then the situation started to get super crazy and so but Ronnie's like this big huge buff guy right? So instead of fighting him what he did was he thought he was a plaster wall but it was really cement and he hit his head against the cement thinking it was plaster thinking that he would break it and scare
Starting point is 00:14:45 ronnie away but he hit it on pure cement and then knocked himself out and they had a good hospital shut up there's such idiots can you watch it's like a train rack yeah it's amazing okay awesome television it sounds awesome i can't wait to watch it and then the other drama is though the situation is claiming that he hooked up with Snooki while Snooki was with her boyfriend. Oh, just creating constantly creating drama. Yeah, and then she's like, oh, it's not true, but there's episodes before that where he's
Starting point is 00:15:15 in private conversations with her and he's like, you know, we hooked up and blah, blah. So it is. And then she didn't say anything when she was saying that, but then when it got out in the public, she's like, I don't think they think just hook over the other people not in the house. I Don't know that's part of the drama though. Yeah I Am over the Sammy and Ronnie fighting all the time. Oh, they're fighting all the time, but they're still together. Yeah, it's I gotta get into it I'm gonna get into that one. I promise just because it feels so wrong
Starting point is 00:15:41 I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it Okay, we can get into some news, but first I want to tell you, I give you the poll after. Okay, maybe into some news. What do you got? This is what I got for you. Okay, a French man ordered to pay X-Wy $14,000 for not having sex after marriage. So this guy, he was his wife, his ex-wife sued him for $14,000 because he didn't have sex for a period of several years. Basically, he neglected his wife is ex wife student for fourteen thousand dollars because he didn't have sex there for a period of several years. Basically he neglected his matrimonial duties to wife Monique and these two students for ten thousand euros and took her divorce case to the court of the appeal court.
Starting point is 00:16:16 So fourteen thousand dollars for having sex for for three years. And we're actually going to talk about that in the show why men don't want to have sex. We're talking about sex today obviously. But we're going to talk about why men the show why men don't want to have sex. We're not what sex today obviously, but we're going to talk about why men, some men don't want sex. It's very common that like you always get here at the women to want to sex, but it's oftentimes men don't want to sex. You don't you think that the social stigma is like women and they never want to sex and men have this huge sex drive. Not always the case. We're going to talk about the reasons why men
Starting point is 00:16:41 don't actually want to have sex today. But um... Because they're tired. They're tired, they're stressed. Yeah, they're over you. I don't know. Um, but we'll get into that. But $14,000, do you think you should have to pay for not having sex there? Uh, no. I mean, $14,000 is not too crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I know, they're made for 21 years. You probably just got sick of it. Yeah, I honestly, I've had girlfriends where I just get sick of the nagging. And then I just thought- The nagging to have sex, you get sick of the nagging overall. Yeah, the nagging overall. And then I'm not sure. Honey, you date naggers.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I just, you date naggers. That's how you see women as naggers. Like hot. Just forget to date different women. Okay. Having sex with other people's pool toys is a problem. We keep, all these people with blow up toys. Do you realize that once a week, a few times a week, we have several new stories of people
Starting point is 00:17:32 with blow up dolls. I'm just saying. So this is actually a pool toy. The sky was arrested after being discovered masturbating with a pink pool toy in someone's alley in Ohio. He needs help and please don't send a prison but send him somewhere to get help. He has a fascination with plastic, says his mother, but he was having sex with it. So he's in jail now. But this is like the 16th story about someone having
Starting point is 00:17:54 sex with a blow up doll. I just don't know that it's that enjoyable. I don't get it. I don't know either. Yeah. I mean, how life like could it be? I don't know. It's a blow up doll for a pool. It's not even like a, it's not even like a, it's like a real one. It's like a raft, I think, or something. It's like a raft, a blow up raft, or something. Maybe you can use those little drink holders
Starting point is 00:18:10 they have on the raft. Still the craziest thing I've seen is the, the girl that could only get off when using a plastic camper, like the corner of a plastic camper. That is interesting. And she was married and she would go to, she would go to the washroom and just get down with this plastic hamper.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Wow. Yeah. Because this is the way it would hit her clitoris. Yeah, I guess so. Not. No. People do a little bit of everything whenever it turns them off. New Mexico police officer fired after a caught on camera having sex with a little bit of
Starting point is 00:18:41 car hood. Did you hear this? I've seen pictures of it. You saw the pictures of the sex got your good and you met scre say please offer has been fired up for security cameras caught him having sex with the woman on the hood of a car surveillance for us were taken from motion triggered security camera and apparently he didn't commit a crime by doing this
Starting point is 00:18:59 he was awarded an award two thousand nine the challenge coin give him honors and he goes above and beyond the call of duty It was what his thing was where I bet he really does So I when I first saw the time like maybe he's a rusting or and then he a sex third or something but no He was just having sex on his car. There's no problem with that. What's wrong? Who doesn't do that? Who doesn't have sex on the hood of a car? You know, okay, K. Y. 2 air are you looking at the picture? Or no, I'm checking our website. Oh, love it. KY to air first commercial
Starting point is 00:19:30 Feature lesbian couple have you heard about this KY? No, okay, they're they're doing a commercial featuring a lesbian couple K.Y Intense the female arousal gel will hit the airways on major networks with their very first commercial featuring a lesbian couple airways on major networks with their very first commercial featuring a lesbian couple. Alex and MR are seen sitting on a bed discussing the success of their relationship when the rousal gel in question is introduced. Leading to fireworks and Alex comments, good purchase. Yes. It will be interesting to see which television markets will run the spot whose implied monogamy and implied long-term relationship normal sees deviate from the Howard Sur model of pandering,
Starting point is 00:20:04 straight male fantasies of lesbianism. So we'll see what happens. monogamy and applied long-term relationship, normalcy's, deviate from the Howard Sur on the website. So we'll keep the show going but just yeah. This email the the peeps that handled that to say yeah it didn't go live. Okay should I do that now? Yeah just do it now. Okay, we still got 40 minutes left. Okay why don't you talk about something for a minute. Talk to you share share share share. Share a story. Yeah. About a sexual encounter. Uh-huh. Yes. Did you have sex this weekend? about a sexual encounter. Uh-huh. Yes. Did you have sex this weekend? You did, you caused it, you did.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Who did you have sex with? I was thinking about a story that was gonna happen. Oh, come on. Have you ever, no, okay, let me let's play a question. Have you ever had sex at a bar? I don't think so. You don't think so? Maybe you're blacked out like I was.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Maybe, not at a bar, outside a bar. I don't think so. You don't think so? Maybe you're blacked out like that one. Maybe, not out of bar, outside of bar. Inside of bar. Inside of bar. Uh, I don't think so. Don't think so. Have you? Yes. Have you ever had sex in a Mercedes?
Starting point is 00:21:27 In a Mercedes. Probably full around in a Mercedes. Um, in a Mercedes. Probably fooled around in a Mercedes. Why does it take you so long to answer things? Because I've had lots of sex. I don't know. I can't remember where. Okay. This one didn't go through FML. Okay. What? Perfect.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Cool. Thank you. To your God don't know how to do it. I can't multitask. You think I can do the show and email? Matt, I can do the show and email day long. I email text and talk on the computer at the same time. I know. Should we have anyone on the show? Well, they can't hear us because it's not live, anything.
Starting point is 00:21:56 No matter. Yeah, it does. Okay. Yeah. So, the thing I want to talk about though is this K-Wi thing is a rousal gel for women. So you rub in your clitoris and just to get you more So it's this the thing I want to talk about though is this this K.Y. thing is um A rousal gel for women so you rub in your clitoris and just to get you more rouse Finally something I know I try this stuff though not K.Y. is but other kinds of that I don't really see a difference But I'm hoping for a difference. So I'll maybe I'll try this one. Okay, one sperm donor 150 offspring turns out those college guys who donate sperm for the simple reason that you get paid to look at porn, are now the unknowing fathers of an entire team's worth of babies. One donor followed 150 kids and yes this really
Starting point is 00:22:35 does make it more likely that half-sters and half-brothers might accidentally get it on. No way. ABC News talked when English donor last year is told that he had so many kids, hundreds, that we can only use your sperm if someone orders it from this from out of state. That's kind of when they manage that better? No, they don't care. They don't care, they just want your sperm. Yeah. Because they'll pay you like 10,000 bucks for your sperm.
Starting point is 00:22:56 No, that's like if you're giving out your eggs. Oh, okay. The sperm, they get like a hundred bucks or something. That's it? Really? I guess there's so much of it. Okay, sperm do you get like a hundred bucks or something? Yeah, really? Uh-huh. I guess there's so much of it. I'm like, I guess there's, I just did the simulation of masturbation. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Uh, Michael Jackson's alleged gay lover, I stand by my story. Really? So his gay lover is coming out. He claims he was his gay lover and he's trying to sabotage his credibility because Klein is afraid the man will incriminate him during some okay so Jason Fyfe who once work as Klein's office manager wait a minute Michael Jackson's gay lovers is Dr. Arnie Klein is trying to sabotage his credibility because Klein is afraid the man will incriminate him during the Conrad Murray trial okay the story is true we had a
Starting point is 00:23:40 relationship with sexual aspects but I'm not gonna make it some grand love affair Klein himself told TMZ that Michael Jackson gay relationship with Jason and calling him the love of Michael's life So what he's trying to be discarded it blah blah blah. Do you think Michael Jackson was gay and had a gay lover? I just want to know what you think I see that maybe happening. I can see that too. I could see him having a gay lover but I think his whole sexual life was so screwed up. I know with the young boys and the whole thing and the marriage and whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Yeah, I'm thinking he ever had a chance to have a normal relationship with anyone. No, our normal life. Very sad. Yeah. OK, being going to Smeamouse now. OK, what do you got? I love hearing from the people.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Oh, but first I got to give out our poll as I often do. Here's our results. You heard I didn't need emails. I give out my poll daily. What? I don't know why I can go ahead. The last poll was, why don't you want to have sex with your partner?
Starting point is 00:24:34 Ready? Here are the answers. 10% said you want someone else. 12% said you're no longer attracted to your partner. 20% said you're no longer attracted to your partner. Twenty percent said you're angry about something. Twenty-four percent has become boring and 34 percent, this is really interesting, says they're overwhelmed with work. So the majority of people are not boning because they're overwhelmed with their to-do
Starting point is 00:24:56 lists. And you ladies never believe that. I always believe, well I'm a dude in a relationship who's always overwhelmed. I mean I'm always overwhelmed with work, but that's funny that 34% like it's not that you're sex life is doing boring. That they're angry that you're super stressed out Yeah, that and you guys just give me shit all the time I don't know what you think you day give you shit because you do the wrong women the women that men's date are like I don't understand why you work so much like he is a workaholic Which part of him being a workaholic don't you understand understand can I just talk to these bitches first? Yeah, please
Starting point is 00:25:27 Seriously, man, I'll give him like a whole menace break it down like a total tutorial. Say listen here Yeah, I'll save you so much time just bring me into that loop the next time you get a girlfriend. I'll be like Don't you wish that your friends could do that for you like have a like a user's guide? Yeah, like Here's all the main things. Like I went without my friend the other night. I would destroy every guy you date. I know. I don't want you talking about you are not my person. Why? Because you have a negative slant on it. Oh no. I have a real slant on it. And people think that comes off negative because I'm not going to kiss their ass.
Starting point is 00:26:09 I need the person talking to my future lover to finesse the situation and make my negative seem positive. I'm not going to wear kid gloves. I know. I'm going to be like Emily. So listen to these last 300 shows. Okay. Here's our new poll. Go to section only dot com right now and vote on this poll right now.
Starting point is 00:26:23 What's the naughtiest piece of media you have created? A sexy text message? Dirty voicemails? Newed photos or a sex tape? Which one is the naughtiest that you've done? So I know you've done sex tapes. You haven't done new photos. No.
Starting point is 00:26:42 I don't know if it's dirty voicemails. Do you really believe a dirty voicemail? Hey, bitch. No. No. I don't know what this dirty voicemails. Do you really have a dirty voicemail? Heavage. No. Right. I don't need that. Sorry, we'll see people say that. Oh, I'm not a do that.
Starting point is 00:26:51 That is something that kid, you can email, you can email voice messages these days. It's three no way. I know. Well, we'll see. So people go vote on our website because it's really fun to do that. These were text messages.
Starting point is 00:27:03 You're like, oh, that's Photoshopped. Right. Like, I didn't really send that. Exactly. They're crazy. And you know what else is interesting? So I just want to say that a lot of people right from about to get into emails, but a lot of you are back from Burning Man this week, which is the huge festival in the desert.
Starting point is 00:27:19 And it's like lots of sex and craziness and madness. And I had several friends call me on the way out, girlfriends who were going without their partners saying they had a hall pass for the week. What? And I thought that was really interesting. It's this festival and the desert that happens every year with 60,000 people,
Starting point is 00:27:34 people go and they get, yeah, hall passes. Well, my friend from the Midwest called me and said, she's been married to her husband for 10 years and she was distraught because she would never have a hall pass again Like she was like what I have to see with my husband forever and she was getting this and I'm like people in California again hall pass is all over the place You're trying to break up marriage. I'm not bringing up marriage I'm just telling me that there's other ways to do it. I'm not saying a hall pass is the right way But I just wanted to share that story because I thought it was interesting hall passes
Starting point is 00:28:04 Hi Emily and Ms. Watties. What did you say? Hocus Pocus? And snake oil you're selling that it would not screw up a relationship. I think it could enhance it. Everyone wants a hall pass anyway. Why not give it to them once in a while? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:17 All right. Let's get, we're not going to get in that debate. Hi Emily Menace. Love your show when listening for a year or so now. I'm a friends with Benefits Member. My boyfriend, I listened to your show about Oming last week and didn't quite understand what it was. After listening to Friday's episode,
Starting point is 00:28:33 we get the impression that it's kind of like a rub and tug for women, perhaps with a more meditative feel. What do you think? Big thanks to Menace for asking all the questions we were wondering through the interview. I try to get the answers man. Love the show. I was getting the key of the great work.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I was getting frustrated. I know you haven't had to call you. I know. I have to words. I'm like, I'm sorry that maybe I came off the side. It was too, I get it. I'm so in it. So I mean, I was there.
Starting point is 00:28:58 So I get three, three, f-ing answers. Okay, go look at Friday show. It's a free Friday. It's on the website right now. Everyone can listen to it. And I talked about my orgasmic meditation retreat where this guy massages my clitoris, several guys.
Starting point is 00:29:12 And the guy who massages my clitoris is on the show and men has just kept challenging them and, you know, it was good. Because I get it. But it's hard to explain this ethereal experience to you people. Okay. But thanks, Katie from from Toronto and thanks for being your premium member. We love our friends with benefits members. We love you. Love you. Thanks everyone for becoming a friends with benefits member. All you
Starting point is 00:29:31 guys do is go to the website and sign up and you get a show every day and a lot of other parks. So please do that now if you support our show and you support all the good work we're doing for sex in the world. Hi Emily. I am 40 years old and married for 15 years. I've been with my wife for 20 years. I've been on blood pressure medication for 10 years and have never had any erection issues until recently. I can get erection fine, but keeping one for a session of sex can be difficult.
Starting point is 00:29:57 I've had a physical and stress test recently and everything came back normal. I'm a big guy now I need to exercise and lose weight, but that has never been an issue. So I was wondering what would you guys think would be a way to go? Talk to my doc about help or try something on my own. Do cop rings work? Please help tatamen, tatamen. Yes, tell men and see's nuts. Handjobs can be awesome way better than jerking off. That's probably why you're flaccid, my friend. You need blow jobs, not handjobs. Honey, handjobs are good too. jobs. Honey, hand jobs are good too. Okay, listen. So a lot of my with erection issues lately,
Starting point is 00:30:30 how about that? Very common. I would say yes, talk to your doctor. Your big guy exercises to be a huge thing. I don't know if you're taking any drugs, I mean, that all this stuff besides blood pressure medication, these all have impact on it. But there is a lot you can do.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yeah, coccrines do work. Searings, I love them. You can get them at Adam and and put on coupon code Emily at checkout and you get 50% off an item or you get three adult DVDs or you get three adult DVDs and a free shipping and all this cool stuff. So use coupon code Emily at checkout, whatever, get a coccring, it's awesome. But I would talk to your doctor, and I really would say, these are all the scenarios you've done my tests. I'm not able to maintain directions. So I would definitely talk to your doctor,
Starting point is 00:31:13 but I think that they can help. There's also a book called the Multi-Orgasmic Man, which is an awesome book, which talks all about this, and there's a lot of great exercises in there for men with eyes. Should I'll stock in that book? You talk about it. I know, it's a great book. And I also went through a lot of great exercises in there for men with eyes. Should I'll stock in that book, you talk about it? I know, it's a great book.
Starting point is 00:31:26 And I also went through a lot of the exercises last week during one of the shows. So I went extensive techniques for men to do. Because it's a lot of it's in your mind, erection issues, not that you have those issues. Not yet. Not yet. But when you do, you'll know what to do. Okay. Hey Emily, great show with John and Menace about the Oaming Practice from One Taste.
Starting point is 00:31:49 This was on Friday. My wife and I have been Oaming for two weeks now. I ordered the materials from One Taste after the founder spoke on your show last month. My wife has really enjoyed it and it has been a positive thing for our relationship as well. It's kind of a reset button for our interactions because of her realization that it is something I want to do just for her pleasure. And then I really don't have an expectation
Starting point is 00:32:09 or reciprocation of any kind. It's nice way to let her realize that I still do care about receiving profound pleasure. Care about her receiving profound pleasure. Even after all these years and life changes together, thus are we married 24 years. Great show guys, keep it coming Emily. Menacee should really try it, bring your roommate, but only after she moves out. David
Starting point is 00:32:29 from Marin, California, he is a premium member. I love that I love that he ordered it from um, I love that he ordered it from one taste from that whole Orming Ohmou practice. And it's amazing. I've actually talked to a lot of couples who have kind of brought it into their relationship after 15, 20 years together. And it has been a reset button for their relationship. It's called our gas segmentation. The organization is one taste. San Francisco. I'm waiting for them to come out with an app.
Starting point is 00:32:56 How to rub the clitoris? Yeah, they said they're working on it. Yeah, that's what you want the app. I think you should go to class there. They would totally take you in. Oh, I'm sure they would. But you wouldn't do it. No.
Starting point is 00:33:07 That was a fun show. I liked it. I wouldn't mind like reading about it, but I'm not gonna be with the orgy. I'm cool. But just what I want to say is if you didn't get the show, like a lot of it is about the female pleasure and letting women know they don't have to reciprocate,
Starting point is 00:33:21 but the man does get something out of it, which was kind of hard to articulate what it was because it's more of like a spiritual energy thing that goes to the body. I've lived in California for too long. Yeah. So it was hard to explain but yeah, check out all those shows. Nicole Day Don was on the show D-A-E-D-O-N-E a few months ago. She talks about her book, Slow Sex and then John was on the show on Friday.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Okay. Emily, I'm 32 and married eight years. No kids. I used to have a pretty strong porn addiction and one day decided to try the live cam thing. Hell yeah. Not only did I take away my desire to look at porn, it allowed me to actually talk to real people
Starting point is 00:33:57 so as to get some confidence with respect to get out of the house and socialize with real people. This is all concealed for my wife. I've mined out the best thing but she's also been the benefactor since I'm a better, moot and happier. I'll spend $50 a month. I'll spend $50 a month on tips or private sessions sometimes more. I have a few models that are my favorites and have become friends, or at least in close acquaintances and will meet regularly online for some time together, either just to chat or have fun
Starting point is 00:34:20 in quotes. I tend to not want to have a private session with a model until I feel I've gotten to know her. I guess if I frequent in sip clubs, strip clubs, I'll be the guy trying to be friends with the girl giving me a lap dance from Richard. So I guess he goes on these webcams and gets private training sessions, but I'm not sure what that means exactly. Do you know? They're called Cam girls. I don't know what the private training sessions is referring to. Maybe they have sex like phones, uh, I don't know what the private training sessions is referring to. Maybe they have sex like phones,
Starting point is 00:34:44 a similar to their phones, or maybe he asks for tips or something like that. Yeah, I'll have to do it. It's a pay 50 bucks a month, it's such a family. Now let me ask you this. Is that cheating since he's talking with somebody, one of them.
Starting point is 00:34:58 He's not telling his wife. I mean, I like it. Because porn is like one side of it because they're just watching a video. Yeah, this is a little trickier. He's like chatting with webcam girls. I have another married friend who does it all the time. He just turns on webcam and masturbates in front of these chicks.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Mm-hmm. And gets them off like more than porn. It's his thing. I think it's an extension of porn. I don't think it's that wrong to be honest if it's helping him with his sex life and his relationship. But I wouldn't be saying that like if he, says that he had a used to have a strong porn addiction And a lot of times we trade one addiction for another addiction
Starting point is 00:35:31 So like you quit smoking and you start like drinking more are you quit drinking and you start soaking pot or whatever it is That's what addicts do so I would say Is he becoming a webcam addict like how often are you doing this? Do you need it if you don't get it? Like so that's what would look at too. Is that the new extension for sex with Emily calm what? You're webcam. I'm a webcam girl. Yeah, I should be webcam girlfriend bucks a month or not Sure Okay, so I would say yeah, Richard just monitor situation. If you think it's getting out of control, I'm all for someone doing something
Starting point is 00:36:07 and they're all going to help improve their sex life and he says it's helping with the sex life, but I also feel like I'm not sure exactly what you're doing in the food cross-line is cheating. Okay, Emily, I've recently found your podcast and I've been working my way all through the back episodes. I didn't accidentally find it. Anyway, I don't know if the hand job debate
Starting point is 00:36:23 is still raging like a bad case of herpes, but I think you just put your money with your mouth as or hand and give men as a hand job on air. Ha ha. The real purpose for my email is to ask some advice from my situation. I've been married for 15 years, but now what my wife wanted to leave me. We've been trying to save our marriage, but it never seems to really improve. I'm moving out of my apartment to give a space. My parents were divorced when I was young, and I have two children, so I'm having a very hard time
Starting point is 00:36:48 calling it quits. I know this is extremely simplified, but we are just prolonging the pain, but are we just prolonging the pain by trying to continue and save the marriage we try to counseling, but it really only seemed to make our relationship worse. Our sex life has died off.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Since I'm moving out on my own, I've joined, is that a huge mistake? Thanks so much, Sean. Well, your wife wants to leave you. You've been trying to save the marriage. It's not working. I don't think there's anything wrong with you joining Maths. I'm happy that you're separating them if you've tried to do it. Of course, you're having a hard time calling a quits. You've got kids the whole thing, but if you really try, they, and here's the thing. When a couple says we tried therapy and they went twice, that's not trying therapy.
Starting point is 00:37:26 If you're in a couple, and you're in a relationship and you've been together for 15 years, you need to go for months to therapy. You need to go every week for two to three months try to work on the relationship. So some couples go twice. And they're like, oh, we went, didn't really work. That's nothing.
Starting point is 00:37:43 It's like saying you went to the gym twice and you're your bum that you don't have bulging muscles. It's like muscles for your brain and you need to go like at least 12 times, 15 times to see this therapist. But if you feel like you've done everything and you're moving on your own and you join match, I think it's good to get out there.
Starting point is 00:37:59 It sounds like it's over. Yeah, I mean, it doesn't seem like too much that she's making the effort or she's the one that wants to leave you and it's not working out. Just throw it, throw in the gutter and get another, my friend, you know? Throw in the gutter and get another.
Starting point is 00:38:12 That's sweet, honey. I love the way you say that. Right. No, it's awful. What? Just do it, man. You only live one life. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:22 And if this chick's wasting time, then just go ahead and get with it. I know it sounds it's easy for me to say, even though you have, you know, two kids. I'm from a child of a divorce. My parents divorced when I was six years old. I know it's really hard to get out there in the scene. You're probably going to have to pay child support and do all that kind of stuff and it's going to be a pain in the ass. But you're still gonna be able to get out there and enjoy your life. Right. So go ahead and make that step. And you know what? Go get some hot or chick and make her jealous. Say this is what you missed out on. B.I.C.
Starting point is 00:38:55 You could do that for her own D. I wouldn't recommend it. I totally recommend it. Yeah, I'm going to say I should recommend different things. And then you should make a sex tape and then send it to her That's hot We can get into our sex topic now. All right What nothing you don't like my advice ever I love your I like Okay, you're right. No, I like your advice sometimes, but like go out and make a sexy percentage Oombitch I am joking about that part, but I'm saying don't throw it in the gutter and get another I mean it sounds like she's not been into making it work right now, so
Starting point is 00:39:28 Sweet we're back live everybody. Oh, we're live now. We weren't live earlier, but we are now. Yay So you can call us But anyone's still watching because we weren't live and now we are alive It's nine four one five nine nine two seven three nine two. Okay, sweet So last week we talked about why she does or doesn't want to have sex with you. And we talked about five reasons why she stopped having sex. She's all this stuff and we talked about,
Starting point is 00:39:51 this is an extension of that, so reasons why she does want to have sex with you. But now we're gonna talk about how to get her to have more sex with you. If you got her have sex. This is a cost money. Nope. Miss, is a cost money. Nope. Miss, is that cost money?
Starting point is 00:40:08 Where did you find this holy grail? It does not cost money. You judge for a fleeting day. You don't have to buy any Gucci bags. Where you like any, any antijones and you went into any gymsh in temple or something like that and you found this information. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:24 That's how I find my information for everybody. Exactly. Okay, so this is so true. Ready? How to get your partner girlfriend to have more sex with you. Number one, snuggle, don't grope. So if you're in the mood, you reach out and grab us. This is what dudes do.
Starting point is 00:40:42 They're like, grab your breasts or they grab your crotch or whatever and they're like, it's going to move. They're grab our ass and our genitals basically. They're like grabbing our genitals and we're like, we need the warm up. I mean, I'm nausea, right? I've said this, but it's true. So these moves don't get us out and bothered.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Like if a guy just can't explain it, like if I reach out and grab your penis right now, you might be, that would like turn you on. Not me, okay, check that you like. She just walking the door and you, she grabbed your penis right now. You might be, that would like turn you on. Not me, okay, check that you like. She just walk in the door and you, she grabbed your penis, you'd be like, huh, right? Cool.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Yeah, we're not like that. We, why? You grabbed my vagina, I'm not psyched. Because I'm not even done like, what are you doing? Like, what are you doing? That's where you want me to put my penis. That's where you want me to put my penis. That's where you want me to put my penis to wipe in.
Starting point is 00:41:22 I just, because we're not turned on yet, it doesn't feel good. It's like, feels like sandpaper and an awful thing now. Can you agree that you guys are pain? Yes So so when you reach out and grab us whatever it journals these in left moves do not get us hot and bothered try hugging Kissing Hold and squeeze our hand unload the dishwasher yourself do something nice first I want to connect it to our partners in ways that don't always involve sex. And guys sometimes they season a sexy and suddenly they move sex, right?
Starting point is 00:41:52 Like you see something you walk in and like let's say your girlfriend looks sexy and you're just like you're in the mood for it, but we're just like not in that mindset, right? So you actually have to kind of put us in the mood and make us feel sexually and sexy and sexual. So I should just invite a bunch of chicks over because I can get them horny because I do dishes and laundry. Do you? But that's her house. Yeah, and clean. At her house?
Starting point is 00:42:15 Why am I doing dishes that are her house? Well, I would turn around. No. We've had that story so many times that women say, guys, you and housework is sexy. Mm-hmm. Yeah, so maybe with your girlfriend's house and did dishes. I ain't doing your dishes. You know. I do my own dishes. Okay, well, even a hug. Do you know that hug that shows that if you're just hugging someone just for 30 seconds, it raises their oxytocin levels.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Or a woman like, if you just think- I'm a hugger. I know. We hug every day. Don't we hug every day? I'm a good hugger. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:36 But like, 30 seconds, it raises your oxytocin levels. The hormone is the love drug. It makes us feel like, whatever. It makes us feel like we're not going to be able to do it. It makes us But like 30 seconds it raises your oxytocin levels. The hormone is the love drug. It makes us feel like wherever it makes us feel connected to you. So like hug us rather than grabbing our genitals. And then you can grab us. But how this works.
Starting point is 00:42:55 So I only have the hug you for 30 seconds, and then I can touch you. Well, I mean, a little 30 seconds, it's still stroking my hair, like making me feel good, touching my arms, stuff like that. Give me compliments. Sure. my arms, stuff like that. Giving me compliments. Sure, sure. Barf.
Starting point is 00:43:08 OK. Don't treat us like porn stars. This is not going to get you in bed. Damn it. I know. No fun. We want destruction and pleasure. And we just doesn't mean like we're going to get that.
Starting point is 00:43:18 So you've got to work with them. Our brain is a larger sex organ, as I always say. And we have fantasy lives that leave your porn sites in the dust. So you want to know what turns us on and what really works just ask us. Engage us. I was eating this guy and he was always like, what do you want? He was always asking me like, what do you want? What do you want right now?
Starting point is 00:43:35 Like, what do you, and I was always like, that's a great question. Like, what do I want? Why are you asking me because I will not give you the answer? No, no, no, I will. Like, it was very sex. He was like, what do you want? What do you need? Like, what, like, it was. Like it was very sex. He was like, what do you want? What do you need? Like it was all, and a lot of times I was like,
Starting point is 00:43:49 how am I gonna think about it? I'm just sort of in it. And then it gets you to think about it. Like what, you know, what we want. We want the seduction and pleasure. And if you wanna know what really turns on the ask us. Okay, do you want two others? One hot sex, you have to provide us with the kind of sex
Starting point is 00:44:02 we wanna have. Simply put, you've got to give it as good as you get it. So if you want to use our mouse, we have to use yours too, and all the better, most women orgasm best from clitoral stimulation. So oral sex, it's awesome. I'm just going to say it. Oral sex, a lot of most women like oral sex helps them with orgasm. Okay, so these are what we're talking about is the how to get your partner girlfriend and we're sexy to you, oral sex. Give us space.
Starting point is 00:44:31 What? I know, it seems counterintuitive, but letting your partner have some time to herself can help her recharge, offer to watch the kids for a few hours, so she can be different for coffee, do stuff like that, so she's not, we're talking about like a mom with kids,
Starting point is 00:44:44 a lot of us find nothing sexy to do than a dad who's into his kids. So how come you guys don't like being around us? What do you mean? I just say I need space. I need some space man. Can't you? Space? Why? Yeah. What's this whole space? But the space will help us desire you more. It's just you've your day. Guys don't do that right? I'm doing errands for me. What? I don't need space. Yes you do. No. Man, it's you're the king of space. I don't need space. Yes you do. No. Menace, you're the king of space. I don't need space. You don't need space, but you're lucky.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I really like you. I don't need space. Oh really? Yeah, I like being around you. But you need space. I feel in your relationships, no? No, no, no. Like when I actually have free time,
Starting point is 00:45:20 when I have free time, I want to spend time with the person. Right, but you don't often have a lot of free time no but uh... these people that have free time and then they don't want to hang out with each other i think that's a little weird i gotcha talk and listen spend twenty minutes connecting with your partner and listening to her talk and help her feel appreciated
Starting point is 00:45:42 for twenty minutes yeah do twenty minutes is nothing. Have a beer. When you're talking. Listen to you talk for 20 minutes. And every day you've just sit here and listen for an hour. I mean, Yes, women want to talk,
Starting point is 00:45:55 I can't tell you how many women I've heard with the same issue they're like, he never asks how my day is, he never wants to connect. We are biologically wired that way, that we need that connection with a guy, like we want to talk about things our day, my day is, he never wants to connect. We are biologically wired that way, that we need that connection with a guy, like we want to talk about things our day, whatever it is, that'll help us get us in the mood,
Starting point is 00:46:11 our brain is our largest sex organ, so talk to us. I love talking about that though, about how was your day. Do you? Yeah. Oh, some guys don't, like I've dated guys where I know that's been the complaint, I'm like, never asked about my day. Like I've even said to them, like I've got this big thing coming up. I've got a big day big meeting whatever and nothing
Starting point is 00:46:29 Like no ask no like just doesn't doesn't listen. I love her. That's really a call your feed day and tell you about my day Okay, even though you're here for the best hour of the day I get picked up by my assistant every day. That's I ask her like How was your day since I last saw you and then she like breaks it down and yeah it's like oh me my boyfriend ate here at this place and my cat did this and blah blah every single day that's cute does she ask about you yeah you know what you do I was like oh I went home slept like a baby yeah my friends are sleeping in my apartment. Okay, sent out random tweets. All right, these are some reasons why he's not having sex.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Okay, so a lot of men the stigma out there or the the stereotype is that the women are frigid women don't have sex men want sex all the time Men are always ready to go women or not. However, we do get a lot of emails from people and I Know personally out in the world talking to a lot of friends that do get a lot of emails from people and I know personally out in the world talking to a lot of friends that it's a lot of times he doesn't want sex. Hey, your aunt, they're paired, where you just didn't want sex. Yeah, yeah. But again, we're talking about that earlier in the show. A lot of it just goes down and nagging. Right. Oh, nagging because she's nagging. What's she nagging about? Stop working so much. Yeah, it is working and just, I don't like complainers,
Starting point is 00:47:46 people complaining about things. Or people that complain that why things doesn't happen for them. Oh, victims. Yeah. This doesn't have to mean. They have no victim mentality. They blame everyone else.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Yeah. I can't stand it. It's such a, it's such a wimpy way of like, it's such a way of deflecting, of not looking at your own issues and your own self by saying like, oh, the whole world is against me and I'm a victim. It's just like so lame.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Don't take girls like that, dude. I try not to. Okay, good. Sometimes it comes out though. I know. You're attracted to those women, I think. I am. Something about that, well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:48:22 because you have this, in your mind, you have this in your mind, you have this perception or you have this, you date women, it seems, who are naggers, victims, and needy, and don't give you your space and don't appreciate your work, and you need to start looking for women who have, oh, their own shit going on. I try. I try. Who would you have sex with this weekend?
Starting point is 00:48:44 Nobody. I don't have sex. You don't't remember even if you were blacked out at counts I don't know Okay, reasons he's not having sex medications Antibressants and and enter hyper hyper intensive blood pressure medication are often the culprit when a man has a lowered interest in sexual activity These can also cause sexual dysfunction So you always got to check out is the eye medication What can you do about we just had an email about that blood pressure medication lack of sleep when a man's in his teens are 20s The opportunity of sex will often overwhelm the desire to sleep. This is often true in a relationship is brand new no matter what age
Starting point is 00:49:21 But as he will age a relationship stage sex can lose its compelling nature and a good night's rest can be quite tempting yeah really have to have sex like I'm kind of tired there's a good show on blah blah blah so it's lack of sleep that's always me though it's never the girl that I'm with she's the one sex because she's tired she never the girls never say that never say that because they don't have jobs they just sit down wait for you to come off and work. The girls you need are like, where's menace?
Starting point is 00:49:48 Where's menace? They should be at home naked waiting for me if it's like that. Yeah, it's no shit, don't you. I'm telling you, they're having the wrong girls. Time. Harmonial levels, the most important physiological stimuli sexual desire is testosterone.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Many men are mistakenly sent to a blood test for total testosterone when low libido is the issue. So too much prolactin and the sex hormone, something, build binding globulin, can suppress sexual desire. So you have to get tested for this. So a lot of time it's your testosterone levels are all wacky. How do I get it? I get the test. Yeah, you get a blood test. Do I take a pill to get more? Yeah. I don't know what you do after that. You can take a pill, test a straw or whatever. It's going lots of hair, more hair than usual.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Identity issues. When men feel this is what I always say, when men feel uncertain about the role in the world, the desire for sex can dwindle. So whenever a guy is uncertain about his work or he lost his job or he doesn't know what he wants to do next or he's a little confused about who he is and who he wants to be So like sex life is like the least important thing because I believe it goes back to evolution
Starting point is 00:50:54 Evolutionary psychology whatever that man feels if he is not setting his work that he can't be the hunter gatherer And he can't go out and you can't take care of a woman And so he just doesn't feel sexual because he's like all messed up in his head, you know? So, when anyone who's like identity issues, he has issues at work, face of the death of an important family member becomes as heartened about a formerly held strong belief. Whatever it is, when men are like emotional tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:51:16 they don't want to have sex. What? Why are you laughing about that? I'm just, I was just I was, I was just, Are you emotionally tumultuous right now? Yeah, I'm totally. No. You're just laughing at me for fun?
Starting point is 00:51:29 Yes. Okay, another thing is, these are reasons why he's not having sex. Turned off aspects, turned off to aspects of sex. Someone will turn away from sex rather than have sex as not fulfilling to them. So he might be unfulfilled during a sex life. A specific thing to the partner does during sex or how he experiences partner's body, he might just kind of be turned off. He may feel criticized and treated unfairly. It might seem like too much work to be with this woman sexually. Sometimes sexual interest that
Starting point is 00:52:00 he knows his partner, don't share. Sometimes it is a lot of work. I know. You know, like, God damn it. You mean for her Devon orgasm? Yeah. Yeah, totally. It's sex because sometimes it won't. And then sometimes it will. It will what? And then when you're really tired, I mean,
Starting point is 00:52:17 you gotta keep on pushing through, fellas. Don't get me wrong. Right. Right. Sometimes it's bringing the, bringing the, bringing the truth, bringing the sex toys for times like that. But it's funny it's bringing the, bringing the truth, bringing the sex toys for times like that. But it's funny, because women can really do this when I was with a couple recently and she
Starting point is 00:52:33 was like, honey, you need to start where you were like, brand of bunch of people and she's like, you need to start working out more. Your arms aren't as buff as they were. In a bunch of people and I was like, God, I saw him just kind of dwindle into himself, like not feeling as strong and whatever. like, God, I saw him just kind of dwindle into himself, not feeling a strong and whatever. So, okay, stress can be a big reason why men are having sex. Comes in many forms, financial difficulties, personal, family members, illness, all that
Starting point is 00:52:54 stuff, stress. Masterbation that replaces partnered sex. There's a hot topic since the advent of the internet. It seems some researchers in the field that many men who might have started other sources of visual sexual stimulation have found their ways to locate sexual imagery online. For some couples, this can be a big dilemma, particularly when the viewing of the images
Starting point is 00:53:13 lead to masturbation and then lead to less partnered sex. So if you're replacing masturbation or your actual sex, that's obviously gonna be the reason why you're not having sex. Yeah, yeah, and then, would you be upset if you found that out? If I found out that the guy was masturbating more than having sex with me, how would you approach that? I would, well, that just wouldn't happen to me.
Starting point is 00:53:39 You're like, oh, that's fine. No, I'm kidding. It could totally happen to me. I don't know. Is he addicted to porn? Like, does he? Is he not happy with R-Sex life? Like, I would have a million questions for him. Like, what are you getting from the porn that you're not getting from R-Sex life?
Starting point is 00:53:54 And guys, they love questions. I mean, that would totally get him around. Well, I just don't understand. Like, I'm with the guy in office, and he's like, no, no, no, sorry. And then he's like, on the webcam all night. I mean, that would kind of bum me out, but I would have to, you know me.
Starting point is 00:54:04 I'd be like, let's break, sorry. And then he's like, on the webcam all night. I mean, that would kind of bum me out, but I would have to, you know, me, I'd be like, let's break it down, let's break it down. Okay, fear of intimacy. Some men have relationships with the romantic partner that resemble that of siblings. And so the contact that may experience in their relationship takes the intimacy level up so high that adding sexual intimacy feels like an overload.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Sometimes if you're really super intimate, like emotionally intimate, the sexual intimacy can feel like it doesn't connect to that. Like you'd rather have emotional intimacy than that sexual intimacy. Yeah. So fear of intimacy. A lot of men have fear of intimacy.
Starting point is 00:54:35 I stayed those guys a lot in my 20s. I don't even understand that. Fear of intimacy is like fear of connecting with someone on a really deep level, emotionally sharing, opening up, crying, sitting in the cold, lighting stage. I mean, I'm not going to cry because I'm not a pus, but I think... Intimacy is awesome.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Intimacy is awesome. I dated a lot of guys, but because they don't think men are not taught how to share intimacy. Women are biologically, it's true. Hormoneally, the way women are raised, we are uniquely communicators from a young age. Like, they watch baby girls, like, three months old, really, they make eye contact with other baby girls.
Starting point is 00:55:12 So boys are just like, they don't. Like, it's like, women, we are raised, we are born, we are created to be communicators and to be intimate. Men are not so much. We have to teach you. And then some armor. So, yeah, do we have to go? Yeah, we not so much. We have to teach you. And it's a bummer. So, um, yeah, do we have to go? Yeah, we're wrapping up. Okay. We can wrap up. Um, and then finally,
Starting point is 00:55:31 the reason why the men have sex is difficulties functioning sexually. So if they're having erectile dysfunction, they jack they're too soon. They're going to avoid having sex. You get a blue diamond for that one. But they can help. What? Blue diamond. Exactly. Okay, so that's what we got. All right. Well, we're here at the Stitcher Studios, everybody. If you don't know what Stitcher is, it's an app for your phone. It's free. Download it. It's STITCHER. Thank God there's a banner around.
Starting point is 00:55:56 I'm so glad you could spell it. And you can download the app and all you got to do is search sex with Emily and you can listen to the sex with Emily show on the go You might see the sample show. That's a 20-minute show Yeah, you click on the The full show you're just gonna have to put your friends with pen if it's password in there one time Yeah, cool. Okay, everyone. Thanks so much for listening to sex with Emily. Oh one more thing tomorrow show Did I say this already? What?
Starting point is 00:56:24 Tomorrow show is I can't find it. I forgot it. Tomorrow's show is going to be awesome. Thanks to everyone for listening to Sex with Emily. It was a good for you. Email me. Feedback at

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