Sex With Emily - Episode 292 - Club Kiss

Episode Date: September 13, 2011

Emily’s intern went to a “play party” this weekend, and she gets into all the juicy details including her first romp in public. There’s good news about infidelity, and Iran has a hot new kind ...of sex-ed,. We find out why being a father may lower your testosterone, and why Emily won't be speaking at Menace's yet to be planned wedding. Taking a cue from her intern, Emily discusses her history with threesomes. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Into his eyes Then the eyes of a man obsessed by sex eyes that block our secret institutions Betrubized they call them in a bag on me. Hey, Emily You got a boy, because my man he here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The world's got everything oh my the women know about shrinkage isn't it common? You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to right now. A lot of you are there right now watching the show live, so thanks everyone for tuning in and watching us.
Starting point is 00:00:49 We appreciate that. And thanks everyone for becoming friends with benefits members. We're still giving away free memberships. If you want three months free of sex with Emily, all you have to do is like our Facebook fan page, Facebook page, and we randomly suck people every day. To end three months, awesome.
Starting point is 00:01:03 So go do that now, and if you're already like the page, you're good to go. And you also get 30 minutes free of fire TV FYRETV. It is the Netflix of porn. If you haven't checked out via TV, go there now. You will love it. And I'm really excited for today's show. If you want to call in at all, you can. It's 415-9927-392.
Starting point is 00:01:23 You can't call from Skype. It's not that7392. You can't call from Skype. It's not that we prefer it. You can't call from Skype. Right, menace? Yeah. It won't work. Call from your cell phone, call from your office phone. You have a phone.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Call from your boss's phone. It's called the phone number. Call the phone number. And today's show is, we're going to have out confessions from a sex club. My intern went to a sex party, a play party, with her boyfriend, apparently at my suggestion, which I didn't remember that it was my studio.
Starting point is 00:01:48 We'll get into all that later, but she's going to talk about her first experience. Her boyfriend's going to be calling in. They're going to talk about what happened and what went down. What went down. That sounds very interesting. It sounds like something you would suggest. I know, but I figured I didn't think I'd directly suggest it, but I guess I did. We'll give it that.
Starting point is 00:02:04 I'm sure you did. And then we've got the winner of our contest. What would you give up for amazing sex? We're going to announce the winners. We've got sex in the news. We've got emails. We've got a lot going on today. Let's get it. How's your day, you should a? What, honestly? Do you want to know? Honestly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:21 My day was like, like, everything was fine, and then I went home with my bookkeeper for two and a half hours. Oh that's fun. It's pressing. Yeah. Not that it's bad. The dog destroyed your day. First off. The dog. The dog came to the show yesterday. If you want to check out yesterday's show she was like please don't she was so cute. She's really cute on camera. Yeah but the people were actually listening to the podcast. I was annoying. What the hell is going on? I know my dog ate her like six leech. But no, I like bookie brunette.
Starting point is 00:02:48 That's just like numbers and charts and flow chart. It's not my thing, not a number person. I mean, it's not good. Money's fine, whatever. But that's what I did. And then I worked until 1 a.m. and fell asleep. Super fun. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:02:59 What about you? I, uh... Oh, you went to see. No, that was another night. No, I went to a secret meeting. I can't really talk about oh no seriously at uh... secret meeting i'm sworn to secrecy i can't i can't say what i would like to see me now good you know no no i can tell you later i just can't tell you on the show but i was yeah i want to uh... who's there
Starting point is 00:03:22 people i can't what do you uh... there was no food but there was alcohol What was there? People? I can't. What did you eat? There was no food, but there was alcohol. Of course. Yeah, it was on top of a penthouse. Even it was in a penthouse. Yeah, it was cool. So you were with fancy people.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Yeah, it was in industry people. But not people who were really kind of alcohol that you drink, or just really nice alcohol. They had nice alcohol. Were you bummed? It was too classy for me. It was too classy. It was very classy though.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Was it a work secret meeting or was it a... Nothing involved in my company, no. Oh, another company. It was another company, yeah. And they were just like mixing, you know, artistic and media people together. Wow, are you making a sex tape? I'm highly-produced.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Highly-produced sex tape. Yeah, I wish. No, but it was a really good time. There was like this huge rooftop so you can walk up a nice night, right? Right. All over city and stuff like that. Wasn't it a nice night, kind of? It was a nice night. Yeah, it was a good time. I took a couple pictures. If you follow me on Instagram, I took one picture of Instagram. Well, follow me on Instagram. How do you do that? Wait minutes. Yeah, everything. Wait, minutes. Everything's right. But yeah, it was a good time. I was I was giggling just before the show because this morning
Starting point is 00:04:26 I was doing something that was kind of funny. What'd you do? Do you say so yourself? I'm a blog at white menace calm Like I come up with these top 10s and then in the Bay area. I said oh these are the top 10 talkerias that I like right people Really enjoy them? They like they people like check them out in the thousands. I do not know why. People were in terms of food. Food is a common ground. Everybody has to eat. Totally.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Anyways, but it got me thinking about like tacos and stuff like that. I'm thinking about tacos. There was a taco on the Taco Bell menu that I loved in the late 90s. Okay. And it was called the Foralarm double dagger taco. And they took it off the menu.
Starting point is 00:05:08 And I've been upset ever since, since like, I think it was 99 that they took it off. Okay. It's been off the menu that long. For a long time. I went through the company directory and I started calling people to try to bring it back. That's what I was doing this morning.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Seriously? Yes. Things aren't that busy around the office, huh? No, it's just like, sometimes I just get obsessed with these things and I just have to get it. I just have to get it out of the way. Like I have to let them know. You should start to, did you tweet them and talk about everything?
Starting point is 00:05:38 I did, tweet talk about, they haven't tweeted me, but. Maybe you didn't do that. But these are like the weird, like, things that you're obsessed with. That's hilarious, I love it. It was called the what the forum the four alarm double decker talking Oh my god, I'm sure that was like a hard attack on a plate. That sounds really good I'm still thinking about it. You're still thinking about the taco. Yeah, I am Taco Bell and I don't have a great relationship
Starting point is 00:06:01 I Worked at a bar my four years in college. I was a cocktail waitress at this bar and there was a Taco Bell inside of it. And so we got free Taco Bell every single night after our shift. And it was like 2 a.m. and you're drunk or we drink during our shift. And because there's never one in college when you're a cocktail waitress drink. Yeah, that's not the smart thing to do. When you want to make money. It is a smart thing to do. No, it's not. Okay, well, I always made a lot of money. It was the best I've ever had. I always think I should just go back to that
Starting point is 00:06:28 because it was like dollar picture night. You get a dollar and then people give you five. It was awesome. Point is free talk about for four years always. So I can never eat talk about again. Speak about tacos. Yes, so sexy. Sex with tacos, number.
Starting point is 00:06:42 How many of your patrons did you go home with? How many of the guys there was? I met a ton of guys. I have to say, it was the one bar that was called Rix. It was in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where I went to college. I went to University of Michigan and it was like the one. There was like two bars in the town that were cool. And the Rix was cool and they had live music.
Starting point is 00:07:01 And I have to say, I met several of my, I was not a go, I never, this is a true statement and you're not going to believe me I think. But for the four years I went to college, I think I only had, went home with someone that I didn't really know that well one time, I did not have sex with them like I made out with them, but I never had a one eight stand, never randomly hooked up, I always had boyfriends from one year each year I had different boyfriends. But one of the guys I didn't meet at the bar and then I had boyfriends. From one year, each year, I had different boyfriends. But one of the guys I didn't meet at the bar, and then I'd be dating for a year.
Starting point is 00:07:28 But I didn't like randomly, I'm kind of mad at myself. I was a little uptight. Believe it or not. Yeah. I was like, in college, I was just like really, yeah, I was more of a prude, if you will. Well, I'm trying to think what is the percentage of, you know, because there's always the guys that go out with their friends and they're with a bunch of guys and then they see like a hot waitress like, how many times does it actually where a guy takes that waitress
Starting point is 00:07:56 home? I think what's the percentage? I think it happened. I don't know what the percentage is, but I definitely met a mill. Like I met so many guys in college that it was like a joke. It was like, ah, because I was working at the bar. Like I, I met, I, they would call like it just, no, it was crazy. Like it was, I had a lot of men in college, but then I always had a boyfriend. I was always the girl with a boyfriend because I would date him for it. So, I feel like I, if I could go back and do over, I would do over college and do more dudes. I would do have more sex. I would not be in the relationships. And now you want to have your fun now. That's why.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I was very much a serial monogamous. Like all through like my teens, my 20s, and I just kind of feel like now I'm just like, you didn't get to have your fun. I didn't get to my fun, so I've been having a lot of fun. The last 10 years. Yeah. It's been awesome.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Yeah, I actually take you take most people do hook up at bar in college and go home together, right? Yeah, but see, I went to like an art school, which is really a community college. I never really got to meet anybody. Right, right. But I did, I did meet a girl and became friends with her and then we ended up sleeping together like 10 years later. Okay, that's a really long stretch. It's a really long, according, you know?
Starting point is 00:09:12 Yes, it's a courting phase. But I guess it does happen, but. Oh yeah, for sure. I mean, I've tried to say, I don't think, no, I never went out, because I was like, I think when you're younger, too, you're worried that what people are gonna think.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Everyone finds out your business, like, oh, I heard you hooked up with someone so and so last night I just didn't want everyone anyone to never talk about me whatever But maybe I would have been more open if I wasn't so concerned with people think but now I really don't care Yeah, when college you care what no nothing, okay, so why you always get distracted on doing Because I be D.D. and if you're doing something else I'm gonna go there here. We'll stop the shop You just put that top on top of here Oh, we're fixing them. Okay, so just put that top on top of here.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Oh, we're fixing them. Okay, so, but yeah, it was the best job ever and free drinking and free booze and free drinking and all that's been called for years. That was good. Best job. I wish yeah, you would have, you know, sletted it up a little bit more. I know, I was not a slutty.
Starting point is 00:09:58 I've never been slutty, per se. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So then the other things I have to tell you are, I don't know, we've got news. What else going on? Per second? Okay. We can get into this. What's today? Today is Tuesday. Right? What's going on with you this week? What's going on with you this week? This week, I'm throwing an event on Friday night. Did you get my invite?
Starting point is 00:10:26 Oh, yeah, I got that email. Yeah, for a woman who's running for mayor of San Francisco, her name's Joanna Reese. And I'm supporting her 100% to be the next mayor. The elections in November. And I'm throwing her an event in San Francisco at Ro from 63830 if anyone wants to come. Can you give me a higher bid or social media director?
Starting point is 00:10:42 Oh, why? She needs help. Yes. Yes. It's, yeah, Joanna Reese, she's awesome. So I'm doing that on Friday night and then I'm going to dinner party tonight The guy I've been dating is having dinner. I'm already at his house with some people classy. No, not like that He's not like that. But um with his roommates who are awesome. Let me guess you're helping with the entire meal That right now the guy that you're dating you're gonna help him. No, he cooks. I don't ever, I never cook.
Starting point is 00:11:07 They, every guy, date cooks. Okay. Okay. So then, and then, At least try. And then they, what else am I doing? You can go pick up a pie. No, I can't. I'll put it on.
Starting point is 00:11:15 You know, she's kayfacked. I can't get away with this shit anymore because everyone knows that I don't do anything like that. Okay, yeah, but at least go get something. Oh, and then tomorrow night I'm going to this really fun thing. I'm just thinking I think, go get something. Okay, I'll be in wine. That's lame. Like, get something. Oh, and then tomorrow night I'm going to this really fun thing. I just think I'm a thing. Go get something. I'll be one.
Starting point is 00:11:27 That's lame. I'll be. I'll be. Something to eat. Like an appetizer or something. No, no. No, no, no, no. I love bringing that.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Making effort, goddammit. Like, how do you do? Okay, I'm so gay, what should you do? What, really, what should I bring? At least go to Whole Foods and get some. I will. There's Whole Foods right across your house. Get some like some pastries or some stacks or like
Starting point is 00:11:43 some crackers and stuff like that. Okay, good. Cheezing crackers. At least, Cheezing crackers. Well, it's just casual, it's him and his two roommates and their friends and he's, yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I would, I wouldn't, are you hanging out with them for the first time or are you met them? I've met them before. But I don't know. You do digestion show up my layman self is what you're saying. Yeah, my buddy's bringing over his girl. She better be bringing something like a pie or something like that.
Starting point is 00:12:12 A pie. Yeah. What was your pie posting the other day? Didn't you post about? Oh, I did a post about pie facts. Facts about pie. You know, pies go all the way back to the Egyptian times. No, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Yeah, you should read my blog. You've learned a lot. Facts about pies, facts about tacos. Yeah. I'm really gonna read your blog more often. You should. I'm gonna, yeah, RSS feed that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:35 What I mean, but I'm just saying, like, I would kind of judge her a little bit. I'm like, I would go like, That cheap ass bitch showed up with nothing but her fork. Oh, this is so lame. Yeah, I mean, everyone knows I don't cook. It's kind of a thing. And it's funny. He like that cheap ass bitch showed up with nothing but Yeah, I mean everyone knows I don't cook it's kind of a thing and it's funny. No, I've hung out there before and his roommate So he's trying to teach me that she's she's always like did you do you want me to make the bed the bacon like if we're making bacon And they're like now am I not good? I'm good, but I'll have some of that big come off so lame They're probably talking so much shit about you
Starting point is 00:13:03 Not that's not cares if someone can cook or not in the same age. Yeah, they do. Who? What planet do you live on? Planet, do you live on? I live on earth, unlike yourself. I've never learned to cook. I do other things. I have other things. I know, but I'm saying you don't. I'm not saying you have to do something. You're going to traumatize me again because this happened. I was watching one of the old shows from June when you're like, medicine to me. What? He is like, what do you bring to the table I was watching one of the old shows from June when you're like Medicine to me
Starting point is 00:13:26 He is like what do you bring to the table in a relationship? Yeah, don't cook you don't whatever else I don't do any like and then I had to call X's and find out what I brought to the table I'm saying tonight you should Should bring something I'll step it up. I'll step it up for you. Don't bring some lame ass bottle of wine. I'm gonna bring a bottle of wine for sure. Yeah, but bring something on top of that. I will. I will. Okay. Okay. Cute. Now I'm all stressed out. Thanks. Perfect. Love that. Okay. I'm just getting some news. Yes. Feedback at or call the show if you think that Emily should bring something other than wine. Exactly. 415-929-27392.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Yeah. Get up on the website too, sex with Sex with is so where you want to go and vote on our poll, which we'll get to in a minute, but here's sex in the news. Leave a new poll today. I know you love our polls. People cheat less now than they did in 1975. Shocked by this.
Starting point is 00:14:23 I thought the numbers kept going up. That's all you over here as the numbers go up. Every year it used to be like 60, 40 men, and now it was 50, 50, and now, okay, the good news keeps rolling in for those concerned about infidelity. Couples are being more monogamous than they were in the 70s.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Researchers studied 6,000 men and women. They found that men and women, no matter of gas straight, are much more faithful than our predecessors. In 1975, 28% of straight men reported having sex with someone other than their wife. In 2000, that number dropped to 20%. Maybe people are lying more.
Starting point is 00:14:54 No. I just don't believe why the dramatic decrease in extramarital affairs, the authors say an increase in awareness of HIV and STDs are causing couples to be extra cautious. But I thought like this whole Facebook and online that people are just cheating more. Everyone saying there's more opportunity to cheat. I just figured that's happening and I'm shocked.
Starting point is 00:15:16 But the 70s would have been a rock in time to be having sex. I would have been cheating my ass off in the 70s because I think the birth control pill just came out in six days. Women were told in nineteen sixty nine nine sixty eight and that was if that's really kicked off the whole women's live movement is with the got the birth control because until that time they were so nervous they could only have to wait till they had sex and marriage because they could get pregnant. Like there weren't like condoms as readily like they they the person when they have well the women went on the pill they were like oh my
Starting point is 00:15:44 god bring it. And that's what launched the whole 70s, swing in 70s. That's where it went all downhill. I so wish. My parents were single in the 70s. My dad used to go to discos every night and stuff. And they had so much fun. Did you go to 54?
Starting point is 00:15:55 We weren't in New York. We were in Michigan, I know. But he went to the equivalent in Michigan. Really? Yeah, he'd go out with his like gold chain, his friend's parting and night. It was so fun. That would have been so fun. So, people are cheating less now, but I don't agree with this study. I think also a lot of people, because it's so in the media, now, more than ever. I think back then, it wasn't really if people were cheating, it wasn't. There
Starting point is 00:16:21 wasn't as many tabloids. And you hear, at least on the man's side, you're like, oh, that guy just got took for 150 million, you know, for cheating and stuff like that. So I think people are more aware of the risk on top of, you know, but I think there's things that can happen. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's true. There is a great risk, but, but people are doing,
Starting point is 00:16:42 it just seems that people are, I don't know, like I have a friend who's freaking out right now in the Midwest. She's, um, she says that literally, she's been married for 10 years, that literally six of her friends and the couples that she did, she's like a nice, like, it's not like, I know you're going to, I have, make a judgment, but like, six of her, for our close friends are all like cheating, breaking up, getting divorced, you've all been married. And she's like, what, she sent me this email yesterday. She was coming, she was Emily.
Starting point is 00:17:07 I have a quick question. She's like, what is love? What does love mean? And I was like, whoa, what's going on? So anyway, I just feel like people are cheating, but I guess not as much, which is happy. What did you respond with? What does love mean?
Starting point is 00:17:21 It was really hard for me. I was like, I was driving. I was like, what do you mean what is love? Like there's so many like I was driving. I was like what do you mean what? Is love like there's so many different kinds of love I said there's like friendship love and there's dog love and there's love love and there's like I said are you talking about the romantic love because she's like yes It doesn't last so I'm like well, that's a different kind of love I mean you love your partner. I'm like I love you. We've been best friends for 20 years
Starting point is 00:17:40 You know, I think there's all different kinds of love But love I think is like loyalty and trust and longevity like knowing someone for a really long time and love is puppy dogs and well, once the last time you felt love for man. Yeah, the butterfly love Long time ago long time ago Butterfly love yeah How many times do you think that's happened in your life?
Starting point is 00:18:07 Such a bummer because you know I'm not that many like like when I was 22 I met this guy and I dated for like two and a half years and I loved like that was butter but I don't know if it's because I was younger and less less I feel like it's easier to foam. Yeah let's jade it thank you. I think it's easier to fall in love when you're younger like because you don't have all the baggage and you're not jaded and you're not not that I have so much baggage like I don't have kids or divorce or anything but I just think you're you fall in love more freely either that or he was the love of my life and miss it. No, I don't believe in that but I I loved him butterflies. It's been a really long time since I felt the butterflies. I
Starting point is 00:18:41 kind of say that and that's what my friend was bemoaning is that she's been with her husband for 10 years and she's like, I'll never feel butterflies again. And she misses that. And you think that's her fault? That she doesn't feel butterflies. I think it's biology. We know you're with someone for a long time. You're not going to feel the butterflies anymore. Because you things change to chemicals like falling in love. The butterflies come from like crazy testosterone, estrogen, dopamine, serotonin. All this crazy stuff is going on in your body when you're falling in love, the first six, 12 months at your wisdom one, and that just changes.
Starting point is 00:19:14 It dives after a while. So what do you explain the people that are married for 60, 80 years? They have to, how do I explain that? Or what do I tell them about it? How do you explain that? I explain that they don't have the butterflies anymore but they have it this much deeper, stronger, intense, long-lasting love that isn't about butterflies and crazy sacks but it's about commitment and friendship and
Starting point is 00:19:39 being there for each other and that's all like that. But you should still like go to get a hotel room every once in a while and leave the kids at home. For real. For real. Okay, Iran's hot sex ed DVD. Yesterday the other day we heard about China's sex ed program. The hottest selling item in Tehran, pharmacies this summer, is an allergy medicine or vitamin C.
Starting point is 00:19:59 It's a sex education CD, DVD. The first ever released in Islamic Republic called beloved companion which is an emblazing off the shelves. We've sold hundreds since it was released until now Iranian and foreign film sold on DVD and theaters have been completely censored. No nudity, no foul language, no new ender left by the time is left by the time the censors hacked their way through. But now they have this, they got a stamp of approval from the Ministry of Health. Thank God, they need sex education there. So,
Starting point is 00:20:29 I think they're saying- And so it's like they're porn. Exactly. Unmarried young men and women in furting and parks are cruising around in cars or off and picked up by the morality police. Like, they're so more, like, they don't let anything show there,
Starting point is 00:20:42 but they're finally doing sex ed. So that's good. That's really cool. That's really cool. Having kids lowers a man's testosterone level. Researchers believe that the change in hormone level is meant experience when they have children simply make them more family-oriented, interesting caring for the child. Fatherhood and the demands of having a newer baby require many emotional physical, psychological and physical adjustments. So they're testosterone dips. That makes sense. But I bet you
Starting point is 00:21:02 it goes right back up again. And then they want to start boning everyone in the neighbors. Oh, no They want to have sex with a wife and then a wife won't have sex with them well only right after they've kids because it's really tough And it hurts in their pain That's a tough time for six six weeks six state weeks. Yeah. Yeah Okay They also suspected encourages more monogamous behavior, but I don't know. I guess I just know so many people who have reached out to me during that time and they're like, I want to cheat, I want whenever my wife, like, just mess that man.
Starting point is 00:21:31 This, the mother of my child, you know, I don't know. I don't know why. I don't want to mess up people. People just can't have the same mentality as I am. Like, when it comes to, when it just comes to like, you're together, you're together. I know, minus, comes to you. You're a good guy. When it just comes to like your together, you're together. I know, Matt, it's your good. I understand.
Starting point is 00:21:49 What was the time you felt butterflies? I don't know, it's been a while. Yeah, it's been a couple years. Like when you were engaged. I was engaged, I definitely, yeah. Oh. But. I want to feel that like, so excited, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Anyway. I do, but like like so excited. Yeah. Anyway. I do, but like, I don't know. I don't know what's wrong with people these days. What do you mean? They just can't once they're together with somebody, they just can't be happy just being together. No, they can't be. A lot of people can't be happy with just being together because life is complicated.
Starting point is 00:22:20 And we have a lot of needs and desires. And we think that one person has to fill that. And when our mate isn't filling all those needs, we look elsewhere, but really one person can't do it off for you. Well my deal is I'm going to try my best to make it work. I know you are. You're going to be a great husband one day. I can't wait. Can I get your wedding?
Starting point is 00:22:40 Sure, right? I'm going to make a speech. My wedding is going to be ridiculous. Your wedding is going to be an enemy too drunk to make a speech. I'm gonna make a speech. My wedding is gonna be ridiculous. Your wedding is gonna be. I'm gonna make a speech. I'm gonna make a great speech. Okay, there's a new emotional phone that can mostly kiss your cheek. A what?
Starting point is 00:22:52 A phone, an emotional phone. If see a bunch of people making out with their cell phones on your morning commute in the near future, do not panic. A series of new phone prototypes have just been sewn at the mobile HCI conference in Stockholm, Sweden that will make whispering sweet nothing's tearble-loved or panting to your boss mid-run that you're going to go to be a few minutes late, feel a lot more intimate or weird. The emotional phone developed by German designer can stimulate
Starting point is 00:23:14 heavy breathing, handling, and kissing. This is kind of like the sex thing. It's a thing that I've been talking about. It's a moisturized wet sponge membrane. I don't want my phone kissing me. I'm already too attached to my phone. If I start making out with my phone, I've got a problem. It will revolve about, you know, your lover just gives you a little little pick on the cheek. Then you could feel it. With your phone. What's wrong with that? People love. Sweet. Love their partners. God. People are calling you creepy, awkward, disgusting, and disturbing. We're talking a lot about love today. I know.
Starting point is 00:23:45 But it was funny, my friend called me, like literally in tears, like, what does love mean? I need to know the meaning of love. We're talking about love today. Love is a beautiful thing when you can find it. Yeah. So. Love is one of you can, you'll do anything for that person.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yeah, you do anything for them. They got your back. I think it sounds nice. It does. You should try it out. I should. Yeah, you do anything for them. They got your back. I think it sounds nice. It does. You should try it out. I should. I want to. Yeah, it's fun.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I'm going to for sure. When it goes bad, it goes bad, but then you just live and you learn. Yeah. I think I just always held back a little bit. I was a little shut down. Yeah. I don't know, but I did fall in love like that when I was 22. Yeah, Dequila always tears down that wall.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Dequila, I mean, everybody. I can't remember my, oh, I should bring my Dequila recipe tonight and make margaritas. Yeah, I should. But I can't remember what it was. You. It was the one thing I made for menace. I remember you. It was a gava and I had to heat it off.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Yeah, but yeah, you diluted the agave a little bit. Three parts to one part. So it was an sugary, yeah. Right, it was amazing. And, but yeah, you diluted the agave a little bit. Reparts to one part. So it wasn't a sugary, yeah. Right, it was amazing. And then what else do you put in it? Then you put in lime. Yeah, lime. Lime, I'll do that.
Starting point is 00:24:52 What about the, you can bring in the panty dropper? I told you the panty dropper. Oh, we were all drinking at the other night. Really? Yeah, I did not tell you that yesterday. Yeah, you did, but you did it. You did the recipe wrong. You have to use lime, not lemon.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I didn't remember that. But I love the panty dropper, too. Ginger, al vodka, and lime, and grenadine maybe. Grenadine, if you want to make a true panty dropper. Man, it's you've really changed in my life. I teach you all about sex. You teach me all about how to become an alcoholic. It's awesome. I know. That's really better your life. What did you say? I better your life. You do better my life every day. I get excited to see you. Okay, we have a new poll that I'm gonna get into now. Have you ever had a threesome? No, but I'd like to.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Yes, but it was not fun. No, not my thing. Yes, and I'm excited for my next one. I think it's number one. No, but I'd like to. Huh? Number one for you? I think number one is, I know, but I would like to.
Starting point is 00:25:44 That's what you would say for you. I think number one is like no, but I would like to yeah, that's what you would say for you. Yeah, okay So it's been there. It's been that close. I know honey. I can help you sometimes you just get you know It's too late in the night to make it happen. It's too late if you're drawn gets like about to happen Yeah, nobody you'd select you. Oh, we gotta help that up for you I want to be able to go vote on this right now. It's very important because we are gonna be talking with that because a big impetus today, so just to tease what's coming up later is it's confessions from a sexually intern
Starting point is 00:26:12 at a first sex party. And there was a lot of talk about, perhaps they would have a threesome there. We don't know what happened yet, we're gonna find out. So, and they had one before. So, have you ever had threesome? Nobody would like to.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Yes, but it was not fun Not my thing gas and I'm excited for my next one. I'd have to say yes, and I'm excited for my next one I like how your your answers are all the way at the bottom mines all the way at the top I know we're just like that. We're different like that. Okay. Do you want some? Can I give you some emails? Yeah, my favorite part Okay, and then after that, we're going to read the winners to our contest, what you give up for great sex.
Starting point is 00:26:47 All right. Special present from Adam and Eve. Emily, do women admire or criticize each other's labia as in her lips are so pretty or small or dainty or her lips are a mess? I know that some women are self-conscious about their own labia, which makes me think that there are some aesthetic criteria. Do plastic surgeons have neoprene models of different labial models for women
Starting point is 00:27:09 seeking labia plastic? Are you looking for the gen of gen of gen of gen of Jameson South or the Natalie Perman look? As a guy I have some standards but they are rather but they are limit but they are limits rather than exact specifics. For example prolapse inwards is too much and pre-beautil slits are not enough. Pre-beauty role slits. He knows where the night is. Why is it not? They are distinctive, interesting, whatever cute and impressive exotic from Alex. I don't say why Alex would be asking if other women talk. Because he's clearly obsessed with labias. And he wants to have women talk
Starting point is 00:27:48 or other women's labias and I don't. I don't talk to my friends. I've never had a friend complain to me about her labia. But maybe, and my friends and I talk about everything. Yeah, all my girls that are friends, they have never brought that up. No, I think that's really like, that's like a mentanguist penis size.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yeah, I don't like so much. So my labios. Yeah, I'm slapping in the wind. Yeah, I don't wanna talk about my penis size with my friends. I don't think that women do, maybe like a really close friend. She'd be like, I'm thinking of getting a surgery. And if you're talking about
Starting point is 00:28:17 the plastic surgeons of neoprene models, I'm assuming they do because for any other, like if you get a boob job, you feel different booze, you get a nose job, they show you different, no, it's like. I think he's probably trying to get one of those. He wants, do you want Natalie Portman's labia, Mata, a mold of her labia? Is that what you're asking for?
Starting point is 00:28:35 No, I don't think women talk about that much. I think that men talk about it more than women. Remember, we don't talk to, we don't talk to each other. But you think it, you're like, oh, that's a weird labia. You run into weird labias, right? Yeah. I've never thought about that. a weird lady you run into weird labia's right yeah I never thought about not gonna comment on because I've done that it was bad and got a lot of emails and people were not happy men is insulted the woman's labia and I don't know we almost had to
Starting point is 00:28:57 cancel the show it was more than the hand-off debate I think for a while I think that men there was a woman who wrote a few weeks ago about her labia and she was thinking surgery and then someone else wrote in and was like, you know what? Labia's all labia is beautiful, like someone like big labia. So I think it's like, if you're really in conflict with it, it's inhibiting your sex life that maybe you should look into that. But I just think like really just kind of accept and love your body. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Man, people will love it too. You'll find someone who loves your labia just the way it is. It's up to you. Right. Don't take it. Consider it. And think about it longer. Your young too, like plastic surgery, think at a young age, even an older age, but just
Starting point is 00:29:39 like, I don't know, learn to love your labia. All right. Emily, I've been hanging out with this girl for three weeks now. She just ended things with her ex about six weeks ago. Now, how long till I say I want more or just go for it and try to get more out of it? We have so much fun going out with people we know,
Starting point is 00:29:55 but I want more. Is there anything I can say to tell her or let her know I want more from Kennewick, Washington, 25 years old Pete? No, okay, she just ended it with her acts three weeks six weeks ago How long tell you say you want more just go for it? Well, okay, this is tricky. I say he's 25 years old He's hanging out with his check just go for it. I Mean she probably has some morning period, but when you're 25 six weeks is you know, how long was she with that guy before does it say? No, okay how they could
Starting point is 00:30:25 have been together 12 weeks who knows not very well yeah I mean if they're together for like a couple of years she might answer like oh I want to have fun right now I'm gonna go party with my girls and get crazy and drink martini's and cry in the street my heels my heels off in the dirty street I see that all the time at night with other heels yeah because the feet street. I see that all the time at night around here. Oh, women with other heels. Yeah. Because the feet, they hurt.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Yeah. You can get those soles to put them in there. I know. I have them. I always forget to put them in. But it's just funny because it sucks as a man because you know, like you're a good guy, you'll take care of her and you would do anything for this girl because you really, really like her.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Right. But she wants to have that party phase because she's been locked down all this time. She's gonna go through all this turmoil and it's gonna suck. Right. And he is the rebunk IP. You are the rebunk guy.
Starting point is 00:31:14 She just broke up with him. But I would say, just hanging out and being friends and not letting her know that you like her is gonna put you into the friend zone. So that's your other danger. I always do. On a friend zone, cause it's very dark place,
Starting point is 00:31:25 and it's hard to get out. You can't get out. Can't get out sometimes. I also say you do have to say something, but I would consider some time frame because it's only six, eight weeks ago that they broke up and consider how long they were together. If they were only together like a year,
Starting point is 00:31:44 then yeah, go ahead and go for it But if they're in a relationship like four years then you got to take a little more time you got to give her a little breathing room Right, but you can still try to make out with the one night when you're really drunk No, that's just kidding though, but that could lead down over I don't know why I said that's one of the thing you'd say hi Emily and I said my gonna am I sorry? Just like get corrupted by you. No I'm making more real. I'm real, dude.
Starting point is 00:32:07 I'm bringing you down to earth. Emily and Menace, I was catching up on your show from a week ago and you said one phrase that really grabbed my attention. I am not a slut. Brows before house. What? I am not a slut.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Apparently I said I am not a slut. I'm a 23-year-old female loss of origin 18. I've had about 15 partners. Give or take a couple drunk and more and it stands. I don't feel bad about this, but I know that if guys find this out, they always seem to think I'm a huge slut. Why is it that I'm having a healthy sex life? I'm or any female declared a slut.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I know that this is probably one of the oldest questions in the book, and can be answered in a million different ways. But sometimes it still gets under my skin. I have to say the listening to your show when maybe feels so much better with my healthy sex life. Thank you for reminding men and women that it's okay to have sex. And try new things and talk about it. You and men, it's our great, keep the good work, Suzanne.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah, you're so not a slut. And first of all, don't be talking to men about how you believe stuff with ever. Never, ever, ever reveal your number. I don't care how old you are, how many men you've slept with low, high, it's never, ever, bowed well for any conversation, for any relationship to discuss the number of partners you have. Guys will always ask, women will always ask, and all it's going to
Starting point is 00:33:15 end up in a fight. They're going to be judging you. If it's too, too few, too many, it's just, it's no one needs to know about yourself. So stop talking about it because if they're judging you, they're going to judge you. Yeah. It's just no one needs to know about yourself. So stop talking about it because if they're judging you, they're gonna judge you. Yeah, it's just automatically getting a real in your relationship. Never tell me exactly. Automatically. Never tell you the number.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And they keep on pressing you, impressing you. Don't, don't get that. Never reveal. It's not, it's, I don't see any scenarios where it's like, oh, I'm so glad I know that now. I feel so much closer to you. Now, I feel like you've had 15 other dicks and that's all I can think about. You know what I mean? Like it clouds
Starting point is 00:33:46 their vision when many are about other penises, they just picture all those other penises in the room. Clouds are bitching about it. Okay, so that's how we got for emails right now because we have to move into the contest winner and then we have to move into our my it's so excited to talk to my intern about her sex party. I can't stand it. Okay, so our contest was, what would you give up for amazing sex? And then here's some of our responses before I read the winner.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Okay, Amanda says, this is all from Facebook. We put, cheese cake and booze, however, I prefer to have all three. Someone else said, duh, durvian said, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Rachel said chocolate and 10 pounds. Amber says dessert. Women are so food focused, right? I think I said chocolate.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Natalie said, read and write and David said, my left nut. So all the things he will give up for good sex. Rebecca said, I would have to say alcohol while some believe alcohol helps to relieve any anxiety over intimate situations and eliminating it means you feel everything. Travis says hours of my day or sleep. John says football, NFL football for the rest of his life, but only if it isn't a one-time thing.
Starting point is 00:34:56 So he has to have great sex all the time. Okay. So another guy says Joker said from Waterloo, he said, what would I give up for great sex? I give up for great sex? I give up two things. My car and masturbating. His car and masturbating. For great sex.
Starting point is 00:35:10 That's a good one. David said, beer on a day, beer on a day for a day basis. Seriously, the only way to have really great sex is to give up yourself. Keith said, I give up my site. I could still bask in the intimacy with the sound touch, breathing the sense of sex, and the miracle that happens is I regain my sight. That's beautiful. Okay, someone else had a giant load of cum.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Oh, okay. Classic. Someone else had bad sex. I would give up my car for some great sex. Okay. And then someone else would give up flirting, but I haven't read the winner yet. What is the winner?
Starting point is 00:35:44 The winner said, before I tell you what I will give up flirting, but I haven't read the winner yet. What is the winner? The winner said, before I tell you what I would give up for guaranteed amazing sex, I have to say that sex family is my favorite podcast. I listen to it religiously every day and I became a friend with benefits member the minute it was an option. That being said,
Starting point is 00:35:59 I would give up sex the only for a month if I was guaranteed good sex. Please don't hate me. Nicky from Potomac, Maryland. She wins a special prize from Adam and Eve. She just kissing her ass. I loved it. Kissed my ass. See, you love the attention. You just hate it. That's how you survive. That's why you don't have food in your house. Why? Because you just live off attention.
Starting point is 00:36:20 That's what you feed off of. That's what you feed off of is attention. That's how you survive. So not true. I love attention. There's no food in your goddamn house. That was funny. That was well written. I just read them all to you. Before I would tell you, I have to say that I thought that was funny. She's like, I give up sex only for a month. That's funny. I would have picked the come one. Loaded come. I'm not going to come up. Okay. Bring a dumb truck. So Nikki, you won a prize from Adam and Eve, our sponsor. Adam and, we're going to send you something that vibrates and that's
Starting point is 00:36:53 phallic shape probably likely. I don't know. They're picking the prize. But yeah, Adam and Eve, just so FYI, if you're looking to buy sex toys or you're looking to do anything by any rings or lingerie or DVDs, is a place to go. You get three adult DVDs, plus free shipping, plus 50% off was one item, plus all this other stuff. So just use coupon code Emily at checkout for Do that now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:18 So what the hell happened? What is going on? Explain everything from the beginning with our intern? Okay, let's stuff over here. Alicia, what happened? Get your cute little butt over here. Get the microphone on the front. You're getting this from standing, I'm sitting, or should I stand?
Starting point is 00:37:34 Uh, I don't know why I stand. Let me see. No, that's cool. I got it. I got it. No, it's perfect. I got it. I don't even have any notes.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Hi, this is Alicia. Hi, hello. She's been interned. Okay, I'll give you the background. Okay, you don't talk for a second. Go ahead and talk. Hello. Okay, a little bit, a little bit. No, you're cool. You can stand up a little bit. Okay, okay. Right there. You're perfect. I know. Don't talk in the stand right there and talk. Okay. Cool. Awesome. Hi, lovely, Lisa, my my intern. Okay, so Alicia's been my intern for how long now? Only a couple of months.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Okay, a couple of months, two months. I've had it. I'm like the end of July. Okay, end of July. And so she asked me, so what happened was, I don't really remember what kind of happened. You asked me. Well, I was trying to plan, okay,
Starting point is 00:38:20 boyfriends 25th birthday. And I wanted to use something a little bit different because we have a really healthy sexual lifestyle And I wanted to have a threesome. I don't know. I knew he always wanted to have one I've always wanted to have one so I was trying to plan two chicks and a guy are two guys no two girls in a guy Okay, that'd be weird. I know yeah You guys talked about the threesome thing that before yeah, we had I'm so sorry. I just surprised him.
Starting point is 00:38:45 It's something special. And then Emily was like, hey, why don't you guys go to Club Kiss because I was having problems thinking of how to find another girl. Right. So Club Kiss is, there was a woman on the show, Polly. I don't think you were here.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Polly runs. Polly Emory. No, their name is Polly. Polly with her name. Anyway, Polly owns this club in the city called Club Kiss in San Francisco. And they do all these, it's not really a sex party, but they call them play parties. And you can go, and the rules are that it's couples and single women can go. And they never, they don't tell you the location until that day, and it's somewhere in the city.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And so she came on the show and talked about throwing sex parties. And so I thought, I had the brochure and i was like okay check it out so we uh... called poly poly hooked up got her in and uh... yeah so i want to know and then her boyfriend also did daniel he's gonna should we call him now he's gonna just get a six week in listening
Starting point is 00:39:41 uh... pipe and yeah we're good i think we'll still keep talking, just get them on the phone. But so I want to know how it all took, because he didn't know you were, you guys talked about everything for somebody. Yeah, I had been teasing him for a couple of weeks. Same like I planned something crazy for your birthday. Like, you're not going to believe it. You're never going to forget this.
Starting point is 00:39:59 And he just started assuming that it was going to be a threesome. Oh, he assumed it? Yeah, he's going to be a threesome. Hello. Hi. He's here. Oh, wrap it. Hey, I want three-cent. Oh, he assumed it? Yeah, he assumed it was going to be a three-cent. Hello? Is he there? He's here. Oh, wrapping.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Hey, I want to bet. OK, hold on. Oh, she's on his phone. Oh, hi, Bob. Yeah, do we have an extra set? Hello? Hi. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:15 OK, next time. Hold on, honey. Hi. Can you hear us? Yeah. OK. Hi, Daniel. We're going to have you sit there for a second.
Starting point is 00:40:20 We're just going to hook up some headphones here for a few. I totally should. OK. Hold on one second. Hold on. You can. Daniel, can you just not comment right now and you guys can talk with us?
Starting point is 00:40:30 Yeah, we're gonna keep talking, Daniel, but we just wanted to get you on the line. Okay, so all week long, you're saying to him, all month long, you're like, I've got something, I've got something, I've got something, he's like, I've had this fan for like a month. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Okay, you guys don't have, you guys just look at the microphone. Okay. Sorry. So he thinks that I want everybody. Sorry. So he thinks that, because I want everybody here to this. So he thinks, how do you, he says to you, I think it's a threesome.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Yeah, because I was like, what are you assuming that it's going to be? Like I just want to know to see if he's on track at all. Okay. And he was assuming it was a threesome. And then it wasn't till the night before, and we were out at a bar, and I was like, I really want to tell you,
Starting point is 00:41:02 I feel like I should just let you know now, because it kind of is like a big surprise. Right, big. And so I was like, I really want to tell you, I feel like I should just let you know now because it kind of is like a big surprise. Right, big. And so I told him and he was definitely really excited but nervous. Right, right. How did you tell him? Like, what did you say? I'm going to, we're going to this play party or we're going to this.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Yeah, I said we're going to an underground sex club. I love it! We're going to an underground sex club. I'm just going to give you my headphones and let you guys talk because I don't love it. Oh, but, men and'm gonna be able to hear. How did I share? No, no, no. I'll figure it out. You guys go ahead and keep on talking. Okay. Because you have to be able to hear.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Okay. So, okay, so you're a little nervous and then you guys went, okay, so then you go, did you guys talk beforehand about like, did you set? Because one of the big things for people is that they have to, I always tell couples when they're going to their first sex party or planning the first three, some that you have to talk about beforehand. You've to establish ground rules. For example, like, I don't want you kissing someone, but I want you to, you can have sex, but I don't want, you know, I don't want to take the person home or whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:42:00 No, definitely. We really had to talk about that. We run up the whole, what if a guy approaches me situation and I let them know that that's really not what I'm going there for, that's not in my agenda. If it does happen, I'll just let them know. I'm really only here for your girl, if we think that she's cute. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:17 And then the whole issue of like, okay, you can be with the girl, but only as long as I'm there. Right. You know, like, no running away. You know, I want to know where you're at all times. No, I'm back with Right. You know, like, no running away, you know, I want to know where you're at all times. No running to that ground, but yeah. Got it. But also, we have really great communication.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Sounds like it. Yeah, I was like, we trust each other, we love each other. Just like, communicate with me. Let me know when you're up here and not feeling comfortable. If you do see someone that you think is cute, if you want to do anything different, you know, like, just talk to me. Right. And that's what we did.
Starting point is 00:42:44 And so, were you worried that you were going to be jealous or anything? Because a lot of things that come up. I figured if I was there, no. Right. If I was participating also then no. Okay. I was just like, I didn't want to have a moment to take, like, to step back and to see him with another woman for a second.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Because I think he's incredibly sexy. I just wanted to like see him. Wow. Right. But I never got to that point. Oh, I didn't get to that point. Okay. Well, we'll get to that in a minute. Daniel, can you hear me? I'm still here.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Hi, Daniel. Thank you so much for calling in. You're awesome. So what did you think when Alicia said we're going to this underground sex club tomorrow? What was your first thought? Oh, kind of like two things. It's just super excited and super nervous at the same time.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Yeah, and then would be crazy. Yeah, she's crazy awesome. She really is. I know, right? So you were kind of nervous, and then you guys had the conversation and stuff. And so you've never had a three. Neither one of you have ever had a three-sem before, right?
Starting point is 00:43:36 I never have. No, I have not. OK, so you get. So then you do that. And then what happens? And you go to get to the party. Is it working? No. OK, you get, so then you do that and then what happens? And you go to get to the party. Is it working?
Starting point is 00:43:45 No. OK, you get to the party. Yes. We got to the party and we got like a little tour of the area, just kind of like the different rooms and the setup. And what people were going to be doing, just so we weren't kind of blindsided. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:02 And I think Alicia and I just kind of looked at each other like, okay, this is where it's all going to happen, but we really had no idea what was going to happen. Right. So what was the scene like? Can you describe the rooms? They had a couple. They had two or three different rooms.
Starting point is 00:44:22 One in the back was kind of like large, with lots of beds laid out. One was kind of a dungeon setting, which was interesting. A dungeon, right? Dungeon, big. And then two or smaller rooms, which kind of would just like, different colored drapes and couches and low lighting. And they had a DJ and a dance floor,
Starting point is 00:44:42 which was a strip of pole, which was cool. Of course, you guys can't have a sex party with them, stripper pole. And then where were people dressed like you guys? Pretty normal. Like there are some people that were in lingerie, some people were in dresses, some people were just in jeans and t-shirts. It was whatever you felt comfortable in. So did you guys like check out, scope out of their couples? We kind of yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I don't know, Dan, were you looking around more than I was? Honestly, my eyes were really just focused on you. I just wanted to make sure we were okay. I think like, don't hold the idea of going with the trial. At least not. I wasn't ready to actually approach someone someone until I think we both had maybe thought that somebody would approach us. When we realized that you got to be a little bit open about it. Well, you learn. I guess you do have to start approaching. Do you start talking to other couples?
Starting point is 00:45:38 We were definitely being a little social. At first when we got there, we made our way to a couch and we were talking and making out a little social like at first when we got there, we kind of just made our way like to a couch and just for talking and making out a little bit right on top of them. But when it came to trying to communicate with other people, we were really just talking, we weren't really flirting. Right. And so we were surprised and we made- It's a whole different art form, I guess. Yeah. We'd be surprised and we would meet people and see them talking to other people and seem
Starting point is 00:46:00 like they're having normal conversations and then see them having a force them 20 minutes later. Oh really? Did you talk about that? Tell me about what you saw there. We saw lots and lots of sex. So like what? It wasn't like, it wasn't like in your face sex, right? Kind of yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Oh, it was like, you're talking everything. You walk in a room and you see a girl in our knees, you know, it's like you're only a guy and naked? Oh no, that girl wasn't naked. But then like, in like the big playroom everyone was naked and so can we talk about what we did? Yeah so Dan proved it and we found some a little back corner space in one of the largest rooms there and to our left there was a four- for some and right in front of us, there was a for some.
Starting point is 00:46:46 What do you mean, there was a for some? There is two, there is two couples together. So they were, but they weren't all having sex the for some they were swapping. I don't think so. I feel like couples remain couples. It was just kind of what I really liked about this club. What it was was I think it's more girl inspired swapping.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Yes, it is girls. It's all about the women. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And I never saw couples really swapping their guys. I think it was just girls were really into each other and the guys were just having fun watching their girls be together.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Watching their girls play with other girls. Oh, right. Like there was a force from in front of us. They seem to be having a lot of fun with each other. So there was a guy that was doing his girlfriend from the back. And then she was eating out a girl in front of her. And then the woman who was getting eaten out, her husband was just laying there next to her.
Starting point is 00:47:41 It's been like, OK, like, when are you going to start playing with me? Which was just like enjoying herself and was just like taking it all. So he was just lying there going, who's going to suck me? No, but he was, he had a giant smile on his face. You know, like, yeah, and then to our left, it was definitely more, there was no swapping there. The girls were in the middle and the guys were on the outside.
Starting point is 00:48:01 And it was really just like, the guys playing with the girls and- And the girls were playing with each other. Yeah. So there's a lot of female on female action. Definitely. We never saw any guys, we never saw, like any guys like kissing each other. Okay, no, no men kissing each other. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Two men kissing each other, okay. And not even really like anyone doing anything like, it was more about like, it was more passionate sex. It wasn't like, girls getting pounded. Right, right, right. Passion, that's hot. Yeah, I know. So it was a hot, like what did you turn you guys on
Starting point is 00:48:30 to watch these other couples having sex? How about you, Daniel? I really had to loosen up at first. Yeah, you need a few cocktails, huh? Yeah. But what it happened is we went to a room and just started to kind of turn each other on, basically, and go back and then have some drinks and before we knew it honestly When the dance floor was packed everybody had left all the rooms had filled up and there was sex happening in every room
Starting point is 00:48:55 Wow We weren't kind of there as people poured in so as we walked around and looked in we were both looking like you know this is actually happening. Yeah, we're having sex at a sex party. Wow that's awesome. Like that's kind of odd. We should do it. You should do it. So then you. So then we probe each other with like we're here. We both know we're comfortable enough. We just need to relax. Right. And then. So she took my hand and we went to the furthest back room and kind of just had a view of the whole room and she just sort of she started on me and got me comfortable. Right. And then you you started on me. Apparently we had some watchers too. Oh yeah that's true. I'm sorry. I did. So people watching you guys like go down to each other kind of things?
Starting point is 00:49:46 Yeah, because there was a wall, so people could stand along in the back wall and just play with each other and watching other people. But I was always facing him. I kind of like, you didn't want to see the people watching. Oh no, well, it wasn't that. I just wanted to connect with him. Yeah, exactly. I just wanted it to be like, just don't even realize that everyone else is here.
Starting point is 00:50:04 It's where it is having sexism. Exactly. Okay, wanted to be like just don't even realize that like everyone else is here like it's right where does having sex Exactly. Okay, that's really cool. So then you got it got comfortable. You get into it, right? Yeah When I keep it hard and it was time it was time and was it sex in the room? Did you get naked? Yeah? We're both fully naked. Wow and and and you know that people are around watching Yeah, I mean I found out later on You found out we were like hey that was not no no then told me afterwards he's like no there is a person people like did not have i from a guy
Starting point is 00:50:32 no way that i have for what i know what you do what was the move did he get the specify what the high five was all about that i don't think it was that it was just high five with basically like oh we had just met each other casually and then i just see you fucking your girlfriend was that it was just a high five with basically like, oh, we had just met each other casually. And then I just see you fucking your girlfriend. Right. You should have met a couple.
Starting point is 00:50:50 So. That's awesome. You guys, do you had your first- I think the Alicia was real focused on me and I kind of surveyed the room where we were having sex. And eventually that really started to turn me on. The people were paying attention to us. It did turn you on that people were watching.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Yeah, I'm sure that can be really hot. So people, now you know something about yourself, right? You wouldn't have known that before. But it is kind of hot. I love it. We did break a big wall and I told her afterwards that I think we've totally kicked a notch up now. I love it.
Starting point is 00:51:23 That's it. We're just gonna keep going for these kinds of things. Oh, I can open up a whole world's free. We're just going to open up a whole world's free. She just started her internship. Yeah. We're just going to open up a whole world's free. But she just started her internship.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Yeah. But she's the level of trust. You know, she had this morning to me when she came in. She's like, she feels like you guys are even closer now. I think so. I really do. Huh. We didn't do the three-something and I think that wasn't for lack of her wanting to. I think it was maybe. I just really didn't pursue it. Right. Like how I talked about it. Right, and it's hard to do. Like it's hard to do. Three-something stuff. Three-something is like all the stars have to be aligned. Like it's not an easy thing
Starting point is 00:52:03 to make happen, but I think it's amazing that you guys, I think it's almost better that you guys just went and had sex and did that. With each other, yeah. The next time you'll know more and more and it'll all happen. Yeah, no, we definitely did that and then went and danced and definitely you're feeling a little bit of alcohol by then. The music was getting better and then we even went and did it again. No one else was really around this time.
Starting point is 00:52:25 It was actually kind of fun. We walked in and a couple that were just playing with each other. And then we started having sex. And they just laughed. We were like, OK, we don't know if we scared them away. No, probably not. It's the next party. So how many different couples would you
Starting point is 00:52:37 say you saw having sex this party? I don't know, babe. Yeah, just throughout the evening You mean switching or just like couple like how much sex acts as you are like wonder how you were there There's probably like 40 50. Okay, let's kind of intimate right? Yeah Yeah, okay, and everyone's Running into the same people like it's usually the bathroom right right right Okay, that's really cool you guys It's definitely different running into the same people like it's easier to go to the bathroom. Right, right, right. You're just doing good. Okay. That's really cool, you guys.
Starting point is 00:53:07 I think it's great that it really opened up your relationship and you feel closer now. Yeah. I'd say there is only about like really just a handful of people that weren't doing anything. Right. Because most people get into it. Yeah. Because they went there, they're like, okay, we're going to go test this out. You know, there's always, there can be the chance that someone just really doesn't feel
Starting point is 00:53:22 like comfortable. Right. And the thing about Club Kiss, and if anyone wants doesn't feel that comfortable right and it's the thing about club kiss And if anyone wants to get I think it's club kiss Sanford club kiss S.A. F.A. Is there website club kiss S.A. for is it just club kiss? But if anyone's check it out they're great club in the city and you can go there and it's safe Then you feel safe. I felt really comfortable. They made us feel really comfortable Yeah, like as I had gone there and like a sexy red dress and like even change in some lingerie that you bought in for me.
Starting point is 00:53:47 I love that you wore your lingerie there. What did it look like? Um, it was cute. It was polka dot in and like see through on the sides and kind of look like a little um, French made. Oh, cute French made. Daniel, good job. No, he's a good friend. Did he hear you, Lund Andre? Yeah, that's awesome. Okay, well, thank you so much for she... What did you say? I pushed her to put it on so she...
Starting point is 00:54:09 That is hot, so you just get to push your limits like that. Yeah, why not? No, so what's next? Who knows? He went to a strip club the next night and I was like, this is kind of boring. Strip club. What abs?
Starting point is 00:54:20 Yeah, because you guys hadn't been to a strip club before, right? Or you had? I had never been to a strip club. Not together, okay. Got it. Well, um, thank you so much, Daniel for calling in. I appreciate it Oh, I'm glad to talk about it. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. Of course anytime. I'm here to help people have better sex Bye, Daniel happy baby. Thank you so much. Bye, baby. I'll see you later So much that was great. I love it. Okay, so any takeaways any advice free you later. Oh my gosh. Thank you. You're just so much. That was great to have you. No problem. I love it.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Okay, so any takeaways that you'd advice people if they've never been, or what would you say? I'd say if you feel like you're with someone that you can do something like that with, then they definitely go and give it a try. Just go check it out. Go check it out. Because everyone was so nice there. We really did feel comfortable, and we also, we told each other when we got there, like,
Starting point is 00:55:03 we don't have to do anything. Right. It's totally not a pressure. No pressure. No pressure. Yeah, no pressure. We really did feel comfortable and we also we told each other when we got there like we don't have to do anything Right totally no pressure. We can just get it. Yeah, no pressure. We can just get each other excited and leaving Going home and do it in our sex and you'd sex in the middle of the thing. I love it. Yeah It was also they'd sex in a room with people watching. I know our first time was in a giant Group of people and we went to a smaller room and then of course we went home and did it all night Now it's that group of people and we went to a smaller room and then of course we went home and did it all night. Now is that? Now that I mean you initially went there to have a threesome?
Starting point is 00:55:30 That was kind of the plan. That was the plan. But then now that the experience ended up being everybody watching you, is that what you ended up getting off on or was that just kind of yeah? I mean it was nice. It was like oh that's weird that I kind of yeah I mean it was nice like oh that's weird that I experienced that but I liked it or no I mean it was kind of nice like it was kind of like porn was on blast behind me like you just hear girls moaning throughout this whole you know venue
Starting point is 00:55:56 you're just kind of like I want to moan too you know that's hot oh Oh my God, I love it. Okay. Yay, thanks for the shot. That's a problem. Thank you Emily. Emily, this is all her doing. And look, it enhanced their sex life. And this enhanced the relationship I mean. Yeah. Okay, so that's great.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Well, thank you so much. Thanks everyone. Are we, I think, we're done here, right? Yeah, we've got to wrap up. Thanks everyone for listening to Sex Family. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at Thanks everyone for listening to Sex Family.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Was it good for you? Email me feedback at

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