Sex With Emily - Episode 299 - Meeting a Potential Love

Episode Date: September 22, 2011

Today Emily talks about to act when you meet a potential love interest, and gives tips to you don’t giggle nervously or throw up in your mouth. Better yet, Emily suggest places you might find your n...ext love, then Menace divulges his trifecta tip for getting laid. We talk about men being jealous of sex and women being jealous of emotions, how smiling at someone might land you a date, why 2nd marriages are predicted to fail, and why women like older men. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that block our secret institutions Betrubized they call them in a bike on me. Hey, Emily You got a boyfriend because my man E here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a hair stand. Oh my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common all the way?
Starting point is 00:00:26 What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks. Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm going to feel so grown. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Emily's not the kind of girl you're using.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Yeah, listening to sex with Emily, we're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. Lots of things in between. We're talking in between the intro're talking about in between the intro. You're complaining while the intro is playing. I've had the intro for years. And you're like, oh, I need a new intro. So feedback at
Starting point is 00:00:53 If you feel that we need new intro, I don't feel that we do. But I know people that can produce one for us. If you really want a new intro. But I think you should leave it up to the people. OK, people's feedback at sexist You stick of that intro. I love it. It's a new intro. I think you should leave it out to the people. Okay, people's feedback at You stick of that intro. I love it. It's a great intro. It's warm. It's close to my heart. You've had it for six years. No, no. You just always... You love things for a while and then you throw them out the door.
Starting point is 00:01:16 That's how you walk. Just like men, right? Yeah, just like men. Oh my God. I'm so full of hearted. Thanks everyone for joining us here. It's Thursday. Tomorrow is free Friday. You get the free hour long. If you are not a friends with benefits member, and we've been getting lots of friends and new friends with benefits members this week, we so appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:01:32 There's lots of exciting things coming up or we're doing more giveaways, and your emails get answered. It's like, I am your sex doctor on call, sex therapist on call, whatever you need. You email me, we answer questions first. We got some great emails. Say, we're reading The topics of your emails today include moving on sexually female
Starting point is 00:01:49 ejaculation, surprises in bed, testicle length, reconnecting with old flames and carrying baggage from past relationships. So I want to hear about the old balls, how low they hang. That's what we're talking about. Yes. We're talking about low hanging balls. Though do your balls hang low, do they, do you know that song? No. Okay, when we were about low hanging balls. Though do your balls hang low? Do you have that tongue? No. Okay, when we were little, there was a song, do your boobs hang low? Do they wobble two and throw?
Starting point is 00:02:10 Can you time it and not? Can you time it and a bow? Can you throw them over your shoulder? Like, you know this song? No, I don't know. So do your balls hang low? I know the original song, but not the. Yeah, do your boobs hang low.
Starting point is 00:02:20 So this is your balls hang low. They might hang low. And we're gonna talk about that. Sweet. And we're also gonna continue in the best places to meet singles and how to actually get a date. We talked about this on Tuesday. We were gone yesterday. On Tuesday, so you know, you're single, you're complaining, you live in the worst time to date, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:02:36 That is not true. You are not making an effort. The reason why you're single is because you are not doing some of these things that we're going to tell you to do today to find a date. And when you find that date, when you find that person you're interested, how do you actually talk to them and get their numbers? We're going to get into that. It's good. It's good stuff, right? How's your day yesterday?
Starting point is 00:02:51 My day was awesome yesterday. You're so, so beautiful in San Francisco. What do you end up doing? I ended up working all day and being outside a little bit and walking the dog and going to the dog park and stuff like that. That's what I did. That's awesome. It's really exciting.
Starting point is 00:03:06 I changed it up a little bit yesterday. What did you do, Menace? I usually leave work and I go directly home into my nice comfortable bed and I get in a little little burrito and I wrap myself into that and then I watch the Kardashians. But yesterday I decided, you know what?
Starting point is 00:03:23 I'm gonna go and do a couple extra things before I go home. So I went to this bar slash restaurant place by my work that I know it's awesome, but I haven't been there in years. I went there, if you follow me on Instagram, my username is white menace, please follow me. It's like my favorite app of all time right now
Starting point is 00:03:45 at the current moment. White menace everywhere you can follow him Twitter or Facebook. Yeah, all that stuff But follow me on Instagram. You'll see a lot of interesting things. Okay. I had a delicious Cornbread and shrimp Meal yesterday. Okay, it's it's cornbread that Put into a little bowl and then on the top they put some shrimp and then some sauce on it Holy crap. Oh my god. What's the restaurant can you say or not? It's 15 Roma, Roma. Roma Lo.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Roma Lo, yeah. It's in your north beach, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. It's in between my house and where. You don't live there, right? You don't live in our north. I know you don't live in North Beach. But it's in that area, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Yeah, I love it. Yeah, it was delicious. That's so good. You know, that's the type of places I go to. I mean, they don't take reservations. Maybe you don't go there that often. What do you mean they don't take reservations? They don't take reservations.
Starting point is 00:04:33 So that was delicious and good. And then I kept on walking and there was this pet store that I walked by every single day. I never go there. I was like, you know what? I'm gonna walk in the pet store. I'm gonna check out the pets and look at look at this dog all right I thought you know I'm just saying I mean I would love just to take him home and
Starting point is 00:04:55 then give him to somebody else let me see well look at it he's a little it's a little bulldog he's a little bulldog look at him oh I love bulldog. Look at him. Oh, I love bulldogs. So cute. Can you show people what they love? Yeah, they can kind of see it. Can't see it. I'll send it to you to post some of us. Send it to me to the website. He's too grand. Too grand.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I got mine for free to shelter in Alabama. Apparently, this is Zippy. Bulldogs are really hard to find. Yeah, what else? Bulldogs don't pay for your dogs. Never pay for a dog. There are so many dogs being used in eyes right now that you should always go to a shelter. So you should not get that dog.
Starting point is 00:05:29 But I'm not going to find a cute little bulldog at a shelter. That's all I'm saying. Anyways, I find a cute little dog at a shelter. That's great, but I want a bulldog. Okay. You do? I would love to have a bulldog. I would buy him and then I would like bring him to my dad's house or something.
Starting point is 00:05:43 My dad will take care of him. Oh, that sounds nice. Having a dog has rocked my world. So I just would not recommend it. Really? But you know what else is rocking my world? I've gone gluten free this week. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:52 So how far? I explained that to people if they don't know. Okay, gluten free means I'm having no flower based products like no bread, no pasta, no morning scone. I have the same scone every morning at my coffee shop. They save it for me because sometimes it's gone and they're like, how's your scone? And I'm like, can't have it. So I'm having eggs for breakfast, more protein, no flour, no bread, no pasta, that kind of thing. Now this is not for a day. And I'm trying to make sugar. I just, no, it's not for diet. This is what I'm doing
Starting point is 00:06:16 into. I want to hear why? Why? Because I was with my friend. I think I mentioned this, but I have a friend who has two kids and we haven't seen each other in a while. We used to hang out all the time, but she's got two kids, and she had not had a day, a long stretch of day, without her kids in four years, her kids four, all those kids four. So we spent the entire sun, it started together. And she said to me,
Starting point is 00:06:36 I've been going gluten-free, and here's why I did it, because she is more clear and focused, and it feels like the fog has lifted, and anything that can help me with, exactly. So anything that can help me with focus, and she has more clear and focused and it feels like the fog has lifted and anything that can help me with Exactly so anything that can help me with focus and she has more energy So I said try it whatever so I can't eat my scone and I can't a bread But they make gluten-free bread. I live across my whole food
Starting point is 00:06:54 So they make like I got a gluten-free muffin So it's good and I feel I do I don't know if it's like Psychological whatever I do feel I do feel clear. I heard cocaine does the same thing. Yeah great for five seconds. But you're gonna see today I'm gonna be very um not all over the place. No, I'm gonna be very convincing. You're gonna finish reading something. I'm gonna finish sentences and I'm going to finish sentences and I'm gonna be just super
Starting point is 00:07:18 super laser beam focused. But that's been interesting. I fully support that. So if I don't know what to eat, the last salads I've to eat, salad, chicken, it's all good for you. And it's not to lose weight. I don't have a weight issue, but I have a focus issue, which is apparent and men has called me out on the other day.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And maybe feel bad. Did I really make you feel bad? Where you said I'm like Teflon when it comes to you because I seriously like you could, if I made you feel bad, you just crushed me. What? I just let it bounce off me. Come on.
Starting point is 00:07:45 It's where to go. No. Sometimes you're mean. And then you really get upset over it. I don't. Okay. Good. I might have used to.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Well, I was talking, I was talking when the interns, when I was walking back other day and they're like, something about you. I was like, yeah, I thought you didn't like me. I was sexy and hot. You are. And then when I get in your pants, but I was saying that I thought that you, and I think it's kind of true, but when we first met, we got to sign to each other at the radio station. You didn't like me very much. I know it's because I swore I didn't mean mistakes, but I just
Starting point is 00:08:11 thought you kind of like, like I never thought we'd be friends. I didn't know. But now I like, I love you. And I think we're great. But we're so different. I was never like, I didn't like you. It was just frustrating. I know, no, no, no, I know you were frustrated beyond that. I just always thought you kind of like, we weren't, we didn't like connect like we do now. Now we're like, two peas in a pot. Yeah. So anyway, that's my story. And also, anyone can leave a message on our voicemail
Starting point is 00:08:34 anytime we're going to start playing your messages. Your questions, you can ask us questions. You can leave comments. It's 415-9927392. And you can also call in right now, 415-9927392.2 and you can also call in right now 415-992-7392. Call from your cell phone or landline, you can't call from Skype.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Now I think people have left messages, I just, I gotta figure out how to answer them. No, we know how to do that and we are doing that in the office, yeah? We're doing that, yeah. Oh, well excuse me. Excuse me, I'm on top of things, yo. And so then we also have the results of our last poll.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I'm going to give it to you now. And we have a new poll. Our last poll. How long would you wait to have sex after your first date? OK, 10% say two weeks to a month, I like to take my time. 20% first date. Why wait if we're compatible? We've got a bunch of horrors listening, just
Starting point is 00:09:27 kidding. 20% one to three months. I really like to wait till I truly know the person and 50% say two to three dates. Don't want to seem to eat ears. So this means 50% of people are having sex after two to three dates, which in my world, I think, is seems sort of that that seems correct to me. What about you? I think. I know you don't talk about it with your friends. You're not like so, Joe. How long did you wait before you had intercourse with Sylvia? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I barely know anybody that I've definitely done it on the first date, but I ended up dating that girl for like two years. Yeah, I don't recommend it. I really am a proponent of waiting to have sex because I don't think that anything good comes from having it the first date. Not that I haven't done that. I will admit that I have. But why not wait? Why not get to know someone because then you get all caught up in the sex and you're like, I want to see them again, and you're oxytocin and all your chemicals in your body are like, I like this guy, I like this guy, I like this woman. But especially for women, we get attached really quickly and to the sex and then I think
Starting point is 00:10:35 that you overshadow when they say love is blind, that's why it's like love is blinding because you are feel like the chemicals in your brain are going crazy because you just have sex with someone and you can't make good decisions, logical decisions, choices about someone when you're having sex. I think it's hard to see the things why this person might not be right for you or why they are right for you.
Starting point is 00:10:55 We tend to love his mind. I actually, I've had like, this study on the sexual, but just kissing, like I've had opportunities to kiss a girl on the first date and I don't do it. Why? I don't know. I just don't.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I feel like a creeper. That's good. Wait till the second date. Yeah, wait till the second, because if they're willing to go on a second date with me, like, okay, I'm good. So you always make out on the second date? I don't always make out. But if there's an opportunity, I'll take that opportunity.
Starting point is 00:11:24 So you've had sex on the first date but not made out on the first date. I don't always make out. But if there's opportunity, I'll take that opportunity. So you've had sex on the first date, but not made out on the first date. Yeah. Yeah. Me too. Yeah, I've done that too. But if I really like them, see, this is the problem. This is the problem with me. If I really don't have that much time, honey, to go to the problems with you. No, if I really like them, I move super slow. Right. And then sometimes I just miss my opportunity. You sure? Because I don't want to be... I don't want to...
Starting point is 00:11:49 You shy. I think you part of you is nervous because the fact that you wait for women to come to you, and you probably wait for them to get to you. Yeah, but if I don't... No, no, no, no. If I'm not like super into them, then I'm just like, whatever. I'll just... I have no fear.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Right. Just whatever. I was bonham, whatever. But if I like truly do like them, and this is something that maybe I won't have a relationship with, I'm super slow, and then sometimes I just miss the boat by doing that. That's happened to you before. Oh yeah, so now can you make a commitment that you're gonna kiss someone right away?
Starting point is 00:12:20 I'll do my best. Well you do your best, yeah. Okay, good. I think it's important. I think guys should just best? Okay, good. I think it's important. I think guys should just try to, I mean, I think kissing on the first date is fine. A lot of people kiss on the first date, but you should do that next time. Yeah. Could you miss the boat?
Starting point is 00:12:33 It's very sad. Okay, Newpol, have you ever had a friends with benefits relationship? Uh, yeah. Yes, and it failed. Yes, and we're still friends. No, personally, I would not have one. No, but I'm open to the idea Have you ever had a friends benefits relationship? There was a while last year where we were getting so many emails about being friends with benefits. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 00:12:54 Yeah, there was I think it because all the stuff that was there was like three movies Yeah, but I think it's also more common now with people dating online and doing all this stuff and they're like People are just dating dating more. There's more opportunities and people aren't committing as quickly. They're not getting married. And so I think that friends with benefits relationships are kind of a new phenomenon. I don't remember talking about it when I was in college, do you? Friends with benefits relationships? You just did it.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I had it. I had it with a person like a name for it. It was on the DL. And I think that friends with benefits, I've had some that are really successful. And I've had some that are not so successful. But it just like sometimes that you had this great thing going on but then one of you just kind of moves on from it. Right. Damn. You're like oh yes sorry dating someone right now or whatever I'm over it. Okay. But you just got to be careful and because usually you have to like lay out
Starting point is 00:13:42 the terms and realize that one day it is 50 50 chance that you're going to get the call or he's going to get the cause of who she or he or she or she or someone one of you are going to get the call that's like sorry I'm dating someone game over friends benefits no more. Those benefits are expired. And everyone you can check out our Facebook page, Sex with Family Page, like our page and you can become a friend with benefits member. We're still selecting winners sometimes. And I want to say also that my book is coming out. I'm going to, I keep meaning to bring it in. Maybe someone can remind me to bring it in. But I want to show you that it's called Hot Sex and it's on my website. You can pre-order it today and from Amazon and there's a big link on my site. And it's awesome. And I'm going to be New York and L.A. doing book signings. And so if you're in those areas, I will keep you posted. I want to go to New York in LA. Well come. Yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:14:29 Seriously, New York, you've never been to New York right? Oh, you're right. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry Someone I just have to yesterday so they never been New York wasn't you losers? Losers, and how do you live in America? You got to go to New York. Yeah, I feel like I should live in New York And then tomorrow show you a special guest. It's she's miss Liz, a professional phone sex operator. She'll be calling in. Okay. Oh, and sex operator. Love it. And then I'm talking with one of our listeners, the scene, our stream is okay. That's all. But it looks fine to me. Okay. Thank you for that. Hold on, hold on one second. Okay. It looks fine to me. Oh, that's us right there. That's us. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:15:06 We're fine. There. Everything is good. We don't know what you're trying on. Okay, I got some sex in the news. What do you got for me? This is what I got for you. You have to is getting married again?
Starting point is 00:15:16 Is he? No, I'm scared. Oh, I'm like, I missed that one. How'd we miss that? No, I don't got that. Haven't you had opportunities to go to play with me? Yeah, I've been twice. Three times, do I go? I had't got that. I haven't you had opportunities to go to play way Yeah, I've been twice three times don't I go I had opportunity one time and
Starting point is 00:15:28 It fell through and then I didn't get the go. I can take you anytime. Are you serious? Yes lies? No way dude. I'm so in Oh totally let me know I invited all these things there. I don't want to let me go I didn't know you wanted to. You did say anything in like a- You do everything without me. I'm going to a new movie. I'm going to hear him going there.
Starting point is 00:15:51 I always say bring me to your movies, bring you to whatever. Do one thing for me. Just kidding. I'll take you to the mansion. Maybe we'll go when I go to bed. Every guy in a man's life wants to go to the playboy mansion. Does it say he was there? just to say that I went there Okay, we'll be I can bring a date you can my date. Yeah, let's go. Okay, remind me about that
Starting point is 00:16:14 For 10 minutes I'll be happy it was like I can say that I was I know I was like oh, it's not that great That's not great. It doesn't matter that place can be a freaking dump But you have this in a man's life, you say, I was like, you have nerds, animal garden, with like flamingos and monkeys and the grotto. I would like swimming in the grotto, kind of gross. I didn't really swim, I just went to my feet and butt. It's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:16:39 And there's lots of alcohol, you'd love it. Lots of food. Can I please go? I've gone to a white party there, and we're all white. I promise. I didn't know you wanted that for me. Whatever I can do to help you make your life better. It's the only thing I've asked for me. True or not true? Not true. Really? The only thing? Did you ask me for something 10 minutes ago? Yeah, but that was the information.
Starting point is 00:17:00 To ask, have I ever asked you to take me to something? No, and I've taken you don't like what I do I've taken you to movies and you talked to the one time I talked It was the worst movie that ever been made on the history of the planet. Oh my god. Seriously was the worst movie ever I'm not sleepy. I'm not snooty. I just like look a horrible movie like What I'm gonna see how many stars it got zero stars It's probably not even on the internet anymore probably doesn't even know I'm DB because how many stars it got zero stars. It's probably not even on the internet. Oh, probably doesn't even have an IMDB because it's so bad. It was Captain Heigel, right? Yeah. No, was it? I don't even remember who it was in it because I was talking the whole time.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Okay. Okay. Sex in the news. Second marriages are just as doomed as the first ones. It's been said that divorces like concussions are something you that you must become, that you become much more susceptible to after suffering the first one. But new data shows that a second marriage is only as likely to die as the first one after about eight years.
Starting point is 00:17:52 You just assume whatever people are doing to make things work the second time around would work the first time, right? Maybe the ability for given except for given is the thing that will save marriages, or maybe it all boils down to simple supply side economics. There's a theory that men are consumers of sex and women are producers of sex, and the trade is for money and commitment. So second marriages are doomed. It says that, yeah, I mean, I think that's kind of true.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I think that wherever you go, there you are. To watch baggage, man. You've known how because you've baggage, but if you, I think that the second marriage is, here's when the second marriage is likely to be doomed. Your second marriage is going to be doomed if you have not done any work on yourself or the second marriage is, here's when the second marriage is likely to be doomed. Your second marriage is going to be doomed if you have not done any work on yourself or the past marriage. So if you got out of your marriage
Starting point is 00:18:30 and you jumped into another marriage or you jumped into another relationship which is really, really common, then you have not done any growth, personal work on yourself or figured out why you should analyze your relationship. Why did it fail? I mean, 50-50, it's always, it's everyone thinks that it's his fault or her fault.
Starting point is 00:18:46 But you know, it takes two to tango and you were responsible for the failure of that marriage. And you should look at why you should try to change your behavior or not do the second time around. So it would make sense to me that that would happen. If people haven't done their emotional work on themselves, not a surprise at all. And look, my parents both,
Starting point is 00:19:03 all that's three failed marriages. My dad's been married twice. Yeah, my parents both all have three failed marbles. My dad's been married twice. Yeah, is he a second married is good? No, that's over. But my mom has been remarried for quite a few years now. Second marriage? Yeah, like 15 years. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Yeah. That's good. It's not everyone. OK, Beyonce on her super fun pregnancy, fun is in quotes. Pregnancy suits Beyonce quite well. Not only is it singing mama to be all glow with her, all a glow with her baby,
Starting point is 00:19:31 but she's now opening up for the first time by how she's enjoying it. The 30 year old says, I'm having so much fun. It's been the most fun time now that has been, now it's, it was really difficult to conceal. She's about four months along and he's taken care of her. Jay-Z is being really nice and taking care of her and asking how she feels. That's all guys got to do. We talked to him this the other day. Like, like, he's just backstage
Starting point is 00:19:53 the VMAs with her and helping her walk and doing all these things. Like, we were talking this other day that if your wife is pregnant, like, I think a listener emailed about it. Just like, kiss her ass. Take care of her. She's carrying your baby for nine friggin months how you doing mom be respectful give her a foot massage what you that's how you say how you doing mom how you do oh taste my mom's birthday really happy birthday mom how are we calling her she's coming um she's coming on the show next week I forgot to say she's gonna be on here right now really yeah what's wrong with that she's in New York. Okay, we can call her. We'll call her in a minute.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Okay. She's, I could totally call her, but I didn't get her what she wanted for her birthday. Yeah. Let's do today. Dammit. She wanted me to email her two happy memories from my childhood. What? That's all she wants for her birthday isn't for me to email her two happy memories that
Starting point is 00:20:44 I have from now. This is that hard to find to be serious. Yes. Are you serious? Because it was difficult and I'm trying and my mom's freaking amazing and I love her, but there was just some tumultuous, bad stuff that my dad died. There was like weird stuff. It was hard. And so, not that I'm in a habit of telling, it was a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:21:01 So I'm trying to come up. And also I'm a perfectionist. I'm trying to write it and make it really sweet and I haven't done it yet. Maybe I could come up with, is that terrible? I'm a bad daughter. It's still a time for birthday, but she's in the East Coast. I've got the few hours left. Just to go real quick, the movie that you talked through the entire time, I just looked it up right now. You got three out of five stars on Ron tomatoes and then it got six and a half stars on IMDB out of ten. That's a D. That's a failure. A D? Yeah, six out of ten is a D. 50% five, it's failure. Oh, God. It was the worst movie I've ever seen. You. What was it called?
Starting point is 00:21:42 It was the worst movie I've ever seen. What was it called? It was called the ugly truth. It made $88 million. It was an ugly way to time. It made $88 million in the box office. It doesn't matter that it made a lot of money, a lot of bad movies make money. Who are we there with again? Who else was talking?
Starting point is 00:21:56 Who else was talking? No one else was talking to you. The thing is, I get invited to these press screenings. So it's like all industry, like radio, and television people that are sitting in the same aisle as us and they know who I am. And I'm like, oh, is this chick that menace is bringing along this? Yeah, I've been in the whole time.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I swear people looked horrible movie. I was born. I can't sit still if it's bad. I recommend it. It's terribly, no, you don't. Yeah, I do. It was such a waste of time. The ugly truth. Rent it. Netflix. Whatever. Ugliest ways of time. Seriously. Okay. Next section of the news story. Could it be George Clooney gets married? One lucky Norwegian woman woke up with a big rock of wedding dress in George Clooney. Yes,
Starting point is 00:22:41 the internally bet internal bachelor. Well, we've all been convinced we never marry again. Sadly, the maid for television marriage is actually just an advertising for the bank, DNB, NOR. But at least we get to see someone marry the silver fox, even if it's just for acting. In the commercial, he plays a newly wed, who's pajama clad. Where is the commercial playing? It's not in the States. They do all these Norwegian commercial. Why do you ladies want to see him married so bad? I don't, but everyone talks about it. I think he's so cute though. I've got the George Clooney.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Course, who wouldn't. The one, right? Okay. And no plenty of men that, oh, speaking about it, I was with my gay friend yesterday. Uh huh. My gay buddy, I just have to state that because I didn't know, I know it's always been rumored but apparently it is
Starting point is 00:23:26 really open that um the what's his name? Anderson Cooper's gay. Yeah he's gay. He's gay. Apparently he goes out with his man all over New York all the time. Yeah he's totally gay. He's so cute though but a lot of you don't know so a lot of women have crushes on him. Oh I know so many women that have crushes on him. He's so cute. He's so my type, like smart journalist type. Yeah, all my gay friends are in love with him. Yeah. They love him. They want you to... He's like a gay icon.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Yeah. For the thinking guy, gay man's man. Do you know any of his history because he has a new television show, it's like talk show during the day. And it's really good actually. Yeah. And he was having this, he was showing previews of having his mom on the show. No, I don't know thing about that. Yeah. And his mom apparently dated a bunch of famous people. And, but oh, his mom is someone famous. I can't remember who. His mom is like, Laurie Vanderbilt or something. Who's that designer?
Starting point is 00:24:25 Is that wrong? You look this up. Who is why his mom is someone famous. But apparently, and then also his brother committed suicide and his mom, he'd like jumped out of a building and his mom almost went after him and look up to his mom is, okay? I'm going to get into the next door story. Go for it.
Starting point is 00:24:40 And then you look up who his mom is because I know it's some things and I don't know why she's a designer from like the 70s study, but I'm wrong. I could be totally wrong in thinking of someone else study study says men are jealous of sexual infidelity women of romantic infidelity Which makes total sense What's worse cheating on your partner emotionally or cheating on them physically according to a new study your answer may depend on your gender What no go ahead on them physically. According to a new study, your answer may depend on your gender. What? No, go ahead. Okay, so here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:25:10 While men are more likely to interrogate their partners about the sexual nature of a fair, women will often ask whether he is in love with the other woman. Of the 75% affair confrontations featured on the show. This is from the cheater show. Did you, the first 57% of men versus 29% of women was likely to ask about sex. Posing questions such as, did you have sex with him or her? Was he better than me and bad? Well, 71, this is a major gap.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Well, 71% of women versus 43% of men asked if a cheater was in love with the other man. So the women are like, yeah, you could boner, but if you're in love, you're done. But if men, men are like, can't, I always think that men, I know that this is true, that men can't get other penises out of their mind. Like the second you tell them you cheated, they're like having sex with you thinking there was another penis in there.
Starting point is 00:26:00 There was another penis in there. And like they can't, they can't. But women are like, were you in love? Like do you have feelings emotional? Just make sense with the gender differences. So that's how it is. There's people I won't date because I knew that they hooked up with other people.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Even though I'm not like, we're friends with them. You were near that guy's penis, but we're never ever getting in on. Yeah, that's guy co-gen. That's guy co-gen. So it's for, they believe this is because of evolutionary biology, which most things are,
Starting point is 00:26:25 modern men have inherited and evolved wisdom from a long line of ancestral men who can never be 100% that a child was theirs. And for the women, women were more threatened that their partner would form an emotional bond with a different partner. It'll all go back to evolutionary biology. Okay, would you find there about our buddy Anderson Cooper? Well, I don't know too, they're really just talking about, because she just did that, special talking about the suicide of his brother.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Right, but who's the mom? Her name is Gloria Vanderbilt. That's why I just said. Yeah, but it doesn't say like what she... She's designer. She made jeans in the 70s that were really hot. Really? Yeah, and the 80s.
Starting point is 00:27:03 She's been around for a long time. She's famous. You never heard of Gloria Vanderbilt. I heard the name before. Yeah. Okay. So, yeah, you wouldn't know because you're a dude, but but Glory Vanderbilt jeans were super hot in the 80s. Okay. What else did you find out? You're still online there. It does. It does. It's kind of fun. I'm talking to a wall. No, I'm listening. I know you are. I got to get better at that. I'm just saying it's there. You're just asking. It does it, right? No, it's about me. It's been a while. It's been a while. No, I'm listening. I know you are. I gotta get better at that.
Starting point is 00:27:28 I'm just saying it's hard. I'm just telling you it's hard for me. Okay. I'll look at you while you're talking. I know you like the attention. It's not about attention. It's about respect. What?
Starting point is 00:27:38 I am respecting. I was researching the thing about Gloria Vanderbilt. And yeah, you are correct. They're showing women's jeans and so forth. Can you buy my kneebay? Yes. I want a pair. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Good. Now I got something you're happy about. Okay. Liam Michelle joins the hot single ladies of Hollywood. Do you think she's hot? Liam Michelle. She's the one with the brown hair from Glee. She did that GQ cover and spread.
Starting point is 00:28:07 She looked really hot in that. Yeah, I would go out there even though she has a big nose. Right, that's the thing. Okay, so last year she was waxing poetic about why she preferred long distance dating to singletum. Now it seems she's singing a different tune. According to Ian Lien, her Broadway star boyfriend have closed the current on the relationship of more than a year. This is not a dramatic
Starting point is 00:28:27 breakup. The relationship just ran its course. So she broke up with him. That's just some celebrity news. Do we get she's famous now? That's why it's broke up with her man. Okay, the next study, the next one I really like. Okay. Women prefer men who are six years older
Starting point is 00:28:41 than them. Well, being a coogre may be a trend among middle-aged women at least according to TV and new surveys around the ladies actually prefer men who are six years their senior. What's your prince dot-com meditating site says this after looking at the price of more than a hundred thousand for a safety determined at a six-year-age difference the man being older than the woman was most ideal for singles. They tribute this to the levels of maturity, which makes a lot of sense. Common wisdom says that women mature faster than men, at least in terms of wanting commitment. It's probably less drama, too.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Like guys, you know, they're younger, they're probably doing a bunch of douchebaggery things. Yeah. I have a friend, I was just talking to her on the phone, she's dating like a 24-year-old and she's like 35. And it was just like, I'm like, she was telling me like, he's like, I finally go, how old is he? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:32 She's like, I'm not telling. I'm like, how old is he? She's like 24. I'm like, don't piss ass. He's an idiot. He doesn't know anybody but he's 24. I'm just kidding. That's mean thing to say.
Starting point is 00:29:40 But like, she's older woman. Like, she knows what she wants. He doesn't know what he wants. He was doing all these really immature like men don't much her Yeah, because 24 he shouldn't be in a community relationship look at 20 something year olds in a bar And then you'll see how they really act exactly Like these bags. I know So it says that at 16 dating someone even two or three years old or was a big deal
Starting point is 00:30:02 But when you're 28 dating a 34 year old is completely normal. Do you usually date younger women or older women? Just maybe a couple years younger. Have you ever dated an older woman? I have not dated an older woman because I, my fear, it might not be true. They're going to want to get married. No, not that they want to get married, but yeah, they do want somebody that's more responsible. And be irresponsible. I know, but I think it's type way. Yeah, but the fear is like the reason I probably never,
Starting point is 00:30:35 like gone lockdown and like all my friends are already married and having kids and all that stuff. I probably haven't done that because of my career choice and not because I'm a workaholic, it's just, I don't think it's ever stable enough. Every day I go to work, it's like, okay, this could be my last day at work. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Every single day. It's so true. And I go, why do I wanna try to support a family and have a career like that? Right. Or I have to go back. But nowadays, that is almost every single job. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:10 So I got to start thinking in that mode. Right. It's just the risk level is hind in my career. Well, whenever you decide to start, well, it sounds like you're ready to get into a relationship. So you just have to start prioritizing that and asking women out first, you're free wait for them to ask you out true Can you do that? Yeah, I can make that a goal But you know, I still want to me run through some holes real quick. I know you do
Starting point is 00:31:33 You don't want to do all that What you got a bang dude? I'm saying a lot of hose I Know the same I still want to be that right comes along, there might be no more hose no more. You feel me? There won't be no hose no more because you won't do anything. You don't want an open relationship. So you're still ready to sew your oats or whatever. I'm just looking for that right hoe to come by. How do you gonna start making more efforts?
Starting point is 00:32:04 I'm serious. I will. You're not getting any younger. I will. I know. True that. looking for that right hoe to come by. How do you guys start making more efforts? I'm serious. I will. You're not getting any younger. I will, I know, true that. True that, man. I got my birthday next month. I know, I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:32:12 We're not, you're not having a party or you're not. I'm not an out of party. I'm not an out of party. Okay. Well, we'll do the, oh, I saw your tweet today. We'll do like a special panty dropper. Oh, yeah, some guy emailed. You got to email him the panty dropper.
Starting point is 00:32:24 I couldn't get into it. I told you guys to put it on the website. I know we are going to put on the website, the panty dropper. And then you can tweet out the link of the recipe. We're going to do that. You get mad when I tell you. No. All right. Oh, and here's some news that I have. What? So this guy is Sean Parker. It's not about the things that we talked about. But Sean Parker is supposedly launching this website today. It's called AirTime. And it's basically another video streaming website.
Starting point is 00:32:57 But it's supposed to be like so quick that they're're kind of saying that it's gonna help revolution revolution our our rise like relationships and partnerships with people. Wow. Like somehow it'll be it's so quick and you're so connected that you feel like you're actually there. Oh my god. So you can have your long distance boyfriend that won't be there and But you still feel like they are there. Yeah, what's it called? It's called airtime. Okay, is it launched yet? Like you know supposedly it's today. Wow. That's cool Okay, yeah Awesome, I'll tell you what else I heard there's a giant party for this website today in the city
Starting point is 00:33:46 Yeah, supposedly lady Gaga will be there No, no lady Gaga is already in spot in the city really by you by I can find out on it was on Twitter. We sent like reporters go down there to go take pictures and then Snoop Dogg, the killers, and Jane's Addiction, all supposed to be at this party tonight. We're still going. We're going.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Don't worry, we're going. OK, I'm hungry. Are you? So hungry all of a sudden, gluten free? Like, I didn't have enough gluten free food. Yeah, how do you, I mean, what is left out of your gluten free? I feel like salads would check in. I just got hungry all of a sudden because it's lunchtime.
Starting point is 00:34:27 I just wanted to show that to you. Thank you. I'm excited. Okay, I'm excited to eat after this. Okay, listen, we're going to move on to emails. Do it. Okay, so Emily, I'm so happy to have the show back. I lost track of the show for a couple months and then found out about FWB, friends of benefits,
Starting point is 00:34:44 and got the year membership. I've missed listening to your fun and interesting tips. So a couple months ago, I got out of a four-year relationship. My only sexual relationship. Is it normal to be nervous about having sex with another person? I mean, and I know it's cliche, but I never really thought it would happen. My only partner was my only partner was rather small. So I'm excited to see what else is out there. But there's just that nervousness nagging in the back of my
Starting point is 00:35:11 head. What's your opinion? I really appreciate your time, hon. Thanks to you and menace. Thank you. This is from Sevan and she's in Modesto, California. Oh, Modesto. And she's a premium friends with benefits number. The two of the two of nine. I know Modesto very well. I know. Have friends out there. And so I would say that you are so normal. Don't worry about not being normal. It's normal to be nervous about having sex with another person,
Starting point is 00:35:37 especially if you've been with one person for four years. I know people who are married for 15 years and they're like nervous terrified. I mean, so four years, 15 years, even a year, it's scary to go out there and start dating again. But I promise you that you'll be fine. And I just think that you should take it slow. And don't, if you're not ready for sex, there's nothing wrong with that. If you're still mourning the past relationship, you know, just wait for sex.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Don't jump into it on the first date, like all of our slutty listeners who do that. Yeah, of course. Giving our horse. No, but I would say that it's okay to wait text until you're ready and that being nervous is totally normal because sex can be a scary thing. You've been with one person. Even if you're sexually multiple, you will get out of a four-year relationship. I think you shouldn't jump into something else.
Starting point is 00:36:16 You shouldn't jump into a sexual relationship right away. It's hard not to do sometimes when you meet someone and get exciting, but take your time. Yeah, they have this street festival called X Fest every year in Modesto. So just go down there, have a couple drinks, maybe go five people. Or ease with the drinking. Okay, maybe not have a couple drinks,
Starting point is 00:36:35 but go down there and have some fun and meet some people too. Meet some people there, yeah, Modesto. But again, and then she says her partner was rather small, so she's excited to see what else is out there. There's many different shapes and sizes, you will be pleased. She's looking for an anaconda. She just wants an anaconda. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:53 She's going to go really big and then decide, okay, I don't really want that and then she'll find a happy moment. I know women who are happy with all different penis sizes. Yeah. So, but it'll be interesting. I think just not even about size, but just it's, I think, I don't know how old you are, but it's great to experience. All your friends are looking for anacondas. What is that? Anaconda?
Starting point is 00:37:13 It's like a big giant snake. It's a giant snake. It's not, it's a big monster. They'll eat you whole. Yeah. For a night. You would love it. That's the anaconda.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Try everything once. You would love that. And the Anaconda, you know. Try everything once. You would love it Anaconda. Love it. Okay, dear Emily, every time my wife orgasms, she sprays some kind of liquid. Sometimes even sprays over three feet across the bed.
Starting point is 00:37:39 What is this liquid? Is it safe to consume? Chris from San Francisco, California, where we are right now. Yes, I put on a sneeze guard for that. Okay, it is called female ejaculation. Comely knows gushing, coming, or squirting. And it's basically from the urethra, and it can happen during or before orgasm. It is different than an orgasm. Women can have female ejaculation and not orgasm and they can orgasm without a female ejaculation and it is safe to consume. It's not urine Which is not being on me. No, it's it's a
Starting point is 00:38:14 Controvertial like people think the female don't really ejaculate It's urine, but it comes from totally different comes from the urethra. It's different fluids and I can tell you there exactly what it is it is come from the urethra, it's different fluids, and I can tell you there exactly what it is. It is, it comes from the urethra, it's the exact source in nature of the fluid is a topic of debate among medical professionals, but it is can be- I've had this house and I thought a woman peed on me. Luke-host and fru-coast levels, and it's stuff like that, but it's not urine. It's not piano. It's different. It's different. It's really just peed on me. Blue coast and fru coast levels and it's stuff like that, but it's not it's not it's not urine. She's not peeing. It's different. She didn't really just peed on me. No, it's it's totally different. And another thing about it is because someone else asked me about this
Starting point is 00:38:55 next is you should also what I want to say is you should when she does ejaculate like you have to put something it's important to like, because you can like, you know, that was coming though. I know. Jesus Christ is just just pedaling. Do you think it's hot or did it bother you? I thought she peed on me.
Starting point is 00:39:15 I just kept on going and saying nothing, but like Jesus, I had to go to a laundry mat right after. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a bummer. So you should put like, you could put some of those stuff that like, people use a tarp, yeah, exactly, like bummer. So you should put like, you could put some of those stuff that like people use, get tarp, yeah, exactly. Like a water tarp underneath your bed. But women can learn to ejaculate and a lot of women do it and they do it because it could be like,
Starting point is 00:39:33 the way your penis is hitting your urethra. And that's what it's like, the G spot really is what it is. But not every woman does it. But yeah, and it's safe to consume. If you want to drink it up, go for it. God. People drink urine too. Oh, not me. But yeah, and it's safe to consume if you want to drink it up go for it. People drink you're into. Oh, not me. Not me my friend.
Starting point is 00:39:50 No, I know you don't. Okay, next question which I found which I had to ponder. Usually like for a few minutes. Ponder, oh for an answer or just a few minutes. Yeah, like I had to really think about it. No, not to read it, I'm reading it. Emily, when was the last time a guy did something physically that you didn't expect? And even though it caught you somewhat by surprise, you really enjoyed it. Was it a big thing or a little thing?
Starting point is 00:40:17 Are those moments harder to come by the more experience you have? Do you have to work harder at the stage in your life to be pleasantly surprised?" In quotes, Jeff, that's an awesome question. I had to think long hard because it's been a really long time. I think since a guy did something that was really different, but I was thinking about, okay, a few things say, like first I was thinking about like what I would like to happen, but I think like to me to happen was there was a guy that he, I didn't know that it was like we'd only been together once twice and this was a while ago, but he like we went to hotel, he got a hotel room and he like teased me for like a really time, which is something that I really realized that I liked.
Starting point is 00:41:07 And wouldn't touch me in any of the genitalia places, my breasts are my vagina, but he was kissing me and doing all these other things. And I was so hot and turned on because he waited any teased, which is a huge fantasy for women. And I would say, that was like, oh my God, this is exactly what I want. And I don't think that's ever happened to me again since. Because there's a lot of work. It is a lot of work.
Starting point is 00:41:32 But it's hot when you hold back. Women want the teas. That is what it teases. He teases me. He took me with feathers and did up. Was he able to take the teas? He tied my arms up, like not aggressively. He didn't leave the room and steal my wallet. That's what my men
Starting point is 00:41:46 Is, I want to be tied up because he's afraid the woman's gonna steal his wallet, but I don't know what kind of women you date, but anyway, um, so it that was really hot And so I would say that was the last time that a guy was like did something that I Didn't expect but that was like right on and I love it. Yeah, but Questions thing is with the whole teasing stuff sometimes guys are afraid that the erection will was like right on and I love it. Yeah, but questions, comments, with the whole teasing stuff. Sometimes guys are afraid that the erection will go away. Or then they get to, But a lot of men get turned on by seeing a woman turned on,
Starting point is 00:42:16 by seeing how turned on I was, that totally turned him on. Yeah, but if I was doing so much work, I'm afraid that my erection might go away. Oh, I, I gotta get it back. I gotta try to get it back. The person you're with could easily get it back. Your erection would not go away. In fact, you might be pleasantly surprised.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I'm glad you said that, Menace. That is a very typical male. Like, we're thinking that, but a lot of men. I gotta get it in. I gotta keep it moving. That is your problem. A lot of men are afraid that they're gonna lose it, that the action's not gonna happen, but Menace, believe it your problem. A lot of men are afraid that they're gonna lose it, that the action's not gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:42:45 But men, believe it or not, a lot of men, men who are evolved sexually, like going down on a woman makes them hot. Like they have erections, they can't wait to have sex. Of course you praise those guys. And I'm not saying that I never do that. Dude, every woman praises those guys. Those guys that get turned on by turning you on,
Starting point is 00:43:06 it's reciprocal. So like, I get turned on by turning a guy on. Like, it turns me on. If I knew what would turn a guy on, I would get so hot doing that to him. It's this reciprocal thing. But I fear that you have not had that experience at it. And it's so amazing to be turned on by turning woman on.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Doesn't turn you on in your with the woman? The girl that I'm into yeah yeah it does the girl that you're into now if you're into a yeah if I'm into a girl yeah yeah so it's the same kind of thing so I'm not in I'm just into the bone in this bone get the weiner in the vagina now right so much so many push ups that it throws up I was surprised that he was able, what do you say? I missed it. I said, Oh God, which is laughing. What did you say? I said, let my winner do so many pushups and tell it
Starting point is 00:43:54 throws up. I don't get it. Okay. Let's go. Move on. Okay, but one more thing Jeff, I think that I love your question, Jeff. I think it's an awesome, awesome question. It is. No, it's it's it's it is good. Have you had a woman do something to you that you were surprised about us? I'm just besides stealing your wallet. Oh asking like they give me blowjob without me asking that is awesome. It doesn't do that. Without you know kind of pushing your head down there. Yeah guys you should always do that. Put your hand on your head and then push it down. They will automatically. That is the number one thing that you should not do is never ever push your woman's head
Starting point is 00:44:33 down there because it is a way. It doesn't work. I'm totally. Don't do that. Don't ever ever take a woman's head and push it towards your crotch. Thanks. I hate that word crotch, but sometimes it's just appropriate. Yeah. Hey. Crosche issues. Oh, you know, we've known more time because we have to get into, I mean, we do have time with the show. We've got to get into our sex topic. Okay. What you got? We've got so many, we had so many great emails today, but we're going to have to get to the rest of them tomorrow. We've got, right? It's one for you. I thought we're, are these are ones that we're talking about dating and stuff? Yeah, single. Okay, good. You love that. Yeah. We're gonna continue with the rest of the emails tomorrow and email me feedback at I will answer all your sex questions and relationship dating, marriage, love, cheating, whatever
Starting point is 00:45:18 questions. Okay, we're continuing from let me just do a recap here. What? Why are you looking at me? You look sideways. I'm not. Okay, it's national singles and unmarried Americans week. I don't know who made it up. I think it's all, I hope it's focused. Or whatever. But it really is.
Starting point is 00:45:38 So I figured, okay, it's some weird holiday. That's fine. That's celebrate single people and unmarried Americans. We talked about this on Tuesday, but we're talking about the best places to meet singles in the world, like not like go to Sydney, Australia, but like coffee shops.
Starting point is 00:45:53 So I'm going to just review what we already went through. Coffee shops are great because it's kind of a casual atmosphere and you can go in and you can just be sitting there and just make yourself available. Like smile at someone coming in, make a comment. People like, it's just a kind of a casual thing. They're going on a coffee break. It's a good place.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Socially, try to, this is the one that you liked. If you're given any invitation to a party or wedding or social networking invitation, you should attend. Right? Attend everything that you're invited to. Attend your events. Change it up. Meet singles at a hobby, special interests,
Starting point is 00:46:25 or support groups. What do you love doing? Go do it, go on a hiking, join a hiking group, join a kite flying group, whatever it is. I took an invitation over that I usually wanna take. Because of this? Yeah, maybe I had that feeling after... Subconsciously, pre-consciously, you were like,
Starting point is 00:46:42 oh, Emily said, okay, so what'd you do? I was invited by one of the TV newscaster ladies to go to a hockey game. Just to you? No, no, no, she has like a private booth. That is so cool. And you know, I'm not in the sports zone and give a credit. No, but that's good. Then you went.
Starting point is 00:47:01 I very rarely regret doing something that I don't want to do. Like I'm like, oh really? But whenever I go, I'm like so psyched that I good. That you went. I very rarely regret doing something that I don't want to do. Like, oh, really? But whenever I go, I'm like, so psyched that I went. Yeah. So I think you should always just try to find a group. OK, meet singles by taking a course at a college or a university, join a health club, or online, you can be people. So here's where we left off.
Starting point is 00:47:17 OK. Vacation. They say the relationships that start a vacation never last, but that was way back in the 20th century. Now, the airfares are getting lower and lower lower and internet video chat is the most common thing out there Why not give a great man you medication a chance? Who knows what could happen a couple months? They could always be transferred to your town I'm trying to think if I ever met anybody on vacation. I have but I usually leave it on vacation. I have I've met people on vacation that I've seen again for sure Not like any random chick. Oh no, oh no
Starting point is 00:47:46 I have I've met two-blown vacation that I've seen again for sure. I love any film vacation, but I never go on vacation I need to go on more vacations. I have 18 vacation days out. You do? Yeah, you probably do you never take a day off Yeah, I haven't missed a day of work since 2001 a Serious swear ten years you need to miss it. You've never called in sick. Never called in sick. That's unbelievable. Why? Well, women is called sick of a time.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Well, we have things going on now. God, you can't say the worst. Dude, do they know this? You should get like a jacket or something. I'm not. You know, worst attendance record ever, women have. I can't believe you've known. I guess it's hard for you to call in sick because you've got
Starting point is 00:48:26 to show to do. I can't call in sick. You can't. You have to. Uh, I'd like to call in sick sometimes, but I don't. Okay. Wine scotch, wine slash scotch taste tasting. What?
Starting point is 00:48:39 These are places to meet people. Of course. For bars too loud and chaotic for liking, how about going to a wine or scotch tasting event? Where's the scotch tasting event? I have never been to one. Oh no, it's a lot calmer quieter not to mention sober. sober. I don't know get that whether you actually know your wines or fain in a sense you are bound to mean algebra bachelor
Starting point is 00:48:58 to or bachelor at besides it gives you plenty of time to work the room and figure out your options. Well, yeah, if it's a chick out drinking, you know you're gonna get late. Especially a drinking scotch. Yeah. So late that day. I'm so getting late tonight. Yeah, there's three things that you look for.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Who? If you're at a bar. And you see, well, if you're at a bar, you're out in like a common event area. Number one, if she's a smoker, you're gonna get laid. Two, come on! Where'd it go? Why do you say that? Two, if she has any tattoos, you're gonna get laid.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Oh, dude, that's an entire city of San Francisco. If she drinks, you're gonna get laid. You sleep this up? I didn't know, it's common knowledge. Maybe you're more likely to. And if you have the trifecta, you're totally getting laid within a couple of hours. Okay, let's say it again.
Starting point is 00:49:48 The trifecta. We have all three of those together. Do you treat this? What? Because it's hilarious. So a girl with a tattoo who's drinking and smoking, you're going to get laid by her. Yeah, done.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Not true. Some of you. How is that not true? I have so many friends who do all three of those things. Look, there's research out there. Your friends, come on. Most of my friends have tattoos, which is kind of interesting. And they don't slutter it up.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Stop. Stop trying to counteract everything I say, because it's bullshit. Okay, I agree with you, Mattis, that you're your unscientific study that everyone with a tattoo who's smoking a cigarette is gonna suck your teeth. Hell yeah, they will. Whatever. The next thing is laundromats. The only thing that makes a deal laundry bearable is the possibility of mini-cute guy.
Starting point is 00:50:34 If you run into someone who fits the description, don't hesitate to chat him up. What could it hurt? Right? Yeah, laundromats are popular. I know actually several people have met laundromats. Next thing is- I met a girl in laundry. You did. I remember. I people have met laundromats. Next thing is- I met a girl in Longtimey. You did. I remember. I think you're one of them.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Jury duty. It may sound boring, but think about this. Other board, possibly wonderful eligible singles could be out there. And if nothing to do but chat you up. Sound good? Don't ignore the civic duty. The next time you receive the summons in the mail, we just gave you 10 top places to meet people. So don't be bitching that you can't find anyone. Okay, so what to do when you meet someone to hear some things that you should do. What?
Starting point is 00:51:09 What to do? Yeah, so now you met someone, there's a cute girl, she's putting her quarters in the washing machine at the laundromat. What do you do? Present yourself positively. If you aren't in the habit of being courteous, it's time to start. Make your presence felt positively by everyone including her. You can do this simply, simple acts of courtesy,
Starting point is 00:51:28 giving up your seat for the older woman beside you or helping the mother carry her baby up the stairs. She'll perceive you as a man who's not sociable, but gentle, gentlemanly as well. Smile is the next thing that you should do when you meet someone. This is so true, people don't smile. All the time, you walk around with scowls on your face.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Dale Carnegie, the esteemed author of How to Win Friends and Influence People. Have you heard of that book? It's been around for 30, 40 years, probably. He wrote, and it is the best seller, and it is one of the best business books out there. He says that one of six musts in his book of How to Win Friends and for the people as to smile
Starting point is 00:52:07 a smile can make all the difference in the world despite its simplicity and spontaneity it can be extremely contagious to protect your best smile at her albeit not creepily don't smell creepily like that that is just not quickly as you approach her and there's a big chance she'll smile back at you don't just my people when they smile back Oh, that's really Hi, how are you? Do you walk around with a smile on your face? Hey, I'll know and you're kind of mean no
Starting point is 00:52:33 Why is everyone say that you come off as me? What you're not mean? I'm just kidding. Okay. I found a place though a whiskey place in San Francisco It's called the whiskey shop and it has four and a half stars. Should we go? Totally, it's like right down the street. I don't, okay, no. No, I can't. I'm really hungry, didn't they have food there? Have I told you that? No.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Oh, the best part to drink is when you haven't had anything to eat. I could get wasted out of it. You have a must-have. If I had a sip of whiskey, I would be on the floor drunk. Okay, the other thing that you should do besides smiling is just speak to her. On public transport, it's imperative that you initiate a conversation as soon as the proximity is socially acceptable. For example, when she sits on beside you or you stand beside her, wait any longer, you'll
Starting point is 00:53:18 come off as a creepy stranger who's been silently plotting your move for the past five minutes. So, here's some remarks that you can make if you meet someone cute on the bus or they sit next to the coffee shop. There are three types of line up. These are actually for public transportation but you can use them anywhere. There's the situation in the remark.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Like I can't believe this bus is actually in time for once. Yeah. There's the specific compliments like, nice bag, where'd you get it? I'm not gay. Women love when you compliment. I'm like, oh that's shoes. Those are cool shoes. They're bags totally. Number three are something boldly bold and totally out of the blue. Example.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Okay, here's an example. I'm gonna give you an example about something that a guy said to me that I ended up dating for a really long time and he's so one of my best friends. We met at a bar at a, yeah, actually at like 1015 full song, which is crazy club in the city. I don't know why I was there. I was there for an event. It wasn't like I was hanging out at 10. You were lucky for XC.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Right. I was. XC. Yeah. He said to me, I want to get this right. And I, I met him a few times before, but didn't remember, because that's how I never remember him. So I, to me, he was a complete stranger. And he said, if you could have the best night of your life tonight, and you wouldn't remember
Starting point is 00:54:33 it, but it would be the best night of your life, would you, would you have it? Would you do that? And I thought that was interesting. And I was like, you fell for that cheesy ass line. He's really smart. He was interesting. And we've been talking for a few minutes. That was so weird. And he told me aside, and we sat down. He didn't just come up to me and say that, but we started talking.
Starting point is 00:54:50 And then he's like, what would you do? Would you do that? I thought that was interesting. You didn't see right through the head? No. That was so bad. That is bad. He was interesting besides that we had been talking for a while.
Starting point is 00:55:01 You had dreams for that, right? You were a dream. I'm sure. But what I'm saying is something out of the blue, just some funny question or some funny thing that comes to your mind. Maybe something that's easy. sides that we have been talking for a while. You had dreams, right? You were dreaming. Sure. Yeah. And you thought that was so. But what I'm saying is something out of the blue, just some funny question or some funny thing that comes to your mind.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Maybe something that's easy. Okay. Get the number and get out. This is the next thing that you should do. Don't. Don't linger. Yeah. You got the number, time to go.
Starting point is 00:55:17 This is one of the limitations of meeting women on public transportation, other sell-out bug, whatever, wherever you meet them. You may have to get off in an earlier stop, so avoid lurking around the same spot, ever getting your number. As soon as you find a common interest to take your cell phone out and get a number. For newbies, you could do something like, listen, I have to get off the next stop, but I really enjoy this conversation. So enter your number here and maybe we'll see each other again. So those are some ways to get the numbers, talk to her, smile.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Have you ever called a guy when he says, oh, give me a call and gives you a business number? Never. God damn it. I've never called a guy that I was interested in because I would give him my number of eyes really interested in him. Yeah, I never called a guy first. I never called guys anyway. You know, I did a guy for three months, three years ago, and I never called him once
Starting point is 00:55:57 and he's like, you never call me. I always wait for the guy to call. That bad? I mean, if you're in a relationship with them, you should be calling them. I'm busy. Just call me if you want to talk. All right. Okay, time to go. Everyone, tomorrow's free Friday can hardly wait. We've got a phone sex operator calling in and she's going to talk to her.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Yeah. And another thing we're at the Stitcher Studios. So download the free app. It just goes or go to the Android store on your phone or go to the iTunes. It's free. Once you download it, just search Sex with Emily and you're able to hear the show every day. And congratulations to them. They just got another round of funding.
Starting point is 00:56:34 They're kicking ass. So we got the studios for a little while longer and less Emily like pisses them off of the dog or something. And they got a new logo. And they got a new logo. So go check that out. They're awesome. And I got a really good thing up on my blog called F Mary Kill.
Starting point is 00:56:50 And I put a bunch of women against each other. You want to play one game real quick here? Yeah. You know how to play F Mary Kill? All right, I put Miele Kunis up against Zoe Dishanel against Nally Portman. Who do I think is hottest? No, it's not who do you think is hottest.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Who would you, okay. F Mary Kill, you have to marry one, have sex with one, and kill one. So, Mila Kunis, hold on, don't answer. Mila Kunis, Zoey Dishonel, or Nally Portman. Mary Kill and what? I'mman. Mary Killin what? I'm hungry. Mary Killin what? And half sex. F.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Oh, I'd have sex with melecunus. I would... I would marry Nally Portman and I would kill Zoi. You would kill Zoi dischanael? Dude, I gotta kill someone. I gotta kill someone This is how I how it out roll go to white. What how do they go find it? I just go to white menace calm. You'll see it and
Starting point is 00:57:57 Okay, this is this how I would roll I would go meal acoonis I would f right I'll marry Zoe Dishonel because she is the sweetest Most beautiful women on the planet. Oh, I know you love her. Number three, I would kill Natalie Perman, because she has a baby who wants to check with the kids. Well, I'm just saying in theory, Natalie Perman, dude, you're hilarious. Okay, or not. I don't know what you are.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Yeah, piece of work. Okay, everyone, thanks for listening. And also one more thing. I'm going to say one more thing about Adam and Eve, because I didn't talk about them yet today. It's time for Sex Toys, I think, at Sex Toys season. So everyone go buy your Sex Toys at Adam and Eve. Atcom, use coupon code Emily at checkout,
Starting point is 00:58:35 and you get 50% off most items. Plus you get three adult DVDs. Oh, my ear, I think it's one off. Use coupon code Emily at checkout at Thanks a lot. Thanks everyone for listening to Sex with Emily. It was a good for you. Email me. Feedback at

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