Sex With Emily - Hotline Calls: Are You Bicurious?

Episode Date: July 2, 2024

In today’s throwback episode, I’m taking your Sex With Emily hotline calls and answering your questions. Remember, you can always call and leave a voicemail with your question at 559-TALK-SEX (559...-825-5739). In this episode you’ll learn:  What to do if you can’t stop fantasizing about women (but you’re in a healthy relationship with a man) How to determine if birth control is tanking your sex drive How to communicate with a partner who won’t share their desires Show Notes: Take the SWE Listener Survey Here! Try our FREE Guides Today!  SHOP WITH EMILY! (free shipping on orders over $99) The only sex book you’ll ever need: Smart Sex: How to Boost Your Sex IQ and Own Your Pleasure Want more? Sex With Emily: Home Let’s get social: Instagram | X | Facebook | TikTok  Let’s text: Sign Up Here Want me to slide into your inbox? Sign Up Here for sex tips on the regular. See the full show notes at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Do you know mutual masturbation is one of the top searched sex terms? You know you're going to get off. You're learning from your partner what feels good to them. It's a sure thing. You're listening to Sex with Emily. I'm Dr. Emily and I'm here to help you prioritize your pleasure and liberate the conversation around sex. All right, in this episode, I take calls from our Sex with Emily hotline. Your questions include what it means if you're in a healthy relationship with a man, but can't stop fantasizing about women.
Starting point is 00:00:39 What's the deal with bisexuality? Is birth control to blame for your low sex drive? If not, what is it? How to bring intimacy back into your relationship after pregnancy and what to do if your partner refuses to talk about their sexual desires. Please rate and review Sex with Emily wherever you listen to the show. It helps get the show out to more people
Starting point is 00:00:59 and it just takes a few seconds. You can do it right now. You can also find me on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, or X and Facebook. All of it, all of it is at Sex with Emily. Check out my new articles. You can do it right now. You can also find me on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter or X and Facebook. All of it, all of it is at Sex With Emily. Check out my new articles, how to know if you're good in bed
Starting point is 00:01:10 and how to have long distance sex. Those are up on All right everyone, enjoy this episode. Question for you, have you been wanting to connect more with your partner, but no matter what you do, you just feel further and further apart? Well, I've got a suggestion for you that worked for me and my partner. So to be honest, we were in a bit of a rot recently and we both felt like we're just
Starting point is 00:01:35 going through the motions every day is the same and we weren't getting anywhere in these conversations. But then we discovered this really fun app called paired and paired is all about making time for genuine conversation and fun activities together every single day. You just download the app, you pair it up with your partner and Paired gives you these really like thought-provoking questions and super cute games that are tailored
Starting point is 00:01:56 just for your relationship. And the best part, I love this part, you can't see each other's answers until you both answered honestly. It's like a judgment-free zone to just really open up. And through paired, I learned things about a partner that really surprised me after all these years. So one night paired had us play this game called
Starting point is 00:02:11 your kinky sex bucket list. So we went through all the kinks and all the suggestions that we wanted to try. We matched it up and it was really fun. We have a lot to do on our sex to do list now. Whether you're just a few dates in or have been together a really long time, you gotta find the time to connect with your partner and nourish the relationship.
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Starting point is 00:04:06 Lauren, tell me what's going on. Thanks. I'm a huge fan. I'm so happy. So I'm a therapist and I'm always thinking, always in my head, but I can't figure this one out. Okay. I think of it as like my, my aid is spilling into my ego.
Starting point is 00:04:21 I am in a healthy relationship with a man, like seven months in, and suddenly my fantasies of being with a girl sexually, being with a woman is like suddenly moving into my daily life. And I go by the timing tone and turf. I'm a big communicator. I've talked about it with him. I mean, he's not like irritated by it, but he's definitely not Okay with me pursuing that and I understand right, but I just can't get my finger On why this is suddenly like not just a fancy it used to just be I would have dreams Or that would be the porn of choice, right? And suddenly it's like no I want to do this in my waking life and I can't get to the bottom of it
Starting point is 00:05:04 Have you met anybody that's piqued your interest? I have not. Okay. How's your sex life with your partner? Our sex life is great. The hesitation you hear in my voice is like, I am struggling a little bit with the X factor, like the wow chemistry,
Starting point is 00:05:21 but everything is so great in a relationship and the actual sex is great as well in the communication so it's not something I'm concerned about but the X factor is just a little so-so for me okay how the X factor meaning just that like unspeakable chemical I gotta have you right here right now type of connection that I've had in my most toxic relationships Honestly, like the more toxic. Yeah, the more toxic the stronger that was which is terrible And now I'm 30 and making smarter choices. How long have you guys been together? Seven months. Seven months. Okay, so it's still new How was it at the beginning? Did you have that attraction at the beginning?
Starting point is 00:06:02 We we did I don't know what we're off. I think, I don't know if it's spending more time together than I usually spend with my significant other to be honest. But it's died down a little bit and it's only seven months in. Yeah, I mean that's what happens in relationships. The honeymoon period is anywhere from six months to two years. You were spending more time together and then that kind of squashes out the arousal and the attraction process because when we're on top of each other, we're seeing each other more.
Starting point is 00:06:33 While we feel more intimate and more connection and more love with our partner, it sort of can douse the flames of desire because we no longer have that separation. We no longer have the novelty. And that's big for me. And the spontaneity. And so you're living together,
Starting point is 00:06:48 you're not living together, right? Okay, so I lived on my own forever. And then recently situations in my apartment became unlivable and I did need to stay here. So I've gone from living on my own my entire life since I was 20 to now we are here together all the time and it's fine but maybe that's playing more of a role. Definitely. You need that because then where is the spontaneity? Where's the buildup? Where's
Starting point is 00:07:14 the getting excited to see him and dressing up and going on the dates? Yes. And it's really soon to move in with someone after seven months and people do it all the time. I'm just saying that maybe, you know, maybe it, maybe, do you think besides the sex, which is a huge thing, like are there other things in the relationship that give you pause? No, besides that chemical,
Starting point is 00:07:35 like just missing a little bit of that X factor. That's what I've always called it. And you said it was there in the beginning, but not- Not the strongest I've ever had. Okay. But when I was in my younger and mid-20s, I put all of my stock in that. If I didn't have that X factor with someone,
Starting point is 00:07:50 I did not give them a chance. And it led me to a lot of the wrong people. Right, exactly. So I don't put all of my stock in that. Well, see, this is what we do. We tend to learn our lessons, and then sometimes we use the pendulum swings the other way. You're like, okay, I don't need to have the X factor.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I'm just gonna find someone who's compatible, who's a good guy, who's not toxic. And then either you find that maybe you go somewhere back towards the middle, but did you have it at all at the beginning, like enough? So you had a little bit. So is he interested in sex? Is he interested in growing with you?
Starting point is 00:08:21 He is. He's so open to these conversations with me. And I think he's heard me listening to your podcast a lot. And I've always been a sexual person. So when I found your podcast, it was great. She's like, she's educating people and she just knows her stuff. So he's open to it, but not to me pursuing the woman.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Right. Yes. Well, I think- And I don't want to threesome. Like this is something I want on my own. Well, you've been together for seven months and you're 30 and part of me thinks like, does he really get to dictate which fantasies you, I mean, let's go back to that.
Starting point is 00:08:56 It's not even like you're saying, I want to spice it up. I want to make it interesting. You're saying my fantasies for women is really going through the roof. And I just think you're young and you are still exploring and how would you feel if you never had that experience? So I feel like perhaps he needs to hear more about it. Like I don't think you're saying
Starting point is 00:09:14 I wanna leave you for a woman. You're saying I wanna still have sexual experiences and I still wanna grow and this is one area where I just need to do it on my own. And that's not an easy pill for many people to swallow because they get jealous or they're worried or what does it mean? Most of us are not that educated around these things.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Like we just feel threatened and we feel rejected. So it's a matter of, so there's two things going on here. The first thing is like you have this pretty intense desire that you've had for a while, but now it's elbow because it's the porn you watch, although that's what I watched too, but it elevates, it elevates. So now it's about that and the fact
Starting point is 00:09:48 that he hasn't been that most, he's just not doing it for you. So on the one hand, you can kind of choose your battles here and say, okay, I'm not gonna pursue the woman thing right now, but what I am gonna do in this seven month relationship is I'm gonna really try to talk to him about what I find attractive
Starting point is 00:10:06 or what would be really hot to me or discussing some of your fantasies that don't include women or can you remember a time with him or like the sexiest night you've had together? Did something happen? Do you remember what was happening? Could you recreate that? I've been big on mood music and so I don't know if you know Alina Baraz, but I think she's got such a sexy voice. No, but I want to write it down. Yeah, such a sexy voice.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Just like all of hers, I could just put on a playlist of Alina Baraz and like a drink that kind of set the mood. Sometimes I like to dabble with edibles. Yes. And just kind of get lost in each other. Phones away, not really gone out and had that much exciting experiences outside
Starting point is 00:10:46 of the home together, which could be playing into this in general, but like playing into the specifics of the woman thing, just it's not connecting for me. I just, I don't know. Our brains are, I mean, maybe you're just like not as attracted to him. And so your brain is going, well, what about a woman that could really be next level and you won't know until you try it so you could choose to say I'm gonna just focus for the next three you could say three months Lauren you could say babe let's just do you could download our pleasure planner on our website it gives couples like steps to walk through and plan out their sex life the yes no maybe list all the things I talk about could be the
Starting point is 00:11:23 fuel to see like are you guys both into the same things? Explain to him what you might need to be aroused. Maybe it's more foreplay, more warm up. Maybe you want to come home from work and he's playing the soundtrack. You know, he's taking care of things. But it's a skill set like learning how to be a great lover and he just might not know how to be that to you. And you might not really know what that looks like either. So you could say for three months, I'm going to try to put all of my energy into trying with him and seeing if he's on board.
Starting point is 00:11:52 And if we could create new scenarios, get a hotel room for a night, travel together. Can you go stay with a friend for a week? Yeah, we've really been lacking those experiences. And I've always thought to him, I need the excitement. Like, I'm not saying whisk me away to Mexico and travel like I I know we both have a lot going on but I I need some I need to get dressed and right you know feel sexy put on makeup and have him like be the one saying okay babe we're gonna go here
Starting point is 00:12:17 get dressed up you know like tell me what to do I don't want to be the one planning at all I'm the same way have Have you told him that? Yes. And has he done it? Yes. He's trying. He's not a planner. Dear Lord, he's not a planner. And I understand. I'm not great either, but I need it.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I need some spicing. Then I think that's what you tell him, plan this night for us. Cause I'm not a planner either. And I had a relationship a few years ago. Neither one of us were planners and it didn't go well. Cause I'm just like, I'm down for anything. I work all day. I need you to plan.
Starting point is 00:12:49 It's also sexy when someone takes the initiative. I think you can relate and the other people have spoken about this. When you're in control and you like run shit in your life elsewhere in the bedroom, you kind of just want to, I a little bit want to be dominated. I was romantically like, babe, we're gonna go here. Get ready. We're going out and doing this and I do understand it's harder now but it's not impossible. It's not impossible but he might never have been asked this before and doesn't know what it looks like. You might need to really explain to
Starting point is 00:13:16 him. This is what it looks like. So, when I come and I know this doesn't sound sexy but to be able to say to him, okay, for Saturday night, I want you to plan A, B, and C, and tell me what to wear, and tell me where we're going, and like, help him a little bit. And then once he does that, and you have this great reaction to it, it'll reinforce new behavior,
Starting point is 00:13:36 because it's just new behavior, like to learn how to be a planner. But, and to learn how to dominate as well, like, he might not even know what that means. And as we say, dominate us us and our partner's like, what do you mean? Like, do you want me to choke you? Do you want me to tie you up?
Starting point is 00:13:49 Do you want me to like spank you? You know, he might not know. So that's why the yes, no, maybe list is a cool thing for couples to do because maybe he's into some of the things you're into and he didn't know that that's what dominate. You know what I mean? We can't make assumptions that they know. Right, yeah, no for sure.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Cause I told him I want him to be more aggressive in the bedroom. And then I realized last night, like I need to spell out explicitly what I mean by that. Like that could mean so many things. And his nature is not an aggressive. He is kind and warm. So like he might not, I might have to really say, like I want you to pull my legs apart.
Starting point is 00:14:20 I want you to, you know, initiate this, like make me feel like you have to have me. Yes, exactly, like literally exactly. And try to find some porn where it happens. This is where I love porn. You're like, this scene right now, show him three scenes, cue him up. That's what I want.
Starting point is 00:14:38 And then say, I'm gonna try this with him for a few months because the women are always gonna be there. And then you'll know. Right. And maybe you'll know. Right. And maybe you'll start to feeling more attracted to him and those feelings will go away, but it's probably because you are such a lacking, you're not getting your needs met.
Starting point is 00:14:52 You're like, well, this fantasy gets me off every time. You know what I'm saying? So, I feel that that might be a good way to go. Just kind of commit to it, even if it's two months, because you'll know in two months. And then I guess I'll end up finding out if the lack of excitement is fueling my girl fantasy not being just a fantasy anymore. Right, exactly. But you won't know until you change something up. So saying I'm going to put that aside for two months. I'm
Starting point is 00:15:15 going to give him two months or three months or whatever feels good to you. And you're going to continually talk about it and see can he bring it. Yeah. And then you'll have your answer. What do you think Lauren? I think that's a good idea. I love it. Let's see. This is my hold. You're great. Yay. Thank you so much. Keep me posted. Okay, I'll keep listening. I love it. Let's talk to Alexis. 19 in Michigan. Hi, Alexis. I was 19 in Michigan. Hi, how are you? I'm good. how are you? I'm good. What's going on? How can I help you? Of course. So I am in a long-term relationship. He's really great
Starting point is 00:15:52 and I started taking birth control when we started having a few months after we started having sex and my sex drive has slowly been getting to about a zero and I've been really struggling lately. And he's really understanding, but obviously his sex drive is higher than mine. And I fully believe that a good sex life is important in a relationship. I don't know if I should talk to my gyno or...
Starting point is 00:16:19 Yes. I just don't know what to do. I feel pretty stuck. Yes, we listen. Alexis, it's so funny that you're calling in right now because I too am from Michigan and I was talking to my freshman year roommate, so I was probably about your age, and I said to her, I think that when I went on the birth control pill, I got on a few
Starting point is 00:16:35 weeks before I started college that it did impact my libido and my mood. And so what's happening, Alexis, is the pill can have an impact on your libido. And I would say 100% go to your gynecologist and ask her for different options. You could get a no hormone IUD. You could also use a condom. There's been a lot of really good information lately that's come in about the truth around the birth control pill. I'm not telling women just to go off the pill.
Starting point is 00:17:03 However, it impacts our lives. It really does in ways that are moved. Yeah. So if you... And you haven't changed anything Alice, you're not taking antidepressant? No. Okay. I mean the pills, so there are different ones with different levels of hormones and so you could go see your doctor and see if she could adjust the prescription. I would do that. Yeah. And is there anything that I could do, like talking to him?
Starting point is 00:17:32 I tried to talk to him and he's been really understanding, but I'm just feeling that he's not quite understanding what I'm feeling. And maybe I just don't want to force our sex life, but sometimes I feel like I have to because my sex drive is so low. Is there something that I can do now until I meet with my gyno to kind of improve our sex life a little bit or have him understand where I stand? I think it's both important. I think you're doing a great job, Alexis.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I'm really glad that you're being really honest with him because our libido's, whether we're on the pill or not, will fluctuate throughout our lifetime. Things we'll get, who knows, we'll be going through a stressful time or we're on antidepressant or after we have children. And so I think the healthier conversations we can have with our partners about what's actually going on and that they understand is really helpful. So I think you could give him information on the birth control pill and the impact it has on libido so you're not just making on and that they understand is really helpful. So I think you could give him information
Starting point is 00:18:25 on the birth control pill and the impact it has on libido so you're not just making it up if he wants to really understand it more and what happens. We've done a few great podcasts with a woman named Jolene Brighton and she wrote a book called Beyond the Pill. So there's great resources there. So if he wants to read some of that and understand, but let me tell you the other interesting thing that I'm thinking about, Alexis, is that for many women, whether they're on the pill or not, they just don't experience as high of a sex drive.
Starting point is 00:18:56 It fluctuates at different times. Yeah. Even then, we are responsible for turning our own pilot lights on and figuring out what gets us in the mood because you said, well, of course my boyfriend has a higher drive. We assume that, but we had a woman call in yesterday who has a higher drive than her boyfriend. So it's not necessarily a gender thing, but I can see what you're saying that he has a
Starting point is 00:19:22 higher drive. And so for you, I would ask you, Alexis, in ways to work with this now, what are you in the mood for sex? What does that feel like? What's happening right before that moment? Is it something, does your boyfriend do something? Is there a response you have to a stimuli that turned you on? Think about what that thing is.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Like for me, it's like the more I masturbate, the more I want sex, the more I talk about sex to a partner, I want sex, you know? But it doesn't just hit me over the head, you know? I've never been like that. Right. Yeah. But we think it should. Yeah. I never masturbate, so maybe I should start doing that. I just, I never, see, I'm never in the mood. Well, right. Okay. So this is a matter of building a new habit.
Starting point is 00:20:10 We're never in the mood for the things that become habits. We're never like, can't wait to brush my teeth. Can't wait to eat breakfast. But if you have a vibrator, use your hands, I would get a fun new toy that you like to play with, that you might want to experiment with, and you put it by your bed and you got a bottle of lube there and before you go to sleep or when you wake up in the morning whenever you're the most motivated, it might take you 10 minutes and just start to explore and get curious about your body and what feels good and then
Starting point is 00:20:39 you'll find that that's one way to keep sex top of mind and to keep your body moving and keep your body feeling good and start to get those feel good hormones going because orgasms are actually good for our health, our mental health, our wellbeing and will help you. So that's one thing I recommend and I recommend, I don't know, do you orgasm with a partner? See that's, I don't know. I've only ever been with him. I don't know what an orgasm is. I don't know if I've ever experienced it or not. Is there something that you know that you've experienced it? Yeah. But I think it's really about, you'll start to feel a sort of your pelvic floor, maybe start to expand and vibrate. You'll start to feel like internal
Starting point is 00:21:26 genital areas start to feel good and flush, might move throughout your body. It's sort of an intense release. It is a state of euphoria. It's a building sensation. Yeah, I definitely like experience like that feeling for sure. I just need to explore more, I guess. Yeah, we all do. Alexis, we all do. And I love that you're 19. I didn't masturbate until I was in my 20s. You have so much time to figure out your body and what feels good to you so you're not behind here. You are right where you need to be. And just start exploring and touching yourself. Have like a date night with yourself and say, okay, tonight is my night. I'm gonna take a bath. I'm gonna set the atmosphere for myself.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I'm gonna put out my favorite music and light a candle and then seduce yourself essentially and think about how does touch feel on your body? Go slow, play with your nipples, use your hand over your neck and just sort of tease yourself and get curious. Yeah. And that might also help you.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I really appreciate it. Of course. I'm so glad you called, Alexis. I listened to you on call with your daddy and I've been listening to you all day and I was like, I have to talk to her about this. I'm so glad you called in. Yeah, that was a really fun episode. I'm so glad you found me and I'm glad I found you.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Thank you so much. Really inspiring. Of course, sweetie. Have a great night. Thanks for calling. Let's talk to Rick in Ohio. Hi, Rick. What's going on? Thanks for calling. Not much. I just want to say that I definitely am attracted to both sexes, but I feel like I'm leaning more towards men. Is it possible to be bisexual sometimes? Absolutely. Oh, bisexual is real.s real yeah I mean you can be attracted to men women all genders and sexuality is a spectrum. I definitely have been with men and I really enjoy being with men but I mean I at the same time I'm
Starting point is 00:23:20 attracted to women but I feel more comfortable sometimes to around them. Yeah I think that think that that's totally fine. People think, oh yeah, I think what you're alluding to is that people think there's no such thing as being bisexual. But how could you tell a whole group of people that they don't exist? It's not a phase, it's not a thing. And I think that there's a lot of people who are bisexual and they just go through a lifetime of repressing it because they don't understand how you could be attracted to all genders. They might be attracted to trans people, they might to everyone. So yeah Rick, has it been a problem for you or you're just wondering about the labels here? Well no it hasn't really been a problem. I mean like for instance I've been with a guy now for
Starting point is 00:23:58 you know a good eight to nine years but at the same time too if I'm watching something like Dancing with the Stars or too if I'm watching something like Dancing with the Stars or if there's an attractive girl on a commercial I find attractive. I am not going to dance around and not look but I mean no it hasn't been a problem and I'm not really into labels or anything but I think sometimes I feel like I catch myself doing a double glance at times with both genders. That's, that's great that you allow yourself to do that. You know, people just don't. And in fact, there's a lot of men who are attracted to men and they, you probably
Starting point is 00:24:31 know these guys and they, and they feel such shame around it that they end up becoming, you know, homophobic, they end up hating themselves so that they hate others who are gay. So, you know, I'm not like, I mean, I- Yeah, no, I'm glad. I'm saying you're a good example, Rick, of a man who's being totally honest with yourself. Even at home, I've got a Playgirl magazine, but yet I've got a Playboy magazine. I enjoy looking at both from time to time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:00 To me, I think that means that you are open. Think about it. If everyone was paying attention to their bisexuality or that they could be that sex is a spectrum just like gender isn't binary you know our biology and so that's true that you know isn't either that sex exists on the spectrum. Alfer Kinsey said one is straight and six is gay. Have women been a little bit more open about that over the years or Yes. Are there more women that are more like that or just... I think that women are more openly...
Starting point is 00:25:28 Women tend to be more bisexual. We tend to hear about it more. They tend to act on it more. Because I believe there's less of a stigma and you're seeing it more in culture and it's just more accepted overall. It's more visible, but men don't see this. Men don't see it as much, right? You can be bisexual. I think women have been that way for years though, right? I think
Starting point is 00:25:49 that men and women have always existed on spectrum sexually, but I think that there's more permission given to women and there's more celebration of women being bisexual than men. But I think it's always been the case, but I think for many men, they just keep it down and they're so afraid of the repercussions and our society says That if you're bisexual you're just gay. So that's not fair for men. Yes You're absolutely right that is the stigma is there for men and not for women. I totally agree I think maybe that might have been my original question. I just didn't know how to ask that. Yeah, okay. That's it Yeah, that's it. That's that but I. But I think that now we give people more permission.
Starting point is 00:26:25 This is why, Rick, I love that you're calling in. But I think if you really give people permission to expand their minds and to think about it, that people could kind of go try something out, dabble. Okay, I get that. Yeah, okay, cool. I experiment it and I enjoy it and I like it. It's a lot of fun. Yeah, good. Well, I'm glad that you found that and you're with a partner who's understanding as we all should be. I want that for everybody. My biggest thing is I love sucking penis. It's just great. Yeah, me too. But yeah, I've dabbled too with women, you know? But you don't have to give it up. Here's the thing. If we
Starting point is 00:27:00 could be more open about this thing and we could be more open about what we're actually attracted to and we didn't talk about like gender and we just were attracted to what we are attracted to, you know, now we call it like pansexual people who are more open to anything. They're just attracted to whatever they might be attracted to, to whoever, whatever gender. And I think that's the way to live. And I think that's where we're going now, Rick. I think that in society, much to much people's disappointment, many people don't, won't be, this won't be a popular statement.
Starting point is 00:27:29 But I think that now that there's more permission and there's more information and there's more education, I think that just allowing people to see that it's okay, be attracted to what you want, who you want, and just be honest and be open about it, that we would, then we would give others permission. Just like me, you talking about this right now Rick I promise you is giving some other people permission to feel better about their own choices actually or maybe there's some people who have felt like they don't want to come out and now by hearing this there they want to they're thinking okay well Rick's doing it Rick's opened I'm okay yeah thank you Rick thanks for calling I
Starting point is 00:28:03 appreciate it. We'll be right back after a quick word from our sponsors. I'll be right back, don't go away. When I started podcasting, an online store was the furthest thing from my mind. And now I'm selling my favorite products on my e-commerce store. And it's so easy because I use Shopify.
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Starting point is 00:29:06 Go to slash SWE to grow your business, no matter what stage you're in. slash SWE because businesses that grow, grow with Shopify. This is from Mark 43 in the UK. I'm married and I've known my wife for 12 years. We've been married for five. We're very sexually open. We've been to clubs and we've swung. We use toys together, the magic wand, the womanizer.
Starting point is 00:29:37 We watch porn, we use toys, and we are deeply committed to one another. She is the best sex I've ever had. We've been trying to start a family for a while and last year she was pregnant, but after three months we lost the baby. Worst experience for us both. But we're dealing. However, I believe that it has changed her. Totally understandable. It's not something you're going to get over anytime soon. I want nothing but to be supportive of her. However, it has changed our sex life. She only wants to have sex with who she's ovulating. We really want a baby and I've tried to let her know as much as we really want to be in a family, sex isn't just for baby making. And I miss her, but don't want
Starting point is 00:30:15 to push her due to the trauma of miscarriage. Is there a thing I can do to support her?" So many couples go through miscarriages. It's really, really common actually. And I don't think we talk about it enough. It can be so upsetting because it's like the ultimate joy, right? When you are pregnant and you're going to become parents and you're expecting and all these things happen. And it's really, it can be very, very devastating. And you know, not only like your hormones, you know, kind of messed up after that, but
Starting point is 00:30:40 it's just the sorrow and the pain. And you know, it's estimated that one in eight pregnancies will end in miscarriage. I would say maybe 20%, 25% of my friends, probably who have kids right now, have had a miscarriage first. They just did, all ages. And so I think if you've seen a marked difference, Mark,
Starting point is 00:30:59 that she's really, maybe she's depressed. Maybe she could have therapy and you guys could go together. And this is another thing that happens when couples are trying to get pregnant for a while, it literally just becomes like, we're making babies, we're making babies. Like sex is no longer fun, it's no longer sexy,
Starting point is 00:31:14 there's no variety. There's other things I talk about in the show and it becomes like a chore. And this gets really, really challenging for couples. It can be a tricky time. And so it's really important that you could have a talk with her and just say, like, what can we do that could keep our sex life still really interesting? Because what you've said to her, I've let her know
Starting point is 00:31:38 that it's not just for baby making. But see, here's the thing about these conversations. If you say to your wife, I feel like we're only having sex when you're ovulating. Sex isn't just for baby making. All she cares about right now, honestly, all she is making a baby. So the way you said it, remember, because communication is so important here because there's a totally different way. It was like, really, you got to think about your spin on this, right? Like that is not going to make anyone. You're like, well, I want to make a baby. What are you talking about? But having conversations or at least thinking about it, you've been with her for a while.
Starting point is 00:32:15 What makes her feel the most herself and in the mood? And were there things you could go back to in the beginning that worked? Maybe you guys need a reset, you need a vacation, you need to switch up locations. I mean, you could even have some conversations. We've got some great tools on our site and blog posts and things about how to have these conversations. But I think, you know, even ask her, what's the three most memorable times we've had sex?
Starting point is 00:32:41 Like ask her that and say, tell me the three most memorable times we've had sex and what you remember about them, right? And then you guys can have a fun game of like trading stories because sometimes we just need to be reminded. And also there'll be some clues in that. There'll be something in each story that will say, oh, you know, for example, if she talks about the time you are on vacation and a lot of our stories are actually, people are on vacation, it's because we're out of our element. We're not at home staring at the ceiling,
Starting point is 00:33:10 the same ceiling and doing all the things that just aren't less interesting, change up the location. But maybe she liked it one time when, you know, there was a lot of dirty talk, or maybe you were, it was a forbidden time. Like maybe you were somewhere where you shouldn't have been having sex. So when you ask these questions, there's a lot of information that
Starting point is 00:33:29 you can get from that. You can say, oh, she likes it a little mystery. She likes to play dress up. If she liked that one time on Halloween when you had sex. So you can kind of find out cues to see like what might be interesting for us. And you did use the words here, we're talking about miscarriage, like how do you get past it? You did say trauma of miscarriage. So if it's been a year and she's still feeling that, again, therapy, you know, there might be part of it that really wants to get pregnant and then scared if she does get pregnant, she's going to lose the baby. So it's more complex than we allow people to realize it really is. So that's what I suggest for you, Mark. Repair your relationship how everyone needs to repair it. And that's what I suggest for you, Mark. Repair your relationship how
Starting point is 00:34:05 everyone needs to repair it and that is like honest communication and keep going with it. Keep talking about it. This is from Don 31 in Canada. Longtime listener from Canada. I've been dating someone for a couple months. We get along famously. She's funny and sexy, the total package. Our sex life is good but whenever we get intimate she says that she's lazy and doesn't like to ask for what she wants in bed. I reassured her that she need not be shy and we should have open communication. Any tips on how we can improve this aspect of our relationship? I would say that your girlfriend, Dawn, probably isn't lazy. She doesn't know what to ask for. She doesn't,
Starting point is 00:34:44 she says she doesn't like to ask for what she wants She doesn't know what to ask for. She doesn't, she says she doesn't like to ask for what she wants in bed. Nobody likes to ask for what they want in bed. We all want our partners to be mind readers and to figure it out. I mean I actually believe that. I used to think that my partners must be able to intuit from my body language exactly what I needed. And I thought that men were shipped off somewhere to a school and that in that men's school, they learned everything about the female body because I had no idea. I mean, really, that's how we don't have information about this. And so I think that you can work with her on this, even telling her that she doesn't need to be shy,
Starting point is 00:35:24 you should have open communication, make this fun, okay? You could make this like, I get what you're saying, but let's, let's, I would just love to hear you right now when we're not in bed, you know? Let's talk about what you like. You could go to our site, you could download our yes, no, maybe list, you guys could take that together. It's a list that lists all the sex things. Everything on the table, kissing, anal, foreplay, cuddling, and then you each tick yes, no, or maybe. I mean, if she's lazy, she wouldn't mind laying down and clicking off the yes, no, maybe list with you.
Starting point is 00:35:55 But I believe that she should tell you, you could also play a game, make a fun sex game. Have a conversation using, there's like these sex libs, there's all this stuff,, we've got a great store. They ask questions and you guys could find out together, but in my experience, she likely doesn't know what she needs or has enough experience with her body to be able to ask for it. And that's just the majority of humans on the planet, so that would make sense. I don't think that she's probably withholding from you. Another great thing is, you know, I hope she masturbates. I hope everybody practices self-loving, but if she hasn't
Starting point is 00:36:32 yet masturbated or she's, you know, doesn't really know her own body, she only knows her body in relation to another human, that can also be challenging because maybe in her past relationships, her partners, they took all the control. So she actually really doesn't have the language so maybe some mutual masturbation would be hot. Do you know mutual masturbation is one of the top searched sex terms? Definitely on our site because we talk about it a lot. It's like of course they do it's the fucking best. You're like you know you're gonna get off. You're learning from your partner what feels good to them. Maybe you get each other
Starting point is 00:37:03 off. You switch hands. You get them off, they get you off, but you're both, you just, it's a sure thing. And it's a great learning tool. Amanda on my team says she's played sexual chess. Hot. You don't have to buy a sex game. Just use the things you have around the home. Amanda, what was that?
Starting point is 00:37:19 Tell me, whose idea? So different pieces. I love Amanda's sex life. Thank you. It's taken years to cultivate. So the different pieces represent different things. So we were also playing with like wine. So like ponds were like, you have to sip the wine or something.
Starting point is 00:37:39 But then other things were like, remove a piece of clothing or you have to do this to me or I have to do this to you and we we did set a time limit on it because some of it was like hand stuff or oral stuff so we had like one of those timer egg timer whatever yeah like I think part of the fun too is not letting it actually like turn into sex but like forcing yourself to get back to the game it's edging it's like an edging game because you have to stand. I love this idea because that's what we all know too. When you prolong arousal and desire, like you're not allowed to by the rules to actually get
Starting point is 00:38:15 into the sex, but you're teasing for as long as the alarms two minutes or a minute, and then you have to stop. I want to play that game. It's so fun. I think what happens is sex is fun in our minds. Growing up, we're like sex is gonna be the best. When I'm an adult, I'm just gonna have the sex all the time. It's like looking forward to get your driver's license, which actually is pretty awesome when you get your driver's
Starting point is 00:38:37 license. When I turned 16, it was the best day of my life. Having sex? Not the best day of my life. It's a huge letdown. Having sex is not what it's cracked up to be and I think it actually never meets the hype of what it is when you've never had it. Unless you do the work that we do here and now sex is, I get it, that incredible sex is better than almost anything on the planet. But so many of us aren't there because we never learned how to get there. Let's make sex fun again. Are you in? Let's talk to our female caller 51 in Arizona. Hi, thanks for calling. Oh, hi Emily. How are you? I'm good. How are you? I'm fine. Thanks for calling. I just have a question. Yeah, thank you. I enjoy your show. I was just thinking, I'm 51 and I've been married to my husband for 25 years and things have changed a little
Starting point is 00:39:27 bit physically. It's both of our physical, you know, we both gained a few pounds, not anything crazy, but and things got a little stale and I think I'm going through menopause. I'm not sure. And my pubic hair is gray and I'm so like embarrassed by it. Hmm. That happens. Yeah. Could you shave it? You could dye it or shave it. Those are your options.
Starting point is 00:39:55 How do you... I tried to dye it once and it was just... What about just waxing it? I'm not sure. Or embrace it or just say, you know what? My pubic hair is gray, but if it doesn't make you feel sexy, go get it waxed. Get it waxed, trim it, shave it. Or just... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I mean, that's really what you do. And have you ever had it all removed before? No, never. I mean, you might like it. When I first started doing that, I like years ago got like the Brazilian wax. Where do you live? Arizona.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Yeah, go into a med, go into a spa and get it. It's, there's different ways you can do it. And it might even be less painful right now. I mean, it is kind of painful at first, but they take all the hair off and it's really, really smooth. And, and it can feel really good. You can, cause there's so many nerve endings on our vulva,
Starting point is 00:40:46 the exterior part of our vagina, that there might be more access and you might realize that he can sort of with oral sex and using some lube, it might feel good. It might be a little change or diet. There's like, I wish there was a magic bullet for it. Either accept it. Cause he wants to keep trying to go down there
Starting point is 00:41:04 and I'm like, no, no, no, no. So either you embrace it and you're like, yep, you don't even say anything, this is who I am. Or you try something new and see how that feels. Cause it grows back. Yeah, yeah, you're right. Yeah, it grows back. I'm gonna give it a whirl.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Okay, let me know how it goes. I'm dying to know now how you think if I've never having done it. Okay, thanks, let me know. Retirement, yeah'm dying to know now how you think if I've never having done it. Okay, thanks, let me know. Retirement, yeah. I appreciate you taking my call, thank you. Of course, I'm here for you, I got you. I got you.
Starting point is 00:41:33 I mean, really, there's nothing. I wish there was something you could do when your hair turns gray, but there isn't. It's embrace it, dye it, shave everything. That's what you do. It's true, even when you're with someone for 25 years, there's still stuff to work on. There's still those issues. I think if 25 years together, you'd be like, oh, look how cute you have gray hair. Remember, it's
Starting point is 00:41:53 all what we want, what makes us feel sexy. If she's not allowing her partner to go down on her and she enjoys that, then I'm saying, okay, either embrace it or take it off and see how that feels. Because no matter what age we're at, I think that there's things that make us really insecure and prevent us from having the sex that we want. And the sooner we can kind of unpack those and realize that what we're worrying about, what we're stressed about is not going to upset our partner likely. It's mostly our own judgments about ourselves. That's it for today's episode. See you on Friday. Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily,
Starting point is 00:42:34 and be sure to like, subscribe, and give us a review wherever you listen to the podcast, and share this with a friend or a partner. You can find me on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, or X, and Facebook all at Sex with Emily. Oh, and I've been told I give really good emails, so sign up at And while you're there, check out my free guides and articles for more ways to prioritize your pleasure. And if you want to ask me about your sex life, dating, or relationships, call my hotline,
Starting point is 00:42:59 559-TALK-SEX. That's 559-825-5739. Or go to slash Ask Emily. Was it good for you? Email me, feedback at

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