Sherlock & Co. - 34 - A Case of Identity - Part One

Episode Date: May 21, 2024

HATE THE PLAYER, NOT THE GAME - Summer had found its way to us, as had the case of Miles Sutherland. This one came to us from an email - and the correspondence would remain remote until we could track... down and locate 'Angel'. For merchandise and transcripts go to: For ad-free, early access to adventures in full go to Follow me @DocJWatsonMD or get in touch via email Listener discretion is advised. This podcast is property of Goalhanger Podcasts. Copyright 2024. SHERLOCK AND CO. Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Paul Waggott as Dr. John Watson Harry Attwell as Sherlock Holmes Marta da Silva as Mariana Ametxazurra   Thomas Mitchells as Miles Sutherland Additional voices James Regan Tony Pastor Joel Emery Adam Jarrell Written by Joel Emery Directed by Adam Jarrell Editing and Sound Design by Holy Smokes Audio Produced by Neil Fearn and Jon Gill Executive Producer Tony Pastor Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Imagine yourself in Ottawa surrounded by thousands of vibrant tulips and discovering your new favorite micro-brew before cycling along scenic bike paths and wandering through a museum in awe. Adventure awaits in Ottawa from O to A. Plan your getaway at Yes, hello. Right. Go to forward slash Sherlock and co for early access ad free adventures in full bonus episodes. Your handwriting is terrible.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Yeah, I'm a doctor. And much, much more. That's forward slash Sherlock and Co. DJ Watson here playing you all the classic hits. This next track is titled A Case of Identity. It's groovy, it's funky, it's um, well actually it's a bit weird actually, but I hope you enjoy it. I really do. If you don't enjoy it there's plenty of other adventures on offer so have a browse, pick out something you like. If you require a transcript get yourself over to
Starting point is 00:01:26 Okay? Oh, that's not part of the web address and that was just me saying okay Okay So they're cooked Right and we've avoided it sticking to the pot which you know that could really affect the flavor and you've got to get the balance Of the flavors just right Otherwise, it's just, yeah it's just off okay now the trick is you get a slotted spoon like this and you want to get right into the middle of the pot
Starting point is 00:01:56 that's where the temperature is the most consistent yep the slotted spoon does its work which is draining some of the sauce not all but some. I'm just ensuring that we have a really good ratio in every bite. Sure. And then, just like this, you place the beans onto the toast. Right?
Starting point is 00:02:19 Aye. My name is Dr John Watson, once of the British Army Northumberland Fusilia Regiment, now a true crime podcaster based in central London. I don't have much experience in criminology, so this is mostly a record of how I met possibly the most brilliant and bizarre person I have ever and will ever know. Join me as I document the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Oh, that my friends is a crisp lager. I won't give away the brand because no one is paying me to, but it's a mainstream one. You know, one of the big ones point the mainstream lager please barkeep
Starting point is 00:03:27 that's that's my order as the cooler months fade away cool in the temperature sense not not a social standing sense you know it's May now of course the Sun is shining there is a whiff in the air of... well, of my heavy duty sunscreen, factor 50, marketed to children, but that's not to say it's exclusively for children. I mean, you know, Star Wars is marketed to children these days, but we all watch it, don't we? I mean, I don't, but people do. A Harry Potter marketed towards children, but adults flock to it too. Again, I don't. I save all my irrational fanboy behaviour for Swindon Town Football Club. And then England every couple of years. All being well every couple of years anyway.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Things get in the way. Covid pandemic. Steve McLaren. I'm not even going to take that back and apologise to Steve McLaren because yeah, I'm still annoyed about the 2008 Euros, Steve. Anyway you join me at the volunteer. I've got our usual spot and I'm away to my colleagues. Don't know if you know them.
Starting point is 00:04:35 One is a pedantic Spanish woman who gets excited by spreadsheets and the other is a violin playing detective who doesn't know who Beyonce is. That's my life these days. Oh, here they come. Oi oi! Didn't know what you wanted to. That's my life these days. Oh, here they come. Oi oi! Didn't know what you wanted to drink, so um... Yeah, I did nothing. You could have messaged.
Starting point is 00:04:50 That's true. Did you see the Google Doc I've shared with you? See what I mean. Hello. Hello. Why are we being formal? You said hello that way first. You said hello as well.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I was replying to your stiff hello. Is there a greeting you'd prefer? Well I shot an oi oi your way. Doesn't suit me. No it doesn't. Generally when British men see one another in the pub they'll say things like, oh here he is or oh what have you come as? Why would they say that?
Starting point is 00:05:20 That's just a sort of banter I suppose. Men find it embarrassing to show affection and compassion for one another, so they underplay their feelings with playful or insulting language. Right. Okay. To conceal the warmth and conform to male stereotypes. Yes. Yeah, that's what I said.
Starting point is 00:05:41 BANTER. What have you come dressed as to this pub on this sunny day, Watson? Ha ha ha. Yeah, yeah, it just needs a bit of flow. Also, it helps if I'm dressed badly. I mean, yep, thank you. Also, we don't need to do that, mate. It's not necessary.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Why not? Because we're best pals. We're best pals? Yeah, best friends. You know, we don't need the whole... the whole show, the facade. You know, we're past that. I see. Good to know. Excellent. Well done us.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Yep. Hey John, guess who doesn't read fiction? I can't say I'm surprised. Have you ever tried watching a film with him? Like, how? I don't get how you can't be... how you can't... how... How can you not get transported into another world? To be totally swept up by words on a page? You... you talking about fiction or end-of-year accounts?
Starting point is 00:06:36 Oh, Mariana just put her middle finger up, everybody. John! You did! Tell them that! I don't need fiction. Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent. We would not dare to conceive the things which are really mere common places of existence. If we could fly out of that window, hand in hand... Like Peter Pan, fiction.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Hover over this great city. Gently remove the roofs and peep in at the queer things which are going on, the strange coincidences, the plannings, the cross-purposes, the wonderful chains of events working through generation and leading to the most outre results. It would make all fiction with its convenialities and foreseen conclusions most stale and unprofitable. Another? Er, lager, yes, please.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Oh, Sherlock, can you get me, um, like the cider with ice? The summer fruits one, please, thank you. Certainly. And come straight back here. All right, no removing roofs to peep at the queer things going on, you dirty sod. Look at you. Yeah, look at me.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Happy boy. Yeah, I am actually yeah yeah I feel like we've got a good flow going on and hey summer fruits look at you summer fruits my friend all right talk to me I don't want to thanks oh shush I want to show you this I will check out the Google doc for heaven's sake, I'm just having a pint. No, no. Email from last night. Oh, okay, sorry. Sent at 3am. Night, Al. Brought to docjwatsonmd at Dear Dr Watson, my name is Miles Sutherland. I'm 25 years old and I live in Wandsworth.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Very nice Miles, good for you. Summer fruits with ice? Oh, my King. Thank you. A lager? Hey, legend. What's that? Rather over the top. Don't you think? King? Legend?
Starting point is 00:08:36 Just reading a potential case. I live in Wandsworth... blah blah blah... Er, yeah. I am looking to get married to the love of my life Angel. Angel? Keep reading. Angel is her username on Dark Vale 2 Realm of Factions. We met two years ago at Valecon where like-minded players of the game meet in person, hang out, do silly presentations, play the game, share ideas, arrange items to trade, even auctions and stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:04 It's really cool. Angel is beautiful, kind, funny and she gets me. I had never met her in-game, but at that convention two years ago we really hit it off face to face. So after that we would meet up in-game and I would help her. I'm level 95, that's very high. She is level 32, not bad, but not anything special. I gave her lots of items and stuff, but after a while she can't really get into the game anymore but she whatsapps me all the time. We message daily.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I'm going to ask her to marry me, but Bloodhammer Chris, my best friend, found the items I gave her on the Darkvale Auctions site. Should I be concerned? Has she been hacked? Is she who she says she is? I don't know what to do, but I do know that I love her more than anything, even more than Darkveil. Would love some help.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Many thanks, Miles Sutherland, aka DemonicBane, Level 95 Shadow Knight, Protector of the Veil, Master of the White Keep, Slayer of the Dead King, sent from my iPhone. Don't know how you can boast about killing a dead king. I'm assuming he's more of like a King of the Dead than a King who's already dead. That would make a little more sense. Thoughts? Well, here's my opening thought. We are a detective agency. Correct. That would make a little more sense. Thoughts? Well, here's my opening thought. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:10:26 We are a detective agency. Correct. Yeah, not a dating agency for knights and maidens. Shadow knights. Yeah, sure, whatever. Look, it doesn't appeal to me, to be honest. Er... It's probably not going to appeal to the fiction-phobe over here.
Starting point is 00:10:41 And, you know, to be honest, these kind of games... I don't mind it. Sorry? I think it's an intriguing mystery.-phobe over here, and to be honest, these kind of games... I don't mind it. Sorry? I think it's an intriguing mystery. Is this sarcasm training, or...? They met in person, if I've understood that correct. Yes, at, um, ValeCon? Which is on in two days.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Huh. I would assume he'd like to propose in person, right? Two years to the day they met, at the place where they met... Pause, for a second. She doesn't play the game anymore. She's not going to be at Valecon and you'll just... I don't know, have to marry a goblin in the Forest of Blorgoth or whatever. This forest? Is that relevant?
Starting point is 00:11:19 No, I was joking. Look, this isn't... we're not... This is not what we're set up to do. He replied a little later after sending that. Mariana, we are not doing this case. He offered five grand. Rightio. This once great kingdom has fallen into shadow.
Starting point is 00:11:48 The broken realm is splintered and divided, and only one can unite it. You must battle the dark forces of this world and bring light to what's more. Darkvale 2, realm of faction. Oh, okay. Where is he? Look, I have to make my character first. Just make anything. No, just hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Let's see here. Warrior class, root strength, axe wield wielding nah it doesn't suit me well we both agree on that one hey arty good boy we don't like the pecs and the abs but um by the might of the gods my sword will serve you well shadow knight summoning capabilities master of swords ah it's a bit obvious my magic is born from earth and flame.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Spirit Mage. Nice robe and staff, don't mind that. My magic is born from earth and flame. A sacred fighter and wielder of the ancient magic, hallowed by the lost gods. My magic is born from spirit mage. Hey, come on, let's go speak to him. Hold on, name.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Need a name, need a name. Erm, something cool. Something cool. Ooh, Lord of Magic. Oh, that is so bad. It's taken anyway. Erm, God Slayer. Taken.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Ay up, you big idiot face. Er, hmm, what are you doing? Banterous greetings. Masculine, yet petulant. Well, we don't need to do that. I told you. And AUP is what people from Yorkshire say. Ah.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Can you pick a character name, please? What about... What about... What about Devil Blade? Ooh. What? Taken. Just put John.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Marry, come off it. Oh, look. Here come the defenders of the realm. Devil Hunter, Sword Master, Fire Lord and John. All hail John. Well, just use one of the stupid names you just said. Come on. Yeah, Fire Lord was quite good actually, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:13:57 Fire Lord. Ha ha ha! You beauty! Name isn't even taken. Fire Lord, here we go. Fire Lord. Will you stop with that? No. No you've put fire lard Oh what?
Starting point is 00:14:10 No wonder it wasn't taken That's a typo. I'm not fire lard. I'm fire lord Oh god, just just laid it load up and direct message demonic being. Yep. Yep Right, I see you Okay, I am... I'm in what looks like a sort of... Sort of like a town centre. Don't seem to have any possessions. Just a robe, a staff. God, this is dull, isn't it? how do people get sucked into this kind of stuff? Okay, draw their fire Cave goblins are
Starting point is 00:14:59 Defeated good work Loris and crack and King and you too undead. Okay, right, who needs healing? Because we've got the horde of trolls in the next dungeon, and that's the only way to the Allorian Lake, then on to the portal in the mountains. According to the blind druid, anyway. I can see with healing facts. John? Yeah, hold on, very hard. Byelard, don't forget to imbue a staff with a hexstone that you got from the Haven of Dragons. Oh my god, John!
Starting point is 00:15:19 Yeah, I just need to imbue my staff with the hexstone I got from the Haven of Dragons. Which one was that? Undead Witch Seven? No, the one that you got from the Haven of Dragons. John, your pizza's here. Oh, great, cool, can you just hold imbue my staff with the Hexstone I got from the Haven of Dragons. Which one was that? Undead Witch 7? No, the one that you got from the Haven of Dragons. John, your pizza's here. Oh great, cool. Can you just hold it slicing in my face? Oh, and guys, just a reminder, it's Firelord not Firelard, okay? FIRELORD NOT FIRELARD
Starting point is 00:15:35 FIRELORD NOT FIRELARD FIRELORD NOT FIRELARD FIRELORD NOT FIRELARD FIRELORD NOT FIRELARD Hello there, listeners. If you're not into online gaming then I cannot apologise enough. I'm just... I'm waiting to meet our client.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Where am I meeting him? Well that would be Talanor, a town in the game, the game being Dark Vale 2. Yeah, so I'm waiting for demonic bane to come and enlighten me further. Oh, that's not him, that's just an NPC merchant type thing, that's a non-player character. Demonic Bane should be along shortly. I believe he is using a portal scroll to get here. We just we need to stand next to each other in game so he can accept an Alliance amulet which means we can voice chat for well you know for as long as we want really we share video if we want
Starting point is 00:16:36 share share all sorts yeah yeah Mariana and Sherlock have both gone to bed. Spells and potions, my lord! Checked out the case a little bit. I'm hoping I can... Oh! Here we go! Mmm, lots of fancy armour on him. He's got a kind of an aura, like a glow around him and his weapons. He's a very intimidating fellow, I would say. Obviously not his real identity, he seems very nice. Just the character in game. Just giving him the amulet now.
Starting point is 00:17:10 What's Firelord? Errr sorry? Firelord? Why Firelord? Oh it's Firelord. It was just a typo sort of thing. Anyway, first off, hi Miles. I just want to let you know I am recording for the podcast right now, so yeah. Oh, okay, cool. Spells and potions, my boy! That merchant again, let me just... You want to head out the town and hunt or something?
Starting point is 00:17:40 Yeah, yeah, let's hunt and talk. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, what can we do for you? What sort of services do you need? Yeah, by the way, it's... The dragons are flying high today. I just think it's really cool what you guys do. Ah, thanks.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Thanking you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're sort of getting the hang of this crime-solving thing. What do you do, Miles? I'm actually a full-time gamer. Oh, cool! Cool, content creators assemble! Have you seen my son? Hey, watch it! Have you seen my son? Sherlock has asked me to question this a little, actually.
Starting point is 00:18:21 How have you got the money? Well, you know, to pay us that amount, but to also do the game, live in Wandsworth. Is this going on the pod? Oh, sorry, got an orc trying to... That'll do it. Yep. Is this going on the pod? Well, I mean, if it's relevant to the case, probably. Is it not something you're comfortable talking about? Well, I mean, if it's relevant to the case, probably. Is it not something you're comfortable talking about? Miles, you there? Yeah, no. So my dad is, was, quite well off,
Starting point is 00:19:00 had quite a few businesses in New Zealand. He died a very long time ago and he left an estate for his kids and I'm... well, he was never part of my life per se. I really admire your soul. He and my mum weren't properly together, just kind of... yeah, chance thing. Anyway, I get money from the estate okay yeah yeah I don't have access to the whole amount but I get a thingy a dividend the dragons are flying kind of monthly fee okay cool and what's the what's the wider sort of family situation his Is mum still with us?
Starting point is 00:19:45 She's a mental health practitioner. What's funny? No, er, if you know my mum that's er... ridiculous. Right, okay. She lives in Kennington with her husband Dez. Dez, right. And Angel, tell me about Angel. Angel, yeah. I met her at VeilCon, which is a convention for Dark Veil 2 on Lidenhall Street. Yeah, we met there nearly two years
Starting point is 00:20:15 ago. Just to clarify, demonic, sorry, Miles, this is in person? In person, yeah. Face to face, not in game, you met her at Veilco. Yep, immediately like, hit it off. She's absolutely, I mean I'm, I dunno, probably, what, obese? Morbidly obese? I dunno. Don't know what the difference is. Pretty shy outside the game, so it's hard to believe I had a... Yeah, a really good, like, proper flirty chat with some beautiful gamer girl. But I did! And I got her number, actual, like, phone number.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Yeah, yeah, that's good. Bloody great, yeah! And she was into the game. Not that amazing at it. I gave her items, advice. I gave her an old character I had. She gave me her login details for a bit so I could train her character up. Loads of stuff. But basically after a while she just wanted to talk to me, really. She, I dunno, wasn't fussed, I guess, about the game. Was fussed about you? Yeah. Good for you, good for you.
Starting point is 00:21:31 And for you this is the real deal? She's the real deal. When was the last time you saw her face to face? Veilcon. Last year? No, when we met. Year before. Oh, so you've seen her in the flesh once? Yeah, um, she lives in London.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Well get on the tube mate, come on. Ontario. London, Ontario. Okay, yeah, that's a long way. Not on the tube. But she said she would come to Valecon i bought her a plane ticket she's coming so yeah big moment very big being properly nervous about it yeah not easy without your armor and long sword is it hiding on your enchanted legacy helmet hey that's too grand this thing it looks
Starting point is 00:22:27 it yeah okay well so I'll probably go back to my first question what do you need us for Miles? yeah yeah I had a good think about this actually seems like things are good not something that requires a detective agency. No, true. Yeah, but I suppose I'm doing this for my mate really, as I want him to be best man. This is Blood Hammer Chris. That's right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:58 He thinks she's a gold digger. Just checking, Dark Veil gold or? Oh no, like real money. He noticed the items I gave her, they're pretty expensive in real world terms. They've been sold off and he doesn't like how um she is well, I've
Starting point is 00:23:20 gone and helped her through stuff especially in the last six months or so like what? she so I she got fired and she was moving into an apartment so I handled the deposit and then a plumber had to come out too actually which was like 700 quid okay I bought her some designer stuff that she really wanted. When her, when she was out of work I got like, I gave her a salary. I, cars are obviously quite important in countries like Canada. It's a big old place. Exactly. Exactly! So I bought her a car. Er, what else? Lots of little things too.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Can I just ask something Miles? Sure. The ticket out here for Valecon, is that an economy ticket? No, but she can get back pain quite a lot so she needed business. I also pay for like, she has a physio quite a bit and she has to work out too otherwise her back can get really bad. Right, again just checking something, no judgement here. Did you transfer her money for the ticket or did you purchase the ticket from the airline?
Starting point is 00:24:37 I wired the money. You need to have like passport details, plus there's like Canadian dollar prices and taxes and stuff. You can't just buy someone a ticket. Okay. Okay, how old is she? She's 25 too. She's 25? Does she have a diagnosis for this back pain? Er, I can message it to you. She's probably said what it is. Right, sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:25:08 You probably won't find anything weird though to be honest. She's like, seriously proper nice. She's kind. She's... We talk all the time. On FaceTime? She needs to get a new phone because right now we're just doing normal WhatsApp. Normal being video? No, but she's going to get a new phone once she's backed up all her storage and that, but she's been really busy, so... plus with her new job it's like crazy hours and they're
Starting point is 00:25:39 not allowed their phones on them there. Of course, yeah. I know how this sounds. No, no, look, it's 2024, mate. This... relationships are unique for everybody. Oh god, what? Oh, I'm dead. Oh, sorry John. No problem.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Balls. Hello there. Hello, dickhead. Right, you don't have to do this banter thing, it really isn't necessary and it doesn't suit you either. It could suit me. Yeah it doesn't. Identities Watson, they are only what we perceive. Sure. Was it dickhead? Was that the problem?
Starting point is 00:26:22 No, it's- I came up with it last night. What do you think? Came up with it? It's really common. Oh, well good morning. Well, I say good morning. Yeah, yeah, alright. 1pm? You slept until 1pm. I had a busy night.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Yes, I noticed. That kind of volume at night, Watson, is very disrespectful. When you have a flatmate. Oh, thank you for the lecture on sleep deprivation from the human airhorn. Okay, that explains why you haven't replied about the case. The case? Potential bank robbery? Aberdeen. Right, bank robbery. Okay. We're a detective agency, remember? Yeah, but I mean, Aberdeen. It's a bloody long way.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Yeah, it could be interesting and worth our time. Oh, actually, I got chatting to demonic Bane last- to Miles last night. John. I actually think there's something in this one. Yeah, I think he's being taken advantage of. John Watson? It wouldn't take much work to confirm the facts, or as he believes it. John, do you really believe this?
Starting point is 00:27:28 Yes, I do. Don't sound so surprised. You recommended the case. I recommend nearly every case. Yeah, well, what's different now? Because I didn't know that game was taking so much of his money. He is irresponsible. He's in love.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I'm not talking about Angel. He's spending everything on that game anyway. He's buying armours and swords and guns. The game doesn't have guns. It's a medieval fantasy epic. Aye, all right. Look. I mean, I don't know what they did in Spain back in the day, but... John, you really, really want to pursue this. A video game romance. He wishes. Huh? There's no girl.
Starting point is 00:28:08 He met her in person? Yes, that is the slightly peculiar feature of the case, I'll give you that. But there's no girl. Okay, come on, give me more. Well, from what I heard last night… Oh, I knew you'd be listening, I knew it. There was a girl. He saw Angel in person, that person corresponded to their in-game character. Then the gaming stopped. And all that continued were text messages.
Starting point is 00:28:31 And voice calls. Voice calls? Huh. Why not video if they're that in love? Mmm, a rather weak excuse regarding a dodgy phone and a demanding job. Okay, okay, look, Mariana, let me load up the game a second. Look, I'm not disregarding it. I'm just saying that all we do is break this boy's heart, and he throws all his money at a game instead of this girl anyway. There's no girl. Yes, okay, thank you.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Look, these items he had, look at that. He gave these things away to her. That's, I mean, that one there is literally worth three grand. Three thousand dollars! What was that? It's someone in the vicinity that can contact me in the game. He's away. It's Angel. Angel hose. That's Angel's character. Oh, I thought she quit.
Starting point is 00:29:24 He's away. Stay away. Sorry, stay away from who? My assistant is a liar. Sorry, why is he a liar? Who is this? Stay away, Dr Watson. I know you will. Can you stop saying our exact address on the podcast? Yep, my bad. To binge this adventure in full and without ads, go to forward slash Sherlock
Starting point is 00:30:00 and Co. Music

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