Sherlock & Co. - 5 - The Noble Bachelor - Part One

Episode Date: October 31, 2023

THE DISAPPEARANCE OF HARRIET DORAN - and the curious termination of her wedding. My companion and I were alerted to a new case - the first for our official status as Sherlock & Co Ltd. We were walkin...g Archie in the park when two distressed American women caught my attention. What they told us was very alarming. Follow me @DocJWatsonMD or get in touch via email Listener discretion is advised. This podcast is property of Goalhanger Podcasts. Copyright 2023. ------- SHERLOCK AND CO. Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Paul Waggott as Dr. John Watson Harry Attwell as Sherlock Holmes Marta da Silva as Mariana Ametxazurra Meg Cavanaugh as Ivy Erin Maria Walther as Alice Warren James Dunning as Robert Pritchard Written by Joel Emery Directed by Adam Jarrell Editing and Sound Design by Holy Smokes Audio Produced by Neil Fearn and Jon Gill Executive Producer Tony Pastor Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 right recording just ah hi sorry he's just practicing something so yeah this is the adventure of the noble bachelor this contains a bit of the old swearing so uh if you don't like that kind of thing, then... Well, I don't know, really. I can't really help you. There's not much of it, to be honest. Shit! Great. Well, that doesn't help, does it? Listener discretion is advised. Enjoy. John, I need to answer it. Wait, wait, wait. I just need to make sure I'm recording to capture the moment.
Starting point is 00:00:46 You're so stupid. Okay, here we go. Go, go, answer. Sherlock and Co. Mariana speaking. Mariana. What is it? Murder?
Starting point is 00:00:56 Robbery? It's your mum. My mum? Mum! What are you doing? Yeah, thanks, yeah. She... that's... that's Mariana. Yeah. Yeah, well, did you listen to the illustri...
Starting point is 00:01:13 Yeah. No, I don't think the charity shop are trying to rip you off, Mum. They're... yep. Course, yeah. Well, that's Linda for you, isn't it? Look, Mum... Oh, God, Archie, right, yeah. course yeah well that's that's linda for you isn't it look mum oh god archie right yeah um i'll jump on a train at paddington in about an hour okay great um just get his lead and uh some poo bags um okay okay bye bye bye yeah bye apparently i wasn't answering my phone so i've uh gotta go ah wow all aboard the sherlock and co podcast
Starting point is 00:01:56 yeah just at uh just at paddington station off to sunny wiltshire for a surprise new companion very sunny everywhere at the moment isn't it i have to say Wiltshire for a surprise new companion. Very sunny everywhere at the moment, isn't it? I have to say, global warming has delivered a very mild October. But, yeah, Paddington Station, home of the upper middle class bear, of course. Also, according to
Starting point is 00:02:18 Wikipedia, the birthplace of Kiefer Sutherland. I know, Hollywood actor. Then Alan Turing, the bloke that won world war ii thanks alan and also birthplace of chris akabusi listeners outside the uk you can you can look that one up i just want to say guys the feedback for this podcast for the illustrious client i am blown away completely wow you know thanks to uh thanks to ch Chris Haynes, Adam Briscombe, David Rose, Geraldine Wessing, Phoenix Nails, great name, and Eric Sanborn for your emails. It was really lovely
Starting point is 00:02:56 to read. And thanks to all my new followers on Twitter, slash X, yuck. shout outs to some followers at random here so to uh kettykicker78 leviathan some bloke whose username is just a load of ones and s's shout out to the beebs and my listeners in china china how can you believe that to to nicole at Audraciously Me, to Raymond Terrific, to Pablo in Aotearoa, I hope I said that right, to Mark Pell, to Kindle, to Sleepycat49, to Lady Mepiva,
Starting point is 00:03:35 to... Oh God, I've missed the train. My name is Dr John Watson, once of the British Army Northumberland Fusilier Regiment, now a true crime podcaster based in central London. I don't have much experience in criminology, so this is mostly a record of how I met possibly the most brilliant and bizarre person I have ever and will ever know. brilliant and bizarre person I have ever and will ever know. Join me as I document the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. yeah all right all right stop stop pulling stop pulling ow ow hey hey hey there everybody ow stop the new addition to the co in sherlock and co drumroll please. Introducing my dog Archie.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Say hi Archie. Yeah. Alright, alright. Stop, stop, stop. That'll do. That'll do. Yeah, Archie. Archie the four year old bulldog. Got him with my girlfriend at the time.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Then when we broke up I got Archie and she got... Well, she got a friend of mine, to be honest. I'm just going to stick my head in the volunteer as he may be in there.
Starting point is 00:05:17 He likes it when it's quiet. And there he is. Hello, mate. How you doing? Do you want me to say fine? What? Do you want me to say I'm fine, how are you?
Starting point is 00:05:34 Um, you can say whatever, really. Can I say nothing? Sure. What's that? It's a lightbulb. Right. Why do you have a lightbulb on the table? Because I changed the lightbulb.
Starting point is 00:05:53 One of ours? No, one of theirs. As in the volunteer, you changed a lightbulb in the pub? Yes. Why exactly? To match the rest of the incandescent bulbs. This one was LED. Yet I remember you saying, about seven or eight times, do you want to come for a walk?
Starting point is 00:06:13 A walk? Yeah, round Regent's Park with me and Archie. Can I wear sunglasses and ear defenders? You can wear whatever you want, mate. Fine. Hmm. and ear defenders. You can wear whatever you want, mate. Fine. Not a cloud in the sky. I can't believe it's October, can you? I'm warm. I'm probably too warm. I've only got a jumper on. It does have a fleecy little middle bit, so there
Starting point is 00:06:40 is that, but still, it's madness. madness the ear defenders completely block what i'm saying or unfortunately not right right this way archie good boy he likes it around here so yeah that's good because i was a bit worried about having a dog in london you know i mean there's having a dog in london then there's having a dog in baker street which is you know smack bang in in london i just just felt like it was a bit cruel really you know taking him out of the wiltshire countryside well sort of countryside maybe suburbia would be more accurate but yeah yeah he's a happy boy. Are you...
Starting point is 00:07:32 Are you a happy boy, Sherlock? Just a bit... overwhelmed. Sensory overload sort of day. Exactly, Watson. That's all right. We'll take it easy, yeah? Won't we, Archie? Oh, God, he's just pissed on that woman's bike.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Hiya. Hi, how you doing? Yeah, lovely, isn't it? Yeah. I don't want to take it easy, Watson. Well, what do you want to do? Focus. Yeah, yeah, I understand that. Here, look.
Starting point is 00:08:04 What? Bread. For the that. Here, look. What? Bread. For the ducks? Sorry, what? I've brought some bread to feed the ducks in the park. You're 34 years old. So? This is the behaviour of a geriatric, Watson.
Starting point is 00:08:16 No, it isn't. Come on. There we go. Look. Good Lord. Look at them. They're loving it. The males are loving it. What? I said the, they're loving it. The males are loving it. I said the male ducks are loving it. The female ducks continue to be bullied and harassed and when they give birth, those males will eat the young if they don't get out sharpish.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Thanks for that, Mr Attenborough. You really are a breath of fresh air. Speaking of breath, don't let them near you. Duck saliva can carry salmonella and E. coli. Reckon that one I'll eat out of my hands. Very ballsy, you know? Yes, well, if it does, you can stay elsewhere for a week. Jesus Christ, they're coming right at me.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Um, Sherlock. Sorry, sorry, lads, I'm out of bread. I've got no bread. No bread. No more. No, no. Right, well, let's move on from here, shall we? You're smiling. I'm not smiling. Yes, you are. You enjoyed that. Yeah, you liked feeding the ducks, see?
Starting point is 00:09:17 I did not enjoy feeding the ducks. Why are you smiling then? I'm smiling because the feral ones chased you. Well, I live to please. Archie, come on. We could play Cluedo, couldn't we? What about that? I hope you're joking. Well, you know, that'll get all your detective mental faculties whirring, won't it? I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Right, OK, here's what we'll do. Let's grab a bench. Erm, here, right? Okay, and you can do your thing. Here, sit. My thing? Yeah, your thing. What's my thing? Violin? No, not violin. Your observations. I want a case, Watson. A challenging case, not silly games. Well, you know, maybe you'll find a case. Yeah? Well, what about him? There, he looks dodgy. How exactly does he look dodgy, Watson? Well, he's pacing, for a start. Sifting through his wallet, he looks nervous, shifty.
Starting point is 00:10:14 He is nervous. 20-week scan, University College Hospital. Say that again? He's waiting on the results of his ex-partner's Level 2 ultrasound at University College Hospital. Ultrasound? Yes. Okay, talk me through your workings.
Starting point is 00:10:29 His wallet contains two credit cards, one debit card, one driver's license and a gift card. I glanced at his phone when he walked past us about three minutes ago. He's checking the amount on the gift card while comparing with the corresponding store items on his phone, which means he's planning to use the gift card, just not yet. Why not yet? But I saw he had two items in his basket. One of them he would delete, but not yet, as he's holding off before discovering the sex of the baby and buying what he feels to be gender-appropriate clothing. In his back pocket is a disposable surgical mask, which should have been disposed of eight weeks ago after its first use, judging by the state of it.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Why did he require one eight weeks ago? Because he attended his partner's 12-week ultrasound. He didn't actually require the mask, as per hospital policy, but they did give them out for free at reception, so he took one and he brought it along today, just in case. Just in case what? She forgave him. Why does she need to forgive him?
Starting point is 00:11:22 Because she hasn't invited him to the 20-week scan. So whatever he has done hasn't been forgiven yet. Ouch. Right, so he's in the doghouse. Indeed. Christ, not invited to the 20-week scan of his first baby. Third. What? His third, her first. How? Two dates on his wrist. One in 2018, one in 2015. That's two kids. Wedding ring tan lines, but no ring. Yeah. Yeah, hair product and converse as well. What does that signify? Well, effort, I suppose. Not always the sign of happily married men.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I see. Also, purchasing your own child's first present with a gift card that was probably given from a much more considerate relative, I'm guessing his mother, is fairly indicative behaviour, isn't it? Oh, he's getting the call. Here we go. He's not leaping for joy, is he? It's a girl. Third in a row, I'd say. What about her? The old lady with the M&S bag? Almost bankrupt. Buried her husband two years ago. Rheumatoid arthritis in her left ankle.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Just done her shopping at Lidl next to Warren Street Tube. It's an M&S bag? An M&S bag, yes. To conceal the Lidl shop. Just a middle-class anxiety, I suspect. Why is she almost bankrupt? Her outfit is expensive. Designer brands from head to toe, but exceptionally old. Even repaired in places.
Starting point is 00:12:53 All that, but no jewellery. Why no jewellery, but lavish dress sense. Jewellery is easy to sell. Worn-out clothing, not so much. And the husband? Yes. Died two years ago. That's his walking stick she's using. It's orthopaedic and intended for someone around six foot one, I'd say.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Sorry, sorry, where are we getting two years ago from? Well, something happened two years ago. Again, the walking stick makes me think passing of our husband, as does the amount of items in her food shop. But yes, two years. Two years since she did her roots. Two years since she had Botox. Two years since her laser hair removal on her chin. Two years since the rubber was replaced on that walking stick. Two years since she became reliant on alcohol, a reliance that probably contributes to the
Starting point is 00:13:36 financial insecurity. Well, this game has turned bleak, hasn't it? Yes, quite. And still no case. You are doing some observing of your own, I see, Watson. Hmm? The American girls over there. You seem to be captivated.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Is there some intrigue I should be aware of? Hmm? No, just... I was looking at loads of different people. I just… just focused on them, is all. I see. And do they hold dark secrets below their low-cut tops? Perhaps you were examining their bums for signs of concealed weapons? Sherlock, just… I briefly, very briefly glanced at them. That's all, mate. Alright?
Starting point is 00:14:22 Then again… See? You're doing it now. A girl. A girl Then again... See? You're doing it now. A girl. A girl is missing. What? Their friend has vanished. Are you being serious? Call them over here. Elaborate, please. Call them over to us. No, Sherlock, I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Why not? Because that's not how the world works, unfortunately. Elaborate. Please. Because they're beautiful and I'm not. I'm just some weirdo with a microphone shouting at them in the park. Right-o. Then we'll head over. Chop-chop. Sherlock, Sherlock, please, hold on. Talking to women that look like that is very complex
Starting point is 00:14:54 and involves a vast amount of social cues and reading... Sherlock, please, slow down, please. Watson, you worry too much. I know how to charm a woman, believe me. Oh, you do? Yes, I've done it before. Look, I don't know... Sherlock, just... Ah, bollocks. I know how to charm a woman, believe me. Oh, you do? Yes, I've done it before. Look, I don't know. Sherlock, just... Ah, bollocks. I'm starting to really panic now.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Hello there. How are you both? Oh, Jesus. Are you feeling very well? You'll notice there isn't a cloud in the sky. A brief formation of cumulus humulus this morning, I noted. Dissipated now, of course. Very little moisture left for the convection. Certainly no air currents. Cumulus, humulus.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Needs around two to five metres per second to, um, to sustain the, um... This is my companion, Dr John Watson. Hiya. Hi. Hi. Hi. Yeah, this is my dog Archie. We are two bachelors that reside not far from here. Sorry but we're
Starting point is 00:15:46 really not in the mood for conversation okay? Oh me neither. Exhausting isn't it? Right lovely let's just get to it then. Get to what exactly? He just means... Come to the flat and reveal everything. Everything. Oh my god. My companion will need to document the whole thing. Are you insane? Get the hell out of here, asshole. No, no, no, no, no. We can explain. Um, just, sorry. Explain what? That you want us to give you some show in your apartment? Ugh, you're gross. You're sick.
Starting point is 00:16:13 What is that? It's, uh, that's a microphone. Um, so, uh, let me just explain. So, this is 221A. This is our main office. You see, there's... This is where clients will come for unsolved crimes. And... Ah! This is Mariana.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Hi. Yeah, so Mariana works here. Hi. Nice to meet you. This is Alice and Ivy. They're from San Francisco. Ah. Hi. Yeah, so Marianna works here. Hi, nice to meet you. This is Alice and Ivy. They're from San Francisco. Ah. Cool. Very cool. I thought you were working?
Starting point is 00:16:54 No, I... Yeah, it's a case. This is a case. You too. Upstairs immediately. Watson, will you be joining us? Yeah, of course. Definitely. Just gonna grab my laptop. Bye. Nice to meet you. Bye. Nice to meet you. Bye. Nice to meet you. Just grabbing the laptop. The old lappy.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Lappy toppy. Yeah, sure. Just over there. Hey, Archie! How was your walk, buddy? Did John get distracted? Did John get distracted? Ay, todos los hombres son iguales. Pero no tú, Archie. A ti, pobrecito, te han quitado las pelotas. Tú puedes pensar con claridad, ¿verdad que sí?
Starting point is 00:17:36 Ay, beautiful boy. What are you saying to him? Oh, nothing, nothing. Just talking about you. Anything nice? He said he wants to stay down here in the office with me. Right, yes. Is that good with you, Arch? Hang out down here? OK, then. Right, well, OK, yes. Better get back to work.
Starting point is 00:17:56 See you in a bit. Yeah, see you. See you later on, then. Bye, Archie. Right. Hello again. Did anyone want a cup of tea? Never mind tea. Tell me. Speak. So, yeah, we're from San Francisco. We're staying here in London because our friend Harriet, best friend, got married. Was going to get married, I mean, to a British guy. So we didn't... How did we first find out about them? She sent his Twitter thing, remember? The Noble Bachelor.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Right, the Noble Bachelor. What's the Noble Bachelor? So, two years ago, Harriet came here to do a master's degree in political science. And like it was a fresh start for her because her previous boyfriend was killed in a car accident. Oh, wow. Yeah. So about six months after that, she moved to here, to London to do her master's. That was two years ago.
Starting point is 00:18:59 And then it was literally maybe two months ago. She messages us this Twitter profile of this guy called the noble bachelor and he's this really cool sweet guy writes a bunch of books and articles and stuff on like how to be a modern man how to respect women how to whatever just like how to be a good guy basically and she says to us she's dating him and then she sends like a couple of selfies of them looking totally into each other and everything and then then, I'm not joking, like, what would you say, Ivy? Three weeks later? Yeah, three or four weeks. Get on with it.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Sherlock. She's like, we're getting married. That's fast. Super fast. And she's not over Frank at all. Frank is her, the boyfriend that died. Car accident. Where?
Starting point is 00:19:43 When? New Mexico, right? Yeah? New Mexico? Right? Yeah, New Mexico. It would have been 2021. Like, April? Why was he in New Mexico? Huh? Why was he in New Mexico? Was he from there? Why wasn't she with him?
Starting point is 00:19:58 No, he... I don't know. Frank was kind of sketchy. His family were, I guess, crime-related. Crime-adjacent? Continue. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:15 So we're a bit freaked out by the marriage thing, but also it's kind of nice. She gets this romantic adventure to London. She meets the perfect guy and they're, like, going to have this magical wedding in the park. In Regent's Park? Yeah. When? Yesterday. Lovely day for it. Great weather. It gets dark early is the only problem. But I bet if you had a pavilion with some twinkly
Starting point is 00:20:34 lights it'd be... Watson. So, what happened? So, we meet the noble bachelor last week when we arrive for the wedding. Robert. And he's... yeah. He's really cool, really nice, charming, thoughtful, and just a catch.
Starting point is 00:20:50 That kind of eased our feelings a little bit. Yeah, totally. That was like, okay, cool. Harriet hasn't completely lost her mind, or worse, she's not like, I don't know, brainwashed by some creepy British guy or whatever. So yeah, to the wedding, to yesterday. We did a rehearsal in the morning. What did you rehearse?
Starting point is 00:21:05 Pardon me? The wedding. What? They rehearsed the wedding. What on earth for? People like to run through weddings beforehand, you know, just so everyone knows their place and what to do. Good God. Carry on. Let's get this over and done with. So, we do the rehearsal, there's no vows or anything, everybody just kind of stands in position,
Starting point is 00:21:24 and then they walk back down the aisle after the fake I do's, and she, like, collapses. Like, fainting. Because of the heat? It's nine in the morning. It's not even remotely hot. So we pick her up. Who's we? Robert, me, and Alice. And a couple of guests.
Starting point is 00:21:40 What guests? I don't know. A lot of guests were from out of town, so they were just waiting around. Helping out with seating and stuff. Yeah, so it was Robert, me, and Alice. The hat guy and the girl, I think Robert's cousin, I think she is? Yeah. So she's up. The guy goes to get her water
Starting point is 00:21:56 and she is totally white. Almost green. Yeah, almost green. She's having like a visceral reaction to the idea of this wedding. So we figure the best thing to do is to go someplace with her, back to our hotel or whatever, and just talk to her. Get to the bottom of how, you know, like, what the hell just happened. And she is just not the same, right? Yeah. Not the same. Something is up.
Starting point is 00:22:20 How so? I can't put my finger on what was wrong, but something was wrong. It was like, I don't know, it was like she, it felt dangerous. Dangerous? Yeah, she just could not be around Robert anymore. I don't know what happened the night before or whatever, but this is just a huge red flag. And then Flora. Flora. Yeah, Flora. So who's Flora?
Starting point is 00:22:51 A freaking psycho bitch. Like, just insane bunny boiler psycho. Watson, bunny boiler? From a movie, Fatal Attraction. It's a term to describe women who aggressively go after men. In this case, Glenn Close boils the guy's daughter's bunny, I think. We're back in the park, and there's a pavilion set up where people are doing, like, cute tea and scones and stuff, and we go to make some scones for Harriet to try to make her feel better.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Like, maybe it was low blood sugar, I don't know. I'm standing next to this guy in the tent, and he's giving me some dumb talk about putting cream on first and then jam, I don't know. And then this flora chick, like, sprints into the tent and throws herself at Harriet. Like, an attack? Every kind of attack you can imagine. Physical, verbal, she's crying and screaming. She's like, don't marry him, you bitch. You this, you that. You slag. She said you slag, right? Yeah. Like, what does that even mean? Right. Well, she's English then. Yeah. She's Robert's ex-girlfriend and she goes completely
Starting point is 00:23:56 batshit on Harriet. But sorry, just to clarify, she's warning her not to marry him or she's attacking her for marrying him? Both, I guess. Yeah. It was don't marry him, or she's attacking her for marrying him. Both, I guess? Yeah, it was don't marry him, but also I'm gonna kill you sort of vibe. That cools down eventually, somehow. And the next thing you know, it's beginning, right? The whole ceremony. Look, this is the video I have from the altar where we wait for her.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Ah, looks lovely. Violin's Sherlock. Look. where we wait for her. Ah, looks lovely. Ugh. Violins, Sherlock. Look. They're in the wrong key. It was super cute. Like, it was just perfect Harriet style and everything. An okay turnout?
Starting point is 00:24:37 Yeah, she was worried because it's such a long way for our friends to come. She was worried that it wouldn't be great. But he got quite a lot of guests, and it actually turned out okay. So, where is she? Exactly. We haven't seen her since Flora. What? She didn't come down the aisle.
Starting point is 00:24:56 She didn't come find us. She didn't go back to her apartment. She didn't call us, message us, nothing. But she's been on WhatsApp. Yeah, that's right. She's been on WhatsApp as in she's messaged or she's just... I've literally seen the name pop up as online. Even this morning.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Okay, um, Sherlock, any questions? I need names of attendees. I can forward that to you now. I was made of honour, so I have all the... Yeah, here. It also has, like, how they know the couple, so there it says, like, Harriet's dad, Harriet's college friend, yeah. Forwarding not necessary. Let me read it.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Okay, done. Thank you. Who's Mariana with? Right, that'll be all. Please be on your way. Don't you want to work with the police or something? Nope. This way, please. Watson here will see you out. All righty. OK. Well, I have both your numbers and we'll be in... We'll be in touch when we have more info. Sorry, let me just...
Starting point is 00:25:58 Hiya. Oh, hi, John. Hello, mate. Hi, pal. You all right? This is Robert. Hi, mate. Nice to meet you. I'll be in in a sec. What? What is he
Starting point is 00:26:09 doing here? Wait, that's Robert. Harriet's Robert. Jesus. Oh, God. Oh, God. He's following us. Shit. What do we do? Just go. Go. I'll keep him here for a while. Just go. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Okay, I'll be in touch. Thank you, John. Hello there, Robert.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Sorry, hi. I'm Dr John Watts. Great to meet you. I'm a big fan of the podcast. What, really? Yeah, illustrious client, mate. Incredible. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:26:43 He sends questions in. No way. Have I replied to you on Twitter yet? No, I'm still bloody waiting. Oh God, sorry, mate. I'll read them out on the show next week. How about that? God, bloody hell, I feel like a celeb. Oh,
Starting point is 00:27:02 Robert, would you like some time with John and Sherlock to discuss a potential case? Yeah, sure. Come up, come up. Oh, John, I've just forwarded Sherlock an email. Make sure he reads it, please. You helped her up when she fell. I did, yeah, me and the girls. And a couple of other guests. Yeah, I think there was a fella and another girl.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Your cousin, no? My cousin? The girl that helped. Oh, God, yeah. Right. Second cousin. Don't know her all that well, to be honest. She lives in London, though, so you sort of have to invite, don't you? Harriet was always worried that we might not have good numbers there, so padded out a little bit on my side.
Starting point is 00:27:45 You even invited Flora. How do you... I just do. I ask, you explain. She... she wasn't invited. So she crashed the wedding? Yeah. We got her out of there before the ceremony. Not that the ceremony properly happened, obviously, but yeah. And you haven't seen
Starting point is 00:28:05 or heard from her since? No. No, nothing. Any WhatsApp messages? Nothing. What was her mood like on the day? I mean, the Flora thing was tough. Must have been tough for Harriet. You didn't
Starting point is 00:28:21 see her afterwards? After Flora? Yeah. Nah, no, no, because she was dressed by then and I didn't see her afterwards? After Flora. Yeah. No, no, no, because she was dressed by then and I didn't want to see, you know, the dress. But, yeah. Flora is... She has quite severe issues, let's say. She was on a few medications when I knew her.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Was with her, I mean. Not that I'm trying to stigmatise people on medication. I just mean it's hard for people in that situation, isn't it? And I know that through the grapevine, at least, I know that things have, well, they've gotten worse. What do you know of Frank? Frank? Who's Frank?
Starting point is 00:29:00 Harriet's deceased boyfriend. Frank, right, of course. Excuse me. Yeah, right, of course. Excuse me. Yeah, he seemed a good guy. I know it caused a big rift in the family, so I never really, like, prodded it too much. Rift? What, his death? No, he...
Starting point is 00:29:16 His family were organised crime, I think, yeah. Oh. Not just crime adjacent? Don't think so. I mean, he's not like Sopranos or anything, but yeah, Frank's dad is in prison, so I never really knew if the car accident thing was real, or whether it was a shooting or an assassination or God knows what. But Harriet and her parents don't really speak that much.
Starting point is 00:29:40 All because of Frank? Well, I don't think he was the problem, but the family didn't want to be associated with that much. All because of Frank? Well, I don't think he was the problem, but the family didn't want to be associated with that family. Right. Sherlock, anything else? Why Harriet? Sorry? Why did you choose
Starting point is 00:29:57 Harriet? I didn't choose her. I fell in love with her. The noble bachelor. A very popular little enterprise you have. Why throw it all away for Harriet? Is it because of her family's money? God, no. Absolutely not. Harriet Doran.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Daughter of Aloysius Doran, tech entrepreneur and celebrated philanthropist. How did you know all that? Because he's emailed our company. Looking to use our services. Quite the demand for this young lady, isn't there? If you could show yourself out. If there's anything else I can do, or provide, please just let me know, yeah? Yeah, of course, of course.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Really great to meet you both. Please, bring her back. What do you think? No, Watson. What do you think? Of what? Of him. What? Mr. Perfect? Mr. Perfect, indeed.
Starting point is 00:31:02 You don't go chasing what? Mr. Pooter You don't go chasing water Just stick to the river And let the sun go John! John! John! Jesus Christ!
Starting point is 00:31:14 John! Open the door! Jesus, Mariana, it's nearly eleven. Are you okay? What is it? Archie, is he okay? Is Archie okay? I was walking him
Starting point is 00:31:26 in the park. It is so dark but I could see this white thing floating in the ponds and I it pulled it out. What is that?
Starting point is 00:31:42 Mariana, what is that? That's the wedding dress of Harriet Doran. ДИНАМИЧНАЯ МУЗЫКА Thank you.

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