Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 - Masks Back On!!!

Episode Date: November 19, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yo, yo, yo, yo, it's your boy OG Shizzy Brizle. This is another Shizzy Lit Podcast. She understands me. Niggas got a mask back up now, boys. A variant. Talk about something. I forgot the name of it but it's a variant of the covid 19 pulled to be stronger stockier and more bullier to a nigga
Starting point is 00:00:30 motherfucking uh immune system so like i was saying on the lab podcast y'all gots to join gold's gym for your immune system that mean you gots to vitamin c it up get your juice game on get your black sea oil game on get your motherfucking um sea moss on get all your motherfucking fruits on get your veggies or get your exercise on you feel me and get your motherfucking live on if you do all that you can get your live on you gotta keep that immune system motherfucking strong that's the army in your body that fuck shit up that ain't supposed to be in there. If he too weak, it can't motherfucker defend your body. That's where you fucked up at.
Starting point is 00:01:07 You know what I'm saying? That's what AIDS do to you. Make your motherfucker immune system weak and can't fight off the goons that's trying to take over your body. That's why motherfuckers get dot. You know what I'm saying? If you needed me to explain it that simple for you and shit.
Starting point is 00:01:21 You know what I mean? But yeah, we got masks back up. You know what I'm saying? Just to be safe, even if you took the motherfucking, if you got the motherfucking shots, you know, motherfuckers don't do the shit they supposed to do, a lot of motherfuckers wasn't even feeling the shot, so you know a lot of motherfuckers ain't take the shot, a lot of motherfuckers was scared, a lot of motherfuckers conspiracy theorists, all that type shit was lead to a lot of motherfuckers not taking the shot, you know what I mean,
Starting point is 00:01:42 now they asking, is this shot even strong enough, is it going to help against the new shit, you feel me, I guess this motherfucking COVID done went and fucked the motherfucking N1H1, they done got together and made this shit, I don't know, I don't know what the fuck is they even telling us true, I know I don't trust half of these goofy motherfuckers out there, so, I'm about to mask back up, them old GSB masters is going to be on deck soon. You feel me? ASAP soon. They going to be on deck at you, chit.
Starting point is 00:02:11 You feel me? So, you got to be looking out for them chits. You know what I mean? All day long. You know what I mean? It's your boy. We got masks back the fuck up. Son, what you think about the mask?
Starting point is 00:02:22 You going to get some MBE masks? This is the mask. Epidemic Ray, pop back off. I'm getting the stealth masks. I'm getting them all fucking OGSB masks. My man gonna have the MBE masks. You feel me?
Starting point is 00:02:38 Niggas gotta get money and you gotta try to make a bright side out the bullshit. Alright, I might got masks up but I'm gonna get this paper. You know what I'm saying? Got to make some masks with the little nose slit so you can breathe and get that real breathing. I don't know. Got to work out a filtration system.
Starting point is 00:02:57 So you can still get some fresh air in your nostrils. Niggas be claustrophobic in them joints but i'm definitely masking back up nigga just got used to not masking up and all the motherfucking sports let the audience back in so what the fuck they ready shut that shit back down again they just got back they just got the fuck back you know feel me last week you know i mean so what the fuck is they gonna do now they shutting that shit down Is the lucky few got to see a live game? You feel me? Then shut the fuck down again. So, we shall see. I'm gonna keep y'all niggas posted. Of course, it's your boy OG Shizzy Brittle and I got Double M Sam the man. Money boys, you ain't making no noise. You tried
Starting point is 00:03:42 to get my man on water and shit. He in the background, but fuck it, we got him. You can hear him. My man said he gonna have the motherfucking MB masses out on deck. Be looking out for them, because you gots to be fly. Why you not trying to die? You hear me? It's your boy OG Shizzy Brazor. I'm out.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Yeti! Out of the pandemic, the CDC reports that the Delta variant now accounts for 93% of all COVID cases in the country. Just two months ago, that figure was at 3%. We're going to speak with Dr. Fauci in a moment. First, Marcus Morris in Shreveport, Louisiana, where doctors and nurses are being pushed to their limit. Good morning, Marcus. George, good morning. They are pushed to their limit, and the COVID patients just keep coming.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And we saw how the strain on the system is enough to move some doctors and nurses here to tears. The highly contagious Delta variant now responsible for 93% of all new cases in the U.S. Dr. Anthony Fauci warning we could hit 200,000 cases a day. In Louisiana, health care workers are struggling to keep up as the state faces its highest number of hospitalizations since the pandemic began. 90% of those hospitalized patients are unvaccinated. We're just exploding. We're bursting at the seams. 75-year-old Curtis Cannon is one of them. He's been in the hospital since July 23rd. There's a lot of people out there who are reluctant to get vaccinated and they don't believe it will help them.
Starting point is 00:05:06 What do you tell those people? I tell them they need to get vaccinated because this isn't fun. The influx of COVID patients is taking its toll on the staff here at Willis-Knighton Medical Center. To be honest, I probably cry. Most days I work and I cry when I go home. And why? work and I cry, I want to why? Why? Um, I'm tired. this for a year and a half it feels like there's nev
Starting point is 00:05:44 and if you're not going t least wear a mask, try to solution. More than 58,0 to be an end. And if you' the vaccine, at least a m part of the solution. Moe patients are now hospita country with COVID-19 18 for 41% of them and conc most vulnerable Children are now 3.5 times higher
Starting point is 00:06:06 month ago in Memphis, wh died from COVID over the weekend, a doctor there telling our affiliate WATN the Delta variant is to blame. What's really changed over the last week and a half is we've started seeing an increase in number of kids being admitted with acute COVID. While young children are not yet eligible for the vaccine, adults who are but chose not to get it sharing their regret this morning, like Travis Campbell, who's hospitalized in Tennessee. If I have a day or two left, I don't want to waste my time. I want to help as many people as I can to let them see the real truth, that it's real and it's only getting stronger and faster.
Starting point is 00:06:44 and it's only getting stronger and faster. Back here in Louisiana, a doctor said that in many ways, they're back to square one with no clear end in sight. And Georgia charge nurse told me that she believes those who are not getting vaccinated are gambling with their lives. Well, hey there, GMA fans, Robin Roberts here. Thanks for checking out our YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Lots of great stuff here. So go on, click the fans. Robin Roberts here. Thanks for checking out our YouTube channel. Lots of great stuff here. So go on, click the subscribe button right over here to get more of awesome videos and content from GMA every day, anytime. We thank you for watching and we'll see you in the morning on GMA. Well, the United States may be far ahead of Australia in its vaccine rollout, but this morning there are fears America is on the verge of another COVID crisis amid a new warning about how vaccinated people are spreading the virus. It's a bit of a worry. This US correspondent, Amelia Adams, has the story.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Amelia, thanks for joining us. What are we learning about the Delta variant this morning? Well, a fair bit, Dickie and Sophie, and none of it's good. It's pretty depressing, I've got to tell you. The CDC has explained why it backflipped on its own health advice this week, urging all Americans, even fully
Starting point is 00:07:53 vaccinated people, to again wear face masks indoors. That is because new data shows this Delta variant is as contagious as the chickenpox. A new study released today of some 500 cases. This was from a mass outbreak, all linked to the same infection, in the state of Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Three-quarters of the people infected were fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and testing showed the fully vaccinated people actually had the same viral load in their noses as the unvaccinated. So the key takeaways from the data, the Delta variant is contagious in vaccinated and unvaccinated people, but the vaccines were effective in preventing serious illness from COVID-19.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Yeah, and that's a really important bit. Mills, how are authorities there navigating restrictions and lockdowns as the health advice keeps on changing? Yeah, look, it's always a bit of a mishmash here. The Biden administration issues advice based on the shifting CDC guidance and then you've got 50 states and local authorities who are left to decide what and how they're going to enforce. Plenty of states have backtracked this week,
Starting point is 00:09:03 reinstating mask mandates and other restrictions. Then you've got places like Texas and Florida where the governors there have actually banned restrictions and vowed that their states will remain free and open despite an uptick in infections and hospitalisations. There's a movement to try to impose more restrictions on the American people. And I just want to say in Florida, there will be no lockdowns. Yeah, Florida's Governor Rhonda Sanders speaking there.
Starting point is 00:09:35 And then you've got Chicago, where right now there is a massive music festival underway. More than 100,000 people attending this festival every day. They do have to show proof that they've been vaccinated or have a negative test to get in. They don't have to wear face masks and there's a lot of concern that events like these are going to become super spreader events
Starting point is 00:09:57 and continue to see cases here rise. You look at those images and it's like going back in time. Lollapalooza, yeah. Big festival. Thanks Mills.

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