Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 - Rap Lyrics Can t Be Used Against Rappers?

Episode Date: November 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, it's your boy OG Shizzy Brizle, this is another WTF News on Shizzy Lit Podcast, do you understand me? Rap lyric bill passed by a California legislator awaiting signature from the governor now y'all already know this is a good thing y'all already seen how they've been doing the rap since Sean Sean started that shit Sean did 10 years because he did what he did and then they used his rap lyrics against him I believe they did sea murder like that they did a few motherfuckers like that uh um Draccio and shit and motherfucker rest in peace with Draccio niggas like that. They did a few motherfuckers like that. Drakeo and shit.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Motherfucker, rest in peace to Drakeo. Niggas like that, you feel me? A lot of rap niggas and shit. They use Peezy joint. If y'all know who Peezy is and shit, they use his lyrics and shit. A lot of niggas motherfucking 600 Breezy. You feel me? I think it was 600 Breezy and not Peezy.
Starting point is 00:01:02 I don't know. I think Peezy said it too. But they used the rap lyrics against it. Only I'll maw fucking John Rugga. Like rock and roll country they can kill and say whatever the fuck they want to and shit. You know what I mean? But when a rapper do the same shit, they take that shit to court and use it. You feel me?
Starting point is 00:01:20 Now, I ain't going to say that a lot of shit don't happen and then similar lore verses come out. So it is a lore difference. But let's read and see what they say. You know how we do here on WTF News. And I don't mind it. Here we go. Like I say, rap lyric bill passed by a California legislator awaiting signature from the governor. Now, this is just in California, though.
Starting point is 00:01:41 On Monday, August 22nd, California lawmakers gave their final approval to legislation that would restrict prosecutors right to cite rap lyrics in their evidence. As Billboard reports, this is the first of its kind legislative victory against something that critics maintain can sway juries' use of racial bias. The Senate approved AB 2799 unanimously a few days ago and earlier today they reverted in favor of a bill that had already been passed months earlier, making the final thing standing in their way of clearing the legislature. Now, the bill will be sent to the governor, the governor Gavin Newsom, who may believe will sign it into law. If passed, the new law will only allow the use of lyrics in the courtroom when prosecutors can show that they are directly relevant to the fact of the case
Starting point is 00:02:32 and won't inject racial bias into the proceedings. Earlier this year in New York, a similar effort was stalled. After making it to the state senate, it failed to get a vote in the assembly. You know Nework ain't having that shit because that's where it really pop off at that's where the gangs that they try and really get the gang violence and shit down so it's gonna be super hard to get that motherfucker passed in new york i'm gonna let y'all know that shit now because that's what they really smashing they really smashing new york niggas with the lyrics and shit all the little gang shit up there
Starting point is 00:03:04 they use that shit to help them out on that gang shit. You feel me? Not just because they young, black, and rich. These niggas really out there tearing shit up, so it's going to be hard, hard. They ain't even pay that shit no mind this time around, but keep shooting that motherfucker up there. Keep shooting and shooting and shooting. And make it so they can't even motherfucking ignore that shit anymore anyway. and make it so they can't even more fucking ignore that shit anymore anyway.
Starting point is 00:03:28 California's regulation would require courts to hold that musical evidence offer minimal value unless the state can show that the expression was created near in time to the crime bears a level of similarity to the crime or includes factual details about the crime that are not public. You dig? That makes sense to me. That's going to help us out a lot. Especially that little part when they say it won't inject racial bias
Starting point is 00:03:51 into the proceeds. If you use the niggas lyrics against them, period, it's being racial. Because y'all don't do that shit in no other genre. Only the genre where the black motherfuckers are on beat. You feel me? Rap. Let me see see the bill also acts that courts emit testimony about experimental or social science research that shows how a
Starting point is 00:04:12 particular genre introduces racial bias into proceedings i think i just spoke on that it's a rap most of the rappers is black you feel me all the rappers that go through this shit is black you feel me so instantly if you do that shit with just our genre you instantly expressing motherfucking racial bias and shit off top I just hit on that and there you go. You know film is noted by billboards more than one empirical study has shown that jurors view hip-hop lures as more dangerous than other genres Even if the artists are singing the same words now it what i just say like i know what the fuck i'm talking about they say study has shown that jurors view hip-hop lyrics more dangerous than other genres didn't i just
Starting point is 00:04:57 say that even if the artists are singing the same word how bullshit is that so niggas can say the same exact fucking words but if a hip-hop motherfucker do it, instantly that's racial bias. That answers their own fucking question right there. You feel me? You know what I mean? So, question. Are y'all impressed by California's potential
Starting point is 00:05:17 new legislation? Y'all let me know in the comments and shit. You dig me? Shizzy Lit Podcast. You know what I mean, 2022, Facebook business page, or everywhere else on the social media situation, and y'all know y'all can go ahead and stream that motherfucking Shizzy Lit Podcast 2022, and Shizzy Lit Podcast replays, that's where all my good old replays and my motherfucking reruns at, I'm in syndication, baby, y'all come fuck with me. Follow me everywhere.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Wherever your favorite streaming platform is. I'm out. Ya digs me.

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