Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 - Shizzy Lit Podcast - SLP 2024 Ep 76 Joe Biden!

Episode Date: May 9, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 WARNING! NO, I MEAN WARNING! THIS PODCAST IS HOSTED BY A PODCASTER THAT DOES NOT, I REPEAT, DOES NOT KNOW WHAT TO SAY OUT HIS MOUTH FUEL AREA, AND DOES NOT EXPRESS THE VIEWS OF SHIZZY LIT PODCAST AT ALL OR IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER AT ALL, NOT AT ALL OR WHATSOEVER, NAUTICA, NATHAN, NATHANIEL, NOTHING, YOU HEAR ME, I DON'T EVEN SEE HOW HE GOT A SHOW, ANYWAY REMEMBER WHAT I TOLD EVERYBODY, IT'S TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE FOR ANYBODY OF ANY AGE, COLOR, ETHNIC, GENERAL, me, I don't even see how he got a show, anyway remember what I told everybody, it's totally inappropriate for anybody of any age, color, ethnic, gender, religion, state, country, town or human being on this planet, even aliens, I warned all of yous, I'm out. yo yo yo yo where's your boy og shizzy bristle this another shizzy live podcast real quick real quick real quick what y'all think about president biden what kind of job did he do you know the
Starting point is 00:00:53 elections and shit on his way back and shit uh uh did he do a good job of y'all eyes and shit or or not you feel me i don't know what the fuck he done done only good thing i got to say about my man and the reason i wasn't saying a bunch of bad shit about my man i basically stalled him out he basically paid me the stuff he he paid me to stall him out that's basically what the fuck happened because uh i ain't gonna lie right right with this nigga got an office and shit you know me i'm talking about the first day this nigga got an office and shit you know me uh I was doing a little rough you feel me and uh I wasn't broke when I was doing rough and shit and I had put like a little a little 150 dollars on my little green dot card and shit
Starting point is 00:01:43 just to hold that motherfucking so i couldn't spend it because i had to pay child support and all that right but the whole time i forgot i had uh filled out taxes and all that type shit and i definitely wasn't expecting no stimulus check you and me i'm talking about the very date of the first day this nigga entered the office i know i goes uh checks on my one fish and shit my little lone 150 foot of child support joint i goes on looks on a motherfucker card that motherfucker got what that bitch got 1550 on there now listen your boy done went crazy. I'm like oh They hit me with the stem low they hit me with the stem low you know family I went straight to the motherfucking little spot with the ATM to start snatching that mouth off in case
Starting point is 00:02:36 They made a mistake it went to change they might and try reverse That motherfucker lump sum that shit was unhappeningening was not happening unacceptable if you think you're gonna reverse the disperse no sir the that you had but so you know went snatched that off the card paid what i had to pay you to fill me and then it was time to play it if there be a couple dollars from the government uncle sam i, I ain't get no stimulus from motherfuckin' Obama. I ain't get no stimulus from Bush. I ain't get no stimulus from motherfuckin' Clinton. Nobody.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Nobody never give me no motherfuckin' money. First time, first minute, this old ass nigga get in the office, man. That nigga send me some money. So that's why y'all heard me sliding his ass. Only time y'all heard me sliding his nigga is when I told y'all they found that cocaine in the white house i believe that cocaine was bad cocaine and old ass and sniffing that cocaine it almost got caught and forgot he left that damn
Starting point is 00:03:37 cocaine in that damn little strategy room these strategies that rough and that serves that they be sniffing coke and that motherfucker all loose It's passing it around. They do be fucking with aliens and shit We don't know about these motherfuckers know about all the shit. We think might be happening this shit These motherfuckers be really happy that aliens Bigfoot all that type shit You don't feel me they be dealing with that shit earth ray blow up they know that shit they ain't trying to tell a nigga that would cause the old ass nigga to sniff some coke no snuck in there on his own time to try to sniff some motherfucking coke and all that type shit you feel me and uh had to leave that bag loose forgot about it oh see that last shit
Starting point is 00:04:21 probably was in that motherfucker sniffing that Sky Rizzy. Y'all remember I said that for the last one and shit. Any motherfucker wait, man. I don't know. But that's why, if y'all was wondering, why I ain't been flaming old Biden up. Because my man sent me the 1400 first day he was in there. He bribed me in the bins.
Starting point is 00:04:41 I ain't going to say being nice, but I stalled him out. You know what I'm saying? I did get him about that cocaine in the white house because i still to this day something telling me in my heart that that was his cocaine man not gonna tell me that wasn't his cocaine or that any motherfucker where i'm out this bitch

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