Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 - SLP 2024 EP. 10 - Nas On Early Fatherhood

Episode Date: January 28, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. It's your boy OG Shizzy Brisbane. It's another Shizzy Lick Podcast. Do y'all understand me, man? I'm pretty sure you do. You feel me? If you're a real nigga, that stay true. Any motherfucker with you.
Starting point is 00:00:15 I was reading this little situation about Nas. Nas got a little emotional in an interview and shit when he was talking about, you know what I mean? You know, he wasn't the best father when he had his first child i'ma have to hold my man down all right if i was talking to no no let me talk to you right now all right i'm talking to you noz right now and shit man don't listen man it's all about maturity man i'm pretty sure all us niggas that came for the hood and shit first kids and shit you know we were still ignorant to a lot of shit you feel me we was influenced by a lot of shit we were still young and shit you feel me still young and dumb trying
Starting point is 00:00:49 to have fun with a son you dig me that's the realest shit i done ever said on the freestyling tip you feel me that shit rolled off the tongue so smooth and fluid because it was so real and true you feel me you know as we mature we realize more what we need to be doing and shit you feel me i was the same way i felt the same way you feel me my first two young boys and shit i used to put the little red bandanas on and we put it up tell them to throw it up and all that crazy shit you feel me as i got older and older i felt a little dumb about that shit i was ashamed about that shit you feel me as we grow now if you don't grew this nigga done grew up to be a grown-ass man. And then you be like the nigga that killed PNB Rock.
Starting point is 00:01:30 And then when you team up with your son and y'all go kill and rob motherfuckers, all right, then you should feel bad. That's when you should feel bad. My man, business, though, you coming up, you still living and running and all that type shit. As you mature, if you feeling bad about it now, it mean you matured from then. You ain't feel bad about it then so that means it shouldn't people change as the years go on you will hope motherfucking change change and mature for the better you know what i mean for the good you know i'm saying so
Starting point is 00:01:54 don't feel that bad bro i used to do the same type shit and now i wouldn't do that shit i don't do that shit with my newer kids My younger kids and shit I ain't doing the same shit as I did You feel me? And I still taught my two oldest and shit You feel me? That shit ain't cool or whatever You feel me?
Starting point is 00:02:15 But you know, you gotta lead by example also You feel me? You can be a parent that say Do as I say, not what I do It works sometimes and shit you feel me but it's better to be better lead by example your credibility more stronger and shit you feel me that's why all my kids graduate I ain't do the best in high school and middle school I'm a short dog I put out all that shit short I'm not making the best decision I got my shit together went to college
Starting point is 00:02:41 so while my kids in middle school high school i'm going to college you didn't feel me burning the midnight oil come out with two diplomas so now i led by example now i can say shit right my kids start smoking weed that's all they ever seen me do blow it down the king of smoking with the crown you hear me you know how the fuck i'ma lean on them and get mad about that and shit like that, I'm the wrong person. I got to team up with their mother and act like I got to be the silent partner with the mother or some shit like that and just have the mother back. I can't be the one in the forefront talking about, yo, you ain't going to be smoking. That shit, they're going to look at me like, boy, you probably trying to smoke with me right now. Boy, you blow it down more than Snoop Khalifa.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Your name's Wiz Dogg. I don't know man But anyway, y'all know what I'm trying to say that shit sound a little crazy, but anyway, yeah shit like that Me so, you know, that's just how I be giving it up giving it giving it giving it up But yeah, shout out to Nas and all that type shit bad. I feel you though, bro, bro That's only show you got maturity in a family You know you you was in a generation before me me lord we looked up to y'all and shit you feel me y'all made us good niggas and shit we did some shit we produced no angels and shit but y'all made us good niggas man you you told us like a lot of little hood knowledge type shit make a nigga think before you do that
Starting point is 00:03:58 your motherfucking when you was to sit on belly you was you was yourself for real you feel me like nigga you always been a knowledgeable nigga in the culture and the hood and shit making niggas think you're the reason niggas wear the all camouflage whole camouflage shit till this day i know you know that shit nigga you listen bro it means so you just showing everybody like the maturity joint hopefully everybody like that it's just i think every hood nigga and shit from the project from the hood and all that type shit did that type shit for real. That was our culture
Starting point is 00:04:30 and shit. That's how we was taught. We ain't going to do nothing but regurgitate the shit right back, but hopefully we see the bullshit and try to upgrade this shit so they can have a better situation than that. Kids supposed to be a clone and you upgraded. 10.10 version. You know what you heard from me. It's your to be a clone and you upgraded. 10.10 version. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:04:47 You know where you heard it from. It's your boy OG Shizzy Brown. Shout out to Nas once again. Shout out to all the good fathers out there, man. That probably started off a little rough. We ain't even gonna say bad or rough still. You know what I mean? It ain't no motherfucking manual to this shit. It's all situational and shit. You know what I mean? But it's your boy. Y'all know where you heard it from. It's Shizzy.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Yeah. I'm out. Get in. You know what I mean? But it's your boy. Y'all know who you're heard from. It's Shitty Lit Podcast. Yeah. Yeah. I'm out. Get it.

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