Shizzy Lit Podcast 2024 - SLP 2024 EP 24 - ultra Gangster!!

Episode Date: February 6, 2024

#New #2024 #podcast #entertainment #funny...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Warning. No, I mean warning. This podcast is hosted by a podcaster that does not, I repeat, does not know what to say out his mouth feel area, and does not express the views of Shazzy Lit Podcast at all or in any way whatsoever at all, not at all or whatsoever, Nautica, Nathan, Nathaniel, nothing, you hear me, I don't even see how he got a show anyway remember what I told everybody it's Totally inappropriate for anybody of any age color ethnic gender religion state Country town or human being on this planet even aliens. I warned all of yous. I'm out Seeing this one day again shit walking through this nigga had a motherfucking blue bandana in his right pocket and shit. Had the red bandana
Starting point is 00:00:48 in his left pocket and shit. Nigga had the burgundy joint you know, feel me, in the right side pocket and shit. Had the motherfucking green joint in the left side pocket. This nigga had a motherfucking yellow joint on. This nigga had a
Starting point is 00:01:03 motherfucking gang gang shirt on and shit. With the face mask that said gang on and shit. Nigga had some motherfucking jeans. This motherfucker had the motherfucking back pockets, dude. Motherfucking black and white camouflage. I mean, black and white bandana.
Starting point is 00:01:20 And the motherfucking other joint was motherfucking red and blue bandana combined this year I say this nigga is the ultimate mega neutron fucking gangster this nigga reppin every game nigga don't know what to do to him niggas don't know what the PC mop or fucking mom niggas don't know where the motherfucking throw it up or beating down nigga who the fuck is you and why the fuck is you around with the fuck the is you and why the is you
Starting point is 00:01:45 around what the gang is you for a say i ain't from no gang gang get it feel me say i bang all gangs and they can bang every gang everywhere gang you'll bang everywhere this is a ultimate mega gangster this is the ultimate leader of the gangsters and shit nigga got on red nigga got one red bandana nike air on and one blue red bandana nike air with green bandana shoestrings in the nike airs and shit this nigga is the ultimate Bulgarian it was a Bulgarian gangster I don't even know why but this nigga is the all-amer-est, gangster-est gangster in gangsterism and gangster history and shit. Nigga does the most gangster-est thing, you know what I'm saying, because that's what he is, you know what I'm saying. I don't know what the fuck else to say about him.
Starting point is 00:02:38 This is a true story. This nigga had a little bit of everything going on. I seen the Crip niggas confused. I seen two of them ready to go over there and fuck him up and then the leader called them back like yo, I don't know. I don't know what to do. I don't know if we should. I don't know the criteria of this. Should we
Starting point is 00:02:53 fuck him up or should we peace him up? I don't know. I seen some motherfucking Pyrus and shit. These motherfuckers just ain't know what to do. They ain't say shit. Everybody end up fucking him up because they was confused and shit. Nigga, I don't know what the fuck else to tell him. I tried to steer him away from the crowd.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Go around that. Boy, change your clothes because nobody knows. Nigga, this nigga was a motherfucking unicorn gangster. You ain't never seen a gangster like this. Nigga, the legendary, legend-est gangster of the gangster-est. Nigga had every gangster flag on. Flagging, too.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Niggas was confused. This shit, niggas was congregating on each other. The Crip niggas was beefing with the Piru niggas. I seen the Piru niggas walk over to the Crip niggas, and then they start talking, and then look at that nigga. These niggas was confused. They was was congregating on should we team up and fuck him up is that yours is he one of you is he one of yours it was what the fuck is going on is it a new gang in town what the fuck is he
Starting point is 00:03:55 half spanish and half black or is he white i don't know these motherfuckers now you see them conspiring and wondering you can feel me me? They ended up, all A-Buy ended up fucking him up. Nigga got beat by the motherfucking Latinos. He got beat by the Crips, the Bloods, the Pirates. The motherfucking Vice Lords came around the corner. The Lord Leight whipped his ass. Motherfucking GDs, BDs. You can feel me?
Starting point is 00:04:17 Motherfucking, I mean, the damn Hoover criminals came through at the last minute. Got some kicks in. They whipped his ass. Like, nigga, when keeping it real, this nigga was keeping it too real from every seal. The fuck is he doing? Like, what the fuck, gang? This nigga must have been from my man Lucci shit, the Universal gang, and I don't think my man sanctioned that. I don't think I knew about him.
Starting point is 00:04:43 If my man that he meant. I don't think he was. Isn't he, motherfucker? Where's your boy OG Shizzy Breville? Y'all know I be having to put y'all down with this weird shit going on. My man was the ultimate Bolivian Bulgarian gangster. This nigga had a... Listen, nigga had the
Starting point is 00:04:59 purple grape street situation around his motherfucking right leg and shit you to feel me I didn't listen the nigga had everything on this nigga this nigga set trips ten times at one sitting

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