Simple Swedish Podcast - #230 - Sopsortering (lätt)

Episode Date: May 27, 2024

Nivå: A1-A2 I det här avsnittet får du lära dig om sopsortering - något som är väldigt viktigt i Sverige! -------------------- För att stödja podden och få transkript till avsnitten - bli pa...tron för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! Vill du ha en GRATIS PDF med de 20 vanligaste misstagen folk gör i svenska? Vill du få mejl på lätt svenska med intressant info och uppdateringar varje vecka? Klicka här och prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet! -------------------- To support the podcast and get transcripts to the weekly episodes – become a patron for only 5€ per month - click here! Would you like a FREE PDF with the 20 most common mistakes people make in Swedish, and how to correct them? And how about emails every week in simple Swedish with interesting information and updates? Click here and subscribe to the newsletter! ------------------- Instagram: swedish.linguist YouTube: Swedish Linguist Website: Language Lock-in: ------------------- Ett smakprov (sample) på transkriptet:   Hej där! Välkommen till ett lätt avsnitt av Simple Swedish Podcast. Och idag ska vi prata om någonting som är väldigt viktigt i Sverige. Egentligen väldigt viktigt överallt. Men svenskar tycker nog att det är viktigare än kanske många andra. Och det är sopsortering.   Sopsortering betyder att man sorterar sina sopor. Det kallas också för källsortering och återvinning. Och sopor, ja, det är ju då saker som man slänger. Saker man inte behöver längre. Ja, man slänger dem i soporna.   Till exempel matrester eller tomma burkar, tomma flaskor, behållare för olika saker, papper och så vidare. Så det är sopor.   Och det är viktigt att man sorterar soporna. ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello there! Welcome to a light episode of Simple Swedish Podcast. Today we are going to talk about that it is more important than many others. And that is soup sorting. Soup sorting means that you sort your soups. It is also called source sorting and recycling. And soaps are things that you throw away, things you don't need anymore. You throw them in the soups, for example, food leftovers or empty cans, empty bottles, containers for different things, papers and so on. So it's soaps. And it's important to sort the soaps. Sorting the soaps saves energy and it's good for the environment. Because everyone knows that there are many problems with the environment and much of that is because there will be a lot of soaps out in the nature and there will result in poison in the wild. Therefore, it is important that we sort our soups, that we recycle.
Starting point is 00:02:16 In Sweden, there is often a recovery center, for example at the grocery store. There is also often a bathroom in the apartment building, so if you live in an apartment, there is probably a bathroom somewhere in the house. There you can go with your different soaps. I will go through which different types of soaps we will recycle. So we have for example plastic. So quite simply, you have soaps made of plastic, then you throw it in plastic recycling. Then there is paper. So all paper you throw in paper recycling. There is metal.
Starting point is 00:03:39 And that goes in metal recycling. There is glass and glass actually exists for two containers. So we throw colored glass in one container and we throw colored glass in another. So we differ on colored glass and colored glass. And also, if for example a glass of wine or a mirror has broken and you need to throw it away, slänga den, då ska du inte slänga det glaset i glasåtervinning, för det är en annan sorts glas. Så det ska du slänga i restavfall eller allra helst på återvinningstationen. And the remainder, what is that? It's mixed soups. Soups you don't know how to recover. It's important to minimize the remainder.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And actually in my hometown, Alingsås, there is no residual waste. So there is no container where you can throw residual waste. So everything is recovered. Then we have biological waste. Waste is the same thing as soaps. Soaps, waste. Things you throw away, things you throw away. So biological waste is very good because it can become biogas. Man kan alltså göra bränsle av det. Bränsle är alltså det som driver till exempel bilar. Bensin och diesel och så. Det är bränsle. Och biologiskt avfall, man kan göra det waste, you can do that to fuel. And then we have environmental dangerous waste. Environmental dangerous waste, yes, it is waste that is dangerous to the environment,
Starting point is 00:06:17 dangerous to nature. For example, electronics, batteries or lamps. Batteries are often used by a specific maintainer station, recycling center, environmental station. And it is often also for lamps, light bulbs, light bulbs and so on. And electronics is also sometimes a separate container for. So, yes, we have plastic, we have paper, we have metal, colored glass, colored glass, biological waste, batteries, lamps, electronics, waste. So, yes, I hope that you have learned something about soup sorting, about
Starting point is 00:07:30 recycling and that you actually recycle. It is easy to google and there you can find out a lot about how to win back in Sweden. So, if you do that, I thank you for listening and you can thank yourself too, for having learned both about sub-sorting and Swedish. So, see you soon again. Have a good one. Bye bye.

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