Simple Swedish Podcast - #233 - Partikelverb (#2)

Episode Date: June 5, 2024

Nivå: A2-B1 Ett viktigt grammatiskt koncept i svenska - partikelverb. Här går jag igenom hur det fungerar och även några vanliga och knepiga partikelverb. Lyssna också på avsnitt #112 för mer partikelverb. För vårt unika, hyperintensiva Boot Camp i vackra Dalarna, där du blir tvingad att bara prata svenska i nio dagar - klicka här! -------------------- For English, scroll down! -------------------- För att stödja podden och få transkript till avsnitten - bli patron för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! Vill du lära dig att prata flytande svenska? Är du frustrerad att svenskar alltid byter till engelska? Kolla in den här GRATIS videon och du kommer förstå exakt vad du behöver göra! Följ den här länken och klicka på ”join the free training”. -------------------- To support the podcast and get transcripts to the weekly episodes – become a patron for only 5€ per month - click here! Wanna become fluent in Swedish? Are you frustrated over Swedes always switching to English? Check out this FREE video, and you’ll understand exactly what you need to do! Follow this link, and click on ”join the free training”. ------------------- Instagram: swedish.linguist YouTube: Swedish Linguist Website: Language Lock-in: ------------------- Ett smakprov (sample) på transkriptet:   Bra. Välkommen till Simple Swedish Podcast. Och idag blir det ett avsnitt om partikelverb. Ett lite grammatiskt avsnitt. Och jag har ju spelat in ett avsnitt om det här förut. Det är avsnitt 112. Så gå gärna och lyssna på det avsnittet också. För partikelverb är ett tema som kan vara lite knepigt. Först då innan vi börjar så ska jag tacka fyra stycken nya patrons. Det är Greg, Марина, Thiago, och Abbas. Tack till er för att ni stödjer den här podden. Alla som stödjer podden får transcript till alla avsnitt.   Eller nästan alla avsnitt! För varje månad har vi också ett extraavsnitt för patrons på 10-euronivån. Och den här månaden, alltså i maj, då var det ett extra avsnitt om Abba. Så om du vill få transcript till nästan alla avsnitt, kostar bara fem euro i månaden, gå till, om du vill ha extra avsnitt och tillgång till vår server på Discord, där du kan skriva med mig och alla andra. Då är det 10-euronivån. Inte heller speciellt dyrt! Vi ska börja med att prata om partikelverb. Vad är ett partikelverb? Jag använde faktiskt ett partikelverb nu i början. Jag pratade om att jag har spelat in ett avsnitt. Så, ‘att spela in’ är alltså ett partikelverb. Så vi har huvudverbet - ‘spela’ - och så har vi en partikel - ‘in’. Så en partikel är oftast en preposition. Men det här räknas som ett verb - ‘spela in’. För ‘att spela in’ har inte så mycket med ‘att spela’ att göra. Utan det är ett annat verb. Det har en annan betydelse. Så att “spela in det här poddavsnittet”, alltså ‘to record’.   ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Simple Swedish Podcast! Today we will talk about particle verbs. A little bit of grammar. I have recorded an episode about this before. It's episode 112. So go and listen to that episode as well. Because particle verb is a topic that can be a bit tricky. First, before we start, I'm going to thank four new Patreons, Greg, Marina, Thiago and Abbas.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Thank you for supporting this podcast. Everyone who supports the podcast will get a transcript for almost every episode. Every month we also have an extra episode for Patreon on the 10 euro level. And this month, in May, there was an extra episode about ABBA. So, if you want to get a transcript for almost all episodes, it only costs 5 euro per month, go to slash Swedish Linguist. If you want extra content and access to our server on Discord, where you can write with me and everyone else,
Starting point is 00:01:34 then it's the 10 euro level. Not particularly expensive either. So, we're going to start talking about particle verbs. So what is a particle verb? Yes, I actually use a particle verb now, in the beginning. I said that... I talked about that I have recorded an episode. So, to record, that is a particle verb. So we have the main verb, to play, and then we have a particle, in. So a particle is often a preposition. But this is counted as one verb, to play in, to play in, because to play in doesn't have much to do with playing.
Starting point is 00:02:32 It's a different verb, it has a different meaning, so to play in this pod-part, to record. Yes, there are other words such as to give up. Yes, you give up. You say that no, I don't want to try anymore. I have really tried, I have tried everything. I have really tried, but I can't take it anymore. I give up. Or to agree on something. So you say, okay, you accept it, you agree on it. And when you use particle verbs, you emphasize the particle. So you don't say to give up, you say to give up, you say to play in, you say to go with
Starting point is 00:03:33 it. So the emphasis is on the particle, not on the main verb. So I will go through some different particle verbs and I will try to focus on verbs that are maybe a little unintuitive or extra ordinary. But yes, as I said, listen also to episode 112, because there I also go through many different, very important words. But anyway, the first particle verb I will go through is to get on with something means that you get an idea, maybe, you realize something, or that you think something out. To think out means that you use your thoughts to come up with a solution or create something or so. So you can for example say that you come up with the solution to a problem. We have a problem, okay, we have to come up with a solution. We have to think and see if we can find a solution. We need to come up with a solution. Or we need to create an advertising campaign for a company. So we need to come up with a slogan for that advertising campaign. Like, I'm loving it for McDonalds.
Starting point is 00:05:22 It's some advertising agency that has come up with that slogan. So yeah, to come up with something. Next is to get rid of yourself. So to get rid of yourself, to get rid of yourself, is like, to be clumsy, or to behave shyly, maybe, you are behaving badly. So for example, or it doesn't have to be that you are behaving badly, it can just be that you are complaining, or you are doing something embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:06:12 It can be, for example, and you accidentally tell it to another friend You accidentally reveal the secret By mistake you tell the secret to another person Then you might have done it So you have been a fool You have done away with it. So you have done away with it. You have done away with it. The next particle verb is to become of. So that something becomes of,
Starting point is 00:06:59 it means that something that you have planned actually happens. It gets cancelled. So for example, we have talked about a trip. Will the trip get cancelled or not? Will we actually go on that trip? Will it get cancelled? Or will we not do that? Will it not be cancelled? Or, for example, if you meet an old friend and you always say that you will meet, have an beer, but it will never be off. As you say every time you meet, you meet randomly in the city and you're like, oh hi, how are you? Well, we should take a beer sometime,
Starting point is 00:07:58 we should meet and take an beer sometime. But actually later it will never be off. What you're talking about doesn't happen. So it doesn't get off. So you hear that the emphasis is always on the particle, it doesn't get off. The next particle verb is to dive up. And yes, to dive up somewhere is that you, you kind of arrive there, you come there, but we don't know how, it might be a little unexpected or just undefined. So you just dive up somewhere. It's like in English, to show up somewhere. And yes, for example, they dived up at the party at midnight.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Yes, so we saw them, or they were there. vid midnatt. Ja, så vi såg dem eller liksom dem var där. Vi såg dem inte förut, men nu är de där, så de de dök upp vid midnatt på festen. Eller om du och jag planerar alltså något event eller en träff eller så. event or a meeting or something like that. And so, yeah, when do you want to come? Yeah, but I think we'll come up sometime around 8 or 9 o'clock. Yeah, we'll come up somewhere there. So we'll come then. Yeah. Then the next one, to go on, that something goes on, that means that it ends in a short time. If my money, if I'm on a trip and I say that shit, my money really goes to this trip, then it means that I spend the money and that it might go fast. Or if you have cooked food for your friends, then you would like the food to go to them. Because it means that your friends like the food, they eat a lot and it goes fast. So the food goes fast, it ends fast.
Starting point is 00:10:30 So it goes fast. Yes. The next thing is to have or to get in front of yourself. And that is that you believe in knowing something. You have that in front of you. I believe in something, you have it for yourself. I believe in knowing that. For example, I tell you that Pluto is a planet. And you say, what?
Starting point is 00:10:59 I had a feeling that Pluto wasn't a planet. So I had a feeling that Pluto wasn't a planet. I had the feeling that. I didn't know for sure, but I thought it was a planet. I had the feeling. Or... I had the feeling that mom would greet me today. Often you say that when what you thought wasn't true. I thought mom would greet me today, but maybe it wasn't. I had the feeling that it was true.
Starting point is 00:11:35 And to get that feeling is about the same thing, but it's the transition, you could say. Yes, I got the impression that mom would greet me today. So, sometimes I have gotten the impression that Pluto is not a planet. Pluto is actually not a planet, so that was right then. So, if someone has gotten the impression that Pluto is a planet, then I can say that Pluto is not a planet. But, yes, that changes sometimes, so it can certainly change again. The next verb is to pay attention.
Starting point is 00:12:16 So to pay attention means to take the chance when it exists. So for example, to take care to enjoy the wonderful weather. So to take care to enjoy the wonderful weather means to take the chance now when it exists to enjoy the lovely weather. So be careful. Because, well, if it starts to rain for a few days, yes, that's why it's important to be careful to enjoy the weather, especially in Sweden. In Sweden, you always have to be careful to enjoy the beautiful weather,
Starting point is 00:13:02 because, yes, it's not always the case. You can also say, be careful to trade now when the prices are low. Ok, the prices are not so low right now, so you don't have to be careful to trade now because the prices are not low. But if the prices are low and later they will rise, then you can say be careful to buy now when the prices are low. Sometimes there are certain specific particles that often give a similar meaning to a particle verb. If we take for example to do something again, it means that you do it again. So to do a trip again means that you renovate or that you... Yes, you rebuild most of the time with some kind of change.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Or you can say that I need to rebuild a year's course. A year's course, so in school, for example the 9th, so if you haven't done the 9th in school, so year's course 9, then maybe you need to go over that year, like, or to start over from the beginning, it's like that you start over again. And so. Or you can see a movie, that is, that you see the movie again, you see the movie over again. But this doesn't always work, because there are other words, for example, to talk about is the same thing as to tell. So to talk about doesn not mean to speak again, but it means to tell. So sometimes it's a bit of a rule, but these rules have many exceptions. So you always have to know for every specific particle verb, you have to know the meaning of that particular particle verb. But as I said, sometimes there are some leads. So if we have, for to hoarse or to laugh, then it means that you do it once
Starting point is 00:16:11 and maybe also a little fast, maybe also a little unexpected. To laugh is like, haha, not that you laugh for a long time or many times, but that you... short and... once. Same thing with hitting someone. You hit someone once. Or... Or that you fix your clothes, for example. You fix what you might just...
Starting point is 00:16:39 put yourself in the mirror, make a small modification, so you fix it. Or you correct the slip or the hair or whatever it can be now. So it's like once and often pretty fast. But, as I said, you still have to know for every specific verb, for the particle till, there are too many verbs. For example, to get something, there you got it, it means that you have succeeded, you har gjort det bra. Där fick du till dig, liksom där gjorde du det bra, så du lyckades. Eller att ta sig till, så här, vad ska jag ta mig till? Det är ofta om man är lite desperat. Det betyder helt enkelt, vad ska jag göra?
Starting point is 00:17:40 Liksom, va, vad ska jag göra? Vad ska jag ta mig till? Jag vet inte vad jag ska ta mig till. What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do this episode again. And then, until last, I just wanted to talk a little about, so, about two years ago, I and my two colleagues at Language Lock-in had an idea about having a house where we have 10-12 people activities and that we become a wonderful group and that this is only in Swedish So we had this idea and that idea became reality
Starting point is 00:18:59 so we call it language lock-in bootcamp and it's simply because there are a lot of people who feel a need to be forced to speak Swedish. So it's often a bit difficult to feel the need to just speak Swedish in Sweden and then it becomes quite difficult to actually do it and also if you don't even live in Sweden then it can be even harder to actually use the language a lot So that was the idea and we have done that twice now. And it has been very, very fun and exciting.
Starting point is 00:19:50 And this is for people, for you who are on a medium level, so you can talk. But it may be difficult, you may feel you have to force yourself, or you just have to get into it and just be 100% in Swedish for 9 days is this event very intense, in all ways, mentally and socially. It's hard training for the brain, so that's why we call it a bootcamp, because you really train your brain hard. And it's also very, very fun. And especially wonderful has it been with the groups, because it has become a very nice connection in these groups.
Starting point is 00:20:54 And one thing that I have found very cool is that many people have been introverted people who may have a hard time feeling relaxed with new people. I am also one of those people. But most people have really found a place in this group and yes, it has been very nice. So if you feel that this is something you need, go to and there you can read more, watch videos, see what people say and report you. So we still have some space left for the summer bootcamp and for the winter bootcamp we have open reports. So that was all for today, have a good one and see you in the next episode.

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