Simple Swedish Podcast - #236 - Frukost (lätt)

Episode Date: June 16, 2024

Missa inte det GRATIS webbinariet på onsdag 19 juni kl 17:00 om hur man överlever BARA på svenska. Registrera dig här! Nivå: A1-A2 Vad äter svenskarna till frukost? En kort genomgång av svenska... frukostvanor på lätt svenska! Lär dig relaterade ord i kontext. Tänk på att vi säger "till frukost" och inte "för frukost". Vi säger "äta frukost", inte "ha frukost". Och tänk på hur ordet "alltså" används. -------------------- For English, scroll down! -------------------- För att stödja podden och få transkript till avsnitten - bli patron för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! Prenumerera på mitt nyhetsbrev och få mejl med artiklar, intressant information och uppdateringar varje vecka, allt på LÄTT SVENSKA. Dessutom får du en GRATIS PDF med de 20 vanligaste misstagen folk gör i svenska. Klicka här och prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet! -------------------- What do Swedes eat for breakfast? A short overview of Swedish breakfast habits in easy Swedish! Learn related words in context. Keep in mind that we say "till frukos" and not "för frukost". We say "äta frukost" not "ha frukost". Also think about how the word "alltså" is used.  To support the podcast and get transcripts to the weekly episodes – become a patron for only 5€ per month - click here! Subscribe to my newsletter and receive weekly emails with articles, interesting information and updates, all in EASY SWEDISH. You'll also get a FREE PDF with the 20 most common mistakes people make in Swedish. Click here and subscribe to the newsletter! ------------------- Instagram: swedish.linguist YouTube: Swedish Linguist Website: Language Lock-in: ------------------- Ett smakprov (sample) på transkriptet: Hej, hej! Välkommen till ett lätt avsnitt av Simple Swedish Podcast. Och idag ska jag prata om frukost.   Frukost, det första målet på dagen.   Ja, ett mål, ett mål mat. Ja, vi har oftast tre eller fyra, fem mål per dag. Så frukost är det första målet, säger man då. Och i Sverige så tror jag att nästan alla äter frukost. Det är väldigt vanligt att äta frukost. Och tänk på att vi säger att man äter frukost, inte att man har frukost. Utan vi äter frukost.   Och det gör man ungefär klockan sju, kanske. Kanske klockan sex, sju, åtta, någonstans. Och oftast äter man frukost hemma.   ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, hey! Welcome to a light episode of Simple Swedish Podcast. Today I will talk about breakfast. Breakfast is the first meal of the day. Yes, a goal, a goal meal, yes, we often have three or four, five goals per day. So breakfast is the first goal, one says.
Starting point is 00:00:38 And in Sweden, I think that almost everyone eats breakfast. It's very common to eat breakfast. And remember that we say that you eat breakfast, not that you have breakfast. We eat breakfast. Utan vi äter frukost. Och det gör man ungefär klockan sju kanske. Kanske klockan sex, sju, åtta någonstans.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Och oftast äter man frukost hemma. Så vad är då vanligt att äta till frukost? Jo, jag tror att det vanligaste är att äta en macka. En macka, alltså en brödskiva med någonting på. bread slice with something on it. So, you also say a smörgås. A sandwich or a smörgås. It's about the same thing. And the most common topping is probably cheese. A toppinglägg, ja det är ju någonting man lägger på mackan, ett pålägg.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Så ost, det kan också vara till exempel skinka. Det är också ganska vanligt med leverpastej. It's also quite common with liver pasty. I loved liver pasty when I was younger. I ate almost every day a cheese sandwich and a sandwich with liver pastaste and cucumber. So I had levepaste and then slices of cucumber on it. Or you can also have salt cucumber. is egg. Yes, so, or omelette. You can fry eggs or make an omelette. I grew up with omelette on weekends and then a little more common smörgås on everydays. And yes, it is common in Sweden to use coarse bread or full-wheat bread. So not this light,
Starting point is 00:03:40 light bread. Yes, it is of course also common, but I think it is even more common with coarse bread. And that is more useful, healthier, better for your body, better for your health. Yes, coarse bread. Here in Spain, where I live, yes, there it is quite difficult to find good coarse bread. Something else that is common in Sweden is also knäckebröd Knäckebröd, yes It seems to be quite Swedish
Starting point is 00:04:39 So knäckebröd is thin bread that is hard So thin hard bread, bread I love bread, and it's very common in Sweden And what do you drink for breakfast? You drink coffee, of course and most often it's coffee beans. So coffee is brewed with a coffee bean. It's much more common than for example espresso or cappuccino and stuff like that. And mine, you usually drink it black, or maybe with some milk, or maybe with some sugar. I usually have some milk in my coffee.
Starting point is 00:05:34 But it's also common to drink juice, or tea, or between children and young people, it is also common to drink Oboy. What is Oboy? Oboy is chocolate milk, okay, but in Sweden we say Oboy.boi is actually a brand, a brand, but we actually often call all chocolate milk for oboy. So if you hear the word oboy, then you know that it is chocolate milk. Also very common is to eat yogurt or milk. And that is often eaten with flings. So like cornflakes or Kalas puffs or something like that they are flingor or mysli and yes, I like mysli
Starting point is 00:06:55 I like to eat yoghurt with mysli and maybe some berries or fruit it's very tasty. But in Sweden there is this thing called fjölk. And fjölk is some kind of sourer fjölk. Sourer, thicker, a little more runny than yogurt, but thicker than milk and a little sour. And I don't know if... well, it's a little like kefir, like... ...file milk. Or porridge. Some people also eat porridge for breakfast.
Starting point is 00:07:50 What do you eat for breakfast? Do you like to eat breakfast? Do you think it's important to eat breakfast. I have often heard that breakfast is the most important goal of the day. I don't know if that's true. I don't know if that's true. But yes, and I have tried to skip breakfast sometimes and just go straight to lunch. But yes, I have realized that I actually like to eat breakfast. I like to eat breakfast actually. And yes, it used to be, now in the past, it used to be yoghurt with some muesli, some nuts, some berries, some fruit.
Starting point is 00:09:02 When I was little, it was always sandwiches. always macros of loves loves you and still loves macros but I don't know if it's so good to eat a lot of bread yes so that was an episode about breakfast
Starting point is 00:09:20 hope you have learned some new words. See you soon again. Bye!

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