Simple Swedish Podcast - #248 - Solsystemet

Episode Date: September 16, 2024

Nivå: ~A2-B1 I det här avsnittet får du lära dig nya ord och fakta om vårt solsystem. Gillar du rymden blir det här avsnittet extra intressant för dig! Vill du läsa mer om planeterna i vårt s...olsystem kan du kolla här. För att stödja podden och få transkript till avsnitten - bli patron för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! Låter bootcampet intressant? Läs mer här! ------------------- Instagram: swedish.linguist YouTube: Swedish Linguist Website: Language Lock-in: ------------------- Ett smakprov (sample) på transkriptet: Hej där! Du lyssnar på Simple Swedish Podcast. Idag ska du få lära dig lite nya ord och kanske lite nya fakta om vårt solsystem. Jag har alltid varit fascinerad av rymden, och ja, vårt solsystem är ju liksom det som ligger närmast oss i rymden. Rymden, det är ju då allt det som ligger utanför jorden. Jorden, alltså planeten som vi bor på. Först och främst, jag ska tacka fyra nya patrons. Det är Oksana, Carlo, Matthew och Hamda. Tack till er för att ni stödjer den här podden. Alla som stödjer podden får ju då transkript. Eller transkriptioner, tror jag heter på svenska. Jag tror att jag har sagt fel i alla dessa år. Men det skiter jag i. Jag säger transkript ändå. Ni får transkript till alla avsnitt. Om det är någon annan som vill bli patron så gå till   Om man är patron på 10-euronivån så får man också uttalsövningar varje vecka. Alla vet att det är viktigt att ha bra uttal på svenska. Vad är då solsystemet? Det är helt enkelt det här systemet där vi har solen i mitten, och alla planeter cirkulerar runt solen i banor. I omloppsbanor. De kretsar, cirkulerar, kretsar, snurrar, kan man säga. De kretsar kring solen. De cirkulerar runt solen i sina omloppsbanor.   En bana. Varje planet har en bana. En slags rutt som den reser i. Färdas i. Runt solen.   Och det finns åtta planeter. Och det är..i ordning från solen så är det:   ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey there! You are listening to Simple Swedish Podcast. Today you will learn some new words and maybe some new facts about our solar system. Yes, I have always been fascinated by space and our solar system is what is closest outside of the earth. The earth, the planet we live on. First and foremost, I would like to thank four new Patreons. Oksana, Carlo, Matthew and Hamda. for supporting this podcast. Everyone who supports the podcast will get a transcript... or transcriptions, I think it's called in Swedish. I think I've said it wrong all these years, but I don't give a shit. I'll still say the transcript. So yes, you'll get a transcript for all episodes. If there's anyone else who wants to be a patron, go to
Starting point is 00:01:28 slash Swedish Linguist. And if you are a patron on the 10 euro level, you will also get pronunciation exercises every week. Everyone knows that it is important to have good pronunciation in Swedish. So, what is the solar system? It is simply the system where we around the sun in lanes, in circuit lanes because they... they kind of circle, circulate, circle, spin, you could say they circle around the sun, they circulate around the sun in their orbit. A track. So every planet has a track, a kind of rut that it travels in, travels around the sun. There are eight planets and they are in order from the sun. Saturnus, Uranus and Neptune. Before that we also called Pluto, but since 2006 Pluto is no longer left. The first four planets are fixed.
Starting point is 00:03:32 They have a fixed surface. That means that they are made of, for example, stone. So they are hard. The four last planets, the planets that are farthest out, they are made of gas. And they are called gas jets, because they are very large and they are made of gas, so they are not solid. Yes, solid means that it is solid material, like for example stone. So I thought I would go through these planets one by one and tell you few facts about them.
Starting point is 00:04:25 We start with the Sun. The Sun is not a planet, but a star. The Sun is a medium-sized star. So not a very big star, and not a very small star, but a medium medium sized star. It helium through this fusion. The process of fusion combines water or pushes water together.
Starting point is 00:05:25 So it becomes helium. And this generates a lot of energy. A lot of energy, because the sun is 150 million kilometers from Earth. So it's very, very far the Earth, 150 million kilometers. It takes eight minutes for the sun's rays to reach the Earth. So when you feel the sun's light, the sun's warmth, it has taken eight minutes from the sun to reach the earth. But the speed of light is very, very high.
Starting point is 00:06:15 If we think about it, the light goes seven times around the Earth in one second. So that's pretty fast. But it takes eight minutes for the light to travel from the sun to the Earth. So that shows how far away the sun is, and yet we can literally feel the heat from the sunlight here from the earth. So I think that's very fascinating, that it's so far, far, far away, but we can still physically feel the warmth from the sun on us here on Earth. And that energy comes through the fusion of water. So, pretty cool. The next one, the first planet, is Mercury. It is also the smallest planet.
Starting point is 00:07:21 There is not much interesting to say about Mercury. But the next planet, Venus, and you can actually see it. So Venus you can often see, and it looks like a star in the sky, especially in the beginning and the end of the night. The Venus surface is extremely warm. It's over 400 degrees on the Venus surface. The surface is what is out in the distance, not the atmosphere, but what is stuck out in the distance. So we are on the surface of the Earth, we live our lives on the surface of the Earth. On Venus' surface it is very hot. 400 degrees. Venus also has the longest period
Starting point is 00:08:34 among all the planets. And one day and one night, 24 hours, is 243 Earth days, 243 times longer than a day on Earth. So it's a very, very slowly. Venus rotates very slowly. Then, the next planet, planet number three, is Earth. It is us. Earth is also called Tellus. The surface consists mostly of water. The earth also has a very low distance from the sun
Starting point is 00:09:32 to be able to have life. So there is life on earth, and it is thanks to that it has a very low distance from the sun. Not too far away, not too close. So it's a good temperature and there's running water. And the earth also has a moon. A moon is a celestial body that circles around a planet. And our moon is called the moon.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Ha, fantastic that we have a moon called the moon. But there are many planets that have moons. The Earth has one moon. Yes, the next planet is Mars. Mars is a little smaller than Earth, but a pretty similar size. It is red and there is actually ice on Mars and some believe that there may also be running water on Mars, but under the Earth. Mars is also the planet that we humans will probably travel to first of all planets. So, one might think that one will travel to Mars already in the 20th century.
Starting point is 00:11:15 So, next year 10th, we might travel to Mars. It will be interesting to see. The next planet is Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest of all planets. It is actually 1300 times bigger than Earth and two and a half times bigger than all other planets combined. And we talk a lot, so it's really really big. And it consists of gas, mostly of water. And we call it a gas giant, because it's really big. It has a famous red spot on it. This spot is actually a storm.
Starting point is 00:12:17 It's very stormy on Jupiter. Jupiter has 67 known moons. There are many moons that circle around Jupiter. The next planet is Saturn. Saturn is known for its rings. The the planet looks quite spectacular, since it has these rings. These rings are very thin. They are actually only one kilometer thick. So very thin rings, like a kind of disc that circles around the planet. The next planet is Uranus. This is actually the coldest of all planets. It is not the outer one.
Starting point is 00:13:20 It is the next outer planet, the planet that is almost out. But it is the coldest planet, minus 224 degrees. Very, very cold. Very cold. Uranus is a little strange, it is a little strange in its course. It's on the other side, so it spins in a different way than the other planets. It's hard to explain in words. But this strange situation combined with a very long orbit. It takes a very long time for Uranus to orbit around the Sun. So it has a long orbit. And all of this means that a day on Uranus
Starting point is 00:14:29 is very strange. And a year is also quite strange. So we have 42 years, that is, Earth years. So a day is 42 years, Earth years, so earth years. So one day is 42 years earth year long. No, wait a minute, it's actually 84 earth years long. But 42 years is like summer and in the north it's bright all this time. For 42 years it's summer in Iran and it's bright in the north. Constantly. And then after this it's 42 years with winter and in the north it's completely dark for 42 years.
Starting point is 00:15:24 So it's a bit strange. And then, finally, we have Neptune. And Neptune is the outer planet, the planet that is furthest out in the solar system, the outer planet. And the planet is with the longest year of course, because the orbit is so long. So one year on Neptune is 165 years on Earth. So it takes 165 Earth years to orbit the Sun for Neptune.
Starting point is 00:16:09 So I think it's a bit interesting how days and years work differently on other planets because it depends on how fast they orbit the Sun and how fast they spin around their own axis. And at the farthest end we have Pluto. So Pluto is no longer classified as a planet, but classified as a dwarf planet. And there are actually other dwarf planets. There are different so-called dwarf planets that are even further out. And outside the solar system we have the Winter Street, and that is a galaxy. a galaxy. The solar system is of course gigantic for us, but in the Winter Street it is only one of billions of stars and other solar systems that exist in the Winter Street.
Starting point is 00:17:16 The Winter Street is our galaxy. The Winter Street flies around in the space. I think the space is very cool. I will probably do more episodes about the space. This episode was about the solar system. Before we end, I just want to mention our bootcamp. Because the next bootcamp is the winter bootcamp. And the bootcamp, the language lock-in bootcamp, is for you who want to have a challenge
Starting point is 00:17:59 where you are forced to speak only Swedish for nine days. So if you really have trouble speaking Swedish in your life, and you feel that you really need to bathe in the Swedish language and force yourself to only speak Swedish, then this is for you. And also if you want to have the coolest semester ever with snow, activities, we go to skridskor, we have a movie night, we cook dinner together, we visit Dala Hässttillverkning together and we do a lot of fun things and we learn a lot of Swedish
Starting point is 00:18:49 together with a group with the same type of people who are sitting in the same boat. So if you want to start next year, start 2025 with speaking Swedish, there are still places left for our winter bootcamp. Go to and read more about it and register. Yes, it will be super fun. So that was all for today. I hope you have learned some new words and some interesting facts about our solar system. Have a good one, so we'll see you again soon. Bye!

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