Simple Swedish Podcast - #250 - Resa till Marocko (svår)

Episode Date: September 30, 2024

Nivå: B1-B2 Jag reste nyligen till Marrakech i Marocko, och jag bad ChatGPT att ställa 10 frågor till mig om resan. Här svarar jag på dessa frågor! I det här avsnittet pratar jag i vanlig takt,... så det är lite svårare att följa med. Om du tycker det är lite svårt kan du få transkript till detta och de andra avsnitten för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! Gå med i vår GRATIS community på Skool. Där kan du skriva med alla andra, ställa frågor, och hitta läromaterial för att förbättra din svenska. Klicka här för att gå med! ------------------- Instagram: swedish.linguist YouTube: Swedish Linguist Website: Language Lock-in: ------------------- Ett smakprov (sample) på transkriptet: Okej, då hälsar jag dig välkommen till Simple Swedish Podcast med mig, Fredrik. Jag sitter här i Valencia och spelar in det här avsnittet.   Och jag tänkte att det här avsnittet kommer gå lite snabbare, så jag tänkte jag pratar i lite mer normalt tempo den här gången. Oftast så pratar jag lite långsammare för att även du som har lite lägre nivå ska kunna följa med.   Men ibland tycker jag att det kan vara användbart att ha ett avsnitt på lite högre nivå, lite snabbare. Om det här går lite snabbt för dig så kan du såklart ta hjälp av transkriptet. Du får transkript till alla poddar eller alla avsnitt om du blir Patreon för bara 5 euro per månad.   Då går du till Och några som har gjort det är:   Sara, Doris, Fardowsa, Lukáš, Milja, Michael, Ania, Christophe, Fiona, Alexander Så tack till er för att ni stödjer den här podden. Så, temat för idag det är att jag tänkte faktiskt berätta om min resa till Marocko. Så förra veckan var jag i Marocko. Och jag var där i fem dagar. Och jag tänkte berätta om det.   Och för att göra det lite nytt, ett litet nytt koncept, så gjorde jag så att jag bad ChatGPT att ställa frågor till mig. Alltså, jag skrev till ChatGPT typ “kan du ge mig tio frågor som är troliga att folk skulle ställa till mig om min resa?” Och jag tänkte gå igenom de här frågorna en efter en och besvara dem helt enkelt. Så, lite information som jag gav till ChatGPT först, det var att jag åkte dit med min flickvän och vi var där i fem dagar. Det var det enda jag sa till ChatGPT.   Så, den första frågan jag fick av ChatGPT, det var:   Vilka städer besökte ni under er tid i Marocko?   ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, then I welcome you to Simple Swedish Podcast with me Fredrik. I'm sitting here in Valencia and I'm recording this episode. I thought that this episode would go a little faster. So I thought I'd talk in a more normal tempo this time. And yes, because I usually talk a little slower, because even you who have a little lower level should be able to follow along but sometimes I think it can be useful to have an episode on a higher level, a little faster and yes, if this goes a little fast for you then you can of course use the transcript.
Starting point is 00:01:07 You get a transcript for all the episodes if you become a patron for only 5 euros per month. Then you go to slash Swedish Linguist and some who have done that are Sara Doris Fardoussa or Fardoussa Lukas Milja Michael Anja Christoff I guess that's you Fiona Alexander
Starting point is 00:01:42 so thank you for supporting this podcast. So, the topic for today is that I was actually going to tell you about my trip to Morocco. So last week I was in Morocco and I was there for five days and I was going to tell you about that. And to make it a new concept I asked ChatGPT to ask me questions. I wrote to chatgbt, can you give me 10 questions that are likely to be asked about my journey And I was going to go through these questions one by one and answer them So A little bit of information that I gave to Chachibitie first It was that I went there
Starting point is 00:02:51 with my girlfriend and we were there for 5 days That was all I said to Chachibitie So the first question I got from Chachibitie was Which cities did you visit during your time in Morocco? So, the answer to that is Marrakesh.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Because, yeah, she is from Marrakesh. And, yeah, that was where we went. We only had five days, so it wasn't like we went to do some kind of tour around the country.
Starting point is 00:03:25 So we were there to visit Marrakesh. We were also one day out in the desert, or I call it the desert. It's not Sahara, not the real desert. But for me it was the desert, because it was very dry, sand and mountains and not so much vegetation. So we did that and we were in Marrakesh. Question number two is, how was the food there? Was there anything special that you really liked? Or I really liked because she knows exactly what's in there
Starting point is 00:04:08 and first of all I have to say that American food is absolutely fantastic and I think it reminds me of Indian food they have similar spices, they use for example a lot of cumin, ginger, coriander and such. And a spice that I had not known before, which is called bokhonsklöver in Swedish. Bokhonsklöver, yes. I have never heard of that, but the taste was known and in English it's called fenugreek. But I had never heard of it before. But it was especially a food, rfissa, that contains this borscht. And after eating it, your body smells several days afterwards.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Maybe it's not that nice. However, the food itself is very good. I loved it. It was something new to me, I didn't really understand what it was made of It's some kind of pasta, but it's like some kind of indian-like spices and stuff And it was very soft, at the same time it had a lot of flavor Very good, but my favorite was actually couscous. A fantastic dish and it was my girlfriend's mom who made it. She is a fantastic chef.
Starting point is 00:05:57 She made a lot of good food for us and couscous was the best. And a lot of other really good foods as well. So that was absolutely a highlight on the trip, to eat food. So that's what I like to do again. Moroccan food. So the next question is, what did you think about the culture and atmosphere in Morocco? And yes, first and foremost, people are very friendly. And yes, my girlfriend is from there, so it was of course easy for her to talk to people. And I don't know if it's her specifically, but I don't think so. I think that people generally talk a lot with each other and joke with each other.
Starting point is 00:06:50 It's very close to a smile, very close to jokes. Everything from shop staff, people who work in shops and on the market. But also guards and police and stuff like that So everyone is very close to laughing You joke a lot and talk to each other So it's a very easy atmosphere between people Very nice Something else that you notice is of it is a muslim country.
Starting point is 00:07:26 And that's why it's more traditional in some ways. For example, you should not kiss in public places or on the streets. Not be too hugummy and cozy and like to flirt with each other and stuff. You should be more reserved with those things. However, it is a very open country to be a Muslim country. So it never felt like I had any problems with it, it never felt hard or anything. I thought it felt really good.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Next question. Did you make any special trips or visited historical sites. The purpose of this trip was mostly to meet friends and family and to hang out. But we did some visits to historical sites. For example, we visited at the Menara Gardens, I think it's called. I wasn't very impressed by that. Then we were at a Marrakesh museum, which was pretty cool. And of course in the center of Marrakesh, Medina and then I was not so impressed. I thought, okay, it was nothing cool directly, nothing special. But then we were there in the evening and later on, later in the evening when it was dark, and then we were there in the evening, and then we were there in the evening,
Starting point is 00:09:21 and then we were there in the evening, and later then, later in the evening when it was dark and then it was completely full of people and it was like street food everywhere and it was people who had different activities, people who played music, people had some kind of, I don't know, it was like small collections of people and and clearly they told stories to each other and there were a lot of different drums and things so there were a lot of people, a lot of sound, music, rhythms, food and there were also music, rhythms, food. And there were also a lot of tourists, but there were a lot more locals. So it wasn't like it was too touristy and not like it was just a lot of locals, but it was very mixed. So I thought that was cool too. And then we were on a one day trip outside Marrakesh. On a... yeah, out in the deep island, but it was by a lake. So it was green there like an oasis.
Starting point is 00:10:50 So that was pretty cool too. Next question. Was there anything that surprised you about Morocco compared to what you had expected? Yes, one thing I thought about was that they have a phone master in the form of palm trees. So there are artificial palm trees that are actually phone masters in a lot of different places. I thought that was a bit fun. Another thing is that it was pretty dead on the day. I thought that this wasn't going to happen that much. But later in the evening and at night it became very lively and there were a lot of people and a lot of things happening.
Starting point is 00:11:38 So I thought at first that it was a big city, Marrakesh. But I thought it would be a lot of life and movement. But during the day it wasn't that much. But then in the evening and at night, everything happened. And yes, I was also surprised by how friendly and yes, this is easy and joking, as I noticed. It's maybe not that surprising, but it was something I thought about. Then I was also surprised that several times people came and spoke to me in really good English. I know that people speak Arabic and most of them also speak French. And well, not everyone speaks English, but there were many who came and talk to me, or many, many. It happened a few times that people started talking to me in really good English.
Starting point is 00:12:50 It feels like people speak many different languages there, and they are very open and social. And then also something that is surprising is the mix of people. You can see women who have short dresses, short dresses. Here in Spain, very normal clothes, but in a Muslim country, it's maybe that you show might show too much skin. But there you saw people who wore clothes like this. At the same time, there were many more traditional Muslim people. Women with hijabs, even niqab. Niqab is a kind of full-fledged sweater that you can only see in the eyes.
Starting point is 00:13:50 All these different styles of people are mixed there. Especially there on Jemah Elnac, the big square. There I even saw men dressed up as women, like a show. So yes, it's this mix between traditional, muslim and open, international. That was pretty cool. I was also a little surprised by how flat the city is. There are no high buildings except the mosque, because there is clearly a rule that you can't build anything higher than the mosque. So the mosque is the highest building. And that makes the city very very flat.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Another thing I didn't know is that Marrakesh is Sin City in Morocco. That it's where everything is sin. It's more nightlife and there are casinos and such things. And it's probably the most touristic city as well. And then probably the most open city. And then it was also that the food was... I didn't know what Moroccan food was before, no idea.
Starting point is 00:15:21 But now I know that it's very good food with a lot of flavor. I like food with a lot of flavor. Next question. How was the weather during your trip? Not the most exciting question, but the weather was about the same as here in Valencia. It was pretty warm, but not too hot. The worst heat in July and August is already over. It was nice. Sometimes it can get a bit warm during the day. But I think it was nice weather. Pretty warm and nice. The difference to Valencia is that it's dry in Morocco and Marrakesh. And in Valencia it's very humid.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Next question. How did you experience the Moroccan market, Souq, if you visited someone? We were in a souq, it's called souq in the city center in Medina There were a lot of beautiful things there I have realized that Moroccan style is very beautiful There is a lot of art and so on. And there are a lot of beautiful, cool patterns and colors and so on. And there are mats and clothes, porcelain, lights and lamps and things like that. So there are a lot of beautiful things.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Next question. Did you try some traditional clothes or did you buy souvenirs? traditional, what can you say, dress, which is completely, goes, I mean, completely, it's like in one piece. So it's like, shirts and pants in one piece, but it's not pants, it's more like a kind of dress almost, but for men, so, yeah, I tried. And I didn't have that space in my bag so I only bought one small souvenir, a small lamp. A lamp is like having a light in there. But I would like to buy more things if I have more space some other time. I would like to have some porcelain, clothes, a mat, lamps and things things. Because it's very nice, I think, the Moroccan style. How was, yes, next question. How were the people and the meeting you got as tourists?
Starting point is 00:18:15 Yes, I've already answered that. The meeting was very, very friendly. So I have absolutely nothing to complain about. And it was also very, very practical that I can speak French. Because almost everyone there speaks French, even if it is not their mother tongue, it is very common language there. And that I can speak French made me be a part of it. I was part of the social stuff there.
Starting point is 00:18:55 So that was a huge advantage for me that I could speak French. And the last question. Would you like to go back to Morocco? And in that case, what would you like to see or do more of? Yes, I would absolutely like to go back to Morocco and I would like to go to Öknen first of all, out in Sahara. I would like to visit other cities like Casablanca, Esaouira and Tangier or Tanger or Tangier, how do you say it in Swedish and of course discover more of Marrakesh
Starting point is 00:19:37 So that was the questions anyway Anyway, before we end I want to mention our new community that me and my colleagues at Language Lockin have started. It's open to everyone, it's completely free and it's on a platform called Skool. It's spelled S-K-O-O-L. So, like Skool in English, but it starts with S-K. So, slash Swedish. Go to slash Swedish and there you will find our community completely free and you can find different
Starting point is 00:20:34 types of teaching material there it will come up much more you can interact with other people ask questions and you like you also deliver. So the more you interact with school, the higher the level you reach and then different things can be locked up so you get access to new things and so on. So go to slash Swedish and join our free new community. That was all for today. I hope you have enjoyed this episode. See you soon. Bye!

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