Simple Swedish Podcast - #254 - Fobier
Episode Date: October 30, 2024Nivå: A2-B1 Vi fortsätter på det läskiga temat och pratar om fobier. Vad är en fobi? Varför finns de? Vilka är de vanligaste fobierna? Hur blir man av med dem? För att ta del av New Year New M...e-erbjudandet, klicka här och anmäl dig. Ett helt år av Language Gym ingår i priset, bara för nästa 2 personer som anmäler sig! I Language Gym kan du träna på att prata svenska varje dag med vårt unika koncept, läs mer här. Stöd podden och få transkript till avsnitten - bli patron för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! ------------------- Instagram: swedish.linguist YouTube: Swedish Linguist Website: Language Lock-in – Boot Camp Language Lock-in – Language Gym ------------------- Ett smakprov (sample) på transkriptet: Ja, då hälsar jag dig välkommen till Simple Swedish Podcast! Och idag ska vi prata om fobier. Ja, för att senaste avsnittet handlade om läskiga saker, lite lagom inför halloween och ja, vi har ju fortfarande halloween-tider. Och ja, jag tänkte att det passar kanske bra att prata lite om mer saker som är relaterade till rädsla, och ja, sånt som folk är rädda för. Så jag tänkte vi ska prata om fobier, okej. Först, som vanligt, ska jag tacka några patrons. Det är Kevin, Jamyle, Harry, Ollie, Dominika och Tabata. Tusen tack till er för att ni stödjer den här podden! Ja, för de som vill bli patrons, gå till Swedish linguist, nej inte Swedish Linguist, utan gå till Så där hittar ni transkript till alla avsnitt och om man är på 10-euro-nivån får man också uttalsövningar varje vecka för att förbättra sitt uttal på svenska. Och man får också tillgång till min privata Discord-server där man kan prata med mig och de andra. Så då ska vi prata om fobier. Så först och främst, vad är en fobi? En fobi är en väldigt, väldigt kraftig rädsla som man har. Så man är inte bara lite rädd för någonting, utan man är väldigt, väldigt rädd för någonting. Eller att någonting ger en stora, starka känslor av obehag. ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!
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Welcome to the Symbolswitch Podcast.
Today we will talk about phobias.
The last episode was about scary things.
A bit of a lagom before Halloween. I'm going to talk about phobias.
First, as usual, I would like to thank some Patrons.
It's Kevin, Jamile, Harry, Olli, Dominika and Tabata.
Thank you so much for supporting this podcast.
For those who want to be a Patron, go to
There you will find a transcript for all episodes.
If you are on the 10 euro level
you will also speech exercises every week to improve your speech in Swedish
And you also get access to my private Discord server where you can talk to me and the others
So, then we will talk about phobias. So, first and foremost, what is a phobia?
So, a phobia is a very very strong fear that you have. So, you are not only a little scared of something, but also very very scared of something
or that something gives a big strong feeling of discomfort
And this gives physical symptoms
So it's not only that I feel a little scared, but you get physical symptoms of this.
What you now have phobia for.
And these symptoms can be, for example, strong anxiety.
I would say that it is probably one of the most common symptoms of phobia.
Strong anxiety or even panic attacks.
Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling in the body that does not come from something mental
like a phobia
so you feel worried and stressed in your body
you can also have difficulty breathing
so it can feel difficult to breathe.
You can get heart beat.
So heart beat is when the heart beats very, very fast.
The heart is beating fast, it beats fast and the pulse is very high
The pulse is the blood that is pulsating
The heart pumps the heart has, is called pulse.
When you feel it on your throat or your wrist, you can feel your pulse.
It's the blood pumping around your body, from your heart.
So you can get heart rate and fast pulse.
You can get bad mood.
Bad mood, meaning that you are feeling bad.
Feeling bad means that you feel like you need to puke.
You feel like you need to puke.
That is feeling bad.
So you can get bad mood. you can feel bad, you can feel bad.
You can get a headache.
A headache is that you get drunk.
To feel drunk is that it's spinning in your head,
you don't feel completely stable. You feel a little dizzy in your head, you feel unstable, you are like oh, oh, oh
It's like you are dizzy, you might have trouble keeping the balance, you might lose the balance because you are dizzy
You have to sit down, to in the mood, have a good mood
You can also get sweats, maybe cold sweats
So that's the symptom of phobias
So why do you get phobias?
The reason for phobias is actually that it can be hereditary.
So hereditary that you inherit it from your parents.
Through the genes, DNA.
That it's hereditary that you inherit it, something that you get genetically from your parents.
So it can be like being born with it.
It can also be learned, that you have learned to be afraid of something and have phobias and stuff so something very unpleasant
maybe happened when you were a child
for example if you were attacked by a dog
when you were a child
and you experienced a very very strong fear
a very strong fear a very strong discomfort
then maybe you will get phobia for dogs in the future
so it can come from events
or that you have learned from your parents
for example if your parents are very afraid of spiders
Then maybe you will also be afraid of spiders
So, I was going to go through 10 of the most common phobias.
So first we have acrophobia. Acrophobia is that you are afraid of being high up in the air.
That you see down, and you see that it is far down.
And you feel that...
You feel...
Then you get a physical feeling of anxiety and so on.
And acrophobia is also called in Swedish, height fear.
Yes, height fear
You are afraid of heights
You have phobia of heights
height fear
And it is very very common
Then we have agoraphobia
And agoraphobia is
that you are very afraid of
places that are difficult to escape from.
So it can be big public places.
Or it can be empty places or empty places.
places. In Swedish we also say torgskräck if you are afraid of public places, big public places with a lot of people. Torgskräck.
Then we also have social phobia. Social phobia is also called social anxiety.
And that means that you are very afraid of social circumstances.
It says for itself.
It says for itself that socialphobia means that you are afraid of social circumstances.
Then we have what is called trypophobia. This is a very interesting phobia. You see something with many small holes
You have a surface covered by many small holes
or circles or something like that
And that can give a very strong discomfort
and even fear and phobia for some people. Quite a few people actually.
And yes, it's quite an interesting phobia because it's not quite clear why so many people feel this discomfort feel uncomfortable because of seeing many small holes
and it's often if they are
the same size and small and many of them
so it's trypophobia
next is
and it's
fear of
feeling bad and to be beaten it Emetophobia, and that is fear of being ill and being scared.
I haven't heard about that before, I think.
But yes, it is reasonable in some way.
More reasonable than some others.
Then we have a well-known phobia, which is claustrophobia.
So everyone knows what claustrophobia is
in Swedish we also say cell fright
so you hear that many of these phobias also have names in Swedish
that end with scare
because scare is that you are very very afraid
if I feel fear, it means that I feel a strong fear.
So being scared is that you are very, very scared.
So rare fear.
It is fear of narrow spaces, small spaces.
For example, if you enter a cave,
and in that cave you need to go through a very, very empty passage.
Empty means that there is very, very little space,
very little space, then it is empty.
So you are afraid of empty spaces.
You feel that you can not expand, you are forced into a empty space.
Next is erythrophobia. And this is also new for me.
It is the fear of getting red.
To get red is to get red in the face.
So I think I had that when I was little. When I was maybe 10, 11, 12 years old.
I remember being very scared to talk to girls.
And if I talked to a girl, I would nag.
And I thought that was very unpleasant and I hated to advise
so I maybe had some erythrophobia
Next is hypochondria
and this is also quite well known
a person who has hypochondria is called a hypochondriker
and that means that you are very afraid to get sick
you are afraid to get sick
it is also called health anxiety
so if you have hypochondria, you're really afraid of getting sick, so you do everything you can to not get sick.
You may have extreme behavior to contact the doctor.
So you are afraid of getting sick. Hypocondria.
Next is arachnophobia.
And that is the fear of spiders. A spider is this, a small
bug with eight legs
that is in its spider web
so they spin web
to catch insects in it.
Yes, a spider.
Yes, and there are very, very many who are afraid of spiders
And I think it partly
Yes, because I can understand
Why it feels uncomfortable
With a small cramp with many legs
But there are many small cramps with many legs
But it seems that the spindles are extra uncomfortable
Yes, so
So I don't really know why, but it could be that because so many are scared of spiders, you learn as a child that it's unpleasant.
Or I don't know. I don't think that spiders are more uncomfortable than others.
Maybe a little bit.
I'm not afraid of spiders, but I can understand why they are a little more uncomfortable.
They have long legs and I don't know, spider arachnophobia, one of the most common phobias I'm afraid of flying So yeah, you might avoid flying because it feels so uncomfortable
So you absolutely don't want to fly or go in an airplane
And I can understand that absolutely
Because when I'm in an airplane I also think it's quite uncomfortable when I'm in a plane. Especially when I'm lifting. in the air when the plane accelerates.
That is a bit unpleasant.
I get these intrusive thoughts
that the engines will explode and such things.
It's not very serious, but it's a little uncomfortable.
And for me, I think it's about...
that if something happens, we're in the air,
and there's nowhere to run.
So if something happens, you can't do anything, you're helpless.
So I think that's what makes me feel uncomfortable. Because if I'm in a car, if I'm in a train, or a boat,
a boat, yes, a bit more uncomfortable.
But a car or a train, yes, then you're on the ground,
so you don't feel as helpless.
But in a plane in the air, you're in the plane, So you don't feel as helpless.
But in a plane in the air, you are in the plane. If the plane crashes, you crash with the plane.
Lucky that plane accidents are extremely unusual.
So that was the ten phobias.
So that was the 10 phobias and how to get rid of them. You can actually treat phobias, you can do something to get better, to handle your phobias. And then you can for example do KBT, which is cognitive behavioral therapy.
So cognitive behavioral therapy means that you expose yourself to this fear in a controlled environment.
So you practice to be in the situation you are afraid of.
And you learn to handle it.
I don't know much about that, I don't know anyone who has done that, but it sounds interesting anyway.
So that was what I wanted to say about phobias.
So I think you might have learned some new words, maybe anxiety, maybe discomfort, or to feel bad, or to be scared.
So there have been some new words that are useful.
Trång for example, a space, and so on.
To advise.
And before we end, I want to say that there are only two places left for our New Year New Me offer.
And this is for you who want to know how it is to live life only in Swedish.
So this is our 9 day language bath
that we do now in the winter.
And if you want
that next year
will be the year
when you speak fluent Swedish
then this offer is for you.
Because we start the year
on the bootcamp. 9 days where you just
speak Swedish, do a lot of fun things,
learn a lot of good stuff. In Mora, in
Dalarna, in our fantastic historical
villa there in Mora. And then we include
without extra costs,
a whole year of
Language Gym,
where you can practice
to speak Swedish every day
in a whole year.
So this offer
we have never had before
and I don't think
we will have it again.
Two seats places left.
Go to
and go to the bootcamp and register for the bootcamp
if you want to be part of this offer.
That was all for me for today.
Have a really scary and fun Halloween and I'll see you in the next episode
Bye bye!