Simple Swedish Podcast - #262 - Hur man överlever svensk vinter

Episode Date: January 6, 2025

Nivå: A2-B1 Nu när det är kallt och mörkt kommer lite tips på hur man överlever dessa tider och undviker att känna sig nere och deppig. Lyssna också gärna på avsnitt 207 om hur man klär sig... när det är kallt ute. För att joina vår gratis community på Skool, klicka här! Ett måste för alla som lär sig svenska. Gå också med i januariutmaningen här! Stöd podden och få transkript till avsnitten - bli patron för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! ------------------- Transkript Tjenare, tjenare! Du lyssnar på Simpelt Swedish Podcast och jag är din värd Fredrik. Jag hoppas att du har haft en härlig start på det nya året. Jag är faktiskt fortfarande i 2024 (tjugo-tjugofyra) just nu för att jag sitter i Valencia och spelar in det här den 17 (sjuttonde) december. Så ja, jag gör det för att jag måste jobba lite i förväg, för att ni ska få poddavsnitt att lyssna på även när jag inte kan jobba. Och ja, som jag sa i det förra avsnittet så kör vi just nu en januariutmaning, där vi sätter en intention för det nya året.   Och varje dag i januari så gör vi någonting litet för att gå i den riktningen. För att gå mot det här. För att gå mot den här intentionen. För att ha den intentionen varje dag och starta året med det. Och för att vara med i den här utmaningen, gå till   Det här är vår gratis community för alla som lär sig svenska. Den communityn är gratis och för alla som lär sig svenska. Okej, så idag ska vi prata om någonting viktigt. Nämligen att överleva. Att överleva vintern i Sverige, eller vintern i norr, kan vi säga. Och det svåra med att överleva vintern är inte kylan utan mörkret. För att handskas med kylan, alltså att det är kallt. Kylan. Ja, då behöver man bara klä sig varmt. Och jag har faktiskt ett avsnitt om det. Det är avsnitt 207.   Så om du vill veta mer om hur man håller sig varm när det är kallt ute, lyssna på avsnitt 207.   ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, hello! You are listening to Simple Swedish Podcast and I am your friend Fredrik. I hope you have had a great start to the new year I'm still in 2024 right now Because I'm in Valencia and I'm recording this on the 17th of December So I'm doing this because I have to work a bit in advance So you can listen to the podcast even when I'm not working And as I said in the last episode We're doing a January challenge
Starting point is 00:01:06 Where we will set an intention for the new year And every day in January we will do something small To go in that direction, to go against this intention To have that intention every day and start the year with that To be part of this challenge, go to slash Swedish. This is our free community for all who are learning Swedish. Swedish so interschool some ECH ols Utan de Konstig stavning slash Swedish okay Den community in a gratis och för alla som lär sig svenska
Starting point is 00:02:15 Okay, so Idag ska vi prata om någonting viktigt nämligen att överleva important, namely to survive, sorry, to survive the winter in Sweden or the winter in the north, we can say. Okay, and the difficult thing about surviving the winter is not the cold, but the darkness. Okay? To be dressed in the cold, that is, that it is cold,
Starting point is 00:02:53 the cold, yes, then you just have to dress warmly. And I actually have an episode about that, it is episode 207 So if you want to know more about how to keep warm get winter depression and get down and wet in winter How you stay happy and happy even though it's dark, like all the time So when, I remember when I lived in Sweden And especially when I worked at Volvo
Starting point is 00:03:55 Then I got up at 5 o'clock every morning And went out, and it was cold and dark every day when I got up Then I went into a factory where there was no sun And when I finished work I came out and it was dark again So you can see, but I almost never saw the sun For one or two months It's not that enlightening Not that enlightening, that something is enlightening It means that it lifts up your mood
Starting point is 00:04:44 And darkness is not that uplifting At least not when it's dark all the time But there are a lot of tricks to survive this dark time of year For example in December it's not that hard. It's pretty nice actually in December because it's in the beginning of the winter
Starting point is 00:05:14 and it's very cozy with all Christmas mood It's Christmas music and Christmas mood and Christmas decorations and Christmas food, lights everywhere It's very cozy and nice, but then when Christmas is over Then you have January, February, March So several months of winter left
Starting point is 00:05:47 Because in Sweden I think that March can be counted as a winter month as well Because it's not really warm It's a bit lighter anyway But January and February can be quite difficult. So, how do you survive this? First, we will hear what a brain researcher says. A brain researcher is a person who is researching the brain. A researcher who, like, his field, what he researches on is the brain. And the first thing is, according to the brain researcher, is fast sleeping times. Fast sleeping times, fasta sovtider, fasta sovtider, all så att man har fasta tider när man sover, så försöka
Starting point is 00:06:51 gå och lägga sig vid ungefär samma tid varje natt och stiga upp ungefär samma tid varje dag. Lättare sagt än gjort, okej? the same time every day easier said than done Swedish expression easier said than done it's easier to say it than to do it of course and I, for me, it's almost impossible I have tried with this all my life and never succeeded
Starting point is 00:07:19 but fast sleeping hours are something that always comes up And that you should not use your phone or electronics late at night You want it to be bright in the morning and then a little darker in the evening because then it will be easier to sleep And you should have it Svalt, quiet and dark in your room. Svalt, that is not so, not hot Not like cold either, but svalt. Svalt means that it is
Starting point is 00:08:04 a little colder but not cold Svalt, quiet and dark So yeah, it's about sleep Next point is training So training is very positive. Training always comes up of course, because everything is related to health. Physical health, mental health.
Starting point is 00:08:35 So training is very important. I notice that myself. When I train regularly, I feel that myself. When I train regularly, I feel much better. To train regularly means that you train at specific intervals or specific days. You train regularly. You have a routine, a habit. And to have a habit, yes, that is important because then you don't have to think hmmm, should I train today or should I not train today? No. If you have a habit, you don't have to think, but you know, okay, today it's Monday is Monday, I will train, because it's Monday of course. So, training is also important for sleeping well.
Starting point is 00:09:42 What kind of training? A quote I heard once that I really like is easiest for you, is the best workout for you. Because it is the workout that you will do. So, important, important. Then, to eat well and especially eat well with protein. To eat a lot of protein is clearly good and we have hot drinks like tea and coffee it's both nice and gives energy and then we have D vitamin intake
Starting point is 00:10:38 D vitamin intake, that is intake of D-vitamin A supplement is to add it to your diet So you take a tablet with D-vitamin You take a supplement, something extra Something that you have as an extra. And... Yes, that you have nice activities in the evenings So that you get happy and have it cozy at home. Yes, so that was according to the brain researcher. And then I went to Reddit, the forum on the internet, for those who don't know what Reddit is.
Starting point is 00:11:32 And read in threads on Reddit. And there were similar things that came up there. Yes, to eat well and to train. Yes, it is obvious that it is important. That it makes you feel good, that it makes you happy. It helps with good sleep. and you should not eat too much fat and carbohydrates at night so it's good to eat protein and full grain at night and maybe a little less food and then you eat exactly what you want in the morning
Starting point is 00:12:27 a lot of fat, a lot of carbohydrates, a lot in the morning ok, then in the evening, ok, a little easier food so you sleep better we have that, yes, D vitamin came up thereamin, many people take D-vitamin for a shot, so extra D-vitamin Because D-vitamin is what the body itself produces when you are in the sun But in Sweden there is not that much sun, so it can be good to take that vitamin. But then one thing, one point that I think is important too, is to meet friends, talk to people, socialize, especially close friends, family, your partner It's so important to feel good, ok?
Starting point is 00:13:37 Super important, even if you don't feel motivated to do something Because it's dark, it's cold But you can call someone anyway Friends, socially, important To take walks, to go out and walk take walks even if the weather is bad it helps a lot
Starting point is 00:14:14 I can imagine that people with dogs maybe are a little less winter depressed because they have to go out with the dogs. And of course, generally, do your hobbies, do things that you think are fun, activities and such. But maybe not too much party and alcohol Because it's not good for the happiness hormones and the body
Starting point is 00:14:57 Like serotonin, we need serotonin to be happy and energetic But if you drink a lot of alcohol you might not get a lot of serotonin Good sleep of course No screens late at night So try not to use your phone and pad and so late at night so that you don't try to use your phone and pad and so late at night partly because it activates the brain a lot but mostly I think because it's important that you Make sure you get light early in the day And that there is less light late in the day And screens are very bright
Starting point is 00:15:56 And that reminds me that I'm going to lower the brightness level on my computer right now. I always try to lower the brightness level on my computer at night. I always try to have it so dimmed at night. It feels good, I think. If someone has strong light on at night, I think it's a bit tough. I'm a bit sensitive about that. Maybe because I've read so many times that you should have it a bit dark at night. Dark. That something is dark means that it's a little dark. So a little like... It's a little dark and dark. You can't see very well.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Not everything is so clear because it's dark. It's a little dark. So. Then on Reddit, there were many who said that they like to play games in the winter and that it helps them. I don't play games, but I can imagine that it can help people. One thing that I think is important is to make it cozy in the winter. To do it cozy at home, to do cozy activities, to go to a café and drink coffee and have a coffee,
Starting point is 00:17:32 to light up the house, to have cozy lighting at home. Because the winter is a cozy time of year. You can sit at home and be cozy with a film, a good meal and so on. I also think that winter is good for working and being productive, because there are not as many distractions as it does in the summer. And listening to music. I like metal and the winter is perfect to listen to metal. Because metal fits very well when it's a little dark and cold and so. It might not be so strange that a lot of metal comes from Sweden and the north. Especially Sweden and Finland. It's probably a lot of metal that has come from winter depression. So I hope you have got some inspiration for how to keep yourself happy and bright even when it's dark and cold and slushy and unpleasant.
Starting point is 00:18:59 So, have a good one and see you soon. Bye!

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