SmartLess - "Clayton Kershaw"

Episode Date: October 5, 2020

Clayton Kershaw is this week's batter up. As starting pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers, an eight-time All Star, and a brand new fan of left-handed scissors, Clayton flies in to gab with th...e gang and discuss critical topics like sweat wicking fabrics and lip-reading, amongst a variety of other things. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey there, Will Arnett here from SmartList. It's the podcast where Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, and I interview somebody. Two of us don't know who that person is because one of us has brought on a surprise guest. That's the whole conceit. I wish I could describe it better, but I'm not that smart. So it's SmartList, and it's starting now. Will, with the little tiny goatee we have going on, you look a little like Gomez from the Adams family.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Thank you. You're welcome. I can't tell if that's... I take everything as a compliment. It's a great way to go through life. You just constantly go, thank you. Can you guys tell that I've got a little bit of a goatee going here? I've got about eight weeks of growth, and you can barely see it.
Starting point is 00:00:59 That's not true. You can get a nice little beard going sometimes. It's a little gengy. Did you sew some of the mustache beard stuff from the hair on your head? Did you glue it together, like make a... We got to get Forte on here one time, because Forte, apparently when he was a writer on that 70s show, we were working on Brother Solomon in the... Will Forte was a writer on that 70s show?
Starting point is 00:01:22 Yeah, yeah, sure. And on the letterman. I didn't know that. Yeah, and he goes... And she goes, oh, I remember Will. He made her give him one of those Styrofoam heads that you have for... You put a wig on to help it keep its shape. I have hundreds of them, because for all my various ways.
Starting point is 00:01:37 And Forte, over the course of a year, would get his hair cut by her, and he saved his clippings, and he put hair on the Styrofoam thing, and then he made a face. And then for facial hair, he used his hair short and curly, and then he gave it to John Solomon as a president at the end of the year as a representation of himself. A pubic hair wig. The wig was real hair, and it was so gross, and that's just Forte. We got to get him on here. Speaking of hair, I want you to know that I've showered, I've shampooed, and I've conditioned
Starting point is 00:02:12 my hair for today's guest. It looks good. Wow. I've been around today at all. That's incredible. This is a top shelf guest. You both might want to just kind of maybe take a break and watch a friend's rerun or something like that.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Will, I know you're partial to Canadian sports. Sure. Sean, I know that you're not allergic to sports, but it's not upfront on your... You don't have any sort of like sports screensavers or anything like that. Not this anymore. This gentleman has played 12 seasons in the major leagues, debuted in 2008. He's an eight-time All-Star. He's a three-time National League Cy Young Award winner.
Starting point is 00:02:57 He's a 2014 National League Most Valuable Player. His 2.4 career earned run average, and 1.01 walks per hits, per innings pitched is whip. That's the lowest among starters in the live ball era. Kevin Costner. We have Mr. Clayton Kershaw with us today. No way. Okay. Well, this guy I've heard of.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Look at that. Look at that. That's a beard. That is a beard. Thank you. It's really not good though, but yeah. Hi, pal. Very nice of you to say yes to this.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Thanks for having me, guys. I'm excited. It was fun to listen to y'all banter. Yeah. Do you guys know each other? Slightly. I went to the ping pong tournament a couple of years. He has a ping pong tournament on the field at Dodger Stadium, which is pretty awesome.
Starting point is 00:03:49 How many years have you guys done that? Man, we've done it for, yeah, probably six or seven years now. It's pretty fun. This year, obviously, I had to get canceled, but it is a good time, and I mean, Jason, you come to quite a few games. I mean, you're there quite a bit. Well, I used to go to every game. I've dragged Will do a couple.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I do explain that, you know, stop waiting for the horn and the park, the period breaks. But I used to go to every game, then I got a wife and a couple of children and on a job. And so now I just come to 20 games a year or something like that, but I watch every single game. Wow. You only go to 20 now? Ish. Do you still have that dumb license plate frame that you like?
Starting point is 00:04:30 No, I never got a license plate frame. Follow me to Dodger Blue. Don't have dare you. Not in front of Clayton. Do you remember you had that? How many games does your wife, Ellen, watch? Does she watch every game? Yeah, she, so they have childcare at Dodger Stadium.
Starting point is 00:04:42 So that's kind of like a break almost for the game, you know, she can, I don't know if she actually watches the game, but she goes. She goes to every home game? Just about. Yeah. Just about. Even when you're not pitching. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Well, it's not like she's going to watch the game, but she's there with the other wives and they hang out, you know, maybe have a glass of wine or something. It's kind of like, you know, just hanging out. It's like Amanda and Ozark. Amanda's not going to watch every episode, but she will drink when she's playing with the kids. It's good to know that Ellen's up to the same thing. For sure.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Wait. So Clayton, so a couple of things. First of all, how many kids you got? A couple? I have three now. Yeah. Wow. I have three.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Yeah. Same. Yeah. We just had, Cooper's our youngest now. He's, he just got to be six months. So we're, we're in the trenches for sure right now. Wow. Dude, I'm right behind you.
Starting point is 00:05:28 We're at, we're at about. You're late. You're, you're, you're at like five now. I have four. I have three in his, in his steps. Oh, always we're talking about kids, not nannies. Oh, I have four nannies. Yeah. Yeah. We're on floor. Yeah. We're on full man coverage over here.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Wait. So you've got three kids. You're right in that. You're right in the zone with their little and it requires a lot of energy. Well, it's zone defense, right? At three, two, you guys were man to man and it was manageable. How old are the other ones? Yeah. So Callie's our oldest. She's a five and a half and then Charlie's three and a half. So girl, boy, boy, like five, three and six months. And yeah, zone defense, it, it's different.
Starting point is 00:06:08 You know, yeah. Please tell me you had some help. You're not those parents that can do it all on your own and you don't need any help. I need help. I don't know if Ellen needs help. I need help, but Ellen, I think Ellen can handle it, but with the season and stuff, we do have somebody help us. So it's good. And how, what, when you travel away, like I, I go away when we do Ozark, but I'm back every weekend, you guys are gone for two weeks at a time often. Is that, it's going to be tough to get an honest answer out of you here. But I mean, it's, there, there's a, there's
Starting point is 00:06:38 a couple of days of those two weeks where it is peaceful and enjoyable. Yes, you can admit to question. I don't know if I'm allowed to admit to that. Jason wants some validation for his own feelings. Admit to 48 hours of like, at least how about, how about the plane ride out of Los Angeles? I will say this. I think the first day that you get to like sleep and not wake up when the kid wakes you up is, is a glorious thing. And that is, that is awesome. But then I do find myself like, you're just so busy until you go to the field. You just like, you're
Starting point is 00:07:09 just doing stuff constantly, whether it jump on the trampoline or, you know, whatever it is, and you're just going, but then like, you don't see him and you're in the road at a hotel. You're like, what, what am I supposed to do? I have no idea. There's only so much Ozark I can watch. You know, it's like, I'm done after that. Yeah. Yeah. Cause it'll put you right back to bed and then you'll miss the bus. Now I have to tell you, when one of these guys brings a sports person on, I'm fascinated by the fact that you are, you're like the most famous pitcher in the world. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Don't, don't you don't need to answer that. I don't know. Yeah. No, you are. And I'm fascinated by the talent. I mean, I grew up playing baseball and basketball and football and all that stuff. So I, I'm not like a dork loser about all of it. I'm actually fascinated by and so impressed with your history and your success. I mean, it's, there's nobody, there's nobody on earth that can touch you. It's crazy. Well, likewise with you guys. Yeah. Just acting is a whole different level too. Here's the thing that I've, I'm, I love these kinds of stories. So Clayton, you and Matthew
Starting point is 00:08:10 Stafford have known each other since high school. I do love this. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Does Sean know who Matthew is though? Matthew Stafford is a quarterback for the Detroit Lions. Is he still, is he still with the Lions? Yeah. He's still with the Lions. He's still under one of the big, if you look, nobody has earned more money in the last 10 years, throwing a football than Matt Stafford. Is that true? Come on.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Yes. Matthew, Matthew. I know I'm saying that to make him so he'll get mad and then want to come on and then we can have him on, but wait, wait, does he correct you? If you introduce him as Matt, does he say Matthew? So I think, I think what happened was when he became famous, they just started calling him Matt, but he's never been a Matt. He's always been Matthew. I don't know. I don't, I don't talk to him regularly anymore that often, but I don't know if he changed it on purpose, but to me, he's always, He's Matthew, but he's an incredible quarterback. He's an incredible athlete as well. So walk
Starting point is 00:08:58 us through a little bit how you and Matthew Stafford know each other. But Clayton was his center, Sean. Clayton snapped him the ball. Oh wow. Do I have that right Clayton? Yeah. I mean, you just skipped ahead like the whole story, but that's basically, that's the end of it. So yeah, we don't have to tell it. So how did it happen? How did you and Matthew Stafford know each other? We grew up together. I mean, we grew up together starting like, we played like, we played soccer
Starting point is 00:09:20 together. Where? What part? Dallas. Dallas in Texas. And yeah, I mean, we, we played all the sports. Matthew played baseball, basketball, football, and he was way better at baseball than I ever was at football. And yeah, good buddies all through high school. And then, you know, he, you know, he went to Georgia to play football there. And yeah, but he's great. He's a great guy, obviously. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:43 But before he went to college, since you did not, you, you came right out of high school into baseball. Yeah. Well, I didn't even graduate high school. So you're ahead of me. Yeah. I dropped out of college. So you're fine in this room. You made a decision. I'm still going. You made a decision to stop playing football and throw the baseball 100% of the time.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Yeah. That was freshman year high school. I just, I wasn't very good at football. I was, was never. And then, you know, you said it, I was the center. I was playing offensive line. I was just getting beat up and just wasn't, it wasn't, it wasn't fun. So I, I love football. I love watching football, but I wasn't fast enough to do anything fun. So they put me on the line and I was a little chunky and that was my spot. So, but yeah, I started just playing baseball after that. Cause you can be a heavy dude playing, playing baseball. You can look like a softball player and be pretty good at it. You can, you'll want to look at the Red Sox. They're just
Starting point is 00:10:35 a bunch of softball players. They just rake and rake and rake. There's some interesting body types in baseball for sure. And that's for you. It's much more diplomatic than what Jason was saying. Yeah. We got to go a max Muncie, a guy solid. Hey, he's a sneaky athlete. He really is. He can like, he can jump out of the gym too, which you would not. He's faster than you, right? He's really fast. Like seriously, one of the faster guys on our team. It's crazy. He's so good. Love that guy. So you're, you're playing all the different sports and I'm sure you're doing well at all of them. And then are you in your thirties now?
Starting point is 00:11:05 32. Same. So, so you're, you're, um, so you're playing all these different sports. What is the moment? So you said you stopped playing football. So you're a freshman in high school. I'm always interested by like, it's so hard to pitch a baseball. Well, anybody can throw a ball, but to pitch a baseball, when you actually start having control over pitches, when you're executing the thing that you want to do, whether it's whatever it is, whether it's a curveball or whatever, what is that moment where you start executing where you're pitching, you're not just throwing and somebody sees it and says, Hey kid, yeah, like, what is that age though? Like, are you in your backyard when you first do that? Are you playing
Starting point is 00:11:42 for high school or man, I don't know. I just always love baseball. I was always, I was always playing, you know, I started playing when I was six or seven and, um, started pitching probably when I was 10 or 11. And I was always, I was always okay, you know, and then junior year high school hit and I really grew. I got a lot bigger and, um, I started throwing a lot harder and I was like, man, I might get to go to college to do this. And then senior year, sure enough, I started throwing a little bit harder and pitching a little bit better. And I got to get drafted by the Dodgers. So it was just, uh, it happened so fast, but it was, yeah, it was, it was really cool.
Starting point is 00:12:13 And then that decision to not go to Texas A&M and go right into the minors, that was a risky decision because like, what if it doesn't work out in the minors? And now, did you think, well, I can always, I'm just a fur enrollment and I can go to Texas A&M later. How does that work? No, it just, I mean, just financial, they just paid me money to go play baseball. So I was in on that. Right. But if it didn't work out, like if tons of guys go to the minors and never make it up to the big game, um, would you have gone back to college?
Starting point is 00:12:43 Yeah. Some of those contracts, thankfully that the teams do, they, they, uh, they set aside a little money for you to go to college. Like if it, if you play a certain amount of years and don't make it, they, they set aside a little money for you to go to college. So I think that's great. And they still do that, which is awesome. Wow. That's cool. And what do you think you would have studied? Man, school was not, uh, well, A&M, so you were going to, you were going to do some sort of farming, harvesting, mainly agriculture and mechanical. Um, no, my, my girlfriend
Starting point is 00:13:11 at the time and wife now went to A&M. So she committed to A&M. So I was like, Oh, I'll, I'll jump on the back. God, you said wife now. Yeah. And wife now she's, uh, yeah. Same one. So she, uh, she went to A&M. What she studied there, communication. She was a calm major. Yeah. She's a very good public speaker. That's great. Now, before we leave the football, uh, end of your life, are you one of those big fantasy football guys on the Dodgers that, that you guys do the big draft and all that
Starting point is 00:13:36 stuff? Thank you for bringing that up. Cause you gotta start prepping, right? Yeah. We were back to back fantasy football champions. My partner, Ross stripling is my fantasy. Nice. Um, so back to back. That's, now is there a trophy? We have a trophy and I have a base. I'm commissioner of my baseball fantasy league and we, we have a trophy. We ship it around the country for the winners. Thank you. We do have a trophy. We do.
Starting point is 00:13:56 You do have a trophy? Yeah. Who fell asleep? I did because Jason talking about being a commissioner of his league, he's a multi-commissioner. Are you still doing, are you still, are you a commissioner? No, I knocked it down to one. I've got a job now. Wait, are you serious? Jason, you're a commissioner of a team? That's right. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. And I don't take any nonsense. Okay. I booted Oberman
Starting point is 00:14:17 out of the league for mouthing off too much about some of the rules, um, that I like to throw in there. How many, how many arguments have you and Oberman have? We're going to get him on here too. So he can like tell his side, but you and Keith Oberman have had a number of arguments over fantasy baseball. Argument implies that there's a winner and a loser. You can't, there, there's no competition when you argue with him. You just, you're right out of the gate. You're going to lose. So the best thing to do is just boot him out of the league and plus he wins all the time
Starting point is 00:14:44 too. I told you that when, when I used to play fantasy football in that same league and Keith did, and I tried to make a couple, he claimed to somebody recently that I wouldn't make trades with him. And I'm like, no, no, no, I tried to get him to make trades and then he would not answer me at all. And I was like, well, Because they were offensively beneficial to, to you probably. Well, yeah. Why do you think I wanted to make them? So Clayton, I have a question. You're a left hander, right?
Starting point is 00:15:07 I'm a left hander. Yes. What's that like? No, I'm kidding. Uh, tell me about like, uh, Is it hard with a forker? Wow. Cause you know, most people are right handed. So I, uh, no, um, but back to like what Will was saying and a little bit with Jason's was saying, like if you went to school, there has to be something else that you would have maybe tried at least or other interests or, you know, what was your, what's the dream
Starting point is 00:15:31 other than that? Well, can we go back to the left handed thing? Cause this is kind of a, this is important to me. So there's these scissors. So none of y'all are left handed. I am ambidextrous. I write with my left, but I throw with my right cutting paper. You'll fail kindergarten if you're left handed. They don't supply you with the necessary left handed scissors that you need. And so recently I stumbled upon recently, like within the last year of my life, I stumbled upon left handed scissors and it's been a absolute game changer
Starting point is 00:15:59 as well as spiral notebooks with the spirals on the other side. Yeah. So you don't hurt your arm. Wait, would you send me one of those? Yeah. I get pissed off all the time with the spiral rings and the, the three ring binders. Yeah. The spirals on the other side. So when you're writing like this, you know, Oh, that looks like you have a problem and you get, and you get the pencil lead all over your hand when you, when you write, See, you get it. You get it.
Starting point is 00:16:21 None of this is going to be in the podcast. None of this. No, come on. This is good. Yeah. So you're a left hander, which has been an issue by virtue of the fact that you were almost held back because of scissors. Thank you. How much cutting with scissors they do at the schools in the Dallas area is a lot. I don't remember exactly, but based on my oldest, it's a lot. It's a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:42 No way. I want to, what about my question? What happened? Yeah. I'm trying to avoid that because I don't have an answer to that one. Okay. So it's baseball, baseball. No, it was this or nothing. Yeah. I think so. I love that. I love an all or nothing person too. I would, because I can't do anything else either. I have no other skills.
Starting point is 00:16:57 So for our listener out there that doesn't know anything about baseball or Sean, usually you have a left handed pitcher come in and pitch against a left handed hitter cause it's harder because the ball's coming from the side of the plate that you're standing on. So you would think, boy, if I really want to make a lot of money in baseball as a pitcher, I'd teach myself how to throw with both hands, right? So you guys had a guy last year. Forget his name now. Oh, Vendetti, Pat Vendetti. So this guy threw professionally with both arms. So you have a batter come up and he'd
Starting point is 00:17:30 just take his glove and he put it on the other hand. What was it? Like a thumbless glove or something weird like that? I guess so. Now, why aren't there more pitchers like that? And, and, and why was he so like he just came up for a cup of coffee and that was it, right? I think, I don't know. It's so hard. I mean, not many people are ambidextrous, so. But you had to learn how to throw with your left hand when you were, you know. Do you have to learn though? Or you just know?
Starting point is 00:17:57 Yeah, but yeah, you just picked up the ball and started throwing, right? You just know. But if your parents had just been thinking a little bit more like Vendetti's parents and put the ball on your other hand every once in a while, Clayton. But if you're, if you're GM Abbott, you have no choice. Hey, no. Now that, that was pretty impressive. Was that pretty impressive with not, not your deep cut on that name, but so Sean, this was a guy with one arm.
Starting point is 00:18:21 They're being serious. Yeah. And he was a professional pitcher. He threw for the angels. Very successful as a pitcher. Yeah. Next, I want to move to Clayton. I've got a very important question here. I sweat a great deal when I, when I exercise, apparently it's, it's the mark of somebody who's in very good shape.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Or on drugs. I told you, I watch every game. So I've watched you sweat for years. You're a great, great sweater. Appreciate that. I have a question about the material that you men are forced to play in. Now I know that the wicking under material that you guys wear has really made great strides over the years. So I'm, I'm assuming the answer to this question is it doesn't bother you, but it looks like the uniform material is about the, the last thing in the world I'd want to sweat in that
Starting point is 00:19:07 thick polyester scratchy day game nightmare. Can, can you talk to me a little bit about the comfort level in major league uniforms? They've come a long way. Thank you for asking about this, by the way. They've come a long way. I am probably on the excessive side of sweating. So I know that it doesn't wick as much as you need it to. So there's, there's plenty of uniform changes for me, especially in a day game situation. And as fortunate as I am to play in LA, I can't imagine, you know, going to St. Louis and trying to pitch in the summer. Like I think I don't, I would have to pitch with
Starting point is 00:19:42 no uniform. I mean, there's just no way to do it. So you would veto a trade to Atlanta, St. Louis, any of, any of your hotter, thicker climates, right? You'd have to. Otherwise you're going to dehydrate. You're going to cramp up. It would be tough. I would probably lose some weight though. It'd be good. So wait a minute, playing sports and a big arena and on television with all these millions of people watching you is very similar to performing. I was trying to relate it back to what I do because I'm a narcissist is, is, do you have any crazy rituals or, you
Starting point is 00:20:13 know, like preparations or anything like that before a game? Like that you do. I have tons of them before. Like I do a Broadway show or something. Yeah, we do. I think, I think my teammates would probably say that I have quite a few as well. I just consider myself to be very routine oriented. They would say that I'm a little crazy, but yes, I do have quite a bit. You've had some teammates that I think beat you to that, but we won't talk about them. Yeah. Yeah. We'll do that during the commercial break. What would you say is your, is your weirdest
Starting point is 00:20:42 thing that you wouldn't blame some of your teammates that they're not used to? Well, it's just the, it's just my timing. Like I have, I have everything down. Like if it's a game at seven, 10, starting at about like 137, I know exactly what I need to do. You're joking. You're joking. Is it that precise? It's, yeah, it's, it's, yeah, it is. I love it. Yeah. I'm not ashamed. I love routines too. Wow. Now I don't know how honestly you can answer this question, but to the extent that you can, how do you, where do you put this season in your head? I mean, like, I mean, I know
Starting point is 00:21:19 there's, there's a competition happening and you guys are competitive people. So let's win it no matter what the competition is, but in your mind, do you see it as a true season, as a true world championship, as a true, or are you guys looking at it uniquely and sort of strategizing differently? And in retrospect, do you think you'll look back at it differently or is it still too soon? Yeah. Well, I think, I think you could probably answer that as a fan. Just like, where do you rank it? For me, it's kind of like, you know, it's, it's different. It's not, it's not an asterisk. You know, it's not like, it's not like that, but it's, it's definitely
Starting point is 00:21:55 different than every other year, obviously. So like, I don't know. It's like its own separate category. It doesn't mean that it's not going to be meaningful and we're not going to enjoy, you know, the chance to win or the opportunity to play in the playoffs or things like that. But it's definitely like its own, I mean, no fans is so, is so weird. Like it's so weird. It's so weird. And how does this affect contracts? Like they just pro rate it, right? Yeah, just pro rate it. Yeah. So if you divide your salary up into 162 games and you just, you know, per game average and, and then you just make those for the 60 games.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yeah. Got it. All right. So Clayton, I want to ask you a question that's a little bit of a third rail, but I'm not going to ask you the part that you probably don't want to answer. I want to talk about cheating in baseball. Now the mouth covering on mound huddles. Okay. Well, you guys put your mitts up in front of your face so that people can't read your lips when you're talking to each other. You've been in the league 12 years and I feel like it's only been going on for maybe 10 years. So I'm asking you as somebody who has been a part of the game before it and now after is lip reading really that pervasive where everyone's
Starting point is 00:23:05 got to cover their G damn mouth when they're talking. Like is cheating that bad? I cover my face with my hand when Will talks to me because I don't want to see him. That's really all it is. Yeah. It's so like, listen, gang, like this isn't the CIA. Let's just talk about we're going to change a sign from this to that and get back to the plate. You know, what's going on with the glove? Well, I mean, if you're inside the stadium or if you're in the locker room and you see the coach talking to the catcher or the pitcher and he says, Hey, change the signs to second sign and they see that on the TV. Are you not going to go tell your teammates that it's second sign? You're going to do it.
Starting point is 00:23:49 But that's just it. The assumption is that whoever's watching the TV in the clubhouse can read lips. Can people second? You can read that. But he's not going to do it like that. He's not going to enunciate so that the lip readers can. It's not charades where they have to guess. But like they didn't do it back in the old days. Two words starts with first, second. I just, I'd love to see somebody just say screw it and challenge the lip readers and just stop with the men. Man, I didn't realize that was such a big issue for you. I'll talk to him. Well, now it's, it's spreading to other sports, Clayton. It's a real, it's an issue. Football too, huh? Football. They have the big like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Yeah. But you, but what about coaches do it in football on the sidelines all the time where they're holding the play? You have a little card in front of their face. Yeah. Do you hate that? I do. I just think they're all so, you know, well, yeah. Now, you know, our, our friends in Houston, um, gave, gave cause to a little bit of concern, but I'm not, this is not in a question form. Um, and we'll just let it rest there. Okay. Let me see. Quietly. Somebody else got to ask a question. Thanks so much. Okay. So I have a question. Um, now this is going to, this may have to get cut because this is going to really show how smartless I am and stupid I am. What's baseball? So when the Chicago
Starting point is 00:25:06 Cubs finally won the World Series after 800 years, they were playing the Dodgers, right? Uh, yeah. I let them win the series before they won the World Series. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Got it. Ready to go, Sean. Thanks for that. Nice. Nice, Sean. No, no. Well, no, because it's fine. Because I'm from Chicago and like tears are rolling down my face and I was like, Oh my God, I can't believe the white sucks one, the white. I can't believe they scored a three pointer in the end. It was just unbelievable. But, uh, no, but, um, closing in on a question. Weren't the Dodgers a little bit kind of like, I get it. Go ahead. Obviously you try to win, but once the Cubs won, weren't you kind of like, it's pretty awesome that they won.
Starting point is 00:25:49 No. No. All right. Next question. No, no, I, um, maybe looking back, I see where you're going with that. Like you think the Dodgers just said, well, if we're going to lose, let's lose to the biggest losers in the history of baseball. That makes, yeah, right. No, but I mean, of course you try to win. Of course you played your best. Of course you shined. It was incredible game. It was unbelievable. But come on, the Cubs hadn't won in like, you know, centuries. Yeah. I mean, I think the only thing I think when a team beats you, I think subconsciously it's like, well, if they end up winning the World Series, then like we at least lost to the best team. Right. Makes you guys look better. Yeah. Yeah. We
Starting point is 00:26:22 lost to the world's best. So playing in Wrigley, playing in Fenway, Dodger Stadium, third oldest. Um, I'm sure you have some favorite stadiums. Um, is there a consensus amongst the players of what the best, because I heard the Dodgers won this for a few years by the groundskeepers. What field has, is in the best shape usually constantly, like gets the best, the truest roles. There's no hard spots. There's no, is Dodger Stadium still Jason's into gardening. Jason's. Yeah. I'll bring everything around the green thumb. Um, I've got some hydrangeas that are today to die. Um, who's got the best field? Um, yeah. So every guy kind of has their favorite spot, right? Like favorite city to go to is usually not their favorite
Starting point is 00:27:09 city to play in, you know, like you want to go to New York, you want to go to Chicago to, you know, hang out, go to dinner, all that stuff. And like favorite playing surface is usually like California cause it's just the best weather. So most of the California fields are field is unbelievable. San Diego is really nice. Anaheim, although they have perfect weather. So I think that, and then, um, Love the way it didn't mention the giants. I love it. Keep going. See, I don't, I don't know. They don't even exist. They don't even exist. I think, I think, I think LA and San Diego are the two best. Got it. Now you're not going out at night though. You said some
Starting point is 00:27:45 cities you like to go. You're not going out after the game and getting all crazy, right? Well, not this year, right? But I mean, any year you can't go to dinner, you go, you go hang out, go to dinner. Have you ever played with a hangover? You don't have to answer that. You don't have to answer that garbage. 48 hour rule. It's part of my routine. No, no drinking two days before. Is there any truth to Juan Uribe and uh, Yossio Pueg having matching white Rolls Royces doing donuts in the parking lot at Dodger Stadium? What? I've never heard this before. Did they have matching white Rolls Royces? White Rolls Royces are true. That's true. They both had those, but you never
Starting point is 00:28:21 heard about them doing donuts. They must have. I love they had matching. I love that. That's true. Why would you do it in that car? Because Rolls Royces can get up and get after it. Oh, I didn't know. That's, that's what I understand. Um, all right. Beyond ping pong, what is your, what's your best other sport? Football? Oh, ping pong. I wish she didn't say besides ping pong. I don't really have another best. By the way, I play killer ping pong. I'm not even kidding. And I'm going to do it. Do you really? Yeah. He'll wax you. I played it up since I was a kid. Don't, don't mess with him. He'll, he'll really embarrass you. I'll fuck you up. I will. Oh, ping pong. Did you. So I know you, you hosted the Ellen show for
Starting point is 00:28:57 a little bit and I got to be on the Ellen show and play with Ellen a little bit and she's super competitive about that too. Is she any good at that? Word on the street is. Yeah. Yeah. She's not belly. Yeah. No, but I, I'm serious. I want to, Jason, I want to do that. I want to do the ping pong thing. I'd love to have you. Well, the next year, if you're nice to Clayton, he'll invite you. Yeah. I would love that. And Kim will host it every once in a while. Yeah. He's hosted it before for sure. And what's the, what's the charity? So it's our charity, Kershaw's challenge is the name of it. And every year we have kind of different beneficiaries and just kind of raise money for different places here in LA
Starting point is 00:29:30 and Dallas and kind of everywhere really. That's great. You guys still have a facility and an effort down in Zambia. I think it is. Is that right? Yeah. That's kind of where it got started. My wife's been going to Africa. She's been nine or 10 times now. And yeah, long story short, that's kind of how the charity got started with one girl over there named Hope who's, who's doing great now, which is, which is cool to see. Do you guys keep your eyes open for other areas around the world or even domestically here that, that could benefit from money or attention? Like, is that kind of an ongoing effort? Or do you guys focus on, on the, the one place there in, in Africa?
Starting point is 00:30:07 Yeah. So every year we have like grant applications come in, but basically we're trying to focus on, you know, our hometowns, which is LA and Dallas. And then we have something with international justice mission in the Dominican Republic that I've been down there a few times and just really love what they're doing. And then Zambia is kind of every year. So we always do something with the rise Africa in Zambia, but the local nonprofits in LA and Dallas are always changing, just trying to meet tangible needs wherever we see it. That's so awesome. You guys are going to skip a bunch of lines upstairs when you're all done with this.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Jason, would you say that you ever miss an opportunity to skip a line? He wants to talk about the iPhone again. All right. Now you're a long ways away from retiring, but what would your ideal post baseball career look like? Is it, you think just generally is it, is it in baseball? Is it like broadcasting? Is it coaching? Is it, you know, ping pong? There's a lot of money in champion ping ponging. Is it really? I think that's what it's called too. Ping ponging.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Champion ping pong. Do you know when I was a kid, I played a game called canip canop where the balls go through this little thing. And just a year ago, I realized it was ping pong backwards. Go ahead. Hey, Sean. Yeah. You okay buddy? I'm okay. Do you, I bet whatever it is, it's going to be something that's going to keep you home.
Starting point is 00:31:36 So it's probably not going to be being a bench coach or a manager or any sort of traveling with the team. Yeah. I wouldn't expect to travel much once I retire. I'd still love to like be involved somehow. You know, there's this role that every team has called a special assistant, which is awesome. Yeah. They just let guys come and hang out for a few days at a time. Now, who's got that right now? Cause Sandy Kofax or Chase Utley is a special assistant. Yeah. Chase has got a maid. It's a great gig. The Dodgers have so many. I can't even tell
Starting point is 00:32:07 you, I never see them, but they're special assistants, but they're, they're, they're around all the time. What, what are the job requirements of that special assistant? Yeah. What do they do? That's, I don't know. Yeah. Special assistant's a great gig. That's why it's such a great gig. You get a few laminates, a check, a little bit of respect.
Starting point is 00:32:25 You had to be good when you played and you had, people had to like you when you played. So like Chase was obviously the man and we, we love Chase. And so he's, he's got a great gig with us now. He's got a very dry sense of humor, doesn't he? I mean, I've only met him a couple of times, but that's what I, He didn't talk much, but it's, it's funny. Has there been any really great new clubhouse prank over the years? Cause like hot foot and bubble gum on the hat and all that, there's some good ones, but
Starting point is 00:32:51 It's been done. Yeah. I don't, I don't mean to ridicule them cause I'm doing it well. I'm sure it's probably a fine art, but have you been impressed with any of these, these young whipper snappers coming up out of minor leagues with some new kind of, wow, never thought of that. Man, you know, we don't, to be honest, short answers, no, we don't have any great pranks. I think sometimes with like, when we have famous people come in the clubhouse and things like that, we try to think of some different things that we can do.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Here we go. Yeah. You know, just some things to make him feel maybe a little bit, you know, uncomfortable or things like that. But So, so go ahead and tell, tell Sean the story and will, if you're still with, I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I want to hear this really bad. Go. I'll let Jason tell it. I've made a bad decision to go down and you know, I've never, it wasn't a bad decision. Well, it, it was colorful and I'll never forget it. Sean Cassin, who is president of the team, is a very, very nice man and does me a huge, huge favor of talking to me when he sees me every once in a while. He offered to take me and my buddy down to the clubhouse after a win, one game, he said,
Starting point is 00:34:02 you got to see this. What buddy? What buddy? I believe it. Does it even remember? Wow. It's going to come to me. Either one of us.
Starting point is 00:34:10 So, so Stan brings me and my buddy, I think it was Steve Brill actually, down to the clubhouse and there was a, so sure enough, they had, they had won all the lights are out in the clubhouse and I just see these like a flash of flash every once in a while, kind of goes through a pool of light and then, and then I look a little closer and the door's kind of open and sure enough, there's a buttock and, and I, I'm not sure if a Schwanz goes by or not, but it's there's dancing going, there's a lot of bouncing, a lot of pink bouncing and, and Stan kicks the door open and sure enough, there is, there's a disco ball going, I think there was a smoke machine maybe, or maybe that was just steam coming
Starting point is 00:34:50 out of the shower. So these are clean bodies that are naked and dancing, but they're all super happy and they're all, and they're all holding one another and bouncing around in a huddle. I think I have that movie. And somebody, maybe it was you, Clayton, but I was, somebody said, somebody said, Bateman, get in here. And I was so thrilled that somebody on the Los Angeles Dodgers actually knew my name. I sprinted in, now, luckily I didn't start peeling my clothes off, but, but I, I did
Starting point is 00:35:24 get grabbed, I'll say, and not a pejorative term, but I partook in the bouncing a little bit. But that's hilarious. Is this like a Clayton, is this a normal thing? That was an interesting year. That was an interesting year. We haven't had too many, you know, you always try to celebrate wins, obviously, cause that's hard to do.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Clearly. Now, who, who was a ringleader in there for the, the naked bounces? It was Yossiel, um, was it, uh, Grandal? Maybe it was Grandal. Oh, I think, I'd probably go Pweeg. I think Yossiel was probably the ringleader in that. Um, if I had to guess, it was probably Pweeg. I can't remember exactly.
Starting point is 00:36:01 That's a festive room. Do you guys really, you guys don't really party after every single win. No, but just for like a brief minute, you know, turn on the music and, I'm sure you don't have the disco ball anymore. I don't know what happened to that, but that was a great ad. I need to bring that back this year. Who gets to pick the music? Great question.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Uh, every clubhouse is different. Um, sometimes you kind of let guys, you know, take turns, um, but I would say our clubhouse is pretty, you know, we just kind of let JT, I would say, um, JT kind of runs it. And he, he does a great job, mixes it up well. Yeah. Yeah. He seems like a real, real good dude. Um, he's great.
Starting point is 00:36:38 I just do want to know, like, I'm sorry to keep heartbreak on this. I'm trying to picture what your life is when you're not playing baseball. And all I've got is you're running around with kids, but like, that's it. How do you fill the space? I, there's no space. I mean, I, there's no space. I have, I have three kids. So that's like literally 24 seven.
Starting point is 00:36:57 That's, yeah. That's what I'm doing. I get it. Never been busier just running around with three kiddos. But to your point, I will try to figure something out post, post baseball. I think that will be healthy to figure that out. Um, is there any chance that you could become like a locker room choreographer? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:13 There you go. If that is a job, I'm, I'm in. I mean, that might be a senior with your headbands on. I mean, you got the headband already. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe you just need leg warmers and you're done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:24 And my hair's, I kind of like to go a ponytail at times. So tank top ponytail headband, choreographer, no one does a man bun like Clayton. Yeah. He can get a top not going there. Oh, good for you. Yeah, when I retire, I'm going to come back on if y'all guys will have me and nothing but wicking material and a top not, can't wait, you bring up wicking material quite a lot.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Do you think you have an issue? He's right. He's right. I'm not ashamed. Wicked. You need to wick it. Clayton, I'm going to tell you this. I had a friend, I'd mentioned this to the guys before.
Starting point is 00:37:57 I had a friend, this girl, um, I probably, I could say her name, she's not going to care. Rosa Blase and Rosa was married to, oh, shit. I just got served by Rosa Blase. And she was, she was married. She got married to, um, Jim Finn of the Giants, New York Giants. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Football player. And so I was at their wedding in Hawaii and she likes to embarrass me and there's tons of football players there. And so she walks me up to this guy. She goes, do you know who this is? I'm like, of course I know. It's Peyton Manning. I know Peyton Manning.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I'm not an idiot. And she goes, I'll give you 10 bucks if you can tell me who he plays for. And I'm like, I have no idea, I have no idea. But here's the point of the story. I know exactly who Clayton Kershaw is and I know exactly who you play for. And you're fantastic. I'm honored. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:38:49 That's amazing. Clayton. Thank you. Thank you very, very, very, very much. Thanks for having me guys. This is a blast. I appreciate it. Thanks for coming, pal.
Starting point is 00:38:57 See you man. See you soon. See you guys. Bye, buddy. All right. Bye. Oh my God. How cool.
Starting point is 00:39:05 I was so stoked. Can I say that? Am I allowed to say I'm stoked? I'm fairly. Really? Unless you're in a time machine. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:13 So. I love them. I love them. Clayton Kershaw. I don't know a lot of sports people, but I definitely know who he is. He's a get. He's a major get. Definite get.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Probably best pitcher in quite some time, if not forever. And clearly the one of the best baseball names ever, I mean, Clayton Kershaw is too hard syllables right there. Do you think I'm a better right handed pitcher than he is? Yes. You think so? Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:39:43 That's a great question. You should ask him that. I know I should have. I like to think of the questions after they've gone. You're the best. But what a guest, Jason. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:39:53 And I sincerely mean this. I mentioned this to Jason earlier that I genuinely love when sports people come on because I learned something, I, that's it, I learned something that I didn't know. And I like when you guys quiz me about shit. I think that's because I'm genuinely interested. Well, it's interesting when a guy makes it the way that he has and is so successful at doing that. It's so impressive and fascinating and interesting.
Starting point is 00:40:17 How did you become the best pitcher in the world? Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, so good. Great. And then we'll talk. We'll talk on the next one. On the flip side.
Starting point is 00:40:27 We'll get you on the flip side. They probably don't even flip sides anymore, but guys, I would be remiss if I could say bae. Bae. Bae.

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