SmartLess - "Marshawn Lynch"

Episode Date: November 6, 2023

Marshawn Lynch, ka-pow! Beast Mode on the microphone Justified haikuSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm ready to start. Welcomearks. Smarks. Smarks. Hey, yes, so Will is joining us from over the pond there in London. It looks like you went ahead and treated yourself to a nice, at least a one-bedroom, maybe a two-bedroom suite. Dude, look, who's counting other than you? I mean, yeah, it looks, uh, looks like you're doing pretty well. Yeah, sitting in a wing back. Sitting in a wing back, you know, I felt like this is the chair that I've always deserved. Yeah. You know, and you're also taught your kind of, you sound like you're keeping it down, because you're trying to stay in a cell phone. Yeah, you're trying to be quiet because the kids are asleep or you know, you know, you know why it's kind of echoey in here.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Yeah. So I'm just trying to be like not as echoey. Oh, because you probably have hardwood floors in that nice hotel and high ceilings, right? Sure do. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm over here visiting some friends and then of course I'm going to the football on Sunday
Starting point is 00:01:25 Which I'm really excited about the NFL is having a game on this this weekend over There's trying to expand the lead you are something you are something else. I am I'm going to see Liverpool Play West Ham up at Anfield their their home ground in Liverpool on Sunday. Chappie and I are going And I'm very, very excited. Mm-hmm. I can't. Would you ever consider getting each other rings, you and Chappy? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:01:54 But you just tattoo it around your ring finger. You know, we went saw yesterday. We went last night, so Johnny Vaughn, my buddy who I've mentioned, who's on the radio over here, and he's a great talent. Oh, yeah. And so I went and joined the a great time. Oh, yeah. And so I went and joined the 4-0-7 thing with his crew.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Everybody from Gav the Woodman Woods to Dr. Suntletempleton to Big Sion, Lilah Sight was just a, and then we went out for a nice Chinese food dinner at a casino. Oh. Yeah. How about that? Like a betting casino? It was, yeah, it was very, it was different, but it was great.
Starting point is 00:02:30 This guy hosted us. It was amazing and the credible Chinese food restaurant in the basement in the casino. Yeah. Good time, man. Good time, man. I can't picture, like adjacent space. I know.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I can't picture anybody. I'm not a nerd. I can't picture gambling anywhere other than Vegas. So they have casinos there. Is it feel like Vegas? They got casinos everywhere, Sean. Really? Yeah. You ever heard of Macau?
Starting point is 00:02:57 I, uh, I'm going to be going to Vegas in a, a few weeks here and I'm, uh, anticipating not going to the tables at all because I don't drink anymore. And I feel like I need to be inebriated to enjoy the mindlessness of gambling and the fear of gambling. Sean, Sean, Sean can do it at breakfast. Yeah, that's true. I can do it. Oh, true. I could do it.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Oh, my God. I love it. Wait, Sean, are you one of those at like a buffet? Do you sit at the table, fill out the bingo cart and everything? Yeah, and then I go to Vegas. I went with Sean once. You remember that years ago we went to Tobago's. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:03:39 There was a long time ago. You remember that? That was like 2002. Was this after a stumble, you guys? It was before it. It was before. It guys? Uh, it was before it was before. It was before. Yeah. Well, before I got I went to Vegas.
Starting point is 00:03:48 But, but maybe after Venice, uh, boy, because we've been in Venice Italy too. Does Chad know about Sean? Is he okay with him? I'm trying to keep him on. Well, well, and I have tattooed rings. Toe rings. But Sean, I saw Sean one time at the blackjack table, just go nuts and he was splitting and doubling
Starting point is 00:04:08 down. And at one point, he just had, he was playing like an eight hand thing. It was so many splits. Yeah, it was two dollar units, right? It's just a two dollar table. No, it was great. And that one time, I think it was that time or you want. Yeah, I kept winning. I was really drunk and I was really young.
Starting point is 00:04:23 See, that's what I mean. I don't think you can win when you're sober. No, and yeah, because you make horrible choices. Well, you make pragmatic decisions and that's sort of at odds with successful gambling, I think. Yeah, and I, anyway, I had like 300 bucks or 200 bucks left or something like that. And I'd turn it into like 10,000 bucks
Starting point is 00:04:41 and I gave it all the way to the people at the table. The people. Yeah. Robin Hood. Like the, like, like, just like, probably a second. If you work for the IRS, if you work for the IRS, it was 9,9999, right? How are you with the, how are you with the jet lag? Can you, I'm okay. Really fast. You kind of hit me. I actually left in her a little bit early, because the jet lag kind of hit me in the between the eyes.
Starting point is 00:05:07 And I was like, guys, I got to go to sleep. But I can tell you this, I'm really excited to go to my first, as you guys know, I do love Liverpool and I love what they call football over here. So I'm excited to go. It's a big thrill. And Jay is a sports fan. You can appreciate how cool it is to go to a new stadium. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:24 They make sports fans look bad here in the States because you guys got the, they guys, you're appreciate how cool it is to go to a new, yeah, they make sports fans look bad here in the States, because you guys got the, or they guys, you're, you're one of them. They, they, all the songs that you sang are incredible. It's real good fan stuff all that. I'd be into that. It's super, super fun. It's a great environment. I've only been to one match over in Europe and that was in Spain a few years ago, but I haven't been here and I'm so excited. And I love the football. And I'm glad I'm saying football because it's reminding me. Oh, here you go. It's reminding me and the guests. Watch us.
Starting point is 00:05:49 You know, our guest today, I'm so excited because I just want to get to him. Okay, well, our guest today is an incredible entrepreneur. He's a philanthropist. He's involved in all sorts of businesses from media consulting to management, to blenders, to sports apparel, to team ownership. This is a guy who's done so much, and it started, a lot of it started
Starting point is 00:06:18 because he had so much success on the farm field. And you know, you talk about people who do amazing things, and then you talk about guys who are went in the first round of the NFL draft, who played three seasons in both football field. And you know, you talk about people who do amazing things. And then you talk about guys who were when in the first round of the NFL draft, who played three seasons and both of them. And twice led the league in touchdowns, voted to four consecutive pro-Bulls. And one of Super Bowl. And also, I think he got really well known for his incredible, what they called the Beast Quake, what touched down run. What during the 2010-2011 NFL playoffs, he rushed 67 yards while breaking nine tackles, considered one of the greatest NFL runs of all time.
Starting point is 00:06:53 He's an all-time great, he's an all-time great guy, and he's also more importantly, my friend. You guys, it's Mr. Marshawn Lynch. No way. Marshawn. Marshawn, good morning. Marshawn. Who's going on?
Starting point is 00:07:06 Oh my gosh. Marcia, can I ask you a question? Why do you spend so much time with this guy, Will, or not? What happened? Does he have photos on you or something? You guys are so close. It's the weirdest couple in all of Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Nah, man, you did. I told him, if you ever call my phone, bang my line, I'll bang my line. I'm gonna make it work. Cause he gave me an opportunity to do some shit that I ain't never done before. So anytime you hit my phone, I mean, I'm coming through phone. So that's just forever.
Starting point is 00:07:36 In perpetuity, he's got you as a guy throwing favors. If for sure. Can we know what that was or no? No, murder view. Yeah. A lot of people don't want to tap it. Can we know what that was or no? No, murder view. Yeah. A lot of people don't realize how hilarious Marshall is. Yeah. Because they think of him as like a football icon.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And I'm like, this is a funny dude. And I'm so lucky. You know, I'm so happy that you do return my calls. And you know, Marshall, we've never really talked about football, like in a way, or like, how you started. I think about it. Over the last few years, we've talked about so much other weird stuff. Honeymoon.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And we went, oh, well, we went, we covered the World Cup last year. We did this thing together. And we never talked about how you started in pro, well, just in football in general. And I guess that's on me I should have asked. But I'm asking now, how did you, what was your first, when you in love with football, when you first started, when you were a kid, like, what was the deal? What was your relationship like with football starting out? No, I mean, the relationship with football was, I was, I was big on playing it, not too much of a, not too much of a fan of sitting down and watching it.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Really? When it came to it, it was like, yeah, if we had the opportunity, every opportunity I had to play it, I was for sure getting down. But I really wasn't, I wasn't, like I said, I wasn't big on sitting down and watching the game. It wasn't like, like a big-ass tradition that we did where everybody come through on Sunday and watch the games or, you know, Monday nights wasn't like, we got to watch this Thursday and not, I wasn't no shit like that and then the opportunity to go to college and, you
Starting point is 00:09:21 know, play there. And I thought it would all end for me after high school and then, you know, play there. I thought it would all end for me after high school. And then, you know, we start sending letters like, oh, yeah, you got opportunities to go to college and shit. That wasn't something that was, you know, really talked about in my household as well. So, really? And it just all seemed, yeah, that shit all seemed
Starting point is 00:09:38 like a little fairy tale or whatever, but. Which colleges you ended up going to? Cal. University. Oh, yeah. California? Yeah. So I mean, the shoe worked out for me in the long run, but yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:09:49 When I first found out, I'm like, hell, no, you want me, you want me go to more school? Like, I'm more voluntary school. Oh, yeah. Like, no, hell, no, I'm cool off that. I ain't a lot, luckily I had two cousins who was really into that shit. Was that schoolwork?
Starting point is 00:10:08 Yeah, for sure. For sure. Really into schoolwork. Yeah, man. I say they took on the jobs of the teachers by making sure I maintained a reasonable grade point average to even be able to give college opportunities. That's awesome. But then once it was like, once I got there
Starting point is 00:10:28 and you know, seeing what type of time that was on what I had to do, I don't order to accomplish, you know, going to the next level, then shit just made sense. And it was like, that shit clicked. Because now I was like, oh, I gotta go, and I gotta do X, Y, and Z to accomplish this.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Then let me just do what I need to do. I see how far I could take. Do you remember the process of getting used to getting hit? Like, did you start playing football so you were on for him? Or you don't remember it? Were you so young when you started that you don't remember it? Or do you remember? Like, because I never was allowed to play football.
Starting point is 00:11:05 My mom was British. She wanted me to play soccer. But I got this one part in a football movie where I actually got to put on pads in the helmet and I played like a defensive back or something. And this one, this one take, I had to tackle a guy. And I didn't know what to do with my head. I felt like, well, if my head hits that person's shoulder, it's gonna break my neck. So what I thought would know what to do with my head. I felt like, well, if my head hits that person's shoulder,
Starting point is 00:11:25 it's gonna break my neck. So what I thought would be smart to do is just to kind of shrug my shoulders up and trap my helmet in the hole that the shoulder pads create. So it's locked in there. Like a turtle. Yeah, exactly. I'm not sure when you did this, this rolling that movie,
Starting point is 00:11:43 but you sound like you, you got that move from the little giants. Exactly. I'm just a small soft actor and they all laughed at me. The movie was a comedy, thank God. But that's right, though, Jay, I wouldn't think of that. That is true. Like, because, Marcia, I'm the opposite of you.
Starting point is 00:12:00 I'd rather watch it than play it. And because I played it when I was a kid, I was terrible. But when I watch it, then when I see the heads hit the bodies, I think the same thing. I was like, how does their neck? Yeah. So do you remember that process? Was there a learning curve that's painful on that
Starting point is 00:12:15 or were you too young? Most definitely. So I mean, I got the, I probably got the latest start. Because it was a group of us. And I mean, you know, it was more family, you know, close friends like in the neighborhood. And, you know, I think I was probably one of the later ones that started maybe around age 13.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Yeah. So a few of them started maybe age six, six, eight was around the normal time for them to start. So they were called like considered the veterans, right? And you know, one of my closest friends, recipes, we were doing hidden drills, it's an angle in tackling. It's the biggest thing in football. And uh, is what is angle tackling? Angle in tackling. Tackling drill. What does that mean? Is you line up on opposite sides, put a cone out, and you come to a point where you have to earn your manhood.
Starting point is 00:13:13 It's not a lot of a, sure. A lot of it. We're a lot of a saying it. And you know, he was a veteran. This was my first year, and my first year in full contact sports. And somehow he convinced me to go first, which, you know what I mean, was not a good idea, but... So he called Goat and we ran and we hit.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Like a couple of rams hitting each other with their horns, right? Yeah, except for I didn't lower my shoulders or my helmet. And I went in standing straight up like I was trying to give him a barehood. Like Frank had actually put a stomach exactly. He actually put his helmet right in my stomach. Ouch. And I'm talking about all the wind with blow. I was like, oh, shit, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:02 And I had to make a decision because, as soon as the, you know what I mean? As soon as he had hidden, all you can hear is the coaches. Like, man, what the hell y'all doing? Like, line up. And I'm like, line up. Like, oh, you want me to do this again? I'm laying down.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Yeah. You want me to do this again, right after? I'm like, I don't know what to say. I'm gonna tell him, like, hey, you know, I just went. But then you know, everybody in line, they, hey, line up, line up, you gotta line it up. Coach, you said, my, so I'm gonna tell him, hey, you know, I just went. But then you know, everybody in line, hey, line up, line up, you gotta line it up, hold your shit up. So I'm like, oh, you want me to do this again? So it was like, hell no, I seen what you just did to me.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And I was like, all right, now this time, I'm a duck not showed in my head and running into you. So the thing was, I was a little faster than him, so I was able to get to the point quicker than him. So in the midst of him, lowering his helmet and his shoulders, I had already been lowered in the smashing. Bam! Couches like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Little rookie got something to him. Line up again. And now he's calling on his veterans to the front of the line and now he want to see the rookie hit with all the veterans and so it was a thing to like all this is just what you got to do in order to be you know a hitter on the team knows the people who get all the praise all the cheerleaders make love go numbered you know what I mean whoever your number number is. And I'm like, oh shit. So if I become a hitter then I could be one of them. And then I mean, you know, my first position I play offensive line.
Starting point is 00:15:33 So that's where all my little, there's my toughness and all that, ain't afraid to hit somebody and then, you know, as much as so for y'all who don't know, I'm an offensive player, but my mentality is defense. And we will be right back. Smarlas has brought to you in part by GoodRx. Cold and flu season is an unfortunate reality.
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Starting point is 00:17:01 that they don't wanna address and it kind of brings them down. So, you know, you have to show up, as they say, for Thanksgiving and show up for Christmas with the family. And there's, you know, a lot to argue about, a lot to have anxiety about. But, you know what helps with all that? If you talk to somebody, a therapist. This time of year can be a lot, and it's natural to feel some sadness or anxiety about it. But adding something new and positive to your life can counteract some of those feelings. Therapy can be a bright spot amid all the stress and change. Something to look forward to to make you feel grounded and to give you the tools to manage
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Starting point is 00:19:36 By playing offensive line first, do you have sympathy for the offensive lineman that once you became a running back, power back? You start running into the backs of the offensive lineman that once you became a running back power back? You start running into the backs of those offensive lineman. Do you remember the days when running back? You used to do that to you. I bet it hurts. No, man.
Starting point is 00:19:53 To be honest with you, I take care of my offensive lineman. And one of the things that I don't do is I don't run into the back of him. I read it. If I see a pile up or something like that, I read it, you know what I mean? I bounce outside and run into it, defender, then hit my office and lineman in the back. Is that something that offensive lineman
Starting point is 00:20:16 do complain about? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. This is like damn, pick your eyes up. Because they feel like, hey, look, I'm doing my job. I'm running this dude out of there and you running into my back. If you want to hit somebody, hit, yeah, I think I was the other color. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. During the, the, well, was work harder during football or was work harder now with the acting, you know, because the, the hours in acting can be, you know, usually 12 hours. And sometimes that hard work is simply trying to manage boredom because no one, there's
Starting point is 00:20:54 no two people that are working at the same time. And concentration though when you're cocking it's calling right? Yeah, or was the football harder because of, you know, all the obvious parts of it, the traveling and the strenuousness? Well, see the thing was, you know, the traveling, meetings, you know, practiced gangs, being able to take care of my body, you know, making sure I don't lose my mind. That became like second nature. That was more so like just my walk in life.
Starting point is 00:21:28 And then with this, you know, with, you know, going over and to, I guess you would call it entertainment. It's more of like a challenge to me. So I'm not looking at it as is it harder, is it strenuous, it's more so like, I wanna understand it. Yeah. I wanna, I wanna so like, I want to understand it. Yeah. I want to, I want to get a, I want to get an understanding for this, the way that I did for when I was playing my sport.
Starting point is 00:21:52 But ultimately, if I'm just looking at it from a time management point, when I, when I locked in for football, I had to lock in for eight months out the year. That was just what it was. Right. Carlos. And why is it, why is it important to you just not have curiosity? I had to lock in for eight months out the year. That was just what it was, right? Garless. And why is it important to you just out of curiosity? Like, have you always had this thing in the back of your head? It's like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:22:13 I want to stretch this muscle in my head about this acting thing or this artistic kind of side of me. No, it's just that real easily. I don't want to be bad. Yeah. Because I mean shit. I mean, you know, you hear about it all the time, like, for individuals after they first career, they go and get into something else and it kind of don't pan out for them. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:37 And the same breath in which, you know, damn, he was a great football player or he was a good football. However, you view me as a football player, you're not going to say I was bad. And that's I've done something to your team. Right. Then then maybe I'm shitty to you, but otherwise, yeah, I mean, but otherwise you're going to say, yeah, I mean, he, he brought something to the game and then, you know, I mean,
Starting point is 00:22:59 going into my second career and my fucking senior to like, oh, you know, where he ain't bad. He did it. He did a good job. So like it's almost like a challenge, like a, more fucking C.M.L.T. like, oh, you know where he ain't bad. He did a good job. So it's almost like a challenge. Like you enjoy the challenge of it. Yeah, I would say that. What about the, what about the gym? I imagine the gym would have been a big part of every day during your football career.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Is it this, are you, what's the amount of hours you're doing in the gym per week? To be honest with you, that was probably the place where I spent the least. Really? Worked out. I mean, you got to think about it. If you, my career, I played in the league with 12, 13 years and then you got to think college was another three high school four, little league. I got about three in.
Starting point is 00:23:43 So you, 20 plus years of doing the same shit, you gotta think like, all right, I gotta figure out a way to do some other shit in order to stay in shape or to get my body right. So then I mean, you start getting creative. And I mean, you know, I would say realistically, maybe two, maybe three times in a gym a week and it ain't to do like, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:08 like you see that you probably be like pumping all this weights and all that shit. And it might be just to get a stretch, I mean, or to utilize this wonderful, but. Or just see who's in the steam. Yeah. Yeah, that should work too. Sign a statement for sure.
Starting point is 00:24:23 But so I have like a, I have a two-part on my shan. So when you were playing football, was there a person or a moment that made you want to that kind of clicked your brain into, what if I did this, you know, expanded into entrepreneurial stuff? And what if I was there a person that you're like, gosh, I really admire the way he handled his career after football or during football,
Starting point is 00:24:46 or was there a moment? And the second part is, what is your favorite or most rewarding entrepreneurial effort so far? Yeah. Well, the first part is, before I even knew about money or anything, because it wasn't like that was something I came from.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I remember that was having these financial advisors coming to the facility and get a spiel. I mean, you can choose a financial advisor that way. That was the way in which we met financial advisors. So the team brings people in to talk to players and sort of help them kind of figure out what they're doing. That's good, actually. Yeah, the player personnel, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:34 the guy who looks after... Yeah. ...after the players on a more personal level. They'll bring in individuals who they know maybe through Dylan's wit or maybe got introduced by another player. But I remember the first time my financial advisor came in and he came in there and he was talking and shit, I had this thing where I could go to sleep, I could go to sleep, standing straight up.
Starting point is 00:26:02 So he came in and he started talking on a lot of, and I fell asleep. Yeah, I know' straight up. And so he came in and he started talkin' on La La and I fell asleep, and he got up. Because then one year out the other. Shit, it didn't go in no year. I'm sweet, dead to the world. Yeah. And he make a, he don't say no. So as he finish it up, and he, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:26:21 I kind of come to him up on the board. I see all these names. And these are names of NFL players who, you know, I thought, I kind of come to him up on the board, I see all these names. And these are names of NFL players who, you know, I thought if you play in NFL, you like a richest person in the world. I'm looking at all these names and I'm saying like, you know, they got a number on the side to the right of that name and another column. And I'm like, damn, like fuck, they got all this money. And then at the end of it, you know, you go through like three slides, I'm like, damn, like fuck, I got all this money. And then at the end of it, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:46 we go through like three slides and I'm talking about maybe some of the most notable names and football. And at the end, he say, all bankrupt. And I'm like, what the fuck? Yeah, no money. I'm like, no, he'll know. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Now I'm up. Yeah. But now it's presentation time away. Yeah. I'm like, Hey, hold on. What do you mean they bankrupt? Like, you know, I seen some of the names of individuals who, you know, I looked up to, like, not what the fuck. So after he said, man, you slept through my whole meeting. I say, yeah, I did. I, you know, with my bad, but can you start from the
Starting point is 00:27:18 beginning again? Where you said all my, all of these players up here is broke down. Like, what the fuck is going on? And the number next to them are the millions in debt they are. Yeah. Man, and I'm like, how do I not become good for you? Good for you. Good for you. You know what, Marcia? First of all, you can't go to sleep in my meeting.
Starting point is 00:27:35 How do you look? Right. Quit bringing up. Oh, shit. We talking about moving forward. Was there what was early on one of the, if you if you did make like a just foolish, you know, purchase. Do you remember like one of the dumbest things you've ever bought? You said one of the dumbest things I ever bought. Like when you first started out, you're like, oh, I got an extra, you know.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Did you ever buy an animal that should probably be in a zoo? Yes. I have. But that didn't come. That wasn't really wrong. That was after everything was said. Oh, really? What kind of animal was this? I brought a monkey. A monkey? You didn't really? I always wanted a monkey.
Starting point is 00:28:13 What kind of monkey? Red hand, tamer. Is that true? Did you really buy one? Yeah, about as big as my hand. Little pep was his name. Oh, my God. Little pep.
Starting point is 00:28:21 That's allial apostrophe. Man, nah, no apostrophes. Is this the kind that throws stuff at you? No, I don't know, shit, ain't it? Now, he will get the, he will get the yellow that you don't. He'll yell. Really? Is he still with us?
Starting point is 00:28:34 Hell yeah. No, no, no, no. See, they got a, they got a short life man. Yeah. I was always nervous. I wouldn't want to get, like, a mic would come and like end up like ripping my arms and my balls off for some reason. He was biggest my hand about as big as my hand.
Starting point is 00:28:53 And I mean this little more fuck was fascinating. Oh my God. He did some of the most crazy shit I've ever seen before. You have to get a trainer for that or do you train him yourself? No date to be honest, which we really he really cool though Like I mean, they come they come trained. No, they don't come on say that but as far as like I mean He's so little like if he take his shit somewhere. It's like Like a wreck like wreck. Yeah, right. Oh, he's like there's no mess. Yeah shit like that never diaper on little Pimp No, man. He wasn't we wasn't for finding me man. Little Pimp was he was a man. He was a real true. Oh
Starting point is 00:29:34 Little Pimp RIP low Pimp RIP little Pimp, but there was a few I mean, there was a lot of guys that you know mean, I started to see Turn, you know, like you should watch O'Jane movies, Jim Brown and movies. And I mean, you know, just to see them being able to do it again, all this opportunity there to do that. And then, you know, throughout the lead, you know, you have players who, you know, getting into investments and like, hey, man, you know, I'm working with this company, you know, you have players who, you know, get into investments and like, hey, man, you know, I'm working with this company, you know, Blizzard. But I like you doing well.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Oh, yeah, you know, I'm an outreach person and like, okay, I'll reach like, well, I mean, you know, I don't really like people like that, but for the, for the simple fact that I'm seeing you being able to be on a level of professionalism even after you done playing football. You know, I kind of got inspired by that and I wanted to see what was actually out there. And a lot of this shit that I that I did learn or that I did get into it basically all started off like a joke kind of like, you know, damn, well, see if they let me get ownership. Right. Okay. And then it's like, okay, yeah, you put a couple dollars up and they get you some ownership. I, all right. Yeah, you did that. You did that with like the Seattle Kraken.
Starting point is 00:30:56 You got ownership in that. You know, Sean, you might not know this. Martian's like part owner of a bunch of sports teams, including the NHL Seattle crack. And Martian, I did this thing with for soccer for the World Cup last year. And then like like two weeks into it, he sends me this sweatshirt from the Oakland Roots. And I go, what's the end? And he goes, yeah, this, this MLS two team that I, I co-own and I go, we've been talking about soccer every day for two weeks. And you're only telling me now that you're an owner of a team.
Starting point is 00:31:23 That's what he's got all these pieces of these teams, which is so, so cool. Very cool. Very savvy. Yeah, no kidding. Like team ownership. That's, that's where it's at. Yeah, man. Just trying to, try to, try to position myself. I mean, I have, I have $1,000 to invest in a team. Can I see? Look, you just a little bit too late. We just did a round where we could have bought into a... That's a nickname, too late. Too late just. You could have bought into the Oakland roots. We just raised two million,
Starting point is 00:31:56 in Oakland, more or so, like, you know, my team, my team, my city, it's something being going on within the Bay Area just because you know within the last what five years we don't know what the Raiders, the Warriors and I just I think I just heard the A's is leaving too. So wow. Yeah. Why don't you start why don't you start doing a show like like our friends Rob and Ryan and just have cameras following you around you go visit all the teams that you own pieces of. That'd be a good show. Yeah, that would be a good show, actually.
Starting point is 00:32:27 That's a good idea. Thank you. It's not a bad idea. Or podcasts. Thank you. We'll produce it through smartness media. Yeah, we will. Great.
Starting point is 00:32:35 We just made some money. What else was wrong? I came over here. I'm trying to see what we'll do. Here we go. Let's do the podcast. Go with you popping around and visiting on the teams that you own.
Starting point is 00:32:44 I want to hear locker room speeches. I want to hear play by play. So kinds of things. We wait a second. I wanted to ask you about locker room speeches because you worked with some great coaches. You worked with great players. You got to know that Martian's quarterback when he was at Cal was another than Aaron Rodgers and then his quarterback. While he was a pro for most of his career was Russell Wilson to the all-time great quarterbacks. Coach was, for a long time was Pete Carroll in Seattle. I mean, you've been, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:33:14 It feel, I feel like sometimes like great players and towns are attracted to each other. And you got in with, you were with a lot of talented people. What was your relationship like with coaches? Well, specifically like Pete Carroll, but coaches in general through college and then into the pros. Early, early on in my career,
Starting point is 00:33:36 like from, I'm gonna go like this. Pob winter high school, it was easy because all the coaches was from my neighborhood and understand how to speak to me, understand how to get them all started me. Then going to college, consider, I ain't, because I ain't grow up with my father in the house. So going to college and then I have, you know, I mean, open at this time, probably 90%. Black, I got a white head coach
Starting point is 00:34:08 and this motherfucker don't got no filter. And I'm talking about maybe one of the most, how could I say that? At the time, I thought like, I regretted it. I'm like, man, this motherfucker racist. I can't do nothing right. And then it was like, all of a sudden, it just clicked for me like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:34:32 And I ain't not racist. This dude was preparing me for going to the league and what I was not gonna go through on the real world. Knowing where I'm coming from, you know what I mean? I was basically trapped in a box and he was opening my mind to shit that I didn't even know exist. Coaching was something that I didn't take lightly,
Starting point is 00:34:57 man, fuck you. How you gonna tell me what to do? Motherfucker, you ain't playing, you ain't, yeah, man. And then the running back coach that I had when I was in college, I found out he played DB, and I'm like, how the fuck you gonna tell me how to be the greatest running back in your motherfucking ass play DB? It didn't make sense to me, but what it did was it taught me to learn from individuals from different perspectives.
Starting point is 00:35:27 He knew what it looked like as a running back, coming down here at a defensive back. He didn't know what it looked like as a running back, running down defensive back. He's able to tell me, when he tell me, my shine right here, square your shoulders up, he knew that BBs don't wanna tackle running back. No. So make him make a business decision. Make him stick his head through his shoulder pad.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Yeah. Make him wiggle his head through his shoulder pad. Doesn't work. Yeah, I mean, it doesn't work. But I wasn't in the movies. It hurts. Yeah, I wasn't paying attention to that early on, but like I said, when I figured it out,
Starting point is 00:36:04 okay, this shit makes sense now. We'll be right back. Smartlet's get support from Mint Mobile. Ever felt bill-induced anxiety, that looming cloud of stress that hangs over you. We get it. No one enjoys the relentless cycle of big monthly payments. I don't know who enjoys it.
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Starting point is 00:38:15 Google, Nest Cam, Nest Doorbell, and Nestle Wear train marks of Google LLC. All right, back to the show. It seems to me that guy like Pete Carroll, does he coach, I feel like a lot of his speeches are really esoteric, like really out there kind of like, like are they football related or does he make a lot of like big sort of inspirational speeches about life? And is that, am I right on that? That he, I fuck with Pete, I'm one of the chapters here with him,
Starting point is 00:38:44 but as far as speeches and all that, you know, I would? That, yeah, I fuck with Pete. I wanted to championship with him, but as far as speeches and all that, you know, I would, I would leave out of his meetings. Did you do any standing up sleeping in the Pete Carroll meetings? No, I sit down sleeping in that moment. Yeah, I'm like, I'm on my good race. It's digging in there.
Starting point is 00:39:00 No, I would, yeah, I would, I would, you know, after a while, they just started become repetitive for me. Right. And then I'm not a guy who you need to like, ah, rar, rar, rar, rar, rar, that give me ready to go and bust them like, because I'm already at a disadvantage because that's what, that's what my lifestyle was.
Starting point is 00:39:21 So I don't need that, that shit, that shit just gonna make me upset, make me like, all right, bro, you talking too much. Like, I don't wanna talk. I just wanna bust motherfuckers head. And you keep talking is, you damn near talking me out of going to go bust
Starting point is 00:39:37 some motherfuckers head. Now, I wanna let them do something to you because you talk too much. I don't need, I don't need, rar, rar, rar. And he was, you know, that type of guy. So, you know, anytime I could eliminate the rar, rar, rar, I would, I would do that. But I mean, you know, I don't have some great coaches
Starting point is 00:39:57 along the way. You know, men who, who I feel has taught me, you know, the stand on principle morals and values, which I feel that that shit you know to stand on principle morals of values which I feel that That shit is a thing of the past like that shit is a myth if you hear somebody standing on principle More than values like for real. He did like he must be hella old or something like that ain't something right now That is look that ends good thing and they taught me that That walk to walk with conviction as a good thing. And they taught me that walk, to walk with conviction as a man. And you know, I hold conversations with them till this day.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Still, you know, I mean, contact with them and reach out to me, reach out to them, check on them. But I mean, you know, it's a funny thing because I mean, like I said, from my mindset before on the coach, like what you talking about right now, that shit don't concern me to, okay, now these are individuals who have lives, families, and they actually walk with a purpose.
Starting point is 00:40:59 And I feel that, you know what I mean? Once I opened up my mind to that, thanks to Coach Tefer to seeing them for more than just telling me, okay, Martian, you gotta run through the big gap. You gotta run through the C gap, or you gotta cut back right here, and I took it for more than what it was worth. Shit started to open up for me.
Starting point is 00:41:19 And it was a big thing for me. You know what I mean? It's funny you talk about Pete Carroll because at the time, he had got another coach over there, Tom Cable. And that was like my connection. Tom Cable and Coach Sherman. Those were my connections to the team.
Starting point is 00:41:40 That was hard grab the information about what was going on because Pete was a little bit, he was too much for me. You know what I mean? Like, you wake, I'm telling you, you come in at, because I had weird ass hours when you start talking about the gym and shit. Like I would come into the locker room maybe at four o'clock in the morning and I go do some extra work, sign a steam room, maybe a little bike swimming
Starting point is 00:42:05 or whatever. And it'd be about five o'clock in the morning and I'll see Pete coming into the office and he, hey, buddy, how you doing? It's gonna be a great day today. He's like, hey, hey, what the fuck? Hey, look at his five o'clock in the morning, but cool out.
Starting point is 00:42:18 And you're like, how long, man? I just seen this motherfucker didn't leave out of the facility until like 11, 12 o'clock at night. That means back at five. And he was leaving. Hey buddy, I'm going home. You have a great night.
Starting point is 00:42:33 I'll see you tomorrow. Make sure you ready for a long time. Ain't like, home on this month. Better this motherfucker. And then it ain't no difference when you see him at breakfast. He coming at meat in the same way. You see the mother fuck at lunch. The same way.
Starting point is 00:42:48 You see him on a practice field. You see him after practice and the meat is after that. And when he going home, he the same way. And best believe if you dare to see him coming in the morning, it's just like that. That's my fuck got to be a robot. Merchant, tell me, do I remember this right? Did you spend an entire season
Starting point is 00:43:08 not talking to the media? A few seasons, which means a season. A few. Were you refused to talk to the media, right? What they do, what they do to make you take that position. What they did was they showed me who they was. They showed me who they was They showed me who they was and
Starting point is 00:43:26 The thing like I said I started to stand on principal morals and values and Because I mean you know, like I said I was I was raised different. I seen things through different lenses And then I listened that you should come into the Rooms and they tell all the media, it is that in the third, they're not your friend, blaschette, blaschette, and then they'll double back and say, you gotta remember, no press is bad press. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:43:55 So that was a conflict for me. And then you had a situation where, it was a point in my career where everybody wasn't fucking with me, where I was doing shit that you would think 20 year old with, you know what I mean, with a couple of dollars in this pocket. So my stakes that would be made and it would go from, I'd be here one day, hey, my shine you, you're greatest, uh, this is the third, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 00:44:21 and then I get in trouble and then it was like, oh, I knew that motherfucker was a duck. Oh, that motherfucker ain't shit. Oh, fuck him. He needs to be in jail, not on the football. And then it was all this shit started to, and I'm like, damn, this the same motherfucker who I just saying last week was just telling me how much of a good run.
Starting point is 00:44:40 And, you know what I mean, he looked forward to seeing where it comes out next week and then, motherfucker. Fuck that. motherfucker make a mistake. Or a motherfucker got caught doing some shit he shouldn't have been doing. But the thing was, I seen how judge mental they was. And the thing was,
Starting point is 00:44:57 are when y'all not recording and doing all of that shit, is he, and I'm, hold on, you motherfuckers, it's too confusing. It's too confusing to try to find out who you individuals truly are. So in my terms instead of, I'm thinking like, you know what I mean, if we was back in the hood, and God beat your waves. But you know, I roll your ass up, I take your camera,
Starting point is 00:45:23 all the, and it was like, oh, no, you can't, you can't do that. You can't act that way. So it was more and so like, hey, if you ain't got nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all. Now these individuals who, you know, talking big shit about me, I could care less with anybody else thinking about me.
Starting point is 00:45:40 And if this is my way to get people to understand where I'm coming from in X, Y, and Z, nah, fuck that. Who I need to deal with, I talked to them individuals, let them know what's up, and then I just go about my business. I didn't feel I needed to broadcast it to the gym. Exactly. Well, sadly, we live, we live in times where, we're obviously, we're sort of negativity sales. I've seen movie reviews that start off with a negative headline, and then you read it, and it's like not a bad review.
Starting point is 00:46:09 And I'm like, oh, you just wanted people to click on the shit, and people just want that kind of shit, which sucks. And it's not positive. I will say this, one of the great positive things you do, I know, Marshawn, you've got your famed first family foundation, which is pretty awesome. And I know you've been doing a lot of giving back through that. You want to talk about that for a little bit, which is pretty awesome. And I know you've been like doing a lot of giving back through that.
Starting point is 00:46:27 You want to talk about that for a little bit, how that came to be. Well, yeah, that's probably the longest standing business that I got. And probably the, I mean, that's, I started that immediately, where I'm not going to say, we started that immediately after I decided to enter the draft. And I mean, since then, we just been on a tear. Like, I mean, it didn't matter wherever the help was needed. We tried to
Starting point is 00:46:55 feel that gap. And what specifically, like, what's the mission? Like, who you got, who you trying to help? Like what's the main? The inner city youth, we looked at a lot of the kids from our neighborhood. They don't get a fair shot. So we just tried to, even it up a little bit by, supplying some of the needs that they need in order to, I mean, be able to compete with somebody from a higher background or education level.
Starting point is 00:47:34 And I mean, it just started as a football camp, but then it turned into architect camps. We do our architect camp for the kids over at Cal, shout out to Cal for let us utilize the facilities. We do, you know, reading programs, math programs, entrepreneur programs, we got Shopify, supply this with some shit, and we do Beast Mode of Business where they create
Starting point is 00:48:00 their own business and, you know, able to have it go live on Shopify site. I mean anything that you could think of from coding to fucking building a shoe creating clothing lives. I mean teaching them ways in order to you know think outside the box of what you know I mean the fight we call it the 580 and the 880. But to think outside of that and show them many ways like with the production company, everybody think like you gotta be the individual
Starting point is 00:48:34 that's on the screen to make them like, they don't know that there's a guy back there holding a mic, that there's a guy holding a camera, that you got grips, that you got motherfucking A.D.'s and all these like all these everything like I said I'm watching y'all right now to see I see two people on this but like they don't they don't know this all they see is they're gonna see the clip go for me talking my bullshit to well to you to and that's all they're gonna see and say all I want to do that not knowing it's a whole team that may all of you should come to this.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Yeah, there's actually a lot of group of people that are making it. The people on screen are just in it, you know. Jason, you said this once and I love this. Everybody on set, when you go on a movie, everybody from catering to background holding to locations, to team studs, driver, you know, everybody's a filmmaker, right? Everybody on that set is a filmmaker and it's what makes us know.
Starting point is 00:49:29 No one there that doesn't need to be there. That's exactly right. I love, Marshall, I love that you're doing that and it doesn't surprise me because I know, you know, I got to know you're in such a great guy. And, man, I'm just, it's so great to be able to talk to you. We've, I'm, we've held you here too long, kind of held you hostage, but I just want to, I can, No, I told you you might, you, you folks, Brad, you, you good in the hood, man, anytime. So, well, it's, it's good. I have no problem with that.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Marcia, you're the best, man. Thank you, continued success. Thank you, Marcia. You're just, you're just always, always you. Yeah, yeah. And we'll talk soon. Thanks for being here. Thank you, Marcia. All good, man, y'all have a blessed day talk soon. Thanks for being here. Thank you, Marciani.
Starting point is 00:50:05 All good, man. Y'all have a blessed day, man. Nice meeting you too. Thank you, Marciani. What a sweet fella. What a great guy, huh? Yeah. How cool is it that here's a guy who has not just a football career, but he wins Super Bowl
Starting point is 00:50:18 and he goes to Pro Bowl and he's a first team goal. Pro does every, like every basically thing he can do as an NFL player. Superstar. And then has this retires three times, by the way, like every basically thing he can do as an NFL player. Superstar. And then has this retires three times by the way, retired because he kept coming back. And then he retires and he turns, he turns all that into becomes this entrepreneur and he goes into, it goes into the arts and goes into all this stuff. And I'm like, this dude is unbelievable. He truly is.
Starting point is 00:50:41 He's gone beast mode through life. Not just on the football field. Yeah, yeah. He's just gone beast mode into life. Not just a football field. Yeah, yeah. He's just gone beast mode into everything he does. And I have so much respect for the guy. He's such a cool dude. Sounds like he didn't need to. He held onto his money. And he probably doesn't need to continue working so hard, but that's just part of his makeup. Yeah. Yeah. I love that, too. He's such a savvy dude. And he's just so cool. And again, I should point out he's such a good, good person to. So I'm lucky.
Starting point is 00:51:05 I'm lucky that you came. I didn't like it. I know him. Yeah. He seems very kind. Yeah. He is very kind. Did you guys see Jason's headline the meltdown thing?
Starting point is 00:51:14 Yeah. Yeah. The little stuff you guys chopped together and put on the show. It's like, it's not as meltdown on, but I mean, it's just. What are you talking about? No, it's, it's, it's, no, no, I know. But it, to your point earlier, you said in the interview here that people will find a headline just so you can click through.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Yeah, click it. And the fact that I said in it that I had a full meltdown, they were able to use that, put out around it, and then say, Bateman has quote, full meltdown on podcast. So it's dumb. It's the headline they need. Yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 00:51:47 It's good press for us, I guess. I haven't looked on the internet. And I'm so stymied by that. Well, you'd need a Google alert on smartless and or me. Oh, I'm going to get one. I'm going to look into that. I might least one. You're going to lease a Google alert.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Yeah, what is it cost you to get into one of those? Well, the rental's pretty steep, but... Uh, well, you know what though? Maybe you can, yeah. Yeah, go ahead. No, you're gonna do it for the first time. Oh, it's gonna say maybe you can't, if you can't pull, you can't afford a full subscription,
Starting point is 00:52:17 maybe you could do a, Bye, monthly! Bye! Bye, monthly! Why are you holding your stomach, bye? You have an ape from and T-shirt on, that's pretty good. Sausage Kanga Chicago. That's right.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Jason say bye. Bye. Yeah. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smartless is 100% organic and artisanally handcrafted by Michael Grant Terry, Rob Armstrong, and Bennett Barberco.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Our next episode will be out in a week wherever you listen to podcasts or you can listen to it right now early on Amazon music or early and add free by subscribing to Wendry plus in Apple podcasts or the Wendry app. Okay, so if you had a time machine, how far in time would you need to go back to be a dominant basketball player of that year. I need to go to when Bob Coosie was playing. I would. In the plumber day, 27 year old Shay would give Bob Coosie the business. He's not guarding me. Hi, I'm Jason G'Zepsione. And I'm Shay Serrano. And we are back.
Starting point is 00:53:36 We have a new podcast from Wondering. It's called Six Trophies. And that's the best. Each week, Shay and I are coming through all of the NBA storylines, finding the best, most interesting, most compelling ones, and then handing out six pop culture theme trophies for six basketball related activities. Trophies like the Dominic Toretto,
Starting point is 00:53:53 I live my life in a quarter mile at a time trophy, which is given to someone who made a short-term decision with no regard to future cons quits. Or the Christopher and all intented trophy, which is given to someone who did something that we didn't understand. Catalina wine mixture trophy. Ooh, the Lauren Hill, you might win understand. Catalina Wine Mixer trophy.
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