SmartLess - "W. Kamau Bell"

Episode Date: March 22, 2021

We are joined this week by Mr. W. Kamau Bell, television host and stand-up comic, and wicked smart dude. He tells us about the birds and the bees, when to teach your children new things, and ...his grand ideas for Ozark's next season. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay intro try one they'll probably cut that right yeah you don't have to say intro you just say you just start with what the show okay but I thought it would be if I go intro try and then nobody says intro try nobody says intro they just say that they just no it says intro that's good point that's good point so just talk all right just talk take you know I thought you said welcome to smart list I find it really fascinating you sleep in separate bedrooms it's yeah well because what are you doing you're just sleeping anyway so otherwise I'm a super light sleeper and I wake up at anything so that's why I'm a light
Starting point is 00:00:56 sleeper too well why don't you either connect some earmuffs to your bite plate or play play or or get an operation for your beloved or I gotta write this down yeah or strap a CPAP onto his helmet and get on with it which hide all of it his snoring is so bad it's just yeah it's he's just a snorer I can't so he's snoring so he does he's does he sleep with a CPAP machine he tried it it's it's it's like suffocating wait do it does Amanda or Alessandra snore no no do you guys I have but I don't sleep on my back yeah you so you snore on my back all right wait a second you're very defensive use when you sleep on your
Starting point is 00:01:47 back you do or you do sleep on your back therefore you snore I no longer sleep on my back because I'm tired of taking fire on my ribs from my my sleeping partner you know that's gonna get a kick or a punch and that means flip over and shut your mouth so I have how many how many times have you heard that sentence will it's gonna say why you're awake flip over shut your mouth and don't look at me is that that's a complete sentence that's how him and Alessandra met that's that we yeah I think actually that's a website that you know it's called just peg me okay well I don't want to keep our guests waiting too much longer we
Starting point is 00:02:28 have a very very special soul on today he's a stand-up comedian and he has hosted the popular television series United Shades of America since 2016 I love him he makes me laugh he makes me think two things that will try is really hard it but please welcome W come out bell hello there I want to know first first of all we we just call you come out because nobody says you right no people who don't know me but you we all know each other we're such good friends I heard about the begging and everything so just beg me dot-com we get into docking on the second half of the show stay tuned what is W what is the W
Starting point is 00:03:12 Walter it's my dad's first name too so it's just that's a lovely name not really but thanks I mean there's never been a like maybe Walt Frasier that was the last cool Walter in culture but Wally there's some cool Wally's right Wally Fister first of all there's Wally like as in Wally there's that's a cool Wally he's just taking that your new sign off and our buddy Wally Fister is a cool that cinematographer slash director he's a cool guy wow we're already the cinematographers we're already yo yeah yeah yeah oh listen we're all about the arts will present you with my last Emmy well did I did present you this is the
Starting point is 00:03:53 second time that this has happened to me I did present you with an Emmy so you guys first of all I just want to point out you guys are all Emmy winners I'm the only non Emmy winner here yeah yeah so congrats I bet you've got an Annie do you have an Annie I do I have a few did the Clio no I'm a guy no no will sorry you must have cut out there for a second yeah Clio no no I don't sorry that's okay yeah alright so come out you've done you know reading about you and and knowing you the very little bit that I do from Sundance we hung out for a while and really connected at least I thought so and and just adore you and adore your
Starting point is 00:04:37 brain and adore your ambition to get the message out to people like us who are that bright and I love how I love your show how it just kind of the United Shades of America how it just kind of displays for us the questions and the answers in such a palatable way and it's it's so easily digestible and something everybody can understand so how did you think of the show and why did you think of the show you know I always wanted to do a show like this but there was no way that there's no path to these shows back in the day I would just sit on my couch watching Bourdain being like how do you get one
Starting point is 00:05:10 of those yeah that's cool travel around and talking to people I knew that and really I had a show before this show called totally bias that was my first big break on FX and then when that show was canceled like see it just happened to be at the same time that CNN was like looking to break in another show like Bourdain so I was in the position of like them sort of pitching me on the idea which was really like great and also in position where Bourdain had so kicked the door wide open there was nothing I was gonna do that's gonna be like bigger than him so I really got a lot of freedom to sort of really make the show in
Starting point is 00:05:44 Miami which has been great I love that first of all what was it that drove you to because as a stand-up you could just be you know doing Netflix specials or HBO specials or doing whatever and it seemed that you've kind of sure we all want that I wouldn't want to do that but you know what they like if they came to me and said hey we want to give you 20 million to do a stand-up special I'd say here's the here's the routing number for my bank no pass what do you want to say you thought I was gonna say pass but but my question I guess it to you is Kamau is you've decided that you have a obviously sort of built into what you do
Starting point is 00:06:22 in your voice is this political bent this activist bent where that's a big part of who you are and what do you think it was that kind of what was that moment that or was there a seminal moment that drove you that way as opposed to just straight straight up stand-up I mean when I started doing stand-up I was just trying to be funny like everybody is trying to be funny and I really did not have any intention of being some sort of like cultural social whatever this voice is but I was raised by a black lady with opinions and so deep inside of me is it is that if something's wrong you're supposed to say
Starting point is 00:06:54 something and so I think as I got older and I had more of a stake in the world I started to pay more attention to the news and like I said I literally my mom's I used to I was an only child so I hang out with my mom a lot and she'd be around adults and so they would be in you know a lot of black folks who have come out of the civil rights movement who were like we have jobs now but we're still pretty pissed about the state of the world and I just heard these conversations all the time and so I think for me it was just like in some sense they really want to be this kind of comedian I wanted I want to be a comedian because of Eddie
Starting point is 00:07:23 Murphy on starting out so that was not really like it wasn't like I came out like I got to be Gregory but I think I was attracted to that and then as a young comedian I was introduced to Bill Hicks when Bill Hicks was still like a folk tale he had passed away but it was just like somebody like handed me a tape of like listen to this I was like oh that that's that's what I want to do and then you like Chris Rock is a big influence and I got to be around Dave Chappelle a lot or like post South Africa and really watch him on stage a lot and just be like you know not that I'm any percentage of any of these comics
Starting point is 00:07:53 but really that's the thing I'm attracted to doing is like speaking my mind and taking a stand just I would rather be Kevin Hart that doesn't seem easy but it does seem more cost efficient. So how often are you traveling around the country not not eight weeks a year with eight episodes you're doing you're doing maybe probably eight months yeah yeah I mean we shoot I mean the shows are pretty quickly shot people don't realize this but we shoot in like a seven-day week and but yeah it takes up most of the year with the editing and then after that like whatever time is left over I still do
Starting point is 00:08:23 because I am on CNN instead of doing stand-up gigs I do lecture tours which pay better like I do a lot of colleges and private gigs like sort of talking about the work and that was my year up until the coronavirus. I want to ask you about two well many episodes I mean we could we could we could take the entire time on this podcast episode to talk about even one of your episodes but one of the fascinating ones was the first episode one of the first episodes you you met with a KKK member in Kentucky and Arkansas I think and several KKK members yeah and so which is this is fascinating how does a black man even
Starting point is 00:08:59 get in go into that and feel safe and how did that happen what does that phone call like and so the that was the pilot episode and again sort of coming off of like at that point CNN had Bourdain Lisa Ling Morgan Spurlock Mike Roe and so I was aware that like if they're gonna add any show I have to do something that none of those shows is going to do and the elevator pitch was black guy goes places he shouldn't was basically the elevator pitch for the show so where shouldn't the black guy go the number one place is a clan meeting so yeah there's for the pilot maybe the pilot won't go and I'll have a good story but
Starting point is 00:09:32 also I have to do something that CNN will be like well nobody does this on our networks so I was my so once we decided to do the show that was my pitch and they pitched a lot of other things and I kept being like what about the clan and they're like fine I was like oh shit and then it was about like luckily I didn't see us but producers having to call clan chapters and be like hey can see an income hello hello and then you know hey can see an income with a black guy hello hello what about a black comedian and then we were left with like four groups who were like sure because they want to be on TV Wow because they want
Starting point is 00:10:02 to be on TV because they wanted to be on TV because they figured just no publicity is bad publicity yeah so the clan thinks every white person really is secretly a fan of the clan so that like whoa even the white people watching them are gonna be like I know like we're gonna be watching like yeah these guys have a good point because you have to be that the producer told me he was like get to pretend like he was like down with them to get them to let us come right no way so come out with the guy that you the the Klansman that you interviewed did he did he try his best to give you Mr. Klansman to you doctor
Starting point is 00:10:39 doctor Reverend Reverend doctor Reverend did he do his best to try to convince you that what their thinking is is not nuts and if so what was that sentence like well I think that first of all I talked to several so I went to a cross burning or as they call across lighting so it was like an actual clan meeting a clever as they say and then I talked to a guy named Dr. Thomas Robb who's from Harris around Harrison Arkansas who has like a I call it a compound he says a church tomato tomato and so I talked to several different versions of the clan and there's sort of some basic levels of like it's sort of related to the Fox
Starting point is 00:11:14 News thing actually where they're like well we all know black people don't know how to police themselves I mean we all know that I mean so right so there's there's a way they talk to you as if like these are all facts right I mean we all know that you know obviously you'd rather be with your people and I would want to be and I'd like to be with my people obviously we don't want to have our people mixing and I was like well I'm married to a white lady convenient truth so there was a lot of like them sort of trying to sort of like I said they act as if these things are just common sense if we could just get past
Starting point is 00:11:40 the all the rhetoric we all know these things are true and so it was really and there was some like it was right around time Ferguson it happened so there was some heat around at that moment they wanted to scare me when I first got there and I just sort of stand back while they were like it just sort of like let them get out the bluster before we could talk and did you get the sense that when you were done talking this person like I would find it impossible for anyone to just having talked to you for five minutes to come away from a conversation with you and not like you and not want to be friends with you did
Starting point is 00:12:08 you get the sense at the end that this guy would be like you know I we can be friends I mean I can still have my thoughts but we can still be like did you get the sense that maybe you had turned him a little bit there was multiple levels because again it was like Dr. Thomas Robb is a professional Klansman he's not gonna get turned because this is how he pays his rent basically he's not he's not invested but when I went to the clan meeting like the the cross burning I was there for several hours like three or four hours because we've got there during daylight and we had to wait for it to be pitch
Starting point is 00:12:36 black for them to burn the cross and so I was talking to them about the process in a way that you would like think of like a PBS show like how do you burn the cross where do you get the wood from what do you what do you use to light the cross and so at some point it becomes dudes talking about like home projects wow yeah you you rope-adope them into a conversation and pretty soon they realized oh my gosh we're just we're having fun with a guy that we're supposed to hate I guess and then some of them wouldn't talk to me at all like they would just stay clear because I think they were afraid of catching black
Starting point is 00:13:09 so they were like really not even so wait so when you're so when you're sitting there talking to them about like hey who's who's old in the lighter and all that kind of bullshit are they wearing their fucking robes and their stupid hats and everything well yeah we asked I mean we did ask them to come you know you got to come wearing the dress whites as we say for the for the purposes of CNN and so it was August and they talked about how hot it was under the robes and I said maybe you should have thought of that switch the big meeting December or something yeah yeah yeah so yeah they talked about how hot it is
Starting point is 00:13:42 but it must have there must have been like a certain level of foolish on top of everything else they must have seemed in these stupid ass robes and their fucking hats and all the hoods and and spouting and talking about putting the lumber together for a fucking cross burning and how would you think there was ever a moment like where did you ever remember you're like looking at them and you got a sense that they did they ever feel with shame of like yeah I look like a fucking fool I am a fucking fool of a human being no I think I don't think that happens in the moment I think that happens years later if you look
Starting point is 00:14:20 back up but no I think they were like we all had a cool jacket in high school right that made you feel like you were a million dollars and now you look back and be like you see an old picture you're like oh I can't believe I've ever wore that right have you noticed that in traveling around the country has it been a distractingly clear to you I mean certain parts of the country I would imagine it would be more more apparent have you noticed that come on I mean I think that for me that racism is like wine and there's just different versions of it like some of it's more full-bodied and some of it's more like someone's
Starting point is 00:14:51 more like this one's woody this one's got a little like but I'd say that like I don't think like living in I live in Oakland California over in Berkeley San Francisco there it's not that there's not racism here it's just the kind that I think is the kind I can get along with the best you know but like my dad lives in Mobile Alabama and I used to go there every summer and there are things about Mobile Alabama that I'm like it's at least friendlier here like you know like there's this there's that even with the feeling with racism there are things I like better about Mobile Alabama than I like about the Bay Area
Starting point is 00:15:22 it's just this is the kind of races Michael live with but I'll tell you this the only time I've been kicked out of a place because I was black was in Chicago and Berkeley you know what is that what's that look like what do you mean you got kicked out so when I was a teenager I live in Chicago and I was in a record store waiting for a friend of mine and I was in there for like you know an hour but you know which is not a long time to be a record store unless you're a 15 and black and I was starting to walk out of the record store and the security guard came behind me and grabbed me by the collar and was like I need to search
Starting point is 00:15:54 you down you stole something hadn't stole anything I don't even need to say that but and I and he basically didn't find anything on me if he found my inhaler he's like do you have asthma which is like what a strange question to ask right now sir and who did you steal that asthma from the environment the toxic environment I was raised in so and he basically like literally bum rushed me and threw me out onto the street so I've been in Alabama a lot that's never happened and then when I was this happened 2015 so I was like an adult with two kids in Berkeley California and my wife who was white as I
Starting point is 00:16:30 mentioned was at a coffee shop with our 13-week-old baby and some of her friends and I went to go say hello to her and talk to her and the coffee shop knocked somebody in the coffee shop knocked on the window and said get out of here because I thought I was like bothering these four white ladies in the fucking way unbelievable so for me it's like you know I think there's a level of like the South has a level of like historical violence that we associate with the South that we think is always happening which definitely happens but it's not always happening but outside of the South there's there's racism that's like
Starting point is 00:16:59 like people in the South and they're being racist they actually know they're being racist a lot of times outside the South people do things that are racist and they're like no it was just because you were wearing a hat I didn't have nothing to do with you being black let me ask you let me ask you about this so to that let me ask you about that incident in in in Berkeley where you go up and you talk to your wife and somebody knocks in the window what ends up happening in that what's your reaction do you freak out you tell them to go fuck themselves do you have is there a confrontation here's the funny part so
Starting point is 00:17:26 this is like and you all have been in this position I'm some somewhat like this where somebody like because none of that was funny yeah we're finally at the funny part guys welcome to the funny part so when the person knocked on the cafe window in the Bay Area I'm a little bit extra famous out here so I looked up like yeah you have seen me on that TV show get out wait a minute no I wasn't in that movie so like there was just and I was like I was like yeah yeah it's me you know oh so it was like a real like like turn upside down that took me a second to even get my bearings back and then my wife saw my face and because
Starting point is 00:18:06 we've been together a long time she was like oh something racist happened let me see what's going on around here and then the woman from the coffee shop came out to really give me the like move along from these nice white ladies and that 180 must have made it extra difficult in that moment in particular the sort of the fall from yeah you because we've all done that same thing which is like yeah hey can I get a picture of course of course thanks just take it of me in my oh you want me to take a picture sorry and it's that same and but but then but then magnify it by a million right and so like you're doing from that to that
Starting point is 00:18:39 that must have been you know by the way speaking of pulling your pants down I was in a parking lot once with Bateman and we're coming out of the old Jerry's deli in the marina and we're about to go to work and I was standing there wearing sweatpants and he's like so I guess I'll see you I go yeah and he just pantsed me out of the blue underpants and sweats and it was I had something in my hand and my pants are in my hand lucky I didn't push you over like I used to finish the grade school we weren't 18 we were 35 at the time you know you were sweatpants that's what you're gonna get did you learn I want to ask you about
Starting point is 00:19:14 another episode that you did on United States of America only and I and I'm sorry to bring this guy up again maybe you like to talk about him maybe you don't but I'm always fascinated with people who hate like the KKK and Richard Spencer yes and you you're encounter with Richard Spencer who is you know the self-proclaimed white supremacist with and in credited with the term alt right isn't that correct yeah and so again with the KKK Richard Spencer who's a very scary person how did you learn that interview and like you know why did he agree to that I mean he loves TV and I think he actually you know I think the
Starting point is 00:19:49 funny thing about him is that he's not as scary as he used to be because I think a lot of programs like mine sort of like here talk say more and the more he said the more even his like yikes so I think that like that was the time when I think I got a lot of criticism for that interview because people said I gave him a platform or I you know or there was all that talk about don't normalize people and I'm like this is America this dude this all these ideas are real and he's going to talk about it I think we got him because weirdly we got there before the point he got big and I think that we sort of like when we had him
Starting point is 00:20:19 agree to do it he was like this sort of unknown guy by the time we filmed it he had become more known and by time he aired he was like a national figure but people didn't realize when I talked to him he hadn't been punched in the face yet so people like why didn't you punch him in the face well first of all not really my style but also that's not how time works so I could just right but yeah I mean I got a lot of heat from the left for that interview because I was talking to this guy who was such a demagogue and it's like but I sort of I feel like that's part of my job and I'm not I don't feel like I'm giving him a
Starting point is 00:20:47 platform because I I was there to talk with him too I didn't go Richard you take this segment I'm gonna go to chill out you know I was there to talk with well it's also it's a great venue that you've created to make us aware of these people and these problems and these social issues you know I don't think there's anything wrong with that can I shift gears for a second so how did you what was your start in stand-up how did how did that happen I mean you know signed up at a coffee shop paid 99 cents to perform I was really I was a kid who was a comedy nerd before that was a thing so I just really loved I was like a
Starting point is 00:21:19 you know my friends would be like did you hear the new public enemy song I was like did you see the new young comedian especially with Jan Caram and Dennis Miller like I was just like a real lover of stand-up comedy from from back in the day like remember seeing Seinfeld on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson and like all these things were it's like I just loved that I loved it you know so it's just it was like but I also when I started doing it I was also not funny for a very long time so it took me a long time to do that thing they call finding your voice it took me a long time to figure out and I think because the
Starting point is 00:21:48 things I wanted to do I was afraid to do so it took me a long time to to actually figure out how I wanted to do it it's one of the scariest jobs on I mean I've never done stand-up and it's just you know the scariest thing to me seems to be getting out there it's so because it's just you and your thoughts and like this is what I think is funny let's hope you do too so here we you know yeah I was terrible at it did you never did it well did you do a Jason now ever I know I haven't I would be I would be petrified for sure because I would imagine that the the sweet spot comes when you can kind of match your your your mood or
Starting point is 00:22:28 your attitude with with your with your humor as well in other words if all you have are the jokes if the jokes aren't great you're not going to get last but if you can marry some sort of some sort of attitude or vibe or or tone then the audience is perhaps more sort of sort of preconditioned to like that joke I mean I bet it's a marriage between the two there was always the knock on Dane cook right there they said that he didn't have it like lots of jokes I'm not really that familiar but like but he had a lot of attitude right lent itself right so people were kind of enjoying his energy and the jokes but it was a
Starting point is 00:23:04 kind of a combination of the two as opposed to somebody who just goes out there and just says you know so a dentist and a rabbi walk like it's you are you're you're fully reliant on the content of the joke and there's no personality with I failed miserably at it I was I was horrible at it I my opening joke whenever I would go out is this so bad nobody laughed it was um you know they say doing ballet is one of the most difficult things you could do so I say don't do it hmm boy yeah so come on it was funny because it was so like it's like it's like it's like a New Yorker cartoon yeah it is it is it was horrible
Starting point is 00:23:47 Jason Jason whatever happened with that the dentist and the rabbi though so yes so let me finish so the dentist goes in there and the rabbi is yeah guys come on pay attention I want to give us all whiplash here and I want I want to go back to something because I really I want to know your opinion on this come out how old are your kids nine five and a half and two okay how old do you think it is well when do you think kids should learn about black history I've got a 13 year old and an eight year old two girls and what is the perfect age where a kid is smart enough to hear the lesson and say Jesus I'm glad we're past the
Starting point is 00:24:31 teeth of that and we still have a lot of work to root out the rest of the racism but do you know what I mean so it's so here's the thing with my with our oldest daughter who was four when the cafe thing happened when that happened we realized me my wife realized that we had talked to our daughter about race which is a different conversation than racism so the race conversation is like madam CJ Walker was the first woman to be a self-made millionaire in this country and she made hair products or Michael Jordan is a great basketball player like that's the race conversation about great things that people of this
Starting point is 00:25:05 race had done yeah but the racism conversation we hadn't had and at some point I realized as a black guy who's raising a black girl who's also mixed race because her mom is half white that if at some point she learns that outside the house then I've been negligent if the first time my kid hears the word slavery is from a teacher who I don't know necessarily gonna talk about it in the right way to me it feels like not teaching your kid to like go to the bathroom when they need to go to the bathroom it's like it's a thing that you need to teach as a parent in the household I think parents of color black
Starting point is 00:25:34 parents we really understand that and over index on that and I think white parents a lot of times like you said are sort of a little bit like I don't want them to take the wrong idea but we also forget the kids have a really good moral compass generally so all the conversations about racism they understand what's fair and what's not fair I think the things adults are afraid of is not being able to understand explain why slavery happened to a kid but for me the best thing about that I've done with my kid is like I have no idea and to me owning the fact that letting my kid know that like this is horrible she'd be like
Starting point is 00:26:05 but why why would they do that I don't think that they just didn't think black people really were the same as white people but why there's a level of why that all parents get to with lots of things like why is the sky blue with the sky is blue we feel comfortable going I don't know it's just blue I think it's fine with the racism discussion also good to point I'm going I really can't explain it to you but this is what happened and I for me it's important that my kids have a sense of that really that same system of fairness and justice they apply to like splitting a cookie in half if they apply that to racism every
Starting point is 00:26:35 lot about World War two in European history and I was reading this book and my kids were asking about World War two and I had to explain to them my oldest son was probably seven and a half at the time he's now 11 and explained to him about World War two and the Holocaust and he was like what is it and I was like holy shit I can't believe I'm at this moment where I've got to explain to him what the Holocaust is and I and I was like well it's a truth it's a reality I can try to serve it to him in a way that's not too frightening to a seven year old but also that's not not hiding what happened I said you know and you
Starting point is 00:27:08 explained to him that six million Jews and then an additional 20 million people were murdered and that's a big fucking scary notion and I just remember him thinking like that same thing you were saying of like but why did they do that yeah why did they hate Jewish people like imagine if you were Jewish like how you would explain that to Archie and then Archie thinks wait people hated us at some point and like that's just you want to make sure that they're old enough to be able to say oh well that's just like those people were fucking idiots and I'll never be anything like that and work as hard as I can the whole
Starting point is 00:27:41 life to keep that away you know there's there's a there is an age I think where kids are too young to put that in its right size you know but I think we make those decisions all the time about our kids like what what level of the where do babies come from conversation do you get into them at some point kids want to know and you can go the stork if you want to but then at some point if you go too far down the stork road then you got to like man now they're 17 stork got all these great kids come from yeah exactly so I feel like you know I mean in the same way that like I didn't grow up believing in Santa Claus because
Starting point is 00:28:17 my mom was like no no I'm a single parent I bought all this shit you know but my wife grew up believing in Santa Claus and she wanted our kids believe in Santa Claus and so it's like I guess we're gonna believe in Santa Claus we all the time with our kids we create these ways or we let them believe in things that aren't real we create all these fairy tales my kid thinks unicorns are real and I'm like okay for now we'll do that so I think we're always making those kinds of decisions and for me as a black parent I feel like I can't hide all that other stuff because again I don't want that stuff to come in a way that I can't
Starting point is 00:28:48 control and I think we all have a and we all know our kids and we all know there's a level that with your kid will go okay that's enough for today I want to go do something else and you don't go no I'm not done talking about the transatlantic slave trade I think you go do other things right so is this why you're a part of Race Forward which is kind of like a think-take yeah I to me it's important to now that I've been identified as a public figure and entertainer who does this work and the thing that I can do for people in places like Race Forward or like the ACLU is go here's how the people are receiving the
Starting point is 00:29:20 message is there more information I can give them that you're a lot of times these places don't know how to get the information of the people the way the people can take and so as an entertainer I can be like oh I can take this big complicated idea you have and break it into bite-sized chunks so yeah which is what your show is kind of like exactly yeah that's what I'm hoping to do Sean were you really confused when when they were saying yeah defund the police were you like why is Stuart Copeland needs money too I mean part of the police because I see your shirt there were you were you feeling like the police
Starting point is 00:29:48 was it gonna well this is a band a group because you know it's different right they weren't saying take money away in the band the police so wait let me understand so you're saying they were saying like sting they have to take all his bass guitars away they weren't gonna do that okay I get it come out what part of the show do you love the most from like a technical and like do you see this as as a jumping-off point to become more of an actor more of a director more of a writer more of a producer all of the above like what do you what ideally would be your next your next venture and entertainment finally we
Starting point is 00:30:24 can talk about my ideas for the next season of Ozark okay here we go finally finally yeah I don't really see my I don't see myself as an actor I see myself as somebody who is now it's my job to produce and bring other people into shows like this that wouldn't normally have access to host a show like this I think the reason why that like the thing about me that connects me to a Bourdain is neither one of us was like a journalist who got a TV show we were both like people who were like in our lives doing our thing who then ended up with these shows and I think the more people we bring in from outside of
Starting point is 00:30:56 Hollywood to do these things that the shows become more interesting so I really do want to produce and bring in more diverse voices to shows like this yeah that's my goal and I've started and I directed a documentary about Chris Rock a year or so ago and so I do also want to produce a director I can't you know I really don't want to have to be relying on this face forever it's pandemic and hard so so non nonfiction stuff is where you'd love to you'd love to stay yeah it's and socially relevant issues and yeah I mean I think for me it's always socially relevant even if it's not stated like the Chris Rock
Starting point is 00:31:25 documentary I did Chris is socially relevant but it was also just me as a comedy nerd wanting to talk about the his special bring the pain so I don't think it always has to be like you know it's not always medicine I think that like it's something like these are things I happen to be interested in I think it is great when you can bring in sort of bigger themes into all these things because I think all everything we do has a bigger theme in it and I think it's great to sort of be able to bring those themes out but no I also you know there are things I want to do that are fun too yeah it's not it's not always
Starting point is 00:31:53 this didactic do you agree with this idea that maybe it would be better or it would it would expand and make it more enjoyable in season four of Ozark if Marty died do you know what no one's saying Jason stop cutting people I'm listening I'm listening if a new guy came into town I got it a little bit taller a little more handsome it's kind of like a shorter haircut maybe maybe north of the border some pipes it is our last season I might I might die it's the last season I mean you never know you know I don't let that happen kill all my dreams I mean you know just to be clear with was Ozark there are bigger
Starting point is 00:32:33 themes in that show other than just like this and I might and I'm just to be 100% transparent huge fan of Ozark there and one of there are bigger things in that show than just yeah all to all three of you you're doing sure yeah no thanks yeah thanks but there are there are I'm it's also like an exciting show to watch but there are bigger themes in that show that that come through so I don't think it I don't think the things have to be always so you could do a documentary about that place but it's also they can come through in an in a fictional way well listen let me just say from everybody at Jason's production
Starting point is 00:33:03 company with prehands productions yes that we're so we're so grateful prehands productions well I come out I want to thank I want to thank you for being here today you thank you for taking the time and and and I really truly mean I'm a huge fan thank you for teaching me shit that I would have not had any other access to and really enlightening me and and millions of other people and so I appreciate you and I appreciate what you do thank you thank you my friend good to see you thank you for joining us pal thank you come out wow thanks man see you later all right thanks bye so I've always loved him because well I met him in
Starting point is 00:33:43 Sundance like I don't know a couple years ago and that's when I got to learn about his show and him and a fascinating background fascinating guy super smart super on it like and I love those kinds of shows where they do all the homework for you it's like a documentary every episode and you're like you just get like the the nuts and bolts of what you need to know and what you need to learn and I just love him I think that's what they're saying about our show you know that word we're really educating people yeah I don't think that I don't think there's a single person saying that really no I don't think that there I love
Starting point is 00:34:20 that Sean I love that you admit this is my this is my vision of you it's just like you you and Scott you have a nice meal right probably tuna salad on white bread with potato chips with exactly right and his bite plate soaking in a cup I think I should start every episode with an element to keep going and then you just sit on the couch and you're like and then you turn the TV and then there's a switch for your brain and you just turn it off right and you and it's everything you wear a bib because of the drool yeah and you're like well my brain with new stuff you pretty much you pretty much got me nailed that that's
Starting point is 00:35:04 that's me to a T right here's what I picture you will I picture you every night after your arugula salad sitting in front of the television but there's a mirror on top of it right so you can look at yourself watching the TV is that right I got rid of the television all together I was like what are we doing why are we playing this game this is all I really want to watch cut to the goddamn chase all right it's just a staring contest but but what a what a what a cool what a cool dude and what a funny guy and great guest Sean thanks yeah I love you guys you guys keep nailing it with your guests yeah well what's going on
Starting point is 00:35:53 man I mean can you don't make us replace you because if you don't start bringing the heat with your guests we're not rolling anymore right we will let me listen yeah we are inches away with there are this close we've had we've had three open call auditions for your spot we haven't found anybody yet but we are real fucking what yeah no way what if I came in and I auditioned in a disguise I mean this isn't it like Bobby Valentine with your Rolodex and these are the people I can bring no your guests are incredible I I'm so flattered and stunned by the people that that we three have gotten so far right it's very humbling yeah yeah this has
Starting point is 00:36:37 been an amazing thing to be part of such a huge long rollout of a Ozark press tour we're trying to hide it but it's it's come out came it came it was a little little not subtle there on that last level there whoever it is Ted I'm gonna call Sarandos and I'm calling the MRC and I'm like where's my paycheck Ted Sarandos runs Netflix thank you for one of these days I'm gonna fucking lose it this is all right well we'll chat we'll see you guys next episode hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey nice Vice

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