So... Alright - So Anyways

Episode Date: May 7, 2024

Geoff takes a brief, and completely non-sappy look back over 21 years, says one final goodbye to Rooster Teeth, and goes over his NBA Playoff picks....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So, this will be a little all over the map today. I think this is quite possibly the very last podcast I do as a laid off Rooster Teeth employee, I guess. I think this is the last podcast I'll do under the Rooster Teeth umbrella. The next episode of So Alright that would come out after this, I believe is May 13th, which will be two days after the May 11th day. So it'll be the free and clear. So to that end, I think that makes this, unless there's something I'm not aware of or that I'm not expecting, I think that makes this the very last thing I record for Rooster Teeth. So the very first
Starting point is 00:00:54 thing I recorded for Rooster Teeth would have been audio for episode one of Red vs. Blue. And there's actually video of that out there. Bernie was smart enough to record it. I even saw it in the like the why we were here, send off video. It's DVD extras. If you want to go, if you haven't seen it, you want to see it. And you want to see very young Jeff and very young Gus.
Starting point is 00:01:20 You can go find it somewhere. I don't know when that was taken. Bernie probably knows the fucking day and time down to the minute because he's so good at keeping track of that stuff. But I would guess it was somewhere in late 2002 or early 2003. And so that's the book end on my career with Rooster Teeth, at least as I understand, as I believe in this moment right now. I recorded audio with Gus for episode one of of RVB, like I said, the very beginning, probably around the very beginning of 2003. And then it is for posterity's sake, it is Tuesday, April 30th, 2024. I recorded that audio in my last episode in my home in a different part of Austin,
Starting point is 00:02:28 miles away from that place in many, many different ways. That's wild to think about. Also, I don't know if you can hear it, but Albert is snoring his ass off, and I'm gonna leave it in. I'm not gonna stop him. That's his thing. Henry liked to squeak the toy and f*** face. Albert is turning into a loud snoring dog.
Starting point is 00:02:48 He's also it's so weird how dogs work like he's been a puppy and sweet and he is still sweet. He's lovely, but he's he's like this one dog that you used to is for seven months now. Right. And then just like yesterday, he started to change. And Emily and I were both remarking on it. Now he barks at anybody who walks by out the window, like any movement he sees. He's turned into a guard dog. It's he stopped wanting to go in our backyard and play or go. He used to love to go potty in the backyard, but we started taking him on walks because he's allergic to grass.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And so we don't want to let him just roll around in the grass all day long in the backyard. So we take him on a walk and he goes to the bathroom that way. And now he won't go into the backyard at all. He doesn't want to play fetch or roll around in the grass or any of that stuff. He just like it's so funny, the development. He just became a different dog this week in wonderful ways. I'm still absolutely head over heels in love with this bulldog.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I just think it's it's funny to watch your kids grow up. Anyway, that's a hell of a bookend. Two thousand three to two thousand twenty four. What did you what were you up to the last 21 years? Take a second and stop and think of who you were, assuming you're old enough to remember 21 years ago. He's really song logs. Take a second to look back and think of your life
Starting point is 00:04:14 21 years ago. Think about everything that you've done in the last two plus decades. Think of how different you are as a human being than you were 21 years ago. Your interests, your tastes, your opinions, your temperament probably, maybe your political views, probably pretty radically different than you were.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Maybe not radically. Maybe that's too strong a word, but it's funny, too, because you look back on it. I was thinking about this last night. I feel like I've been like four or five people in those 21 years. You know, I feel like you go through as a human, you yell like a snake sheds its skin grossest thing ever. Right. Just fucking disgusting. But I feel like humans kind of kind of or like you shed your taste buds every seven years, supposedly. Or I guess maybe not shed is the right word, but completely regrow them.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I think it's kind of like that with with identity and personality, too, to some degree, like you change, you're constantly changing. And it's happening in so slow that you don't notice it, you know. And then and then one day you see it for what it is and you're like, oh, wow, I'm a completely different person than I was a few years ago. That's same thing as watching your kids grow up. They grow up slowly every day. And then one day you look back and you go like, what?
Starting point is 00:05:35 How are you driving? You were a toddler yesterday, you know, just wild to sit with, though. I'm not trying to convey any particular point about my last 21 years here. I'm just just thinking about like the totality of of all the things that I've done, accomplished, failed at, learned, forgot, grow, shrunk, you know, scars. Heartbreak, love, you know, just like all, you know, the totality of a life, right?
Starting point is 00:06:09 Geez, I'm just listing shit off now. I'm like Andrew's 20,000 things, but it's pretty fucking wild, you know? We don't often take a step back and just look at and get reflective, super reflective. I try to do it a little bit on my birthday every year, but I think today, after I record this, I just have some errands to run. And I think I'm going to spend the rest of the day trying to be a little reflective, you know, not so much about like of Rooster Teeth.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I have had the last two months to mourn and get used to and work through all of that. And I think I'm pretty happy to be on work through all of that. And I think I'm pretty happy to be on the other side of that. But, you know, to be more reflective of how I've changed and who I've become over the last 21 years. And I just think it's healthy for everybody to do that. Kind of take stock in who you are
Starting point is 00:07:09 and who you were, you know, make sure you're on the right path. Make sure you're OK with you. You know, I haven't been the biggest fan of me for a large percentage of my life, but I got to I got to say like I'm kind of OK with me these days. You know, there's still some stuff I'd like to fix. Still some things I could do better and be better with. Hopefully everybody feels that, you know, there's always room for improvement, but I don't I don't hate myself anymore, you know. And yeah, I'm kind of OK with me for for I have been for a little bit now for the first time in a long time and Well, hopefully you're OK with you as well. Once again, not trying to get too deep and reflective or modeling or Mopi about my life or anything. Just just taking the day to appreciate the fact that I'm a very different person in 2024 than I was in 2003 when I started this company.
Starting point is 00:08:02 And I liked that guy. I really did. I miss him. He was a fun young guy. He had a really good heart and he loved everybody. And he was up for anything. And he was incredibly obnoxious and had too much energy. But it was all well meaning, you know. Anyway. I went out to a dinner last night. Yesterday was kind of a,
Starting point is 00:08:32 without getting too deep into the weeds, it was kind of a final milestone kind of day for the founders. We had some stuff we had to wrap up at RT, and then we had like a little dinner last night with some of the founders and some of the, you know, our dearest, oldest friends. And it was really nice to sit around
Starting point is 00:08:52 and reminisce one last time. I wish everybody had been able to be there, but I'm really thankful for the people that were. And man, it was a really nice way to put a little bow on this whole deal. And so I'm I'm not gonna go Too deep down memory lane. I feel like I've done that a few times already
Starting point is 00:09:17 But I did just pour through 21 years of memories with some some really dear friends last night And I gotta say looking back on the night and just all the things that we brought up and talked about and laughed about The thing that I'm taking away, I think from this 21 years, the thing that made me laugh the most and just giggle and just be lost to a different time was all the stories of drunk Matt. So, drunk Matt Hullam might be the thing that I remember the most fondly
Starting point is 00:09:42 from 21 years of Rooster Teeth, is he did it so rarely and when he cut loose, he was such a hardworking dude and when he finally let himself cut loose, it was pure joy and he was so silly and funny and we all shared so many, not so many, I mean the dude drank like once a year back then, but we all shared funny memories of Drunk Matt and just, we got to talking about conventions and pranks we used to play on each other and silly shit we saw and dumb things we did.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And it was really good. It was really good. I can't wait for the next 21 years of those memories to be built with Andrew and Gavin and Nick and Eric. And and we'll see who else we accumulate along the way. Hopefully some Gracie in there and. Who knows? Maybe maybe maybe I'll get to continue doing animal with Gus. I sure I sure want to.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Anyway, I wanted to circle back on something else. I I gave you guys my NBA picks the other two episodes ago, which I'm always a little remiss to do. But I said, fuck it. And I threw out how I thought everybody would do. And I took I went through the play in tournament all the way to the to the finals where the Celtics are going to win. That's just pure Homer fandom on my part, though.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I don't I don't really know that they're going to win. They should win. And so I said I felt pretty good about my choices. I think through the play and I got everything right, with the exception of I said the Golden State was going to beat the Kings. I didn't account for Clay Thompson retiring in the first quarter. And so the Kings beat the Kings beat the the Warriors. That was a shock to me. But then they ended up losing to the Kings beat the Kings beat the Warriors.
Starting point is 00:11:26 That was a shock to me. But then they ended up losing to the Pelicans the next game. The Kings did, which is what I predicted the winner that came to lose. So so my playoff bracket was set. It was perfect. And I've done OK. Where I've shit the bed on, I shit the absolute bed. And looking back on it now, I'm confused by my own pick and my own logic, but I picked the Pelicans to beat the Thunder, number one ranked Thunder to fall to the number eight ranked
Starting point is 00:11:56 New Orleans Pelicans. Listen, I didn't know Zion was gonna get hurt in the first two minutes of the playoffs and be out for the rest of it. Clearly that was a huge blow. But the Pelicans are supposed to be a deep and well-constructed team with CJ McCollum, who is and Jonas Valtunas, who are both vets with Brandon Ingram, who is an all star caliber player when he's being
Starting point is 00:12:20 when he wants to be, honestly, with Herb Jones, with Trey Moffey, Jr., who are both both just supposed to be like real future, maybe not all stars, but really future glue guys and already really, really good. And granted, I mean, they're going up against the number one ranked Oklahoma City Thunder with SGA, who may be the best point guard in in basketball right now, but they're undersized. Sure, they have Chet, but he's, you know, he gets bullied
Starting point is 00:12:47 pretty hard under the in the paint and a hell of a lot of inexperience. And I guess I bought into that narrative and I was that they were too inexperienced and that New Orleans was going to was going to bully him, play bully ball with him. Clearly didn't happen. So Eaton Crow on that one Clippers Mavericks, I picked the Mavs to eat out the Clippers. I think it's tied two to two right now. I still fully believe the Mavericks are going to win that game,
Starting point is 00:13:14 especially with Kawhi out. However, I don't know if you watched the last game, but game four. But it looked like we could got a little hurt. He's got knee problems, so he didn't look good. I hate to say it because I hate it. I hate him for what he did to Boston But Kyrie looked pretty fucking phenomenal. He he carried that team on his shoulders for two quarters so if if Luca is Healthy, I think they are I think they win that I do think it's gonna be tough
Starting point is 00:13:40 But I think I'm right there still Timberwolves destroyed the Sun's I picked that pretty happy with that going to be tough, but I think I'm right there still. Timberwolves destroyed the Suns. I picked that pretty happy with that. Nuggets beat the Lakers pretty happy with that. I picked that. I did think the Lakers were going to win two games and they could have too. I mean, they led. That's a crazy thing about basketball, man. If you look at the breakdown, I think the Lakers led for led throughout
Starting point is 00:14:07 the games three times more than the Nuggets did. Like the Nuggets were off and down by 1015 going into late into the third or, or into the fourth. And then they just fucking, they just go, okay, we'll quit screwing around now. And then they'll turn it on. And then Jamal Murray does not miss with less than five seconds on the clock. It's insane. Nuggets are very good, very good. Although I think Murray's not fully healthy, so we'll see.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Obviously, I picked the Celtics to beat the heat. They're up three to one. I knew they were going to drop a game. I think I picked them to drop two games to the heat. Still hate to see it. Very excited to wrap that series up. I fucking hate. I fucking hate. see it. Very excited to wrap that series up. I fucking hate. I fucking hate it sucks, right?
Starting point is 00:14:49 It sucks because I've loved the Miami Heat historically. I really have. I liked Dwayne Wade a lot. I like Lonzo Morning a lot. I liked when Shaq was there. I loved Chris Bosch. I fucking loved Chris Bosch. I love the Udonis Haslem story.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I think Eric Spolster is probably the best coach in the NBA right now. Sorry, San Antonio fans. But I fucking hate Duncan Robinson. I hate Tyler here. And I know hate's a strong word, but I'm using it right. I'm ambivalent towards Jimmy Butler. I don't like to fucking play against them. That's for damn sure.
Starting point is 00:15:22 I now hate I kind of had a I felt like Bam Adebayo was like a frenemy to the Celtics, but I fucking hate him now. I don't care. I don't care what SVG and all the heat fans say. That was a bullshit dirty play last night. And we're lucky Tatum didn't get seriously hurt. And all Bam Adebayo does all game long is get away with setting moving screens and just fucking clock people. This heat culture thing, it.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I don't want to hate the heat. I've loved the heat historically, but I do not. I cannot get behind Martin. Fucking I cannot get behind this team as it's currently constructed. And I'm learning to hate them. And it's frustrating. Anyway, what else was a Bucks Pacers? I picked Milwaukee to win this series.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Listen, Yonis is hurt. Dame is now hurt. Clearly, the Pacers are probably going to take it. I'm happy the Pacers are going to take it. I don't like the Bucks. I don't want to see them do well, but I don't want to be wrong either. And it's not over yet, but it's not looking good for my pick there. And then Nick 76ers, I pick the Knicks to win.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I still think they're going to win that. It's I think it's all tied up to to to right now. But I have I have all the faith in the world in Jalen Brunson to pull that out. And not a hell of a lot of faith in Joellen Bede, unfortunately. Man, it's going to be a really crazy off season. It is going to be a really crazy off season. It is going to be a really crazy offseason. I don't know if you guys are pay attention to a lot of basketball,
Starting point is 00:16:49 but there's like every team is is is in the middle of something. The Lakers does LeBron go back to the Lakers try to draft Brawny to to entice him or does LeBron ring chase or does he retire he was kind of making some some comments last night about how old he was getting in the in the postgame press conference.
Starting point is 00:17:07 And and he had a couple of in earlier press conferences in the middle of the playoffs when they weren't doing well, you know, when they were like down to he's like, it's just basketball, which is. Not a LeBron thing to say, and it's not the thing that a killer on the court says, you know, and so it'd be interesting to see what happens. I think he probably returns to the Lakers and they sign Bronte and he makes one more attempt. But I don't know how they improve that team. Clay Thompson's probably gone from the Golden State Warriors.
Starting point is 00:17:33 If they're real brave, they'll deal. They'll do more than just him and do try to do a quick rebuild around Curry to try to eat one more title out of that guy before he starts to decline, you know, dump Draymond, dump Clay. Hold on to Kamingo or maybe try to flip him for for some solid role players to that teams in trouble. They got to get out from under Chris Paul as well. Be interesting to see what Embiid wants to do.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I wouldn't be surprised if if I were Embiid, I'd start seriously looking to get out of Philadelphia because they get a little bit worse every year. And Joel Embiid is the king of getting bounced from the first round of the playoffs. And if that happens here again against New York, it's just. That just sucks, dude. Everybody they bring in Ben Simmons, headcase James Harden, headcase like. And now we're at a point where we're I mean, it's listen, Kelly, you brace killing it. I've been really impressed with his defense in the playoffs,
Starting point is 00:18:29 but we're at a point where it's like we're you know, your third option is Kelly, you Bray and your second option is. I guess Maxie, maybe Tobias Harris is your third option. I don't know, man, it's just they got that team. Listen, I love it because I fucking hate Philadelphia. They're the Celtics biggest rivals, even bigger than the Lakers. So I love seeing them in misery. Sorry if you're a Philadelphia fan out there.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I love your state. I love your city. I vacation in Philadelphia. I love the history of Philadelphia. I think it's a I think it's a incredibly charming place. But fuck your basketball team. And I say that as a Charles Barkley fan. Believe me, it's I'm conflicted. But what am I going to do? I think it's a incredibly charming place. But fuck your basketball team. And I say that as a Charles Barkley fan. Believe me, I'm conflicted. But what am I going to do? I'm a Celtics fan.
Starting point is 00:19:10 So I'm feeling pretty pretty decent about the playoffs. Don't know how the fuck I got New Orleans and and OKC so fucking wrong. And I'm hoping I'm really mixed. I want to I don't want to be wrong with my picks, but it would be nice to see Indiana beat Milwaukee. And it sure looks like it's trending that way. So it seems like I probably got that one wrong as well.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Anyway, I guess I should probably start wrapping this up. This episode. Yeah, it's the last. RT produced thing. All. Ever record, I guess. So this is it. I'll be back next week with a new episode of Seoul, right? It just will be independent and on my own. I don't think I'll miss a week. Listen, who knows? There could be some unexpected issues and
Starting point is 00:20:04 problems with RSS feeds and, and archives and stuff. I don't know. So don't if there's no episode of So I'll write next week. It's not because the show's going away. It's because there was some sort of a licensing or technical issue or something that I that I had to work through. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to tackle a lot of that stuff until very recently because of dealing with IP stuff. So it's not outside the realm of possibility that there won't be an episode next week,
Starting point is 00:20:31 but I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure there is one next week and then every week going forward. It just won't be a rooster teeth produced episode. That's a lot to wrap my head around. OK, I was also thinking about changing the name from so all right to so anyways. So anyways, I think this is the end of the episode. How does that feel for you? So anyways, so anyways, I was watching the NBA. So anyways, I was remembering a moment.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Yeah, I kind of like it. I'm going to I'm going to noodle on that. Send me an email to Eric at Jeff Sposs dot com. Let me know what you think. I might have renaming fever right now because there's a lot of that going on. And I don't necessarily need to rename this podcast, but it just feels like,
Starting point is 00:21:15 I just feel like fresh starts in every direction. You know what I mean? So anyways, I guess that'll do it. All right. Oh, hey, before I... So coming back in real fast. One last time, because this is it. This is it.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Thank you Rooster Teeth. Thank you every single person who worked with Rooster Teeth and at Rooster Teeth. And thank you to every single one of you who ever supported us in any way. From eyeballs to wallets. Thank you. It meant the world to all of us. All right.

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