Some More News - Brand Awareness, Auto Workers, and EVEN MORE White Shreks

Episode Date: September 22, 2023

Hi. Katy, Cody, and Jonathan are IN STUDIO today to talk about the allegations against Russell Brand, the peculiar defense of him from the usual suspects, the striking auto workers, and the hoops you ...have to jump through to believe in a John Fetterman doppelgänger. Note: Some of our voices echo a bit in parts of this episode. It's us, not you. Pretend you're listening to the podcast in a canyon. Enjoy! Support us on Patreon: Check out our MERCH STORE: SUBSCRIBE to SOME MORE NEWS: Subscribe to the Some More News and Even More News audio podcasts: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Follow us on social media: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: If you want to take ownership of your health, try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 Free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase. Go to

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome back to even more news the first and only news podcast my name is Katie Stoll hi Katie Stoll I couldn't agree with you more and not only because we're in the same room right now amazing oh my name is Cody by the way I'm always forgetting your name Cody Cody Kobe Kobe Kobe it's Kobe right you said Kobe I didn't I like it okay and it's just us today in this room but with Jonathan I am in the room I'm looking at Katie and Cody in person. Well, it just happens so sparingly. It's a tree No, I know I had to up and move away. But even before I moved away we didn't ever so Now we do and we love it. We just talked about this for the whole hour
Starting point is 00:00:58 I said is how nice it is to be sharing here with some other people how weird it is that I'm like looking at You guys not on a screen and then I have more screen real estate because i don't have to minimize a window to look at you extremely weird yeah just a little peek behind the curtain at the making of the sausage but yeah normally i have my laptop and then i have a side monitor the laptop i don't have a computer right now no he doesn't he's just freewheeling he's got his phone i'll be tweeting the whole time so okay well that's why the phone's out. We've got Cody sort of here with us today. You joke, Cody, but I can see you're in the dock.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Well, sure. But there are other apps on my phone. He's got a lot of things open. Sometimes if I'm updating the morning of the show and I see you jump into the dock, I'll leave. Because I don't want you to think I'm spying on you. Oh, no. I like it when you're in the dock because I'm like, we're in this together.
Starting point is 00:01:50 And then I go, what's Jonathan typing? Or like, what's he reading? What's he thinking? And it's like, actually, this story needs some clarification. It is a bit more nuanced than what you have heard in the news.
Starting point is 00:02:01 You know, you don't have to do that voice for. That's how I sound. I know, but it's good it's good to get nuanced information and get all the information also you don't sound like that no it's always i know of course you sound like that i was gonna say that's not how you sound jonathan you didn't even sound like that when you said that's how i sound i don't sound like this i sound like this guy this guy oh so you've been doing uh a much more pleasant voice the entire time we've known you always my real voice is correcting and clarifying voice we might have to have a talk about this after the show the recording just small note we're recording this a day early it's still going to be released at the same time so if anything happens tomorrow thursday don't let us know we're out of office baby keep it to yourself yeah can it yeah canned
Starting point is 00:02:55 reply you get an auto reply if you tell us something that happened in the news today uh the day of this recording is international nft day get the fuck out of here get out of here go scram scram tomorrow september 21st escapeology day a day to celebrate the art of escaping any and all restraints including straight jackets handcuffs and cages hey guys today we've escaped the restraints of a zoom oh yeah we have oh yeah celebrating the holiday nft day just breezed right past it and then um september 22nd i like this it's dear diary day put it on paper you'll feel better no need to be a professional writer i thought it was gonna say no need to have a professional therapist in a way in a way anyway i yeah i don't always journal but
Starting point is 00:03:49 i do know that when i do it i feel better it's really good yeah it's really good for you uh to do get your thoughts uh kind of organized and uh what are you what are you feeling and you can throw the paper away if you have to or want to yeah i have a problem with starting different journals and then leaving them someplace and then start my journal entries for the last 10 years are all over my house an assortment of half-used journals that then become squiggles and the notes from this all mixed together and it's a weird assortment and um i often think that i should be very diligent about it not just for the mental health benefits but because i don't have a very good memory and so when i'm old i'll want to look back but at this
Starting point is 00:04:39 point it just feels like so chaotic and i've already missed such a huge chunk of my life that yeah you should digitize all the notebooks so then you have too many folders and files to go through it's even worse that sounds terrible yeah see i couldn't be honest ever because i'm worried someone else is going to read it at some point throw it away no you just have to perfect the bad scribble handwriting that only you can decipher oh you you invented your own yeah no it just is bad it you look back at some of them you're like woof yeah it's like it's okay i know that this is good for me but i'm gonna do it as fast as possible and make it as eligible it's like it's more of an exercise than a like some ancient scroll of decipherable code or something yeah
Starting point is 00:05:22 you're not you know you're not like writing your memoirs so somebody like go through them like publish them but um it's gonna be like this woman's brain it's not just like a 21st century therapist thing to do yeah you know we're not we don't have a guest here so we're not interviewing anybody have you seen this tiktok thing where app tiktok yeah have you seen it yeah okay that was end of question oh good no jk not end of question uh there's this thing going around where tiktoker women are saying that they're asking their boyfriends how often they think about the roman empire yeah and overwhelmingly men were like every day or every week, multiple times a week. And like, I haven't thought of the Roman Empire ever, except for when I think about like societies collapsing. But how often do you two think of the Roman Empire?
Starting point is 00:06:17 I mean, not as much as people are, I would posit, pretending to. as people are i would posit pretending to but occasionally about like various aspects of i don't know society democracy multiple times a month multiple times a week maybe uh once a week randomly but it's not like a thing like i've got always always on my mind jonathan what about you i've almost never thought about i think this is a of man, either they're lying or it's a specific type of man consumed with the way things were or, you know, power or military, you know, like thinking of things of like power structures or I don't know. I don't know. But in terms of history, I feel like the Roman Empire is a huge blind spot for me.
Starting point is 00:07:02 So I wouldn't really know what to compare it to. I know it's held in a certain esteem in certain circles, but I really don't know enough about it to be like, ah, this reminds me of the collapse of America today. I'm definitely going to ask people in the mountains when I get home. I'm very curious. Well, because also I feel like I think about it more because people online talk about it all the time. And every day you'll see like some like a Roman statue avatar be like, we don't make things like these fucking buildings, you know.
Starting point is 00:07:34 So like I'm kind of like forced on you a little bit. At culture critic is everywhere. Exactly. But I wouldn't consider that. Thinking about the Roman Empire. Thinking about the Roman Empire. That's fair. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Well, interesting. Yeah. Hello and good day. You know, we sure put a lot of stuff in our mouths. Thumbs, for example. I can't think of anything else. But my point is that, what's my point? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Here's another thing to put in your mouth. It's AG1, a nutritional supplement that replaces your multivitamins with a single drink. It's yummy-tum-tastic, as the good book says. The good Bible book. AG1 is jam-packed with 75 vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and other whole food-sourced ingredients. You can drink it on the go, or I guess in the shower. Wherever is my point. On the go, the shower, all the places.
Starting point is 00:08:24 And it tastes pretty good, too. It's healthy, it's liquid, and it goes in the shower. Wherever is my point. On the go, the shower, all the places. And it tastes pretty good too. It's healthy, it's liquid, and it goes in your mouth. We all have those busy days where it's hard to find time to eat properly. Heck, that's every time I shoot one of my world's famous YouTube entertainment videos. But now I drink AG1 during those days, and it makes me feel better knowing that I am taking care of my body just a little bit more so if you want to take ownership of your health try ag1 and get a free one-year supply of vitamin d and five free ag1 travel packs with your first purchase go to slash more news that's slash more news check it out with your mouth i wonder what russell brand would answer i wonder how often he thinks about the roman empire i also wonder what he has to say about it not a whole lot can we get him on the
Starting point is 00:09:13 horn uh yeah hold on okay so here's all right so marcus aurelius yeah i lost it oh i really wish i really wish you would have just kept going though but i really love the bit and now it makes me want to change the format of this show where we have guest callers but it's just cody so comedy bang bang but just but it's just figures that were like i can be lauren bobert and i can be what else? I can be John Fetterman. There we go. Perfect. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:09:46 I still think it's Bo Bear. I do too, but I just said it like that now. I know it's not, but I still think it is. I always call her Bo Bear. It's right there in the name. It says so in her name.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Bo Bear. I don't know. I'm just playing with different voices for it. We are going to talk about Russell Brand. Oh, good. You mean the apparently
Starting point is 00:10:02 now Australian Russell Brand? Fuck that guy. Four women have accused to talk about russell brand oh good you mean the apparently now australian russell brand fuck that guy uh four women have accused russell brand of sexual assault and emotional abuse uh you know shocker yeah shocking shocking twist for all of us uh yeah and allegedly uh grooming a 16 year old girl um which as our really pedantic wieners out there online have pointed out actually it's legal uh in the uk so legally it's fine which i would posit is maybe not the point yeah i would posit that it's not the point also uk what are you doing what are you doing? What are you doing? Where do we even start talking about this?
Starting point is 00:10:50 I don't like talking about claims that are awful. You know, I don't know that we need to go. What I'm saying is I don't know what I need to get into. There's reporting out there and you can read it. And I'm sure many of our listeners have read it. Some of it's pretty disturbing to read. So, yeah, we don't need to necessarily recount it. Part of my back and forth is, you know, there are people about how much to share, which I've already decided and told you that I'm not.
Starting point is 00:11:19 But, you know, there's this picking apart like we've just established. Well, you know, in the UK, this age, you know, that I don't apart like we've just established well you know in the uk this age you know that i don't feel like we need to do i don't think that we need to justify or pick apart the claims in any sort of sense because took a lot of bravery for these women to come forward with their story as is yeah and i think also you know again you can go out and read it because i think the obviously we're going to talk about sort of the reaction and push back to it and you know there's like text verifications there are like you know appointments that were made after these events i don't like talking about like this yeah um but uh like there you know there there is evidence there
Starting point is 00:12:03 and people seem to claim like well so he said she said situation it's not exactly he said she said situation um and this is like really solid reporting that was over the course of i think four years so just this idea and again we'll get into this but this i like the timing is very interesting well the timing is that they were done with their four-year investigation yes you know all of this brand got ahead of this a bit you know the the story dropping you know making his own video you know and and and said something to the effect of not to the effect that this is a quote made him wonder if there's another agenda at play so a strategic move there to plant that little seed as if we don't have eyes and brains and know and memories to remember that russell brand
Starting point is 00:12:54 this isn't the first time that there have been allegations or talk we all know that russell brand is a sex addict too yeah i'm not trying to shame someone that has sex addiction but we're painting a picture of the person here and that's a frequent claim by people who are accused of sexual impropriety as well i have a sex addiction right yes and that is a very real thing and it's not an excuse for assault i think this speaks to because there's been a transitionary period from russell brand movie star to russell brand edgy podcaster yes spiritual not right wing not a conspiracy theorist but really dabbling yeah he dabbles quite a bit um over the past especially like the past year i would say um and you can point to like well he has he talks to left-wing people too yeah he's talked to noam chomsky's had uh various like left-leaning people on but he's also mostly on
Starting point is 00:13:52 rumble and uh mostly like his first i think the first thing he did was interview steven crowder um and he's very you know uh you have all all of his defenders are the like tucker carlson's the undertakes ben shapiro came out with a video mentioning that it's actually legal 16 is legal in the uk great point ben and talking about how like he's a friend of mine and stuff and uh so yeah it's it's easy to paint it like oh he's right wing now he has left wing beliefs too but he's definitely in a sphere that dabbles in a lot of like not trusting anybody but him you know and they're obviously there are people out there being like well this is kind of a calculated move to sort of get into this space because he knows that like the audience is going
Starting point is 00:14:38 to stay no matter what well um which i don't know i will push back on that yeah slightly it's convenient that he has i mean i think it is calculated in that there is an audience that he obviously appeals to and uh all of these people might start off one way in both but they get pulled further because these are the people that are receptive to it and then you end up catering to that audience more and more. It's a feedback loop. So that's what we've been witnessing. I don't know that specifically this was a move to avoid accountability on accusations that were going to be forthcoming. Oh, yeah. I'm not saying it was like –
Starting point is 00:15:20 I know you're not. I know you're – I totally know you're not. But that is something that I've seen. And it's not a wrong point to bring up but I just disagree with it being that specifically calculated except that this is except that he is the type of person that will thrive in this even outside in that environment even outside of rape accusations right because yeah and and if you know these accusations are true then then there's this sort of obviously abusive, manipulative sort of mindset that could be thinking like that. But the effect is definitely happening no matter what, which is if you are talking for a year and a half about don't trust the media narrative no matter what, don't trust this.
Starting point is 00:16:00 If there's something else going on, if they're doing this, the media is like hey here's this reporting you're not going to trust that narrative um which is i what i'm seeing a lot of people not him specifically but in that circle sort of uh saying although he did say that kind of in the video but like you know and and maybe maybe he did know this reporting would eventually come and maybe that's something to lay the groundwork i don't know it's possible i think it's i think that it's irrelevant and i don't think it's any less think it's i think that it's irrelevant and i don't think it's any less insidious to say that it wasn't specifically about these just general you know so well there's like even reporting from um he was on like a uh it was like a comedy type show but for the uk in 2018 and one of his co-hosts uh did a few bits about how he's a sexual predator um and they cut
Starting point is 00:16:47 them from the show um so like the idea that this is like new or like this is an attack because he was too close to the truth is just like not the case it's absurd also what truth is russell brand spewing that and what digging has he been doing he just talks on a show like if you if you're a fan of the stuff that he's saying then i guess maybe you would believe that he does his digging but anything he says is exactly what other people in that space are saying it's not like russell brand is a big thought leader as much as he would like to be the way he presents himself he's like oh i'm this enlightened being because i'm going to talk really fast and i'm enlightened yeah and i'm going to do this quick
Starting point is 00:17:30 and that's not who he is and he's not influencing the world he's just parroting so that's absurd to me like that he would it's so self-aggrandizing too to say like oh you want to silence me no you're just some fucking judge because also like nobody like there are other people who aren't russell brand who are like wow the pharmaceutical companies sure do take advantage of people and make too much money uh wow this war in ukraine it sure is going on for a long time maybe we shouldn't be sending so much money to them like he's not the only one saying that and you can say that without being credibly accused of like of these uh crimes there is certainly a phenomenon as more of us are aware of these things and and talking about assault and dynamics between the genders and all of this there there certainly is a
Starting point is 00:18:23 polarization that happens um but it's very revealing who secretly has the most toxic beliefs and you know they talk about the unwelcome left you mean are you fucked up are you are you doing stuff that we would all hate then yeah i mean you're behaving monstrously that is that shouldn't be partisan well you're also like using that as a justification of like we're not welcome here because now all of a sudden everything's too pc when it's like well what are you upset about exactly well there's this weird thing over the last week like so many things have been conflated into like the cancel culture brigade oh the cancel culture brigade came for russell brand but then it's not cancel culture to be accused of sexual assault
Starting point is 00:19:12 and then at the same time uh parker malloy wrote about this today there was an article on fox news that said oh drew barrymore uh push drew barrymore refused to let cancel culture come for her but like what what are we talking about with cancel culture really good also no she didn't she backed off and she just canceled her show well that's another way of saying refuse to let cancel culture come for her she was like i live i'm listening i'm gonna wait but isn't that letting cancel culture they but before she before she said okay i'm not gonna do my show after she said my show is coming back fox news
Starting point is 00:19:50 was like see she's refusing yeah to be canceled but being told being asked to not cross a picket line is not being canceled like what are and especially because fox news is original definition was you get canceled for your views i'm certainly not going to agree with fox news or defend them in any way but there was
Starting point is 00:20:10 a lot of vitriol specifically to drew barry more personally and then digging up of past comments and stuff so sure but is that the same as so the cancel culture thing this is what i've been thinking about a lot every time there's stuff like this. It's not a thing. We've said this before. I mean, it is obviously a thing where we'll get some reporting and people will be very upset. And, you know, it starts the conversation and, you know, people will get angry at a famous, powerful person. Does that change their life all that much nah they can just pivot to somewhere else or you can take accountability and then people but even at that it's every time it's less and less potent how this works it's it's it's not like you're affecting anything and it occasionally happens to people who aren't famous yes and then there's that and we've talked about that we're like yeah you shouldn't like lose your livelihood because of x or y and stuff and like oh you can't like use a financial institution or like you know all these sort of
Starting point is 00:21:13 things uh russell brand will be fine russell brand be fine uh so there is this sort of distinction there i think but it's so weird to see people talk about like oh this because also the same people who like oh cancel culture came for them, this, because also the same people who are like, oh, cancel culture came for them. They said no. They're the same people who are like, oh, the Hollywood elite have too much money and power. And like, we should like,
Starting point is 00:21:31 like there's this conflict of not really knowing what you think about stuff or want to happen. Or like, who's, who are you against? What are you saying? Because if you don't want, if you hate the Hollywood elitewood elite um for having so much money and power but you also love when they tell the public fuck you i'm gonna do what i want then what are you saying yeah it's the whole thing's just kind of absurd and frustrating because what
Starting point is 00:21:58 should be talked about maybe is like what he is being accused of and i also see people so this is another kind of a separate thing if that's okay yeah uh the uh i saw god what's her name she calls herself the right wing or the the redhead libertarian i think she's like a tim pool uh yeah i just know that account name yeah it's because elon uh right all the time for reasons and side note if you have your like very like clear political uh beliefs in your handle i trust you less i'm sorry if you're broadcasting that information as part of your like public persona then you got online at the wrong time i don't know it's off-putting but she said something along the lines of um that the timing of this is so interesting and like uh why would
Starting point is 00:22:45 they they didn't go to the police they didn't do this they just did like a documentary so they're clearly these women want money not justice and i found this so well it's gross but it's interesting because first of all what money what money are you talking about what are they are they filing a lawsuit are they like right like are they going to get money from being in anonymously in this article so it's weird to be like they want money this is not ever the case like who like has accused somebody of something like this and then like oh now they're like living high on the hog we know better right we we talk about this look around who's yeah who's benefited from right and we also know that it's very hard to prosecute these kinds of things um and one of
Starting point is 00:23:32 the people went did go to a rape center um and uh they're like uh notes i think from her therapist saying that like she did consider pressing charges it's obviously very scary to press charges against somebody so famous and they're all these we've talked talked about this kind of thing for years and years and years it should be very very clear but also it's interesting the phrasing of like they don't want justice for many women i i think like justice is different for these kinds of scenarios justice isn't necessarily like oh they're in prison for however long part of it is now people know right like that is part of justice it's about closure for the victims it's not necessarily about like this extreme punishment of the perpetrator in some
Starting point is 00:24:18 cases it is if you think yeah like but like i'm just sort of like pointing out like the justice in a way is people knowing who he is there's just such as being out there misrepresentation of what intentions are caught there's so much yes we've talked about this all the time for years and years and years preaching to the choir here but if you think that any of these women haven't struggled mightily for a very long time with what's the right thing to do you think that they don't carry their own deep sense of shame not that they should but that's just how this works you know especially when you're up against a very powerful public persona you know a thought leader like russell, it's probably been all consuming for years, for a long time. And it's haunting. And yeah, it's tough. There's there's all sorts of weird
Starting point is 00:25:12 gray areas and moral issues and things that arise in situations like that. And for I think you are correct that a lot of women aren't necessarily seeking someone being put in prison or jail or whatever. They're not seeking that. But an acknowledgment of what has happened is very important. And peace for them. At least for them. And because especially in the case like a Russell Brand or any sort of person in a powerful position, you know,'re it's your boss uh somebody that is in charge of the interns whatever it is you know that there's a choice i can stay silent and just
Starting point is 00:25:56 suck this up and carry this with me the rest of my life and hope to god that no one else gets hurt but you know better because why would this person stop their behavior especially if they got away with it it's such an absurd there it's so clear to me it's so easy to see why people don't report or and why they do you don't need to jump through any sort of a hoop to justify this it It's just, it blows my mind. And especially again, because like these conversations have been happening for years and years and years and like over and over. And the same people who are making these points that are wrong have heard those conversations. And it's like, it's very disappointing seeing like a lot of like right wing women specifically being like, actually, this, this hurts women and victims.
Starting point is 00:26:43 This makes it less likely that they'll come forward. No, no, no. Your this makes it less likely they'll come forward no no your reaction makes it less likely very tough when but common to see women defending abusers especially when i'm going to make assumptions that their partners are the men in their life maybe they recognize some qualities maybe they see the through line on some level and they have to defend it. Otherwise, what does that say about your own relationships, about your own experiences? It's what they know. You know, I don't mean safe as in like literally safe, but it's hard to step outside of that because once you pull that thread, you know, but it's very disappointing. I think that can tie into the brief Twitter conversation between Elon Musk and Ian Miles Chong about this. We talked about this real briefly the other day.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Elon Musk tweeted, I support Russell Brand. That man is not evil. ian miles chong about this we talked about this real briefly the other day elon musk tweeted i support russell brand that man is not evil and then in miles chong replied i think i'm a fairly decent judge of character and brand does not strike me as an evil person and you know you just said like oh maybe that some of the defenders see some of this in themselves and i think for people like elon musk and ian miles chung there's evil and then there's good person not evil and i don't think they can imagine how power dynamics come into play how any number of things happen to where a person you wouldn't consider evil does something you would because you're saying power dynamics at their core they believe that the power dynamics are appropriate at their core they believe that a
Starting point is 00:28:29 man should be powerful or feared or dominant you know yeah it is uh at his wedding when his first dance with his first wife he told her whispered to her in her ear i'm the alpha in this relationship elon musk and their first dance at the wedding yeah um and right so it does speak to like this is how it should be and and it's not evil and it is interesting that choice of language because it it it draws this line that like nobody else was drawing and like you can uh you can be uh not quote-unquote evil whatever that means to them and do bad things and it is interesting to see that sort of like lack of self-reflection and uh sort of uh just trying to erase any like questioning of their worldview or their beliefs or people they know or whatever it is yeah it's fascinating evil well because the article is not russell brand is evil the article
Starting point is 00:29:31 is russell brand did these harmful things to me exactly and in many other cases did not do harmful things right people saying well he like the we're still getting the russell brand was always nice to me thing which is like how long do we have to go through these arguments you know the same that's i think one of the main the really frustrating things is like it's just over and over again and it's not just for this topic uh but i just like feel like we're just spinning our wheels every single time something like this happens we're like do we didn't we go over this with you like don't you understand yet please um and in a way they do uh they just don't want things to change like that
Starting point is 00:30:10 i am curious because we've been talking about this while i'm here in la i am curious to talk to people in the mountains about it a bit more i texted one of them and not as disappointing as i'd expected to be honest uh you know if these allegations are true then fuck this person you know however yeah the cancel culture and you know dynamics and all of that it always comes back to that yes and um yeah but we'll see i'm i'm interested that is interesting because because yeah like i know also it's like these youtube channels been monetized or demonetized and stuff like that and like i that doesn't play well well yeah and i i do have it doesn't it doesn't i don't i i understand i like i was gonna say like i do have sympathy for that like point of view and argument
Starting point is 00:30:57 because i think that uh you know like we talked about like smaller people and and people who aren't russell brand like you know uh pulling somebody's livelihood away from them because of x or y in this case it's like really horrific accusations but i am sympathetic to that sort of like ah you can't like have these companies well the company can do whatever they want actually but like right that i understand why that can be off-putting and it just plays into the silencing thing which you know we have our opinions about content and uh what the line is right and other people have different one but philosophically like that is an important question of our time is how we deal with this because yeah you take down you russell brand's youtube channel
Starting point is 00:31:39 he's got other income he'll be fine he'll go to another platform someone else gets contested and i'm not even trying to maybe they do something that i disagree with i'm not saying like but still what is it what are we doing anyway because also it's it's tough to talk about this too because like in russell brand's case it's like you these are horrific things right exactly like sometimes we're talking about like okay maybe you like had like a distasteful joke 10 years ago or something like that which is not at all the same thing so there are these like it's kind of a granular like individual yeah thing but also one last thing that i see instantly whenever something like this happens that i just want to like comment on real quick
Starting point is 00:32:22 because the phrase running through people's heads and feeds is like i thought innocent until proven guilty this isn't a right so like that is true um we do have a legal system set up like that that's not public opinion that doesn't apply to public opinion you can think whatever you want people read the reporting which again for your investigation uh with like various like pieces of evidence we can read that and form our own opinion oh he's not in prison oh yeah right like it's it's a that's a ridiculous statement to say and i would imagine that a lot of those people saying that were probably pretty strongly creating their own verdict on amber Heard when that actual trial
Starting point is 00:33:06 was going on making their own conclusions. So, fuck them. We need to take a quick break. I'm going to put a little bit more distance between me saying the F word and the actual ad break. I don't know if that's a thing, but it seems like
Starting point is 00:33:21 maybe it would be a thing. Anyway, if they've just skipped forward to this point in the show to test it there's no expletives go friend yourself hey there what are you doing you watching an ad right now bro that's like two minutes that you could be spending with your hamster you love yourster, even though your hamster isn't capable of feeling that love back. Basically a fluffy brick. But listen, why not save some time and check out the Some More News Patreon? That's slash some more news. For just $5 a month, you get early access to all of our episodes, plus even more news, completely ad-free. Maybe there won't be a vacuum in the background during those episodes, but why stop there? Join our producer tier and get your name in the credits.
Starting point is 00:34:10 You can use your hamster's name, even though your hamster would absolutely eat you if they had the chance. There's even a tier where you can hang out with the Some More News crew through the wonders of video communication technology. So check it out, Cut the ads out of your life and support us at slash some more news. Your hamster has no soul. Once again, that's slash some more news. Maybe it does.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I don't know. I'm not God. And we are back from that square free ad break. I wanted to say one thing before we move on to other stuff that i think is interesting and maybe slightly positive i don't know maybe yesterday at our youtube channel shoot we were talking about this and i mentioned that it i remember when russell brand and katie perry broke up how because he texted her uh right before she was gonna go on stage but i didn't remember that part
Starting point is 00:35:11 but i remember that the way we talked about it is we tended to blame women inherently not that long ago and i remember and i'm not proud of this i walked away from that like not that I thought ever thought Russell Brand was a great guy but I had a lesser view of Katy Perry somehow after that I don't remember the play-by-play of that that's so fucked up um and I'm admitting it but in the past 10 years or however long it's been we've seen a big shift and it's positive for example sophie turner and joe jonas broke up and immediately clearly from his pr team there are stories leaked within the news of the divorce and you know photos of him with his kids and i am so proud of us culturally how many people are like fuck that yeah it's obvious what's going on like and also none of
Starting point is 00:36:08 it's on any of our business at all what happened but i don't need to know sophie's side of this story but i also am not going to be manipulated into any kind of a narrative it's not my fucking business no redemption hulu doc in 10 years we can just settle this now that we're gonna kind of a narrative it's not my fucking business no redemption hulu doc in 10 years we can just settle this now that we're gonna kind of it's just we're gonna stay out of it and we're not going to like destroy this person's life yeah and you know anyway i just thought that was a slightly positive thing yeah you see these shifts observed even on elon's twitter people were like what nah i'm not falling for this yeah well no one likes elon except for oh yeah i'm saying like even in like even in the sewage that is the current like state of that discourse people were
Starting point is 00:36:58 pretty on top of things yeah i just yeah anyway it's kind of a dark conversation, but I do see some progress in how we talk about these things. Maybe not with all those assholes we've mentioned, but in general, the general public, I think we're seeing shifts. And go us? Yeah, go humanity. Go humanity. Humanity. us yeah go humanity go humanity humanity okay we're gonna do a hard pivot into a very different topic which is the uaw strike yes the united auto workers are currently on strike and are planning to expand the strike on friday because originally it was just a targeted strike certain facilities
Starting point is 00:37:41 oh yeah as of this recording the strike is limited to 13 000 workers at three plants for ford gm and stellantis johnny will you walk us through some of the things i would love to some of their unreasonable demands yeah uh some demands which the union leader uh said were audacious but i would argue are uh reasonably audacious um what's the his name uh his name is sean fane uh the workers are asking for a 36 percent pay increase over four years they're asking for the reinstatement of annual cost of living adjustments and end to wage tiers a four day work week um that may sound uh overly, but right now they're working 60 to 80-hour weeks. And they want UAW to represent workers at 10 electric vehicle factories to
Starting point is 00:38:31 guarantee higher wages for those workers. And they also want a plan to transition a lot of workers from combustion engine vehicles to electric vehicle factories as the industry does over the next several decades. You know what's so interesting about that? Even, I mean, we can talk about how that is being framed, you know, but even on, I don't know if it was the Daily, some whatever podcast listening, talking about it, they said, well, you know, they're really concerned about electric vehicles and about how that will affect their future. Framing it as if they weren't concerned specifically about getting representative, making sure that people working in those, you know, factories are a part of the union and that we can protect those workers as well. This is such an interesting exclusion of context um yeah because that the electric vehicle thing is a part of it but it's not the main part uh or even they're saying that's the only part but they are framing it as the way it was framed it came across as
Starting point is 00:39:39 like anti evs in some way well yeah andSantis in talking about this kind of avoided talking about the strike directly, but suggested that it's Biden's electric vehicle mandates that are making. Well, if we didn't have to transition the industry, that's not where the market is going. That's what's causing all these problems. So like DeSantis was very wormy and like not saying he supported the strike or that he didn't, but saying, well, this is all Biden's fault anyway. We wouldn't the strike or that he didn't but saying well this is all biden's fault anyway we wouldn't have this problem if we didn't have to go on strike if which i don't support but uh yeah tim scott and nicky haley were like i don't support this and they
Starting point is 00:40:15 said horrible things i can't believe them uh it's so interesting how this stuff plays because i you know the past few years the problem party has been uh trying to pretend like they're the part of the working class um and they're the ones who care uh they got their you know their rich men north of richmond song and like they're they care about working people getting getting a living wage but as soon as it's a possibility or a probability they're like actually i'm a proud union buster like nikki haley literally said i'm a union buster and uh i made sure that only like only non-union jobs came to my state which isn't doing great uh by the way nikki um but it's just so funny to see
Starting point is 00:40:58 the party like dance around it and like try to pretend and then as soon as they have the opportunity to be like actually we are going to support the working class this one time uh they just can't do it yeah her state well her state south carolina right yeah they just got a hundred million dollar military uh influx in the form of a crashed uh f-35 jet yes they can oh yeah they can use that for scrap and have a higher military budget melt that down they'll just use that. They'll melt that down. Now, this is Nikki Haley's quote. When you have a president that's constantly saying, go union, go union, this is what you get. The unions get emboldened, and then they start asking for things that companies have a tough
Starting point is 00:41:35 time doing. I love this phrase. For companies. I loved it. It's so good. I love the way these people talk, because they have a tough time doing it. No, they have a tough time wanting to do it. They wouldn't have a tough time doing it no they have a tough time wanting to do it they wouldn't have a tough time doing it they could do it um and it's just funny that like all like
Starting point is 00:41:53 the haley's of the world they know that it's possible and probable and like it's kind of necessary but they have to use this kind of language to hide that. And like, well, it's tough. It's tough for them to do it. Well, because the stockholders want that money, don't you see? We're not talking about some mom and pop restaurant here. We're talking about...
Starting point is 00:42:21 Ford. Ford. No, it's just your local General Motors. Ford general motors you guys tried to buy a car used new can't just wheels on an axis it's so fucking expensive um and like yeah i think it's it's neat also well it's neat um i think stuff like the WGA strike and the SAG strike have kind of helped this in a way that sort of makes... Hot labor summer. Well, it sort of makes the disparity much clearer.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Because obviously, like, you know, auto workers are like more like, quote, like, salt of the earth. Like, they're not that writers aren't actual workers, but the perception is much easier to be like oh yeah the working class um and but like with the wj strike it's also the difference between like the executive pay and anyone else's is so obvious and stark and like the difference is so vast that um it makes i think it harder to uh to pretend with other industries and other companies because the executives, for some reason,
Starting point is 00:43:28 in Hollywood are so vocal about it and how much, like, we actually want all of our workers to fucking die. It would be awesome for us. Meanwhile, they're making, like, millions and millions and millions of dollars individually. And so you see, like, a lot of, like,
Starting point is 00:43:43 I keep seeing interviews with these auto ceos and they try to do that they try to play that game and just even like even like some fox news anchors are like not not biting really it's it's yeah it's nice to see a little bit yeah i mean uh what is this i mean johnson's included this donald trump is skipping the second republican primary date to give a speech to union members. He gets it. Not just striking autoworkers,
Starting point is 00:44:10 but a collection of blue-collar union members in Detroit. Smart, because they're not watching the debate. I think, yeah, the actor-writer strike
Starting point is 00:44:21 is certainly a very visible representation of what's happening in every industry across the board but i would argue that i mean maybe there's the general public is being enlightened to it but i everybody's feeling this people are seeing hotel workers you know uh the city workers people are striking they they are feeling this and i impossible to ignore this is the economic reality that we're living through is that the average person out there entitled entitled it is weird to see the republican party and these like career politicians who are trying
Starting point is 00:45:00 to appeal to the heartland of america blue collar workers be like all workers are lazy and should just be happy for what they got. Meanwhile, Donald Trump's like, OK, I'll take this softball and I'll go and talk to union members. It's so simple and that's going to be more effective for him than whomever is watching that cage match on stage. Yeah, it lets people pretend that he's on their side, even though he's definitely not. He will be making the argument like Biden's going to send your jobs overseas because of the electric cars.
Starting point is 00:45:27 He's going to make that same argument and whatever. But like he is doing a much better job of pretending to be on their side than Tim Scott when he's like, we should do what Reagan didn't fire all of them. Unbelievable. God, what a move. What a swing. Nice try, Tim. Nice try, Tim. Nice try, Tim.
Starting point is 00:45:46 It is. It's I mean, such an easy move for Trump, obviously, and really sets him apart and just illustrates that he is the great pretender, really able to get a sense and pretend. and pretend even with um there's a recent interview people people shared this very mad like on the right um it's trump sort of being asked uh i think he was asked like can a man become a woman uh and his response was like uh you know i think you know i think there's like it's like complicated like there's a you know there's a man there's a woman there's a lot of factors going to i think birth is like a factor too but eventually they'll they'll be making they'll invent something that lets lets it happen and it's like this weird like mealy-mouthed answer where it's like man he does not give a shit about this and he know he also knows i think he knows it's a losing issue uh as we keep seeing every single election anyone who goes like 100 in on like we actually hate
Starting point is 00:46:44 trans people and the word woke is the only word we say he knows that that doesn't really work and it does seem like he's always sort of had i think there's a great tweet about this where it's like trump is racist and always has been but he's always been like kind of like uh doesn't care about like uh gay people in that way he's like a new york guy he like knows a lot of people he's going a lot of parties and stuff and he's just like not uh he doesn't care um and he knows he's supposed to pretend to care and it's very interesting to see that question be asked to him point blank and him like well you know i can't believe i'm about to say this but like refreshing the refreshing
Starting point is 00:47:21 candidate donald trump well that you're right it might not play i mean i think it plays to some people oh for sure that's not yeah but plenty of people are banging that drum you know he doesn't need to jump into that but i mean as you're saying that i'm like well i hope some of these people listen to him and that takes i hope that that turns down some of the temperature in those conversations but it won't well right because the truly frightening fascist stuff is when it's you know woke mind virus this is the the issue of our generation that kind of like really disturbing stuff whereas trump will read it when it's on his prompter and then people go nuts and he goes oh you you
Starting point is 00:48:01 idiots really like that don't you when i say well, look. He doesn't have any morals except... Yeah, and transgender people from the military. Yeah, it's like he's not a bad guy. Like, let's remember what he actually does. Yeah, I'm not actually saying anything positive about Donald Trump. I need that to be clear. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:48:19 I think we generally make that pretty clear. I mean, I don't know. Like, I feel like I'm a pretty good judge of character. Donald Trump is not an evil man. Thanks feel like i'm a pretty good judge of character donald trump is not an evil man thanks ian god the worst as a character i can imagine but uh yeah there's a i think we made it clear and i think also uh most of our listeners probably know that uh when we talk about perhaps like the rise of american fascism uh although there are like fascist elements in both parties uh the republican party is the very full-throated version and there's a a distinction and an important uh viewpoint you need to have sort of with like what do these people say and what do they do um and sometimes they're the same sometimes they're very very different and so trump going
Starting point is 00:49:01 out and being like oh the union i uh i'm here to support you he's not going to support unions if he's the president he's absolutely not going to do that if even he's like ah you know man woman what are we to do about it he's not going to support lgbtq people in his office he's just not going to do that um and that should be obvious i hope it's obvious but i do think it's interesting just how how politically more like better he is at this than every other person in his party and uh it does appear that maybe uh biden's gonna be even more full-throated about it because of that because he was supportive of the strike right away even when he does not support strikes he does try to do things behind the scenes and maybe he's not a good messenger on it but i imagine that i one
Starting point is 00:49:45 would hope that the white house also sends him would be great or somebody to full-throatedly support the strike and unions in general and lay out in what way that party actually does in contrast with a donald trump who might be here to say he supports you but he's just there to throw paper towels at you he does want like biden wants to like be the president and be above it a little bit but it's a fumble if trump is out and he's palestine within a few days and he's not exactly like i'll send buddha jet or someone else but he's like no trump is here like you don't want to be dragged into that but like they're political you should give a speech to them makes me nervous take into account at least makes me nervous that our front runner is but anyway that's a different conversation for a different day yeah yeah and we should have debates
Starting point is 00:50:34 for the democratic oh we should indeed that would be nice it would be very nice and good we are i would i think feel comfortable saying we are pro-democracy yeah in this podcast yeah i would say that we are go us gold stars all right we've got a few more minutes here shall we talk a little bit about uh the fake actor playing john fetterman please you know what it does look like a different person it does doesn't it um i this is such a we're so cooked as like society uh every day it's not just like there's that same person saying their fucking ridiculous thing that nobody could possibly believe it's always new people there's always a new person like this person's actually a demon like literally a demon there's that video of a lifeguard uh scanning the pool in a called an ellis maneuver it's like this weird way that lifeguards like slowly like scan pools for
Starting point is 00:51:31 people um it's i i don't know exactly why but it's like a method and someone's filming them like you're a demon like they thought they were an ai demon like in the world if there's anything that you don't understand 100 immediately upon looking at it for the first time it's just like we're jumping to demon we're jumping to ai we're jumping to some sort of conspiracy or body double or like the government's out to like prove that lifeguards or i don't know what we're talking about by the way is that john fetterman's facial hair has changed he grew a mustache and shaved his goatee and sometimes he wears glasses and uh some pictures he looks a little bit slightly very
Starting point is 00:52:06 very very slightly different because he has different facial hair you ever seen a photo of yourself and you're like oh is that that is that what i look like that's what i normally look like i promise you i look different in every lighting and different type of camera right it's just so it's such a it's so frustrating because i also like half people posting about this don't actually believe it they're just like trying to get their little uh their engagement dollars they still think that those are coming right right um but like it's so disappointing like we're on the internet now folks uh we've got social media we're all we're all aware of like selfies and things i can't count the number of times i've had to read a thread from somebody like
Starting point is 00:52:46 we did land on the moon or like no we did and just like a thread of like here's how focal length of lenses work here's like a very simple like here's a picture of the same person with different focal lengths and they look a little different and just like if you take a picture from here or down here or up here, it looks a little different. And to this young woman looking away is not this old woman looking at you. Right. What are we talking about? Exactly. It's like highlights for children shit.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And you're just like, but can't we all just like, like just focus on something else? And it's so it's just a waste of time. just focus on something else and it's so it's just a waste of time and then i don't know it just creates all this like noise and uh we're talking about it so i guess it worked but just like more and more i just feel like god we're not we're not doing so hot because nobody understands how anything works each of our conversations today has ended with like what are we doing how how do we do this and obviously like the point and like katie mentioned like i had a little fun tweet yesterday you're dead the point of it being you can check it out it's on but the point of it was that people
Starting point is 00:53:58 seem to think there's a body double of john fetterman but dog how are you going to find that person what are you talking about i've seen john unbelievably specific person he's so he's a specific looking person like how would you find a body double to do to look like him in other pictures like yeah this picture looks a little different there are other pictures of him they'll look exactly like him and he's talking about policy he's like acting exactly like him he's got his voice this isn't dave you're pulling a full like kevin klein dave but just for someone to like step into the senate chamber in shorts and vote and then leave right the same way he would have voted exactly and and to hide what
Starting point is 00:54:36 to like like yeah he's voting the same way we all know he had a stroke and has difficulty communicating sometimes but also the same people like it's a body double, will share a video of him stumbling through something, like, see, the stroke affected him. It's like, well, so did the body double have a stroke too? What is the point of any of this? Plus, if he really did die, would the Democratic governor of Pennsylvania
Starting point is 00:55:02 put someone in the Senate who would do anything different than what federman is doing like what would be the point they would absolutely just yeah appoint someone we've there's so many of these sort of things like that get traction and again i know half of them don't believe it but some people do and it's just like every time this happens i'm like okay let's say it is true to what end to what end why are we why would you fake this why this why this and there's never like a reasonable answer to it oh we can do that should i read the no we have fun here i mainly i'm going to read this partly because i also posted on blue sky and there's a to the point that we have been
Starting point is 00:55:43 making during this conversation there's so many people who read this post and were like um this is obviously a joke somebody posted on craigslist yeah no i did i'm i'm posting it as a joke or like people like okay like now they're getting desperate no no no no no this is obviously a joke this is obviously a joke and i can't like and maybe maybe i'm wrong because i we've talked about this on the podcast before of like the fake ben shapiro tweets we don't need those fake tweets out there he's got the bad tweets by himself um and it's like misleading and like people are going to believe them this is very obvious but this is very it's very obvious actor with unfathomable specific look needed for regular
Starting point is 00:56:24 public appearances discreet washington dc we are looking for a 6-8 actor model to make public media appearances please be built like you birth professional wrestlers from your skull not to be rude but if you've ever been described as a lovable ogre then this is the gig for you if you've ever been told how unique looking you are or that needing to find a body double of yourself would be an unenviable and very frustrating position to be in, then we would love to meet you. The ability to grow a variety of facial hair types would be ideal, but a mustache will be provided if necessary. Be extremely bald. Can't stress enough how massive you must be. Simply put, white Shrek. Appearances will primarily be in Washington, D.C. and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and will require
Starting point is 00:57:03 general knowledge of government policy and current American politics. Must be comfortable wearing shorts. On the right of the screen, it says compensation adrenochrome. I don't. How do you. How do people believe that that's something real and isn't a joke? It's. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:57:18 We love you all. We love you all. We have fun. It's fine. Oh, you're right. We do have fun here. But you know what? What?
Starting point is 00:57:24 The fun has to stop sometime. Oh, no. Just hit repeat. It's fine. Oh, you're right. We do have fun here. But you know what? What? The fun has to stop sometime. Oh, no. Just hit repeat. Just repeat it. Just listen to it again. The show? The fun will never stop. Or just keep saying that.
Starting point is 00:57:32 The fun will never stop. The fun will never stop. The fun will never stop. The fun will never stop. The fun will never stop. The fun will never stop. The fun will never stop. The fun will never stop.
Starting point is 00:57:43 The fun will never stop. See fun will never stop. The fun will never stop. See? Came back around. It did. Oh boy, guys. I'll put it on a t-shirt. I won't. I've never put anything on a t-shirt yet. But we will. That's the one.
Starting point is 00:57:52 We'll just put everything we flagged as we'll put this on a t-shirt on the same t-shirt. Yeah, just a list of all of our like, we can put this on a shirt. That is a good idea for merch. Not bad. Just like our dock of all the new merch. Yeah. We'll just put everything we flagged as we'll put this on a t-shirt on the same t-shirt. Yeah, just a list of all of our like, we can put this on a shirt.
Starting point is 00:58:00 That is a good idea for merch. Not bad. Just like our dock of all the new merch. Not bad. Just like our dock of all the new merch. Not for merch just like our doc of all the new merch guys there's something else i need to say i've been eating at me this whole time oh get out okay journal about it i'm gonna journal about it but i'm also gonna say that we love you very much much also gonna say that we love you very much. Much.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Have you ever heard that story that Napoleon used the Egyptian Sphinx for target practice and shot its nose off? Or maybe you've heard that a French astrologer named Nostradamus correctly predicted nearly 500 years of human history. Or maybe someone told you that the legendary blues guitarist Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil at a crossroads in Mississippi. These stories are what I like to call historical myths. Great little tales that may or may not have any basis in historical fact. On Our Fake History, we explore these historical myths and try to determine what's fact, what's fiction, and what is such a good story it simply must be told. If you dig stories about death-obsessed emperors, lost civilizations, desperate sieges, voodoo black magic, and famous historical figures you thought you knew, then Our Fake History might just be your new favorite podcast. If you dig it, then subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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