Some More News - REVISITING SOME NEWS: Try Harder, Bill Maher

Episode Date: January 3, 2024

Hi. Today on our podcast feed, we're re-releasing our November 2019 "Some More News" episode, "Try Harder, Bill Maher," featuring a new 17-minute introduction and commentary by Cody. We'll be back nex...t week with brand new episodes of "Some More News" and "Even More News"!Here's our original Bill Maher episode on YouTube: here are some of the videos referenced in the new commentary:Bill Maher and Seth MacFarlane – Maher and Jake Tapper – Maher and Jim Gaffigan – (the writer's strike discussion comes about 25 minutes in)Bill Maher and Riley Gaines – Check out our MERCH STORE:   SUBSCRIBE to SOME MORE NEWS:   Subscribe to the Even More News and SMN audio podcasts here: Apple Podcasts:  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wow, here's some old news. Most of this episode, we're starting the year off strong, folks, with a rerun, kind of. This episode ran years ago, and it's about Bill Maher, a man who somehow years later is still on television being wrong and obnoxious. So much so that there's a new clip of him being exactly that virtually every week. Just days before this episode re-aired, folks were passing around a more than six minute video of him talking to friend of friend of the show, Seth MacFarland, about vaccines. You can go watch it now. It's embarrassing for Marr, even though he'll never see it that way. even though he'll never see it that way. Just six straight minutes of him whining while giving no actual examples or data proving the claims he makes while Seth calmly dismantles his loose statements. And a quick side note about that video. It's very unimportant, but the six and a
Starting point is 00:00:56 half minute video being passed around on formerly Twitter is from Mars podcast, as in a video of Bill Maher's podcast released by Bill Maher's podcast. Except if you look at the video in the bottom left corner, you'll notice a little watermark that says Big Chief on X. So if you click through to the video embed to the source post, it's just some Twitter blue account called Big Chief who ripped the video and posted it with their watermark, Big Chief on X, a logo that looks virtually indistinguishable from Tucker Carlson's Tucker on X watermark on his stupid little Twitter show. God, what a hideous social media landscape that has been crafted for us back on track. We're talking about the host of Real Slime with Shil Mar, William Mar, who has so many clips of absurdity to go through. We're simply not going to do that today. We could play a quote and then dismantle his logic
Starting point is 00:01:56 and point out his lazy little tactics, but who are we going to convince that he sucks? Him? Buddy, you can't convince that guy of something he confidently said a month ago. So we just got a few clips and moments for me to sort of, I don't know, complain about for a few minutes. As our producer Jonathan pointed out in the document of some of the clips compiled for this addendum, the list is by no means exhaustive. However, I will add, it is exhausting. Just
Starting point is 00:02:22 listening to a few of these is an absolute chore. As our original episode discussed, Bill Maher is simply boring and incurious, completely up his own ass and utterly unwilling to acknowledge even the slightest middle ground or nuance, despite not shutting up about how he is the king of nuance who can recognize both sides and find the real truth, whatever it may be. But my point is, it's tiring and obnoxious to listen to Bill Maher talk too much. Watching these clips was tiring and obnoxious. So for the most part, I'll be paraphrasing or directly quoting or, you know, not making you listen to him. Mostly. Because for the most part, especially over the last, like, four years, Marr mostly,
Starting point is 00:03:06 and I do mean really, really mostly, like all the time, just complains about wokeness. Wokeness, and occasionally, occasionally, about how reasonable and right he constantly is. In a semi-recent appearance while being interviewed by Jake Tapper, he spent more than several minutes talking about how capable he is of calling out the right and the left, of being reasonable, of finding the truth. His only piece of evidence for this is revealed during several minutes of puffing himself up
Starting point is 00:03:35 about how he predicted that Donald Trump wouldn't concede the election in 2020, a very impressive prediction that nobody could have made. He also points out in the interview that Trump even talked in 2016 about how the election was rigged. Yeah, Bill, we were all there. Great job being the only person paying attention. The only other valid thing he says during this Tapper interview is that he's tired of the owning the libs style culture war, where it's all about internet points and insults, except he also gives equal blame to the right and the left. It's absurd, Bill. Absurd. More on that later.
Starting point is 00:04:16 He's honestly very lucky, though, that Trump even exists, because without Trump to point at and complain about, he would be just another conservative comedian complaining about wokeness and college campuses and the idea of addressing issues stemming from systemic racism and stuff like single payer health care. He complains about how it didn't used to be this way. Of course, everyone used to be reasonable and liberal like him. It's the youths you see who have gotten to just, God, they're too, you know? This comes out a lot as Tapper and Marr
Starting point is 00:04:51 talk about President Joe Biden, and Marr defends Biden from accusations that he's too old. He goes on and on about how important it is to be old and how we need to respect our elders and they have important wisdom for us. An opinion I'm sure he definitely had when he was not so fucking old. He gives two examples of how young people are wacky and old people like specifically him are right and reasonable. One example is how when he used to do stand up, he remembers saying in regards to homelessness for the sake of
Starting point is 00:05:23 compassion, can we get these people off the streets so we can get a roof over their heads? But now it's how dare you try to move the homeless? This is where they live. I probably don't have to tell you that nobody's really saying that second thing. Nobody or very few people are saying that we can't move the homeless because that's where they live and we shouldn't get a roof over their heads. Notice how in his first quote,
Starting point is 00:05:48 he says, get them off the streets so we can get a roof over their heads. There's something in the middle there that he glosses over of the traditional way that we as a society deal with homeless people. Maybe, Bill, people know that, quote, getting them off the street is often just removing them from sight. Maybe, Bill, people know that, quote, getting them off the street is often just removing them from sight. Maybe there are criticisms of all of the hostile architecture
Starting point is 00:06:10 in our public spaces, of homeless camp sweeps, of the lack of affordable housing. Maybe, Bill, there are pilot programs that give homeless people money that are effective, but you would never mention those because in your mind they're woke and breed laziness or whatever. And the second only example Marr gives to validate his complaint about how the youths are wrong about everything and it's too much today is that all these wokesters, yes he calls them wokesters, don't understand history and they now hate Abraham Lincoln, I guess. The youths are just overcome by all of this too-muchery.
Starting point is 00:06:50 And now they're renaming schools that used to be named after Lincoln and they're tearing down Lincoln statues. Except, Bill, nobody renamed a Lincoln school to something else. The only Lincoln statue removal we could find was one in Boston featuring a formerly enslaved man kneeling at his feet. Bill here, once again, doing that, that's weird, that conservative thing, where he half remembers some made up grievance about the left, strips it of context and nuance, and uses it as a cudgel against the entire concept of progressivism or progress. Bill complains in that Tapper interview, quote, You change the definitions
Starting point is 00:07:33 and now I'm conservative. You change these things and then you yell at me for it. Hey, Bill, is there maybe a word or two that describes somebody terrified of social change? Somebody who resents progress and resists it because the world around them is changing? Some old fuck who complains about the youth while defending the status quo? Is there like a word or two that's good for that? Bill? Moving on, we could of course talk about when he complained about the writer's strike to Jim Gaffigan and mentioned their absurd demands without giving literally one single example of what he was talking about. And then he announced that he was going to break the strike and get back to work because a deal wasn't going to be made like right before a deal was made. And then he was like, OK, OK, OK, wait, we're actually we're going to keep striking because a deal is going to be made, like right before a deal was made. And then he was like, okay, okay, okay,
Starting point is 00:08:25 wait, we're actually, we're going to keep striking because a deal is going to be made soon. Great stuff, Bill. Very brave and correct. Speaking of writers, he hates, hates his writers and young writers specifically these days. What a shocker, because they all have the same opinions you see. In that Jake Tapper interview, he talks about how all the submission packets he reads, they all sound the same, except the issue is actually that they don't agree with him. They're not his opinions. Because, Bill, you're an old, boring reactionary who seems to get his news from Twitter blue accounts called, like, news from Twitter blue accounts called like based patriot man dot NFT. Speaking of how Bill Maher sucks, he had swimmer Riley Gaines on his podcast and talked about trans people for far too long,
Starting point is 00:09:13 but specifically about trans swimmer Leah Thomas and specifically about her genitals. Of course, at one point, Riley refers to Leah as it, saying, I call it a male. When all the while Mar asks her about, quote, her cock demanding to know what it looked like. She says, you don't want to know. He says, I don't want to see it. I just want to hear what it looked like. I don't know, Bill. You ask about it a lot.
Starting point is 00:09:41 It sounds like you kind of want to see it. ask about it a lot, it sounds like you kind of want to see it. He asks about how big the dick is for no joke, almost four whole minutes. You can check the episode. It's from four minutes and 55 seconds to eight minutes and 44 seconds. And let me tell you, Riley looks more uncomfortable than she probably was while in the locker room seeing the penis, whatever it looked like. Interesting note about this whole conversation where he constantly asks about a trans woman's genitals and talks about how trans women are just males. He also says that he gets that trans people need to be respected and protected. And he says it a lot. He says the phrase respected and protected like five times, all during the what's the
Starting point is 00:10:28 cock look like conversation. Anyway, we're not playing that clip. Oh, and during that really respectful and protective what did her cock look like conversation with the visibly uncomfortable woman, Marr also makes a passing comment about how he has no problem with anyones. He means trans people. And in fact, go ahead, identify as a cat and use a litter box. Now, first of all, great one, Bill. You're really surpassing all those hack, predictable writers you rejected by ostensibly quoting a Ted Cruz line. Again, Bill, this is
Starting point is 00:11:02 just another fake news story that circulated in conservative media that's not true and is used by you as a flimsy cudgel against the excesses of the left. People think you're a conservative because you sound like one. It's just what you are. This isn't difficult. Except he also, again, does support Democrats and hates Donald Trump. It's an interesting dynamic being in that position while also absolutely hating leftist politics and specifically young people. It creates situations where he will talk about how important it is to listen to our elders and how Biden's not too old and how olds are wise and youngs are bad.
Starting point is 00:11:42 But then when he's not in the middle of complaining about wokeness, he just completely flips that. After that Tapper interview, he has said as recently as October 31st that Biden should drop out because voters think he's too old and he's the only Democrat who can lose to Trump and that if he stays in the race, he'll lose and go down like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, not knowing when to call it quits and doing great damage to their party and their country. Of course, you know, fair and balanced wise in his original he's not too old statements. He made it clear that he doesn't think so, although voters might. But here later, he says you can be a national treasure and still be too old for the job.
Starting point is 00:12:26 If I'm on a plane and the pilot says, this is your captain, Buzz Aldrin, I'm getting off. That's not about voters, Bill. That's about you. It's you saying it about you. So it sounds like Marr really loves praising and trusting old people when he's crapping on young people and trying to exaggerate and dismiss anything they say. He claims in this new segment that it's not ageism and this stuff should be judged case by case. And in this case, it's about Biden's many gaffes. gaffes. Except in that other segment, he specifically scoffs at the idea that Biden's too old or makes mistakes because he's always been a gaffe machine. Bill, do you think you're
Starting point is 00:13:12 right all the time because you say whatever and never check what's true? Side note on this, people always seem to forgive Biden's oldness and stumbles by saying he was always a gaffe machine. But do yourself a favor and look up some of Biden's old gaffes. They were racism. The gaffes were racism. Google Joe Biden gaffe Dunkin Donuts. The gaffe is just him saying, quote, you can't go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. Just old-fashioned casual racism. Those were the gaffes. But anyway, maybe, as we point out later in our previous episode, and have pointed out here previously, maybe Bill Maher should try harder.
Starting point is 00:14:03 You're lazy, Bill. You're not very thoughtful. I know you hate your writers and don't think the strike was worth it and thought their demands were unreasonable and don't like how they're all woke and their jokes and viewpoints sound the same. But you should maybe let them do some research for you more often. Maybe consider hiring somebody who does disagree with you so that you can get better material. Or heck, you know, maybe you're doing fine.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Let's listen. And actual history doesn't come up in their intersectionality of politics and gender queer identities class. What a hearty laugh. Awesome. Anyway, Bill Maher is so tired of the owning the libs culture war. And also, here's former South Carolina governor and current GOP candidate for president, Nikki Haley, recently complaining about the woke military.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Look at what's happening in the military. They're not mission focused anymore. I mean, for goodness sake, stop making them take gender pronoun classes. Wow, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, you should write for HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher. Lazy guy Bill is. So lazy that he can't even vaguely listen to people talking three feet in front of him. Here is, I'm sorry, one more clip that is Bill Maher in a nutshell. Maher is so good at nuance, you see, that when discussing criticisms of American foreign policy and interventionism and the American empire's relationship with the Middle East, he asks of Glenn Greenwald, quote, is that all our fault? A simple, direct question. And Greenwald first says it's not all our fault and continues. Because we are continuously interfering in that part of the world. And so to say it's all our fault, it's not all our fault. But when you send your military for six straight decades into other countries to bomb them,
Starting point is 00:16:01 kill their children and women and innocent men, prop up dictators. Yeah, you take responsibility for your actions and say to the extent of that region. So after hearing all of that, after hearing an explanation of why it's not all our fault and the phrase it's not all our fault, how does Bill reasonable liberal nuance Mar respond? That religion goes back a thousand years before our revolution so i don't think we can take all the blame yeah bill that's what he fucking said that's what he fucking said you're on hbo bill get it together change everything about yourself sorry i mean you're on max which is the one to watch for HBO. Anyway, this obviously is this is just a long rant about a small collection of recent clips. He's just, you know, he's just he's just wrong about stuff obnoxiously all the time.
Starting point is 00:16:54 So I'll stop here and we'll be back after this ad break with our previous episode about this stupid asshole titled titled Try Harder, Bill Maher. Enjoy, et cetera. Ads. Hi there, and welcome back to Man Behind Desk Does a News, where sometimes the news is really just me telling a specific person to shut the fudge up, or in this case, try a little harder. So here's some more news.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Bill Maher, try a whole lot harder, please. Or failing that, shut the fudge up a little bit, please. But let's back up, all right? Let's start at the beginning, which for us is here's some old news. Remember more than several weeks ago when Bill Maher went on that new rule rant about fat shaming and a bunch of people online
Starting point is 00:17:50 got upset about it and other people like Piers Morgan were like, yeah, right on, great company Bill. And that was that. Well, I wanted to respond to Maher about his new rule, not because I was offended or feeling a bit too PC, but because he was wrong and lazy through the entire thing about everything he said. But then professional song mobile James Corden did a whole thing about it.
Starting point is 00:18:13 So I'm sat at home and I'm watching this and all I could think I was I was watching I was like oh man somebody needs to say something about this. If only there was someone with a platform who knew what it was actually like to be overweight, and then I realized, ah, that'll be me. Well, he does point out that Marr is just sort of generally wrong about the effects of fat shaming. The piece doesn't really go in depth into why, and it largely comes from a more personal and emotional place, which is totally valid, and it plays a huge part in why fat shaming doesn't work. Bill was so wrong in so many ways
Starting point is 00:18:45 and I just wanted to explain why, but it had already been addressed. Maybe Bill would respond to that, who knows? Other stuff is going on. Who needs another video about Bill Maher? But then weeks passed and it became more and more clear that this is kind of his entire approach to everything. And he just keeps saying things that are wrong
Starting point is 00:19:03 without listening to the people, even though he's supposedly interested in the marketplace of ideas. And then the day before we shot this, he was like, Autism issue, they certainly have studied it a million times, including out of this country. Yes. No, I don't trust this country so much because of paychecks. I mean, for writing checks to people, but they've just... In other... They say it's a... And yet, there's all these parents who say, I had a normal child, got the vaccine. This story keeps coming up. It seems to be more realistic to me, if we're just gonna be realistic about it.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Like, it probably happens so rarely. But no one... You can't say it happens one in a million times, because then somebody will think, well, it's... it's... I could be that millionth one. But no one, you can't say it happens one in a million times because then somebody will think, well, it's, it's, I could be that millionth one. This anecdotal vaccine concern, it's just, this video isn't about vaccines and how there's no evidence that they cause autism,
Starting point is 00:19:57 which you said out loud, or how anecdotal evidence isn't strong evidence, which, you know, you know. Or this video isn't about vaccines. But Bill, since you're definitely watching this, and thanks for that, like and subscribe, I'll just leave this topic with our new segment, This Is Who You Sound Like. Just the other day, two years old, two and a half years old, a child, a beautiful child, went to have the vaccine and came back and a week later old, a child, a beautiful child, went to have the vaccine and came back
Starting point is 00:20:25 and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic. But anyway, this isn't about vaccines. It's about everything else Bill Maher says, and it's kind of about Ellen and, like, cancel culture and health care and rich people disease. And I don't know. We'll get to that. We'll figure it out together.
Starting point is 00:20:46 But first, the fat shaming stuff. New rule at next Thursday's debate, one of the candidates has to say, the problem with our healthcare system is Americans eat and too much of it. Now right off the bat, that's a weird claim. One of the problems with America's health is the food we eat.
Starting point is 00:21:04 It's not a problem with the health care system. You can say it's a burden on the health care system if you have to, but using that and diverting the conversation away from the wacky notion that maybe in the richest country in the modern world where people literally eat gold, people should be able to go to a doctor and maybe even call an ambulance to literally save your life without having to pay $1,000. It's like saying, hey, why do we guarantee everyone a lawyer when there are criminals and stuff? Not that everybody gets a lawyer, but you get my point.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Anyway, obesity isn't a problem with how currently one's ability to see a doctor is tied to their individual employment, as opposed to their individual existence in a good society that people would want to be in. You know how much insulin costs versus how much it needs to cost, Bill? You can go to the hospital and have a baby and they will charge your baby, Bill. Anyway. All the candidates will talk about their health plans, but no one will mention the key factor. The citizens don't lift a finger to help.
Starting point is 00:22:08 So from here on out, it seems like Bill has asserted that the problem with our health care system is the sick people and the ways in which they behave. Now obviously individual behavior affects your health, but that doesn't mean that because you don't exercise or do drink alcohol, you shouldn't be able to see a doctor. And... And then the candidates will go back on the trail the next day and try to prove they're just as big a gluttonous slob as the rest of us.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Sometimes while discussing preexisting conditions. But why do people have so many pre-existing conditions? Being fat isn't a birth defect. Nobody comes out of the womb needing to buy two seats on the airplane. There he is implying that the only pre-existing conditions are caused by obesity. And that ain't true. He then says being fat isn't a pre-existing condition or birth defect. Now Bill, nobody's saying it's a birth defect or that all pre-existing conditions are birth defects.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Also, there is a genetic component to obesity and even if there wasn't, what's your proposal here, Bill? We're not doing universal healthcare until America gets a little more trim? You can't go to the doctor if your cancer is from smoking cigarettes? What's the BMI target for not going to the doctor, Bill? What's your policy there? Because some doctors actually don't take new patients over a certain weight,
Starting point is 00:23:31 which probably doesn't help them lose weight or deal with a health problem that doesn't have to do with their weight, or, hey, maybe it does. I hope they can go to a doctor who can help them instead of being ineffectively shamed, Bill. This is just exclusionary elitist dog sh** that doesn't even make any sense. Are we going to find all the bad things that lead to your pre-existing condition and decide which ones make you worthy or not? That's the whole thing about pre-existing conditions. You're not excluded. Heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death in America. But the next is accidents
Starting point is 00:24:05 You want to police whose accidents are up to snuff? Also heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death in America if you're over 45 if you're under 45 It's accidents the main cause of death is f***ing being old and diseased and dying bill everyone does it It's okay if we all decide to help each other through that. Even if you're upset that some people eat too many f***ing ding-dongs. But anyway, speaking of ding-dongs, Bill then gets into the real topic here, food. And he introduces the one and only article he based this entire piece on that I'm pretty sure he definitely didn't read. Here it is in a nutshell from the New York Times.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Poor diet is the leading cause of mortality in the United States. This article that Bill quote-unquote read in a nutshell is that Americans are eating terrible food and they're eating it too much. Also, we're wasting lots of food and that seems bad and stupid for lots of reasons. We're wasting a lot of food on feeding our food, and that's not the point. All right, this article, to quote Bill in a nutshell, is true, and obesity causes health issues, as we've discussed, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and so on.
Starting point is 00:25:14 It's not the only cause of those things, but it's a cause. And as we all know from Bill, whether or not the richest country on a planet full of countries that takes care of their citizens' healthcare, can pay for your healthcare, is based on the cause of the health problems. But anyway. We scream at Congress to find a way to pay for our medical bills, but it wouldn't be nearly the issue it is if people just didn't eat like assholes. Now again, aside from the fact that Bill seems to keep weirdly implying that our healthcare system is not the
Starting point is 00:25:45 or a problem that should be fixed, he's also saying, don't demand anything of your government because we're all eating like crap. And this is super interesting to me because aside from the fact that, like, the government does lots of stuff despite the behavior of individuals because it seems like Bill doesn't know that we have a Department of Agriculture and a Food and Drug Administration, government entities that have some control over the food we eat and how it's produced.
Starting point is 00:26:10 We live in a society, Bill. Often eating junk food is cheaper than eating healthy. Many poor areas have food deserts, which makes it more difficult to eat better. Taking the time to exercise. It's not like everybody is rich, Bill. It's not like everybody's done interviews talking about how hard it is to eat right and exercise, and now you finally make healthy food and have a personal trainer that you see regularly.
Starting point is 00:26:32 I wonder why the millionaire finally has an easy time staying healthy and an even easier time sh**ting on people who don't. What's Elizabeth Warren's plan for that? Maybe relevant, maybe not, but Bill got real rich and hates taxes now and is currently complaining about free college and free healthcare all the time and I don't wonder why. Anyway, I guess my point here, more of which we'll get to,
Starting point is 00:26:56 is that ludicrous amounts of money seems to have some bad side effects in regards to how the government works, not you, Bill. And there are powerful industries and lobbies that influence the government. Like Bill is saying the healthcare system isn't a problem, it's actually the food people eat, and people just take responsibility and stop eating so poorly. But much like climate change, the real causes, the real change, doesn't come from individuals. It comes from much larger and complex systems and corporations and stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Bill mentions diabetes without mentioning that unnecessarily and grotesquely high price of insulin many people have to ration. Another element of the rise in diabetes is the sugar lobby's effort to demonize fat and say sugar is good. We'll actually get more into that in a minute. Bill. The Amazon fires are because farmers there are burning down the rainforest to make room for future hamburgers and soy beans. This is true. The Amazon rainforest is on fire on purpose to make room for cattle and stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Now this aspect of it actually has nothing to do with America specifically since most of America's beef is from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Mexico. Also there's a lot one could go into in regards to the meat industry. And also, yeah, Bill, this thing you mentioned that isn't about fat shaming people is also bad. Anyway. We weren't always like this. Watching the footage of the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11,
Starting point is 00:28:18 I was struck by how not fat everyone in the crowd was. We looked like a completely different race of people. Now this is especially interesting because if you look into the rise of obesity, like if you just google it, just type the words and spend a few minutes on the topic, you'd learn so much very quickly. Simple things like that in the 60s nearly half the jobs in the private sector required at least moderate physical activity. In 2010 less than 20% demanded the same amount of work. Our jobs, the things people need in order to get healthcare, are contributing to the problem.
Starting point is 00:28:54 We drive everywhere and walk less than other countries. Obviously, that's not the only factor, and it doesn't excuse people from not being active, but it's relevant and has a lot of nuance and context to Bill's excuse to shit on fat people. This could have helped to inform his bad point is my point, and it was easily obtained and directly relates to Bill's complaint about one photo of people in the 60s specifically. Also in the 60s specifically, the sugar lobby worked to demonize fat and secretly fund scientific research to frame sugar as really, really good in reaction to an overflow of legitimate research coming from elsewhere in the specific decade that Bill was wondering about. of heart disease, there were two considerations, sugar and fat. Right. And they paid off Harvard Medical School professors, 50 grand, to lay the blame at the feet of fat.
Starting point is 00:29:50 This whole thing, and Bill's way of thinking, which I promise we'll get more to, it's just, it's so lazy. In fact, this is so lazy, and needlessly contrarian, with little thought but LOL you fatties, he complains about fat acceptance in this video. And if Bill Maher had taken the this amount of time to Google the words fat acceptance movement, he'd quickly find out that the fat acceptance movement started in the 60s.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Bill! That could have been a point to bring up for your argument! Not a great one because of all the other stuff I've been saying, but one. Anyway, the sugar lobby is also responsible for keeping the percentage of daily sugar requirements off of nutrition labels. You'll notice on all of your labels, it only shows the grams, the grammage, not how much you should have per day. Hmm. It's the only one. Anyway, several years ago it was decided to add the percentage of daily sugar to labels. Because all of our sh** has too much sugar in it. And this, after being decided several years ago, is hopefully happening in 2020.
Starting point is 00:30:58 And also, it's only showing the percentage of artificial sugar, so... Regardless, pointless tangent, sorry, the sugar lobby's push to put sugar in everything we eat has nothing to do with Bill Maher's thoughtful rant about how people with diabetes can go eat sh**. And, of his bad points, there's more? This will never end?
Starting point is 00:31:22 Okay. Can fat be beautiful? That's in the eye of the beholder. But healthy? No. That's science. And we'll get back to that. But now, here. We shouldn't taunt people about it. And overeating shouldn't be singled out as the only vice. It's not. We all have something. But there's no smoking acceptance. Or drunk acceptance.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Now, I understand the point he's trying to make. But we've also already discussed how nobody reasonable would argue against single payer healthcare because people die from smoking. You probably wouldn't argue that you can't get that cancer treatment you need because you smoked. You dead. But also, overeating is an addiction,
Starting point is 00:32:00 and when you compare it to smoking or alcohol, which are also addictive, you're forgetting that human beings, and in fact organisms in general, do not require smoking tobacco to live. This analogy would only work if people needed to drink alcohol to survive, and then you tell an alcoholic, okay, drinking too much is bad for you, but you still need to drink a little bit of alcohol every day or you'll die! The analogy just rings really hollow. And speaking of terrible analogies...
Starting point is 00:32:26 Hey liberals, you know how you hate it when conservatives won't even let the CDC study gun violence as a public health issue? This is that. You're the NRA of mayonnaise. And then of course we get back to the real point. Fat shaming doesn't need to end, it needs to make a comeback. But here's the problem, Bill. It's not anything like the CDC not being allowed to study gun violence, because people do study
Starting point is 00:32:49 obesity and health. Studies show that fat shaming does not work, it actually hurts and makes it more difficult for people to lose weight, which is already hard for people to do and to keep off. Doctors are much more hostile to fat patients, less helpful, and some even actively don't accept patients over 200 pounds. All things I've already mentioned. So when you say, That's science. maybe you could put in a tiny bit of effort beyond that article you didn't read,
Starting point is 00:33:14 because that one article you put on the screen in order to make your wrong point was written by both a former secretary of agriculture and an expert on nutrition science. And it weirdly didn't mention fat shaming? Probably because of the studies they'd read on the topic of fat shaming. The article, most of this article, gives many solutions and policies that can help solve this problem. Paragraphs of solutions. Here they are on the screen. And here's an arrow pointing at the fat shaming part.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Aside from that part about fat shaming with an arrow pointing at the fat shaming part. Aside from that part about fat shaming with an arrow pointing to it, there's just like a bunch of government and industry policies to help the population. So in regards to this CDC comparison, what you're doing, Bill, who thanks for subscribing, is more like if the CDC was allowed to study gun violence. And they came to conclusions and they suggested a bunch of solutions that don't include kicking people while shouting, stop shooting people, asshole, at them. And then you go on your show and say, look at this article about our gun violence problem. We need to bring back kicking people and shouting, stop shooting people, asshole, at them. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:34:21 anything else, Bill? People know I'm speaking the truth. Right on. So here's what I really wanted to talk about. Everybody thinks their opinions are correct. That's what opinions are. But Bill also often talks about how, you know, people laugh at offensive jokes because they know it's true. And also because when people laugh, they know it's true. That's what laughter is. If you laugh, it means it's true. If you don't laugh, it means I'm speaking the truth.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Bill thinks he's a truth telling sage, no matter what, telling you the hard truths, the politically incorrect, nasty that you don't wanna know. And he's often very wrong. And sometimes that's like kind of dangerous. Like with the vaccine anecdote about the person he may have known, which I guess we are going
Starting point is 00:35:05 to talk about, because apparently Bill Maher has always talked about this. To quote this 2015 article's headline from, he's "...still an anti-vaccine crank after all these years." So much so that he notably tries not to bring it up while talking to a scientist, but his audience and guests already know that he's been an anti-vaccine crank for years, so... So, so, don't play, be all too high and mighty there, because there's certain aspects of science denial that are squarely in the liberal left. Like?
Starting point is 00:35:36 Oh, really? You want to have that conversation? Oh, oh, yeah, yeah. What? Okay. So, so... You know, I know one, but I don't want to get into it. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Here's him a decade ago, talking to former Senate Majority Leader and physician Bill Frist about swine flu vaccines. Two weeks ago a 30 year old came into my hospital, perfectly healthy, dead. Dead of the swine flu. If he'd had the vaccine, if the vaccine were available, he'd be alive. That's an anecdotal story that's not typical. This is not a very serious flu. Yeah, that anecdotal evidence of yours is bunk, I tell you. Good point, Bill.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Anyway, do we also have a clip of Marr mentioning something about the terrible food we all put into our bodies to justify his vaccine skepticism and not say why Americans are so unhealthy? We didn't used to have all this corn syrup in our bodies, antibiotics, it could be any combination. So I'm a little cautious. Cool. Anyway, I'm not just going to talk about all the ways in which Bill Maher is wrong about vaccines or how, to prove his point, he quoted Jonas Salk about live vaccines. And Bill Frist was like, when's that quote from? The 50s? Live vaccines are for things like chickenpox, measles, mumps, you know, those diseases people get more of in communities where kids aren't vaccinated. And it's just kind of irresponsible
Starting point is 00:36:50 to have on this anti-vaxxer and spout anecdotal evidence to support it. But again, I'm not here to just be like, Bill is wrong about X or Y or like do a rundown of all the stuff he's wrong about that I think is bad. I could. He once in a serious manner said that people who raise mentally disabled children are exactly like him having a dog, which is easy. He's pretty Islamophobic, and not just because he's anti-religion, like he really doesn't like Muslims specifically,
Starting point is 00:37:18 and not in an oh, there's extremism these days kind of way, but in like a that specific religion is specifically bad and there's something fundamentally wrong with it, despite, much like the vaccine thing, not listening to people who talk to him about it. It's not us that changed, it's Islam that changed. And that in my lifetime, this culture has really changed. If you look back, when I was 10 or 11, like half a century ago, these cities, Beirut, Damascus, Tehran, Baghdad, these were famous open cities.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Beirut was called the Paris of the East. Despite absorbing information about the region from just decades ago, or hopefully being aware of things like the golden age of Islam, he'll just boil it all down to what he really thinks. They bring that desert stuff. Oh, okay. But again, I'm not here to just list off his wrong gross. But again, okay one more.
Starting point is 00:38:07 And to really get into it, we need to talk about Milo Yiannopoulos. Milo. Milo is a complete fraud who believes in nothing. His goal was to piss people off by saying outlandish things that are also true, but also, I'm just joking. You take everything so seriously, but also feminism is cancer and so on.
Starting point is 00:38:24 If you were duped by Milo after listening to him talk for five seconds, you need to have a long think. Much like if you associate with Prager University, you shouldn't be taken seriously. If you associated with Milo or lifted him up in any way, same. But Bill loved Milo. Sure, they disagreed on some things,
Starting point is 00:38:42 but he sure does trigger the SJWs. He sure is politically incorrect. He sure is a champion of free speech. And I'm not gonna really show clips of this interview, because Milo is really boring and also a blatant liar. He lied throughout it, coyly. And as Marr notes in the interview, he was employed by Steve Bannon, and was actually paid by Bannon and billionaires to sneak white nationalism into the zeitgeist. That was his goal. So let's, let's get that man on TV.
Starting point is 00:39:11 But anyway, about a day after Milo was on Mars Show, Milo's career took a bit of a turn. It was the beginning of the end for him because of video surfacing in which Milo discusses his belief that men specifically, clergymen, molesting young boys is sort of a good and necessary relationship for the gay experience, a coming of age sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:39:31 And again, no need to show the clip, but after this happened, Bill Maher discussed Milo's downfall, taking credit for it, claiming, "'Then we had Milo on, despite the fact "'that many people said, "'Oh, how dare you give a platform to this man? What I think people saw was an emotionally needy and culture wannabe
Starting point is 00:39:49 trying to make a buck off of the left's propensity for outrage. And by the end of the weekend, by dinnertime Monday, he's dropped as a speaker at CPAC. Then he's dropped by Breitbart, and his book deal falls through. As I say, sunlight is the best disinfectant. You are welcome. Do we have a clip or two of disinfectant? Stop taking the bait, liberals. The fact that they all freaked out about this little impish British f***.
Starting point is 00:40:15 You have the potential to morph. I mean, you remind me like of a young, gay, alive Christopher Hitchens. Ann Coulter wannabe, young gay Christopher Hitchens, you know, whatever. Just, just basking in the sunlight. You did it, Bill. You took him down. Hell yeah. Wait, also don't you hate cancel culture but you're praising yourself for getting Milo canceled? Alright, we'll get into that actually later. Interesting that the thing that took Milo down, which Bill Maher is praising himself for, was about adults having sex with young boys. Something Bill Maher thinks is fine, too. Mary Kay Letourneau, the teacher from Seattle, who is in jail because she is in love.
Starting point is 00:40:56 That's how I view it. I admit that it's unorthodox. She is 35, the boy is 14. That's him on Politically Incorrect in 1998 saying adult male teacher sex with child bad, adult female teacher sex with child good, because he wanted to his teachers and stuff. It's a lazy scumbag opinion that he shares with Milo as well as himself years later
Starting point is 00:41:22 as he discusses in this Playboy interview. It's especially interesting because, much like all of his awful opinions based on nothing, he was explained why that's actually f***ed up, Bill, very eloquently and succinctly in 1998 by Henry Rollins. How can a woman rape a man? I think that an older woman can manipulate a young kid, and I don't think it's really healthy. I don't think it's healthy for a kid who's going to be 14 with two kids out in the world. I think those children will grow up fairly damaged.
Starting point is 00:41:52 I think that kid's going to grow up fairly damaged. So you're on her side? Yeah. Okay. Yes, correct. But Bill just shrugs. Like, well, you know, I'll still have this opinion in 10 years or whatever. He's a marketplace of ideas man, but he doesn't actually care about it
Starting point is 00:42:06 He's not he's not open to it He's like a dumber more alive Christopher Hitchens who was so stubborn that he didn't think waterboarding was torture until he was waterboarded for 17 seconds But Bill really likes being in the politically incorrect club, regardless of how actually incorrect he is. It's why he'll have on Steve Bannon and gush over him, because And I know that, you know, you had a little event there at the New Yorker, they had a festival. In fact, I want to read Malcolm Gladwell's quote because they were going to interview you, and then you were disinvited.
Starting point is 00:42:51 I've been disinvited many times, by the way, it's a good club. Yes, what a cool club to be in. The right-wing nationalist propagandist club. And Bill knows who Bannon is, he hates Donald Trump and thinks he's a fascist. He thinks fascism is on the rise. He's worried Donald Trump won't even leave office. Yet... I'm gonna say to you what I always say to conservatives when they come here. First of all, thank you. I appreciate it and it says volumes why the Republicans are in power and we have none.
Starting point is 00:43:18 So I guess what I mean to say is this concludes our only installment of our new segment. it's weird to praise a person you know is a fascist propagandist for taking the opportunity to speak to a wide audience on a prestigious media network. Bill doesn't even take Bannon's advice about the thing he knows about, the information he desperately wanted to know about what Democrat could beat Donald Trump. I want the answer to this, who scares you? If Bernie Sanders had an ounce of Avenatti's fearlessness, he would have been the Democratic
Starting point is 00:43:48 nominee and we would have had a much tougher time. And if Bernie had had the type of fight and fearlessness that Trump had, he would have won the Democratic primary and then we would have had left-wing populism and right-wing populism fight it out in 2016. But as we've discussed, Bill No Likey the taxes. But what's my point? What am I even talking about? Like, he's just a guy with terrible opinions
Starting point is 00:44:09 and bad guests on an enormous platform. But all the things we've been talking about, they're indicative of some pitfalls we see a lot from rich liberals in the Trump era. The left got a little too PC, so I changed all of my opinions about the economy, social issues, systemic racism, healthcare, and history.
Starting point is 00:44:27 I'm not saying Bill embodies all of that, but he falls for it very easily. His need to be anti-PC leads him to embracing and validating weirdos and liars and reactionaries like Milo, or the uncivil civility-wanter and my good friend Ben Shapiro, or people with reactionary views who work for right-wing think tanks that were literally started to combat the liberal consensus of the 60s
Starting point is 00:44:51 that arose from researching things and coming to conclusions. These people start with a conclusion or bad opinion and go look for any bit of evidence to support it. It happens all the time on Prager University, according to their own website, not an accredited University, and professional censorship victims who aren't being censored and who were funded by homophobic fossil fuel billionaires for the purposes of lying. They lie constantly, all the time. I won't even bother going through any of them. There
Starting point is 00:45:17 are so many videos pointing out their countless lies. Links in the description. My god, they are such liars all the time. And it's all run by Dennis Prager. Seen here on Bill Maher's show like a couple of days ago. There he is, lying, not even gonna give the audio. Just look at that liar. You can't even look at him in the eyes. Just a liar, like talking about how America is the least racist country in the world.
Starting point is 00:45:39 You, ugh. My point is, Dennis Prager and a lot of the lying reactionary frauds Bill has on his show, giving credibility to them because they're anti-PC and safe space too, well, all these people are the types of people who would be like, I think fat shaming is good and raising taxes for universal healthcare is bad. So here's this article I found where the headline says the food we eat is bad. Point proven.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Thanks for watching PragerU. And a lot of it is just meant to protect capital and the status quo. He wants to go back to the way things were before Trump because he doesn't understand why Trump is the president. There's the racism and misogyny and a lot of factors, but Trump, despite literally living in a tower of gold, was presented as a populist, an outsider, anti-establishment
Starting point is 00:46:32 because people are fed up with austerity and massive wealth inequality. Productivity is up, but wages are stagnant. There's food insecurity, the healthcare thing, and just generally all the things that are wrong while people are literally eating gold. But Bill thinks it's... it's PC culture. He's been complaining about political correctness for his entire career, on TV, for millions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:46:57 But he says we got Trump because of PC culture and comic books and not stuff like asshole millionaires ripping into red states about how that big sea of red it feels like their invitation got lost in the mail and they still use the mail weird dunk on people who have to use the useful service the post office bill bill adds we have chef Wolfgang Puck they have chef Boyardee you got got them, Bill. those people. And they're bad food for them that they have to eat. You know about the food thing. Hey, Bill, you know what else
Starting point is 00:47:32 bum places you despise, full of people you despise have? Let's take, what's a place? Lima, Ohio. Bunch of slack-jawed cereal box readers if they read it all, right? They also don't get an ambulance bill because they pay for it with their taxes.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Huh. Anyway, again, what's the point of this? Cancel Bill Maher? I don't know, sure. Bill loves to complain about cancel culture. It's a great club to be in, right, buddy? But we have a whole other episode about cancel culture
Starting point is 00:48:05 in general and how it doesn't really exist. But what it's really talking about is how cancel culture doesn't exist for the powerful people who complain about it all the time. When they complain about it, it's often them saying something while saying they are not allowed to say it, while making lots of money saying it.
Starting point is 00:48:23 They're often complaining about criticism or mean tweets. Like when Ellen was criticized for palling around with an anti-gay marriage war criminal who expanded our surveillance state and didn't close Guantanamo Bay. No, not that one, that one. Well, Ellen went on her massive platform to liken war criminal George W. Bush,
Starting point is 00:48:40 who paid no consequences for anything, to friends of hers who wear fur. See, it's a disagreement among friends, because what she's doing here is the bad kind of class solidarity. She would never have Trump on her show, despite buying him a literal golden baby stroller earlier. But George W. Bush, he's just, he's just someone she disagrees with. In her defense, she says this. But a lot of people were mad, and they did what people do when they're mad. They tweet. Now, aside from the fact that she also shares a nice tweet to prove that Twitter is good,
Starting point is 00:49:13 lack of consequences for the powerful makes people feel powerless. And social media, with its many flaws, lets them communicate that, sometimes directly to powerful, out-of-touch millionaires like her or Bill Maher. And then when people make a satire video of her speech juxtaposed with the, you know, the torture stuff, well, the millionaire gets it taken down, cancels it. And this kind of is just, it's just frustrating. Recently, Hillary Clinton and her daughter were on the Daily Show and Trevor Noah took this opportunity to ask about her relationship with Jeff Epstein. Bold.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Wow. Speaking truth to power. Except Hillary, I have to ask you a question that has been plaguing me for a while. How did you kill Jeffrey Epstein? Because you, you, you're not in power, but you have all the power. The infuriating thing that you just watched
Starting point is 00:50:17 is a fun little bit that the rich and powerful people are having fun with, but it actually functions as obfuscating the very real connections Epstein had with her husband and countless wealthy, powerful people who wanted nothing more than for him to go away. They were on the show to promote their book about gutsy women, so maybe a better question would be
Starting point is 00:50:40 about the many young girls who were trafficked and abused by Jeff Epstein, a man who famously had a plane called the Lolita Express and which Bill Clinton rode so many times. Jeff Epstein, whose assistant, partner, sex trafficking helper, attended Chelsea Clinton's wedding after it was already publicly known that Epstein was a pedophile and so on. So what would you say to those girls as gutsy women who had those
Starting point is 00:51:05 powerful relationships and the knowledge of who he was and what he was doing? But instead it's this fun little joke that they can laugh at and erase all of that. I'm off the rails again. Bill Maher, cancel culture, or in this case, criticism and mean tweets. When we hear about cancel culture from people like Maher, who was weirdly proud about canceling Milo, they don't say anything about how we live in a punitive society and as a whole, we sort of embrace that and social media makes it even worse
Starting point is 00:51:41 and there's a restorative approach available to situations, and there's a nuanced conversation. And some normal people have literally lost their jobs in a society where healthcare is tied to employment, and harassment and doxing can lead to suicide, and all that stuff. But no, to Bill, and the people who complain about it on stage or in the New York Times, are talking about something else, and using it as a weapon and a shield from criticism. To them, cancel culture has nothing to do with people actually affected by it. It's actually about... You're a great sport, you have a great sense of humor,
Starting point is 00:52:17 unlike these social justice warriors who are gonna be out there tweeting that all the jokes are problematic. You people can blow me, you pussy f**ksticks. People booed me at my comedy. Bill Maher doesn't really speak truth to power, because he likes where he's sitting. It's comfortable. He's got that personal trainer now. He's speaking truth to Maher. He can point out years ago, when Obamacare was being passed that it's a
Starting point is 00:52:46 Republican bill and that a real left health care bill would actually be single-payer. The whole thing is a Republican idea. It's the old Bob Dole plan from the 90s. A Democrat idea would be at least a public option but really a liberal idea would be a single-payer plan. But nowadays when single-payer is actually a viable option and on the table... I'm looking hard at Amy Klobuchar. Man of the people. Interesting thing about that interview with fascist propagandist Dinesh D'Souza, it wasn't his first. When he was on Politically Incorrect, Dinesh and Marr were discussing how the 9-11 terrorists
Starting point is 00:53:20 weren't cowards because they killed themselves, a hard thing to do. Marr took it further and said the real cowards are they killed themselves, a hard thing to do. Maher took it further and said, the real cowards are us who send missiles from thousands of miles away. And what happened after that is that Bill Maher got canceled. Ari Fleischer, the spokesperson for the president of the country at the time, went in front of the nation
Starting point is 00:53:40 and in regards to Bill's comments, said it's a reminder to all Americans that they need to watch what they say, watch what they do. This is not a time for remarks like that. There never is. And then he was cancelled. Not by the PC police, not by sensitive college kids, by the government. Complains about PC culture for decades, cancelled by the government for insulting the military. Not for the pro teachers their underage student stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Anyway, again, what's my, what's the point here? Bill Maher, please try harder. Listen to people who aren't liars in regards to your wrong opinions. Stop having propagandists on your show just to bond over the SJW stuff? Cancel Bill Maher? Don't cancel Bill Maher?
Starting point is 00:54:33 Or is the real point here, Bill Maher, who is still watching this, like and subscribe. Comment.

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