Some More News - Some More News: Some Grifters Who Finally Faced Consequences

Episode Date: September 25, 2024

Hi. Let's take a look at some lying grifters who may finally be facing consequences for their years (sometimes decades) of being awful. Sources: Right now, Whisker is offering $75 off Litter-Robot bundles. AND, as a special offer to viewers, you can get an additional $50 off when you go to  Beam’s Dream is clinically shown to improve sleep. Click and use code MORENEWS to shop our exclusive discount and get up to 40% off.  Get results you can run your fingers through! For a limited time, Nutrafol is offering our viewers $10 off your first month's subscription and free shipping when you go to

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, howdy, hody, here comes the show. Cody is here with news. Killed it. I'm trying something new for these intros here. And you. Liked. You liked it. You liked it. Anyway, here's some news. George Santos is probably going to jail. That's neat. Remember him?
Starting point is 00:00:23 He's a former messy US representative and weird liar who lied about everything and was part of the Stop the Steal movement, a famous weird lie? Well, it turns out that when you lie a lot and do fraudulent things and just say stuff about people, you can get in trouble for that. I know that sounds outlandish, especially if you've watched this show,
Starting point is 00:00:39 especially, especially if you've watched this show talking about the many right-wing grifters that can apparently just openly lie about stuff and continue to be supported by enablers and rubes. But it turns out that actions can have consequences. Just ask the transphobic and Nazi adjacent super friends, Elon Musk and J.K. Rowling, currently being named in a lawsuit for saying a bunch of lies online. And boy, these guys are not alone.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Literally, as we were writing this, Tim Poole and Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson were exposed as unwitting Russian assets, making millions of dollars and maybe pushing propaganda for what they thought was a Belgian investor, despite that person having no online record and their name being misspelled multiple times on documents. And they still did it.
Starting point is 00:01:27 They saw somebody offer $100,000 for a video garnering like 5,000 views and they didn't stop to think, who is benefiting from this besides me and this ridiculous amount of money I suddenly have? They willingly repeated the propaganda for money because it turns out that grifters tend to be very stupid and willing to say anything if you pay them.
Starting point is 00:01:47 And that's all to say that it's very nice to see these liars facing real consequences for their many, many lies. And so we thought it would be fun for a change to actually check in with these weird lying freak liars and see how that's going for them. You know, to laugh and point and perhaps some combination of the two.
Starting point is 00:02:11 We'll see if there's time. ["The Last Post-Code of the Year"] People who found out. Oh yeah, tis the season of finding out. You know, like that meme or that meme or even that meme. It seems that in the internet age, people have forgotten that you can't just say things online, even people who own entire social media sites.
Starting point is 00:02:40 We've far evolved past the days of anonymous usernames on forums and chat zones, spelled with three Zs, but I won't tell you where, as the internet has pretty much taken over reality as we know it. And while that sucks and blows, the one silver lining is that very stupid liars seem completely comfortable saying very incriminating things
Starting point is 00:02:59 in writing for everyone to see and scrutinize and litigate. So let's look at those dips. Think of it like a, like a where are they now for red hot spite. And speaking of red things. Alex Jones, a lifetime of pain and payin'. No better appetizer than Infowars founder, host and cherry flavored baked potato, Alex Jones.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yummers. Mm, no. You know Jones? He's that conspiracy theorist and brain pill spokesman known for making such brave and bold claims like the Boston bombing was staged, or that the Obama administration tested weapons that controlled the weather,
Starting point is 00:03:38 or that aliens were making cybernetic slaves to serve the devil. Actually, that last one, kinda wish that was real. Or at least a movie. Give know, give Ron Perlman and Peter Stormare some work for crying out loud. Anyway, speaking of crying out loud, Jones kind of got away with being a conspiracy party clown
Starting point is 00:03:55 until he decided to profit off of the actual death of children, which for a party clown is generally frowned upon. Alex Jones repeatedly claimed that the shooting never happened. Here he is on Infowars in December 2014. But it took me about a year with Sandy Hook to come to grips with the fact that the whole thing was fake.
Starting point is 00:04:15 You said the whole thing is a giant hoax. How do you deal with a total hoax? It took me about a year with Sandy Hook to come to grips with the fact that the whole thing was fake. I did deep research and my gosh, it just pretty much didn't happen. Stumped by Megyn Kelly. All you have to do is say Santa is white, bro. She will hug you. Calling the Sandy Hook tragedy fake naturally upset the surviving parents and families of those real, actual, factually dead children, especially when InfoWars fans kept harassing
Starting point is 00:04:50 and accusing them of being crisis actors. So they successfully sued Jones for real, actual, factual defamation and won a whopping 1.5 billion with a big OB dollars in damages. Jones had to file for bankruptcy because that's what should happen if you lose a billion bucks, big OB dollars in damages. Jones had to file for bankruptcy because, you know, that's what should happen if you lose a billion bucks,
Starting point is 00:05:08 especially a billion and a half. Not that anyone should have a billion dollars to begin with, of course, but we're not talking about that today. Not only did Jones lose his stake in Infowars and his media company, which is apparently called Free Speech Systems, but he has to cash out his personal assets
Starting point is 00:05:24 in order to pay off the lawsuit. Neat, Infowars is still able to exist and remain in operation. Neat rescinded, but the families involved in the suit can make individual claims to obtain any revenue Infowars creates. Neat reinstated. While it's unlikely that those families
Starting point is 00:05:42 will be able to fully collect $1.5 billion, they essentially can claim any revenue that Jones makes going forward for the rest of his goddamn life. Now, while Jones is trying to shift his money through the supplement company of his dentist father in order to avoid paying them via loophole, these families can still legally pursue him and likely win. And even though Jones still has a groundswell of fans that will support him beyond all logic and decency, and Jones will bark, bray, and say he won't pay, he is significantly in the shit and is treading water, treading shit water. And unfortunately for him and the frogs, this water won't make him gay. For the foreseeable future, Jones will be bleeding money and on the brink of losing everything at all times.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I wouldn't wish that stress on anybody, except Alex Jones. All that said, while I'm glad for the outcome and have no sympathy for Alex Jones specifically, the whole thing is still just sad. Sad for the families who lost their kids and then were harassed for years, obviously. But also like, Jones has kids, four of them,
Starting point is 00:06:47 one with a new wife and three with his ex-wife who very understandably fought for custody many years back. And it's sad to see this very weird and toxic dude double and triple down on this deranged legacy of scummy conspiracy grifting and pass that burden onto other people. Like one of his kids apparently did an Infowars video that's since been taken down.
Starting point is 00:07:08 It just has that Westboro Baptist Church stink to it where this one dude has started this weird little toxic cult and dragged everyone around him down with him because it is a cult, albeit a one-person cult. Jones can claim to be a performance artist in court and that his life is pure misery while never actually seeking any kind of change or atonement, even when it's no longer even financially lucrative for him to spread his lies.
Starting point is 00:07:34 So this is just his life now. There's no going back from this. There's no way to rehabilitate, not even in a media landscape that will absolve unflushable turds like Glenn Beck. Jones will just keep spiraling forever and take as many people as he can with him. And that's kind of sad, not as sad as your child dying and then being harassed for it.
Starting point is 00:07:56 So, you know, saying that out loud, I guess I'm not sad for Jones anymore. And speaking of sad guys, James O'Keefe, undercover idiot. If you're unfamiliar with James O'Keefe or Project Veritas, that's good. It's good to not know about, read, or watch anything they've made.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Not because they're dangerous per se, potentially harmful, but also like worthless. A waste of everyone's time. The borderlands movie of political operatives down to the obviously terrible editing. Project Veritas is a right-wing media group seemingly obsessed with exposing the libs with hidden camera operations.
Starting point is 00:08:35 I guess the idea was to get left-leaning figures confessing to bad stuff on camera, like the ending of A Few Good Men. The problem being that it was completely hinged on people acting like movie characters and badly written ones at that. This is all to say that in actuality, Project Veritas was just a group of very dim people trying very poorly to frame progressives as being sinister, only to end up looking like a gaggle of dipshits. And the reason they keep doing it is because, to their credit, this tactic of lying and manipulative editing
Starting point is 00:09:07 has kind of worked for them. Well, it's at least worked once for them. And O'Keefe has been chasing that high ever since. Like when your dog finds a squirrel in a bush one time and then forever has to check that bush on every walk. It's not gonna be there, Maggie. I'm so sorry. It's just not.
Starting point is 00:09:22 We're on a walk. We gotta keep going. This success story started back in 2009 when O'Keefe sold videos to Breitbart of a two-person sting operation against the Association of Community Organizations for Reforms Now or ACORN, not to be confused with people enacting acronyms needlessly
Starting point is 00:09:39 until the title indicates nothing germane or peanutting. ACORN had several objectives, but was primarily focused on fighting for housing and better wages for low income workers and families. In various cities, O'Keefe and his journalist partner, Hannah Giles, secretly recorded visits into Acorn offices and their interviews with the staff. Posing as a stereotypical pimp and prostitute,
Starting point is 00:10:03 O'Keefe and Giles asked the Acorn members how to launder their money and disguise their underage sex trafficking business, bringing over 15-year-olds from El Salvador to work in their brothels. At the time, Congress partially funded Acorn, and so this expose got a lot of media attention. Do we have clips?
Starting point is 00:10:21 We should talk to you about, which might complicate our taxes, is that we've got a couple girls overseas coming over, you know what I mean? Do we have clips? I'm interested in taking care of them and getting them used to the area. And they're very young and we don't want to put them on the books. They're from El Salvador. There's like 13 of them. Okay. And they're probably going to move into the house. Okay, seems bad. Do we have another one? There's like 12 of them. Is that okay? 12?
Starting point is 00:10:59 12. 12 girls. There's 12 girls, but they're like, there's like 13 to 15 years old. Yeah. So just looking at those videos, that really doesn't appear good. And it makes sense that this would ping Fox News, Glenn Beck and Forbes among other outlets.
Starting point is 00:11:15 But did you notice all those jump cuts in those clips? Seems fishy, right? A little sus, like a sussy fish. Well, the Brooklyn district attorney also noticed that, which led to no charges being filed against Acorn, because it turns out that in the unedited footage, O'Keefe never claimed to be a pimp in front of the Acorn employee,
Starting point is 00:11:35 which is what he specifically leads you to think in his videos. He even cuts in sequences where he's walking around dressed like a pimp, as if that's what he wore to these meetings. Yes and yes. Except he didn't wear that at the meetings. He put on a costume, did some b-roll, then changed back into a suit to get the actual footage. Also, sorry, correction, he dressed like what a suburban
Starting point is 00:12:04 conservative kid thinks a pimp looks like. He dressed like what a suburban conservative kid thinks a pimp looks like. He looks like Chester Cheetah if he was a mascot for oat milk. See what I mean about them being very stupid? As for context, another thing these videos didn't show was the fact that at least one Acorn employee was specifically fishing for information
Starting point is 00:12:22 so he could report O'Keefe to the police, which when you think about it is exactly what anyone would do in this situation. You wouldn't confront them there in the office, you'd report them after. This is why James's entire model is so inherently deceptive. Most people don't immediately push back if they think you're a criminal. They nervously smile and nod and then quietly deal with it once you're gone. And yet, instead of pointing any of this out, Acorn went into full PR damage control, firing some of their employees, including that guy who was planning to report the meeting.
Starting point is 00:12:55 That dude ended up suing O'Keefe for $100,000 because of that fact. So as a grift, this actually cost him money. But maybe that wasn't his goal. Maybe he just wanted to destroy a group devoted to helping low income families to get some right wing cred, you know, you got to get that right wing freak cred and destroy he did and cred he received. Even though those videos were clearly faked, the damage was done. And that ammunition helped push Congress to cut off Acorn's funding.
Starting point is 00:13:26 And in spite of O'Keefe's fraudulent expose reporting being expose-ed, Breitbart still supported O'Keefe in his quest to repeatedly trip on his own terms, up until the time he tried to do a sting on CNN, only to get stung by his own stinger. Izzy told me the plan was to bring me close to the dock and then ask me if I would consent to having my meeting with James recorded on an audio recorder. If I said yes, she would get me on the boat where James was waiting
Starting point is 00:13:56 and where hidden video cameras were rolling. Why is his goal to get me on the boat? She said because on the boat, he's gonna be there, dressed up, and he's going to have strawberries and champagne waiting for you. And he was going to hit on you the whole time. Hey, question. What?
Starting point is 00:14:20 So apparently, in an attempt to expose hypocrisy, O'Keefe tried to, big boy quotes, seduce a CNN reporter on a boat that reportedly had a ceiling mirror, pornographic posters, sex toys, and hidden cameras. You know how women love being lured onto boats in the middle of nowhere by men whose attire and environment indicate that they do this all the time?
Starting point is 00:14:40 I feel like we could do an entire episode on the many ways this plan was sad and weird, including but not limited to the fact that O'Keefe was just clearly trying to film a sex tape on the company dime. And this is what he thought was sexy or romantic or alluring. Kind of like how he thought this is what a pimp was.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Anyway, O'Keefe's then assistant exposed the ruse to the reporter, probably because it was fucking creepy. And the story went from an O'Keefe exposee about CNN into a CNN exposee about O'Keefe. And again, I don't know how many times I can say that he's a dim freak. Anyway, that was the last straw for Breitbart who dropped O'Keefe in 2010.
Starting point is 00:15:20 This was on top of the fact that earlier that year, O'Keefe had been arrested in New Orleans for attempting to tap a senator's phone, which is a wild thing to do unless you don't know what crimes are. So after pleading guilty to a lesser charge and serving probation that limited his travel, on top of losing his grift job, O'Keefe had to start fresh, and he launched Project Veritas that same year as a non-profit. A non-profit! I guess to his credit, and he launched Project Veritas that same year as a nonprofit. A nonprofit! I guess to his credit, it sure doesn't seem like he's very profitable considering all of the lawsuits.
Starting point is 00:15:52 At this point, James had a taste of the spotlight, albeit as a laughing stock and a fraud, but he just couldn't walk away. In 2011, he attempted a repeat of his Acorn video success by launching a similar sting against NPR, posing as a Muslim group attempting to bribe NPR executives in exchange for favorable coverage of Islam. The video footage, as you probably guessed,
Starting point is 00:16:15 was yet again heavily edited. Still, the move garnered favor in conservative circles, I wonder why, and forced those NPR executives to resign, even though in the unedited footage, the NPR executives repeatedly expressed that donor money wouldn't influence NPR's coverage. Basically, all of O'Keefe's victories stem from bureaucrats playing it safe as opposed to exposing any actual wrongdoing. This pattern would continue when Project Veritas went on to get a boost from this guy. In 2015, the somehow future president would donate around $20,000 to Project Veritas for their support. Hey, isn't that exactly what they accused NPR of doing?
Starting point is 00:17:05 Taking bribes for favorable coverage? But now funded by MagaBucks, O'Keefe and Project Veritas attempted another sting operation on Hillary Clinton staffers to expose them as troublemakers, inciting violence at Trump rallies. It doesn't matter what the fricking legal and ethics people
Starting point is 00:17:27 say, we need to win this motherfucker. Hillary is aware of all the work that you guys do, I hope. The campaign is fully in it. And then they tell Hillary what's going on. Well, Hillary knows who changed her mind. Yeah. I'm not suggesting we wait around. We need to start this shit right away.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Cool graphics, James! As you can tell by the really slick introduction that they probably stole from Andrew Kramer and the fine people at Video Copilot, much of the video is heavily edited to make those staffers look extra bloodthirsty for Mr. Trump. But in spite of the video being doctored,
Starting point is 00:17:56 Trump still cited them in several campaign speeches to falsely blame Clinton for the violence at his rallies, which as the pattern dictates, caused some low-level Clinton staffers to step down. So by now you might think that Project Veritas was indestructible. However, they did have an Achilles heel or rather a thermal exhaust port.
Starting point is 00:18:15 And that was the fact that they were run by a wannabe theater kid and dummy from the New Jersey suburbs who thought a pimp looked like a cartoon character and women love it when strangers serenade them with butt plugs. O'Keefe was, by all accounts, a spoiled dipshit who reportedly spent hundreds of thousands of Veritas dollars on private expenses, while also being a general dick about it to his staff.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Some of those private expenses, by the way, seem to be all in service of O'Keefe's desire to be like a musical theater star. He used project Veritas money to be in Oklahoma and tried to DJ at Coachella. Most of his sting videos tend to have some kind of musical element. And it all just seems clear that while trying to pretend to be a serious journalist
Starting point is 00:18:58 or political operative, much like a lot of his compatriots in the right wing griftosphere, he just wants to perform to be a star. Let's watch. ["The Land, The Land, The Land, The Land"] Ooh, nice try. Don't quit your day job.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Do get forced out of it though, because by 2023, O'Keefe was so disliked by everyone at Project Veritas that employees wrote up a letter of no confidence, citing various complaints about O'Keefe's leadership and behavior, such as forcing employees to take a polygraph test to sniff out a mole. He also yelled at a co-worker during a public trial in front of the jury because he was hungry and, no foolin', stole a pregnant woman's sandwich. Jesus H.B.L-T Christ.
Starting point is 00:19:46 What a fucking weird dim sheltered freak. Project Veritas had enough of O'Keefe's shit and ousted him entirely. Then O'Keefe launched O'Keefe Media Group, which, since this segment is all about initials and acronyms apparently, was coined. Oh my gosh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Hey, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Hey, can't help but notice that all of O'Keefe's grifts seem to involve making hot women go near him. It's almost like he's incredibly creepy. While it sold half a million dollars worth of subscriptions within 24 hours of launching, OMG has ceased uploading content to its website, with its last post being in 2023, which, here's some news, was last year. It currently relies on YouTube and X as a platform and depends on sponsors to generate revenue.
Starting point is 00:20:33 In 2024, he just rehashes old news with a scumbag scandal coat of paint with very timely topical trolling like harassing Disney employees for being woke. Because what's sad and pathetic in 2022 can be sadder and pathetic-er in 2024, I guess. O'Keefe went from being a headline-making, wonderkinned, yellow journalist
Starting point is 00:20:53 that was frequently on national television to a shitty 40-something man on the street harasser that has less than 300,000 subscribers and barely has any videos that break past 150,000 views. On top of that, New York prosecutors are going after him for all of his money mishandling and being a shitbag to employees because it turns out the whole nonprofit thing has rules. Meanwhile, Project Veritas laid off most of its staff
Starting point is 00:21:17 and paused any fundraising due to O'Keefe's misuse of their funds as the group continues to be crushed by the weight of lawsuits against it, either by those they exposed or from former employees. And the moral to this, and a lot of this video, is that if your entire business model is based on scams and lies, it's only inevitable that you end up scamming and lying to everyone around you.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Anywho, did someone say something about relying on sponsors to generate revenue? That reminds me. Boy, you know what I love? Capturing wild animals off the street and putting them in my home. They don't seem to like me very much, but I keep them anyway.
Starting point is 00:21:58 And then I just watch them. And of course I clean their poop. And if you also have wild animals you've captured and cleaned the poop of, you should check out the Litter Robot by Whisker. That's right, it is a self-cleaning litter box that automatically scoops them poos after every use. So your home doesn't smell like a wild animal pooped in it. And because we live in the future,
Starting point is 00:22:18 the Litter Robot will even send you a notification to your phone when it needs to be emptied. It even gives you data about the poop of the wild animal you've trapped in your home. Listen, you can't keep hand cleaning the poop of this wild animal that you've captured. That's weird. Why are you doing that?
Starting point is 00:22:36 It's time to join over 1 million happy people who have captured wild animals in their home and upgrade to the Litter-Robot. Or perhaps you know someone who has captured a wild animal in their home, someone other than you. Well, it also makes a great gift for the holidays. And right now, Whiskr is offering $75 off Litter-Robot bundles.
Starting point is 00:22:55 And as a special offer to listeners, you can get an additional $50 off when you go to slash more news. That's an additional $50 off when you go to slash more news. That's an additional $50 off when you go to stop slash more news. Once again, that's stop slash more news. Boy, I've tried just about everything to get to sleep at night, holding my breath really long,
Starting point is 00:23:25 eating cold tomato soup, standing over the corner of my desk, and then just kinda letting my knees go slack, watching the movie Enemy of the State. It is the never-ending quest of humanity to fall asleep and stay asleep. Ultimately, we need to have time and to feel cozy, and what's been working for me is curling up with a cup of beam
Starting point is 00:23:49 dream. It's like a hot cocoa powder, but it comes in like 15 different flavors. It has a combination of ingredients like magnesium and melatonin that are designed to put you to sleep and keep you asleep. Do you like chai? sleep and keep you asleep. Do you like chai? Hmm? Normally I drink chai to stay awake, but they have a vanilla chai flavor that will put you down instead. Can you picture it? Wrapped up in your bed, drinking your bean dream chai, watching in the line of fire. Oh, and by the way, it's completely vegan and has no added sugar. It's also designed specifically for no grogginess
Starting point is 00:24:28 the next day. So you can get up and be ready to start your day. Be that watching the movie, Bullworth or primary colors or whatever. It's your choice. So scan the code to access Beams exclusive Some More News discount and get up to 40% off or go to slash more news.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Use code more news. Powering up, powering up, powering up. And I'm alive. Okay, are we back from break? Can I start speaking? Can I start speaking? Am I already speaking? Hey, Cody, I didn't expect to see you here. What is this?
Starting point is 00:25:12 Just do the bit. No bits, idiot. Ugh, sorry. That was supposed to come out cute. I just wanted to see how you were doing, you know, since Warren Bow locked us into the studio and also my house a few weeks ago. Oh, I'm good actually.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I started eating dead things. Great to hear. Fun story I listened to. Hey, unrelated question. Do you have any food that I could like eat? You ate all your food after abandoning me here? Is that it? You abandoned me here because you had food,
Starting point is 00:25:52 but then you ate all the food and now you want food. Did I get that right? You make it sound so unseemly, but yeah, that actually perfectly describes why I am calling. You couldn't ration, do some bootstraps pulling? See, you would think that, but I made these 10-layer nachos and they don't really reheat that well.
Starting point is 00:26:13 And I'm not a big leftovers gal, to be honest. 10 layers? Yes, so what you do is you actually start with a layer of cheese, then you add the canned beans, then take these survival ration bars, mash those up. So welcome back. We were discussing some of the grifters and liars
Starting point is 00:26:34 that skated by for way too long until they actually saw consequences, which is thematically fitting, it seems. And fun, this is mostly fun. No reason to stop having fun is my motto, fun Cody. So let's choo-choo that fun train and talk about Jacob Wall and that other guy who hangs out with him.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Jacob Wall and Jack Berkman, world's worst liars. I know I've mentioned how a lot of these grifters are dim, but to their credit, yes, to the credit of Alex Jones and James O'Keefe, they were at least marginally successful at lying for at least a small amount of time. Jacob Wall and Jack Berkman, on the other hand, have never been good at lying, to the point that you almost feel bad for them. Like, if they're watching, hi, thanks for watching. I highly suggest that you find some other line of work that is not grifting. Snowboarding?
Starting point is 00:27:25 I don't know. Anything would be better. For a little background, Jacob Wall is a far-right activist that got his start as an early 20s Twitter finance bro, who flaunted investment strategies to his followers while secretly cheating his clients out of his investments. But when Trump got into office, the guy completely switched to right-wing grifter mode and began to smear anyone who was even remotely anti-Trump. In 2018, he and his associate, Republican lobbyist Jack Berkman, tried to set up Robert Mueller by paying women to accuse him of sexual assault. It didn't work, of course, but despite getting their dicks so thoroughly pushed in the dirt, amazingly, the two tried the same fucking plan against Pete Buttigieg,
Starting point is 00:28:05 this time paying young men to lie. The alleged victims would end up immediately confessing to lying, because it turns out that even when you do it for money, it's not worth the incredible scrutiny you face when you publicly accuse someone of sexual assault, which is why most people don't do that unless they're telling the truth. Something to perhaps note. Anyway, later in the year, Wall held a groundbreaking bombshell of a press conference regarding yet another, I'm sure, totally real sex scandal, this time involving Elizabeth Warren and a military veteran escort. I'm seeing a pattern. So how did that press conference go? Today we're presenting some very serious allegations against Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Starting point is 00:28:47 She was involved in a very explicit relationship with a male escort who stands to my left side, a decorated U.S. combat veteran, somebody who served our country, a war hero, truly. I don't think this is a funny thing. Yeah, it didn't go well. It appeared that the only reason anyone from the press came was just to put a little fun in their day because they knew about the pattern. But okay, I just got finished saying
Starting point is 00:29:18 that we should believe victims, even if those victims are hanging out with serial sex scandal hoaxers. Was there any proof? You can see two scars here. That was from the Katonine Tales. That was from Senator Warren's transgressions. I'm sorry, is that a triple X tattoo
Starting point is 00:29:42 from the Vin Diesel film? Does that man have a tattoo from the 2002 Diesel film, does that man have a tattoo from the 2002 Rob Cohen action film, Triple X, the one where Vin Diesel snowboards down an avalanche to stop a terrorist organization called Anarchy 99 that he had previously infiltrated after being recruited by agent Augustus Gibbons for a secret extreme sports spy division of the NSA
Starting point is 00:30:03 on account of Vin Diesel's pass as a lawless Robin Hood type who crashed a crooked Senator's car and would go on to fake his death only to return again when called upon by the CIA to investigate the assassination of agent Augustus Gibbons after a satellite crashed on him whilst he was busy attempting to recruit the Brazilian footballer Neymar Jr. while in a diner only to learn that agent Augustus Gibbons
Starting point is 00:30:22 and also Neymar faked their deaths and was rebuilding the Triple X program all over again. He got that as a tattoo, really. That is... It's awesome. I want that. I should be Triple X. I'm a family, right? Anyway, this was all a lie and didn't work
Starting point is 00:30:43 or even hurt Warren's reputation at all. Also, that guy's military record turned out to be fake and he wasn't actually an escort. But still, that tattoo is legit. So at this point, you would think that this embarrassment would slow Wall and Berkman down or at least give them some pause. But amazingly, they just kept doing this to pretty much any public figure the right was mad at. Fauci! They of course did it to Fauci early in the pandemic. And that still didn't work after the accuser
Starting point is 00:31:13 once again confessed to lying 10 days afterward. It's like Bard grabbing the cupcake. Just stop. Stop it, guys, stop it. And as if they weren't being punished enough, that same year they got back on that loser horse and co-ran a robo calling scheme. 85,000 or so robo calls they are accused of making
Starting point is 00:31:34 to mostly minorities in cities including Detroit, trying to scare people from voting by mail. That if you vote by mail, your personal information will be part of a public database. But that number was dwarfed by the FCC, which is now proposing a $5.1 million fine for the payer, the largest ever under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Guys, stop!
Starting point is 00:31:59 Find a different job, or at least different business partners. It is not working out. Guys, guys, guys, stop. Since this scam was done across multiple states, that meant that multiple state attorneys general and prosecutors specific went after this, including Ohio's Cuyahoga County common please court,
Starting point is 00:32:18 which fined them, put them on probation and gave them a community service sentence of 500 hours of registering voters. Because if you do a crime in Cuyahoga County, you best know that justice is gonna be poetic and ironic. Wall and Berkman are still facing consequences from their robocall bedshitting as the two settled with New York's attorney general
Starting point is 00:32:39 for $1.25 million this year for violating the Voting Rights Act and the KKK Act. They're both still going through the Michigan court system for criminal charges, and Berkman has lost his license to practice law, though curiously not his license to shred the gnar. Just saying guys, just saying. If getting hammered by state courts wasn't enough,
Starting point is 00:33:02 the FCC has fined them $5 million too. And so surely by now they would stop doing scams. Like at least James O'Keefe had a mediocre success where you can kind of understand why he's chasing that high again. But with these guys, it's never worked. Stay down, you lost the fight guys. And yet amazingly, just this month,
Starting point is 00:33:28 it was revealed that Jacob Wall and Jack Berkman have been secretly running an AI lobbying firm and lying about who their clients were, creating false screenshots on their webpage claiming that they worked with Home Depot, Visa, Capital One, Lockheed Martin, Toyota, Microsoft, Pfizer and fucking Palantir. Are they addicted to being sued?
Starting point is 00:33:49 Is it their common fetish? This is like watching a gambling addict, except statistically speaking, gambling addicts sometimes win. Just pick any other job. Guys, seriously, do they have any close loved ones who can perhaps step in? Or you know, whatever, I don't care also. Let's move on.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Sean King, because both sides. Fair and balanced, assholes. I got you, because leftists can be grifter sometimes, less often for some reason, but yeah, very slime people on both sides. So Sean King is an activist and organizer in the social justice space, rising into the spotlight on social media
Starting point is 00:34:35 during the Black Lives Matter movement throughout 2014 and 2015. King gained a heavy following as he called out injustice and rallied others for the movement, asking people to donate toward BLM or other such causes. King certainly said the right things and made the right enemies. Far, far right enemies. Conservative media, including Milo Yiannopoulos, man you don't really hear about him anymore, I wonder why, I wonder where he went, what's going on Milo, where'd you go? Questioned King's race, claiming that he wasn't really black or biracial,
Starting point is 00:35:06 because apparently all the far right cares about isn't actual substantial criticism, but identity politics. This bad faith attack against King granted him some credibility from the left and even some top level support, most notably from Bernie Sanders. Steal the burn! But okay, nothing nefarious so far.
Starting point is 00:35:25 However, this burst in popularity also came with a burst in funding for his various ventures. And it turns out that when you make a lot of money, it messes you up for some reason. There should be an easy two-word saying for that. Money, bads. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:35:41 And so reportedly, King began a very simple grift. Helma, nonprofit, kickstarters, or some other money raising cause, take money and then abandon that cause. By the time people would start wondering where the money went, he would have moved on to something else. He basically began to survive
Starting point is 00:35:59 by swinging from one fundraiser to the next, like a grifter Tarzan. In 2011, he held a fundraiser to tour and climb mountains throughout the world and then by his own admission, quit four days into training. He then developed a university that was essentially a life coaching course that he also bailed on. Maybe you need the life coaching course, you can bail on it.
Starting point is 00:36:20 In 2015, he started an online fundraising campaign for the mother of Tamir Rice that garnered $60,000. But King failed to mention that to Rice or her attorneys. That money was seized by the court and was eventually placed in a trust per the instruction of Rice's legal team. After, that legal team took out nearly half of that money in legal fees.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Hey, wow, I feel like that bears repeating. Sean King started a fundraiser for Tamir Rice's grieving mother, who at that time was homeless, and then didn't actually involve her in that fundraiser. He's claimed he was going to give it to her, but we'll never know. Also, Sean would continue to have a bad relationship
Starting point is 00:37:02 with Rice's mother for years to come. So that seems like a clear sign you haven't actually helped someone. Also, Sean would continue to have a bad relationship with Rice's mother for years to come. So that seems like a clear sign you haven't actually helped someone. It's not a great look to have an ongoing beef with a grieving mother. And this wouldn't be the last time he funded something without actually having permission.
Starting point is 00:37:17 King also promoted a fundraiser to help the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services reunite immigrant children with their families during the Trump administration. And then took credit for its success, even though the organizer said King never coordinated or spoke with them.
Starting point is 00:37:33 So either he just fundamentally doesn't understand how fundraising works in that you have to actually talk to the people you are raising money for, or he's not actually concerned with helping anyone. Also, you may have noticed that we don't have any clips of Sean King in our segment. That's not to say there are no videos of him, but to his own admission, he doesn't do press conferences or interviews because, as he puts it, he just wants to do the work. That work being starting fundraisers that may or may not actually go to something
Starting point is 00:38:04 or someone besides him. Yeah, I see why you might not want to put yourself out there, but darn it, it also makes it really hard for us to break up this video with some kind of clip to cut to. Come on, Sean, help us out somebody. Boobies, butts, a penis.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Perfect interstitial, took the words right out of my boobies, butts, a penis. Perfect interstitial, took the words right out of my boobies, butts, and a penis. Anyway, in 2018, King raised money through multiple investors and subscribers to launch The North Star, a media company that he stated would bring hard news and commentary regarding social justice topics
Starting point is 00:38:39 through videos and podcasts, featuring several journalists and White House correspondents. But currently, The North Star Star is as of this writing, just a fucking sub stack newsletter that only King himself writes with only five people on staff, including King and two of his relatives.
Starting point is 00:38:57 It's a blog, like what you could make right now with your buddies. And yet incredibly the fundraiser made at the lowest estimate, $1.5 million a year for his blog. Like you can go on the blog and see that every reasoned article was just written by this one guy, Sean King.
Starting point is 00:39:18 It's a blog, but making over a million dollars a year to do your blog still wasn't enough for Seanathan. He started yet another nonprofit, the Grassroots Law Project, and raised over $6 million in its first year. Its stated goal was to fund the review of prosecutorial injustices in major cities after the death of George Floyd.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Those projects, as you have probably predicted, didn't launch off the ground. Not even a little piddly sparkler's worth of a launching. But that didn't stop King from taking a nearly quarter of a million dollar cut from the funds that were raised. After all, he earned it. So heck, Spanx on rice. It sure would be nice if this stopped.
Starting point is 00:40:01 While King has yet to be charged with any crimes, the audience he garnered has waned as his reputation is scrutinized by fellow activists and podcasters. Dozens of former collaborators from various groups King was involved with wrote open letters discussing King's shoddy management of their funds, along with a 2019 social media post
Starting point is 00:40:21 signed by activists from BLM, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Ferguson Response Network, among many others that stated, quote, "'In the past four years, King has launched several efforts, all of which failed or faded away without explanation. Each of these efforts had substantial monetary investment from both community and donors with questions that remain unanswered to this day.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Boy, really seems like a bad sign when a bunch of people come together to specifically tell you to stop. Like the latest cause that Sean King is involved in is stopping Sean King. But you can't keep a grifter down. King would focus his efforts towards Gaza in 2024 and was invited as keynote speaker
Starting point is 00:41:02 at a Council on American Islamic Relations event. But luckily, people started to actually get wise, and his invitation was revoked after community members brought up the whole grifting performative asshole thing. So hey, that's a start. And I don't know, maybe this is why there are fewer grifters on the left? Because they seem to get pushed out of the movement like a splinter. At least,
Starting point is 00:41:30 eventually. It's pretty telling that philanthropy was the viable route for this grift, and that definitely speaks to the left's willingness to toss money at an injustice without checking if it's going to the right people or helping in the right way. And in terms of just taking money directly from people by lying, Sean might be the biggest grifter on this list. So damn, maybe we should just buy coffee mugs that say conservative tears instead of giving the money to him. Oh snap, that actually reminds me of this other thing we gotta do again.
Starting point is 00:41:57 So let's just do it. Sup bro, how's your hair, Sitch? I ask all my bros that when we bro out drinking soot and eating yogurt together, but haircare isn't just a bro problem. It's different for bros and non bros. You might want thicker lashes or less shedding, or maybe you're going through the changes
Starting point is 00:42:24 and your hair is acting different, or maybe, I don't know, maybe you are perfect the way that you are, bro. But whatever your bro-serns, NutriFull is there to help. NutriFull is the number one dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement trusted by over 1 million people. See, thicker, stronger, faster growing hair, with less shedding in just 3-6 months with NutriVul. They target the root causes of thinning such as stressies, hormonesies, agingcies, and nutritionzees. Also, postpartumzees. They don't just rely on ingredient studies either, none of that jazz. Nutriful tests their final formulas to ensure efficacy.
Starting point is 00:43:06 There's no prescription required. You can get it online with automated deliveries. Hair to your dough. Door. That's bro-tastic-sies, bro. So get results you can run your fingers through. For a limited time, Nutriful is offering our listeners $10 off your first month's subscription and free shipping when you go to and enter
Starting point is 00:43:31 the promo code MORENEWS. Find out why over 4,500 healthcare professionals and stylists spelled, promo code more news. Again, that's, promo code more news, bro. What's up fam? It's Case Disl talking at you about home security. Ever since I moved to the mountains, I've noticed a lot of bears showing up at my house around the end of October. And it's not just bears, but dogs, clowns, cowboys, barbies,
Starting point is 00:44:14 ghosts, witches, and Spiderman for some reason. Luckily, I can keep track of them all with SimpliSafe. We've partnered with SimpliSafe to offer you an exclusive 50% discount on a new system, plus a free indoor security camera with FastProtect. Not everyone needs to constantly monitor their home. In fact, all those clowns and Frankensteins have been extremely polite, but maybe you have a specific concern. Well, SimpliSafe is the easiest way
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Starting point is 00:45:16 All you need to do is visit slash more news. But the offer is for a limited time only. So be sure to order today. Again, that's Simpli simply slash more news. There's no safe, like simply safe. Wait, okay, so I just bite into it and then it's food? Yeah, totally. That's why they're called loafers.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Okay. Oh! It tastes like floor! Yeah, sure does. How are you the one getting me to eat something? The balance is off, Cody. Just, I don't know, mail me some food. I'm locked in the studio.
Starting point is 00:46:04 You'll have to fend for yourself. Fine, fine, fine. I am resourceful. I can hunt. There's bound to be a deer in this house somewhere. You see, okay, I recently moved. I know I shouldn't enjoy suffering, but I enjoy her suffering.
Starting point is 00:46:25 So we've gone over a lot of the dingy grifters, you know, the people mostly hidden behind the veil of a social media or internet show, those cowards! But now it's time to step it up a bit. I'm guessing a lot of right-wing online grifting feels innocuous to some people precisely because it's online, which is also why these people thought they could get away with it. For most of us, they existed as these abstract characters with no real connection to reality.
Starting point is 00:46:52 But then before we knew it, grifters like Andy No began to show up at serious Senate hearings. Actual politicians started listening to these freaks, several of which were Russian assets, it seems. And then came January 6th, when all that abstract grifting suddenly became this very real thing.
Starting point is 00:47:11 This is all to speculate that perhaps the reason we're actually starting to see more consequences is because authorities have realized the dangers these liars can cause specifically to our elections, which brings us to all the Insurrection Freaks, specifically these Insurrection Freaks. Ali Alexander and Sidney Powell, Insurrection Freaks. There are of course, many more people
Starting point is 00:47:37 that march under the Insurrection Freak banner. One of them wants to be the president again. I lumped these two together because they're lower level and titles aren't cheap, folks. You know how many whales we have to kill for one title? Too many. It's more than zero. I'm still not sure why.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Find out why. There have also been a lot of arrests so far for the actual people who stormed the Capitol, including at least one cast member of Mr. Show. And man, we will get the rest of them someday. Choo-choo, the herky-jerky insurrectionist. But it's always sort of rubbed me the wrong way that the actual people who incited this event
Starting point is 00:48:13 have managed to slip by because they weren't physically connected to the insurrection attempt. Ali Alexander is of course one of those people. He was one of the key activists in the far right behind the Stop the Steal movement, who teamed up with several MAGA diehards and congressmen to pressure Congress to overturn the 2020 election.
Starting point is 00:48:32 How do we know he did this? Because he told us. So I'm going to let you guys know how we're responding, because I was the person who came up with the January 6th idea with Congressman Gosar, Congressman Mo Brooks, and then Congressman Andy Biggs. We four schemed up of putting maximum pressure on Congress while they were voting so that who we couldn't lobby, we could change the hearts and the minds of Republicans who were in that body, hearing our loud war from outside. Now to be fair and balanced and super naive, Alexander has gone on record,
Starting point is 00:49:10 lamenting the fact that people entered the US Capitol. So his defense is that he was simply organizing a peaceful protest that got out of hand. And honestly, I'm sympathetic to that in a climate where politicians are looking for slimy ways to make protesting a crime, specifically targeting the people who organize these events to make them responsible for any damage caused during them. That is wrong, and dare I say, bad.
Starting point is 00:49:34 However, Alexander's claim that he didn't want to incite violence or have people storm the US Capitol would go down a lot smoother if he hadn't literally filmed himself watching people storming the Capitol while directly saying, I do not denounce this to the camera. I want to say something.
Starting point is 00:49:52 I don't disavow this. I do not denounce this. My absolute goodness. The gall of claiming you didn't do a thing when you literally filmed a video of you doing the thing while saying I 100% support doing this thing. Incredible. These people are so bad at doing crimes. Anyway, we also have multiple quotes of him saying that he totally wanted to incite violence. Not that it matters when he literally filmed a confession, but for example, two weeks prior
Starting point is 00:50:24 to the Capitol storming, he spoke at a rally saying, quote, one of our organizers in one state said, we're nice patriots, we don't throw bricks. I leaned over and I said, not yet, not yet. Haven't you read about a little tarn feathering? Those were second degree burns. We're going to convince them to not certify the vote
Starting point is 00:50:43 on January 6th by marching hundreds of thousands, if not millions of patriots, to sit their butts in DC and close that city down, right? And if we have to explore options after that, yet, yet. So yeah, yet was the key word there. And that's not the only example. Back in early December of 2020, Alexander talked about efforts
Starting point is 00:51:05 to overturn the election results in an off-camera interview on a far-right channel. If you believe what I believe, which is that our election was stolen, if you believe what I believe, and that's that we'll never have another fair election again, then it's time to burn the house before giving it to the enemy.
Starting point is 00:51:22 You can see how slippery he phrases things, at least when he's not saying, I do not denounce this directly to a camera. Everything else is vaguely figurative in that theoretically, if an election was stolen, the only recourse we have was to escalate in the direction of violence. But that would be a lot more persuasive
Starting point is 00:51:40 if the election was stolen, more on that in a bit. Alexander had several other videos of him discussing plans for January 6th, but after the failed insurrection, he deleted many of them for some reason. And for a long while, that's it. He never really saw consequences. Twitter kicked Alexander off the platform,
Starting point is 00:52:00 but then Elon Musk brought him back because of course he did. However, recently, Alexander seems to have been suspended again. That's interesting. I wonder why. Probably has something to do with him grooming underage boys and trying to buy their silence.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Yeah, that might be why. Authorities in Texas and Colorado are now investigating Alexander for that. And he has since been trying to hide from public life. And so this is all to say that he finally is facing some kind of legal consequences for his actions, just not the actions he's most known for. So good enough, I guess.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Anyway, maybe we'll have more luck with Sidney Powell. She was one of several lawyers on Trump's legal team that attempted to get the election results overturned. Her strategy was to adopt election fraud conspiracies, such as accusing Dominion voting machines and the Smartmatic software of flipping votes for Trump into votes for Biden. And China and Venezuela helped.
Starting point is 00:52:59 The Dominion voting systems, the Smartmatic technology software, and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here the Smartmatic Technology Software, and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here as well, not just Dominion, were created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez. They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They've done it before. We have evidence from 2016 in California. We have so much evidence, I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Oh, damn, we're gonna get hosed by evidence. Drowning in it. Civilization will become more evidence than a human. Anyway, there was no evidence. Shucks. And because of that lack of evidence, Dominion filed a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit against Powell in 2021.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Because you can't just say things. And in what was an absolutely mind boggling defense, Powell's lawyers would claim the statements she made were legally protected because, quote, no reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact. To expand on that, she was basically saying that nobody would assume that her statements
Starting point is 00:54:10 were official findings and were pending an investigation, which would perhaps be more believable if she hadn't put on very official looking press events like she just caught the Zodiac killer, Ted Cruz's dad. It's pretty wild how often this seems to happen, isn't it? Where a right-wing loudmouth will claim anything and everything up until the moment they have to go to court. Then all of a sudden they were a performance artist and assume audiences know they exaggerate and should be taken with skepticism, even though literally nothing they do presents themselves that way. Get a puppet for God's sake! Goes a long way. So yeah, Powell's argument that tricking gullible
Starting point is 00:54:51 people was all in good fun did not work in court, and that case is currently pending. Powell also pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges in Georgia for fucking with the election process and is facing $150,000 sanctions in Michigan for abusing the legal system by bringing in a phony election fraud case to their court. Boy, it seems like if you're going to completely ruin not only your career, but life, you should really double check if it's illegal
Starting point is 00:55:19 to try to overturn the results of an election without any evidence of voter fraud. That's like the first thing you should bing. But as I keep going back to, it really seems like something has fundamentally gone wrong with these people. The same way a lot of MAGA folks seem to have completely abandoned reality and gone completely all in on Trump. And we just have to watch them ruin their lives in real time as they melt away like Gollum getting sucked off by jewelry.
Starting point is 00:55:47 And speaking of melting and getting sucked off, Rudy Giuliani, America's sad uncle. Man, it is hard to even know where to begin with Rudy. The dude has had one of the biggest public downfalls of anyone in modern history. He's like the anti Robert Downey Jr. Because when we talk about grifters, we often allude to the fact that most of them
Starting point is 00:56:10 know full well that they are liars. And that's why the smart ones don't tend to get into too much legal trouble. The dumb ones take bribes from Russia apparently. But Rudy really presents himself as a true believer. Not necessarily in the election fraud, mind you, but in Trump himself. He is the encapsulation of exactly how the internet
Starting point is 00:56:31 ruined the minds of a lot of boomers with zero media literacy. If Donald Trump is Avon Barksdale, Rudy is Bubbles. And his faith has put him on the front lines of every goddamn defamation lawsuit anyone could come up with. He has pleaded not guilty to nine felony charges related to the fake electors scheme in Arizona and is facing similar prosecution in Georgia. And these lawsuits are causing him to bleed
Starting point is 00:56:56 millions of dollars either to the plaintiffs or to his own lawyers that he couldn't pay. You might suggest that he should just represent himself since he's a lawyer, except he was also disbarred from practicing law in New York. All of this has left Rudy so bankrupt that he requested that a judge change his Chapter 11 bankruptcy to a Chapter 7, so his assets would be put into a trust that he could use to pay off the $153 million he owes
Starting point is 00:57:23 to several different creditors. To get out of the deep financial hole he put himself in, Rudy has been shilling his name for Rudy Coffee, which is priced at $30 per bag. But even that got him in trouble because that money made through coffee sales was diverted away from creditors, not that it really matters,
Starting point is 00:57:41 because the coffee roaster behind Rudy Coffee is also bankrupt. So since that's not working out, Rudy decided to get a sponsor called Balance of Nature Vitamins for his podcast. How is that going? It's natural. It gives you incredibly big boost in energy
Starting point is 00:58:02 you would not expect pretty much right away. Maybe two, three days. I don't know, it seemed to me right away. Boy, he's housing those vitamins like a little squirrel. You gotta chug the vitamins, Rudy. That's the secret. Anyway, welcome to podcast advertising, former mayor. Here's a quick tip.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Maybe don't make so many flippant personal claims about the product. After all, Balance of Nature recently settled a $1.1 million lawsuit for false advertising. So how does this happen to a person? To America's mayor? I know I just said Rudy was a true believer, but I think it goes deeper than that.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Because when you look at Rudy Giuliani, you can't help but feel like he's Trump's picture of Dorian Gray. Trump just keeps on going, free of consequence, while Rudy appears to be literally crumbling before our eyes. And I think that's why Rudy is so ride-or-die. He looks at Trump and thinks, why not me? They are both dudes who got big in New York back in the 80s after all, they're bosom buddies. So why does Trump have this weird magic
Starting point is 00:59:07 where he can say or do anything and excel in life? Heck, Rudy is the one who started in politics. Why doesn't he get to be the crime president? And going back to why we're starting to see actual consequences, I actually think we owe a little bit of that to Trump. It's weird to say, but Trump made a lot of people think that it was okay,
Starting point is 00:59:27 and perhaps more importantly, easy to lie and grift. Like, you know how Kennedy was the first Catholic president, and that was seen as opening a lot of doors for Catholic people? That's like Trump for grifters. Trump is just like John F. Kennedy is apparently what I'm saying. Only it turned out that in true grifter fashion, Trump's presidency only helped Trump.
Starting point is 00:59:48 And so all these grifters came out of the woodwork thinking it was okay to grift, only to learn that this magic invulnerability to consequence only applies to Trump for some reason. Maybe it's the way he talks, like his rambling somehow throws the media off and they don't know how to handle it. Or perhaps he's just lied so much
Starting point is 01:00:06 that he's worn everyone down. We've gotten so used to Trump lying that the 2024 presidential debate between him and Joe Biden was initially more focused on how Biden disappointed rather than on how Trump was pathologically fibbing. He pathologically lied during his term as president. He's lied throughout the 2024 campaign, but he seemingly built such a cult of personality
Starting point is 01:00:32 based completely around grievance that his supporters just don't care. They don't care about anything except him. He can spend years pushing a lie and then just completely move on from it. Going so far as to lie about saying that lie in the first place. Like, remember how the election was stolen from him and all those people we just mentioned ruined their entire lives backing up that claim? We get the most votes of anybody, of any sitting president in history. And he beat us by a whisker.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Fucking oh! Turns out that didn't actually happen. And boy, you would assume that anyone who went all in on the election lie, who perhaps is facing jail time for storming the Capitol, would be extremely pissed at this man right now. Or I guess he was just being sarcastic. You know how he loves saying sarcastic things
Starting point is 01:01:20 with absolutely zero sarcastic inflection in a way that was clearly not actually sarcastic. You know how like, it's actually kind of hard to even imagine Trump specifically being sarcastic? But I'm sure that absolutely terrible explanation will be good enough for his thrall, because that's how cults work. Trump has essentially built a political cult,
Starting point is 01:01:40 which when you think about it, wasn't hard to do. If we owe anything to him, it's that his success points out how the civility and procedure of politics was always kind of a lie, and that building a two-party system inevitably leads to tribalism, especially after a lot of the country no longer tethers to their physical reality, but rather to the internet.
Starting point is 01:02:00 But if this year is any indication, we might be finally getting a handle on this problem. I know it's hard to see it since he has gotten away with so much and potentially will get away with a lot more. But all of Trump's many lies are finally starting to catch up with him. He's been ordered to pay $355 million
Starting point is 01:02:20 after lying about his net worth and might have to sell off property in order to pay that penalty. Trump's denial about raping E. Jean Carroll has also been found to be a lie by the courts and he owes her over $80 million for defaming her. The results of Trump's grifts and lies have him owing more than half a billion dollars.
Starting point is 01:02:40 That was just in 2023 alone. More recently, Trump got a guilty conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up his affair with Stormy Daniels. Of course, it's possible that he'll be able to delay and overturn and wriggle out the way he always has, but, and take this with a pile of salt and caveats, maybe not?
Starting point is 01:03:01 It might actually depend on whether or not he wins in November, which when you think about, is a hilarious problem for someone to have. Trump either has to become president or go to jail. That's gotta be a lot of pressure, you know? I guess what I'm really saying is that this year we have reached a pivotal moment in the fuck around and find out equation. We have a man who has fucked around so much that he's seemingly gone past the event horizon of consequences, or he's simply been edging those consequences so hard that he is about to find out
Starting point is 01:03:33 harder than anyone who ever lived in a torrent of come sequences. It all just depends on what happens in the next election. No pressure. It's like this, Trump becoming president was just one of the worst things that's happened to Americans, but it could also be one of the worst things that's happened to him.
Starting point is 01:03:53 He had spent most of his life as a rich, mediocre crime dude who managed to stay off everyone's radar. Then his ego took over and he accidentally became the president, a job he absolutely did not want. But instead of playing it safe, he doubled down and just started pillaging. Much like all of these grifters, his ego and greed simply could not stop.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Also, he's stupid. He's very, very stupid. And now he either needs to become a fucking dictator on day one or else his life is going to fall apart. He has gone all in. There's no going back. He has dove into the maw of hell and the only way out is forward or not at all. Or maybe Michelle Obama will make us think
Starting point is 01:04:33 he's cute and harmless in 10 years. Who knows? Soup's on, dirtbag. You found food? Really? It's like the Bible says, if your enemy is hungry, enjoy soup in front of them. Okay, gotta go. I learned nothing.
Starting point is 01:04:52 I don't think that's in the Bible, but I'm not certain enough to color out on it. I'm gonna check my Bible. In the beginning. Ooh. Okay, I did what you said. Can I eat the soup now? Very good, Katie. Your loyalty has been rewarded. Mmm. Mmm.
Starting point is 01:05:31 What kind of soup is this? Is this skin? Is this your skin as soup? No. No, it's this lentil soup. Why would you eat it if it was- Listen. Honey. Boyfriend. My beautiful fiance. I gotta say. All this betrayal and dark corn magic. I don't know. I mean, the skin soup is great and all, but this better be worth the sixty bucks you promised me. Oh, it's worth it. For it is not just soup that awaits, but a soup of infinite corn supremacy suffocating the entire globe until all that was will be corn.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Okay but that's still just soup. You will witness the final chapter of mankind. All will die oh my god there's an eyelash in this soup! That is... Disgusting! Oh no. What have I done? And then Jesus died. The end. Thanks for watching everybody.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Make sure to like and subscribe. Check out our slash some more news. We've got a podcast called Even More News. It is where the podcasts live and it lives on this YouTube channel. You can watch it if you want. You can listen to this watchable show as a podcast at the podcast place. It's synergized. It's everywhere. We've got merch at a merch store that has,
Starting point is 01:07:25 you guessed it, merch. And like and subscribe, leave a comment. Back to my reading. Oh, that was the wait. No, he came back.

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