Some More News - Train Mistakes, National Divorces, and EVEN MORE Plenty Bold Slogans

Episode Date: February 24, 2023

Hi. Bridget Todd (@BridgetMarie) joins Katy and Cody to talk about the Biden administration's unforced error in East Palestine, Ohio, Marjorie Taylor Greene's "National Divorce" p...roposal, and the dwindling number of safe and inclusive communication spaces on the internet. Please fill out our SURVEY: Support us on our PATREON: Check out our MERCH STORE: SUBSCRIBE to SOME MORE NEWS:  Subscribe to the Even More News and SMN audio podcasts here: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Stitcher:  Follow us on social media: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome back to even more news the first and only news podcast my name is Katie Stoll Katie Stoll I was gonna guess I, Katie. I'm Cody. Welcome to the thing that you said. Joining us today for the second time, we are very thrilled, is Bridget Todd, host of the podcast There Are No Girls on the Internet and co-host of CityCast DC. Hi, Bridget. Hi. I'm so happy to be back. Thanks for having me. We're thrilled to have you back. We've already established where you are in in the world but it's a very different environment than ours that's right you can share if you want but yeah i'm spending a month in mexico city this is a month yeah i arrived february 8th and i don't go back to the united states until march 9th oh my goodness wait this is how to do it what a great plan you're like past
Starting point is 00:01:08 the hump now where it's like that vacation week where it's like i gotta pack it in gotta do this this this you're settled you can take some time and do a podcast which is nice that's right you got a couple more weeks left i've already gotten diarrhea i've gotten it out of the way. Nice. You've acclimated. Exactly. Well, thank you very much for joining us while out of the country. Before we chit chat a little bit more, it's time to celebrate the holidays. Yeah, we love the holidays.
Starting point is 00:01:44 February 23rd is Curling is Cool Day. I thought that this was about, at first, like curling your hair, but then I read the sentence. Offer up a worldwide embrace for an Olympic sport the entire family can play. If you don't get it, you ain't cool. That's what they wrote, Jonathan? Or is that what you wrote? No, that's what the Wellcat folks. That's what you wrote no that's what the well cat folks
Starting point is 00:02:06 that's what the well well cat classic holiday like a little antagonistic little cool shaming it's kind of like not very cool to gatekeep like this like if i don't get it i'm not cool well that's not very cool of them you know what i want't want to be part of their holiday completely thank you february 24th discovery girl day i don't know how to pronounce this it's it's not discovery it's discovery girl day okay it looks like there's like five options for this it also looks like it could be like discovery girls day yeah or it could be discovery yeah exactly like that could be discovery yeah discovery girl right discovery girl day yuck yeah took it to weird place i mean they started it they did start it um also known as introduce a girl to engineering day they should call it that
Starting point is 00:03:02 instead they just it's, it's, right? It's clearer to the point. They did not, unless you just didn't include a description of this holiday, they just didn't care to flesh this one out. I mean, there's a description on the National Day calendar. I'm putting Jonathan on blast. I know. Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day seemed to be about the best descriptor that's all the description it's all we needed i was just trying to um give the the well cat fam some heat that's all not you jonathan this one's not a well cat one just i i want to i want to make that clear
Starting point is 00:03:38 curling is cool day is from our good frenemies at Wellcat, Discovery Girl Day. Who knows who came up with that? I mean, probably someone does. I didn't put it down here. If anyone out there listening knows who came up with Discovery Girl Day, we have some notes on the name. And it's mostly just changed the name.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Oh, I'm real-time researching where this day came from. Oh, look at you. You know, I can add some insight here. Usually I add the holidays last after I've been putting together research for four hours. And then I'm like, I got to do the holidays. And that's why the holiday research tends to be a little more spare than everything else. Well, believe me, we've noticed.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah. I can help you with the holidays if you want i mean if you want i feel like it's fun to show the easiest part but yeah it's just like the afterthought i don't put that much into it as and you shouldn't have to and february 24th is also Twin Peaks Day. Ooh. Sure. Yeah. All right. I didn't watch Twin Peaks,
Starting point is 00:04:48 so I don't have anything to say about it. Great show. I loved Twin Peaks. You should watch it. Yeah. You should watch it. I should watch it. Maybe I should watch it while I'm snowed in.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You should watch it while you're snowed in. You do the pilot, then you do, but there's like a pilot with like a fake ending and then a pilot that's open-ended. You watch the pilot, then you watch the first two's like a pilot with like a fake ending and then a pilot that's open-ended you watch the pilot then you watch the first two seasons then watch the movie twin peaks fire walk with me and then do twin peaks the return on showtime so i'm sorry in a smooth 13 hours i can handle that i can handle that i'm you got time potentially here till wednesday
Starting point is 00:05:20 no it won't be that long it might be that long might be that long do it let us know let's end that show right now why don't we just go watch some twin peaks together on zoom you want to share your screen we're not gonna do that i'm just stalling but i don't have to stall yet because before we talk about news we're just just going to talk to Bridget. Not just, we get to. The last time you were here, Mr. Musk had just announced he was itching to buy Twitter. That's right. And I think we were in the middle of recording when news broke and it was like, also, he might have sexually harassed some employees.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Yeah, horse day. Oh, right. Horse day. was broke and it was like also he might have sexually harassed some employees yeah horse day right horse day yeah boy that went away and no one's thought about it for a minute that whole thing cool um so how's the past year been are you planning to stick it out on twitter how you feeling about the twitter what a good question'm still there. I use it sparingly. I rarely tweet. And when I do tweet, it is intentionally, generally things that are of no importance because I don't want to add, like, I don't know. I feel like these days it's like you tweet anything and the response is so annoying that it's not worth it.
Starting point is 00:06:40 So I'm going to start out by having annoying tweets to begin with, tweeting about annoying subjects like housewives and things that just do not matter. But yeah, I'm barely there. I feel like my the people that I follow, I see less of them. And I see more of these like recommended for you tweets from people who just happen to be like white supremacists. A lot less useful of a tool for me these days, but I'm still there. You're definitely describing my current relationship and experience with Twitter. There are different ways you can toggle between the for you and the what is it? The other one. Recommended and for you and following. And it is I still can't.
Starting point is 00:07:24 But honestly, both ways I feel are unsatisfying and have lessened my experience. But also, yeah, it's, I mean, it's hard because that's a platform that we use for our work. And I do still say stuff on there. But yeah, it's hard. It's hard. And it feels like screaming into a void sometime, a void that's full of people that are ready to call you pedophile, which, yes, is what happened to me a couple of days ago. And my inbox is full of.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Well, yeah. Well, it's my bad for firing off a response to Ian Miles. What's his last name? Ian Miles Chong. Ian Miles Chong. He was praising Putin. And I said, yes,in stan or something like that like i i he was it was like praising a speech that was so you know i don't even need to unpack that speech i just told you it was putin you understand what we're talking about here and
Starting point is 00:08:21 then he said you support pedophiles or something like that so you're he he he didn't call me a pedophile but he brought up and then we were off to the races oh did you like interact with him i responded to a tweet off the cuff just i know it was my mistake it was my very bad mistake but it was early and i didn't think especially don't do it early because then it's your whole day yep well no you know what i i managed it pretty well of not giving a fuck anyway i shared a lot right now in your time to talk i re i i empathize with your relationship to twitter yeah wouldn't it be great if our like communications platforms were places where folks could meaningfully show up and have like thoughtful discourse and it wasn't just like well i've been
Starting point is 00:09:08 called it's been insinuated that i'm a pedophile now you know and that's gonna be my whole day you know we've talked a lot about the misplaced anger about you know grooming and how it shows up in the trans how they use that as a tactic but you know if you really care about finding pedophiles i would think you'd have a little bit more discretion about throwing that term around especially when you got matt gates around oh absolutely and it really you know as someone who's done a lot of work in the survivor justice space the callous empty way that that that terms like that are thrown around, thrown around to, you know, score cheap political points just shows how much these people don't actually care about survivors of sexual violence. And, you know, grooming is a real thing that like is a real problem and really exists.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And just calling you a groomer for expressing your opinions about putin's speech and somebody who would who would you know champion it really just showed these people don't care they don't care no yeah they know especially not him muddy the waters and water it down and oh yeah no i mean he's a liar and a fraud and uh completely full of shit and uh don't ever engage with him again. Oh, I won't. Honestly. Or do. Do we want. Nope. I had barely even registered. I mean, I knew it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Next week, go after Cat Turd. Perfect. Great idea. Yeah. One more question for you before we talk about the news. You co-host a daily show about Washington, D.C., and I'm curious how that's going, what it's like to be immersed in city level politics. And if there's anything like interesting that you've learned or, you know, something something cool that's come out of it or terrible. I don't know. Yeah, it's been really fun.
Starting point is 00:11:00 So I co-host CityCast DC with my co-host, Michael Schaefer of Politico. It's been really interesting. I have lived in D.Cast DC with my co-host Michael Schaefer of Politico. It's been really interesting. I have lived in DC for most of my adult life and I've always thought that I was someone who knew my city backward and forward. There was not a thing you could tell me that I didn't know about DC. And in doing the show, I'm realizing that's not the case. And the whole point of CityCast as a experiment is to really help people feel more connected to the cities they live in. And so there's CityCast, hyper-local CityCast podcasts all over the country.
Starting point is 00:11:33 There's one in Portland. There's one in Seattle. There's one in Salt Lake City. So if you're listening, there might be one in your neck of the woods. But I feel so often, especially in a city like D.C., people move there and it's kind of a transient city. Like maybe you move there for a job or for school and feeling connected to what's going on locally, what's happened historically before you got there, what might be happening in the future can be really hard. And so having a platform to allow
Starting point is 00:12:01 folks to be like, yo, welcome to D.C. There's a lot to know about the politics, the culture, the city, you know, the people who occupy the city. Here's an easy, digestible way to do that has been really fun. And I've gotten to like learn things about the city that I've lived in for most of my life that I cannot believe I did not know. So it's been a really interesting experience. That's really cool. I love that.
Starting point is 00:12:26 And yeah, especially in all these big cities, it's really hard to find community. You can be really disconnected from the history of your location, just from your, from people. And there is a lot to be hopeful about on the local level, or not hope hopeful sure hopeful i guess it's a case by case but at least you feel like you have some actual tangible power you can be more effective and at the end of the day like we live in these huge states and this part of california is dramatically different from that part of California. And the issues that are very important to the people where I live now are wildly different from those from the places that I used to live. And so you can get lost. And it's that's part of
Starting point is 00:13:18 why people feel so unheard and unseen with their own issues is because for the vast majority of us, it's the things that are immediately around us that are really important. Of course, the big picture items are also very important, but you know what I'm saying. Yeah. I think it's a really cool resource to be offering. Thank you. And something that I'm so glad that you sent this because on my other podcast, There Are No Girls on the Internet, I'm often talking about sort of big national trends that we're seeing.
Starting point is 00:13:46 And so many of those trends are disingenuous or disappointing, right? Like the tactic of calling LGBTQ folks groomers, you know, to score political points, right? it's very easy to see the ways that our national leaders and elected officials have just abandoned even the pretense of governing and getting things done for a citizenry, even if it's things I don't agree with, right? And like being able to focus on the local level, it is actually very hopeful and refreshing to actually be able to talk about, you know, folks in government and like local institutions who are trying to get something for a citizenry. It may not always be something that I agree with or that I'm down with. There's always nuances to whether or not this is a good thing or progress or this or that. But being able to actually talk about the fact
Starting point is 00:14:35 that there are still folks in local institutions and local government who are trying to govern in some kind of way has been really refreshing. It's nice to remember that not everything is, you know, Marjorie Taylor Greene doing a stunt, right? It's not all just stunts and scams. Some people out there are still trying to govern and get shit done for their people. And there are certainly some bad local politicians. Oh, for sure. The city council has been under some heat lately for some of those. But in general, well, actually, I don't know. I shouldn't say in general.
Starting point is 00:15:09 I think you're more likely to find the genuine people that stage in their political careers on the local level at city, you know, in the city level. It's not about being a career politician for a lot of those public servants. It is more about actually doing something for the community. Absolutely. And for the community that they actually live in and are a part of. We did it. We talked about that for a while. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Let's talk about the news now. We have to talk about the news now we have to talk about the news now though and we're gonna start with the east palestine train derailment this happened a while ago last week uh it was finally finally getting the coverage it actually deserved last week was it last week when that started happening but we were off last week yeah so you know we're gonna talk about it now jonathan why don't you set us up with some facts yeah uh the epa is now requiring norfolk southern to completely clean up the area where uh train derailed earlier this month and it's threatening to fine them seventy,000 a day if they don't do that. There was a controlled
Starting point is 00:16:27 burn of the cars there earlier this month, which released phosgene and hydrogen chloride into the air. Residents were evacuated, then that evacuation order was lifted on February 9th. The federal EPA and the state EPA says that there are no toxic chemicals detectable in the air and water outside of the immediate crash zone, but they have been hauling out soil and water. There were 3,500 small fish who died. There are still concerns about contamination in the soil. oil um and there's of course been a lot of criticism of the biden administration for you know they sent the epa administrator there but pete budaj direct uh the secretary of transportation didn't go until today biden didn't go but trump was there yesterday doing his thing going to mcdonald's and talking about ohio state football and what have you. Doing the Trump thing.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yes, he did. He nailed it. He nailed that. Can't say he didn't nail it. Yeah, no. I guess you can't say that he didn't nail being Trump. He nailed the Trump thing. He nailed it.
Starting point is 00:17:36 He did nail the Trump thing. There are more facts. I'm sure we will get through some of them. This is not an appropriate thing. Is it? Maybe it's very appropriate. It's like watching a train crash. This whole thing, how it's played out, seeing the actual event happen and then watching. I was very, very, very upset about the lack of acknowledgement
Starting point is 00:18:01 from the administration for an extremely long time. And nothing anybody says or does right now will change my feelings about that that was a big fucking mistake and the fact that pete budaj showed up today for the first time a day after trump went a day after donald fucking trump went and look i had none the optics of biden being in ukraine instead of being here isn't good i understand that that's a huge issue as well you know it's just embarrassing and unnecessary like it was not uh like i mean buddha judge took like 10 days to tweet about it uh and what part of his excuse was like well nobody asked me about it on the morning on the
Starting point is 00:18:45 morning shows when i was on it's like that's fine you're a communicator communicate what you want to people so that was a weird deflection but like just letting it get to the point where biden goes to ukraine trump goes to ohio and then a day later pete shows up it's just like an unforced error they just like they did not have to go down this way um why do you why do you think this happened like what like why do you think there was a delay this is what i've been racking my brain why didn't pete just go or at least tweet about it what was the what do you think happened there i don't think they wanted to acknowledge it at first well i think yeah i think they're kind of terrified a little bit about just acknowledging it and associating themselves with it and how it how it shook out.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Right. Because also interjecting real quick, please keep your thought just to say part of it that we had the rail worker strike. Months ago that Biden kind of I mean, exactly yeah no yeah this is you know and now the narrative is about trump and deregulation and sure sure yep we should talk about all of that because there's a bunch of different neighbor narratives happening right now please continue cody sorry to interject with that like it's all part of that right they don't want to associate themselves with it uh they have they do have this connection to uh like you're saying like the strike and you know uh not reinstating a lot of the uh policies that like trump repealed during his time i think they're just now releasing information about like the actual cause of the derailment they tried to
Starting point is 00:20:22 there was like a overheating i think think I put it in here somewhere. The wheel, right? Yeah, like something on the wheel, like overheated. They got an alarm and tried to break and weren't able to break in time. I honestly think it's because they didn't think it was going to become a big story.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Yeah. They thought like, you know, they saw the photo of the controlled burn, the explosion, and they're like, oh, that looks bad. But then, you know, Governor Mike DeWine was like, we got this. This is like, there's nothing to see here. He didn't want it to become a story.
Starting point is 00:20:51 So then they're like, okay, cool. We don't have to worry about it. But of course, there are serious concerns about contamination in the area. And right-wing media was only too happy to be like, okay, we'll go there and talk about things that are happening. Even right-wing media didn only too happy to be like okay we'll go there and talk about things that are happening right wing media didn't take off until twitter was doing this i mean like you're right they didn't think it would become a big story i think my instinct is they didn't want it to become a big story and we're kind of like there should be a certain amount of due diligence when anything like this happens like there should be a certain i it it does it boggles my mind but yes they didn't think it
Starting point is 00:21:30 would become a big story especially if they don't acknowledge it um yeah it's uh it's embarrassing for them um and uh sort of speaks to like their inability to govern i guess um but you know like with like yeah in like the like in the aftermath of uh roe v wade like they had so much time to prepare their response then and they still didn't do anything right like there's they're just like not very good at like gate like knowing what they should be doing and doing it they have to sort of like gauge the temperature like all politicians obviously but they just have really bad instincts on when to like get out there and like get ahead of something and confront it cody i have to say like when when roe v wade was being gutted the first messages from the white house i i knew it was coming and i was like like waiting for it go vote go vote like it's like we
Starting point is 00:22:26 we have voted we can't we can't vote any harder we've already doing it like that is what infuriated me that like you like i mean i'll rant all day but the idea that you that they had everyone knew this was coming had time to prepare and that the only message that you can give to people who feel like they have just been punched in the fucking stomach and have been you know had the rug pulled from under them had their rights dismantled is vote more that's why you gotta vote it's it's it's just inadequate it's wholly inadequate and it's it's infuriating and i can understand why people turn away from from why this erodes trust in the process because it's like if this all is all you have to offer why i'm just gonna tune out why why would i why would i get invested in this you know exactly and all you have to offer
Starting point is 00:23:10 after having time to figure out something else um and like the vote thing like i understand because that's in a in a way partially in a very small way yeah obviously voting is important we all vote it's the thing that you do but we already know that they didn't need to i don't even know how many months the election was off at that point it was like months ahead of time yeah it is very very easy to see how in both of these circumstances you are primed to lose trust in them or lose confidence that us putting in our time and energy to campaign, to fundraise, to vote, to care about what they have to say when they consistently, you know, shit the bed. And like it's not it can't be about well, we're not it can't be political in that they are not going to win over voters from east palestine it's like a heavily trump place they love him there
Starting point is 00:24:10 they're not gonna like buddha judge but you gotta like go anyway you have to like assess this situation because it looks bleak it looks like you don't care about the people who aren't gonna vote for you right because it doesn't matter uh how they voted or how they're going to vote or that they vote or anything it's a disaster when people live there um and and it's the nation i like it's just such a weird like a uh i even see like obviously like twitter grain of salt but i still see this like blue maga type of like approach like they that's what they voted for they got what they voted for did they get what they voted for do you really want to because they voted for somebody else do you wish physical harm upon them
Starting point is 00:24:58 that's the other thing that's really i don't know it's hard to be in America right now. It's hard to be a person right now. Yeah, you would think that when it comes to our physical health, there would be a little bit more backbone or action of some kind. And these are obviously very, very, very different stories and circumstances, but both disappointing responses. All of that said, it's frustrating to see the political politicization from the right and the way that they're talking about this where you're like yeah i mean i agree to a point but also what are you saying no like let's be real here like it's not the democrats exclusively or you know go you go well no i mean it's absurd because they because they decided like we're gonna
Starting point is 00:25:46 talk about this story they now have like spun this to be about like democrats putting more money towards wokeness uh instead instead of like infrastructure that they don't want to put money towards that like that like there's it it's always the case where like especially like conservative punditry they're like they spend all this money on wokeness instead of infrastructure which i also don't support like i also don't want to put money towards things like they don't want to do anything about it they want to blame wokeness in order to stop the actual solution from also happening right and also like the idea that like the government's sabotaging all these things to i don't know do a second pandemic or
Starting point is 00:26:31 something i don't know the logic i know well that is definitely an that's another thing but just like this like you're complaining about all this stuff that has happened this event that has happened uh and you're blaming on wokeness or like diversity and then your solution doesn't exist they never actually get to the solution beyond like wouldn't it be great if Trump was at McDonald's right now or something and I was not at all surprised to see how in the the early kind of like bullshit narrative that emerged was like oh Pete was too busy trying to decrease the number of white farm workers or something to visit and it's like no that's just i mean it's exactly what you said cody this idea of find they will always
Starting point is 00:27:11 find a way to use very serious issues to center their bullshit narrative around its wokeness it's this it's that and offer nothing in return it's like it's like it's it's really disappointing to see how like governing is just like not on the table like yeah you know it's like there's like oh do you have any solutions to offer nope just complaints about wokeness well you're basically my drunk uncle thanks for thanks for joining us right exactly that's all that's all it is now i'm looking at the i mean it's just so funny because we're not having a national conversation about rail safety the the rights of rail workers rail unions what it would take to add all these breaks on there like i'm looking through all my notes and i'm like huh i wrote multiple pages of like research and
Starting point is 00:27:56 links and i'm like there's very little to discuss right now about what it would take to make this situation happen less because no one's talking about that such a good point and so important like that's that's the real it's not this is not the real tragedy but that's a real frustrating element of this it's like this is the perfect opportunity because again like i said we can trace sure you can point to trump and deregulation you can also say that biden didn't reinstate stuff but you can directly point to what happened in December when the rail workers were undermined. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And I mean, there's an element of public pressure that is mounted where it appears like Pete and some of the administration are finally being like, we can flex a little bit. We can try to find them. the like there's some some things after like a week earlier saying like well there's not much we can do about it but uh yeah it's frustrating i just wanted to add the the uh part of the conversation also needs to at least acknowledge that like like you're saying like and jonathan what well what what how do we just make it stop happening so much because pete can go on tv and be like actually
Starting point is 00:29:10 there's a thousand train derailments every year it's like okay no that is that better that makes me feel worse that should be a lower number i mean there were several in the weeks following since then um and it's probably probably not the government blowing up trains um but part of this is that like as this happens so much and like you saw this with uh uh the company offering what was like a thousand dollars or something like that like five bucks a person or some shit like that they bake that into like their budget their bottom line how they operate like part of their operation is based on the idea like yeah we're gonna fuck up there's gonna be train derailments uh we're gonna have lawsuits and uh so we're gonna put away this chunk of money for the lawsuits and we'll just have that
Starting point is 00:29:56 money for the lawsuits in order to keep us from having to pay a larger amount that would like actually protect the workers and make things safer and update the technology and things that would prevent these from happening. So it's cheaper for them to not really do anything to prevent this from happening because it doesn't cost them enough when it does happen. Yeah. And maybe I don't know, maybe Pete will make make it hurt more this time you know because if you make if you make it hurt the company when this happens they'll actually put money into what needs to be done to prevent it from happening because it will actually affect their bottom line which it really doesn't right well that's why they call him pete make him hurt buddha judge that's why they call him that
Starting point is 00:30:41 because he's plenty bold that was his slogan guys if you don't remember it was i was like are you doing a bit it's like no it was plenty bold you're right no it was god about that that was his thing because he's plenty bold it's plenty bold god oh my god it's so funny so funny isn't it it is it actually is the perfect slogan for him. He's going to be using that to advertise spicy ruffles in a few years. He'll be like, they're plenty bold. Super Bowl 61, it's going to be. Flamin' Hot Cheezums.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Something like that. That's so good. We're going to take a really, really, really, really quick break. Just a short one. Then we'll be back for even more news oh no the ads they're closing in oh they're going away oh the ads come back no oh the ads are gone hi welcome to the ad portion of the episode that is free of ads this week for reasons we will not be getting into right now what we will be getting into is
Starting point is 00:31:47 slash some more news where our patreon is and you can support us there and get ad free episodes every week early access to videos and episodes and things of that nature so if you are listening and you want to go to slash some more news then do it because do what you want you know just live your life plenty bold what a god that's dork i have no recollection of that being a slogan i did i truly did not know if that was a bit or not when he brought it up and now i'm looking i don't know if it was ever like unofficial pretty sure it was pretty sure it was uh it was but it's definitely something he said a bunch um like he was like a like i think it's plenty bold yeah look what i'm proposing is plenty bold
Starting point is 00:32:43 i think we may have heard him say it a bunch of times and then put it in our episode as like, here's fucking this guy's slogan. I will say that I just Googled plenty bold. And the first thing that popped up is Cody Johnston on Twitter. What I'm proposing is plenty bold. I just saw that. A four year old tweet.
Starting point is 00:33:03 I think that we should leave all of this in as we're coming back oh my god you're right that is the first thing that pops up it's really funny what i'm proposing is plenty bold i can't believe you said that and like filmed it and was like put that in the ad i want people to print it oh a case is not clear we're back we are back slash some more news get your ads free well we already will have said that in there but well yeah it's okay you guys can hear it twice can't be too much can't say it too much now i was googling plenty bold and i've clicked away from our outline. Ah, ah, geez. You went too bold.
Starting point is 00:33:47 No, I was way too bold. Oh, you know what's also a little too bold? National Divorce, am I right? Eh? Oh, it's time. We're going to do it. I guess. Jonathan, this is you.
Starting point is 00:34:02 I mean, it's just the start. First of all, Jonathan, before you get going uh thanks for liking my uh plenty bold tweet from four years ago just now this is the only time it's not weird to like an old tweet we just talked about it i think that i need to do that too yeah go like it there everyone go like that tweet from november 2019 of cody's uh all right national divorce marjorie taylor green tweeted this week about how she thinks red states and blue states need a national divorce. Everyone was like, what? And then on Tuesday, she expanded what she meant in a very long thread where she talked about how this would exactly work.
Starting point is 00:34:37 And it is not normal. First of all, she says we don't need a civil war. So don't sweat no civil war we would just massively shrink the federal government let individual states make nearly all decisions about education whether trans people can live uh law enforcement real quick i'm sorry but like it's so funny like she's such's such a, oh my God. Her first tweet being like, so individual states will make the decisions for themselves.
Starting point is 00:35:16 In the same tweet as like invoking, like memories of the civil war. Like, does that, does she not understand like the complications and proposals she's actually made? Like, we don't need a civil war that was about, well, whatever it was about. I'm not going to tell her what a civil war was about. We don't need a civil war. We'll merely let all the states decide what they do.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Anyway, forget about the civil war. Like, I don't know. It's just such a funny thing to like not connect in your one your first tweet what she's proposing is possible with this national divorce slavery is my point like what is like come on marjorie what the fuck anyway i mean you we don't have to well no i'm not gonna go through like everything that she points out in this in this threat or points out or tries to argue. You know, there's there's a lot of very frightening stuff in this that you wouldn't think even people in red states would want to live with. Like only taxpayers can vote.
Starting point is 00:36:16 She seems to think there's a Green New Deal like going on right now. She's like, we could red states wouldn't have to comply with the green new deal but obviously they'd have to still comply with certain environmental protective requirements it's like oh okay what why and then you don't have to do anything god and then her thing about how like how blue states are gonna make everyone pledge allegiance to the trans and blm flags and have government-funded antifa communists training schools of course that's what we're all after isn't it isn't it i mean i wish i mean she's it's so i mean i'm with you jonathan like it's so unserious it is not worthy of like like you know the point that you made about not understanding how in the same breath
Starting point is 00:37:05 you could be like oh we don't need a civil war it would just be about individual states right and not connect that because it's not somebody who is serious i don't it's almost like not worth it to be like does she not see you know the glory exactly it was like at a certain point what difference does it make it's either either she believes it or she really is just saying she does this thing i know and i do think that a lot of people do kind of agree yeah like i think i mean i think there's some stuff obviously she leans into for the pageantry of it all uh but i do think for a lot of the stuff she's kind of a true believer and just like is some this fucking freak who is also in congress and believes all this stuff and like doesn't think
Starting point is 00:37:51 things through right like what you if you move to a red state from a blue state you can't vote for five years well what if i'm a registered republican is that okay are you okay with that okay with that well because if you move from a red state to a blue state are you not allowed to vote what if i'm like there's no also that's so simplistic uh as if each state isn't comprised of people yeah it's absurd um her state is blue her state is blue she would have to live with the antifa communist schools or whatever not or whatever show some respect to the antifa communist she'd have to or whatever show some respect to the antifa she'd have to live with uh sex toys next to children's toothbrushes at walmart which is what she says is happening in blue states sex toys right next to the kids toothbrushes at walmart
Starting point is 00:38:36 i i live in a blue state i can't confirm when i go buy a sex toy it's like oh do i want a sex toy or a children's toothbrush they're right next next to each other. Interchangeable. Or my convenience. If it's got a battery. Ooh, now you're talking. Sorry. Sorry, I went there. If you know, you know. I'm going to throw up.
Starting point is 00:38:57 No, I would just use a normal toothbrush, not one of those children's things. I agree that she both really believes this stuff and, like, thrives on negative attention more than almost anyone except maybe trump like if it's been a couple weeks where she's not getting those the the vibes from that she's just gonna throw out something like this she's like i need to be in the news i need people like talking about my completely unserious ideas yeah i think the main one of the main differences between them is that i think for trump he thinks that a lot of his supporters are rubes um whereas i think marjorie taylor green is one of the rubes and like has like like he was speaking to her right with no respect whatsoever but he's speaking to her and she heard him and absorbed it and is like one of one of them and governing as well yeah so obviously
Starting point is 00:39:53 like you said there's uh an element of pageantry the showmanship here things like you know saluting the trans flag or whatever and stuff like that i don't know that she believes that that is a thing that's you know embellishment for funsies but what she does is dance around issues that you know some people probably and so they they'll go along with the ride for all of that because it's somebody saying something that you know and honestly i think that people enjoy seeing us get mad. Oh, for sure. I mean, triggering the libs is part of the model. They don't care if it's offensive.
Starting point is 00:40:31 They don't care if that rhetoric results in an increase in hate crimes. They don't care about that part. They think it's very funny to see us upset. Yeah. I mean, half of their politics stems from just like, what if we triggered our enemies? Like, that's half of it. Same thing with conservative. It's conservative comedy and politics.
Starting point is 00:40:55 It's all just based off like, well, are they mad enough? And you mad, bro? Yeah. It's so sad because it's like not about anything, right? Like it's so reactive. The only thing that you have to offer is like upsetting liberals or like making, you know, make like liberal tears, blah, blah, blah. You're not really about anything. You're not offering anybody anything.
Starting point is 00:41:17 You're just reacting and like, you know, creating just like reaction and anger and emotion, but nothing else. It's so it's such an empty way to be. I always find it like very sad. And I, it is. Yeah. I see this a lot where I think that people who don't really have a lot of substance to offer know that they can get attention, know that they can get engagement on social media for these kinds of little stunts. And it just, it's not's not like has she tried governing has she tried like like what what useful things has she gotten for her constituents like i i i never hear of anything that it's like oh well that's a a tangible thing for a citizenry who actually could use support never it's always these little stunts and scams right yeah no one's like thanks marjorie taylor green for getting me this it's just like oh she
Starting point is 00:42:05 made pete mad or whatever right yeah like she tweets out this whole thing and then the next day she's invited on sean hannity and sean hannity's sean hannity doesn't believe in any of this stuff oh no so he's like hosting the outrage hour. And then she knows this because they talk beforehand. And so she's like, I'm going to play my thing and he's going to play his thing. And then we've got the hour. It's going to be on media. It's going to be shared everywhere. And it's just it's I think it's pathetic on both sides. Yeah, it's pathetic. It is really empty and sad. And it's like nihilistic in a way it's just like there's no
Starting point is 00:42:48 there's nothing there and it's i think what makes it even more frustrating is that the opposition party doesn't really i mean there's some times where they can communicate well but the opportunity there is to keep pointing that out right like it's they're empty politics they're just trying to get you mad trying to rile you up here's what we're for here's what we want to do um and sometimes they do that i don't want to say like they're completely inept at that but uh it's such a again like even with his train derailment stuff like but we can do this for you we can help you in this way just constantly or bring up the child tax credit as much as you possibly can because that is a tangible thing that made people's lives better instead of going on hannity and saying we want to ban i don't know what they're on now it's not m&ms anymore i mean
Starting point is 00:43:39 everyone's mad at the dollar doll stuff but oh well that's that because that's not because that's absurd silly it's oh they changed his yeah the world doll estate is changing some of his some of the language but it's more of like a copyright yeah they're trying to cash in on the ip like it's so clear what it is like yeah they've got all this valuable ip it has all kinds of like slurs and not great stuff in it they're trying to take that out. Not because woke scolds asked for it because they're trying to cash in. I totally get it. Like, yeah, very simple. I understand what they're doing. That's almost always the case where it's like, oh, the wokes have infiltrated. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. They want to make money. I'm trying to get paid. I'm trying to make a dollar.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Pretty much. And I wanted to go back to something that you said, Cody, because like, it's one of the reasons why even when it's somebody who like ostensibly is kind of like on my side, I'm really against how our political discourse got so into dunking on people for a while, because even like I like it when AOC dunks on somebody on Twitter and I'm like, yeah, I love it. But ultimately, you can't, you know, pay your rent with dunks. You can't pay your rent with like, and so I just,
Starting point is 00:44:46 I find myself having to like resist the urge to celebrate that kind of thing in myself, even when I like it, even when it gives me like a rush of serotonin or whatever, because I know it's, it's just, it's just rhetoric and it doesn't actually improve people's lives. And that's what we should really be championing. Not like who had a good like comeback or whatever right because it also it also kind of feeds into that um by
Starting point is 00:45:11 participating in it you're saying like yeah this is this is part of it actually this is a big part of politics and we're gonna engage in it too um and it gives uh sort of like credibility in a way of like that method and distracts from everything else that should be going on i have the same sort of reaction often where it's like yeah fuck that person but also go do your job yeah i just think it's because it feels like that's the only thing to be done like i'm powerless to change anything else but i can like tell this he'll probably see it if i say like yeah you're stupid you know so it's like i i get the impulse to do it just because it's like the only thing that can maybe get across to like someone who has no positive intentions in
Starting point is 00:46:00 the world right yeah there's a it's like a it's like a mix of like yeah i'm kind of screaming in the void but like the void's giving me a thumbs up well right there's also like uh a social positive uh feedback loop yeah when it's successful bridget this was really nice having you here i kind of want you to come on like once every two months or something but that's asking a lot so maybe not that often but you're great at least when you're back from uh yeah vacation oh i will always take you all on vacation with me virtually um i would love to come back anytime well great we will hold you to that um thank everybody uh in this conversation for liking the tweet by now everybody yeah everybody listening at home go ahead and google plenty bold and then see that cody's is the first tweet that comes up and give
Starting point is 00:46:52 it a like give it a retweet whatever you want sometimes the algorithm works sometimes the algorithm works um bridget plug your stuff share the things you want to share yeah you can check me out on my own podcast on iHeartRadio called there are no girls on the internet you can check out the now finished series I did on uh harassment online and how it impacts our politics that I did with cool zone media called internet hate machine you can check out my daily local news podcast citycast dc or find a city cityCast DC in your neck of the woods. Follow me on Twitter at Bridget Marie, on Instagram at Bridget Marie in DC,
Starting point is 00:47:30 on TikTok at Bridget Mixed Pods. Yeah, would love to have you in any of those places. That was a good plug. That was, you got it all in. It's concise. I just have to say, I mean, I know it just had a great, you're lovely, you're bright and smart and cool and yeah well thank you back maybe that was too much i don't know no i'll take it the feeling is very mutual more compliments even more compliments
Starting point is 00:47:59 oh maybe that should be my spin-off show i actually i'm gonna think about that i would like to do something positive where you just praise people for i don't know 40 minutes and then we just find the right way yeah i don't know there's something there yeah you bring on a guest you compliment them for a while it starts a conversation and then you have to like work really hard if you accidentally bring someone on that you don't respect your life or maybe i should only bring on people that i don't respect and i don't like and you gotta've got to force yourself to really find the bright side. I would listen to that. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:48:30 I'm here with Cat Turd. Yeah. Mr. Turd, I really love that your last name is the numeral two. All right. I'm going to go get dog food if I can. Yeah. Please be safe and good luck and uh feed that little guy i'm gonna feed that little guy but hey before i go i just gotta say we love you very much

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