Son of a Boy Dad - New York Nice | Son of a Boy Dad #259

Episode Date: December 17, 2024

New York Nice | Son of a Boy Dad #259 -- Harry, Adam & Francis catch up and share some laughs -- #Ad: Download the Gametime app today and use code BOYDAD to easily score great deals with the new Gamet...ime Picks! -- #Ad: Son of a Boy Dad is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. -- #Ad: Go check out or download the MobileX app from the App Store or Google Play. -- Follow us on our socials: -- Merch: -- SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE #SonOfABoyDad #BarstoolSportsYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, son of a boy, dad listeners, you can find every episode on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad free on Amazon Music. 12345. Everybody looking good? Alrighty. Welcome back to the son of a boy dad podcast. Today it is December 16th and we are here live from HQ3. Freak yeah. On the way I was biking in today and it was disgusting out, it's raining badly and I pulled up to 23rd street and there's just this good looking black woman tall like presenting as a nurse and she just bent over in half and started projectile vomiting all
Starting point is 00:01:05 over the ground. It was truly a sight to behold. I want to ask you guys a question as far as how you would react to that three different options. Say something to her like how you doing or what are you okay? Take out phone and start filming or just be a regular New Yorker and mind your business. I would just keep walking. Mind your business would be your answer. Mind your business. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:01:30 What's your answer, Francis? I would have held her hair very gently because it can come off. She had beautiful natural hair. Oh, okay. Well, then I would definitely have held it. And then it was, I said something to her. I was like, are you okay? And what'd she say? I checked in on her. She said, yeah, I'm okay. I'm just a little bit sick.
Starting point is 00:01:50 The amount of throw-up that came out of her was fucking insane. And she just soldiered on and had to go on to her. Was this like a, this was like a, like a, this wasn't like a homeless person. And that's why I was, I wanted to make sure that I said that she was, she wasn't like a creature of New York She was like a tall good-looking woman With gainfully employed. Yeah, and she's just projectile vomiting into a puddle You said she was a nurse let nurse present like scrubs on nurse presenting. She had an undertone of nurse So there was no evidence that she was wearing a white
Starting point is 00:02:20 skin type dress with thigh high stockings and Rubber gloves. Yeah, because I thought maybe if she had like scrubs on, like maybe she just saw some fucked up shit. No, it wasn't full scrubs, because I would have excused that if a doctor had just seen something heinous in the ER, maybe you go outside and puke, but she was just a nurse presenting woman
Starting point is 00:02:43 just throwing up, splashing throw up. But I try to be neighborly. I'm trying to give this fucking city a good image. Buddy, I get it, man. I always wonder about, sometimes occasionally, you'll see a woman in New York crying uncontrollably. Yeah. And whether you're not, are you supposed to say...
Starting point is 00:03:02 No. ...something to them? No. Because that might make you more of a creep. Yeah, but if you did that in any other city in the country, that woman would marry you and it would be a great story. How I met your mother. Yeah, I comforted her and there you go, off and running.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Here, it's like, what's the matter? I'm not going to fuck you. Keep it moving, you fucking pervert Well, I just got demoted from running my fortune 500 company to You know, it would take a lot. It would take a lot for me to Reach out to anybody in New York City. Oh, that's surprising and and offer my support and help Like what what would be closer to my apartment is a little different What's your community? That's my cuz that's yeah that's that's like home turf. Yeah if I see someone outside my apartment that's injured or struggling
Starting point is 00:03:53 obviously I'm gonna ask global think local but around 28th Street and up it's every man for himself. Above 28th Street if I'm not helping anybody. I don't think it's that high. I think it's lower than that. You think it's lower? Yeah, are you kidding me? I think anything outside of the West Village, you're saying, I'm sorry, if you, clearly you're not a wealthy, ill person.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Do you know EmRata? Do you even follow EmRata? Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I'm trying to, like I? Yeah, I don't know. I mean I'm trying to like I was thinking I tried to I Was ass only helps in gentrified neighborhoods I was thinking about it a while ago cuz also like well, no, it's not even that I was the joke that I was making But in all seriousness, like I also just think There's so many people and so many
Starting point is 00:04:43 People watching everything that like on I, in my head, I'm always like, well, someone else is going to do something. Like when we, like when we lived in hell's kitchen and someone got jumped outside of our apartment, it was brutal. And we, we, we, we heard and watched from our windows for like 20 minutes as it happened and never once was I like, I'm gonna call the cops because then naturally all of a sudden 700 cop cars rolled up like someone else called the cops.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Yeah. You know what I mean? Like I'm always kind of under the mindset like someone else is gonna get it done. Unfortunately, I do not abide by that mindset and it's gonna get me killed. No, I think it's good. I think it's good.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I'm gonna be killed trying to stick my nose into situations that I shouldn't be you don't think you'll kill someone No, I'm gonna get stabbed trying to break up a fight that I should never have tried to do. Yeah, that's how I'm gonna Go. I'm saying market right now like stand by me Market breaking up fights is crazy. I've done it. Really? I did it in Baltimore once many years ago. Oh my God. That's the worst place to break up a fight. Yeah, I did that.
Starting point is 00:05:49 One time I... This guy's never seen The Wire. On the subway I did it once. That's honorable. What did you do? Because there's this one famous clip of a big burly guy fresh from the gym eating a bag of chips and see he there's two people about to fight and he's so calmly just stands between
Starting point is 00:06:09 them and continues to eat his chips and he's just too big for them to get around yeah that's the ideal way to do it you would have to kind of dive in and put someone in a I'd have to change my workouts really for that I mean I'm currently kind of going for a lean athletic look and your stack well you have to change your stack we know that requires bulking major protein upswing. Uh, so I would like it on the record. I'm not saying this is only in New York city. Like if I was in like, if I was in like, uh, the suburbs or like another city
Starting point is 00:06:37 that's not as jam packed and chaotic. And I saw like someone like wrap their car around a tree. I'm not just like walking by. I want to get that. I want to get that I want to get I want to look up. Yeah Fucking cycle that someone's gonna go I mean sure I'm on a stretch of road that there are no houses no other pedestrians God probably put me here for a reason So I'd only make it worse if I'm honest.
Starting point is 00:07:06 I'd probably just get in the way. Yeah. This ass is fishing in Wyoming and there's one other guy across the creek who fucking falls in and starts drowning to his death. And they're like, someone else will call the cops. Yeah. I want it on the record. That's not what I would do.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I would help. I would offer my help. Can I give you one that I think you could do that would probably be a nice thing? Sure. So whenever I'm getting on the subway or getting off the subway, if there is a mother or an older person with a bag and they have to navigate stairs, I will always offer to help either carry the stroller down or the woman or their bag. Yeah
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah, now that's that come on sass you need to do that. You need to do that. I've done it before He of course he does that for I've done it I mean I take I bike everywhere so I haven't been in the bowels for quite some time You don't think that this guy does that this guy probably pioneered that move. No, that's not in the subway I did it after in the subway and I was like. No, that's not true. Dude, in the subway again. I did it after seeing other people. And I was like, oh, that's a move I have to do that now. It's a great move. Look, I'm not going to be out here.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Look, I'll give up my seat on the subway for a pregnant lady or man. And I'll do that. And maybe if there's someone super slow walking up the stairs, I'll let them go up the stairs. I won't try and go around them. I'll just whistle at them a little bit or clap in my hands. Oh, that's no bad, not to rush them up the stairs or try to knock them.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Well, sometimes you're in a rush and you're saying this person's only slowing me down. Like at least maybe we could at least try to get up the stairs. But I'm not like, you know, I think the subway, it's kind of, it's every man for himself. No, it's not. Maybe in like Dumbo, it's a little different. It's just not adding time. It's not adding that much time to your day. And all, it's one flight of stairs,
Starting point is 00:08:53 someone's going to JFK or some shit, they've got a suitcase, old woman. Yeah, I don't even know if I've ever really been in... Come on, grab it. Hey, would you like me to take that for you? I don't know if I've ever even been in, like I've been on like the Amtrak, and I've helped like an older lady get something down from the overhead.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Nope, I want you, it's stairs. It has to be stairs. Or put it up in the overhead. Yeah, I've done that as well. But I think we've seen your mental math with the Joe Rogan kettlebell. You're probably looking at a bag being like, that could be fucking 55.
Starting point is 00:09:20 No, no, I've done, trust me, I've been on planes and trains and automobiles where someone has asked me to pick up their bag and I've picked it up and I've been like, this is a lot heavier than I expected it to be, but I power through, I get it done. I think the big thing here is- Job's not finished. I want you to do these things without them asking you to do it. I want you to volunteer. Yeah, no, I'm not. That's not. Again, I will do that on a plane.
Starting point is 00:09:46 If there's a lady in front of me who has a heavy bag and I notice that she's struggling to get it up, I say, you want me to help you out? And they say, of course. That's nice. But again, on the subway, never in a million years will I be doing that. I'm going to ask that in this new year that you look to do that more. Just once or twice. And I'm saying no.
Starting point is 00:10:03 And film yourself. No, I'm not going to film myself because it's never happening. Film yourself at distance. How about this one? Blind person trying to cross the street. Figure it out. Needs an arm. You shouldn't live in New York if you're blind.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Needs an arm. Needs an arm? You have to. Use yours. You wouldn't do it. Use yours in your can. What is your reason for not wanting to do that? I got places to go.
Starting point is 00:10:23 They're icky. You definitely think blind people are icky. I don't think blind people are icky, dude. I think everyone in New York is icky. I'm not looking at like, I'm not looking at... Blinds are probably the cleanest. Like the subways are nasty. I'm not looking to be on the subways and just be like, like, like I'm trying to get on the train too.
Starting point is 00:10:37 So what, are you just like waiting by the stairs the entire time? I get off the train? Who needs me? Who needs me right now? I get off the train. My services are available. Who needs me? Who needs me right now? I get off the train. My services are available. Who needs it? No, I'm not waiting for there to be a good deed to be done. But if I see a woman or an old man or something who is about to walk up 15, 20 stairs, because
Starting point is 00:10:59 my stop in Dumbo, the subway has stairs. There's no elevator, there's noator, and they're taking a big bag up or a cart, sometimes they have a cart or a baby stroller, I say, let me help you with that. And they're grateful. And I'm not out here to tell you that I'm just some good citizen. It makes me feel good. You get a high from it. You get a legitimate high. It makes me feel good. This is not some total act of altruism. It is definitely feel good. You get a high from it. You get a legitimate high. It makes me feel good. This is not some total act of altruism. It is definitely self-serving to a degree. Maybe it undoes later in the day when I kick a pigeon because I fucking
Starting point is 00:11:34 hate pigeons. Yeah. And I punt them. Squaw. And it all nets out to even. I think we're, yeah, I think we're just gonna have to agree to disagree on this one. But I agree with Francis's point that you should at least try it because you'll, it's like taking Molly. It's good. Look, I've done, like I do nice things. Like I give homeless people most of my money. Most of my money goes to the homeless, but I'm not, and I donate to charity all the time. I don't think that's the right way to do it.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I'm not on the subways like touching hands with the homeless. Carrying a bag is gonna do more good for the world than handing a homeless guy. Like I'm on, I got my fucking earbuds in, I'm locked in. Hey, look, if you have a fucking 900 pound bag, maybe you shouldn't have taken the subway. Some people can't afford to take Ubers. Walk. Oh yeah? To the old lady.
Starting point is 00:12:21 To JFK with a stroller bag. You're the one that was handed it would only take you 30 minutes to get to JFK. Not for the invalids. I said to bike. And it's him. Strap the suitcase to the bike. They don't have city bike passes.
Starting point is 00:12:34 It's way more expensive if you don't have the pass. I've also this... I take the local one. I'm not... I'm never in a scenario where there's people with like massive luggage being flying around from like... I've seen people from like 14th to Christopher Street. I've seen mothers get on, you know, I've seen nannies get on the one with the stroller.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Yes, nannies. Oh, nannies should be able to serve for themselves, you know. They're serving for the baby. They got to serve for the baby. What do you think the standard rate is? If you're a nanny in New York City, you should be able to lift the baby up the staircase.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I mean, that's your job. But it's the stroller. The stroller is the tricky thing to navigate. It's bulky. You fool. You need two people to carry a stroller up and down or a strong guy. How many times realistically do you think you've done this? I'm not lying.
Starting point is 00:13:18 In the 12 years I've lived in New York, probably like 25 times. Okay. Twice a year. Yeah, but if I saw it more I would do it more. Maybe more than that. So we're on a twice a year you helped someone? Were you the one who saw me helping the blind guy across the street when no one else was around? Yes, he did it across... I'm not making this up. Coming out of the subway at 6th Street or 6 have 23rd and how many times have you done this probably? Probably closer to like six seven or eight eight times and how long have you lived in New York? Ten years ten years so you're averaging less than one a year. Well, I take city bikes
Starting point is 00:13:59 You know what the real benefit is. I probably have done this many times and I probably just don't know way member There is no chance that you I probably have done this many times and I probably just don't even remember doing it. No way. There is no chance that you have ever done this. I've definitely like helped someone move a schmoover stroller. That's like I might have done Ayahuasca once. No, it's not even close to the same comparison.
Starting point is 00:14:13 You know you didn't. I don't have a fucking tally chart every time I do a nice thing for somebody. You are fucking- And I go, jot that down. This is the most pathetic retreat from your stance I've ever seen. I just met my quota twice a year. Now you're trying to shame me. Now I can be a dick for the rest of the year. This quota twice a year.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Now I can be a dick for the rest of the year. This is such a flip. This is such a flip from you. Yes it is. You just had a very firm reason for why you would never do it. Headphones in, mind your own business. You shouldn't have children if you live in New York City. Well obviously I'm exaggerating to an extent. But like I said, 28th and up, there will be no help.
Starting point is 00:14:48 28th and below, yeah, maybe you'll get a helping hand here and there. In like the financial district? No. Right, that's below. 28th to Christopher. Do you know why I would tell you to do this? Why?
Starting point is 00:15:03 By the way, it's twofold. One, it'll make you feel good. Nope. It will. I know it will. And then two, other people will see you do it and it does inspire them to just like be a little bit better. Because New York dudes are so competitive.
Starting point is 00:15:20 They come to New York being like, I'm the fucking best, fucking tallest, strongest, fastest guy and they see someone else being nice and they're like, I now need to be the nicest guy. I need to put down the book I was reading on the subway for everyone to see me and start picking up somebody's stroller. It's just the type of thing that if there's a group of people that see that, each person in that group is affected. Maybe their view of New York is that maybe this place isn't so cutthroat.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Maybe it's not so mean. Maybe we do have a sense of community here. And maybe I should, the next time someone dings my car and offender Bednar or is pulling out of a parking spot instead of fucking litigating and screaming in their face and making a scene, I'm gonna say, you know what? Mistakes happen. Let's be graceful about this.
Starting point is 00:16:03 See, this is now I think you're setting people up for trouble. Because now you're giving people a false hope. Well, I'm not telling anyone to do this stuff. I said I do dumb shit. I try to break up fights when I see them, and that's going to get me killed. I block shoulder traffic. That's going to get me killed.
Starting point is 00:16:20 I'm obsessed with this shit. I don't want to help too many people in the city, because then people are going to start getting this idea that everyone in the city is a great person. Yeah, they're going to be lulled into a false sense of security. And that's how you end up with someone, a woman, thinking that you're carrying her stroller down the stairs and then down into a dark alley and she ends up getting dismembered. Yep. You're lulling them into a sense of security.
Starting point is 00:16:43 You're actually setting yourself up to snatch a... Exactly. You're, you're lulling them into a sense of security. Yeah. You're actually setting yourself up to snatch a... Exactly. You're the problem. Oh yeah, all guys are helpful and then that's when fucking Francis strikes. Did you, did you see, what about the, what about the story of the guy who put the homeless guy in the choke hold and killed him? Daniel Penny. Who was just acquitted.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Yeah, released. What do you think of that story? Unfortunately, I do not have many hot takes on that one. Really? After that Burger King fucking video, I thought that you would have guffawed your way home. No, I don't really know what happened. It was like that dude, the homeless guy did something. He was threatening people. Well, he was scaring people
Starting point is 00:17:19 and saying, I don't care if I live or die, being very erratic, getting in people's faces. And this guy, who was a former Marine, came up, put him in a choke hold and killed them. Yeah. See, that seems a little much. Well, the argument that they had, that the defense had was that he thought that if he let him up, he would continue to act in a threatening way. And so it's hard for him to know that he had gone too far with it.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Yeah, it sounds like it's like if you don't live in New York and you come here and then you're the first person. It's like, like every time like, I remember a couple years ago when I had friends from high school that were interning here and every like interaction they had with like a homeless person, they would like tell me about it. Like it was this like crazy thing that happened. And I was like, no, that just happens every day. Yeah. So it's like maybe if it's your first time in New York
Starting point is 00:18:11 and you see a homeless person on the train being like, get the fuck away from me, I'll fucking kill you. Was it his first time? I don't know, but it sounds like it. Because I've had a homeless dude tell me he was going to stab me to death. I didn't kill him. I Just walked away
Starting point is 00:18:28 But could you have if you could have killed him would you have no I would not have killed him Because you don't know because you can't you're not a natural it just feels a little dramatic Like was that homeless guy gonna kill anybody on the train probably not no, but I don't know for me. I I on the train? Probably not. No, but I don't know. For me, I like people who take action. I like people who preserve order, protect other people. That's kind of like an unnecessary... Yeah. In hindsight, obviously, he went a little far, I guess. Too much stress.
Starting point is 00:18:59 But his decision in that moment, I mean, who knows what was going on and why he felt that that was the necessary thing. But for me, like as someone who lives in New York and has been terrified of that and seen other people be terrified of it, I applaud the guy. Well, I honestly, I blame the Marines because that's exactly how Kate used to act in fucking New York. Yeah. Kate, I'd see Kate on the subway fucking steel toe booting
Starting point is 00:19:25 a homeless guy in his exposed dick. Yeah. Saying put that away, there's fucking kids on here and then spitting on him. Yeah, I guess I just, I just mind my business. I stay in my land. Not Kate. Not Kate. Kate would fucking do that coffee grinder move where you sweep your leg around and fucking take out an entire row of break dancers. Break dance fighting, yeah. She would take their asses out bad. She was a fucking vicious New Yorker. Thank God. The city's gone to shit without Kate. We're missing her great example. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:00 I guess then... The homeless people cheered when Kate moved to Chicago. They're like, thank God we can fucking breathe now. One time I thought I saw a dude stealing packages and I tailed him for a little bit. Was it from your house? Turned out he was an Amazon delivery driver. Well, they don't have to wear the uniforms like the UPS brothers.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I know. They literally just show up in like regular clothes. And I was like, that guy looks like he's stealing packages. He had a shy-steel on. What stops them from stealing packages? Is it just that Amazon is a brutal place to work for and they'll fire them if they don't have the exact right count every single time? Remember they were all talking about there was that story of how they were all having to piss in Gatorade bottles because they couldn't get time off to go to the bathroom?
Starting point is 00:20:43 Classic. One of my best friends is working for Amazon right now. He's a delivery. No. Stevens? Stevens. Peters? No.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Around the holidays, they boost the rates. Yeah, he said it's actually pretty good. He gets paid a lot. Sean Gardini? No. He gets paid. And clearly this isn't one of your best friends. It is, my friend Nate.
Starting point is 00:21:02 What'd he be in your wedding? Yes, 100%. do you be on your Mount Rushmore of friends 100%? How come we don't know him you like never talk about it I died every time I talk about him you guys say I never talk about him. That's not true It's one literally the last time I brought him up you said you brought him up I think he's brought him up once before and I thought that it was like during one of your depressive episodes So you were having like a buddy like I thought it was like a ghost friend imaginary friend imaginary oh Nate oh yeah Nate wow you never talked about him is he nice he's delivering for Amazon right now and he said he said getting the job was insanely easy he said you've literally just like email them and say I
Starting point is 00:21:41 want a job and they said come here tomorrow and you're delivering. No drug test? No, no definitely no drug test. Can you imagine if Sasson invented an imaginary friend named Nate who worked for Amazon? Just like. No, Nate's in town for the holidays, he's delivering packages. He says it's easy, which you know,
Starting point is 00:21:58 makes me think that if this comedy thing doesn't work out I can go work for Amazon anytime I want. I can do this just for the holidays because they pay so much. Nate says it's just fine. I like peeing in bottles. I pee in bottles already. He said that they had a Thanksgiving dinner.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Seriously, he said that they had a break and they got cleared out. I'm hearing all this through the filter that this guy isn't real now. And it's making it very funny to me. I mean, literally, I played video games with him for eight hours a day. And everybody had a big plate of food. It was so nice. All the Amazon workers ate for days and days very funny, I
Starting point is 00:22:32 Mean dude, you literally have all of your friends have the same name like I'm convinced you have one friend Like it's pretty easy to lie about how many friends you have when they all have the same name coincidentally. Do me, do me, tell me about my friends. I don't know any of your friends. Yeah, they don't have any. But at least I don't pretend about them. It could be worse. We have a one friend who would be so fucking funny.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Yeah, my friend Mike. Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike. I'm just obsessed with him. He doesn't even like know me or like me. Yeah, my friend Mike said he's going to, he has a wedding. And at the end of the movie is just like, yeah, he stood outside the wedding fogging up the glass staring through the window the entire time. Oh my God. Drinking a little decaf this morning. You did?
Starting point is 00:23:24 That's what I'm drinking right now. Is that your only cup today? Yeah. Why did you go to decaf? Oh, I don't really drink caffeine anymore. And your anxiety is way better? It's not way better, but it's definitely better. Let's go. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:37 No energy drinks? No, and I'm really surprised. I'll have like a Diet Coke here and there, but even like Diet, like I've cut way back on the DCs and I haven't had a Red Bull or a real coffee in probably over a month now. That's impressive. I once tried to go cold turkey on caffeine and I had-
Starting point is 00:23:56 That's why you need to mix in a DC. It was so bad. Yeah. How much it fucking sucked. Yeah. I had just pervasive headache and lethargy for days until I quit quitting and went back on coffee and immediately was fine.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Yeah, I was surprised by how little like withdrawals I had. I thought I was gonna get like, I had like a headache for like the first couple of days, but it was like, as soon as I had to diet coke went away immediately. Yeah. I love caffeine. I'm pretty in check with it. I love my coffee routine. Yeah, that's the thing though, is that it's like I think I liked the coffee routine more than I liked coffee.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Well, then you can do it with decaf. It's nice. What's the coffee routine? Break it down because I know that it has bells and whistles. Oh, I got some bells, whistles, tambourines. You definitely have that shit where you're spraying the mist on the powder. Yeah. Let's just put it this way. The scale that I used to use to weigh out coke
Starting point is 00:24:52 when I was selling, I now use to weigh out the perfect grams. You ever see those videos of the dudes making the espresso and they have this whole set up? Yeah. Where it's like, dude, that looks like that takes 45 minutes and then you end up with this much coffee. Yeah, I'm a little less, let's call it analog about it.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I'm a little less record player guy of coffee. I have a machine that does make really nice espresso. What do you have? The Breville Touch. Oh, God. And by the way, shout out the fan who works for, and I'm not going to say the company, who reached out and got me the friends and family employee discount.
Starting point is 00:25:37 For the Breville Touch. That I bought the Breville Touch with. How much counter space does it take up? Not that much, and it looks really sleek. It's sexy. That's what I love about my Keurig. I have the slim. That's nice. It is nice.
Starting point is 00:25:49 I don't have any issue with that. You just tuck it away in the corner. All you have to do is you pour one cup of water in. Good to go. That's really good. I use it more for tea now. I'm an espresso drinker. I don't like drip coffee.
Starting point is 00:25:59 I like espresso drinks. I drink an iced oat milk latte with an extra shot of espresso every single morning. And if I don't have it, I get fucking furious. Which is why it's hard for me to travel or to do work events, especially in places where I don't trust that there's going to be a decent coffee shop. What towns? Like, is that like...
Starting point is 00:26:17 It's usually places in the Midwest, I would say, in general that don't have... Des Moines is not blessing you with fucking... No, Indianapolis actually doesn't even... I don't even know if they have espresso They might not have heard they might not have caught wind I don't I disagree with that Indianapolis pretty metropolitan. Yeah, you think so? Well, they have Starbucks, but I don't I don't like Starbucks. Who doesn't like Starbucks me Starbucks is great Shoot McAfee to Texan see if Indianapolis has heard of espresso yet. He'll be like, oh, you mean what they have?
Starting point is 00:26:48 It's the fancy stuff at Starbucks. And I don't like it. I don't like the Starbucks. I don't think Pat McAfee would say that. I think a couple years from now. The fancy stuff. The guy's worth like $500 million. He's blue collar though.
Starting point is 00:26:59 He probably has a Starbucks in his apartment. Yeah, but his his apartment. Yeah, but he's blue apartment. Yes. And if he were old money, he would have a one-off Individualized like startup coffee shop in his home that has amazing, you know books Backgammon table stuff like that. Yeah, that's what you would do. Hmm Yeah, I just liked I like make I like to like make a cup of coffee in the morning or I would like to like wake up, walk over to the coffee shop, chop it up with the fellas there and then come back to my apartment. Usually I would come back to my apartment, throw on some Wildfly
Starting point is 00:27:34 productions, fishing videos and then I would watch those, drink my coffee and then get to work. Oh my God. I have something for you. Do tell. Have you heard about the proliferation of these social clubs in New York City? So it started all with Soho House, but it's since expanded to things like Casa Cipriani, Zero Bond. Now there's a Chez Margot that just opened. No, I've only heard of Soho House. San Vicente Bungalow Club, which is the... We're in LA now.
Starting point is 00:28:02 They're opening one in the old Jane Hotel. Oh, the Jane Hotel. Hello, Jane Hotel. Didn't we have a company party there? You did. So listen. Great establishment. There's a new one and I'm not making this up. It's called the Fly Fishing Club. I've been there. You have? Yeah. I went when it was like the second week it opened.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Was it cool? It was pretty cool. We have to get you to join this place. Well, is it actually people that fly fish, or is it just rich people who like LLB? I don't know much about it. It started off as a Gary Vee venture, where you bought an NFT and got a lifetime membership.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Yeah, this doesn't really seem like the fly fishing community. No, but they've pivoted. They pivoted. They did a hard pivot. Hard pivot. At the, I guess, waning of NFT popularity. And now it's just like a fucking sick social club type of deal.
Starting point is 00:28:59 A buddy took me a couple weeks ago. And we were sitting next to the girl from Vanderpump Rules. OK. One of the women from Vanderpump Rules. So that's of the women from Vanderpump Rules so that's your that's kind of your crowd. The one that made that guy cheat on her? No one of the other ones the one who had a threesome with John Mayer. Okay. Sheena. I don't know her. Or maybe it was a threesome. I don't know. I said friend of the pod. Yeah friend of the pod. John Mayer. Yes. And the girl that he had a threesome with, I guess, right? I guess she's like kind of a Kevin Bacon extension of friends.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Friend of the pod is a friend of ours. Exactly. It was the transit of property. Yeah. I think I might go fishing this weekend. Do they have rods and things in there? It was very, you wouldn't have known there was any fly fishing. Okay, so it's maybe a tongue-in-cheek thing that is somehow,
Starting point is 00:29:47 there's no actual fishing paraphernalia or theme. I have to look this up to make sure it was the same place. I think it's on Houston Street. Yeah, like right under Second. I don't know, I've never been. It's like if you're going up Christie and you take that right. Yeah, I now remember you telling me about it on the, we were biking home.
Starting point is 00:30:08 But I just heard about it again this weekend and I thought, we need to get you to join. Flyfish Club, yeah. It was nice. Okay. Really nice cocktails. I went with my friend Sean. I could see Sasso showing up with waders on and a fucking bucket.
Starting point is 00:30:23 And everyone else is dressed to the nines, and he's like, wait, what? And the cast of Southern Charm is there, and the fucking record stops, and they all stare at you. They do have actual, like, real fly fishing clubs in New York. And it's like, just so, like, people can, uh, like, carpool on the weekends and, like, go up to, like, the Catskills and shit. What if you confused it?
Starting point is 00:30:41 Yeah. Yeah, that's possible. Yeah, they, they, like, they'll, they like they'll like you like people get together And they'll be like a shuttle that takes you out to some river hmm We couldn't kind of would be sweet you could organize it Did you see that they now have like nine dollar rides to JFK or something like that? I get targeted ads for them all the time nine dollar ubers to JFK, but you have to meet at That's for them all the time. Nine dollar Ubers to JFK,
Starting point is 00:31:03 but you have to meet at Moynihan Train Hall or some shit like that, and take a nine dollar van with a bunch of people. Not for me. No, no. Not for me. Kind of for me, to be honest. You're gonna start doing it?
Starting point is 00:31:17 No, because I never fly to JFK, but like dude, the Uber to JFK is like $150. Yeah, but I don't do that either. Because you guys are also closer to JFK than I am. Well, also, how am I supposed to get my fix of helping women bring their bags down? He stops at every stop on the A train. It is truly the train to JFK where you get the most acts
Starting point is 00:31:36 of good deeds. It is also the only train that actually goes to J. Like, you can take, you transfer at Jamaica, right? And then you take the, you can take- No, you go to Howard Beach straight. There's one, there's two A trains that run on the same line, but one goes to Howard Beach and one goes to- But there's the actual air train that like-
Starting point is 00:31:55 Yeah, then you, then there at Howard Beach you have to get, you have to get, you can go to Jamaica on the Long Island railroad, which is a good way for you to do it from Penn Station, go to Jamaica very quick, and then you get which is a good way for you to do it, from Penn Station, go to Jamaica very quick, and then you get on the air train there. That's what I did. That's a good way to do it. That's not expensive. That's like 18 bucks. Yeah, and it's like 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:32:14 It's not bad at all. I've just been flying in my drone to get there. I feel like it's the easiest, quickest way. Can we talk about this? What the fuck? Does anyone have any... Have I missed the resolution to the story? I watched some video about it yesterday where I guess some dude has some theory that the drones are are searching for like nuclear materials.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Okay. That doesn't seem justifiable to me. Where are they coming from? Why hasn't the government done something? Because they're, I think they are the government. Oh, and they're just not telling us? It's the government searching for a nuke that someone else brought into the United States.
Starting point is 00:32:54 That's what they're saying? Some random dude, Joe Rogan reposted it saying this is the first video that has me actually concerned about this. And it was like, there's some dude that he works with drones, he works for a company or owns a company that builds drones for the military. And he said that the only reason that drones would be flying at night,
Starting point is 00:33:17 he kept on saying is to smell something. I guess they can pick up scent or was that like, or was he speaking? They have dogs riding in the drones It was something weird. I don't know something with like there was there was some sort of when when they when they shut down the nuclear program and Like I guess there was like some nuclear parts or some shit that went missing and then I don't know I mean, I could not have done a worse job of explaining this and I really don't know what I'm talking about So I'm just gonna skip out on this one. Something with nukes. I guess there's nukes in New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:33:48 How often do you two, living in New York City, worry that we live in the number one place that... A nuke would be dropped. A terrorist would want to attack. Look, if I lived above 28th, I'd be a little more worried, but since I live below 28th, I'm not sweating it too much. I mean, you think that they're going to... What are you talking about? They would attack below 28th.
Starting point is 00:34:11 You think they'd go to Times Square? Yeah. Empire State Building. They already did it once and they took out the World Trade Centers, which are in Tribeca Piedi. They're not going to go for the one world trade. The Freedom Tower? Yeah, one world trade.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I mean, I feel like that would be a very symbolic thing to do. If it was me, I would definitely go Empire State Building. Because of O'Day. Yeah, because of O'Day and also just because, like, why not, right? That's like when you think of New York. When people in other countries think of New York, think Empire State Building. No, no, no, no, you're mistaken, my friend.
Starting point is 00:34:50 No, you're mistaken. Are you crazy? You think Empire State Building is the marquee building of New York, especially considering 9-11? Yeah. No, no, no, my friend. Dude, the Empire State Building is the most famous building in New York City the symbolism of New York I don't agree with the World Trade Centers Yeah, and I would also say that you could argue like Madison Square Garden is more famous than Empire State Building
Starting point is 00:35:16 Don't You guys have lost your mind. Yeah, O'Day is paying you Dude, the Empire State Building is like the building in New York, now that the Twin Towers have been destroyed. Destroyed is crazy. What would you rather of me have said? Demolished? Demolished. Bin Laden's out there with a fucking tea bar.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Okay. Dude, the Empire State Building, like that's like New York City. Like when my parents were here last week, my mom was like, Oh my God, the Empire State Building. She didn't even know what the World Trade Center was. She was like, is it the one that like she would, she thought it could have been any building. I mean, I would say that, uh, Statue of Liberty, I would put up there.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Yeah. But also, you're not going to get as much bang for your buck on that. Oh boy. But, uh, so you think that's going to be biggest bang for your buck? Yes. I think it's like- Look, I'm not saying I'm going to go through with a terrorist attack here. I'm just saying I'm not as worried.
Starting point is 00:36:21 I would be more worried if I lived closer to the Empire State Building. Do you ever see the clip of Vince Carter jumping over that seven foot French dude? Yes. He dunks over him. I have. So it's like Vince Carter in that same game dunked over a seven foot French dude again. I think it'd be way crazier than like if he dunked twice over the same seven foot French dude, I think it would be more impactful.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I actually I have a better analogy. Do you remember 9-11? Yeah. You know how they took out the World Trade Centers and then we rebuilt the one memory and built a monument to it. And it was this really symbolic thing of like, you can't beat us. And we called it the freedom tower. If they took that out, that'd be really tough.
Starting point is 00:37:07 That would be really tough. And it would kind of be like, like, what do you even do at that point? Build another one. You build it again. I think at that point you got to be like, we're just going to make this like an office and like fucking upstate or some shit. Clearly people really want this gone. So we're just going to move it somewhere a little more disclosed. But then they win. You can't let them win. But I mean, if it happens again, I think they win.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Like yeah, you guys won. We're going to, we're not going to. That's a really pro-American attitude. I'm just saying realistically. You think that the World Trade Center would be just an Ithaca? Just like a super tall building with nothing around it? No, I think it would be like, they'd probably like use like an old, like an old fucking warehouse or some shit. And just build something low.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Something really low and flat. Yeah. Unhittable. Yeah. Something unhittable. Yeah, I mean, I, yeah, the terrorists come for that thing. I mean, if it went down, if it went down again, there's no, what are you gonna build? The, this is, okay, but this time it's the real Freedom Tower. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:11 I don't have an answer for that. I don't know, but I would think that they would rebuild it because you have to. I think you don't. As a symbol of resilience and the indomitable American spirit. You're advocating for America to take their L and go home. Yeah. That's right. That's what he's saying. At that point, yes, I am. Take your L is crazy to America?
Starting point is 00:38:32 Yeah. Well, different question. Make it somewhere secret. Like, make it, like, put it in, like, Des Moines. The whole point of the Freedom Tower is to have it be this visible thing. Yeah, but it seems like it's, at this point, it's almost a little too visible. Well, that was the whole point. They build it even taller. Yeah, but then if they hit it again, then it's like, okay, maybe it was a little too tall. So we were saying put it somewhere where they can't even find it. Exactly. Yeah. Lie it flat. Yes, flat. Underground. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Lie it flat. Make it an Amazon warehouse center that Nate can come in and out of. Use the Jewish tunnels and build it down there underground. And just Indiana Jones, like 2,000 years from now, it's like, I've got to find the World Trade Center, the hidden myth of the World Trade Center. SAS, if they took out the Empire State Building, would you have us rebuild the Empire State Building? It's kind of soft that it's just a state building.
Starting point is 00:39:26 It's more like an attack on a state. Well the Empire State Building already did have a plane fly into it. Unless you guys didn't know that. You thought 9-11 was the first time a plane hit a tower in New York? Of course not. A plane hit the Empire State Building and they rebuilt it. But they didn't knock it over. But it didn't fall like the Twin Towers did.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Yes, exactly. Fucking exactly. You didn't know that, did you? And you're pissed you didn't know it. No, I didn't know it. No, it's in the Godzilla movie. No. That's what that movie's about.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Have you ever seen Godzilla? Godzilla climbs to the top of the building. There's planes flying around it. Well, I think that the planes are trying to shoot down Godzilla. Right. Exactly. That's what was happening in that story you're talking about. It was a really long time ago. Unless you didn't know that. Because you could look it up. Why were there planes around Godzilla? I am curious about your answer to that question. I think that's an interesting one. Would you
Starting point is 00:40:23 have us rebuild the Empire State Building, call it something different, build it as much in the likeness similar to what the French just did with Notre Dame? It's like- Yeah, I was in 1945. A B-25 bomber flew straight into the Empire State Building. Intentionally? No, fog.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Missed it, or didn't miss it. This story, I mean... You have a dark streak right now. Why? I don't know. I'm with you. Just loving on the idea of the world trade. Rooting for the terrorists.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Yeah. What the fuck are you guys talking about? You're talking about which targets would be the best bang for their buck. You said, are you worried about living in New York City due to that we are the number one target? You have it in your mind that we could take an L to the terrorists, that they could win. I don't have it in my mind.
Starting point is 00:41:19 I'm thinking realistically. And we're saying right to the bitter end. If it were to happen again, I think you gotta you gotta draw like that's a lot of people that are dying like at certain point we got to be like okay maybe it's just not the best idea to have this year you say maybe like an empty building no I'm saying maybe like maybe what's decoy you would have them build a decoy no like maybe move it to another like move move it to Denver have some inside the Washington Monument move it somewhere another, like move it to Denver. Have some- Inside the Washington Monument.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Move it somewhere like more Central America that it's gonna take a little, like somewhere that it'll be a little harder for the planes to- Yeah, put it in Central America. Because if the planes were hijacked in Boston and they had to go all the way to Denver, they would've gotten shot down before they got to Denver.
Starting point is 00:42:02 You think the Northeast Corridor is too densely populated with the good shit? Yes. And you need to put some of the good shit in South Dakota? Yeah, I mean, dude, that's like real America. The West? Like, throw it out there. You're saying New York's not real America?
Starting point is 00:42:19 No, it is. But it's like, throw the World Trade Center and fucking Buffalo Wyoming or some shit. Do you understand why it has to be in New York? Yeah. For Wall Street? For Wall Street. The World Trade Center I think had to be here because that's, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I actually don't know the answer to that. I don't know why. I mean, from the name of it, it sounds like all the trade in the world is happening. Yeah, right. That's kind of it, it sounds like all the trade in the world is happening. Yeah, right, that's kind of it, right? Like isn't this the epicenter of trade in America? In industry, business? So you wanna move Wall Street and all the hardworking brothers down on Wall Street
Starting point is 00:42:53 out to fucking Wyoming. You wanna outsource New York's fucking jobs. I'm just saying. Because you're scared of the terrorists. And I'm not saying right now, I'm saying, look, I love the Freedom Tower. And I love the Statue of Liberty. You wouldn't even have to say that.
Starting point is 00:43:05 I love the Empire State Building. You never heard me say that, trying to convince people that I love the Freedom Tower. I'm just saying if things were, if history were to repeat itself, like maybe at a certain point, like, guys, we gotta come up with a better plan here rather than just building the target back up again.
Starting point is 00:43:21 People say that- People are gonna be like, hey, I don't wanna work in that fucking building, it's gone down twice. Right. The World Trade Center is about trade for the entire world, obviously. The Empire State Building is a testament
Starting point is 00:43:33 to the Empire State. So it's like, if you attack that, then you're attacking New York, not the United States as a whole. The Chrysler Building, though, is just a monument to corporate greed. I feel like we could all get behind the Chrysler building. I don't, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:54 You don't like that? Look, I mean, now it seems like you guys are just trying to plan a terrorist attack, so I'm kind of falling back now. We're trying to fucking yes and your terrorist attack. You drove, you drew them a map. Now. And admitted preemptive defeat. I was honestly, I was on the side of like,
Starting point is 00:44:08 terrorist defense. Like I was like defending against terrorism. I'm trying to think of a better plan. No, you're giving them the playbook being like, this is how you could make us quit fighting you. Yeah. You waved the white flag. But here's my question.
Starting point is 00:44:22 They say that after 9-11, everybody came together and was a lot nicer to each other. How many 9-11s would have to happen for you to carry a suitcase for an old woman up the stairs of the subway? For your civic radar to tune? Dude, to be fully honest, if 9-11 happened while I was living here, I'm gone. What do you mean? Like I'm not staying in New York. Oh for that day you mean or just forever? No for I'm out. Because you're scared? Yeah I know I just feel like this isn't worth it this sucks. You're pretty close to that right now.
Starting point is 00:45:00 I'll move to Hoboken. You'll just move to Jersey City? Yeah. So still like within the blast radius. Man, I'm not, yeah, but not like direct. You're saying no one's attacking Jersey City. Yeah. No one's attacking West New York. No. I mean, I guess, I thought that you were saying
Starting point is 00:45:20 you would go to Oklahoma and just live in your house. Maybe I'll go to to New Brunswick Good yeah, it go down to Rutgers. Yeah, I mean they they have shows every week Yeah, good football good basketball really good basketball this year great basketball at RU. They started that restaurant Are you hungry? Did you guys ever have that in college? Are you hungry? It was a big thing at Penn State They had it at other colleges Rutgers, obviously But they sandwiched here. You're a liar. You did go for a touch and you could have had one of these sandwiches It was called a fat bitch. You know those sandwiches. I do Tyler knows what the fuck I'm talking about where it's like we are five mozzarella sticks in a cheese with chicken fingers and fries on top of it just weaponized gluttony I don't know
Starting point is 00:46:06 if that would be something you'd be into sounds something I would not be into not you obviously your shits would be generational after that I've been ripping those supplements they've been doing more work in wonders are you serious I don't know you don't know if you're serious or I don't know if they're doing anything but I feel good yeah I take them and I'm like, I feel he... I'm like, I'm getting healthier as I'm taking them. You're not gonna feel high. You're gonna feel less bad things. And maybe some better poopies and stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Some of that can be the gazebo effect, but I would think that for you, it actually probably is helping. Yeah. Do you know about the gazebo effect? I do. I'm just thinking of the Toledo effect. That's where he wants to of the Toledo effect.
Starting point is 00:46:45 That's where he wants to build the new Freedom Tower. Very good. Alrighty, let's talk about Game Time. Game Time is focused on together this holiday season. When you bring people together at live events, the experience is that much better. You know how much we love Game Time? Now with their brand new Game Time Picks feature, they're making it even easier to get to a game.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Game Time Picks filters out the fluff to show you only incredible deals on great seats, so you don't have to waste time searching through thousands of tickets. I was just looking at tickets for... Andrea Bocelli, who is blind, and I would happily help him across the street. Great, and I saw an amazing Game Time Picks deal for... I didn't know he was blind until like so long until when I started liking his music. Just pull up your chosen event and turn on... I made me feel good about myself.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I was like proud of myself that I liked him before I knew he was blind. That is good. Yeah, me too. Just pull up your chosen event and turn on the Game Time Picks settings on the top of the screen or browse the best local Game Time Picks deals near you on your Game Time app home page. What are you waiting for? I'm going to go buy those G-Eazy tickets.
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Starting point is 00:48:11 What time is it? It's game time. You can't tell me not to. You know who's going on tour in Europe? Who? G-Eazy. Okay guys, let's take a second and talk about BetterHelp. BetterHelp. Son of a Boy Dad is sponsored by BetterHelp.
Starting point is 00:48:28 That's right, Son of a Boy Dad is sponsored by BetterHelp. How do you stay cozy during the winter months? Can I ask that of you guys? I usually eat much spicier food. It warms you from the inside. That's right. Kind of gets you, gets the motor running. Yep. As it were. For me, wrapping up in a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate or watching a movie with family is the best way to spend the month of December. Therapy is a great way to bring yourself some comfort that never goes away even when the season changes. Is that sad copy for us do you think. Certainly feels like it.
Starting point is 00:49:05 I mean, I'm glad SAS isn't reading it, because the name of the company is BetterHelp, which is not what he does whenever he sees someone who needs it. Right, exactly. They actually will help you like therapy. And it does give me that kind of cozy feeling. Yeah. It definitely does.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I mean, I've used BetterHelp personally. I could tell you that better than I could spin a yarn about some sentence I'm reading. I call them them up and I just do it right over the phone and that's your option you could do it face to face you could do it in video you could do it over the phone just talking to somebody you can even do it in text it's really that simple I don't know if you guys have noticed but I'm actually doing a lot better with help just with my mental health and I got a haircut and I've kind of shed
Starting point is 00:49:45 a lot of my demons and I really credit better help with that. Oh yeah you can find comfort this December with better help. Visit better help dot com slash sun today to get 10 percent off your first month. That's better h e l p dot com slash sun. Hey boys let me ask you something. Fucked. Slash son hey boys. Let me ask you something fucked How much data do you use a fuck ton and What's your cell phone bill looking like every month fucked on big fucking number fuck big fucking number fucked?
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Starting point is 00:50:57 It is truly the truth. Go check out or download the Mobile X app from the App Store or Google Play today All right, let's get back to son of a boy dad podcast Very good goddess. Yes, you have to try you have to keep keep at them But I feel like you do look better you sound sharper. You sound like you're on an alpha brain You sound like you're on a new trope. I am It's probably that decaf coffee. Yeah. I was out in Grand Rapids this weekend. Speaking of new tropes. Oh
Starting point is 00:51:32 yeah I was out in Grand Rapids. It was fun. The shows were awesome. Really good weekend. Yeah the video looked incredible. It looked awesome. Or whatever still frame that you posted on your Instagram. Oh. Ha ha. Ha ha. It was good. You posted, you reposted someone else's story. Saying that they had the best night of their life.
Starting point is 00:51:55 And they said something like, -"My goat," or something like that. -"They did." I believe those were the words they used. And you used that to thank them, but you could have just taken the photo and written it over their caption, but you wanted everyone to see that they, that person thought you were the goat. Yeah, no, to be honest, I wanted to thank everyone for coming to the show and only one
Starting point is 00:52:16 person tagged me in a photo from the entire weekend. So I had no other options. You can't tell. It makes it seem like, oh, there's probably dozens of those. I don't know what happened. I feel like when I first started doing standup, every show I would do, I'd leave and there'd be like, I'd have like a hundred people tagging me in photos. Now it's like a full weekend.
Starting point is 00:52:35 If I get one, I'm lucky. Clubs might be getting much more vigilant about not letting people take photos and videos for fun. Yeah. I mean, I don't care as long as people are watching the show and paying attention. Would you prefer someone watch the show and pay attention, or get like six people tagging you so it looks like lots of people are at your shows
Starting point is 00:52:53 taking video and stuff? Definitely. The latter? No, definitely pay attention and watch the show. I think you should be letting people know right now that it's okay to take pictures. Even people who are listening like tag the fuck out of sass. No. Why? It'll be good promo. Because I'm not gonna repost most of them. Why? Because I'm not just not gonna do that. Because you're not that, you're a humble
Starting point is 00:53:17 guy. I'm not that guy. Yeah you're humble as hell. But it was great I mean like I thought I was gonna sell zero tickets. I sold out, like, almost all of the shows except for Thursday. Where is Grand Rapids? Upper Peninsula? I don't know. I don't know anything about Grand Rapids. It was like three degrees there the entire time I was there. And I didn't have a rental car. And there's like no, like the closest like CVS was like four miles away. So I literally just stayed in the hotel the entire and the club is literally
Starting point is 00:53:48 Directly across like it's like a 100 foot walk from the hotel to the club So I would just like walk around the hotel all day Like I'm finding it right now. I'm geolocating Grand Rapids. It's right by Lansing It's about four clicks west of Lansing. Shout out to T Grizzly. I was Lansing some boils on my feet this weekend. Yeah, you were. You were fucking boiled up feet. I had ingrown toenails. Can't believe we made it out of Lansing.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Did you fly right into Grand Rapids? I did. That's pretty sweet. Let's talk ball really quick. Just want to talk ball really quick if that's all right. Did we win our thing? Our 15 pick parlay. We had one, two, three, four, five. You know, I was looking at it.
Starting point is 00:54:33 We only lost. Six, seven, eight, nine. We went nine for 12. And might I add something on? I believe we only, we only lost one bet where we predicted the outcome of the game. The other ones that we lost were all over unders. I think we lost the over on the commander saints game.
Starting point is 00:54:54 And if the saints, which when they scored at the end of the game had kicked a field goal, or excuse me, kicked the extra point and gone to overtime and someone had scored a touchdown, over would have hit. The Dolphins, the Dolphins did not come close to covering two and a half. So that was our biggest loss. That was annoying. The Under-Over on the Colts Broncos pushed, so that wouldn't have hurt us.
Starting point is 00:55:20 The Eagles one was devastating for me because I had that in another parlay and I texted MOOC and I said I had a very large cash out option and I said should I cash this out? Started the fourth quarter, needed 10 more points and he said I would let it ride. We're about to score anyway. Then you guys scored, all I needed was three more points. Somehow you guys were managed to run the clock down from eight minutes to zero minutes. 10 minutes to zero minutes. Ten minutes to zero minutes. I mean, that was maybe the worst 10 minutes of football I've ever,
Starting point is 00:55:49 I've got, dude, the whole time. It was like a 22 play 80 yard drive, which mathematically is almost impossible because you have to get first down. Yes. Guys, I think we're ignoring the point here, which is that we, we're getting closer. We're sharp. We're getting close. We're running out of weeks. We have three more regular season weeks closer. We're running out of weeks. We have three more regular season weeks left. You got to bet. You got to do it on your phone next week. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:10 You're going to need to deposit some funds. No, I got funds. It's $100 though. I hit big yesterday. Nice. I had Bill's Moneyline and Shakir to score a touchdown. That's nice. I did pretty well yesterday.
Starting point is 00:56:30 I had the Ravens covering and then I did a two pick parlay of the Bengals and the commanders to win both Moneylines, which was still minus 132. And I'll tell you what, I was sweating that fucking two point conversion at the end. Pretty heavy. I think there's one thing that we definitely have to acknowledge. It's that you were wrong about the Giants being able to cover. You're like, fucking 17 points?
Starting point is 00:56:52 How are they ever gonna cover it? Nobody wins by 17 points. Yeah, I was wrong about that. You were dead wrong. And they won by 21. Oh, we didn't take that. We didn't, right. But you were just so adamant.
Starting point is 00:57:02 And that's why we didn't take it. I don't think I was very adamant. I think I was just like, I think I said it's it's 17 points a lot of points You said that a lot you said that about the Eagles right there, and then you were wrong about the Giants So we're gonna call it so but I didn't like my being wrong there I was just giving what I thought and I was wrong, but we didn't take it You were adamant about the Eagles being able to cover 12 and then we had to take it and then we lost. Yeah. So my wrong didn't hurt the team at all.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Your wrong did hurt the team. But we did rock, paper, scissors and then at that point you can't ignore the result. Then God is at play. Yeah, but I'm just saying like I like that wasn't... You wish to spit in the face of God. No, I didn't. My being wrong didn't hurt the team at all. Yes, well just don't let it happen again. That's all I'm saying. That's all I'm saying. We also have a nice package from Okay, so what we're doing is- Some of our friends over at Spotify. Weird. So unboxing live. Here, you want to open this? This is fun. Isn't this fun?
Starting point is 00:58:09 Describe what you're seeing. Into the mic, into the mic. Cocaine. It's covered in a wet snow. How do they keep it wet? I don't know, but it's the texture of it I'm not, I will say I'm not thrilled on. We might have wanted to open this sooner.
Starting point is 00:58:31 We might have wanted to keep it refrigerated. Well, what could it be? Wait, someone has a credit card? Bruh. Let's line that up, bro. It's leaking everywhere. Don't give that to me. Oh, you just got it all on the floor.
Starting point is 00:58:48 What preservatives could be in that? Thank God they got this out before JFK Jr. took over. If that's a candle, I want it. This is a candle. I want the candle. Which I will be taking. I'm taking the candle. No, I have to have this candle.
Starting point is 00:59:00 God damn it. I took Afrin last night, so I'll be able to smell the insides of this candle. Pass it down, bro. It smells great. Des damn it. I took Afrin last night, so I'll be able to smell the insides of this candle. Pass it down, bro. Smells great. Describe it. Lavender. Just kidding, it's not lavender.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Then we have a box here. Mm, like a pearly note. There's a card on top. Should we guess what's in the box? What's in the box? What's in the box? My hope is that it's tissues. Happy holidays from Spotify's content partnership team.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Thanks for keeping our little company afloat. No problem, Spotify. Happy we could help. To the members of the Plan Bree podcast. No. Oh God. That's all it said was thank you for being. Yeah, no, there's like a fucking essay. Can I see? Yeah
Starting point is 00:59:47 I'm all about the gifts. It's not handwritten, bro. It's that now. I was looking for handwritten doesn't even say our name on it If that's a suite you have to if it's a macaron, you have to pass them around. I've been into the great British bake-off Oh, this is a edition. They want us to upload clips to Spotify Why is everything wet? What is it? Hold it up, bro. Say what say what's wet? Feel these don't these feel like damp They are damn
Starting point is 01:00:23 It's like when you have fish and chips on a broken paper bag or ripped paper bag and the fish and chips gets the bag a little bit a little bit wet. Is that a blanket? Bro tell me that's a fucking blanket. I'm taking the Spotify blanket? No you cannot
Starting point is 01:00:40 have the Spotify blanket. YouTube plaque in a Spotify blanket. What is that bro that can't just be a blanket I think it is right oh really good oh man this is amazing strawberry fish Swedish fish is about to be out of fucking out of business fish are American now shit is going on here. What type of BDSM, 50 Shades of Spotify are they hitting us with? Little Spotify toiletry bag. A sleeping mask. And a blanket.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Blanket or towel? I'm not sure. That looks so cozy. A blanket for a very small individual. That's obviously for me. Yeah, this one was for you. That's obviously for the babies. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:40 This baby blanket. What else is in the pink box? Just these two? Insanely good fish. By Bon Bon. Fish gummies. The sour elderflower ones. They're sour elderflower.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Sass, you gotta talk while we chew these. Pontificate for a second, bro. Get this shit off of me. Bro, pontificate. This is bad radio. Thank you. It's due a soliloquy sass. Thank you Spotify. I love Spotify.
Starting point is 01:02:10 I really love it. Did you guys watch that miniseries that was made about Spotify? I think it was on Hulu or something about how Spotify came to be. I didn't I didn't hear the good word. I'm waiting to do my Spotify wrapped. I might not even open it this year. I don't want to see what's inside.
Starting point is 01:02:26 What's their story? Well, what was interesting about Spotify was that, like, getting the coding and the engineering to the point where the second you clicked on the song, it started playing. They had to get it down the buffering speed to, because they got it to, like like 0.3 seconds or something. And the guy was like, that's not fast enough. Because you double click it and there'd be 0.3 seconds and then it would start.
Starting point is 01:02:53 And there was some time interval where the human mind cannot differentiate between that amount of time and something being instantaneous. And that was what they had to get it to. Damn. And getting it there required building their own servers and like all this crazy stuff. And I just think that in an age when Apple and Google seem to have like completely monopolized tech
Starting point is 01:03:17 and Facebook and stuff, for there have been, to have been in this upstart music streaming service, Spotify, that like overtook Apple Music and iTunes and Jay-Z's title and all this stuff and emerged and remains the must-have music streaming service is a pretty incredible feat. It is must-have. It's really one. You can't live without Spotify. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:42 No, it's definitely top dog. I never even tried the other ones. No. No. Except for the Listen to the Son of a Boy Dad podcast. We- you can find our podcast anywhere. But especially Spotify. And the other ones better take Spotify's lead
Starting point is 01:03:57 and start sending us some goodies. Some nice gift baskets, or else we're going to be pissed. If we don't get the title, Jay-Z sexual assault starter kid whatever he's sending out these days just kidding I heard that was all fake did you guys hear that about Jay-Z? You said that about P Diddy too. I'm trying to defend my brothers. About P Diddy you were like I heard that was all fake yeah And then like the next day he was in prison. It took some months. But I had the wool pulled over my eyes too. I mean, I can only relay what I've heard.
Starting point is 01:04:34 The Drake stuff is definitely fake. Yes. We're team Drake. I don't know if you know. Drake commented on Ron's Instagram. What, recently? Yes, last week. Whoa. Congratulations on the babies. Get What? Recently? Yes. Last week. Whoa. Congratulated, just congratulations on the babies.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Get the fuck out of here. I thought it was very nice of him, of my friend. Wow, that is so cool. Is that insane? I mean, yeah. Was this on the, um, with the PapEv announcement? Yeah, I think so. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Oh, really? It wasn't the personal one? Or Son of a Boy Dad. Well, no, it was my personal personal one or son of a boy dead well No, it was my personal Twitter, but I posted a clip from this pap. Ev. Yo you applied on Twitter or whatever the fuck Instagram I thought it was the one that you and your wife collabed on I was gonna say that would have been pretty funny That must have been pretty crazy for your wife to get that notification Yeah, Shan P. Poppy has left a comment on your post Fuck I don't even I'm, what the fuck is this, babe? Why the fuck is Drake commenting on your shit?
Starting point is 01:05:32 I blame her completely. Shout out Drizzy, though. I have been listening to... Shake, shake, shake. I have been listening to GNX as my workout track just top to bottom as That's it Album one album is my new workout. So you're the guy that's listening You don't like it. No, I'm I'm liking it. I love I don't think the numbers are that great. Oh, they're not I don't think
Starting point is 01:06:00 GNX I Mean I think it's amazing. It's the best rap album I've heard in years. Kendrick Lamar's new album. Oh I haven't listened to any of it. It's good. Mustard! You didn't listen to that? No I just heard it. I just keep hearing people saying the mustard thing. I've listened, I just listened to Gav Richard die trying or the whatever the 50 cent album is on repeat That's my go to that that a rapper that was on Schultz's show did 50 is the best doesn't get much better than 50 I just know him as a guy from Andrew Schultz Nobody likes me and that's okay sound like y'all anyway
Starting point is 01:06:46 And I don't like y'all anyway and I don't like y'all anyway fuck all y'all Eminem I'll let my watch talk for me my whip talk for me my gat talk for me ka-plow what up homie You gotta love Fitty. Hit that line again. I think he says, I let my watch talk for me, my whip talk for me, my gat talk for me, Ka-blow, what up, homie? These bitches wanna know me, they don't know me. I came into rap humble.
Starting point is 01:07:24 That's what it, then it goes into the verse. He's a legend. All right. I'd love to get Fiddy on the pod. And a great businessman. We got to get him on. This week we're recording our Christmas episode. Stay tuned for it because it's going to feature Dana beers and some beer towers filled with
Starting point is 01:07:40 eggnog. Yeah. So pretty much people don't like when we bank episode. So this episode is not banked. This episode is coming out tomorrow. And then the Wednesday episode will come out on Thursday, as usual. But then the coming weeks, obviously Christmas
Starting point is 01:07:55 and New Year's, some of those will be banked, but we will still be putting out episodes. Unlike some people, so, you know, you get what you get. And also just take it out on them You know if anybody if you notice anybody not doing as much as us just make sure that you let everybody know tags I see dag days. He's here. Tag Dave for sure Ericka does you want to know you want to know how our old buddies are doing? All right. Still, still underground
Starting point is 01:08:46 So I looked older Till you came around I was only falling one way I was only falling one way Days were drifting For was I So, so then you listen Now I come alive I was only falling one way I was only falling one way I was only falling one way
Starting point is 01:09:56 Fetish drew your eye Did you realize Did you realize? No one can take me alive I was only falling one way See you just a distant light, feel fast forever bright, call it just a memory, take my hand and you can see I'm home Oh Oh When I fall When I fall Banished to your earth
Starting point is 01:11:17 Did you realize No one could take me alive

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