25: Selfless Socks and the Best Potato Chips - Comedy Podcast
Episode Date: December 3, 2018Saving the earth can come in many forms. Clearly the Spitballers podcast's main mission to to rescue the world, but the ways in which the planet will...
TWO-TIME COMEDY PODCAST OF THE YEAR! Comedy podcasts are the best, but it's not easy to find clean comedy podcasts that are actually FUNNY! Welcome to the Spitballers Podcast with the award-winning trio of Andy, Mike, and Jason. These three dads will make you laugh as they discuss ridiculous topics, answer life's most difficult questions, and dish out life advice that you should never, ever take. We all need a little nonsense in our everyday lives. Be a part of one of the best audiences around and enjoy a comedy podcast for the whole family with new episodes every Monday morning! The one comedy podcast you can't leave off your podcast roster. Award-winning comedy every week! Learn more at http://SpitballersPod.com and become an OFFICIAL Spitwad!
485 episodes transcribedSaving the earth can come in many forms. Clearly the Spitballers podcast's main mission to to rescue the world, but the ways in which the planet will...
This one hits a little too close to home for Jason who was, in fact, raised by television fathers. The guys are back again with a great mock draft whe...
Some things just blow your mind when you find out what people do. Do you lick your QTips? Do people really do that? Do the Spitballers do that? Gross!...
What would be the worst jobs imaginable for the Spitballers to take on? Today's episode exploits their weaknesses and assigns them new jobs. Never fea...
Do you wash dishes before putting them in the dishwasher? Should you? Do you brush your teeth in the morning? In the evening? Both? These and other su...
What an unbelievable episode! The guys find out things about one another that almost tears them apart. If you've ever wanted to laugh over people figh...
Today's show is full of terrifying beasts including sharks, zombies, and dinosaurs. We also find out how good Jason is at guessing numbers and get an...
One of the most controversial topics ever discussed on any podcast anywhere. Incredibly deep and powerful conversation on today's podcast including th...
So... a shocking guest makes an appearance in one of our houses on today's Spitballers Comedy Podcast. We have some bizarre questions today and one of...
The Spitballers tell some of the funniest mistakes they have ever made with their wives throughout this episode. We learn so many things we didn't wan...
Oh, sweet mercy. The poop jokes might just be a little bit too literal on today's Spitballers Comedy Podcast. You're going to need your very own butt-...
The situation room is terrifying today! Jason literally screams out load as he cannot control his emotions in a genuine act of hilarity. Some weird st...
You do not want to miss the Pizza Toppings Mock Draft! There is a special topping description that you are sure to enjoy. Some absolutely great questi...
Trust nothing! That's what we learn on today's Spitballers Comedy Podcast. Can you stare at the sun? Or is that just some old wives tale? You also get...
Family friendly potty humor? Is it even possible? Yes, it is! Gather the family around and enjoy hilarious conversation about social etiquette and whe...
Today's episode is pretty funny as the guys start out tackling a number of great questions including the horrible question of "Is a hotdog a sandwich?...
Should you let kids win or teach them valuable life lessons with devastating losses. The answer might surprise you. Also, who would win in a fight bet...
The most ridiculous "Would you rather" questions are tackled on today's Spitballers podcast. You won't want to miss Jason trying to impersonate Mike T...
Would you rather go without the internet or without necessities like AC and heating? The guys also get heated over their passion for condiments. In a...
On today's Spitballers comedy podcast Mike is horrified at what Jason makes his children do. Find out exactly what the song "Set Them Piggies Free" re...