Stop Podcasting Yourself - Bonus Episode - Commercial Jingles 1

Episode Date: November 22, 2023

We're taking this out from behind the paywall and sharing it with you. Dave and Graham listen to a few commercial jingles sung by our talented listeners. Want to hear more bonus episodes? Support us a...t $5/month at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey folks. Hey you, sons of guns. Okay. It's Graham and Dave. I'm Dave. Hi, I'm Graham. Daughters of guns as well, not just sons. Yes, and daughters of the American Revolution. We are. Our families go back a long way. Yeah, the Mason-Dixon line. Yeah, sure. And the Gilmore Girls. Yep, all the way back to the Gilmore Girls. But what we're doing now is we're sharing with you uh a bonus episode now okay here's what the way the show works yeah yeah yeah every month we release two bonus episodes for people who support maximum fun dot org uh those people only we don't secretly uh hand out different episodes to people who have requested this. The only way to get these episodes.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Yes. And so if you would like to get these bonus episodes every month, go to slash join. What you're about to hear is one of our favorites. Yes. It's an episode of a series where we sing and talk about our favorite local advertisement jingles. And we asked our listeners to phone in with their favorite jingles. And there's like people from all over the world call in with their jingles. We love this episode so much.
Starting point is 00:01:21 We've actually already done two extra ones. And there's probably more on the way. But you know what? If you haven't heard it, enjoy it now. And if you want to hear more, slash join. Do it. Godfather's Pizza. All right. Here we go. Here we are. Here we are. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:43 One and all. Welcome to the bonus episode. Now, you may notice that we normally go Hot Topic, Bean There Done That, other thing, but this week, month, this week, month, it's the weakest of months.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Yes. We're doing it this way. We're doing an other thing, and then you'll get your bean. You'll get your bean. Yeah, just hold on. You'll get your bean you'll get to your bean in the end quit squeezing my bean yeah man don't worry about it beans on the way but uh this month this week oh boy here's what we're doing uh uh oh no you know what? I forgot. Someone actually suggested this. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:26 You're right. Somebody. And we really should, uh, acknowledge, you know, that was their brainpower. They came up with it.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Sure. Did we take it all the way to the finish line? Yes. Are we the MVP because of that? Yes. Yeah. Okay. So, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:39 this, uh, listener, Jessica S I'll read the email. I had an idea for a bonus episode, uh, inspired by the New York Fries, I want a hot dog jingle, which I've been annoying my husband and daughter with. If you think it's garbage, no hard feelings.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Oh, this idea. Yeah. Of course, we don't think that song's garbage. We love it. Yeah, that's the best song, and we don't think your idea is garbage either. You could have listeners call in with jingles that have haunted them for years. They'd have to sing it, of course, and if they
Starting point is 00:03:12 can't really remember the lyrics, all the better. And you guys could naturally add your own to talk about. I've got a million of them hogging up valuable brain cells, and I'm sure I'm not alone. For instance, lately, every morning when I'm fixing my breakfast, the Carnation instant breakfast jingle pops into my head do you know this one no well say maybe a carnation instant breakfast you're gonna love it in an instant
Starting point is 00:03:36 it's good that's really good yeah uh and i don't ever buy instant breakfast A couple months ago I couldn't stop thinking about the old Let it be low and brow beer commercials That was ubiquitous in the 80s Let it be Like Beatles? I mean here's the thing This listener
Starting point is 00:03:57 Wrote these things in Didn't sing any but Yeah that's right Here's the low and brow one They're jogging Didn't sing any, but... Yeah, that's right. Here's the low and brow one. They're jogging. the most german sounding of beers let it be low and brown that's good the classic american taste um so yeah jessica suggested this and uh then a few weeks ago we said hey everyone
Starting point is 00:04:44 we'd like love it if you called in and or sent in a voice memo of you singing your favorite jingle from the past and uh in the first day we got one person called in and like three people like this is a bomb this is a dud three people sent in like sent in youtube clips and i was uh-oh, what if we just get YouTube clips? But people came through in the end. So we've got a bunch to play, and it's going to be fun. We'll have fun. Everyone just relax.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Dave, do you have a couple that ring around in your head? Yeah, I've got a million. The one, so some of these are local and some of them are like national. Sure. And sometimes I will just like remember the, I will remember the old slogan of something years later and I'll still think they have that slogan. years later and i'll still think they have that slogan uh like when when blockbuster changed it to make it a blockbuster night i was still like no no no you're saying blockbuster video yeah wow what a difference yes um and then uh uh when we were in palm springs last month uh the local grocery store there was albertson's oh yeah and i just remember from watching like the seattle affiliates of uh the the uh
Starting point is 00:06:14 american networks yeah i would uh the the albertson's jingle was albertson's it's your store jingle was albertson's it's your store nice that's good um i mostly i focused i collected them out of my brain mostly local jingles but um you know i think i know some big chain ones do i uh uh something will come to me something about a business that's not around anymore like exxon or something like that um do you want to send me a couple do we want to get all ours out of the way or do we want to we can we can spritz you know put a little bit in okay um what's one that's specifically like from your childhood oh there was this one there was a place called malacca hood oh there was this one there was a place called malaka malaka okay and um it was a i guess it was a furniture store that sold rattan furniture okay very specific uh who was the and there was a guy in it who seemed famous singing the song. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:27 But I don't know who it was. Uh, but it went get Malaka for the money. Ratan for the show. Wicca to get ready. I mean, it was Ratan, Ratan to go. It was a guy in like a white tuxedo and uh uh yeah nice that yeah then that was local actually can i play it let me just find it yeah yeah for the money weaker for the show fabrics to get ready to go nice and the guy is uh blue man kuma from the blue man group
Starting point is 00:08:12 we all know from robocop uh yes um do you have one yeah i have a really short one but there was a mexican chain in calgary called chi-chis and uh chi-chis was very simple it was just chi-chis a celebration of food was the whole jingle but it's been stuck very much in my head for years the kind of thing that like anytime you went past the restaurant, you're like, oh, there's Chi-Chi's, a celebration of food.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Yes. And I think the one time that maybe I went there with, uh, with my family, I remember saying that specifically, like, well, we're,
Starting point is 00:08:56 this is it. This is the celebration of food. Wow. And fried ice cream. That was a big, that was a big feature at Chi-Chi's. I believe you've brought up Chi-Chi's before. And how do they fry ice cream? was a big that was a big feature i believe you've brought up chi cheese before and how do they fry ice cream and how do you fuck a suck or suck a fuck
Starting point is 00:09:12 um there was another one that when i was digging around i found was uh quite racist i didn't know the way i remembered it was not racist but looking at the video of it i was like oh yikes um was it called japanese village okay and the less said about it the better well did it have a jingle i'm not gonna make you sing it but it had a jingle and in the jingle there's it's quite offensive and then also the in the ad part of it was also bad. So every which way you looked at it was bad. Great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:49 So that one I rediscovered and I want it scrubbed from my brain. Okay. All right. Well, we'll have a few more that will come up as we go. Yeah. There's ones that I think you you and i'll both know like if i sing 1-800-267-2001 alarm for yeah no wait that's not today today is uh the carpet one 800-588-2300 empire i don't know what they do are they cleaners they're carpet they're carpet they're
Starting point is 00:10:26 just carpet they're one big carpet um so yeah let's hear some of these uh these tunes i want to hear i want to know where they're from i want to know the whole story i don't know if like we didn't tell people to give the whole story so like that's true probably just get a little bit of uh a mix of some people explaining what it is some people just sing it just sing oh also we haven't listened to any of these so nope here we go hi this is hunter in seattle calling the response to the thing us the jingles you can't get out of your head i think i speak for anyone who grew up within tv or radio range of the se area when I say, you can do it at a trot, you can do it at a galop, you can do it real slow so your heart don't palpitate. Just don't be late.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Do the galop. Yeah. Yeah, that's a big one. We got that up here. I think I only know it because of you. Yeah. Because I didn't grow up around here. Yeah, maybe Hunter only knows it because of me actually
Starting point is 00:11:25 you're a big phony the other one boy there was a couple Seattle ones that I remember and this is another example of like you just say the slogan every time you drive past the yeah but there were there's a there's a mall at the very north end of seattle called north gate okay and uh every time we drive past it we sing north gate south center tacoma mall there's no better place for shopping around and i believe the campaign was called shopping around and it was just like a uh we are a triforce of malls yeah yeah yeah i watched a couple of mall ones to see if there was uh anything that jogged my memory because there was ads for south center mall and chinook mall uh and they weren't good and the ads were silly it's like
Starting point is 00:12:18 it was just advertising shopping it wasn't like any particular product it's just like come here and shop yeah what was the other seattle one that i was thinking about uh you know what if it if it's meant to be it'll come back i mean there's always taco time good good fresh fresh talk about the very best anytime it's taco time see didn't know that one either that's we had taco time in calgary i don't remember the the jingle well here's here's our next one here we go oh god oh no hi this is hunter from seattle i know i already called in with the piala pair theme i just remembered an even more important jingle from my growing up. This came out when I was 14,
Starting point is 00:13:10 and my peers and I could not believe it made it on the radio. It was a sensation. Go to your room and lock the door Because if you tried it once, you'll want to try it some more Size doesn't matter, and that's a fact It may be small, but it's a big impact Bust a nut, bust a nut Grab a bag of corn nuts and bust a nut They're lightly toasted and hard as hell
Starting point is 00:13:34 Enjoy yourself, we won't tell Everybody does it, they like it a lot You can do it at school but don't get caught It takes a few minutes if you don't delay Or take your time, it could last all day Wow, two verses. How long were these commercials? So that was just one long jingle about masturbating yeah but it was for corn nuts for corn nuts which i've never heard advertised no me neither but i love yeah oh yeah the uh that made me think of the juicy fruit one where it was like juicy fruit was also trying to get something nasty by take a sniff pull it out yeah i my mind doesn't allow
Starting point is 00:14:27 me to think that way no okay that's i i don't i like you know me i'm a disgusting you're a dirty birdie but you're not sniffing things and pulling them out you should though that's part of the act you pull them out and then you sniff them then you sniff it yeah anyway that's unbelievable i don't know if i believe you that the corn nuts thing oh the one i was thinking of the seattle one was my siblings would know the words i kind of forget it but it starts with it's for mervin's department store okay and it goes dear mr mervin if you're still alive and if you're not i'm sorry something uh we took some money from your store to start a baseball team um and it was like a whole autobiography yeah it was about it was a letter they had written to mervins about sponsoring their
Starting point is 00:15:22 baseball team i guess and then at the end it goes ralph pittori portland oregon nice and uh so every time we talked about portland we would have to ask if ralph pittori was there or whatever and i maybe got the name wrong certainly i did um and the local guy uh what's his name oh geez i lost it uh the furniture guy from victoria oh gordy dodd yes yeah and that he would say i won't be undersold yeah uh but i remember a friend josh stubbs thought it was uh i won't be in the store yeah which is but what was the jingle the jingle dodd dodd's furniture no shit dodd's furniture that was it that was it oh and uh different characters did you ever see the ones for uh united buy and sell furniture warehouse yes united buy and sell furniture yeah and it had a guy from barney miller in the commercials
Starting point is 00:16:27 the old guy with the glasses right a something yes yeah anyway we don't need to go into that uh and there but there was then they just randomly like they got rid of him and then the commercials were just the jingle with like some five second deal you could get but there was one with in like the early 2000s with this cgi uh skeleton with a hat on and the voice goes these are bare bones and then the announcer comes in and says and this is a bare bones furniture store. So when he said bare bones, he was refusing referring to himself. Yeah. And then the announcer's like, we also have something to do with bearing bones. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:15 We're burying our bones. You can take a sniff and pull it out. Oh boy. Yeah. Um, I'm trying to think if there's one. I'm trying to think if there's a TV station when I was growing up that had a quick jingle. That'll come to me.
Starting point is 00:17:35 What else do we have from the listener pot? Here we go. Hi, this is Whitney from New York with a jingle. I'm originally from the South, and headache powders are popular down there. They're like ground-up aspirin that you pour into your drink or directly into your mouth, and they allegedly work faster than slowing the pill. Anyway, there's a brand called BC Powder, and they had a commercial when I was growing up that went,
Starting point is 00:18:03 BC Powder, because you you got things to do. And I think of that all the time, like, when I have things to do. All right, off I go. Well, that was the best possible slogan from when it started. Have you ever used a headache powder no i haven't either but is it i assume like alka-seltzer like that equivalent like you put it in water and drink it yeah but uh they also said that you could just put it in your mouth yeah have you ever used alka-seltzer yes i uh i was listening to the sloppy boys podcast and
Starting point is 00:18:48 they were comparing um hangover remedies and one of them suggested alka-seltzer and i was like that's something i haven't heard of like from i didn't know anyone from our generation ever used it no it was very much an old man's uh relief do you remember you know yeah do you remember that does it just play out like that it's just like yeah it's just people saying the only word in the whole jingle is you know i think but then doesn't at the end it goes bubbly bubbly bubbly oh yeah no it starts with bubbly it starts with bubbly bubbly bubbly yeah yeah it starts with bubbly bubbly bubbly and then it goes you know oh man yeah they're hidden you know they're hidden in your brain in these little weird corners and it was a guy in a diner and like as a kid i was like what is with indigestion why is this like
Starting point is 00:19:48 why is it first of all improving toothpaste every six months there's new toothpaste every six months in commercials and grown-ups are always like putting their fist the top of their fist on their diaphragm and going boom yeah like burping a little indigestion thing i need relief yeah and then remember rolades are rolades still around yeah i probably tell me like lifesaver style pack because i remember that being a thing in the 80s well tums are in that pack still and you know they're i got them all you know they're jingles tums to tum tum tums there you go okay let's do another one wait is this one
Starting point is 00:20:28 we already did guess you got things to do hey Dave and Graham this is Eric from Oviedo Florida and I'm calling about the the commercial jingles well back in the 90s on local TV in the New York area
Starting point is 00:20:44 there was this commercial. What if it was everyone calling you with the corn nuts, Bustanota? That would be the best. For a piercings and tattoo parlor in northern New Jersey. And I've been trying to find a video for it. But the jingle for it was this like metal band named Bulldozer. Without an E at the end. Awesome. That went like this.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Practice before you learn to decide. It's a lesson you must learn but never understand.
Starting point is 00:21:26 So, yeah, it's been a joke among my friends ever since the 90s, and I've been trying to find the video for it. I'd love to hear the audio of it. If anyone knows of this band or remembers this commercial and can get me the video, I would love it if they would post it on the Facebook. Well, okay, uh away i go away um i didn't catch a word of that except maybe never understand i just love the idea of like
Starting point is 00:21:57 they have a like a band in the commercial that has a name yeah private jingle singers um that's a fun saying singers uh yeah i do like the uh why oh i remembered one so we were obsessed with this jingle for a few months it was uh working for an hourly wage went went to high school, didn't do great. And then, I don't know. I don't know how we get to Education Connection. Get connected for free at Education Connection. What's, um...
Starting point is 00:22:37 There's another school one that's local. Not BCIT. Oh, uh... Sprotshaw community college since 1903 yeah that one's good that's a real good one all right next one
Starting point is 00:22:54 hey uh dave graham and uh there's no guest because this is a uh call for the segment about uh um um call for the segment about brain. Okay, that was it. Never called back.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Brain fell out. He died. I was like, oh, this call's only 14 seconds long. I wonder if this must be a short jingle. Nope. Yeah, he just keeled over and that was the end. R.I.P. That guy. I remember one. I think you know it because
Starting point is 00:23:28 Pat Kelly and Chris Kelly your Kelly and Kelly folks sang it and it was a chain of gas stations in Calgary and it was it's also in Vancouver and Vancouver
Starting point is 00:23:43 Domo did you have that And it was... It's also in Vancouver and... Domo? Domo, yeah. Did you have that theme song when you were younger? Yeah, yeah, you sing it. Talking about Domo, Domo, Domo, Domo. We jump to the pump for you. The very best price, great service too. We jump to the pump for you.
Starting point is 00:24:02 And I went... I thought it was just Calgary only. I went... Well well they still have one on vancouver island last time i drove nanaimo to victoria and they probably don't jump to the pump for you that was that was from a bygone era going to the pump for you probably you probably just pump your own jump you jump to the pump for yourself yeah um i do um yeah i went online and i was like i wonder if i can get a domo hat or a domo shirt or anything yeah apparently uh the singer mac demarco had a domo hat and then now on etsy they're like eight hundred dollars uh yeah man some of the clothes that i should have just kept in a bag just held them until now
Starting point is 00:24:49 yeah what was the best what was the best uh i had um the beetlejuice animated series big big uh like large logo shirt and i'm sure that that's wow that's like 500 bucks now i have the shirt i still have it uh the from the original lineup of weezer uh oh yeah uh the the four of them dressed in uh elvis like uh elvis costumes the the jumpsuits. And on the back it's got their tour bus and it says brush your teeth and do your homework. And whatever happened to it? I have it. I still have it. It's in my closet. You should see how much, just for fun,
Starting point is 00:25:35 how much you could get for it. Let's check out eBay. But I don't wear shirts with things on them. That's my aesthetic. That's your aesthetic. Because I don't want shirts with things on them. That's my aesthetic. That's your aesthetic. Because I don't want to talk to anyone about, hey, I like your shirt. I had one that I saw.
Starting point is 00:25:54 I went to a multi-store t-shirt sale, and I had the exact one. It was up on the shelf. It was a Wayne's World one, and the cost of the Wayne's World one was $600. Yeah. But only if I... There was no... i didn't need to make room for anything why didn't i just keep that wayne's world shirt what a maroon my sister also worked at domino's for a year and i uh i took her hat and i wore it for a couple years That now you want to talk a conversation piece. That's a conversation piece. Domos.
Starting point is 00:26:29 No, sorry. Domino's domo domo domino's domo's. I can't find this shirt on eBay. Well, I bet it's worth a pretty penny. That's my guess. Probably because my search terms were massive dildo
Starting point is 00:26:45 corn nuts boston nut tonight bust the nut um i'm just checking etsy now hmm this shirt apparently does not exist okay all the more reason to find it you know put it on oh is it what's the other one what's the like pop what's the place people linkedin linkedin yeah maybe i'll check linkedin all right next phone. Have we done this one? Hello, Dave. Hello, Graham. This is Timothy S. in southern Idaho. I have a local jingle that's been around here maybe 30 years, it seems like.
Starting point is 00:27:36 It goes a little something like this. Do-do-ch. Do-do-ch. Do-do-ch. Do-do-ch. We will, we will finance you. No credit
Starting point is 00:27:50 needed at Tom's Car Corral. Now do I think Tom's Car Corral got permission from Queen to use that song? No friggin' way. No friggin' way. No way. Wow, I like that they didn't even try to like rhyme it with anything
Starting point is 00:28:10 yeah we didn't they didn't you know take into account the rhythm yeah the meter we will finance you that is pretty good and I'm trying to think oh there was one have you ever heard the
Starting point is 00:28:27 song i'm a girl watcher like an old song from like the 60s there was one for wheel of fortune yeah he's a wheel watcher oh man i don't remember that until just right now i remember on the uh on the um there's a local radio morning show larry and willie on 99.3 the fox the fox rocks and they would don cherry the national uh uh hockey voice the guy who did the in between periods hockey commentary uh had a co-host named ron mclean who's still on and uh ron mclean i guess had a teleprompter underneath him right and so he would be looking down or he would have some kind of screen that would like give him information uh but it looked like he was looking at don cherry's crotch and so they made uh Don Cherry's crotch.
Starting point is 00:29:28 And so they made, he's a crotch watcher. That's pretty good. Yeah, it's all fun. Yeah, you know, you just don't hear twisted tunes the way that you used to. Exactly. Maybe they're on TikTok. Maybe they're twisting tunes all over the place. Speaking of not getting permission to to like use the queen song in your ad every ad on instagram they just use like a famous song they just like but like you
Starting point is 00:29:55 know they're using whatever they're tagging or just like taking the audio from spotify yeah yeah it's well and also instagram and tiktok just like make that available to you yeah exactly it's it's totally uh totally radical i feel like artists would be mad about it don't make it don't kick that that uhive, Dave. Yeah, exactly, but you know who's gonna kick it? Lars Ulrich. He'll probably get in there and have something to say. Okay, next one. Hey dog, come on dog, me and dog want to go to
Starting point is 00:30:37 Telegraph Road right now. Get a good deal. This is from Alan Ford and Ray Whitfield Ford of Metro Detroit. Commercial that everyone knew
Starting point is 00:30:53 at this time in the 80s for some reason. Thanks, guys. Everything about that was perfect. Flawless. Great song. We'll give a deal to you. Everybody knows it. I think it was a Detroit station that we had like in the early 2000s that had the Salino
Starting point is 00:31:13 and Barnes ads. Salino and Barnes injury attorneys call 888-8888-8888. There are a lot of 8s in there. I also like that he just started singing it. I kind of hoped that there would be no explanation for it. Yeah, exactly. Just the song and then hang up. That would be pretty good.
Starting point is 00:31:37 But yeah, I love that one. I loved everything about it. It's no We Will We Will finance you, but it's good. It's no, we will, we will finance you, but it's good. It's still good. Uh, is there any jingle where you only knew the jingle version and then you turned out it was an actual song? Oh,
Starting point is 00:31:53 I'm probably there was, uh, mellow yellow is an ad for, um, butter. Hmm. Um, yeah. Instead of the call me, Mr. Mellow is called me mellow yellow just butter it they would say yeah i i guess i why was there actually a real version of we will we will finance you
Starting point is 00:32:17 yeah you'd be shocked what it's about it's not it has nothing to do with giving you a good deal yeah okay here we go next one Yeah, you'd be shocked what it's about. It has nothing to do with giving you a good deal. Yeah. Okay, here we go. Next one. Hi, Graham and Dave and possible guest. My name is Emily from Newfame, Vermont. I have a possible jingle for you. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:37 I'll give it a shot. It's 1986 and I'm 12 years old. It's 1986 and I'm 12 years old. My sister and I are watching the massively popular New York Mets play the Boston Red Sox in the Pretty Famous World series. And this late middle-aged newscaster opens his broadcast with a candle in front of him and an orchestra playing Beethoven. And in his super gravelly voice, he goes, playing Beethoven, and in his super gravelly voice, he goes, Keith and Len and Bob Ohita, Gary, Tim and Wally too. To the Mets we light a candle, a shining light on old New York. Jesse Roscoe, Roger McDowell, Danny Heap, and Lanky Straw.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Mookie Mitchell, Hojo Sisk, like 69 with Todd McGraw. Second verse. Gotham reeks of crime and scandal, has a mayor who needs a quark. But to the Mets we light a candle a shining light on old New York Jesse Orozco, Roger McDowell Danny Heap
Starting point is 00:33:54 and Lanky Straw Mookie Mitchell Hojo, Sisk like 69 with Tug McGraw wow no freaking way Mike 69 with Todd McGraw. Wow. Holy shit. No freaking way, man.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Oh, man. That was good. It's weird how some people's phones are so much better than other people's. Like, we couldn't get a word of the guy doing the heavy metal. And she's singing in her full voice. Yeah, beautifully, like, you know, in tune. And two verses that she had to say yeah uh yeah what was the the it was like the get metzmerized is that what it was oh yeah get metzmerized it was like
Starting point is 00:34:37 that's one of the great uh sports songs came out after i guess the super bowl shuffle yeah but before the calgary have you seen the calgary flames one no it's uh you can't touch a flame because it's red hot and it's got like brad hall and lenny mcdonald and jim poplinski singing they're actually saying yeah it's like the metzmerized guys oh man that's great maybe they're yeah maybe they are lip-syncing because actually the great thing about about get metzmerized is that they are they're trying to rap yeah that's right and it was and some people didn't know how many syllables. So they would be like, my name is Aaron Carter, and I like to play. Aaron Carter was on that team? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:33 That's why they lost. All right, next one. We've got a ton of these. I love it. Hello, Graham and Dave. This is Megan calling from Hamilton Ontario I'm actually calling in about the jingle request that you put out a few weeks ago for your bonus episode this is a jingle that has been on the air um I think easily as early as the 1980s it was on the air in the 1990s too and it
Starting point is 00:35:59 might even still be on the air now I'm not really sure um and to be honest i'm a bit conflicted because it's for an amusement park in niagara falls that is pretty sketchy oh you can you get this one i know this one in the news the past few years for really unfortunate not good reasons so try to separate that from the actual jingle itself separate the art from the artist lives rent free in my head and probably in most people's heads if you grew up in Ontario in the 80s and 90s. Okay. Yeah, if you watch YTV.
Starting point is 00:36:32 This is the jingle for Marineland. Mm-hmm. Here we go. There's a place I know in Ontario Where the sea lions kiss, so the story goes It's amazing shows and friendship cove. Everyone loves Marineland. You'll be spinning, diving, soaring high.
Starting point is 00:36:54 A roller coaster ride will fly you to the sky. Now you know what you say when you leave here today. Everyone loves Marineland. That's good. And there were little variations of that it went on longer shorter but that was the gist of it okay thanks and obviously no friggin way can i say best voice so far well i mean the last one was great too but uh this reminds me of like those stories of like hey do you know how she got discovered to be a famous singer? Cause I remember there was like a version where it said like eating a fish and a great big kiss.
Starting point is 00:37:39 It was like kissing a trainer or whatever. Yeah. And then there were did a few years later, they did a, they managed to get footage of the Orca killing the trainer or whatever yeah yeah and then they did a few years later they did a they managed to get footage of the orca killing the trainer and they they made a verse about that uh he'll eat some krill and you will get killed yeah meet us at the station it's a blackfish situation but wow those i feel like at least people should be forming a band out of you know hearing each other's singing voices oh yeah and you know what you could just you could just play covers and then these jingles and that would be the
Starting point is 00:38:20 yeah fucking show i mean it's very punk rock to do a 30 second song yeah that's true and uh you know what a concert can be condensed down to a tight 40 minutes if you're just singing jingles yeah so the yeah we both know that song because i know it because they would play it on ytv i think that's why i knew it too because ytv really thought it was a local station uh okay next one hi dave and graham this is kim from melbourne australia uh i'm calling in a jingle related call um this we don't call them jingles in australia all through my childhood um I come from a small town in Victoria,
Starting point is 00:39:07 Victoria, Australia, not Victoria, Canada. Are you on a subway? It's about the town that's like next closest to my small, small town called Warrnambool. And it goes like this.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Just wait, when she said Warrnambool, you know that all our Australian listeners are like, oh shit, when she said Warrnambool, you know that all our Australian listeners are like, oh, she's doing Warrnambool. Warrnambool, Warrnambool, we all love Warrnambool. Country living, people, city style. When people come, they stay a while. Something, something, clean, fresh air.
Starting point is 00:39:40 It's a way of life in Warrnambool. Warrnambool, Warrnambool. We all love Warrnambool. I always thought it was pretty funny that they were advertising a town that was 10 minutes away. I guess it went wider than that. And, okay, off I go. Can you think of another example of a town commercial? Yes, I was literally just going to say, another example of a town commercial yes i was literally just gonna say uh there was the it turned out to be like a thing that was on this american life oh well yeah the two and seven the
Starting point is 00:40:12 two and seven which then they he said there were over a hundred versions of them but that's a song the song was about calgary yeah there's a feeling in the air you can't get anywhere except in Calgary. There's a something in the something. I wonder if the Warnambool one was like for tourism. Yeah, it sounded like it because they were saying country living and city. Maybe I'm totally forgetting an obvious example, but they're never like, Come to Saskatchewan come to saskatchewan okay next one hello dave and graham and guest i am calling with a jingle um this is rachel in georgia but i grew up in massachusetts and there was a water park just north of us in New Hampshire
Starting point is 00:41:07 called Water Country, and it literally had the greatest jingle of all time, and I am going to attempt to sing it to you now. When the sun is blazing and the summer gets hot, Water Country's a very cool spot. There's no better place to feel and be young. Water country, have some fun. So get into riding, sliding, and splashing. Feel the excitement, prime on the action. Having a good time under the sun. Water country, water country, water water country have some fun my favorite part of this song is that it's a good place to feel and be young and the delightful 90s lyrics such as
Starting point is 00:41:57 prime on the action no friggin way um it's that seems like something that like uncle jesse would have written didn't they have an advertising agency for a season they did and it was in the basement of the house like don't I don't know where joey was sleeping at the time well joey did they did their morning their radio show from the basement
Starting point is 00:42:20 uh and they had like a on air light but then they also did I remember because uh kimmy gibler and dj uh recorded over jesse's casa de pancakes commercial uh which had um when they were singing the locomotion oh nice yes that commercial all we heard of it was cassate pancakes ole which is pretty good that's all you need um but like were the set builders on full house the laziest bunch of people around like why would they make all these things have to exist in the same house when there's like no reason that they should be radio DJs in their own basement.
Starting point is 00:43:06 That's true. I think it was a writer issue, not a set builder issue. The writers were like, well, we can't have Jesse and Joey away from the action. That's true. The set, but like, actually they were making more work for the set builders. And they also, uh, they would show Danny at work. Yeah. Wake up.
Starting point is 00:43:30 But that, that water park jingle reminded me of the one here, which went a little something like, Splash down into Wausen. Splash down in the sun. Splash down into Wausenash down in the sun Splash down into Wasen It's good clean fun That's really good A lot of these I think could end with Cha cha cha
Starting point is 00:43:55 A lot of them just kind of end Yeah We didn't have a water park We had a Calloway park But I don't remember a jingle of Calloway Park what about Heritage Park no but maybe
Starting point is 00:44:11 what about Spolumbos oh for sure Spolumbo I think it was probably in the insensitive file oh sure alright next one hi Dave and Graham this is Noelle in
Starting point is 00:44:28 South Florida USA calling re-jingles that have haunted you forever the first one is from I am guessing the early to mid 90s and it was for eggs is from, I am guessing, the early to mid-90s.
Starting point is 00:44:46 And it was for eggs. The only other person I have ever heard mention it is Erin Gibson of the Attitudes podcast. And that makes me feel a little bit better about carrying it around for so long. And it goes like this. If it ain't eggs, it goes like this. Ugh. If it ain't eggs, it ain't breakfast.
Starting point is 00:45:08 I love eggs. Ha ha ha! The second jingle that's never left me is the one for the Addams Family cereal. Which was obviously
Starting point is 00:45:24 released in tandem with the Raul Julia Addams Family cereal. Nice. It was obviously released in tandem with the Raul Julia Angelica Houston remake. And I know memory is fallible, which is why I told myself I was remembering
Starting point is 00:45:39 it wrong. So I looked it up, and I am not remembering it wrong. The jingle was they're creepy and they're kooky mysterious and spooky all together ooky. The Addams Family cereal.
Starting point is 00:45:57 That was a... So lazy. Cereal. And it worked. Oh wow. I'm still singing it. Those jingle writers. Thank you for all the bonus ups guys off i go off you go then her egg one yeah reminded me of uh one that was like get cracking lunch is gonna be great is that is that part of it yeah i remember get cracking
Starting point is 00:46:23 great because they were trying to sell the idea of eating eggs at different points in the day yeah which i did yesterday by the way no two days ago yeah i had eggs for every meal that's sweet i ate two soft boiled eggs yesterday and i feel great and one hard boiled i had three yesterday yeah i had two at breakfast two at lunch and quiche for dinner a sensible quiche for dinner that not it's not a jingle but boy oh boy have i think the both of us got the maximum mileage out of you know what is it eat a nutritious breakfast uh oh sure lunch no have one for breakfast have one for lunch and then it was it was the shakes it was the slim fast shakes one for breakfast one for lunch and a sensible dinner and it was uh for a while with tommy lissord i didn't know who that was i just knew because he was dressed as a
Starting point is 00:47:15 baseball yeah um uh that get cracking that you were singing get kraken where did it go lunch is gonna be great it reminded me of the uh bowling commercials oh yeah yeah get started at sports bowl right away get started i don't know i don't know anymore but before it was for five pin bowling across canada there was one for sure and i can't remember was but it was for francis and silver dollar casino and action center and i feel like they had a pretty good ad but but they didn't need an ad with a name like that it advertises itself all right next one hi dave hi graham it's teddy in london here and I have a jingle for you. So there's this company called JML here that makes kind of odd little household goods. They have infomercial style ads and I heard this one when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:48:20 I've been cursed to remember it ever since. So here goes. Toast your tasty toaster bag, the smart way to get toasting pizza pasties pastries two hot sandwiches with no mess for you toast your tasty toaster bag the smart way to get toasting cheese tomato bacon brunch it's easily clean with no mess at lunch easily clean with no mess at lunch that's why it's a poster bag yeah i just as she's saying is like is it called toaster bag and it is well that was the name of the file she's in so what is it and what's the brand jml j yeah jm yeah it's like a bag that you put your bread in and put that in the toaster. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Because they said you could also warm up pizza and sandwiches. Yeah, I guess. But like, oh, I guess you could put a whole sandwich in. Yeah, because it's like, you don't need to put toast in a bag. But yeah, if you're putting more things in. Oh, that's smart. Yeah, that's not bad. But I like that
Starting point is 00:49:25 there's the repeat at the very end uh no mess lunch yeah that's good that was great the thing is i i know that as someone who uh loves these things there there's other people out there who are listening who are like when she got going they were like oh she's gonna do toaster bag i bet she's gonna do toaster bag but there's probably there's probably also people who are like when she got going they were like oh she's gonna do toaster bag i bet she's gonna do toaster bag but then there's probably there's probably also people who are like oh she didn't do the one i was thinking of i should call that in yes i'm thinking we should probably do a round two of these i think you're right and i also think yeah we got i got pretty jazzed anyways when she she was gonna sing the marine land theme. I was like, do it, do it, do it, do it. So, yeah,
Starting point is 00:50:08 let's, maybe not next month, but the following month, we'll do, you know, or maybe next month, I don't know. We'll do more of these. So, yeah, just consider for the next little while it's, you know, we have an open door policy if you want to. Yeah, that's right. Any jingle is welcome. If you want to call in a jingle or
Starting point is 00:50:23 email in a voice memo from your phone, that seems to be a popular method. There's one that I couldn't find. I had searched so extensively, but it was one for a place in Calgary called the Pied Pickle. And it was like a four-piece, like, what would you say? You know, non-instrumental acapella group
Starting point is 00:50:48 singing pie pickle the pie pickle there we go next one hey Dave and Graham this is Stevie I grew up in the boston area in the states and we used to hear this song on the tv all the time when the sun is blazing and the summer gets hot do we have this water country, water country. Have some
Starting point is 00:51:26 fun, bum, bum, bum. Only one verse. Yeah, I like it though. This was popular enough to burrow its way into multiple people's brain. I was thinking, like, are we going to get two of one? And we did. And they were both very
Starting point is 00:51:42 well sung. Yeah. Alright, next one. Hi, Dave and Graham. It's Megan calling from Brussels. I'm Australian. And a long time ago, when I was about nine years old, I had an extremely, extremely bad earache and lay awake listening to 3XY in my bedroom
Starting point is 00:52:07 on my little clock radio and memorised an ad, which I think everything is in the jingle. Comfortable, dependable and hard-wearing, the name to remember in underwearing. Dad will love them on Father's Day. They're Bond Sport briefs, what more can you say? So, yes, to this day, when I buy my one adult and one tween son underwear and it's Bond's underwear, I can hear that jingle going in my head.
Starting point is 00:52:42 And, yep. Good underwear jingle. Bye, guys. Do do remember this one uh whose underwear is under their fruit of the loom because it fits i didn't i don't remember that i can't i think it was a an athlete in the ad but oh it was like that was no i only wear bond sport bond sport briefs one more game today that's what i only wear bond sport bond sport briefs what more can you say that's what i got every father's day oh we got one oh hey it's a fresh uh fresh bear australian listeners don't worry you do not need to tell us you're australian even if you're calling from belgium yeah yeah we'll put it together. All right, next one.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Hey, Dave and Graham. This is Brad P. from NJ, and I'm calling you with two jingles that I remember. I'm not sure if they were international marketing campaigns, but you all get a lot of American TV, so you've probably seen them. The first is the Oscar Mayer campaign. My baloney has a first name. It's O-S-C-A-R.
Starting point is 00:53:49 My baloney has a second name. It's M-A-Y-E-R. Oh, I love to eat it every day. And if you ask me why, I'll say cause Oscar Mayer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A. Oh, yeah. It was for Baloney. And then the second one.
Starting point is 00:54:08 It wasn't a hot dog ad. No, but that's maybe a little too mainstream for... But nice singing, though. Yeah, nice singing. But like, yes, well, of course, we all know this. But we're not calling in with, Ah-ha-ah-ha, you got the right one, baby. What about Mac Tonight? Remember that one? Make it Mac Tonight? of this but we're not calling in with aha you got the right one baby what about mac tonight remember
Starting point is 00:54:26 that one make it mac tonight uh it was uh well it was yeah mac the knife wasn't the same song yeah eating burgers all right let's let this guy finish okay this the mcdonald's really He is the McDonald's. Really? To all beef, pat a special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onion, sesame seed bun, Big Mac. There's probably more to that, but that unfortunately is all that I can remember. Oh, there's one other one that I can only remember part of and the parody of it. So there's the Coke commercial. I want to buy the world a Coke. Except there's a parody we used to sing when I was growing up, which was, Oh, I want to buy the world a bomb and cover it with nuclear waste.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Grow poison trees and killer bees and grass green tiger tanks. That's the song I sing. Nice. grass green tiger tanks that's the song i sing um nice i was trying to remember that song five minutes ago and i missed out the part about poison trees and killer bees so obviously singing it was the best way to remember it uh thank you all um no freaking way okay okay the mcdonald's one the two all beef patty special sauce lettuce pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. Yeah. There was also a McDonald's one I remembered of someone was ordering everything on the menu and it was like, I'll take a... I know there's Big Mac.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Big Mac McDLT, a quarter pound of the whipped cheese, something, something, something, and then Sunday's three varieties. Look, McDonald's knows what it's doing when it comes to advertising yeah sure that's why i eat three meals a day there well a sensible dinner there anyways i eat eggs there three times a day i have to try the mckish they would too okay we just have uh looks like six or seven more hey dave and gram and no guess because this is for the bonus episode, the jingle request. I'm calling in. There's so many you could choose from, but I'm calling in about the Kraft crumbled cheese ad from the maybe late 90s, early 2000s. You know this.
Starting point is 00:56:40 And it's kind of a double because it starts with let's get ready to crumble, like from boxing or wrestling or whatever that's from. And then they do a cover of Unbelievable by EMF, but they replace Unbelievable with Crumbelievable. And so that's pretty much it. It just goes, you're Crumbelievable. And then they show the cheese. It's crumbled up cheese. Anyway, off I go. I don't remember that one.
Starting point is 00:57:08 What part of Sing It Don't You Understand? Did I stutter? You don't remember that one? No. Oh, it was good. It went like, it's crumb-believable. Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:57:20 Bam, bam, bam, now, now. Yeah, you know know those are I feel like they're their own genre of commercial where they take a popular song and then yeah yeah but they all count we will finance you or was Domo
Starting point is 00:57:38 Jump to the Pump was that Ico Ico hey now hey now hey Dave and Graham And no guest This is John in Rochester
Starting point is 00:57:49 New York Calling in with A request For your jingle Bonus episode Do 1-800-BARTEND Yeah That's true
Starting point is 00:57:58 That is Okay We've all been waiting for it Dave Take it away I made a slippery nipple And a white Russian, a neutron bomb and a Manhattan,
Starting point is 00:58:08 a dry martini and a pina colada, a purple hooter and a Bahama mama. Bartending college is the school to attend. Dial 1-800-BARTEND. I used to hear that on Seattle radio. That's fantastic And there was also On Seattle radio On the same station they would have this
Starting point is 00:58:31 There was a place called Car Toys Oh Car Toys Is it the better way to go? And it was like Car Toys the better way to go And then they changed it And it changed to Car Toys the better way to go and then they changed it and it changed to car toys the better way to go
Starting point is 00:58:47 ah cool that's where you could get like speakers and like radar detectors i guess yeah what's the one that ah do those kind of stores still exist do people still do that with their cars what like get aftermarket stereos and i think so i still see quite a few spoilers around the city that i don't think are factory i think whatever yeah there's still people pimping their ride and uh showing off the how loud their sound system is window rattling were you gonna say something about car toys no i was trying to think of there was a muffler place or something that was then advertising that it was more than just the name of the place oh yeah what was it was it budget budget budget break the muffler no i mean
Starting point is 00:59:39 that one's great but there was one where it's like they were saying we do more than just oh yeah But there was one where it's like they were saying we do more than just, Oh yeah. You know, and they, but they refused to change the name to something else, but it was like something transmission or, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:54 yeah. Muffler, Muffler King, maybe. Yeah. There's a lot of like, I feel like the, like the,
Starting point is 01:00:02 the like car repair places have jingles a lot. Yeah. Kermit collision, choose the best. And there's speedy glass repair. Speedy glass replace. Yeah. And Apple auto glass,
Starting point is 01:00:18 the pick of the crop. Cha cha cha. Cha cha cha. Hey, David Graham and no guest. Cha-cha-cha. Cha-cha-cha. Uh. Hey, Dave and Graham. No guest. This is Max in Minneapolis calling in for the bit about jingles you remember that nobody else does.
Starting point is 01:00:35 This was one that was for my child to remember when they sang that at Conan. And Slipknot was on, and apparently some people decided it would be funny to have a guy go, We're the Slipknot Sl on, and apparently some people decided it would be funny to have a gag of We're the Slipknot, slipping on nuts, clowning around and slipping on nuts.
Starting point is 01:00:52 He just, like, dumped a bag of peanuts on the ground and had a barbershop quartet. Anyways, it's in my head forever. Thanks. Bye. I've never heard that one. Not exactly a commercial jingle. And I thought that he said that it was Slipknot. Well, no, it was the gag was that Conan accidentally booked the Slipnuts who were not Slipknot.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Right. And then they were just like three or four of the writers dropping nuts on the ground and slipping on them. And they did it like three or four times, and then at one time they got to open for Slipknot. I love it. I love it when a plan comes together. Yeah, okay. Not exactly this guy.
Starting point is 01:01:37 When it comes to understanding the assignment... He's been in the rules. He's been in the rules a bit. Here we go. Hi, Dave and Graham. This is a jingle for the bonus episodes. I actually emailed a YouTube video version of this jingle after Dave had his Fugue State episode,
Starting point is 01:01:58 naming all the cable channels, because it's for Cable 4 in Ontario. And I emailed it in because I didn't want to sing it. But I guess here we are. So it's, yes, we've got fun. Who's the boss and perfect strangers? 47, love connection. Full house, did we mention married with children?
Starting point is 01:02:22 Those Bundy clowns designing women murphy brown in the night time it's the right time channel 47 cable fun uh yeah i've got that stuck in my head for about 30 years and i can't believe that rules i actually just sang it on here no freaking way that's the bet i know like i for sure have had something like that like yeah yeah where they play all the different shows that you can watch and some things don't quite fit the rhyme and they had to like change a character aspect like those bundy clowns oh man that was good yeah i uh yeah it was funny because like where did they advertise they didn't advertise on another station wasn't that just an advertisement just so you know here's what we got we got this yeah we got some more fun in store than just hey that's pretty good we got more than just fun in store it's pretty that's something that could be a jingle okay sure could that be a jingle
Starting point is 01:03:25 uh this is our last one okay here we go i do it before we play this do you have any more you want to sing i don't but i have one okay go for it you can do toast and coffee or greasy eggs and bacon, or you can do the Dutch and taste the fine stuff we're making. Do the Dutch, do the Dutch, the Dutch, pan a cookhouse, do the Dutch. Nice. What was it? They make subs? Was there a lyric about making? What did they say?
Starting point is 01:03:59 You can do toast and coffee or greasy eggs and bacon, or you can do the Dutch and taste the fine stuff we're making. Oh, fine stuff we're making. Okay. I thought you said the fine subs we're making oh maybe there's a different era when they sold but i think they changed their song to you can do half a grapefruit granola by the pound uh because by the pound because they're they're supposed to be naming things they don't serve and they do have toasted coffee and greasy eggs and bacon there right but they don't have a oatmeal by the pound which is what i only buy it in 10 pound bags yeah i would like one pound of oatmeal and a half of a grapefruit because i am an 80s family in a tv show. Then I'll eat some cottage cheese out of a
Starting point is 01:04:45 melon. Out of a cantaloupe. Alright, here's your final one. Hello? Hi Dave and Graham, this is Jay from the UK. I'm guessing I'm probably the British contingent for this segment.
Starting point is 01:05:04 And yeah, a jingle. I still find myself singing that probably came from, I want to say the late eighties. So it would have been like what six or something when it came out. It's for VO five hot oil and it goes, don't be so mean to your hair. Get hot.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Do, do, do, do do um and that's pretty much all there is to it in terms of lyrics uh but yeah it still amuses me to this day um and you know you've got to do a little dance with it and you know point meaningfully at different things when you get to the get hot um anyway guys no freaking way no freaking way um i remember that i remember that too and vo5 hot oil there's something that always triggers that name in my head i'm trying to think of what it is and in the commercial it would have how you do it like you take the little tube of yellow oil yeah and you put it in hot water yeah and then you'd uh and i'd drop it onto your head
Starting point is 01:06:07 or something curly curly curly hair yeah oh man that is that yeah that hit me right in the nostalgia yeah um well this has been great yeah i think dave's right when he said that we're going to do this again because this is so much fun. We love it. And we assume you love it, too. And if you don't, keep it yourself. Go get a career. Go to bartend school or something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Or sell rattan furniture. Yeah, or go to Barbizon modeling school. Barbizon, yes. Do they have a song? I don't think so. No, but just the word barbizon is that stuck maybe just on and barbisol are the two ones i feel like barbizon maybe it just had like a barbizon like just a whispered did devry devry didn't they just said we're serious about success
Starting point is 01:06:58 they didn't sing it i don't know man i'll look into it also if anybody has a clip of the pied pickle song I would love to see it cause uh it seems to be impossible to find but the pied pickle why that was the name of a restaurant don't know if it was a restaurant could have just been a
Starting point is 01:07:19 big pickles roadside attraction well folks this is the end of this one and uh well thank you for your support and i love you very much yeah sure okay then goodbye goodbye don't be so mean

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