Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 111 - Josh Stubbs

Episode Date: April 26, 2010

Comedian Josh Stubbs joins us to talk Haiku, Barbitsu, and play a round of Graham's Dad's Movie Reviews....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's supposed to be some kind of smart crack, is it? It's the only thing I could come up with. Hey! Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host... Stop podcasting yourself! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 111 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man for whom plaid is quite simply something that you should just have tattooed on his upper body.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I see him in it so often, Mr. Dave Shumka. I wear a lot of plaid, yes. Hi. But you're not Scottish. No, I'm a part Scottish. Which part? The plaid shirt. Yeah, the plaid part.
Starting point is 00:00:54 And with us. Wait. No, before we get to the with us, we had a bit of a theme song switcher-upper. Yeah. It's guided by fingers. Many fingers in the pot. It's called All These Fingers. All the things she's fingered.
Starting point is 00:01:10 I forget the name of the gentleman who posted it online, but yeah, on our message board, the old message board, I posted all our music and some people remixed some songs. That's what that was. That's what that was. In case you were like, i downloaded a like a a weird uh weird l version of the show uh like like a prank version like an
Starting point is 00:01:34 april 1st version uh but we do it on may 1st to keep you all kilter uh you didn't It was just a remixed thing. And just relax. That's what I have to say about it. Our guest today, a very funny man who for a long time was a stand-up comedian and actually was the first gentleman, you and your now wife, that I ever had fun with on the road, Mr. Josh Stubbs. I don't know what you meant by have fun on the road. Oh, I meant we had a sex party.
Starting point is 00:02:08 A little key party, I guess is what you would call it. It was just one set of keys. Come back to the hotel room. Well, thank you for joining us. Yeah, yeah. I was thinking about that
Starting point is 00:02:16 on the drive over, actually. Wait, let's get to know us. Get to know us. So, for anybody who's listening, and I assume you would be still, you're still with us, right? Two minutes in, you've bailed.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Josh, stop, I'm out of here. We just recorded a whole huge honking Get to Know Us that included, we were talking about Howard the Duck, and we talked about Snoop Dogg, and we talked about The Wire. Your father had invested in a horror movie. In a movie called – yeah. It's honestly – I feel bad now for the listener.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I feel bad. I feel horrible. Because that's all gone. Well, that's how it goes, Pete Tong. But we lost it somehow on the computer. So we're starting right again from scratch. But it's okay because when we took a break, the first thing I thought was, oh yeah, I forgot how much fun the trip that it was myself and you and Nicky.
Starting point is 00:03:12 What I remember was it was a new club that had opened in Victoria. Yes. And the booker made a very big deal of the fact that you had to dress appropriately for the club. You had to dress formal or whatever. And I don't know if we were all just so young or broke. We were like, what does that, we were like, does khakis count? The whole drive over, we complained endlessly about, you're like, well, like. I'm wearing my tuxedo from grad.
Starting point is 00:03:37 You basically felt anything iron counted. I had corduroy pants, I think, with like the cords count. But they were like pretty battered cords. Well, there was a story that had been circulated, because it just panicked every comedian that was going to do it, because it didn't make any sense. Borderline. I mean, it was... Some of the people being sent were that close to having the barrel with the strings. They had no clothes.
Starting point is 00:04:01 So there was a story being circulated that uh a guest that we we haven't uh had on the show but i would love to have on the show uh mr damon tritter uh had gone to do the gig and it showed up in nothing but shorts and then the club guy said you can't we're not gonna pay you so he went to his uh uncle's house and like borrowed a pair of his uncle's crazy like uh i'm maybe getting the story a little wrong but he he borrowed a pair of his uncle's pants that were like super high-waisted pants and so he's like a young kid like wearing he's not wearing like about david spade size like he's not a big guy like yeah he's wearing like suit suit pants and uh and whatever shirt he could find.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I heard it was that he had jeans and they got mad that he wore jeans. Yeah, you couldn't wear jeans. I mean, shorts is ridiculous. Yeah. Well, what if they were really fancy shorts? Not that I haven't worn shorts on stage. What if they were dress shorts? Right.
Starting point is 00:04:57 That was a little word for it. Yeah. It was very formal. You're like, you don't know how much this cost. Yeah. Big lollipop. Yeah, and the room was shaped like a shoebox. So you were kind of on the long end.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Now, was it a railway car kind of shape? That's right. So you had to be shifting the whole time back and forth. Yeah, you had to look. At any moment, you were alienating half the room. Did the audience have to dress up? No, and they did not. Most of the
Starting point is 00:05:30 audience, from my recollection, were sailors. Sailor suits. Yeah, because it was Squamalt. There was a lot of sailors there. Military, Navy guys would come down with their hookers that they had purchased.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Rented. Yeah, purchased. That's the old saying in Victoria. You don't buy a hooker. You just rent it. But I loved it. It was – they gave me cab money to go to the show. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And I said, I don't want cab money. They just gave the receipt and we took the aqua bus to the show. Yes. And I said, I don't want cab money. I just need the receipt. And we took the aqua bus to the show, like across the harbor. It was such a pleasant way to get to the show. And they made you stay in this place. Oh, yeah. It was called the Old England Inn. And it was supposed to be – it was modeled after old Dickens.
Starting point is 00:06:24 No, it was like a medieval – it was based on Anne Hathaway's house. Not the actress. Not the actress. Va-va-va-voom. But there was certainly, which was a recreation of her, I don't know. Get some art. She has a very nice house. I'm sure she does.
Starting point is 00:06:38 A sexy house. Yeah, it was, for some reason, they it was they originally planned to do a recreation of shakespeare's house that he was born in right and they couldn't get the rights to or something born or yeah born in or lived in well i think in those days he lived in the same house you were born until you die yeah yeah yeah kind of thing so they it was his wife it was her house and hathaway's house but they said they couldn't get the rights to it but i was like what like uh why would everything else like everything else of of Shakespeare is in the public domain? Like why would that not be available?
Starting point is 00:07:09 And I believe it was the story I loved with Paul Bay was there. And he called the front desk and said there was a problem with like the towels or the water or something like that. And the person was like, well, this is a recreation of a medieval house. And there are some services that are not available to, that you'd find in a modern hotel. And then Paul went, I'm talking to you on a telephone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I, the, and like, I, all the rooms had a theme. Like you'd be like, it was the Duke of Edinburgh room or the comedy of errors room was the one I stayed in. You,
Starting point is 00:07:44 I remember. I stayed in the Hamnet room. Well, you guys... Hamlet? Hamnet was his son's name. Oh. Okay. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:07:51 Yeah. Oh, man. Fountain of knowledge. I like my Shakespeare. Wait. William Shakespeare's son was Hamnet? His son's name was Hamnet, but there is a... Some scholars believe that it was a misspelling in the baptism registry.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Oh, so like Oprah and Orpah. Was she baptized Orpah? No, she was supposed to be Orpah, and the person who wrote on the birth certificate fucked it up. So Oprah is not actually a name. Orpah apparently is a traditional African name, and Oprah is just nothing. Because I've met a lot of Orpahs. Well, out here on the West Coast. But I remember there being, in the Comedy of Errors room there, in the bathroom, in the shower, there was a window where you showered.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Because I guess, maybe originally, they were like, people just bathe. It'll just be bath. And then they added a shower head and so I was showering and then there was, they used to like, the courtyard was used for wedding photos often, so somebody somewhere has a wedding photo with my
Starting point is 00:08:56 penis like through the window because it was right at wiener level yeah, and they were taking photos whilst I was showering. Yeah. Wentz. Wentz.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Is that it? Wherefore? Hamnet. But yeah, that was a fun, that was a really fun time. Yeah, and I remember you went
Starting point is 00:09:16 and visited your grandparents and then we called you up and said, do you want to meet for breakfast the next day? That's right. And you went, sure,
Starting point is 00:09:22 I'll be right over, they're going to give me a lift. Hours later. Hours later. We went to the restaurant, we ate breakfast like i'm like way to the point where like we can't wait any longer we're gonna eat ate breakfast uh and then eventually like the slowest car ever rolled up the street and parked a good 30 inches from the curb and gary ran out of it like it was gonna to explode. You could get out of the car faster than that. It's – for our listeners who have never been to British Columbia, Victoria is our Florida. It's the retiree capital. Sure.
Starting point is 00:09:58 So – They say the newlyweds and the nearly dead. I never understood the newlywed part. Newlyweds? Oh, people like to rhyme. Oh. I never understood the newlywed part. Newlyweds? People like to rhyme.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Oh. And it's a lot of fake English stuff. Oh, yeah. They've really embraced the British culture. Yeah, everything is the royal something. There's more pubs per capita than any other city. Is that true? I made that up. There's some toffee shops.
Starting point is 00:10:24 That's a British quality to them. But there are pubs. That's right. There are pubs aplenty. One of the pubs there, I remember going on a separate venture to that same club with a comedian who afterwards we went to all sorts of pubs. And one of the pubs, it was a place that like people – it was a bras or panties. Oh, Big Bad John's. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Big Bad John's was great. And so they would hang Browser Panties all over the room as decor. And also the thing that was really neat but also deadly poisonous was that people would just have peanuts and just throw them on the floor. Oh, right. And so I was there for five minutes, and then the room started spinning, and the guy I was with was hitting on women. He was like, isn't this great?
Starting point is 00:11:11 And I'm like, I think I'm dying. And he was like, no, you're not. It's great. I went to university there. Me too. In Victoria. And then the guy that ran Big Bad John's, the bartender there, was like big overalls. He's kind of like a rough-looking guy.
Starting point is 00:11:27 That's right, yeah. And has like the driest... Like he dresses like a conductor. Yeah, yeah. And he's so funny and has like the driest sense of humor and never smiles and says like insanely funny things. And they had just put in a law that you couldn't smoke in any pubs there. But peanuts aplenty.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Nobody was enforcing it. So we went to Big Bad John's specifically because we knew this guy let you smoke. And so everybody's smoking inside. And then these police come in. They're like, there's a plenty nobody was enforcing it so i was we went to big bad john specifically because we knew this guy let you smoke and so everybody's smoking inside and then these uh police come in they're like there's a smoking band they're like that guy's smoking that guy's smoking that guy's smoking and i don't know if he set the tape up as soon as he came in the music whatever and then the guys looked at me good i'm sorry and then the song kicked in all i'm sorry and the timing was so amazing. Oh, man. Yeah. In Victoria now, the last time I was there, down in the harbor, it's like a busker's paradise down there because it's all tourists and people draw characters.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Yeah. And then there's a guy. His big thing is that he plays the violin dressed like Darth Vader you know, characters. Yeah, and then there's a guy, his big thing is that he plays the violin dressed like Darth Vader. Oh, really? Yeah, and he probably makes more, just for the fact that he's like, he's not doing... Does he do the Star Wars hits?
Starting point is 00:12:37 No, that's what's so great about him, is he doesn't do, like, you're like, oh, I'll just sit here and listen to some John Williams. Afraid not. It's all classics. He does all classics, all classical music, but dressed head to toe, hot as shit, like in the middle of the summer. Yeah, but it stinks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:53 The helmet. He takes it off. He takes it off, and it's because of so much sweat, his face resembles the Darth Vader face. I was about to go, you better drink his Cheeto drink or whatever. And then I remember that was from the first show. Yeah, we talked, I referenced off the top that during, if you watch.
Starting point is 00:13:12 We don't have to do it again. No, but this was the thing that I realized watching because it's where the Canucks are in the playoffs. And so I've been watching the playoffs. And so you watch the games. Hockey playoffs. Hockey. This is hockey game. This is not hurling. This is not the lacrosse playoffs. And so you watch the games. Hockey playoffs. Hockey. This is hockey game.
Starting point is 00:13:25 This is not hurling. This is not the lacrosse playoffs. This is not the canoe finals. The advertising, they kind of like, I guess per game, they're like, there's only going to be six ads and we're just going to play them. Right. Over and over and over. We're just going to bash you in the face with them constantly throughout this three-hour period. And one of them was for Cheeto drink.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Cheetah energy elixir. And then there's another one that they've been playing pretty heavy, and now it's literally fallen out of my head. Literally. You saw it was in there. It literally fell out. Pick it up and remember it. But I can't remember what it is now.
Starting point is 00:14:08 It's a shame. Isn't it though? But yeah, the Cheetah Energy Drink. And we were talking about that earlier. Oh man, what a good first thing we did. You know what? I like the second one better. Yeah, this is smooth. I've enjoyed it better.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Yeah. I don't want to keep talking about the second one better. Yeah, this is smooth. I've enjoyed it better. Yeah. We did. Yeah. I don't want to keep talking about the first one. No. No. Sorry. Sorry. Let's get past it.
Starting point is 00:14:30 We could reminisce all night about the first recording. So, Dave, has anything happened to you between the tape and the first one? Well, I mentioned in the first one about how the Vancouver's cherry blossoms are blooming and falling all over my car. And my car now looks like a parade float. Yes. But I never...
Starting point is 00:14:55 We never talked about driving around with a car covered in blossoms. Yes. And I don't care that my car is pink. I was going to say yellow. Wrong. I don't care that my car is pink. I was going to say yellow. Wrong. I don't care that my car is pink.
Starting point is 00:15:10 But it's a little embarrassing when I look in my rearview mirror and they're fluttering all around behind me. It's your wedding day. Yeah, yeah. It's like that. People honk at me. You should write a haiku about it. Oh. Because that's a Japanese-y thingy thing well they have to have a
Starting point is 00:15:27 cultural no it's not a cultural a seasonal reference you have no what season it is when you read the haiku okay and really yeah that's why there's a lot of about cherry blossoms because you can identify this because i was in a creative writing class once and there was a section on poetry which i get i can i can't write a poem to save my life. We had to write a haiku. To save your life, you could. Maybe. Surely. I can't imagine that situation, but... Surely if a...
Starting point is 00:15:51 In Saw 7. Yeah, if a... No, because he would reject it, because this is why. Because you had to write a haiku, and then this special instructor came in just for the haiku class, the one week of haiku.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Oh. Pretty sure it wasn't the regular instructor doing a Rachel. Got some scotch tape out. He's from T.L.'s The August Moon. My name is Pat Morita.
Starting point is 00:16:18 So anyways, the guy that gives the haiku, and then I wrote these haikus, and then none of them had... The plural is haiku. Sorry, haiku. Thank you. And they had no seasonal references, and that guy lost it. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:16:32 He was so mad. He was, he goes, I'm not supposed to just pretend these are haikus? And he threw them on the table, and I was like, I can't believe this is happening right now. So, no, Jerry Blossom is a good haiku. Yeah, that's fine. I had that's fine i had no idea i had can you have seasonal references to like unofficial seasons like hunting season oh yeah yeah the season of the witch yeah uh don the tv the television seasons entourage has a summer season oh it's got an entourage reference it must be a summer poem
Starting point is 00:17:15 i uh that's that's season that would be a great coming together of the generations oh i understand that your generation has value as does my haiku generation let's meet in the middle um speaking of television shows that i've never encountered before uh somebody uh the past guest alicia tobin really loves this show called come dine with me and i've never seen it before and really to to hear the description of it you're like i don't think this is a show i would want to watch it's a british show but when i watched it it could not have been more entertaining you take four strangers and you okay and uh each each one of the four has to host a dinner. And then the other
Starting point is 00:18:06 three vote on how well they hosted a dinner. And it is so fucking funny. I, honest to God, I watched five minutes of it and ended up, it's an hour-long show, and I was enraptured by it. They have four dinners in an hour?
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yes. No, no, no. But in an hour? Yes. Not literally. But yeah, in the hour. Not literally like that thought that fell out of your head. But it's not like one night. It's over four nights and each has to send out like, here's what I'm gonna do
Starting point is 00:18:38 and they have to make it from scratch. I saw it once but it was only like halfway through. I didn't know they were strangers and i was like these people hate each other why are they eating dinner together and they go and they like look in each other's houses while they're preparing the dinner and like look in their medicine cabinets and it's so crazy it's such a crazy thing that these people seem to forget they're on camera almost entire then they get drunk every night. I was going to say, alcohol is a big factor.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Are there prizes for who gets? Yeah, I think the winner gets 1,000 pounds. Ooh. But also you get everything's paid for. That'll pay for a lot of ringtones. Yeah, exactly. A lot of the crazy frog, because I see he's really popular in England. But the one that I I watched it's like they didn't know there was a camera
Starting point is 00:19:28 one lady fell asleep during dinner how long are these dinners oh there are many courses how old was she I don't know she was an adult they were going to make a baby cook dinner for everyone. One of the four is a toddler.
Starting point is 00:19:50 It's just, it's Play-Doh and Spaghetti-Os. More Play-Doh. But yeah, it was just like, it was, you know, like there's this one guy that like, he's every dinner he had a problem with how much garlic there was. And then in his menu, garlic played most prominently. Well, he had a problem with there not being enough garlic? No, he didn't like garlic at all. And then everybody got the menu and they were like, garlic, this son of a bitch has been fooling us.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Playing the long con there. Yeah. Oh, that's the other thing. When Josh and I met earlier in the week, we were talking about how awesome it would be. Not awesome in practice, but coming up with great ways to rob a bank. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:36 We just love cons and robbing. Yeah. Do you like heist movies? I like heist movies. Yeah, yeah. I like thinking of a con, mostly because I know I could never pull it. Like the confidence is the key.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Right. Yeah. I would never be the guy that could pull it off, right? Yeah. Root word and the confidence man. Yeah. But most of our friends that had plans to rob banks, all confidence and no plan. We'd meet people and they'd be like, oh, if I ever robbed a bank, I'd do this.
Starting point is 00:21:02 And then one guy was like, first of all, you get someone to work on the inside. And I was like, okay, that's a bad plan right away. You got hired at the bank and you couldn't. No bank would hire you. You don't know anyone who would get hired at a bank. Not this guy. And then he was like, so you go there and then you transfer the, you take
Starting point is 00:21:19 everybody's money and you transfer it into this one account in a different bank. And then right when you transfer it, you've surrounded the bank with trucks full of giant magnets, and you turn the magnets on, and they erase all the memory on the computers. And so I was like, what crazy
Starting point is 00:21:36 Lex Luthor plan involved these giant magnets? Ocean's 11. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he was so offended that he didn't like his plan. Oh. He'd given it a lot of thought. He was so proud that he didn't like his plan. Oh. Had he given it a lot of thought? He was so proud when he told me. You said you guys talked about this.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Did you have any plans to rob banks? I don't think we came up with one of our own. I was telling him that at one point my cousin worked at a bank and she was there when it was robbed first thing in the morning. And she was there when it was robbed first thing in the morning. And the guy's plan was so simple, was he picked a day when it was really like a blizzarding outside. And first thing in the morning, my cousin and her boss were waiting in the atrium because everything's on time lock. So they showed up. And then I don't know if they have to scan their IDs or whatever. And then they have to wait until the time lock opens the door and this robber must have known that and walked in with his balaclava on and neither of them thought that was weird because they were where you would go to use
Starting point is 00:22:35 the atm and it was so cold outside people do wear balaclavas in calgary the plural is balaclava and uh yeah and he just walked in and he had a gun and said uh i'm robbing this place and don't panic and we're gonna wait until the security lock is open and then we're gonna go in and you're gonna give me the transaction money for the day not the stuff in the safe but she said it ain't going down like that yeah yeah well what she did was they were standing there so long and she was she's not so she was unimpressed by this robber the whole time lots of eye rolling that's but she studied she just looked at his eyes the whole time and made a perfect trace in her her head of this guy's eyes and was able to identify him uh like the next day at the police station was like yep that's him that's him that's the guy whose eyes i memorized for half an hour while we
Starting point is 00:23:32 waited for the waited half an hour with them yeah because uh they had just missed the last click or whatever it was oh yeah uh and then my story that Graham liked was I grew up in Nelson. I grew up in Nelson. It was a small, small town. So everybody kind of knows each other in town. Won 7-Eleven in town. And then a guy I went to high school with decided to rob the 7-Eleven. And a guy from his class was working there.
Starting point is 00:23:58 And he had like a rubber gun that was clearly like a toy gun. And he was like, give me all the money. And they were like, John, what are you doing? He's like, give me the money. And he's like, I'm going to have to call the police if you keep this up, John. He's like, I'm not John. I'm not John. And then
Starting point is 00:24:15 finally he left and he's like, I'm not John. I'm going to come back. And then he got frustrated and left. And the guy called these like, John's here robbing the bank or robbing the 7-Eleven when he called the police. Yeah, your son John is here. And then didn't they find his car and the rubber gun was still sitting in the car? They went to his house or wherever his car was.
Starting point is 00:24:34 They drove around to the Assas car. I don't know what it was, but they went to his car and had the toy gun. Man, that's great. That is just great. So they let... Oh, he okay he left yeah they didn't give him the money but they still called the cops on him he got angry and left and then the police were like well i'll go find john because there's nelson it's a small town right like you'll be back at the 7-eleven sometime tonight that's a that's like the uh living embodiment of uh
Starting point is 00:25:01 standard comedian in canada brent butt used to tell a great joke where it was the job of a stand-up comedian in Canada, Brent Butt, used to tell a great joke where it was the job of a small-town police officer was very easy. You say, well, who was it who robbed you? Or no, he described the man that robbed him. Yeah, and he goes, well, it was... No, he would. Yeah, he goes, well, it was Hank. And then the cops go, hey, why is Hank robbing bank?
Starting point is 00:25:25 Well, he just bought that new truck. He probably needs to make all the money. Like, they all know. They're like, should we go? He's like, oh, I better go get him. Oh, no, no, it's his deal with the kids. Everybody knows the schedule. God bless it.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Do we want to move on to some overheard? Sure. Overheard. Overheards. If you're a big on a listening or a watching, of course, we've extended it to overseens and over anything you can possibly. We extended it immediately. But, yeah, overheards. And generally, our pattern is to go, guess, Dave, me.
Starting point is 00:26:03 I don't have one this week, honestly. I really didn't. I had a couple things that were middling, not great. But Josh says he's got a couple. So I think we should go Josh, Dave, Josh. Graham, Josh. Josh.
Starting point is 00:26:20 And then go to the listener sent you. Fine. Does that sound good to you? I love it. Oh, delicious. All right. So let's start with Josh. Okay, so I have...
Starting point is 00:26:30 You're going to do one, then we're going to go over to Dave, then we'll come right back to you. So I have an overheard, a lengthy one. I have one that my wife Nikki sent in, who is also a very funny comedian also, so she's got a funny one.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Very funny. And then an overseen. So I don't know what you want to start with. Start with the first, just start in the order that you presented them to us. So Langston, when there's more like a conversation over, a job I worked at before I worked for this company,
Starting point is 00:26:57 a very small office, there was only four people in the office. So my cubicle was set up so that they couldn't see me. And then the two other people were on the other side of the cubicle. So I'm listening to this conversation, trying really hard not to laugh. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:27:09 the, the one guy is very, uh, he's a very sensitive guy. Uh, he always, uh, dressed really immaculate,
Starting point is 00:27:15 very hipster. The way he always had like a knit cap that he made sure it was, uh, just slightly askew. He'd set it up in the mirror several times a day kind of thing. Uh, so mirrors in your cubicles. Yeah, he did. I didn't, he had one. He had to it up in the mirror several times a day. Right. Do you have mirrors in your cubicles? Yeah, he did. I didn't. He had one.
Starting point is 00:27:27 He had to check his pad all the time. Which was odd, yeah. He was the Michael Naismith of your office. Sure. Oh, because of the monkey. I was like, do you look in the mirror a lot? Because of the tube. So confused. So he's over the other side and then the the girl that worked at the desk across from him she somehow she's having this conversation and she goes do you have any
Starting point is 00:27:53 tattoos and he goes i have two tattoos and she goes uh what tattoos do you have he goes on my shoulder i have this tattoo it's uh it's a young man and he's sitting cross-legged in front of a tree and he's facing away from the tree. And the tree is leafless and barren. And there's one leaf left on the tree. And it represents a relationship that I failed in. Because I was busy looking at other things and I lost sight of the goal. And I let it wither and die.
Starting point is 00:28:21 But there's still a leaf there. So there's hope. And one day when I get married, on my other shoulder, there'll be a happy young man in front of a tree full of leaves. So I'm trying not to laugh as this is going on. And she goes,
Starting point is 00:28:35 and you got another tattoo? And he goes, yeah, it's the BC Lions logo. She goes, are you a CFL fan? He goes, no, I was in Peach Fest and I only had 40 bucks. There's a lot of local references there. Yeah, Peach Fest, for any of the uninitiated, is actually a beach festival. Yeah, in the Okanagan town of Penticton. Is that correct?
Starting point is 00:29:06 And the BC Lions are a Canadian football team. Also known as the Rough Riders. But I think even if you weren't from here, you would know that that tree was a little weird. And that the other tattoo was a little odd. I was just waiting for the
Starting point is 00:29:22 second tattoo to be something dumb. But isn't the the signature story from the history of peach fest the one year where people got so drunk that they took the giant uh fiberglass more than once oh really but i the year i remember that's what i mean it is there was a there was a riot one year because mc hammer had a concert and they wanted uh it was the closest they ever come to like a hip-hop related riot yeah but didn't they take the giant fiberglass peach and throw it in the river or in the lake yeah sure probably probably and they were like take this ogopogo yeah mystical yeah ogopogo is our lockness monster a lot of local references. Yeah, but great, you know? Get to know us.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Yeah, yeah. In the overheard section. Start Googling. Dave, do you have one of those? That guy's like the plastic bag guy from... Yeah, he was totally like that. He had crazy eyes. From what?
Starting point is 00:30:18 What was it? American Beauty. Yeah, American Beauty, yeah. I just never thought of anything so beautiful. Maybe it was the BC Lions he was paying too much attention to. Maybe. At the time, that's what he should have said. But he said he wasn't a fan.
Starting point is 00:30:28 He just only had 40 bucks. That was the only tattoo he could get for 40 bucks. He just wanted a tattoo at Peach Pass. It's company policy. If you only have 40 bucks, you must have a tattoo. Surely he could have gotten a Pac-Man or something like that for 40. Yeah. He was probably drunk.
Starting point is 00:30:43 A dot. To represent the small, pale blue dot we are all part of. To represent my love of part of Morse code. Not the dashes. My overheard is overseen. It's from the suggestion wall at Whole Foods. Oh, my favorite slash most hated place in the galaxy. Yeah, specifically the wall.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Josh, do you know the suggestion wall? I haven't read the suggestion wall, but I can imagine. Do yourself a favor. It's great. This is, would you say the tone, how would you describe the tone? Bitchy. Bitchy, uppity, entitled? Yeah, it's basically like when you're poor, whoever's listening, like in those times when you're poor, and everybody has those times where they are poor,
Starting point is 00:31:48 that make you want to murder are the same people who are taking the time out of their day to write a suggestion which will then be posted on a board that says please more soy nuts or you know some asinine thing that only the richest countries in the world could ever give any time or thought to. Okay, well this is both something weird, stupid, and elitist. Okay, yeah. So the first part, the music you play in the early morning is not conducive for having breakfast.
Starting point is 00:32:19 And then in parenthesis, you know, healthy digestion, etc. No more third eye blood! Oh, I wonder what they were playing. And then in parentheses, you know, healthy digestion, etc. No more third eye blood. Oh, I wonder what they were playing. And then the elitist part comes on. Maybe it's left on the middle of the night shelf stocking station by mistake. Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Did you take a photo of this? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Really? Yeah. Do you have an idea of what kind of music was playing? I assume it was some modern rock. Maybe some spin doctors. Yeah, that's about as modern as it gets.
Starting point is 00:32:52 But it'd be awesome if it was like just still jazz, but a little upbeat or something. They'd be like, that must be the shelfer. Like the shelfer at Whole Foods is like some like... Beatnik. Totally. I can't digest food to weird time signatures. I'm not a bebop fan. I'm more of a light jazz.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Wow. My stomach is very sensitive to 7-4 time. If I was a country planning on bombing this country, I'd go ahead. If that was the incentive that you needed. I guess. But don't bomb our place. Don't bomb Whole Foods overnight when they're stocked
Starting point is 00:33:34 in shelves. That's when our friends are in there trying to earn their keep. Graham, I understand you have a great overheard. I don't. Let's jump over me back to Josh. Well, Nikki Bills yelled here. Oh, thanks, Nikki. She had a great overhurt. I don't. Let's jump over me back to Josh. Well, Nikki Bills you out here. Oh, thanks, Nikki. She had a good over.
Starting point is 00:33:49 She worked at an office. Did we mention Nikki is your wife? I think it came up a couple times. I don't know if we mentioned it in the – Oh, in the Redux. I think so because we said we went to Victoria together. Okay. So she did call me to a science party.
Starting point is 00:34:03 That's right. You took pictures with Graham's penis party. Yeah, that's right. You took pictures with Graham's penis in the shower. That's right. We're in the background of someone's wedding photos. The medieval wedding.
Starting point is 00:34:14 You guys have one of my favorite, like, just as a quick aside, one of my favorite kind of comedy stories is you were two very, very funny stand-up comedians
Starting point is 00:34:23 that met each other and started dating each other. And you kind of worked together on the road. And then at one point just unanimously decided no more. We're both getting out of it. And now – It was after that trip to Victoria. But oh, God.
Starting point is 00:34:38 This is what the future of comedy holds. And yeah. And now have a lovely young son so that's just to bring everybody up to speed on one of the great romances of comedy it's this
Starting point is 00:34:51 and Lucille Ball yeah the Shakespearean romance yeah we would go on tour and then our favorite thing
Starting point is 00:34:58 is almost like every town I drove through I would go I talk about how when I first started doing comedy it'd be like an opener
Starting point is 00:35:04 and I'd go with people and I'd drive with some old road dog guy and I first started doing comedy I'd be like an opener and I'd go with people and I'd drive with some old road dog guy and every time he'd go he'd be like some old road dog and every time
Starting point is 00:35:11 we'd drive through he'd go oh he's doing a show there oh shit it's a horrible show and he'd do like every town and then eventually I became that guy
Starting point is 00:35:17 and I was like he's doing a show there it was horrible and then I was like I gotta get out of comedy so I'm now that guy that hates every city in BC and then I became a, I gotta get out of comedy. I'm now that guy that hates every city in BC. And then I became a corporate trainer.
Starting point is 00:35:28 And now like every thing I drive to, I go, I did a show there and it was horrible. And I did a conference in the conference room and that was horrible too. May the circle be unbroken. So anyways, yeah, she worked in an office and it was around Christmas. And then she overheard someone go,
Starting point is 00:35:47 I don't care what religion you are, if you don't celebrate Christmas, you're just a Grinch. Fair enough. Well, we all know the Grinch was Jewish. Yeah, it's truly our greatest holiday. Or anything not Christian. Atheist. Yeah, exactly, truly our greatest holiday. Or anything not Christian. Atheist. Yeah, exactly. Agnostic.
Starting point is 00:36:11 It's true. Guys, we have... Or do you have a third? Oh, you had a third. I went over red, I guess. Socket to us. We're putting a lot of pressure on you. We're putting all our eggs in the stubs.
Starting point is 00:36:24 I don't know if I'm delivering. So I don't know if it was an overheard, but it always struck me as funny. I was reading it. It was an article online, and it was a newspaper story, and it was about musicians that had been buskers before they became famous. And then at the end of the story, there was like two comments. And the first comment was this guy's like, well, uh england outside the tube i used to go to work every day and there was a young man that would play guitar for change and he went on to become our local uh school teacher and then he joined a little band called the police and that man was
Starting point is 00:36:55 sting and then the comment right below it just said you are the oldest because he was around when Sting was just Sting was young he used to give Sting change when he started out and he would say don't stand so close to me
Starting point is 00:37:15 and then somebody's like I want to give you change but I don't know it's like no no good I'm sorry I'm trying he was unimpressed with that.
Starting point is 00:37:27 It's all about when he was a teacher. Is that what it was about? Well, yeah. Oh, yeah, sorry. And the girl wanted to bang him. Gordon Sumner? Isn't that Al? Gordon Sumner. That's who I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:37:40 It is Sumner. And we have some listeners who have sent in overheards via the written word. Taught by Sting. If you want to send us any of these, you can send them to stoppodcastyourself at This first one comes from Josh S. What? Yeah, Josh Stubbs, sitting right next to me. I'm really carrying the overheard this week.
Starting point is 00:38:06 I haven't overseen for you. I was driving home today from work and noticed a decal on a van in the lane next to mine. We say decal. Oh, decal. Decal? Decal. There was a decal on a van in the lane next to mine. There was a picture of a person kneeling and praying at a window.
Starting point is 00:38:26 The caption read as follows, God answers knee mails. Oh, nice. Which, I don't think that that, isn't it kneel? It's not like give God a knee like they do in the... Take a knee, boys. Is that what they say in church now? Everybody take a knee?
Starting point is 00:38:43 Well, before they pray before the big game. Fair enough. And he said, for me, that ranks up there with a caption I saw on a church sign I once drove by in the southern part of Virginia that said, there is no air condition in hell. Not air conditioners. There's just no air condition. Oh, yeah. I just checked in to see what condition my air condition was in. Inhale.
Starting point is 00:39:08 So that's from Josh S. Okay. In, I don't know where I said. I guess Virginia. Yeah, sure. No, Phoenix. S stands for stubby. If that's stubby on the message boards, I'm creeped out.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Stubsy. Stubbington. This comes from Nick. It doesn't say from where. I was standing in line for lunch at my high school today when a couple of senior girls walked up behind me. They seemed to be in a deep conversation when they walked up. All I heard of it was one girl say to the other, I'm so tired of being nice. This sucks.
Starting point is 00:39:44 That's it. I agree. Being nice sucks. Although being mean is probably not great. I don't know. Is it? I used to have a sticker that said mean people suck. That was a thing, right? Yeah. I never had the sticker. I'm referencing it. Yeah. I saw girls wearing that shirt. Sure. This comes from Carrie G. Carrie G was on a plane.
Starting point is 00:40:12 As our plane was taking off, this little girl sitting a couple of seats away from me turned to her mother and said, The cops can't get us now. The cops can't get us now. I added the whisper for dramatic effect, but do you think that that's something that then her mom was like, Stop saying that! Do not say that in public places! You don't know what countries have extradition treaties? Wait, I've done something here.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Oh, you erased the podcast? Yeah. It surrounded the house with a truck full of magnets. You can erase it. This is from... I'm not knowing what references are from the erased version. That's from current. Yeah, I think that's from the current.
Starting point is 00:41:02 My office is in downtown Chicago, and I was walking back to work During my lunch break today There was a gentleman walking towards me Talking on a cell phone And I heard him say He has to deal with it That's not my problem
Starting point is 00:41:14 Then as I passed him I realized his phone was actually a drinking straw Oh so a little crazy guy Lunch time detail Okay Alright Oh, so a little crazy guy lunchtime detail? Okay. All right. I'm right here.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Okay. I'm all there. All right. Lehman K. K. Lehman K. K. He's from Toronto. He was in the middle of a dress rehearsal staged in a bar.
Starting point is 00:41:41 A friend was giving an excellent monologue about zombies when he took a pause between lines. In this moment of silence from the curtained-off rest of the bar, we all heard in a loud and confident voice, Your best sales tool is an awards show. For the rest of the play, we could hear occasional
Starting point is 00:41:59 snatches of profanity and what sounded to me like racism in the same voice, but this was the highlight a man was on the phone during a play no this was they were rehearsing a play in the bar and it was curtained off and there was somebody drinking in the bar outside of the curtain and said yeah i really maybe i didn't maybe the setup wasn't no i fell asleep i'm sorry it's my delivery is that what you're trying to say no No, when you said it was a zombie monologue, I thought they were making fun of me. Oh, that goes way back to a thing that John Doerr was making fun of you for?
Starting point is 00:42:34 Yeah. Is that right? I had a zombie monologue. He wrote? Yeah. Not like a zombie doing a monologue. It was a monologue about zombies. I figured that. That'd be a long... Brrrologue. No. It was a monologue about zombies. I figured that.
Starting point is 00:42:45 That'd be a long... Burns. Brains. Burns. Brains. Graham D. writes, was walking by an office at work and heard a lady say to the other, I dated Billy Joel from Green Day.
Starting point is 00:43:00 It was scary. Only about four months. I kind of hit around the corner to hear the rest, but only caught the words spray paint, bubble wrap, and egos. Did you say Billy Joel? Yeah. No, Billy Joe. Okay. Did I say Billy Joel? I heard Billy Joel. Do you know what? Guys,
Starting point is 00:43:16 I'm talking about a different green day. I'm talking about the green day that dated Claudia Shiver? Is that who it was? Chrissy Brinkley. Damn it! And it was married to her. Oh, man, Graham. You're falling apart at the seam. You know, at the one seam. Yep.
Starting point is 00:43:28 That's all I got left. Graham. All right, all right, all right, all right. This comes from Nancy R. R. Long-time bumper, riding with an overheard from a downtown Toronto hair salon setting I was getting a haircut when a model-esque girl
Starting point is 00:43:50 sat in the chair beside me the hairstylist obviously recognized her and they started chatting hairstylist so how did that photo shoot go last month I remember you were so nervous model it was awesome you are so sweet to ask omg i can't believe you
Starting point is 00:44:07 remember hairstylist oh i'm the type of person who can go to a cocktail party for half an hour leave and then tell you what everyone was wearing and talking about model oh you're so very photogenic uh hairstylist looks baffled that the model doesn't know the definition of photogenic but moves on and doesn't explain it to her they continue talking about exercise yoga pilates hairstylist you know what i've started doing fencing it's amazing such a great workout for your core model oh i should try that i love horses hairstylist realizing that she could let photogenic pass but needs to explain fencing in case this girl signs up. Oh no, honey.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Fencing is with swords. Model. Swords and horses? Pretty great. Pretty great. Everybody. This slightly reminds me of Monday I was telling Graham how I was downtown and I saw a poster for a Sherlock Holmes style
Starting point is 00:45:05 cane and umbrella fighting class. Okay. That's right. It was at that weird sword fighting school. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess Sherlock Holmes fought with umbrellas. Was it recently? Yeah, it was like a month ago.
Starting point is 00:45:22 They must have themed things. I think the guy has been doing it for a long time, and this is the first time anybody has been interested in his class. I think he was ready to go. But I think from now on, it'll be like, oh, there's a new Harry Potter movie. We'll do something with wands.
Starting point is 00:45:40 But as far as self-defense, I'm not a tough guy. I'm not a guy that's going to fight. But I think an umbrella fighting class is inviting more fights than it is protecting me. But didn't you say that it was based on an actual... It was based on Bartitsu. I had to look it up on the internet. Bartitsu. For real?
Starting point is 00:46:01 Oh, okay. Like it's a real actual martial art that involves... Involves umbrellas and canes. It was some guy, it was the first mixed martial art. It was a soldier, a Victorian soldier that was in the Boxer Rebellion, I think. And then came back to England and took all the karate, I'm sure Zoe said it, and judo and all that stuff and mix it together into one thing that you try to teach. And combined it with some sort of French cane fighting something and started a school. What's your favorite mixed martial art, Graham?
Starting point is 00:46:31 Oh, I like them all. I like to mix it up. I like to MMA. I like to mix two mixed martial arts together. I hate when they're not. I like to go to a mixed martial arts mixer. Well, you have to get one that is Northern and one that's southern for their magnetism to work. Is that it?
Starting point is 00:46:49 Yeah. I hate when they're not thoroughly mixed. You're all, this is mostly judo. Yeah, I like mine dirty with olive juice. Somebody named Dan S. attached a flyer for an upcoming Mr. Belding appearance at a local Boston bar. And to describe it, basically, it's a picture of a woman in a low-cut top, and Mr. Belding is appearing out of her cleavage going like, What? Why am I here?
Starting point is 00:47:20 Things are getting sadder and sadder for that guy. He phoned you and called you? He did, yeah. I talked to Mr. Belding on the phone. There was a lot of loud club music in the background. I think he was talking about Mr. Belvedere at first. He's dead, right? I guess.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I was so surprised to hear he was at a club. Mr. Belvedere's dead? I would assume. News to me. We usually do... Pour him some tea for him. We put some streaks back tea for him. Yeah. We put some streaks back on the China.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Sure. Why? It never mattered before. No. Yeah, and it won't matter now that he's dead. So those are some pretty good and quality overheard sent in by listeners. If you want to send in either photographs or things you've overheard, you can send them to stoppodcastingYourself
Starting point is 00:48:05 at And if you would like to call us, like the following people, Ah, smart people. Our phone number is 206- 339-8328. Hi, Dave and Graham. I'm calling in as an overheard from Regina, Saskatchewan.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Last summer, I was in a restaurant waiting for a table, and behind us there was a guy and a girl. I think they were probably a brother and a sister. They were trying to remember the name of a performer they'd seen at a country music festival, and they knew his name was Woody something, and the guy kept throwing out Woody names, and none of them were right. And eventually he goes, Woody Allen?
Starting point is 00:48:41 And his sister looks at him with just total derision and goes no you moron Woody Allen was on cheers thanks there's only three ways to screw up the Woody conundrum Guthrie Allen or Harrelson I guess it's gotta be a fourth Woody Woodpecker
Starting point is 00:48:59 President Woodrow Woodpecker Woodrow Woodpecker. Woodrow Woodpecker. Pretty good. Hi, Dave. Hi, Graham. This is Garrett from Ventura in California. Just calling in with an overheard.
Starting point is 00:49:17 It happened about a couple months ago at a friend's birthday party. There's about a dozen of us sitting around this guy's living room, hanging out, talking amongst ourselves. And this girl yells over at the host, the birthday celebrant. And she says, hey, you're gay? That's so cool. So he pauses for a second, considers this, and says, actually, I'm bi. She responds, that's even better.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Thought it would come funny. Love the show. Yeah, it's way hipper. It's more David Bowie. Yeah. It's like when you have twins and people say it's twice the blessing. Did it sound at the beginning like he said, hi, my name is Carrot? Did anybody else hear that?
Starting point is 00:50:04 I heard that. I didn't want to be a jerk. I didn't want to make anybody think your name is Carrot. I don't know. It could be Carrot. Probably Gareth? Gareth? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Gareth, Gareth. Celery. Gary or celery. Or beta-carotene. I think a couple weeks ago when we had Jordan Morris and Chris Fairbanks, they both had crazy homeless overheards. Yes. And I think that may have inspired a couple of crazy homeless overheards. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Welcome. Welcome to the party. Hey, Graham and Dave. This is Gary from Vancouver. I guess this is a drunk dial slash overheard. It's mostly an overheard. It's mostly an overheard. I was just leaving a heavy metal concert and there was a drunk guy stumbling out
Starting point is 00:50:49 and I just heard him saying, to no one in particular, you can suck my dick. Dot, dot, dot. And cock. Anyways, I thought that was pretty funny. He was holding a rooster at the time as well right
Starting point is 00:51:07 suck this then suck on that did he say dot dot dot too or yeah he probably said i i i that turned out not to be a crazy homeless guy but a drunk guy well he you know he may be homeless someday if he keeps it up sure Sure, if he keeps offering that. Okay, one more. I think this is certainly a crazy homeless. Hi, Graham. Hi, Dave. Hi, guest. This is Dane in Columbus, Ohio.
Starting point is 00:51:36 I haven't overheard for you. I was in Washington, D.C. on the job search, as I'm going to be moving there soon, and a friend of mine was standing waiting for the bus, and a homeless man was hurrying her, and he kept saying, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. She was ignoring him, and he kept persisting.
Starting point is 00:51:54 So finally she says, okay, who's there? And he points and says, my dick. Not exposing himself, but still hysterical. And my cock. We're both here. Of course that's the answer to knock, knock, who's there. My dick. My dick.
Starting point is 00:52:13 My dick. If you want to call in over herds of the like, it's 206-339-8328. And speaking of sending in things, and we got, which I think we were. Guys, guys, we were talking about it. This, we got sent in a couple things that were related to, I don't know what particular episodes, but we were talking at one point,
Starting point is 00:52:41 we've talked quite a bit about Kesha. Sure, I'm a big Kesha supporter. She was terrible on SNL. I disagree. Really? Yeah. Were you watching it, or were you watching it through Kesha-colored mascara?
Starting point is 00:52:53 I was wearing Kesha vision. Did you see her? Are you familiar with Kesha? I'm not very familiar with Kesha. Yeah. But I've heard of her. Did you ever listen to CBC's Spark? I have, yes.
Starting point is 00:53:06 There was a big interview with some music producer about the brilliance of Kesha. And he went on for, and I was like, because I didn't know who she was. And then he went on this whole thing about the importance of this new change in music. And before, on the radio, you hear a song, you can tune an aim point in the song. Right. So you have to have a hook running through the song all the time to catch somebody because you don't know where they're going to start. But Kesha, she figured out that you just start at
Starting point is 00:53:30 everybody's starting at the same place. So just start with the vocals right away and start with this keyboard riff right away and hook it and brush your teeth with a jack because it's a controversial lyric and hook it in. And he made her sound so genius. And so I didn't know who Kesha was. And then I went home and she's an idiot. I looked it up and I was like this is terrible terrible stuff pretty great yeah uh but
Starting point is 00:53:50 here's a somebody who's responded to our uh our chatter i guess you would call it kesha chatter yeah if you were listening the uh cia calls yeah a lot of chatter a lot of do we, a lot of chatter. We get a lot of Kesha chatter on the podcast. We're on Kesha orange alert. Some sort of Kesha thing's going to happen. But Kyle J. said there's been a lot of Kesha talk on the podcast lately, so I thought I'd mention that I went to high school with her here
Starting point is 00:54:17 in Nashville. She wasn't so eccentric back then, but I will say that sometimes she didn't wear shoes. Okay. I think that's probably common in the South. Is it really? Oh, I guess. Come back from the fishing hole? Is that what you're talking about? A lot of poles with just string hanging off
Starting point is 00:54:34 of it. Do you think they might rename Nashville Keshville? Yeah, I'm sure her second album will be just as big as the first. There's a video of her from from high school uh singing karma police by the radio heads but did she sing it sassy style no no okay wait how many pairs of shoes she didn't half sing she didn't sing a holly mcgarland song half rap it didn't she always wear
Starting point is 00:55:00 no shoes holly mcgarland yeah i. I guess that's a very local reference. Didn't she not wear shoes? I was an idiot there. I was like, didn't she wear no shoes? You were catching it up. Yeah, she didn't wear no shoes. Yeah. What was...
Starting point is 00:55:21 Holly McNarland, was she local? Yeah. She was all across Canada, wasn't she? I just know she didn't wear shoes. She felt better when she was numb. That was the one. That was... Holly McNally, was she local? Yeah. She was all across Canada, wasn't she? I just know she didn't wear shoes. She felt better when she was numb. That was the one. That was the big song. That was a Nationals song. Her album had a Jack Russell Terrier on the cover.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Ooh. Was it called The Dog from Mask? It was called Eddie from Frasier. So that's one kind of high school reminiscence. It's called a reminiscence. This comes from Christy G. And Christy writes, the honky-tonk man was briefly a substitute teacher at my high school. I went to school in Germantown, Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:56:02 So Tennessee, hotbed of potential future and past celebrities. Sure. In high schools across the land, where he worked in maybe 1994, 1995. Anyways, I have no supporting evidence, but if this sparks your interest, I'm sure you will work it out. Well, I don't know. I don't have any. We're not going to investigate that. I don't have any stoolies.
Starting point is 00:56:23 We're not going to do a documentary called Searching for Honky Tonkman. But the strange thing about that is that when I was reading it, I remembered, and I don't know if I've mentioned it on the podcast before, because I grew up in Calgary, which is home of the Hart family. And there's a lot of Hart children. Sure. And several of them were... Wrap it up, Mr. several of them were substitute teachers, and also wrestlers. So they were these super muscly, two of them were mustachioed substitute teachers, and I remember bringing my wrestling dolls to school and putting them on my desk as a taunt and always having to do sit-ups. But this wasn't gym class, I should note.
Starting point is 00:57:14 This was a social studies... It wasn't your desk in gym class? Yeah, yeah. With a doll sitting on it. If you brought a desk to gym, I'd make you do sit-ups too. But is that... Graham, you're not prepared. with a doll sitting on it. If you brought a desk to gym, I'd make you do sit-ups too. What is that? Graham, you're not prepared.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Point Dexter. When is the nap time is what I would say to that. But yeah, is that not unusual to have a teacher make you do sit-ups in class in front of everybody? Isn't that... Wait, that is not as not unusual? Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Is that not not wearing shoes on not? Wow. I've destroyed all the grammar. I'm a technical writer. I'm supposed to not do this. Well, technically. Technically. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:00 So we haven't done this in a long time. Yeah. Graham's Dad movie reviews. Let's play the theme. What are you made of? Can you see with both your eyes? Look in the distance. It's easy if you try.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Watch all the movies and don't waste your time. Just give it a line. One line. Graham's Dad. Okay, so now if you have never heard this segment before that's because we haven't done it in about a year yeah but we got a lot of email requests asking uh to do this and uh i my dad is a he's a big movie fan but he's not big on chatting about the movie afterwards
Starting point is 00:58:42 he's not big on knowing the names of celebrities. Yeah, and he sums them up. Really short sentences to encapsulate the entirety of the film that he's seen. So, for example. Well, give me a movie. 300. A guy kicks a guy into a hole. Oh, yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:59:03 It was pretty good. Or, yeah, not a shirt to be seen for a hole. Oh, yeah. Yeah, exactly. It was pretty good. Or, yeah, not a shirt to be seen for the whole movie. Yeah. At the end, guys get killed by arrows. Pretty good. Or, give it a miss.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Yeah, those are the only two things. He'll say, give it a miss. Okay. And so I'll try to guess as best I can from a list that Dave has written up. Yeah. And we've done this once in the past where I actually called Graham's
Starting point is 00:59:25 dad and he... Were they similar to Graham's? Yeah, well, Graham had to guess. I did fairly okay. I did okay against the actual... But this is just we're doing it the old-fashioned way. The old... Yeah, exactly. Wilford Brimley way.
Starting point is 00:59:42 What would he say? What was his thing that he would say in those commercials? It's the right thing to do. It's the right thing to do. Okay. Jurassic Park. Oh, uh... A lawyer on a toilet gets eaten by
Starting point is 01:00:00 a Tyrannosaurus. Pretty good. So you got the rhythm of it now. You know how it goes. Yeah, I've come up with some to act as your dad. Oh, okay. You're my dad's...
Starting point is 01:00:12 Proxy. Yes. The one I came up with for that was a dinosaur opens a door. Oh, yeah, that's right, because they learn. Clever girl. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:25 See how fun this is? It's great. It's great. It's my greatest, most favorite parlor game. Are they parlor games or just parlor tricks? Games. Games. They're bar games.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Yeah, they would play games in the parlor, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Victorians, they were very... They would play umbrella fights. Yeah, yeah. They'd be Witch Way to Hathaway's House. Yeah, sure. They would play games. They would play Umbrella Fights. Yeah. They'd be Witch Way to Hathaway's House. Yeah, sure. Those little games they would play.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Flasher, Cog of the Wedding. Blair Witch Project, the. Oh, a girl that doesn't know how to blow her nose talks into a camera for half an hour. Give it a miss. Mine was Girl with a Runny Nose. Yeah, it really was the defining feature of that film, was a girl with a runny nose. Garden State.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Which one's Garden State? Zank Braff. Oh, um... Oh, okay. The girl from Star Wars gets in a pool with the guy from Scrubs. Give it a miss. Or, your mom made me see it. That would probably be
Starting point is 01:01:32 your mom made me see it. My one for that was the guy from Scrubs and the girl from Star Wars listening to a song. I was trying to work on a variation of that too. Song changes a guy's life. Give it a song. Oh, yeah. What was the... I was trying to work on a variation of that, too. Like, song changes a guy's life.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Yeah. Give it a miss. That's right. What was it? It was The Shins, wasn't it? It was The Shins, yeah. The Shins, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Changed a lot of lives that year. Spider-Man. Oh, we're talking... Oh, Spider-Man. Oh, well, Spider-Man kisses that girl upside down.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Yeah, that's the one. Yeah. Pretty good, is what he would say, I down. Yeah, that's the one. Pretty good, is what he would say, I think. Because the other thing that happens in the movie that I think he would have liked was... No, wait, that's in the sequel. Sorry, I'm getting the Spider-Man... What's in the sequel that he would like? When they throw the parade for Spider-Man
Starting point is 01:02:22 and then he shows up at his own parade and saves the day at the parade. I think he would have identified with that chunk of the movie. Face Off. Oh. I don't know if I've ever actually seen Face Off. The Christian Slayer?
Starting point is 01:02:39 Wait, no, that's Broken Arrow. Okay, Broken Arrow. Because Face Off is where John Travolta switches his face with Nicolas Cage. Broken Arrow? Whichever. Oh, the guy that your mom likes from Hairspray flies a plane. In real life, he's actually a pilot. Oh, is that right?
Starting point is 01:03:03 Give it a miss. He's a prevention man. The Spider-Man I was going to mention was one of my favorite things I ever saw was I was at the Asian Night Market in Richmond. Yeah. And it's all knockoff products that are very bad bootlegs. And there was a Spaderman doll. Spaderman. Spaderman.
Starting point is 01:03:19 James Spaderman? I don't know. Or David Spaderman. Yeah, Spaderman. Jeff Spaderman. Yeah, Spaderman. Jeff Spaderman. Maid of Honor. Oh, Maid of Honor. That guy that your mom likes from the Doctor show has to be friends to a girl that's getting married.
Starting point is 01:03:41 And some of it's shot in Ireland, where we've been. Give it a miss. I wouldn't have guessed that. But that is where it takes place, right? There's a big chunk of it in Ireland? Or is it Scotland they go to? Oh, what's the difference? Yeah, exactly, right? Whose maid is
Starting point is 01:03:58 this anyways? Okay, and finally, Gladiator. Have we done... It's been so long since we did this segment, I don't know if we've repeated these movies. Oh, the guy from walk the line gives the thumbs down pretty good or russell crowe fights a tiger yeah pretty good those would be the two your dad knows russell crowe's name oh yeah yeah he would know russell crowe uh because. What's that? A big crush on Russell Crowe. I think because it's got a bird name in it. I think that's it.
Starting point is 01:04:31 He also remember it? Yeah. I don't know. It seems like an easy to remember name in the spectrum of names. He's a big fan of Russell Crowe. My father will do movie reviews. Robin Gibbons. Harvey Birdman.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Howard the Duck. My father will do movie reviews kind of same way like really short but every movie he sees is a ripoff of another movie right it'll be a very loose connection seen it all
Starting point is 01:04:52 before well like before I was like did you see up because I don't like cartoons but I thought up was pretty good yeah I saw up but I saw I saw couples retreat the day before
Starting point is 01:05:02 it's pretty much the same movie I go how is it the same movie? He's like, this guy's going on vacation, and everything they wanted was already at home. They go somewhere. And so he does that with every movie. And then once at Christmas, my whole family was like, let's go to a movie together. And the only showing we get into was Adaptation. And I knew they were going to hate it, but I went anyways.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Because I was like, at least my dad won't be able to compare this to any other movie sure and i watched i was like this movie is so weird that he can't he might hate it but he won't say it's a rip-off of anything that's alice in wonderland we left he goes hey guy reminds you a little bit of woody allen doesn't he oh wow yeah wow he found the ripoff so he's uh he's actually quite astute, it sounds like. I guess, yeah. But also setting himself up for disappointment. Every single film. Oh, has he seen Heavy Metal? That really is like no other movie. Have you seen Heavy Metal?
Starting point is 01:05:55 I've seen pictures. I've seen Heavy Metal, but... There's no... What would you compare that to? Fantasia. Fantasia for morons. For druggies. There's gotta be some other time travel movie where a guy goes back in time and becomes like a caveman guy.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Oh, right. Bicentennial Man. Year one. Oh, lordy, lordy. Do we have any other bits of bits and bobs? Well, we should wrap it up. But before we do... Yes, we have a contest. There's a contest going on.
Starting point is 01:06:30 We, as part of the Maximum Fun organization, we are now going to have t-shirts available. And they're going to be the cut-off type, right? Like belly shirts? Yeah, cut-off. Only on mesh. Yep. Send in your favorite number. Yeah, gonna be raiders uh but i guess uh at maximum fun they have a contest every
Starting point is 01:06:53 year where uh listeners can uh send in their designs for the t-shirt and the winning design will get be the design of the t-shirt yeah you will get a free t-shirt, any item you want from the Maximum Fun store, and also some other... There's a DVD, and then just a package of free stuff. Some miscellaneous kind of free price pack stuff. Yeah. So worth your while, and I know that a lot of listeners are very artistically inclined, as was demonstrated over the past month with Old Man and the Sea Dracula. Sure.
Starting point is 01:07:29 So if you have an idea that you think really visually, graphically encapsulates all of the Stop Podcasting Yourself world, submit it. Dave's going to put a link on the blog. Yeah, I'll put a link everywhere. And you can also find it at And Josh, anything to plug? You can follow me on Twitter. Yes! My wife and I just opened Twitter accounts, both of us.
Starting point is 01:07:58 No, both of us. And I have seven followers. Nice. And she has ten. Oh. So it would be exciting if I could get more followers. I would if I were... What's your address? Stubs followers. Nice. And she has 10. Oh. So it'd be exciting if I could get more followers. I would, if I were... What's your address?
Starting point is 01:08:08 Stubbs Josh. Okay. I don't understand Twitter enough to know my address. You can find me on Twitter. That's at Stubbs Josh. At Stubbs Josh, I think. Yeah. And I would say follow because he's one of the funniest guys I know.
Starting point is 01:08:23 So check him out on Twitter. And Dave, anything? We never mentioned that Graham was on an episode of The Exploding Sandwich. Yeah, a while ago. I didn't know the release date of it so we never announced it because honestly when it came out it was a
Starting point is 01:08:39 surprise to me. But if you go to iTunes Exploding Sandwich the Graham Clark episode is up there, and you should check it out. Also, Dave's done two of them. He's ran circles around me in the Exploding Sandwichverse. Exploding Sandiverse?
Starting point is 01:08:56 Exploding Snackiverse. The Explodoverse. I'm just trying to get you to stop. Oh, okay. Well, then you should have just smiled at one of them. Yeah, there it is. And yeah, if you want to, again, if you want to write to us at stoppodcastyourself at If you want to join a conversation on a forum, you go to
Starting point is 01:09:18 And there Dave is posting updates of all the current episodes. Also, you can find the blog at There's a lot of places to go. There's a lot of things to see. If you want to call us, it's 206-339-8328. If you want to find a good, reliable map, it's Google Maps. You go to Google, and then you click on the Maps function. If you're looking for a bar in your neighborhood,
Starting point is 01:09:46 I would suggest Yelp. And if you want to find kind of the interesting photos or naughty photos, you can go to I would suggest if you'd like to see your face on a funny video, JibJab.
Starting point is 01:10:01 If you're looking for a fight, you found it. video jib jab if you're looking for a fight you found it and yeah if you like the show tell your friends come on back next week for another uh upsy-dounsy lefty righty episode of stop podcasting yourself Thank you.

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