Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 125 - Jeff McEnery

Episode Date: August 2, 2010

Comedian Jeff McEnery joins us to talk skydiving, sunflowers, and country music....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 125 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is the man whose life was the inspiration for the movie Charlie St. Cloud, Mr. Dave Shumka. It's really sad. It is really sad.
Starting point is 00:00:39 But they picked the perfect actor. Zac Efron. Oh no, I was the dead kid. Dan Aykroyd And with us today A very funny comedian A gentleman I've had the pleasure of working with before Has toured all over this country Has been to every festival
Starting point is 00:00:58 He's won a bunch of awards And he's just an all around good guy Mr. Jeff McHenry Well thank you very much for having me. Well, thank you for coming out. Oh, my pleasure. Should we get to know us? Get to know us.
Starting point is 00:01:15 So, Jeff, you're from Toronto. Yes. And you're out here, you're visiting friends. Yeah, yeah. And I gather, just piecing things together, together not but two days ago you went skydiving what uh yeah it was uh yesterday actually you went yesterday yeah so we were just last week we i ran into a past guest named emmet who went skydiving for the first time ever it was his 30th birthday and i was talking about how crazy it was I think Dave and I figured it wasn't for us
Starting point is 00:01:45 but was this your first time skydiving yeah oh yeah yeah yeah and I'm I'm horrified of heights like I can't I can't stand on my balcony so I don't know how I got roped into this did you literally yeah yeah yeah it was yeah yeah. Cattle. Stampede item. So how was it? What was it? You went, it was in Abbotsford, I imagine. Yeah, Abbotsford, yeah. So we went out and it was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:14 It was really, like looking back on it now, it was really funny. But just like the day and a half leading up to it was, because we had to book our ticket. And we're in the Chinese, we're in the chinese we're we're in the yeah uh no we're in a chinese restaurant uh beforehand like we're all eating food and stuff like that and we all got like like ominous fortune like like don't rush into things reconsider it was everything short of you will die in a skydiving accident. What are we getting? Get ready for a flatter face. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:51 So we did that and then we signed up for the thing. And then we're driving out and we're all making the jokes like, we're going to die, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then as we're talking and you know when you have that natural lull in a conversation so we have that lull and my buddy Brian has the radio on
Starting point is 00:03:13 and just as soon as we have that lull on his radio tears in heaven comes on one of the greatest songs about falling to your death. That's right. Probably, if I had to vote, the greatest song about falling to your death. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:33 So, yeah. And it's just... Oh, Broken Wings. Yeah. Broken Wings. We also thought it was funny because it's like the town, Abbotsford and then the town of Hope is like 60 miles, 60 kilometers. It's like Hope is just out of reach. A very poetic experience for everyone.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Yeah, it wouldn't be out of place in like a student film. A student film called Just Outside Hope. Take us through it. I've never been skydiving. Yeah, watch out. Like, I know there's a lesson component
Starting point is 00:04:14 where you have to go and do school. There is a lesson component, but it's not much of one, which was what was terrifying for me. You watch a video? No, you, like...
Starting point is 00:04:24 About sexual harassment in skydiving sexual harassment you will be strapped to somebody it does not mean they will accept all touches uh but uh no it's literally like a guy going like uh uh he'll like he'll like seat you on a bench and he'll be like, okay, now when you're going to go off the plane, cross your arms. And then when I tap you, uncross them. And so he brought my friend, there's five of us that went, so he brought my friend Brian up. And he goes, cross your arms.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And then he taps him and Brian uncrosses him. And he's like, okay, get in your suit. All right. this seems good here's your diploma yeah and and my friend brian because we like we all we all met up we all went to humber together we all did uh now humber for anybody who doesn't know that's a college out in toronto humber yeah humber college uh yeah this is for arts and we did the comedy program me and these uh five guys so so yeah like i said oh like all five of us are joking around and then when tears in hat haven't happened the mood kind of changed yeah uh but brian kept it up so like we get into abbotsford and brian's still like we're looking at the architecture and brian's sure are a lot of pointy churches in this town.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Steer clear of that. Abbotsford is a city an hour outside Vancouver. It's like the furthest suburb, and I don't think anyone has ever referred to the buildings there as architecture. It is a place where people pick berries and have gang wars. Jump out of planes. So many gang wars have involved
Starting point is 00:06:17 parachutes. It's a lot of... It's a point break gang. Bank robberies. My chute was the color of the crypts. It's a lot of, it's the Point Break gang. Bank robberies. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My shoot was the color of the Crips. Yeah, sure. I knew what side I was on.
Starting point is 00:06:34 So you're... Cross on cross. Cross on cross, and then you just hop in the plane. Yeah, and then you're up there and... And you're strapped to a professional. Yes. Yes, you're strapped to a guy and then... How many times did you ask? How many times do you have to do it before you can do it yourself?
Starting point is 00:06:49 It is surprisingly low. We found this out. It's twice you do it with a guy, and then you go by yourself. What's the worry that you'll just pass out from the speed? You can't be trusted to pull your own weight? Yeah, yeah. You're in panic, right? I would assume so. Yeah, that was my biggest you would panic, right? I would assume so.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Yeah, that was my biggest fear was going to – because like I said, I'm scared of heights. So like my – I wasn't worried about that guy. I was just worried about me just conking out and everything like that. Vomiting. Are you – is he in the front or the back? He's in the back. Okay. So you don't have to worry about peeing.
Starting point is 00:07:21 or the back? He's in the back. Okay, so you don't have to worry about peeing. Now this is my question because I've never met anybody who professionally skydives. Are they a cocky breed? Are they like the top gun pilot? Yeah, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:39 they were all really nice guys. Yeah, they were. But yeah, you definitely have to have some confidence going on to do something like that. But yeah, they weren't meatheads. They weren't jocks or anything like that. And so at no point did you feel like, I'm the ground-based citizen to you aeronauts. Yeah. Oh, I do have to...
Starting point is 00:08:09 We were there, and so they have this souvenir shop, and it was killing me because we get back in, and I'm glad I didn't see this T-shirt beforehand because they're selling T-shirts of the experience. And it was a quote from the movie The Replacements starring Keanu Reeves. The football movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which is like, it's like, what is it?
Starting point is 00:08:38 It's like bones heal, you know, scars fade, or chicks dig scars, bones heal, and glory lasts forever, skydiving. And it's like, well, that's just saying you're going to get hurt skydiving. Yeah, you're going to experience a tremendous amount of pain doing this. But also they've adapted something that was for football and just put skydiving on the end. Yeah, and a forgettable Keiving on the end. Yeah. And a forgettable Keanu Reeves movie as well.
Starting point is 00:09:11 I think what was my favorite line from that movie was, he's like, 90% of sports is showing up, and I am impressed by your showing up, or something like that. I don't remember my favorite line. I couldn't pick a favorite line from that movie. It's hard to narrow it down. Yeah, it's true.
Starting point is 00:09:26 It's like picking your favorite kit. Same thing, right? Yeah. So, now, the t-shirts, they didn't have anything on a log ride where they take your photo. Yeah. There was nothing like that. Or did they sell you a video? Yeah, you could have done a video and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:09:44 But they would have had to have a guy go up and like you could only fit five in the plane so so we just said yeah yeah so we just said no we'll just all go together because i watched my cousin years ago uh he lived with us in calgary and he you know on his birthday he went skydiving and they did the video thing and then i watched it and it's like uh it's as boring as like a wedding video yeah like because you know it's like i imagined all the tension and excitement is being in the plane you know thinking about dying yeah tears in heaven yeah exactly yeah but no um did you pick this place like i i i, I would never be able to skydive because I would have to go to the Better Business Bureau and find everyone's record. Did you just do it on a whim?
Starting point is 00:10:33 It was, yeah, it was total whim. You just Googled skydiving Vancouver? Well, basically, yeah, my friend Brian found it. Typical Brian. Yeah. Basically, yeah, my friend Brian found it. Typical Brian. Yeah. So, yeah, he just looked it up, and when I got off my plane when I landed here, he's like, we're going skydiving on Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:10:56 He's like, while you were up there, did you think about jumping off? Yeah, yeah, yeah. How much would you like to have jumped off that plane? So, yeah, yeah. how much would you like to have jumped off that plane so it's yeah yeah I really it was a great experience but I really do have to
Starting point is 00:11:12 this really shows me that I have to become more assertive because you're jumping out of a plane alright majority rules I've had like I've loaned people money before and not had them pay me back but they never
Starting point is 00:11:29 said you're jumping out of a plane and now I did it they're like it's really how can you walk all over me see a lot of people would take other lessons away from skydiving but you learned I've got to learn to not do this again it's weird because i think it was abby who said last week it would have to be a spur of the
Starting point is 00:11:52 moment yeah thing otherwise you talk yourself out of it yeah something you can't get uh chinese fortunes yeah yeah yeah yeah certainly was uh you weren't eating Chinese food right before going up on a plane, right? No, no. No, that's not advice. Did you eat at all before you went up? I didn't eat or sleep. Is it like surgery where they tell you you can't eat? Wow, so that's a pretty memorable thing to do. I mean, I would never do it.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Would you do it again? Because if you do it again, because if you do it again you get to do then you can do it yeah do it on your own yeah um it was uh it really isn't like you you know the free fall they say is like 45 seconds but it really doesn't feel like you're up there and then as soon as the guy opens the chute it's just easy right breezy like yeah no i probably wouldn't do it again though it's just something i did and you heard it here first folks yeah is there anything else in the uh in the adrenaline kind of arena that you've ever wanted to do and have uh have you ever wanted a professional
Starting point is 00:12:58 wrestler i wrestle i know that you're a wrestling fan. I like wrestling and stuff like that. But no, I couldn't. Observer only. In fact, I'm such a professional. I got to, you know, we're all comms, so we're all making jokes and stuff. And I got the biggest laugh of the week because we were on the beach yesterday. And I said a girl had an ass like Jim the Anvil Neidhart. the beach yesterday and I said a girl had an ass like Jim the Anvil
Starting point is 00:13:24 Neidhart. A huge, huge laugh. It's because it had a long orange goatee hanging off of it. Was he in a tag team? He was part of the Hart Foundation. The Hart Foundation? Okay. Brett the Hitman Hart. And also
Starting point is 00:13:42 I think Jimmy the Mouth of the South Hart was their manager for a time. Yes, he was. Yes. No relation. No, actually. No relation. Even, I don't think Jim the Anvil. No, he was married to Brett's sister.
Starting point is 00:13:55 It's a very kind of inbred community, the wrestling community. Did you hear Hulk Hogan? He's not going to wrestle anymore. Really? The 65-year-old man? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stop wrestling? I was chatting with a past guest at the Montreal Comedy Festival, Paul F. Tompkins, who was telling me about a gold...
Starting point is 00:14:15 You drop that name so often. Yeah, because it's all I got. Hulk Hogan? Because you're besties. Yeah. But he was talking about a cash for gold commercial that Hulk Hogan does in the States that we don't get up here and how he felt really bad for Hulk Hogan. But then he was like, that's kind of a lateral move for Hulk Hogan to be in a cash for gold. Are you sure we don't get it up here?
Starting point is 00:14:38 Are you the go-to guy for all cash for gold commercials in Canada? I feel like I'm the go-to guy for all hulk hogan uh career move sure he was up here a couple weeks ago hulk hogan and friends yeah the uh casino they uh hulk hogan and friends yeah it was like an evening with hulk that's what it was what was he there have been a few selling gold at the casino they'll have like, they'll bring in big name comedians and like lounge acts. Like, I don't know. Smokey Robinson. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Who wasn't a lounge act, but now is. No, but yeah, like legendary. Oh, you mean like a cover act? No, I didn't mean a cover act. I meant like a Tony Orlando, which they don't bring in. But they also will bring in like Perez Hilton, the blogger. Yeah, yeah, right. They will bring in Dog the Bounty Hunter.
Starting point is 00:15:31 And there was one that you said last week. It was just the guys from Deadliest Catch. The crab reality show. Yeah. And Hulk Hogan, apparently. Yeah, it was Hulk Hogan and the Honky Tonk Man and some other... The two biggest names in wrestling. Yeah, like an evening with Hulk Hogan, to me, that just... I just picture Hulk Hogan dropping leg drops in a tux.
Starting point is 00:16:00 With no sleeves. Welcome, brothers. With no sleeves Welcome brothers Although Hulk Hogan can talk Yeah Like I can see him doing motivational stuff Maybe Telling people to say their prayers and eat their vitamins He said his doctor said That he's not allowed to wrestle anymore
Starting point is 00:16:21 Which I think sets his age for one comeback match Am I right, guys? My doctor said not to do it. But I feel I got one more match in me. My doctor says I shouldn't try to lift Andre the Giant. Yeah, I'm going to try to kill Ted DiBiase. Dave, what's going on with you? Not a heck of a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Summer, it's almost over, right? Yeah. Well, the living hasn't been easy. No. I feel like in the summer, every episode is just us complaining about the heat. Oh, yeah. We're old women in Florida. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Wearing rags on our heads. Yeah. But up the street, here's a weird something. Here's something. Here's something. I've got to do a show every week. I've got to come up with something. You're not skydiving every week.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah, I know. You're not mountain biking down the side of a mountain doing jumps. So you just search for street activities. Yeah, exactly. What are people up to? The rival gang and I. Become a block parent in search of material. That seems more interesting than what I'm actually going to talk about.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Someone up the street has some sunflowers in their yard. And when I was a kid, you see pictures of sunflowers and they're like the happiest flower. Yeah, for like four days. Yeah, and then they're decrepit. The petals are falling off it, but they're so hardy. They stand upright,
Starting point is 00:17:59 but they're like old men. It's like they go from being like a colorful kids book into a Tim Burton movie. Like they do get so gray and twisted so fast. But so strong. And tall.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I don't really understand what sunflowers... I know we eat their seeds. Yeah, and we get oil from their seeds. Yeah, so they must last longer in the what? In the sunflower cage? I'm an urban guy. I don't know a lot about...
Starting point is 00:18:37 Did you hear about that flower that they had in China that only blooms once a decade? No. It's this giant... It seems like it's possibly evil. Like a supervillain would try to steal its essence. Well, they said while it's closed,
Starting point is 00:18:55 it smells vaguely like a ripe pumpkin. And it's huge. It's like a prehistoric... It's been around... I thought you were going to say, it's like a Prius. It's about around this you were gonna say it's like a prius it's about the height of a prius sure it's it's about probably five or six feet tall and it's you know huge gigantic leaves and once a decade it blooms and it smells so bad uh that uh like any of the observers usually pass out because it's just like a huge, pungent sulfur smell.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Anyways, didn't deter everybody, like this national warning. Hundreds of people, and they showed it. Is it just one flower? One flower, yeah. Like, there's only one of it? As far as I know. But it only blooms once a decade, and it smells like shit. And then that's it.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And then it closes back up. See you in ten years. Was it good for you? I wonder what if it gets an impression of that decade. It opens up, it's like, are fanny packs still fun?
Starting point is 00:20:04 It just wants to talk about crazy town. Guys, they're still together, right? The guy's still in dare. The guy had a dare t-shirt on. And I remember being like 18 when I thought everything on Much Music was cool. And I remember that guy in crazy town had a dare.A.R.E. t-shirt. And I'm going, that's not going to last. That's not something that's going to catch.
Starting point is 00:20:30 These guys don't have staying power. Yeah. D.A.R.E. to keep kids off drugs? Yeah, yeah. He wore it ironically. Yeah, yeah, ironically, yeah. But wasn't D.A.R.E. also supposed to stand for something? It was D.A.R.E dare to keep kids off yeah but there was like
Starting point is 00:20:45 drugs were periods in between drugs are really evil yeah something like that and there was that thing in arcade games that would say uh uh winners don't use drugs that was that was uh as far reaching as the dare campaign got i think in arcade like yeah not just home video games after you had just just spent a whole video game blowing up people with those guns, it would be like, remember, drugs are for suckers. But also, yeah, after you'd spent
Starting point is 00:21:14 your entire summer afternoon in a video arcade. That's right. Where drugs are peddled freely. Do video arcades still exist? I saw a photo On the internet
Starting point is 00:21:29 Guys you're not going to believe this Of a Kind of a junkyard In China that was all Old video games that were being You know smashed apart And there must have been Thousands of them.
Starting point is 00:21:46 And I always wondered, well, these are like... Put them in bachelor pads. As far as I know, there's no arcades left. You can get one. I think we've discussed you can get them on ferry boats. Yeah. Arcades are popular on ferry boats. Old motels still have arcades.
Starting point is 00:22:03 The occasional convenience store. But they're not making new games. Like, all the new games just go right to your Xbox. I think Dance Dance Revolution was the last new thing. But now people can get that kind of technology in their own home. Yeah, so you don't embarrass yourself. Yeah, I don't know. I'm trying to think of the last video game i played in arcade was
Starting point is 00:22:27 it was a fighting game and there was a pirate named cervantes tekken it wasn't tekken well maybe it was tekken i don't know it was some kind of fighting game and there was this was like well i was still. Is Cervantes a name of a character from some kind of literature that I never read? I never read any book that wasn't made into a movie that I saw. Like Charlie St. Cloud. It's going to be big, right?
Starting point is 00:22:56 What is Cervantes? He was a pirate. Oh, sure. No, didn't Cervantes write Don Quixote? Oh, okay. The Man of La Mancha. Anything else going on? Sunflowers? Covered it.
Starting point is 00:23:11 See, we went from sunflowers to video games. It was great. Yeah, I don't need anything to happen to me. No, that's true. I don't know. I've been eating a lot of cherries. That's pretty great. They are pretty great.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Where do you fall on cherries? Are you a cherry fan? No. What's your favorite summertime fruit? Summertime fruit. Not a fruit man. That's what I'm detecting. Yeah, well I'm a very boring individual. No, not like me.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I talk about all the fruit I eat. This guy will eat cherries. He'll eat a raspberry, a blackberry. I don't know. Probably just apple, I guess. Straight up. That is boring. No, you're quite.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Alphabetically, the first fruit everyone learns. You stick with what you know. Every alphabet book A is always for Apple But I don't even know what B is for Banana Boycotts But I think in every alphabet book
Starting point is 00:24:15 It's a different B But it's always Apple Yeah that's true Z is always Zebra Z X is always Xylophone Or X-rays which is kind of a cop-out x-ray yeah uh yeah but are we talking food only because i'm being banana gotta be yeah or brownie no we're talking all uh just you know letters
Starting point is 00:24:40 we're just talking letters guys oh boy uh i guess let me cut it short nope nothing's going on with me here's the thing i asked before the podcast now you haven't seen inception jim what's going on with you this this this is one thing that's going on with me you've seen inception yeah without you know discussing it what did you think of it uh it was entertaining entertaining yeah i enjoyed it okay it was good yeah you would say you didn't feel bad leaving the theater you enjoyed it yeah that guy makes good movies i feel the same way i got into it with somebody on facebook which i should never do like you should never ever engage in facebook a friend of yours yours? Or someone you know?
Starting point is 00:25:27 Somebody I know. Okay. Who said, you know, who said that it was overrated. And maybe it is a little, but here's the thing. Certainly overhyped. Let's say it's overhyped. But it's one of the only original movies of the summer. So let's just leave it be.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Of the year. Yeah. Like, everything else is fucking sequels. Don't dump on the one thing where they're trying to make an original thing. Yeah. You know, if it's not a spectacular failure, then it's a success and it's original. So shut up. Just shut up.
Starting point is 00:25:55 You know who you are. If you're listening to this podcast, I'm directing this right at you. Shut your face. Graham is using this as a platform. Trying to fight. Trying to get into fights yeah get it or a way that you you can fight without having someone yeah it's the greatest this is yeah this is this is a tactic right out of hulk hogan in french this is something i learned from his uh champion seminar Hulk Hogan's the art of war.
Starting point is 00:26:32 But then today I saw two movie previews on the internet. Two I'm very excited about. The first is the Yogi Bear movie. Okay. Speaking of things that are original. Yeah. Now, did you ever watch Yogi Bear when you were a kid? I think so. I'm familiar with the Piccanick Basket.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Piccanick Basket. There being a... Jellystone National Park. Yeah. Ranger. Yeah. And Boo Boo. Yeah. Is there anything else? He wore a tie and a hat. Yep. He was not a bear who killed people. Not without cause. He never killed a man who didn't
Starting point is 00:27:03 deserve it. Sure. A lot of revenge yeah yeah yeah did you did you ever watch it when you were a kid now i feel like kids don't need this movie at all like it seems like no kid is like but when is the live action right yeah you gotta come out No kids have ever heard of Yogi Bear. No kids today. Well, and I mean, that character was based on Art Carney. Yeah. Was he named after the baseball player?
Starting point is 00:27:34 He was named after him. Or which came first? He was... The baseball player. Which came first, the bear or the bearer? Yeah. So he was named after
Starting point is 00:27:44 a now deceased baseball player. I think he's still alive. Yogi Bearer is still alive. Yogi Bearer is still alive? Yeah, Yogi Bearer. And Yogi Bearer never was alive. Well, he is now, in stunning 3D. It's gonna be in 3D, by the way. Well, of course.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Wow. And then, yeah, he's based, his character is based on Art Carney. He's wearing, like, Art Carney's hat. Art Carney from The Honeymooners. The Honeymooners, yeah. Which, so, they never thought to just have Art Carney in The Honeymooners. They knew that there was two pieces in that pie. Yeah, well, the other one, the other half became Fred Flintstone, right?
Starting point is 00:28:21 Yeah. That was who they, that's something they don't do anymore. Cartoons don't take just, like, there's no Jerry Seinfeld duck. Right. You know? Or whatever, like a Tina Fey goose. I don't know why they all have to be foul, but, you know.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Well, history tells us. But there's... There really should be more. Like, yeah, what would Tracy Morgan be some sort of bear probably don't you think fine any other nominees
Starting point is 00:28:50 like a sassy fish Tracy Morgan is a sassy fish yeah yeah yeah I like that yeah I'm trying to think who's another comedy icon do they all have to be comedy icons
Starting point is 00:29:03 were there any like film noir people who made it in was there ever a um a citizen king yeah well orson what was i think pinky in the brain that's true that's right he was yeah um oh yeah so like who would you have who would uh be a cartoon version of uh leonrio. Or a... I think Zach Galifianakis would be an owl. Am I wrong about that? He might be a bear. I think bear is easy. Bear is easy. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:29:34 But if any listeners out there have any submissions for celebrities they think would make excellent children's cartoon characters... By the time this episode comes out, we won't be bored of this. I'm only getting started on it, personally. If you could let me know what an exciting summertime fruit is as well. That's Stop Podcasting Yourself at
Starting point is 00:29:56 I'm sorry for dumping all over you for apple. What do you like, a Granny Smith? A Red Delicious? So, Yogi Bear in 3D. Okay, how does that look? Well, it looks like Dan Aykroyd's doing the voice of Yogi Bear. Oh. And he was the one who presented the special exclusive.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Is Justin Timberlake the voice of something? Like of the boo-boo? Maybe. Maybe. It's possible. But the ranger is the guy from that television show, Ed. Oh, okay. Yeah, he's the ranger.
Starting point is 00:30:27 And Anna Faris is the love interest of Yogi. I'm really excited to see that in 3D. Wow. That does sound tremendous. That was the first one that I saw this morning. And then I also saw the trailer for Thor. So I actually saw three, actually. It does sound tremendous. That was the first one that I saw this morning. And then I also saw the trailer for Thor. So I actually saw three, actually.
Starting point is 00:30:50 I saw the trailer for Thor. I hear that doesn't look very good. It doesn't. I mean... Is it Thor, the mythological character, or Thor, the comic book character? The comic book character. And did you see Iron Man 2? I saw it. I've talked about it once or twice on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Did you see Iron Man 2? Yeah. it. I've talked about it once or twice on the podcast. Did you see Iron Man 2? Yeah. Did you stay past the credits? Yes. For the hammer in the sand reveal? Yeah, yeah. So it picks up where that stunning reveal leaves off. So let's catch everyone up.
Starting point is 00:31:19 End of the Iron Man credits. There's the names of songs. Don't want to miss a thing. Yeah, a couple of ACDC songs. That's towards the end. Then there's like a copyright thing. And then some logo. Oh, what's that logo that always comes at the end of movies?
Starting point is 00:31:35 It's like a really intricate kind of like a... The oval thing. Yeah. That is a logo that it's a special copyright logo. It's the... What's the organization called? But it's a specific organization that deals with copyrights of film. Okay. So that's what that logo indicates. And then they
Starting point is 00:31:54 usually have the union logo in there somewhere. Towards the end. Sure. And then the whatever film production company come up last and then hammer sand. Yeah yeah so then it goes sand hammer it's in the desert right it's in the desert of the deserts of norway yeah or somewhere uh this the guy from shield who was in the thing in the thing yeah he was the commish. Sure. The commish. Commish thingamon. He comes, he goes over.
Starting point is 00:32:27 There's a bunch of, you know, black vehicles, right? Oh, okay. You know. Feds. Yeah, the feds. And then they go, we found it. And it's the Thor hammer in the sand. Reveal.
Starting point is 00:32:39 And I sat through five minutes of credits for that. And then, yeah, the trailer kind of, you know, Thor comes down, gets his hammer back. How Thor gets his hammer back. Yeah, sure. It's all about lending stuff to your neighbors, lending tools. And then, yeah, you know, he Thors it up. Anthony Hopkins has an eyepatch. Tony Hop.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yeah, Tony Hop And so that was that It was five minutes long So I feel like I don't need to see it now Natalie Portman's in it for some reason She made some weird left turns Yeah Speaking of
Starting point is 00:33:20 Movie copyrights I haven't watched a VHS movie in a long time. Yeah. But I remember there used to be a thing that came up before every... The FBI warning? FBI warning and then something about something like some meeting that took place in 1977 in Stockholm. Oh, yeah, right. Yes, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Yeah, it was like a Stockholm Accord or something like that. Stockholm Syndrome. If you're kidnapped by your VHS tape. Do not side with them. And you saw a third trailer? Yes, the third trailer was for Titanic 2.
Starting point is 00:34:00 What? Yes. It's a real movie. It takes place in... Are all the characters thumbs? Is it one of those movies? No, I mean, I don't know if it's an elaborate
Starting point is 00:34:13 joke or if it's... It takes place in modern day. They've got a new ship. They've named it the Titanic. It's unsinkable. What could possibly go wrong? It sinks. and Titanic 2 can I just say
Starting point is 00:34:29 David the thumbs and I I just picked up on what that joke was he thought it was you know like like thumb as a character
Starting point is 00:34:39 but I thought he meant like like that's all you could see of the survivors were their thumbs these blue thumbs I thought he meant like, that's all you could see of the survivors were their thumbs. These blue thumbs in the water. Titanic 2. Save us.
Starting point is 00:34:58 No, the little thumbs with faces on them. Like Thumb Wars. Or Thumb Man. Nope, Titanic 2. A real movie that's going to happen. Is it in 3D? I don't even know if it's in 1. Who's in that, Graham?
Starting point is 00:35:12 Nobody. Nobody's in it. I might be in it. I may have forgotten being on set for that. And then what else happened this week? Busy week. Busy week. I saw Doug Stanhope. I went and saw his show at the Bourbon here in town.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Where is that? It's down in kind of the edge of Gastown. Okay. And I went. What kind of a place is it? What do they usually have? Because it's not a comedy club. Probably a lot of drinkers and possibly some bar fights.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Okay. But does it have a stage? Yes, so I think live music. I imagine some rock and rolls and maybe a DJ. Nice enough bar and the staff there was really, really nice.
Starting point is 00:35:58 It was one of those things where it said doors at 7 and so I showed up for that time. Doors were actually like quarter to 8. Doors at 7, doors at 7 and so i you know showed up for that time yeah doors were actually like quarter to eight uh but doors at seven show at 7 30 yeah so like it was a lot of standing outside and getting see it was packed i don't think i've ever like i think the last time i saw stand-up comedy in just a bar was maybe david cross like six years ago. And this was more packed than that. Like this was as many people as could fit in,
Starting point is 00:36:31 people standing for the whole night. And he did great. It was great. And Matt Billen, who's somebody, a local comic we haven't had on the show yet, he opened for him. And it was good. It was a good show.
Starting point is 00:36:43 He had some funny, had some good and funny stuff and he drank a lot. It is patented Stan hoping it up. Angry at this and that. I mean, man, if he knew a Titanic 2 was on the road, imagine
Starting point is 00:36:57 what he would have had to say. Probably a lot of thumb comments. Oh man, so yeah, it's been a productive week to say the least. Oh, man. So, yeah, it's been a productive week, to say the least. Wow, great to hear. Great to hear. Yeah, what's your favorite kind of apple, would you say? You know what, I like a crab apple.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Sour. Oh, yeah, good for pies. Yeah, old notes. Sweeten it up in a pie. How do you feel about crab apples, Jeff? I don't care for them. They start with C, not A. Do you want to move on to overheard?
Starting point is 00:37:28 Why not? Overheard. Overheard. Things overheard with your ears or overseen with your eyes or touched if you read braille. We haven't got any overbrailled. No, overfelt. I wonder if we have any blind listeners.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Why not? I know we've got a lot of fans of Blind Mela. Sure. But I can... Do we have any deaf listeners? I think we maybe had something about deaf people. How could they listen? They couldn't.
Starting point is 00:37:59 We don't do this in... What is it called? Describovision? Or what is that? No. Closed captioning? Yeah, we don't do it in, what is it called, Describovision? Or what is that? No. Closed captioning? Yeah, we don't do it in closed captioning. We could if we were sponsored by Leon's.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Yeah, sure. Closed captioning brought to you by. So, yeah, we like to go overheards-wise. It's our tradition here to go with the guest first. And then you have two, you said. Yeah, well, I have an overheard, and then you have two you said yeah well I have I have an overheard and then I have an overseen stuff I've seen
Starting point is 00:38:30 so we'll bookend you'll go with one and then Dave and then me and then back to you how's that sound? it's clinical alright so go ahead this was and I'm glad you you know because I listened to the podcast and then they said yeah so do an overheard.
Starting point is 00:38:47 And it worked out wonderfully because this thing overheard, I've been telling this at, like, house parties for, like, ever since it happened. Nice. So, yeah, it was when I first moved into Toronto. I was on the back of the streetcar and there's this disheveled woman kind of on the back of the streetcar as well.
Starting point is 00:39:11 She was talking to another man. They both looked homeless. They're having this discussion and the woman says she goes I was lying on a bench and some pig kicked me in the ribs. So that's a great way to start up a story.
Starting point is 00:39:34 And apparently the cop said to her, he goes, get off this bench, you junkie whore. And I said, I might be a junkie, but I ain't no whore. That's defamation of character. You're like, I need her to represent me in court. I'm suing you for libel. This parking ticket
Starting point is 00:40:01 I'm trying to get out of. Your honor, I object Oh man, that's great As I was driving to pick you up today, Graham I saw a prostitute Getting, I don't know if the prostitute Was getting erected Arrested, or if the john was This was at 7 o'clock in my neighborhood
Starting point is 00:40:23 Wow! No, 6 o'clock. Yeah. Well, it is daylight savings. Usually 7 o'clock around here, it's dark enough. Am I right? This end of town, which I also used to live in, whenever I would walk home from work, there was this one parking lot that was...
Starting point is 00:40:44 The business was not open. It was like a fish market. It was not open at 10 o'clock at night. But the parking lot was always full. The creepiest, saddest part is it was always
Starting point is 00:41:00 full of dad vehicles. It was all minivans or four you know, like, four doors. No, two doors, right? Sure. Yeah, no one in a coupe. My favorite is the dad going through the midlife crisis and that he has a minivan, but he has a Harley Davidson sticker
Starting point is 00:41:17 in his back window. Remember where he came from. A Harley Davidson t-shirt. Yeah, like wild hogs. Remember where he came from A Harley Davidson t-shirt Yeah Like Wild Hogs I think that's how Wild Hogs was written Was from somebody seeing a sticker In a minivan They make a good movie
Starting point is 00:41:35 In a prostitute parking lot Yeah, Paid Paradise Put up a prostitute parking lot Dave, do you have an over here? Well, I sure do Paid Paradise put up a prostitute parking lot. Dave, do you have an over here? Well, I sure do. This happened last week. I mentioned on last week's episode that we went to go see
Starting point is 00:41:55 wiener dog races. Yes, so great. That were some kind of promotional gimmick at the horse track. Not the horse track. The horse track. This is not all prostitute related. And by the way, in the first overheard, she wasn't a prostitute.
Starting point is 00:42:13 No. Yeah, that's defamation of character. Yeah. I'm trying to think of a hip way of saying defamation of character. It was def car. Char. Anyway, forget that. Guys, we're talking wiener dog races.
Starting point is 00:42:29 And there was a couple, and it was a man and his woman, wife, girlfriend, and she was pregnant. And they were just standing around, walking around, looking at stuff. And then the guy points to another woman and goes, Hey, honey, look! Another pregnant woman. You see? You're not the only one. It's a drinking game. So I get to take a drink, just like we agreed. Or like when you see someone who has the same
Starting point is 00:43:00 car as you. Yeah, or like Punch Buggy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Pregnant woman. No punch bags. Punch Buggy or Slug Bug? Oh, I did Punch Buggy. Did you do Slug Bug? No, we did Punch Buggy.
Starting point is 00:43:16 What about you? Punch Buggy? Oh, yeah. I've never heard of Slug Bug. How were the rules with you? Mine was you would say Punch Buggy and then the color and don't punch back. Is that how you did? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:27 But if... I mean, don't punch back is just... It really should have become the law. You can't punch the same person for the same buggy. That's true. Yeah. Yeah. That's double jeopardy.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Did you ever have a thing if you would ever pass a Volkswagen dealership? Oh, no. There was a lot of them. Oh, wow. Because that's, I think, when the punchback rule came into big effect. You'd be like, punch buggy, but no punchbacks, because you saw the dealership. Otherwise, somebody would get a bloody nose, right? So many punches.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Yeah, I don't know if I ever saw them for sale. Like, It seems... Because the new ones were included in that. I was too old to be playing the game when the new ones came out, sure. Sure, but... And with that, you said bloody nose, so like, when you
Starting point is 00:44:17 saw it, were you and your friends decking each other in the face? It was as much punch as you could absorb. Yeah. Wasn't a light jostling on the arm. No, it was all arms for us. We saved that for the girls. That's how we let girls know we liked them.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Punch. Graham, do you have an overheard? I do. My overheard comes courtesy of a very... It was actually a team effort. I was on the train, and there was a very tall guy, let's say 6'5", standing with his back to a very drunk older gentleman, but not a disheveled, like an old guy on holiday, right?
Starting point is 00:44:55 Oh, yeah. You know, I'm on holiday. I can drink whatever I want. And this guy, the tall guy, was wearing a tour T-shirt. Or Hulk Hogan and Friends. And it had all the tour dates on the back. I think it was Toby Keith was the. Oh, tremendous.
Starting point is 00:45:13 And this guy, the drunk older guy, was looking at the dates on the back. And then, like, kind of grabbed the shirt and, like, pulled it out so he could read all the dates. And then the tall guy is, like, looking looking around like, because I thought they were together. I thought it was his son. And then the guy looks around like, what the fuck are you doing? And then this woman who's sitting down interjects. I think she's going to be like, it's impolite. You can't touch that stranger's shirt.
Starting point is 00:45:42 She just leans in and goes, on the Vancouver date, it's still called GM Place on his shirt. Not Rogers Place. They printed it out before it was Rogers Place. That's so crazy. That's the craziest. This poor guy in his shirt. Seems you're right. You shouldn't wear such an interesting shirt.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Yeah, wearing a shirt, everybody's got right. You shouldn't wear such an interesting shirt. Yeah, wearing a shirt, everybody's got it. Are you, you're a Toby Keith fan? I know you're a country music guy. I am a country fan, yeah. We don't get a lot of country fans on this show.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Really? No? Even being West Coast, you guys. Well, not West Coast. Like, I grew up in Calgary where country's the thing. The only horses we have here
Starting point is 00:46:22 are seahorses. And sea cows. Who, because I think there's The only horses we have here are seahorses. And seacows. Because I think there's some of our listeners, certainly our country fans, because I talked about that guy who was like the funny country guy, and several listeners wrote in and said there was like a guy who wrote a song about show me your boobs or whatever. He's a country singer. Anyways, who's good who's
Starting point is 00:46:45 good in country uh uh jamie johnson is uh double j and i i don't mind toby toby like i totally disagree with like almost everything he has like all of his opinions and stuff like that but he is he is he's a good song opinions and stuff like that. But he is a good songwriter and stuff like that. But he makes it hard sometimes. Like, he had a song last summer, and it was called American Ride. And it was a catchy song, but the first three bars, it was like, literally the song starts off like, summer getting hotter, winter getting colder, tidal wave coming across the Mexican border.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Oh, Jesus. Oh, man. It's literally... So you're like, yeah, this is good. This is starting. Summers are getting hotter. Yeah, yeah. Mexican border.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Oh, no. Toby. He's clearly seeing an inconvenient truth. But then he gets you back on the chorus. We're American. And you're like, well, I can still groove a little. He's totally seen an inconvenient truth. But then he gets you back on the chorus. We're American. And you're like, well, I can still groove. He seems like the type of guy who spends a lot of time in a hammock. To me, that's like most of it.
Starting point is 00:47:54 He takes phone calls in his hammock. Sure, he's the Jimmy Buffett of country music. Wow, I literally never hear any country music. We have one country music station that I have a shower radio that doesn't have a display of what radio station I'm listening to. So I will sometimes skip through and think I'm on another station just by the commercials and then a song will come on. But yeah, it's just something I'm not exposed to at all. What's the guy, Brad Paisley? Yeah guy Brad Paisley Paisley yeah he's a baby face of country I went I went to see him two years ago Vince Gill on the bonfires and amplifiers tour they really do know how
Starting point is 00:48:38 to name them but on the other hand you could just be making it up that's exactly it I remember I was in Calgary and somebody was talking they were really just spitting nails about Rascal Flats about how that was the harbinger of bad things to come they're no big and rich
Starting point is 00:49:01 they're way too pop there's a lot of they're the traditionalists that don't care for them to come. They're no big rich. They're way too pop. There's a lot of... They're the traditionalists. Yeah, don't care for them. Because they are just... Very little substance to them. Let me ask you this. Because this does happen
Starting point is 00:49:15 a lot in popular music. I think it happens a lot, probably, if we ever had a guest on who was a fan of Christian music, I would ask the same question. How do you feel when a washed-up pop star suddenly decides to become a country star yeah like to cut do country it happens a lot in country music yeah like hootie and the blowfish is a country guy now yeah jessica simpson and i'd like yeah it's like like darius rocker because that guy actually can sing so i'm like okay you what, give him another go around.
Starting point is 00:49:47 But yeah, like Jessica Simmer, or Jewel is trying to do it now as well. Now, as a country fan, is that just generally offensive to you, that they're like, we can be country musicians? Yeah, exactly. But it's been happening for a long time. John Denver did that sort of thing as well. Right. After his disco career.
Starting point is 00:50:06 And I believe, yeah, Olivia Newton-John also did a country album way back in the day as well. It was just a twangier version of the Grease soundtrack. I'm wondering about Darius Rucker from Hootie and the Blowfish. How many black people are there in country music?
Starting point is 00:50:21 He's probably yet. Charlie Pry Pride was around. Charlie Pride still, yeah, made it all these years. Is he still alive, Charlie Pride? Yeah, he is still alive. Wow. And still has black hair, remarkably.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Wow. You know, they do wonderful things with hair dyes these days. Sometimes I see old men with dark, dark hair, and I'm like, that's very sad. Yeah, like a jet black. Yeah, like Wayne Newton now is just terrifying. But it's even scarier when it's just some guy on the bus.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Like who just did it with shoe polish? Yeah. Like, yeah, Wayne Newton now looks like the guys who attend Wayne Newton shows. Yeah, Wayne Newton now looks like the guys who attend Wayne Newton shows. Now, you had another, you had an overseen to accompany the overheard? Oh, yeah. There's a, this comes via Facebook.
Starting point is 00:51:27 There's this guy, Dave, I won't say his last name, but I went to Limehouse Presbyterian Church with him many years ago. Shout out. That's right. Where my limey's at. Yeah, exactly. So, yeah, the 14 people that attend the church now are 87 years old. I'm sure they're tuning in. Big podcast.
Starting point is 00:51:46 They've got jet black hair uh but uh but yeah he he added me as a friend on facebook and i'm so happy he did because his status updates uh are incredible and that he lives the most boring life i think I've ever... It's amazing, his status. They make me so happy. Well, here. Here's his last one. He goes, Went to Swishy LA for dinner. Had fantastic service!
Starting point is 00:52:17 With an exclamation mark. That's it? That's it? That's it. You gotta shout it to the rafters It was great I love it Fantastic service
Starting point is 00:52:29 Here's another one Grass equals cut That's a several times Again, exclamation mark Nice And my favorite one of him, fish tank all clean. You say he's boring, but he's getting stuff done. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:54 He gets results. He gets results, yeah. Clean the fish tank, mow the lawn, reward myself with some great service at the fish sale. Yes. reward myself with some great service at the social life. I feel like when Facebook started,
Starting point is 00:53:08 like you said, my friend, he does status updates, and everyone knows what that is. But when Facebook started, like, stand-up comedians had to, on stage, we had to explain for everyone who didn't know what Facebook was. That's right, right yeah the early you
Starting point is 00:53:25 can poke each other hold for applause but i feel now that like as soon as you uh like it's kind of it's over facebook is basically like everyone has done jokes about it yes yes it'll be reignited a bit when that movie comes out sure about facebook but like it seemed like it went from you had to explain what it was to everyone knows what it was and is tired of hearing about it yeah overnight yeah and then now there's like it's funny i watched a comic who's like you know if he's probably like 21 or 22 or whatever. And so most of his act was about Facebook. Like, it really is like, it's amazing the degree to which... That is his reality. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Yeah, exactly. And about, you know, and like, I mean, there are jokes that you can write about it. But I just, I guess I would, it never occurred to me to write that much material about it. It's like, Facebook. All right. Well, that's like a minute. But this guy was just like, it was this and the status update and this you get into, and then also when you send a message and the defriending and blocking and unblocking,
Starting point is 00:54:36 and what if somebody defriends you? And I was just like, wow, it's like detailed amount of stuff for... But yeah, that's the kids, man. Yeah, kids these days the one thing i will do with look and i told a couple of my comic friends this is if i if i if i you know if i write a joke and i i'm like that's i don't know that's i don't know that's kind of funny i'm kind of on the edge but i'm like'm like, no, I can't do that on stage. Then that'll become like a status update. Yeah, sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:08 I can't get a room full of people to like this, but surely seven people. My Swish LA buddy's going to keel over laughing at this. Give me the thumbs up, yeah. That's my entire Twitter account. Well, this is my favorite new thing on the newest
Starting point is 00:55:24 version of Facebook is the sidebar. Oh, I hate the new version. Oh, right. Go back to the old one. The sidebar thing that tells you people who like this also like that. Yeah. And my favorite so far is, and I don't know why it's recommending either to me, but it says, Adam Sandler. People who
Starting point is 00:55:48 liked him also liked Elf. Elf? With an A? Yeah, the TV show from the 80s. You sometimes say it like Elf, the movie about Elf. Oh, how I say Elf. Yes. Like that. Elf. You and your... Like Willie Tanner ow
Starting point is 00:56:05 sure don't eat my cat when's that gonna get a reboot yeah reimagining alright so we got some overheard from listeners if you want to send an overheard via email
Starting point is 00:56:23 you can send it to All right. The first one comes from Leonard M. Leonard M., an overseen from a bathroom stall I visited this weekend. Someone had etched, rise again and fuck the establishment into the stall wall. Under that, another person had written, Is the establishment your mother? If so, I already did.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Well done. Well, I wonder about those. Will the person ever come back and get mad? Well, yeah. Well, I would hope. I think my favorite, one of those bathroom graffiti things, I was in an internet cafe, and there was a bunch of guys,
Starting point is 00:57:04 scribbled a bunch of stuff and then one guy just wrote underneath it's amazing how many people poo with pens. Well, you know, the nerds with their pocket protectors. Can you even buy a pocket protector anymore? You should be able to
Starting point is 00:57:22 because there's more pockets now. Sure, a cargo pocket protector.? You should be able to because there's more pockets now. Yeah, sure. A cargo pocket protector. All right. Sorry. Okay. This next one comes from Ted F. Ted F. This is an overheard from 15 years ago.
Starting point is 00:57:40 I was in Walden Books in my hometown. I don't know if you have Walden Books in Canada, but they're really small, really crappy bookstores. Almost always in malls. Certainly we have that variant of bookstores. What is it? Kohl's? We have a Kohl's? Kohl's, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:56 I think, yeah. Like, just like, well, but there's even those even lower rent ones that are like, they don't even have a name. They're called like bookworms or whatever. Yeah. This is a chain. I've been in a Walden Books. Okay. One of the employees was shelving books and talking to another employee about where a particular book was set.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Eventually, the first employee said, well, it's got a Nazi thing, swastika, on the cover, so it must be set in Russia. Pretty good. And finally. pretty good um and finally uh this comes from andrew b in uh bellwood ontario andrew b said this is happening right now so this was live oh wow live written to us as it was happening. There are two boys, maybe eight or nine years old, goofing in Walmart while their mom is in line to pay in front of me. One will swallow some air, then the other one says in a bold voice, Release the Kraken! Then the first boy unleashes a long, loud belch.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Nice. That seems like something I would do as a kid. Yeah. I approve of that game. I like that kids are on board with the release the Kraken thing not being literal yeah like anything can be a kraken yeah and and you must release it uh so those are three uh overheards from listeners if you want to write to us at stock podcast yourself at and if you would like to call in with an overheard uh our phone number is 206-339-8328 and last week actually someone wrote in with an overhe overheard that turned out to be a falsehood.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Yeah, there was an overheard that involved somebody asking for Tampax and the person confusing it with Thumbtacks. Yeah, and we fell for it hook, line, and sinker. And I hope you're proud of yourself. Yeah, jerk face. You know who you are. Suck it. Yeah, you got a curt email back from us did we i didn't send one did you oh yes i did good for you uh yeah so if you think you can
Starting point is 00:59:52 fool us with a uh a fake email you can you can congrats so stop we're not we're not running these things through snopes every week. But yes, please do call in with your honest overheards. 206-339-8328. Dave, Graham, possible guests. This is Ben from Denver, Colorado. I have an overheard
Starting point is 01:00:18 overseen at the grocery store. So I'm standing at the meat counter waiting to get some steaks, and they have some little sample pieces of steak on toothpicks on a little hot plate for people to come up and try. So I'm standing there. This bigger gentleman walks up, grabs a toothpick with a piece of steak in it, slams it in his mouth, takes the toothpick out, throws it on the ground, and says, mmm, fucking beefy.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Wow. Dramatic. You think you bought any? Probably not. The sample place, in the Safeway I go to, there's always a woman who's got a microwave,
Starting point is 01:01:03 and she's cooking some kind of frozen thing, and it stinks. They're like two aisles. Did she leave the plastic on? Maybe that's it. That's probably the problem every time. I got some guff from some sample girls at the Whole Foods today.
Starting point is 01:01:18 I was just buying a cookie, and then they said, would you like a sample? I'm allergic to a lot of stuff, and it's just disastrous to to just sample and so it was like very polite it was like no no thanks and then they gave like then it became all peer pressury they were like come on and i was like no i'm good and it was like a three-time what are they what are they sampling on commission shit that i have a sample? Maybe I should have just taken one and thrown it on the ground. There! In the liquor store, I find that there are people giving samples.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Yeah, but they're being paid or something. Well, yeah. I mean, everyone's being paid. Not everybody. People are just giving you samples from their pockets. But in the liquor store, if you're a kid who can't afford or doesn't have a fake ID, you just go in the liquor store
Starting point is 01:02:11 because they don't ID you to sample stuff. So you're drinking some creme de coco. Yeah. And then you... They don't ID you until you start to pay for stuff. So I say, you know... Hey, kids. That word of the wise, just go to a liquor
Starting point is 01:02:26 store and start drinking in the aisles. There's someone there 20% of the time. Or shoplift. Yeah, they don't put little tags on that. There's no metal thing. You know, like at a department store. You meant they don't put up signs that say don't shop.
Starting point is 01:02:41 They probably do. But you can ignore them. That's the great thing about science. That part's not true. But feel free to go. Wait, no. How much of this are we really giving as advice to kids? Zero. Don't steal alcohol and don't drink if you're underage.
Starting point is 01:02:58 And if you do, drink free samples. Yeah. That's the heart of the matter. Hi, Dave and Graham. This is Leslie from California. Just calling in with an overheard. This happened a few weeks ago. It was graduation weekend at my college town. And I was sitting in an outside restaurant, and I heard this guy go by.
Starting point is 01:03:16 And he said quite loudly, Mom, you're being such a cock block. Mom, stop being such a cock block? You're being such a cock block. Wow, stop being such a cock block. You're being such a cock block. Wow. A block of cocks. And then she would say, in my day, we never blocked it. You are a cock blocker. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Wow. I was trying to think of a nicer way of saying cock, like a wiener. Wiener beaner. I was trying to make it rhyme. It wasn't enough time. There wasn't enough time on the clock. I'm sorry, I should...
Starting point is 01:03:55 You should have told me to come up with some nicer version of the cock plug. Pre-show email. Yeah. Moms are the worst cock blocks. Am I right? I don't know. Yeah, that's true. When you're hanging out with your mom, do you think you have some kind of ability
Starting point is 01:04:14 to get chicks anyway? I feel like, in general, women... Was it a boy? It was a boy. Yeah. You can't pick up chicks. Unless your mom is one of those Orange County real wives of Orange County.
Starting point is 01:04:31 In that case, it would help you? Yeah, because everybody's loose. What about Dick Nixer? Oh, Dick Nixer! In my day, we called him a Dick Nixer. Dick Nixer. You guys have been talking. That took me two and a half minutes.
Starting point is 01:04:46 I know, but you kept quiet for a while, but you were working on something. Yeah, because I was like, it's like Dick Flicker. No, that sounds great. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, that's not deflective enough. Yeah, Dicknixer. Cockblock is horrible. In our day, we called it a Dicknixer.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Yeah, that is good. That is good. Pretty good. All day, we called it a dick nixer. Yeah, that is good. That is good. It's pretty good. Alright, we got one more? Yeah, it was named after Richard Nixon. Yeah. Who was the president when I did all my cock blocking. Alright, one more.
Starting point is 01:05:20 This is more of an overseeing, but my name is Colin, and on the way to the Doug Stanhope show here in Vancouver, at which I met you, Graham, I was on the 135 bus, which heads downtown, and I saw a young Asian woman who appeared to be no older than 18, appeared to be no older than 18, and on her bicep she had just a full bicep tattoo of Wolverine. And not just any old Wolverine, this is Hugh Jackman Wolverine. Oh, strange! Strange choice for a particular Wolverine tattoo to go with the Hugh Jackman
Starting point is 01:06:04 variant. The comic book one is the more legitimate, I think. Here's this week. First of all, Colin, it was super nice to meet you at the Doug Stanhope Show, or as it was advertised on the Bourbon's website, the Bob Stanhope Show. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:06:21 You know you've made it, Wynn. Well, it's fun to think of a very like a character like kind of how dana carvey did carcinio which was a hybrid of johnny carson on our studio hall uh a hybrid of doug stanhope and uh no bob hope oh just work on it Workshop it Sure Jeff
Starting point is 01:06:46 I'm gonna ask you to workshop that Okay Kind of a A Dick Nixer thing Yeah yeah yeah Just him Yeah talking about Priests being pedophiles
Starting point is 01:06:54 But swinging a golf club This is what we're fighting for But yeah The Wolverine thing I got obsessed This week I was looking through There was somebody posted On the internet But yeah, the Wolverine thing, I got obsessed this week. I was looking through. There was somebody posted on the internet 850 pictures from the San Diego Comic Con of people in their costumes.
Starting point is 01:07:17 First of all, there's a lot of costumes I think I'm out of touch with. Because now it's expanded into video games and all sorts of stuff I don't really... Yeah, anime. Yeah, anime and video games. And also just like weird pop culture stuff. I'm dressed as Charlie Sheen from Two and a Half Men. It's just my thing. It's just what I like.
Starting point is 01:07:42 I'm hoping to meet John Cryer. And Comic-Con isn't about comics anymore. Well, very little of it. I mean, certainly it has its place there, but there's also previews of every movie. It should just be called Movie-Con. But that was what was funny is there was like so many different versions of the same character. Like Wolverine in particular, there would be like somebody dressed like the comic book version and then somebody doing kind of the more Hugh Jackman-y version
Starting point is 01:08:08 but then there were a lot of very beautiful women and I'm wondering and if anybody was at Comic Con I would like some kind of confirmation on this the super beautiful women that look like models paid models? Paid to dress up like superheroes? Or just super weird
Starting point is 01:08:24 super girls who weren't always hot and so got into comics. Oh, and then became super hot. And then became super hot. Yeah, the, what do they call it? Late bloomers. The ugly duckling situation? Because then they turned into swans. The dicknickers.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Yeah. But when I was looking at it, because there were some very pretty women that I could believe would be into a fantasy or a comic book. And then there were some that I'm like, they look like a model who they're like, put on this She-Hulk costume. Yeah, sure. So if anybody was at the Comic-Con and knows of what I speak, stop podcasting yourself at Or you can call 206-339-328. I know what Graham meant.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Well, yeah, but if you came across, like, were there booths that there were models working at? Okay. Like, I don't understand. Have you ever been to any convention? I've been to, yeah, nothing fun. Oh, right. You've been to insurance conventions. Yeah, I go to a lot of insurance conventions, a lot of boat shows.
Starting point is 01:09:26 No, I haven't been to any convention. I don't think I have. Have you ever been to a convention? No, no, I don't think so. Yeah, something boring, like a truck or boat, something my dad dragged me to years ago. Yeah, I've been to car shows, but those are different. Yeah, but they have models at that that aren't cars they're paid they're certainly paid there there's no it's not a place where like um you would line up for the uh chevy impala uh um what do they even call them lectures
Starting point is 01:09:57 yeah or keynote speakers yeah yeah uh anyway so if anybody let me in. Let me in on the loop. And what was the other thing that we established earlier? Oh, yeah. Celebrities now that you think would make good children cartoon characters. Oh, yeah. A la Art Carney slash Yogi Bear, et cetera. Jeff, I think we're at the end of it. Yeah, let's wrap it up.
Starting point is 01:10:20 If people want to find you online, where should they go? If they want to find out more about Jeff McHenry, where is the destination? Just go to my website, And are you touring? We've got listeners all over Canada. Are you touring anywhere soon? Yeah, my website has all my tour dates and stuff like that. I got a movie coming out.
Starting point is 01:10:49 I think it's going to be in TIFF, and it looks like it's going to be... For people who don't know, Toronto International Film Festival. Yeah, Toronto International Film Festival. And yeah, I think it's going to get a North American release. It's called Dog Pound, and it's a very serious role. Now, if I'm not mistaken You're in a prison of some sort Yes
Starting point is 01:11:08 And I rape a kid from Degrassi the Next Generation Oh in the movie Yeah He was standing in the way of craft services Yeah he was That was the one That was the one, that was the one,
Starting point is 01:11:28 because it was like six and a half weeks in Moncton, New Brunswick in November, and it's just the perfect time to go to Moncton, New Brunswick. And it was all, it was all like,
Starting point is 01:11:42 it was all, they hired me and four other professional actors, and the rest of people they hired out of the Monkton juvenile detention center. Really? Yeah, because they wanted it to be gritty and real and everything like that. Something like Oz, a little bit. Yeah. Actual prisoners in Oz.
Starting point is 01:12:00 But with cute, fun, maritime accents. Yeah. Wow. So they hired all these prisoners. they hired all these prisoners and they hired all these prisoners and then on day four the cast and crew got a memo that said several items have
Starting point is 01:12:13 gone missing from the set. We are looking for one camera. Stop producing your Kindles. One Kindle. Oh man. Well, yeah, so anybody who wants to find out on tour, Jeff McHenry, if you haven't seen him live,
Starting point is 01:12:32 wonderful stand-up comedian, very funny guy. Oh, thank you. And, yeah, thank you very much for being a guest. Well, thanks for having me, guys. It was a lot of fun. Dave, anything? I don't think so. We're going to be at Bumbershoot.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Yeah. We're there on the Saturday. We're the first show of the day. I think it's 1.30. I think it's even earlier. Isn't it a nooner? It might be a nooner. But we're the first. We're opening this bitch wide open. We're going to be the first. We still haven't confirmed who our guest
Starting point is 01:12:59 is, but it's going to be great. And really, we would like to have any and all bumpers and fans of the show to be there in full force. We got stickers. We got to get rid of these stickers. You want a sticker? Show up. And we'll do a ton of great segments.
Starting point is 01:13:16 We're going to do a whole wide berth of fantastic things at this live show. So mark that on your calendar. And yeah, if you're in town in Vancouver and you want to see me, I'm at the Comedy Mix the second week of August, the 12th to the 14th. And yeah, that's about it. Like we said before, you can contact us through the Mets. Rewind the podcast a couple of minutes.
Starting point is 01:13:39 I said how to contact us. And if you like the show, tell your friends and come back next week for another Charlie St. Cloud edition of Stop Podcasting Yourself. I can't get over this Charlie St. Cloud. music music music music

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