Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 263 - Karen O'Keefe

Episode Date: April 1, 2013

Comedian Karen O'Keefe joins us to talk extra work, dog lasers, Powder, and Fanta Tweets. And this is week one of the #MaxFunDrive. Support us at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello, everybody, and welcome to episode number 263 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who's just so excited for spring, Mr. Dave Shubka. Oh boy, I like all the spring things. The spring fling, the Sadie Hawkins dance, the enchantment of the sea dance, prom. Yeah, prom.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Prom's coming up. Who are you going to ask? Oh, boy. I think I'm going to ask that mysterious kid. Oh, yeah? The one who loves the plastic bag, the pleserine? Yeah, yeah. He loves it.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Oh, no, he's going to the prom with the bag. Yeah. Anyways. I was going to make a double bagging joke. Okay. But I didn't and so I spared you guys. And our guest this week, a very funny comedian, first time here on the show, and very excited to have her, Miss Karen O'Keefe. Thanks, I'm excited to be here. Thanks for being our guest.
Starting point is 00:01:20 I'm a longtime fan, first-time user. Yeah, you're a first-time user. user yeah you're a first time user yeah you'll never forget the first time you're just gonna be chasing the dragon that's what they say
Starting point is 00:01:31 yeah at our finer heroin establishment I am a long time fan first time user love train spotting love Kurt Cobain
Starting point is 00:01:41 oh well let's should we get to know us? Yeah. Get to know us. So, Karen, you are on tour. I am. More than two weekends in a row. I can call it a tour.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Right? Like you had to pack for different climates. Yes, yes. Right? Because you're – through Vancouver, it's very warm, but then you're going all the way up north. People are not wearing pants here. People are idiots. People are the worst.
Starting point is 00:02:09 People are like – I wasn't expecting that. No, neither – I didn't bring any summery kind of clothes. Well, you shouldn't be because it's still March. Oh, yeah. And so you're fine. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:02:19 It's them. They're wrong. It's not me. Yeah. It's not sandal weather. It's not crop top weather. I saw a lady in a belly shirt on the bus and it was so pale. So pale.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Was it Shania Twain? It was Shania Twain. She said, come on over. And I said, who's better? It's been under. The songs of hers. Yeah. That don't impress me much.
Starting point is 00:02:43 So where all are you going? You're still the one I run to. The one that I be. Was that her biggest hit, would you say? Mm-mm. Biggest Twain hits. I can't remember the first one. No, the.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Well, the first one. Any Man of Mine, right? Oh, Any Man of Mine. Oh, right. The first one was Man, I Feel Like a Woman. No, the first one was. No, Any Man of Mine was the first one. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:03:02 That was her first big hit. Yeah. And then she was going to be the country artist that had man in every title. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then they lost that. So this tour brings you, like, to here and then you're going – Then I go to Yellowknife recreationally. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:23 You're a recreational Yellowknife user. to yellow knife um recreationally yeah i'm going there for fun and so i go there for a few days uh go see my family and then after that i go down to calgary and edmonton so what is uh i've never been to yellow knife no i've been to white horse but not yellow knife yellow knife for uh listeners not in canada it's like way is that our northernmost capital city? I should know that. You should know that. Oh, man. Is it in the Arctic?
Starting point is 00:03:53 Is that considered the Arctic? Sub-Arctic. There's still trees there. So it's below the Arctic Circle. Oh, right. Hot fun in the summertime. And everything you think you've heard about it, that's probably Yukon you're thinking of. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:04:04 You're like, oh, is that the one with the icebergs? No. Dogsleds? No. Yeah, dude, I have been on a dogsled. Really? Yeah. It's the kind of thing you do when you have tourists, when you have visitors.
Starting point is 00:04:15 We don't do it because we want to. Right, right. No, it's one of those like, oh, you've got to do some local stuff, show them a good time. They invented the dogless sled about 100 years ago. Igloos? No, we don't. What would it be famous for? Famous for?
Starting point is 00:04:34 Wait, wait, wait. Sorry. What's a Quincy? A Quincy. It's a more modern igloo. It's like a big pie. Sure. More square.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Sort of a European influence. I remember having to do this in like grade 11 science class. People do it in survival camp. It looks like an igloo. It's a big pile of snow. You pile it all up and you let it kind of freeze overnight and then you dig it out. It's a snow fort, I guess. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:02 So like you make like a – kind of like a giant snowball. Yeah. And then you dig it out. Yeah, kind of a dome shape. So it still looks like an igloo but you're not the fact that it freezes together is is the structure the structural integrity it needs yeah wow but now in survival camp on the night where you're letting it freeze where where do you go during that night that is a good question like you're always one day behind with the Quincy's. I suppose you might need somewhere to go.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Again, in high school, they didn't make us do that. We came back the next day. I don't know how an igloo can work because that is you have to make every brick. Yeah, and you have to have your axe or your chainsaw with you. Oh, absolutely. I think, yeah. Your ulu. Oh, ulu is a type of knife. It's that little handheld, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Is it a curved knife? Yeah. It's like you hold it kind of in the... I think I'm getting my shit wrong here. No, you're right. A Ulu knife. No, but I'm thinking like people from Yellowknife will not be impressed with my blackout knowledge. Yeah, we've got kind of a Yellowknife blackout.
Starting point is 00:06:05 I'm pretty sure like internet's way slower up there, right? What time does email get there? Actually, people in more remote places, they have like probably the best like cable and satellite and the most because you want to be connected, like you need to be connected to the world. Like that's kind of like. They're up on Game of Thrones. Yeah. You want to be – like you need to be connected to the world. Like that's kind of what we – They're up on Game of Thrones. Yeah. So you were born and raised in this remote part of the world?
Starting point is 00:06:34 Since I was five, yeah. Wow. I claim to be from – yeah, I'm from Yellowknife. And my extended – I don't say – I never know where to say I'm from. My roots are East Coast. So my family is all from like Newfoundland and Nova Scotia and stuff. And yeah, but we grew up in Yellowknife for some reason. Yeah, what was the reason? Did they never explain it to you?
Starting point is 00:06:52 Was everybody as mystified as you? I was like, why? It's like, what? And it's weird being here. Witness protection program. Chances are I might, like walking around Toronto and stuff, chances are I'm the first person from Yellowknife they've met. Oh, yeah. So they're just like, wow.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Like, what? Do they all have red hair or do they all, you know? Good opening question, stranger. Yeah, it's really, yeah. Oh, I got some weird stuff from strangers. Graham and I were trying to guess your height. Oh, because you guys are dudes. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Men get very measure-y around me. Well, no, last week Graham was like, oh, she's like 6'2". I'm like, no way she's 6'2". How tall are you? Six feet. Ah. All right. Dave, I owe you $8,000.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I shouldn't have bet so much money on that. Dave, were you thinking higher or lower? I was thinking 5'11". All right. I'm closest without going over. Ah, touche. Because price is right rules. Because I'm a gentleman.
Starting point is 00:07:43 I was thinking 5'11". So now you say guys get very measurier. Yeah. What does that mean? Oh, they, well, first of all, guys are, they think they're all about two inches higher than they really are. They're like, well, I'm 6'1", so how come you're taller than me? Because you're not.
Starting point is 00:07:58 You're not. So I find I look for guys that I, using that two-inch margin of error, if I look – if I'm aiming for somebody who says they're 6'3", they might be 6'1". And that's good. So two guys are always over-guessing by – It's like guys – they sort of – just like where women kind of lie about their weight in that sense. Like they'll take a few pounds off. But then again, you don't ask women how much they weigh. You just don't.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I do. It's my policy. I mean I hang out with, there's a lot of actors in my life now. So it's like, it's all about your measurements and their ego. And I have people, people I don't know very well will come up to me and it's like back to back. Let's go measure.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Okay. What kind of shoes are you wearing? We're all wearing shoes. Like, are you wearing shoes? Are you wearing skates? Yes. Are you blading? Well, after
Starting point is 00:08:48 the show, what we do is we have a wall where we measure all of our guests. And then
Starting point is 00:08:53 when you come back, we'll see what your progress is. I've been losing height. I don't
Starting point is 00:08:59 know how that's happening. Now, you're saying that you're hanging out with actors and actresses. I've seen on Facebook you have a collection of photos of you in the background of shots on television shows, like where you're an extra. I'm an extra, yeah. And you got range.
Starting point is 00:09:21 You got range as far as an extra. You're on Bomb Girls, which is set in like the 40s. Actually, all of my regular shows are not set in the present era. They're like Bomb Girls. Copper was another regular gig that's set in the 1860s. Okay. When they first discovered copper. And then there's this other science fiction one that hasn't come out yet and set in the future, like Dystopia.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Well, no, there was one where you were like, it looked like you were in a police station, modern day police station. Oh, yeah, yeah. There's a lot of one-offs where it's like, they'll do a Dave. How do you get those shots? Oh, I spend a lot of time, you know, watching my, you know. Well, I know which episode it was. It's like, OK, it was like episode six of season three. And then, you know, you can find anything on the Internet nowadays.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Yeah. Pause it. And everyone's like, I didn't know you were famous. I'm like, you would not. See, if I hadn't pointed it out, you wouldn't know. And it's really just the main actor walking past me. Yeah. I hadn't paused it.
Starting point is 00:10:22 The scene where the main actor goes back to back with you to measure himself oh i get sent to the back of a lot of things like no not her no sit down yeah it's uh it's a very like i like the collection because it makes it look like you're like this is my highlight reel and like if it was it was actual footage and I guess you know there's you know being a comedian I have friends with real actors who have speaking roles and stuff so I think my little collection of background images it probably seems kind of silly but I'm just like I get a kick out of it and sort of like my relatives and oh yeah people who are not in the industry who it probably looks more important than it is. Do people in Yellowknife like really like – Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:08 She's a bomb girl. That's right. They're like, which one is she? Like, no, you don't know. She's the one who gets her head ripped off. Like, no. What show is this? Spoiler alert.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Was that a bomb girl? It was in the pilot episode. There was a horrible accident. Oh, really? It was a disfiguring accident, yeah. But anyway, it happens right in the first episode, so I don't think you're wrecking everything. Wow. But they're like, which one is she?
Starting point is 00:11:34 I'm not watching that. I'm not, yeah, no. Like, no, I'm walking, I'm carrying a box, and I walk around a lot, and I build bombs. But, like, are you, do you have, like, a specific, you must have a specific wardrobe on the show where they're like this is your – like stuff that only your background character wears. Yeah, we do. And I was like, yeah, usually classified by a number. I was like, oh, yeah, I'm number 27. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:56 And there's your rack. And then so I got my bomb suit and then like our day clothes, I guess, you know, like a skirt and a blackout or whatever. You're outside of the factory stuff. And yeah, so I really like doing that. Like I like having what we call continuity. That's what you, you hope to get a good job. Like any of those cop shows, you'll always see the same cops in the background because that's, they would be working with those same people.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Right. And then is it like, does it ever happen where the writers are like, we need a just person to go, hey chief, like we just need one. We all dream of that. And we're like, when are like, we need just a person to go, hey, chief. Like we just need one. We all dream of that. We're like, when are they going to give you a line? Like they don't. I actually did get – because I know they'll speak to you and you have to nod quietly back at them because it's the whole – if you say stuff, then that's a whole other – then they have to pay you more. Then you become an actor and then you get a credit.
Starting point is 00:12:43 It's like really the only difference between being an extra and an actor. Well, I'm sure there's other differences, but it's a huge line. It's a dental plan. It's a whole line. And I was on an episode where, it's funny, I'm on IMDB now as a cult member because they gave us lines, they made us chant something. And it's like, I don't know if we're supposed to, but we all kind of protested it. And it seems like so silly.
Starting point is 00:13:03 I'm like, it's not like I was in danger. It just made us chant these four words over and over again. And we're like, technically don't know if we're supposed to, but we all kind of protested it. And it seems like so silly. I'm like, it's not like I was in danger. It just made us chant these four words over and over again. And we're like, technically, that's speaking role. So they had to like, oh, yeah, the union protested it. So we had to like. What? So now we're, yeah. So they had to buy us out as like actors and stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:20 They had to like pay us. It was great. It was a mistake that somebody, I guess, that somebody made and directed us. And the directors aren't supposed to talk to us directly. Right. Like, you cannot direct me. I'm not an actor. So because of that, they're like, well, technically, we made them actors.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Great. This is expensive. And then, like, all the actors on set are like, oh, what? I don't know. Oh, that's all it takes. That's the difference between us and you. Yeah. And I had a friend
Starting point is 00:13:45 she's like well what happens if you like shout something out and I'm like they escort me off the set cause they're like
Starting point is 00:13:52 first of all they'd be like don't do that and then I'm sure they can just edit it like you know it's not like I'm just like
Starting point is 00:13:57 blurt something out and they're like great now she's an actor oh no we ran out of film we had to use that take they'll be like stop doing that and then probably shoot it again Oh, no, we ran out of film. We had to use that tape. They'll be like, stop doing that and then probably shoot it again. I have a friend who used to do like a lot of extra work, a guy named Aubrey Tennant.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. He was on a movie as an extra. He was on Scary Movie, the first. And he was goofing around so much as an extra that they cast him they like moved him up and gave him an actual speaking role we call that Robin William-zing
Starting point is 00:14:34 yeah but he just kept standing out in every scene because he kept acting so goofy that who was it I guess Kenan Ivory Wayans directed the first Scary Movie i guess keenan ivory wins directed the first scary movie i don't remember who directed the first one i i'm a big fan of the of the whole series yeah anyways yeah he ends up in a scene where he's like smoking pot with the oh with the killer character yeah
Starting point is 00:14:59 in the uh scream mask yeah yeah yeah but i think that's the only time in the history of extra work. But he's also, he's also gained some notoriety on the internet for, that chimpanzee hockey thing. He was in the audience. I looked that up after I heard it from this show.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Oh, we've already talked about it? He was in the clip, yeah. But it was like, probably four years ago. No, but yeah, he's going so crazy as a fan. Yeah, in the trailer. Like that's,
Starting point is 00:15:23 he stands out in the trailer. I always love that. I don't know if anyone sat through the movie. There's a character and that's their one line of the whole film and then it ends up in the trailer where they're like, this hits the right tone.
Starting point is 00:15:39 The O-Face guy from Office Space. That's exactly what I was thinking. There's two lines in the whole movie but you'd swear that he was like... The main character. Yeah, yeah. He's part of the crew. What was the...
Starting point is 00:15:52 Was Bomb Girls also where you were in the cult? No, no. After Hours. No, the cult was a one... And that's the thing with that cult thing. I don't know if I can say it because I'm like maybe because of this thing maybe they won't hire
Starting point is 00:16:07 us 12 people back the ones who protested as well unless they need a scene where there's a lot of protesters they need something that looks natural
Starting point is 00:16:14 you guys were great at chanting we got a chanting scene and we need only the best but you're not you're just gonna move your lips like you're chanting
Starting point is 00:16:23 we figured it out this time. That's, yeah. What happens, like, say we'll be in a, like, for Bomb Girls, we'll be in a cafeteria scene where we're all eating. We have to be, like, really animated but silent. And then they, you know, obviously, because we're like, whoa, I'm eating and stuff. Like a foot-long hoagie eating it really animated. And they're like, yeah, because you guys are all friends.
Starting point is 00:16:44 You're all boisterous but like silent and then you know so the actors can do their dialogue and then when you watch it on TV they add in the sounds
Starting point is 00:16:51 of things clinking and people talking it's like exactly how it would have been do you have you ever actually eaten in this scene
Starting point is 00:16:58 yeah absolutely good question I mean yeah but they're like eat it but not too much because then the prop guy
Starting point is 00:17:07 and it was before lunch too and it was like meatloaf or something you're like excuse me director I ate all of my meatloaf in the last scene I accidentally
Starting point is 00:17:17 ate my meatloaf and then like they had vegetarian options because that's because it was the parties because they're all actors yeah because they're all actors
Starting point is 00:17:25 they're like oh I can't eat you know meatloaf and yeah I'm gonna eat these carbs we have another loaf you can eat I just
Starting point is 00:17:35 like the idea of Sony and like the first take it's like this is great prop food um I can't am I just supposed to mime that I have meatloaf for this next scene?
Starting point is 00:17:49 I'm out of meatloaf. And they have to go in and put in CGI meatloaf. Yeah, and the meatloaf gets a pay upgrade because the director got mad at it. Because the director got mad at it. Oh, man. Extra work is great. Have you ever done a grin? Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Yeah. What was the last thing I was an extra in? I think there was a show on Much Music called The Guide to Becoming a Rock Star or something. With Oliver Hudson. Yeah. And the woman ended up on Two and a Half Men. She played like Charlie Sheen's fiance.
Starting point is 00:18:32 It was like one of those. They look alike. I'm not sure. They're two fiances. Yeah. Charlie Sheen is like the sex one. John Cryer is the other one. They do look alike though I just remember it being really
Starting point is 00:18:48 cold right like wherever they would put extras they just would either you were in the parking lot or you were in an abandoned apartment or like just wherever the holding area yeah like and they just wouldn't waste money
Starting point is 00:19:04 on like no yeah yeah right as i say we're movable scenery like we're just there to be one day to be replaced by cgi oh no doubt yeah right that's what they do with giant crowds you know like just film the same people and oh right rubber stamp and photoshop just like copy and paste them yeah there's like that's what was on titanic apparently they had like 10 different actors and then like leonardo di caprio you can see him 40 times on the ship sometimes he walks by himself and he's in the background he's a very good actor though he does a double take it's very real he's like i did see that in one of my scenes where i was playing a security guard so they were like
Starting point is 00:19:44 staring at a blank screen and then they cgi CGI later me walking past like I'm watching a security frame. Of course, only I would notice that. But I'm like, here I am at my computer watching myself watch myself on TV. That seems like it was a mistake, a continuity mistake. Yeah, exactly. I need to do more with my day, I guess. Nope. No.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Don't beat up on yourself. I was in Extra a couple times. Once in the pilot episode of Party of Five. What? Yeah. They shot it at my high school, so they got a bunch of us to. Did they shoot the whole thing? No, I think they moved it to L.A. afterwards.
Starting point is 00:20:28 But the other thing I was in was this movie. It was like a made-for-TV movie, Disney Channel, where they did like modern interperations of classic stories. And this one was about, this one was based on the Hunchback of Notre Dame but it was about a football player and it was called The Halfback of Notre Dame I think I've seen that
Starting point is 00:20:49 and I was so nervous you puked no there's like do you know this story like I was good I was fine in like
Starting point is 00:20:59 crowd scenes because you just have to whatever get moshed around but there was one where i was supposed to be walking through a square like in the middle of this school uh through the courtyard
Starting point is 00:21:11 and there was a nun there were like three or four other people walking through this uh courtyard and like the assistant director gave us each a path to walk you walk from here to here and you walk from here to here and like I saw it happening from you know 50 feet away that I was going to run into this other nun or this nun I wasn't a nun. Yeah why were you a nun? I was on the run
Starting point is 00:21:38 and so and I totally did what do I do? Do I disobey the assistant director or do I run into the and run it's like what do I do do I disobey the assistant director or do I run into and run into the nun or do I
Starting point is 00:21:49 so meanwhile there's like a car going off the ramp and they're like oh no don't run into the nun that was our one take
Starting point is 00:21:56 yeah oh man yep I I did extra work when I was a kid in Calgary there was like one show that a kid in Calgary.
Starting point is 00:22:09 There was like one show that was shot in Calgary and it was Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, the television show. I didn't know. Wow, okay. Interesting. Starring Peter Scolari as the Rick Moran. All right. And it was at a roller rink, Lloyd's Rollercade. Are you familiar? I've been there once and I'm assuming that's the only roller rink. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's certainly calgary's foremost i don't know make it in the earlier 80s it was uh in the roller rink what's uh the premier roller rink in yellow knife
Starting point is 00:22:37 it's hazard i'm gonna go out and say uh i do not believe they have a roller rink what there are two hockey. Oh, no. There's more now. Anyways, there's plenty of ice surfaces. Sure, but there's no roller. No. It's not.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Yeah, I guess maybe if you're an aspiring roller skater. Are you actually surprised that there's no roller rink there? Yeah. Well, it's a capital city. I just assume. You know. So in Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, did he shrink the kids in every episode? No, he had like all, well, yeah. Well, no, he had all sorts of gadgets.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Right. That was the premise. So this took place in the 70s. What? Oh, it was a flashback? No, the time machine. He time machined his kids. Oh, obviously.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Honey, I time machined the kids. Different terrible things to the kids yeah different terrible things to the kids in each episode yeah yeah yeah yeah other dimensions honey I decapitated
Starting point is 00:23:31 the kids yeah that's just him with a sword that's why I never mentioned the sword um
Starting point is 00:23:39 this time machine is a guillotine oh wait no it's just a guillotine. Oh, wait, no, it's just a guillotine. And so there was a, like, we had to roller skate around in a circle, like, for, I don't know, seven or eight hours. Same direction? Same direction. So your right leg was much bigger than your left leg. Yeah, and we were all wearing like polyester. So everybody's just like sweating and gross.
Starting point is 00:24:05 And then at one point, the director or assistant director, I guess, was like, you, you and you take off your skates and be like, you're returning them. And like, oh, they just smelled so bad. Like the sound guy standing next to me was making fun of me. I was just a kid. I was like, oh, no. This adult guy is making fun of me. I didn't just a kid, I was like, oh no, this adult guy's making fun of me. I didn't bring these. These aren't mine.
Starting point is 00:24:29 But yeah, that, I just remember, and then I watched the episode and it was just like, I was like, wow, why the fuck did I even.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Did you see yourself in it? Nope. Okay. Not even, not even a freeze frame where I could have like grabbed it. There's nothing, just like not in it at all.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Yeah, I mean, it's a fun way to waste an afternoon and make 80 bucks. Yeah, yeah. Oh, but then sometimes you get called into one where it's at night and it's so cold and so dark and scary. Have you ever done one at night where you're like
Starting point is 00:24:59 outside in a tent at night? Yeah, terrifying. The camping episode? Yeah, I've done a night one where we just, just on the street, we just had to walk around and I don't know. But it was scary.
Starting point is 00:25:13 But were you inside or outside? We were in, it was a warehouse-y kind of place, yeah. Yeah. Scary wasn't really the first thing. It was more like sleepy.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Yeah, yeah. It was 12 hours. I get the two kind of, I mix those together when i'm sleepy i get kind of scared yeah you know my defenses aren't up yeah well because of freddy are you ready for freddy no no no not at all um dave what's going on with you uh oh not a heck of a lot um this week i've been to the vet three times. You personally? That's how Dave saves money.
Starting point is 00:25:53 So last weekend my dog had been kind of limping for a couple weeks. Like a real grandpa. Yeah, like a real bonafide grandpa. And in the past he's sort of like twisted an ankle. And every time we take him to the vet, they're like, yeah, just don't let him go crazy for a little while. And so we were like, oh, it'll just be that. But then he kept limping. So we took him to the vet and they were like, we think he may have torn his ACL. What?
Starting point is 00:26:18 Not ruptured. Dogs have ACLs. Wow. So it's like frayed. But it's. Wow. So it's like frayed, but it's – and he doesn't seem to be too bothered by it. He just limps a little bit like when he wakes up, but then he'll – Kind of like a gangster.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yeah. Yeah. He's got one pant leg rolled up. But the vet was like, well, what we recommend for this, what we've just started doing is laser treatment. Wow. For a dog. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:51 So they were like, this might be the option for you. But they didn't actually give us an option. They were like, let's do it. Because he's like just unwrapping the laser. He's like, I really want to fire this thing up. No, it is that. We just got this laser and we're trying it. We need to point it at something.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And like all throughout the month of March, treatments are half off. Wow. And we were like, but you didn't tell us how much they cost in the first place. You're like, hey, doc, you might shoot one of those in my left eye. It's kind of wonky. Is that how it works? You just ate the laser? Well, what it is.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Different things? Honey, I shrunk the kids Yeah, exactly What you have to do is you bring your dog to the laser room Which is just any room Any room with a laser becomes the laser room That's right It's this weird computer box that has a wand attached to it.
Starting point is 00:27:45 What? And you, like, they can move it between rooms. It's on wheels. And they plug it into the wall. And they program in your dog's hair color. Oh. And skin color. Gray.
Starting point is 00:28:02 That's just what it is. And they, and then, it said it comes up oh this dog needs four minutes and 43 seconds of laser wow yeah and so they take out the thing they give you goggles that you need to put on oh yeah and there are goggles for the dog as well that's so cute that's pretty. It's a small dog. Yeah. Unfortunately, he doesn't need the goggles
Starting point is 00:28:29 because it's his back leg. So he wouldn't get laser in the eyes, but it would be so cute. Yeah. And the doctor is like, yeah, you need six treatments of this. So I've gone three times, but we have to go three more times.
Starting point is 00:28:43 And yeah, he jumps up on the table. He loves the vet. He always gets super excited and jumps right up on the examination table. He does not love this. No. But he jumps up on the table. And then about two minutes into the four minutes, he's like, I don't want to do this anymore.
Starting point is 00:28:58 I'm not as cool with this as you guys. This is heating up my leg. I think that's all it does. Yeah. What does a – I'm very – I don't know exactly. Yeah. I don't really know what laser is.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And they were like, it's a class four laser if you want to look that up. And I was like, no, I don't. But they explained like class one is your TV remote control. Class two is a laser pointer. Class three is something else. And class four is for dog ligaments. But the people at the vet are like,
Starting point is 00:29:32 oh yeah, we use this on ourselves too. Wait, it doesn't say that in the brochure. They're just shooting at each other. They seem so bored. Heating up their legs. Yeah, somebody's just warming up their coffee with it. I feel like someone must have bought it without asking anyone else. Because we don't know who runs the vet.
Starting point is 00:29:53 We get a different doctor every time. The nurses or assistants or whatever, they're always the same. But there's always like a different guy. The vet comes in and goes so this is a dog uh wow i didn't know i i've never had a laser treatment and i don't have you ever had a laser anything maybe yeah i've lasered stuff really my eyes oh like lasik lasik yeah that's a prk same thing yeah that's french for kentucky right chicken Oh, like LASIK? LASIK surgery? Yeah, I got to PRK. Same thing. That's French for Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Are you awake? Can you see them doing it? Yeah. Oh, what is that like? I brought a comedian with me who was describing it to me afterward. I brought Laurie Gibbs. Oh, yeah, we've had Laurie Gibbs. Yeah, she was there for moral support.
Starting point is 00:30:44 For moral support and it was yeah it was great I could see it and it wasn't they offer you anti-anxiety drugs
Starting point is 00:30:52 because you know lasers yeah yeah yeah lasers in your eyes yeah and I was like no thanks because I thought
Starting point is 00:30:59 it would be like a dental treatment like I want to be awake for this I want to remember everything they're like why do you want to
Starting point is 00:31:04 remember the dentist I don't know this. I want to remember everything. Why do you want to remember the dentist? I don't know. This is only going to happen once. I want to see stuff. It was good. And then Laurie was just sitting in a chair because she was like my ride and everything. She's like, so what do I do? Do I just drop you off or do I just drive around a bit?
Starting point is 00:31:21 Or like, how long does this take? Like, I don't know. I've never done this before. Yeah. And then they're like, oh, your friend can come in with you. And we're like, oh, yay. Because it's like, well, somebody's got to see this if I can't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:31 And so she could see smoke coming off my eyes. But she's like, I didn't say anything at the time. Oh, my goodness. It was probably steam. Your eyes are pretty wet. What, like, could you see the laser? Do you want to guess the laser color? I'm going to guess blue.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Green. Oh, I don't remember now. I think it was red. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, red. Standard laser color. With the red laser, I always think that they strap you to the table and then, like, line it up your crotch. Oh, I thought they were going to see if there was a barcode in your eyeball.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Oh, wow. they were going to see if there was a barcode in your eyeball. Oh, wow. Smoke off your eyeball. Did you notice, like, it doesn't, like, heal it immediately? Like, you didn't, your vision didn't improve. Like, laser on the eye. Oh, I can see. It was so strange to, yeah, when I just sort of sat up and my eyes didn't
Starting point is 00:32:21 hurt because I gave them numbing, you know, like, they were numb and everything. They're like right i'm cool and i wanted to see if my i'm like my face looked exactly the same um like all right so but did they just said yeah you're gonna be really light sensitive wear your sunglasses for the next few days um how long did it take it was pretty quick it was 30 i do remember it was 30 seconds i said stare straight ahead at this light just don't move that's your only job is just look at this light. Right. And then I was like, what? You know, like if you move your head, does it like laser the side of your face? How'd you get those scars?
Starting point is 00:32:51 How'd you get that zigzag all over your face? And they're like, no, it'll turn off. We got these safety men. Like, okay, good. Oh, I saw a butterfly out the window. And then it actually did. That actually did happen. Not the butterfly part, but like the laser just shut off. And they're like, uh-oh. And they're like, you moved.
Starting point is 00:33:10 And Laurie's like, I swear you didn't move. Like, well, I moved enough that they turned off the laser. Nobody seemed that concerned. Did they put those clockwork orange things? Yeah, it was clamped open. Sorry, I thought this was stuff everybody knew already. No, but it's still nice to be reminded. I just.
Starting point is 00:33:26 I was like, oh, everyone knows this. Yeah. When people say the, it was 30 seconds? Yeah. They said just, yeah, 30 seconds. And it was a long 30 seconds. That's crazy. Because I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:33:36 30 seconds per eye? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's a minute. I thought it was hours of this like little like laser. No, that's a, yeah. Apparently if you get laser hair removal, that'll take a while. It's because they've got to zap everything.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Is it the same laser? Same laser that they use for hair removal? No. They're all different classes. To burn hair off has got to be a pretty heavy... You can't just take your remote control and just run it up and down your arms.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Yes, I know. Yes, I can. No one's saying you can't. Yeah, I know. Oh, yeah, there's laser hair removal. There's also like laser like. Skin stuff? Laser stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Laser stuff. There's tattoos. You can get rid of tattoos via laser. Yeah. But I don't understand how that works. works I don't know anything about how lasers work And that takes a long time That takes numerous treatments and is apparently quite painful Actually there's a place on our way to the vet
Starting point is 00:34:35 We had never noticed this place Our vet's five minutes away But we noticed that there's a tattoo parlor On King's Way On the way to the vet And the tattoo parlor also has a sign for tattoo removal so it's a one-stop shop it's just like a couple goes in one gets the thing removed the other one's getting a new tattoo why no forever uh wow yeah yeah i gotta learn i gotta
Starting point is 00:35:00 learn me some lasers not necessarily but yeah in conclusion yeah, in conclusion, the laser eye didn't hurt. Like it was just the – like it hurt later. But the actual like your eyes were numb for it. And now you don't have to wear glasses? Yeah, no. It's great. I've gotten to the point where I just don't – I forget about it. Like they don't work very well in dim light.
Starting point is 00:35:20 My eyes aren't sure what to do there. But either if it's really light or really dark. Huh. All right. So if you're going to sneak up on you. Yeah. Do it in a subway station. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:28 That's where I have trouble seeing. Or romantic evening with Karen. Dim the lights. She will fall over the coffee table. So yeah, it's been a lasery week.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Yeah. Wow. I still don't understand how putting a laser on your eye makes you able to see. Yeah, they shave something off or something. Is it the one with the scalpel? Because there's two ways of doing it. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I picked the older version. They offered me you could get LASIK, which is the popular one, but I got PRK. You got VLASIK, which is a pickle. popular one, but I got PRK. You got Vlasic, which is a pickle. PRK is, I guess, the older style where they don't cut you. They just threaten to cut you?
Starting point is 00:36:14 I'm going to cut you. We heard you've been snitching. With LASIK, there's that flap. I don't know if you've heard. They open. Okay. No, no, no. Keep talking. I didn't know if you've heard that. Okay. No, no. No, tell him. Keep talking.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I just feel like, I didn't plan on talking about this. Okay. But anyway, I was like, no flap. I'll pick the no flap version. And then it just sort of, I don't know how this somehow works. But I picked the older, more invasive, longer recovery one. Sure. A little bit cheaper.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I think no flap is a good yeah it seemed right there i don't know yeah because the flap i guess will always be there just it'll you assume it'll stay as soon as it stays closed i don't know and then i i moved i got that done in calgary and then i moved to toronto before i could i didn't realize that there was a nine month technical recovery process like right i thought i was like okay three weeks i'm good right but they're like no i have to have monthly follow-ups and i was like, okay, three weeks, I'm good. Right. But they're like, no, I have to have monthly follow-ups. And I was like, so then I moved to Toronto and had to find an optometrist there.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And he was like, you got that, like the old, like the one that I got the version that takes. You got no flap. We only do flap. But he's like. Put on these footie pajamas. Yeah. It was a longer recovery. It took about 10 days to recover as opposed to like LASIK, which is quick and it's two
Starting point is 00:37:23 or three days. And he's like, nobody in Toronto gets that old one anymore. Just like people don't have time to miss 10 days of work. Everyone's busy here. So much hustle bustle. Hand bustle. It's a real go-go Toronto. Oh, but update.
Starting point is 00:37:40 My dog's leg. Oh, yeah. Not improved at all. But his tattoo is starting to fade. He does have a tattoo. Like, is his hair still there, too? Yeah. He's getting laser hair removed.
Starting point is 00:37:52 He just has this one spot on his butt. Yeah, the hair's all gone. His leg's not any better. And every time he walks by the TV, the channel changes. How do these lasers work? Is the laser in him? No, no. We set, the channel changes. How do these lasers work? Is the laser in him? No, no, we set up the wrong laser. Oh, no, this is a
Starting point is 00:38:11 class one. Now your dog is technically a remote. Oh, man. This is pretty great. What's going on with you, my friend? We're still in the same segment. Yeah. So this evening, you as well we are both a part of a show called rap
Starting point is 00:38:31 battles which is inspired by a show that happens in toronto okay um where uh wherein you pick a character and you rap as that character you're paired up against another performer and they will also. Like a historical character or something. Or yeah, whatever. You can be a pop culture character, whatever character you want. So like the person I'm teamed up with, past guest Sarah Sablota. Slopota.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I don't know. Not explode. Exploda. She decided to be the character Powder from the movie Powder. Remember that movie? Which was, yeah. Was that shot here too? Uh, probably.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Sean Patrick Flannery, is that the actor? That is correct. Also Jeff Goldblum and Mary Steenburgen. Oh, okay. Um, I hadn't seen it since, uh, since it came out. Yeah, I have never seen it. And, uh, I'm Teen Wolf and yep easy easy easy
Starting point is 00:39:26 but the thing was in preparation for the wrap it up like I didn't know I could I remember that Powder was like a really
Starting point is 00:39:35 pale guy and he was bald that's it yeah I remember there was a scene that involved a deer he like electrified it
Starting point is 00:39:42 a deer or something yeah oh doesn't he get struck by lightning all the time yeah so I watched it and here's the thing I watched it with did you watch Teen Wolf as well yeah yeah oh twice
Starting point is 00:39:54 I watched Teen Wolf twice oh can I ask you a question yes what are you looking at dick nose styles pardon me pardon my language. I haven't seen that movie in a while. You should. It's been a while.
Starting point is 00:40:08 I'm like, okay. It holds up. I haven't heard Dick Nose in a while. I don't think they ever say it. It's just written on a T-shirt. Yeah. And when they show it on TV, they have to have a bar across his T-shirt the whole time. So I was watching Powder with – I watched it online with my friend Jeanette, artist Jeanette.
Starting point is 00:40:31 How do you watch a movie online? We were on Skype and then watched it on YouTube. Okay. And at the beginning of the movie, she's like, I seem to recall that there's some sort of connection to like pedophile or something. Oh, isn't the director? The writer and the director is a convicted pedophile. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Before this movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Like this wasn't like. Like they still hired him. Yeah, yeah. And it's a Disney subsidiary made this movie. And man, was it made by a pedophile. Like it is crazy. It's not like one of those, oh, if I didn't know, I wouldn't know.
Starting point is 00:41:11 It's just like, oh man, there's just so many scenes where you're like, but what? They still release this? Oh man, it's crazy. Like for instance. For instance,
Starting point is 00:41:22 there's a scene, there is a almost 45-second long scene where a shirtless boy takes, like, washes his, like, a towel in water and then, like, wrings it over his head in slow motion. And I'm like, well, that doesn't exist in any movie. Yeah. There's no. And then one of the kids on the basketball team is like, hey,
Starting point is 00:41:47 Poe was staring at you. And I was like, of course he was. Nobody cools themselves off in that kind of sexy way. Yeah. And he was doing it in slow motion.
Starting point is 00:41:56 And then that is followed after this guy calls Powder out for being a gay, takes him outside, takes off all of powder's clothes and then uh pushes him in a mud puddle was his name powder before yeah his name is powder like like before was he born with these weird powers yeah his uh his mom was hit by lightning
Starting point is 00:42:18 and so he's a lightning baby okay yeah that's a thing and like at the beginning of the movie very first scene there's such a stupid fucking movie like it's unbelievably dumb and bad in every possible way but at the beginning of the movie the mom dies during childbirth and and powder's born and they like warn the dad they're like we have to warn warn you. The baby is an albino. And so his skin is very white. And then the dad comes in and he just like freaks out. He's like, that's not my baby. And it just like looks like a pale baby.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Like it's not like a monster baby. Yeah. He's completely hairless too, right? Yes. But as a baby, that's not a big deal. Yeah. So, yeah, but it's not like he wasn't like a flipper baby or a wolf baby. He wasn't a teen wolf.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Yeah, he wasn't a teen wolf. A teen wolf's dad, very accepting. Yeah, exactly. But, yeah, so then the dad just like abandons Powder because he's too pale. Oh, no. No, son of mine won't be able to go in the sun around noon. Yeah. And then, yeah, they find him.
Starting point is 00:43:29 He's been living in a basement. He's super smart. And he can, like, touch a thing and then touch another thing. And, like, those two things can feel each other. He wears a lot of trench coats. Yeah, he wears a hat. Those blue sunglasses. Oh, yeah, he gets contacts.
Starting point is 00:43:44 So he doesn't have red eyes he's got blue eyes okay um uh this was pre uh laser he didn't get a flap he got a pouch and uh and there's there's like two like there's a scene in it where he makes all the cutlery in a in a dining hall like magnetic. But the bullies pick on him initially because he's pale. Yeah, but then when he shows them the powers, like any regular kid would be like, you're the most awesome kid in school. Make other things magnet and electric. Or stay away from me.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Yeah. But they all are just like so mad at him for being so awesome. But it's not like they're not mad at him because everybody else thinks he's awesome. It's not like in Teen Wolf where there's one guy who's like, oh, I'm jealous of Teen Wolf. They just hate him because they need to instill conflict in the movie where there is none. He's a good looking kid, too. That's the thing. He's just a little pale.
Starting point is 00:44:42 And everybody's like, what a freak. What a weirdo. Can I ask you, in your characterization, how many beer cans are you going to bite? Oh, zero, because you can't do that in real life. Okay. That's in Teen Wolf. Okay. See it again for the first time.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Yeah, yeah. It really holds up. Powder, not as much not good i think the director has done like a few other yeah he made a movie called jeepers creepers okay um but i think it's like francis ford coppola was like the guy who like vouched for him he's like no this guy's like a great director he's gonna make great make great stuff. Guys, let's forgive his horrible background so he can make an amazing movie. And he made Powder. So anyways, wild man. I've never seen a movie like that ever.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Crazy. I don't recommend, but if you have to. Yeah. See it with a friend. Yeah, see it with a friend. See it with a friend. Yeah, see it with a friend. See it with a friend over the internet on YouTube. Well, should we? It's optional.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Yeah, exactly. Absolutely. Well, should we move on to Overheard? Yeah. Overheard's are coming up in a bit, but first we wanted to mention this. This is the first of two episodes as part of this year's Max Fun Drive. And that means for the next two weeks, we are trying to get as many new donors to the Maximum Fun Podcasting organization as possible. Our goal this year is 1,000 new donors.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Just for our podcast. Yeah, yeah. That's our singular goal. Now, if you're a regular donor already, thank you. Yeah, thank you. We love you and thank you for supporting our show. And if you're new to the show or you've never donated before, there's many levels of donation that you can donate to the show. We prefer a monthly donation.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Yeah, because of the maximum fund sort of business model. A monthly donation works best for budgeting and stuff. And the maximum fund organization. Does it sound too, I guess, too much like an organization. Well, it's not not an organization. It's not Scattershot. Yeah. This past year, we've been bringing on board a lot more content.
Starting point is 00:47:17 There's the One Bad Mother podcast. Yep. There's Wham Bam Pow. Wham Bam Pow. I was going to say Wham Bam Kapow, but you're right. It's Wham Bam Pow. The Dave Hill podcasting incident have all joined the network in the past year. And so, yeah, your donations keep more content coming.
Starting point is 00:47:43 And also it keeps the content that we have already done up forever. Yeah. So every single episode that we've ever recorded is available online. You can download it for free. You don't have to like pay for back episodes. Some podcasts will group together old episodes and you have to be able, you have to buy them to get them. Ours are downloadable to anybody for all time. And so if you've ever been thinking about donating to Maximum Fun, now is the time.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Because actually during the Max Fun Drive, there are challenge donors. There are these donors who already donate to the show or to the network. And they've pledged a certain amount for each new donor we get. So I think it's up to like $5 per donor now. So if we get another thousand donors, then there will be an extra $5,000 in the pot. And also to our current members who are already donating, if you up your donation, you will be eligible for the pledge drive gifts that are being given away this year to people who are joining up as new members. Yeah. But we'll get to those gifts a little bit later in the show.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Yeah, hold your horses. Hold on to your butts. Ah, yeah. But, yeah, thanks, everyone, for supporting the show. Thank you for continuing to do it. Thanks, everyone, for supporting the show. Thank you for continuing to do it. We hope, if you do not yet support it,
Starting point is 00:49:10 that you take this time to head over to and click on Donate. Now, for realsies, do you want to move on to Overheard? I sure do, Dave. Overheard. Now it's time for Overheard. Now, Graham, before we move on to Overheard, it's time for my favorite segment on the show, a segment called Fanta Tweets.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Ooh, Fanta Tweets! Now, Fanta Tweets is a special time in a young boy's life. Now, Dave, shut it down, because right now it's time for my favorite segment on the show. A little segment called Hulk Hogan News. It's a Hulk Hogan
Starting point is 00:49:42 News. It's a Hulk Hogan News. Let us all rejoice. I think there might be a theme song. I think there was. It's a Hulk Hogan News. It's a Hulk Hogan News. Let us all rejoice. I think there might be a theme song. I think there was. Let's hear it. Let's hear it for the boys. Now, Graham, shut up. Before you talk about Overheard, it's very important that I
Starting point is 00:50:00 reinforce how much I enjoy Overheard. I think that they're one of our greatest segments. Um, now, uh, I interrupted the overheards introduction because, uh, a segment called Hulk Hogan news.
Starting point is 00:50:14 It's a Hulk Hogan news. It's a Hulk Hogan news. It's a Hulk Hogan news. It's a Hulk Hogan news. Fought and won. The Nazi, the Japanese, the Soviets. It's a Hulk Hogan news. It's a Hulk Hogan news. Fought and won. The Nazis. The Japanese. The Soviets.
Starting point is 00:50:26 It's a Hulk Hogan news. It's a Hulk Hogan news. We say a lot of nonsense. It's a Hulk Hogan news. Only 30 more seconds. Hulk Hogan news. What? Hulk Hogan news.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Hulk Hogan news. Hulk Hogan news. Hulk Hogan news. It's a Hulk Hogan news. It's a Hulk Hogan news? It's a Hulk Hogan news. It's kind of sad, this one. It's like the funeral for Hulk Hogan. Yeah, it's like they're sending Hulk Hogan's body down whatever Irish river.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Is that what they do? It sounded like a mournful Irish tune. Yeah, it's true. But you'll be glad to know. Down the Orinoco flow. They're not. Hulk Hogan news is not dead. Thank you for the, by the way, thank you for the theme song submission, Jason R.
Starting point is 00:51:21 If you want to submit a theme song, make sure it's weird, apparently. Make it weirder. The weirder, the better. You can send it to spy at Now, this week in Hulk Hogan news, there's a UFC fighter named Fallon Fox. Okay. He was the love child of Jimmy Fallon and Jamie Foxx. That's right.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Took his last – both last names. Fallon Foxx is a post-op transsexual. So was born a man, is now a woman, wanting to fight women in the UFC. Oh. Which people like Dana White, founder of the UFC, and Joe Rogan say, no go. Yeah. Because still very big. There's still very mannish proportions.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Right. Are there not weight classes? Yeah. She weighs the same as some of the female fighters, but she's much bigger. Okay. Stronger looking. Sure. Anyways, Hulk Hogan has decided to chime in on this debate.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Sure, if Joe Rogan's going to. Yeah, exactly. Move over, Joe Rogan. Some other intellectuals want a seat at the table. Yeah, what does Hulk Hogan feel about Carlos Mencilia? Hulk said that he would gladly fight Fallon Fox. And, yep, he doesn't care, man or woman. He will gladly take them on in the ring.
Starting point is 00:53:02 As long as it is wrestling and phony. He will gladly take them on in the ring. As long as it is wrestling and phony. Because there's no doubt this Fallon Fox would destroy Hulk Hogan at this point. But, you know, Hulk Hogan, equal opportunity. He'll wrestle anybody as long as the money's there. Yeah. It's not about the money, money, money.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Except when you're Hulk Hogan, Hogan, Hogan. That could be the new theme. Yeah. You can use that if you want to make a Jessie J remix of our song. Oh, where is she now? Let's see. She's around. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Yeah, she had a follow-up hit. What was it? Domino. Oh, sure. Absolutely. Me, me, me, me in a domino. 30 minutes on a tree. It's free. There you go.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Yeah. Now it's time for my favorite segment on the show. It's a segment called Fanta Tweets. Now, are you familiar with this segment? I have heard it, yeah. Okay. I don't have anything to add. I can tell that you're very excited.
Starting point is 00:53:57 It is a game that we play here based on the official Twitter account of the Fanta Beverage Organization, and they are an organization. They're very organized in their social media. They have the worst Twitter account. Every tweet has a hashtag. The hashtag sometimes has something to do with the tweet. It sometimes does not. And the tweet sometimes has something to do with Fanta.
Starting point is 00:54:25 It sometimes does not. Just like life. Yeah. So I will be reading some hashtags and you have to guess what Fanta tweeted. It's anyone's guess. Hashtag be nice.
Starting point is 00:54:44 This is Fanta tweeting something, following it up by saying, hey, be nice Hmm This is Fanta tweeting something Following it up by saying Hey be nice in hashtag form That's the hashtag tone of it Be nice followed by a hashtag No hashtag first be nice Be nice is the hashtag Oh be nice is the hashtag
Starting point is 00:54:59 Oh sorry okay Yeah I forgot how this game was played Okay So the message Mine is going to be eat rice Eat rice Yeah, I forgot how this game was played. Okay. So the message. What was that? Mine is going to be eat rice. Eat rice.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Be nice. Yeah. Because it rhymes. Karen? Why you got to be like that, Hulk Hogan? There you go. Yeah. Oh, it would be great if they overlapped. Nothing but callbacks.
Starting point is 00:55:24 The tweet is oranges have feelings. Be nice. Oh, it would be great if they overlapped. Nothing but callbacks. The tweet is, oranges have feelings. Be nice. Oh, my God. Oh, but if they did, then isn't Fanta like a... Orange killer. Yeah, like they have orange flavors. How much real orange is in there? Oh, that's true.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Wait a second. Okay, I guess they're safe. They're like saying... They're the faux fur. Yeah, exactly. Hashtag, I'm going on a picnic. Ooh. Watch out, ants.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Spelled with a U. I'm going on a picnic. Fanta. I'm going on a picnic. And I'm Fanta. Going on a... Then getting in the mindset of Fanta be the Fanta
Starting point is 00:56:07 be the Fanta I don't know this is a lot of pressure yeah okay you're gonna pass on this one pass I'm going on a picnic
Starting point is 00:56:22 it starts with a hashtag hashtag I'm going on a picnic. It starts with a hashtag. Oh. Hashtag, I'm going on a picnic, and I'm bringing an alien, a bottle of Fanta, and blank. I don't get it. Nope. And they say blank in the tweet? Well. We don't feel it?
Starting point is 00:56:37 Do I feel it? They have an ellipses at the end. Oh, okay. I'm bringing an alien. I don't get it. They're not good at what they do. Okay. Hashtag I'm a hoarder.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Jesus, help me? Help me. Hashtag I'm a hoarder. Okay. Yeah, I'm thinking similar. But remember, hoarders usually don't want help. They usually don't see anything's wrong. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Oh, I'm a hoarder. I need to keep all these gross, empty Fanta cans. Getting closer. I have more than three varieties of Fanta at my house. Technically, we're making some kind of syndrome. Retweet if you save soda can tabs for no reason. Hashtag I'm a hoarder. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Hashtag you are a hoarder. Wait. But hoarders have a reason behind. Yeah. It's like some of those pop can things. Do they go? Do they make things? Do they fundraise for stuff?
Starting point is 00:57:39 Yeah. Like a wheelchair for some reason. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know how that happens. But they're like, no, I'm saving this. You can get in Asia, a lot of street, like, what do you call them? People. Youth?
Starting point is 00:57:53 Peddlers. Oh, yeah. Will make things out of soda cans. Like I have a Coca-Cola baseball cap made out of cans. Whoa. It's a metal cap. Yeah. And they make little, you can absolutely cut cap. Yeah, and they make little...
Starting point is 00:58:06 You can absolutely cut yourself. And they make little sculptures out of them and stuff. Yeah. But like, what is the thing you're talking about? Like, you save a tab and then it's like, redeem this for charity. Yeah. Or you send it somewhere and they do good things with it. I don't know how... We're collecting tabs
Starting point is 00:58:23 for crabs. Tabs for crabs. It's't know how. We're collecting tabs for crabs. Tabs for crabs. It's a new organization. We're saving crabs with tabs. Hashtag, I wish I could meet. I wish I could meet. And then the tweet follows it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:37 I wish I could meet. You need the placement of the hashtag to get in this. Okay. And by the way, the answer to this is not Fanta related. Oh, I was going to say Fanta Claus. Fanta Floss. Faint applause. I wish I could meet Richard M. Nixon.
Starting point is 00:58:59 I wish I could meet Lou Ferrigno. Oh, yes. Yes. Agreed. Yeah, the Fantastic Hulk. Is there a Fantastic Superhero? I know the Hulk was incredible. Oh, there was four of them.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Oh, yeah. That's right. No, there was no one, just the Fantastic Superhero. Mr. Fox. Yeah. There was Mr. Fantastic. Yeah, yeah. That's right.
Starting point is 00:59:23 He was... There's actually, Norm MacDonald has a sketch on one of his, he like put out a sketch album. Yeah. Where Mr. Fantastic is announcing all the names of the Fantastic Four. Like, you're going to be the thing. You're going to be the human torch.
Starting point is 00:59:37 You're going to be invisible. And I'll be Mr. Fantastic. The tweet is I wish I could meet the guy who started the orange you glad you didn't say banana joke
Starting point is 00:59:50 wow I guess I kind of wish I could meet that guy too well hey wait who's to say that it's a guy oh yeah girl yeah
Starting point is 00:59:59 bomb girl what yeah let's see let's do one more. Oh, there's a lot of terrible ones. Oh. What?
Starting point is 01:00:09 He's been reading the best. No, I'm trying to find the worst. We're all drowning. Save us, Fanta hashtag hashtag this is going to be a tough one hashtag Fanta
Starting point is 01:00:35 what? and double hashtag hashtag Fanta hashtag yum where are the hashtags? They're at the end. They're at the end. The end. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Hashtags at the end. Okay. And what I'll say is they ask a question in this one and they answer it with Fanta. Yum. Oh, okay. Hey, death row inmates, what is your requested last drink? Fanta. Yum. Yum.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Yeah. Thoughts? Guess where I'm tweeting from. I'm almost keeping it really literal. Guess where I'm tweeting from. I'm tweeting it. The correct tweet is, if you could fill a swimming pool
Starting point is 01:01:23 with anything, what would it be? Oh, water. Ditto. Chlorinated water. Or Fanta. Oh, yeah. Yum. Gross.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Anyways, now that concludes Fanta tweets. Now it's time to move on to overheards. Wait, before we move on to overheards, let's check in with those Max Fund Drive gifts. If you donate to this year's Max Fund Drive, if you are a new donor or upping your donation, if you are already donated, you will have received something in the mail probably at this point, a gift, a thank you gift, as well as getting all of this year's bonus content, including a bonus episode of this show. Yeah, where we answered all of your questions.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Yeah, all of the questions submitted over the past five years. What a long, strange trip it's been. But if you donate at different levels, here is what you can get. Okay. Level one. Okay. Level one. If you donate at $5 per month, you get the exclusive bonus content I mentioned.
Starting point is 01:02:35 And I think almost every episode or every show has made a bonus episode for donors. If you donate at the $10 per month level, you become a friend of the family. Oh, welcome, friend. Would you like some earbuds for maximum fun? You can have them. You get maximum fun earbuds with the rocket ship logo emblazoned upon them. Now, at $20 a month, oh boy, hubba hubba, ding
Starting point is 01:02:58 ding. Yeah, things get a little saucy at $20 a month. Our friends over at Yeah. Our special friends. Yeah. Our friends with benefits.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Yeah. Have put together the Intimate Sensations Pack. Dave, this comes with a mask for sexy robberies. A sexy satin mask to reenact your Hamburglar robberies. A sexy satin mask. To reenact your Hamburglar sex fantasies. Oh, man, we're 12. Yeah, robble, robble. There's a, what is it?
Starting point is 01:03:36 A personal massager. Yeah, a velveteen massager. It's a little... You like a buzzy lipstick. No, it's a tiny little guy. He crawls all over your back. And a natural water-based lubricant. What's that for? Called Rocket Lube.
Starting point is 01:03:52 It's for... Your bike? Keep your chain running? Yeah, you can use it as suntan oil. Yeah, that's right. You can use it. I think it's edible. You can use it to fry up some stir fry.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Frankly, it would be my choice to fill a swimming pool. That's from That is the $20 per month level. If you donate at $35 a month, you become a member of Judge John Hodgman's Justice Squad. That's a lot of mustache. And you get a pair of engraved rocks glasses. Yeah, like for drinking a fancy, like a scotch. Yeah, a thing on the rocks.
Starting point is 01:04:36 And they're engraved. They're emblazoned with the Maximum Fun rocket ship logo. A very handsome set of glasses. Yeah, there's two of them so you can have drinks with a MaxFun friend at a MaxFun meetup or at a con. Yeah, bring your glasses with you wherever you go.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Yeah, but don't put liquid on them. Put Fanta in it. Yeah, hey, absolutely. Oh, yeah. Fanta on the rocks. Yeah. Ooh, delicious. A refreshing summer treat.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Now, at $100 per month, oh boy, you're generous. Yeah, thank you. You become a member of the Inner Circle, the monthly Maximum Fun Culture Club, and every month you'll get a recommendation of a book, a video game, a movie, something that we at Maximum Fun have deemed as awesome, and you'll get a copy of that thing. So you'll get a recommendation for it as well as either a digital download or a hard copy of a book or movie or whatever.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Nice. And at $200 per month. Whoa, what are you, a billionaire? You get free registration on the Atlantic Ocean Comedy and Music Festival, Oh, sailing on the high seas. Every one of those is a can't miss. Those are all, every level of prize is delightful. So head over to
Starting point is 01:05:52 slash donate. Let's do some overheards. Oh, for real? Poor patient Karen O'Keefe. I know, right? Thank you. Yeah. We like to start overheards with the guest.
Starting point is 01:06:04 And so this is it. It's all been leading up to us. Teasing overheards. Yeah. Okay. We like to start overheards with the guest. And so this is it. It's all been leading up to us. We've been teasing overheards for- Yeah, yeah, yeah. But this is it. We're really going to blow the doors off. We're out of time. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Okay. But yeah, if you would. So you have multiples? Yeah, I do. Yeah. Really? That's great. Dreaming one day I'll get to say them.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Yeah. How many? How many? Well, they're all good. I got about four, but I don't know which ones will make it. Yeah, I know. You're saying we don't cut things out. We won't cut things out.
Starting point is 01:06:35 I have a nice and short one. I passed a group of guys, I don't know, one guy telling a story to his friends, and he was relating, and I just heard him say, on a scale of one to Robert Downey Jr.r then what yeah he was pretty fucked up oh uh yeah uh how iron man was he yeah scale of one to robert downey jr the scale of uh wonder boys to robert downey jr wow that's i that's a scale i i get it. Like, I get it right away. It could be one to Charlie Sheen. Yeah, I don't really remember
Starting point is 01:07:09 Robert Downey Jr. Like, as a... I think he's cleaned up. Yeah. Post-drug. That's weird, because Overheard isn't that old. Like, it's not from the 90s. Yeah. But he used to be the go-to drug guy. Was he like a public like he didn't
Starting point is 01:07:27 have a big public meltdown like charlie sheen did he no but he did like he like he was the guy who had like a super promising career that then hit the skids because he was such a like he wouldn't show up in time and stuff and then he came back and uh we were like oh right we love that guy yeah yeah yeah so handsome um that's not going to happen to Charlie. He is not in the rising star category. Lindsay Lohan was in the rising star category when it happened. When it happened. But, like, also, like, Robert Downey Jr. was, like, even when he was really messed up, he was still making movies like Chaplin.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Like, he was still, like, doing good stuff. And then. It's on Ally McBeal, I think. messed up he was still making movies like chaplain like he was still like doing good stuff yeah and then it's an ellie mcbeal i think yeah wasn't the weird at the golden globes this year didn't um uh uh jody foster get a lifetime achievement award thing yeah and she her two best friends were mel gibson and robert downey jr and they had all these she had this weird speech with all these inside jokes for these guys. Yeah. She's an enabler. Yeah. But just what a weird crew. Yeah. Well, she strikes me as a – she's kind of weird.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Weird lady. Sure. Yeah. I don't know. She was in that movie with Mel Gibson where he talks through a beaver puppet. Yeah. What? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:43 I thought you were a showbiz insider. Is it the one called like My Beavers or The Beaver? The Beaver. Ouraver puppet. Yeah. What? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I thought you were a showbiz insider. Is it the one called, like, My Beavers or The Beaver? Yeah. The Beaver. Our Beaver. Yeah. That's right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:51 I Beaver, you Beaver. We all beaver for I Beaver. So that was good. Right out of the gates. Okay, cool. One for one. Do we go around? Yeah, let's go around.
Starting point is 01:09:01 All right. Well, you've got four. So do we go? Oh, yeah. Give us another one. Or do we go around? Go me, then you,. All right. Well, you've got four. Do we? So do we go? Oh, yeah. Give us another one. Or do we go around? Go to me, then you, then Graham, then you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Oh, no. I like that. Let's ping pong it. Okay. Dave. Okay. Okay. Mine is an overseen.
Starting point is 01:09:14 It's not mine. It is my wife's. She oversaw this. But, you know, when you marry someone, they're overseen. You become one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the Napoleonic Code. And she saw a movie poster for this new G.I. Joe movie.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Oh, yes. G.I. Joe Part 2, Back in the Habit. And they're marketing this movie. G.I. Josh. They're marketing this movie like these are characters that everyone knows. So, like, they've done this poster campaign. So, like, there's a poster with Bruce Willis and it says, this cop don't stop for donuts or whatever. They used the RoboCop tagline for that.
Starting point is 01:10:01 And then they did one with, I forget who else is in it, but Channing Tatum is in it. And he has his own poster and it's just a picture of his face. And it says G.I. Joe. And my wife, Abby, took a picture of someone, a graffito had drawn a little word bubble coming out of Channing Tatum's mouth. And it says, fuck you, God. What? little word bubble coming out of Channing Tatum's mouth and it says, fuck you God. That's his character. His character does a lot of atheist humor.
Starting point is 01:10:38 He's based on Ricky Gervais. Yeah, yeah. Oh man. Good addition, Graffito. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Top marks. But then apparently there were like tons of anti-God ones all over commercial drive. Like this person got on an anti-God tagging spree.
Starting point is 01:10:57 You know who I bet it was? The devil. The devil, you said? Yeah. All right. Hit us with number two, Karen. Okay. I heard a co-worker say, for some reason, we were talking about people who throw themselves in front of subway trains.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Oh, sure. Yeah. It screws up your day. And theirs. How often does it happen? Yeah. I was going to say not often enough. I mean, not that often.
Starting point is 01:11:24 I mean, not that often. I mean, not that often. But yeah, publicly. Anyway, this guy was like, and this guy kind of caught himself as he was saying, he goes, he's like, oh, I'd never commit suicide. You couldn't pay me enough. And I think he realized what he was saying before he finished that sentence. I'm going to pay you a million dollars.
Starting point is 01:11:45 Oh, I would die to commit suicide you gotta do it first though I'm not going to give you the million then you're not going to do it do it then I'll throw the money in your coffin unmarked bills please I want it in hundreds only hundreds what's your price
Starting point is 01:12:02 what's my suicide price? Yeah. Oh, you couldn't afford it. Yes. My overseeing comes courtesy also of a graffito. This was in the washroom at a value village. Oh, gross. When you gotta go, you gotta go.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Oh, you need to plan your day better. Well, it was a long train ride. And then also, like, where am I supposed to go? In the bushes? It's not, right? There's no bathrooms at the train stations here. The other day, I saw a guy going. Our culture of holding it.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Waiting at a bus stop. And he had sort of ducked around past behind where the bus stop was. Oh, no. So no one at the bus stop could see him, but everyone driving by could. This person had written on the wall something God-related. Lord, save us from shopping with our old ladies. A little bathroom prayer. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:05 This guy was not having a good time. Old lady was making him try on stuff he didn't want to wear or who knows what. Yeah, at Valley Village. So, pretty good. Now, an old lady is your wife or girlfriend. Yeah, the old ball chain.
Starting point is 01:13:21 But it can also be your mother. An actual, yeah, an old lady relative. Oh, God help us. When you're a teenager, my old lady, that's your mother. No, you wouldn't say that. You wouldn't be like, oh, my old lady is making me... But you would...
Starting point is 01:13:37 But the old man is your dad. Yeah, if you say the old... You wouldn't call a partner an old man. You wouldn't be like, oh, my old man. That's your dad, is my old man. What about gay dudes? Do they call their lovers old men?
Starting point is 01:13:53 Because I don't think women use these expressions. No, I can't see me saying that. Yeah, I feel like guys would still call their partner the ball and chain or the, yeah, my old lady. Because guys like to have fun. Women hate it. They like shopping. Lord help us. All right, Karen, back to you.
Starting point is 01:14:16 This is the classic one-sided phone call. Yep. I just, okay, the only two things I heard him say is, are you wearing a mask? And then, because I was thinking that could be a few, like, maybe for work. But, okay, this was, like, you know, for safety, I'm thinking you're covering a mask. This was also nowhere near Halloween. This was, like, you know, February or something.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Yeah, sure, sure. So I'm thinking, like, are you wearing a mask? So it's, like, is he calling somebody who's currently, like, are you wearing a mask right now as I'm talking to you? Or it could be the future, like, oh, to this party that we're going to be going to. Are you wearing a currently like are you wearing a mask right now as i'm talking to you or it sounds like could be the future like oh to this party that we're going to be oh right are you wearing a mask if you do i will yeah and then he said are you going to be using the same one i think they were kidnappers yeah that's what i think because i want this time i want to be nixon when would you use it yeah and then when would we reuse a mask or you're coordinating with somebody like my brain hurt thinking about a mask? Or you're coordinating with somebody. Like, my brain hurts thinking about this.
Starting point is 01:15:06 I think, yeah, if you're the point-rank robbers, you reuse those masks. No, no, no. Like, the same one as last year? You make every robbery unique. No, no, they always wear the same masks. Presidents. Yeah, I know. Always a president.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Yeah, I know, but you get new, fresh ones. New, fresh presidents? fresh presidents yeah yeah um future president yeah presidents or you know like oh a hillary clinton mask i bet you you've come a long way baby mask manufacturers do the same thing like you know in the super bowl or in the stanley cup finals they'll run a line of hats and shirts that say stanley cup champion Yeah. Just in case. And then those end up in third world countries. So in third world countries there's a lot of kids going around dressed like Mitt Romney.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Well that's a thing because the US election always happens after Halloween. Yeah. So there's like there are statistics on like oh the mask that sells more generally wins the election. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:16:06 It depends on the electoral college. Yeah. We represent the candy corn union. We care mostly about Halloween based statistics. Does that bring us to the end of the Karen O'Keefe train of overheards? No, there's one more. I got a caboose. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Let's bring up the caboose. Yeah, that's fine. I heard that this was on set, so being an extra, it was the pilot for a show or a movie called Rewind. I don't know if it ever got made or if it ever came out, but this was the very first day of shooting. Nobody knew what it was about. I heard one extra
Starting point is 01:16:43 say to the other, he's like, what's this show called again? Rewind? And her friend's like, I think it's Rewind. And then the first girl's like, no, no, no. It's spelled R-E-W-I-N-D. Rewind. And then her friend's like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:17:01 It's not R-E-W-H-I-N-E-D. Like people who whine over and over. I like that you say it was the first day, so nobody knew what the thing was about. Like the director was like, action? I guess. I don't know. I don't know what the fuck this movie is about. All right.
Starting point is 01:17:17 You play the lead character. Rewind. Yeah, exactly. It's just assigning roles. You're the lead in this movie. Now, we also have Overheard sent to us from around the world. If you want to send in an Overheard, you can send it in to spy at This first one comes from Evan C.
Starting point is 01:17:47 This is a classic, he says, that has stuck with him ever since high school. I was in an English class with some kids who worked on the – when some kids who worked on the school newspaper came in. Girl comes into our classroom and says to our teacher, is your husband Jewish? Teacher, yes. Girl, okay. How do you spell Kwanzaa? Close. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:09 I mean, say a month. So many things wrong with that. How do you? K-W-A-N-Z-A-A. Oh, double A. Oh, you okay? Yeah. Now, that was kids from a school newspaper. Do they still have those?
Starting point is 01:18:26 Because that was a classic overheard. Yeah. Now, do they just have school blogs? Yeah. They still have school. I don't think that they had a school newspaper when I was in school. They maybe put out like two editions while I was at my school. What would be in a school newspaper?
Starting point is 01:18:43 It's never like in TV and movies like it's never like in in tv and movies where it's like a scoop like a principal hiding funds yeah yeah they have a whole room dedicated to it yeah oh yeah and kids are doing assignments like and also kids would read it in shows like they'd be like what like it'd be like chicken finger scandal. Actually, chicken toes. I do remember not like a new school newspaper, but I remember like a big long school announcement that everybody had to listen to about a food fight. That was like, oh, yeah. It'll be happening today at noon. I was going to say, how long is a food fight announcement?
Starting point is 01:19:23 The principal came on and was like... Was it a blow-by-blow? Here's the highlights of it. Congratulations to the winners. Yeah. Whoever threw mashed potatoes. It was real sticky. Good work.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Good thinking. The principal, like what had happened was, this was pre-flash mob, pre-internet. This was all word of mouth. But the principal, some teaching staff had got wind that there was going to be a food fight and so the principal got on the announcements was like anybody who's thinking of participating in this food fight is gonna be in so much trouble
Starting point is 01:19:57 oh did it happen oh yeah oh um and it was crazy it was like the cafeteria was locked down and the teachers were like, you're in or out. And they were all like, back to the where in. And then they shut the doors and just one kid threw a pudding and it just like exploded. And it only lasted for like 30 seconds. It was the greatest 30 seconds of everybody's life. I've never been in a food fight. It was great. So messy. So first world.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Yeah. I saw a kid throw grapefruit at another kid's face so hard. It was like a softball pitch. It's the most entitled thing you can do.
Starting point is 01:20:41 We don't need this food and we're not cleaning this up. Oh no, we all had to stay and clean it up. I would have just pretended to clean. Just mushing it into the ground. Now this next thing is
Starting point is 01:20:58 an overseen. It is an overseen posted on Facebook by a friend who lives here in BC. A poster about a missing bicycle. Okay. And let me read to you what's on the poster here. This is a missing bike, a McCargy Cruiser?
Starting point is 01:21:22 Yeah, that's a good one. Model Rover, orange, black bell and basket and dolphin stickers uh my bike was stolen from my in-laws house on fraser and marine so you picture the neighborhood oh yeah by by the superstore yeah by the ice house or whatever that that's right hippos uh last month it's a 7 speed orange Makari rover with black bell and basket the seat was white had dolphin stickers on the frame this bike was brand new and I loved it
Starting point is 01:21:51 I don't expect to get it back just made this flyer to say that I hate you bike thief I hope you ride my bike without a helmet and get hit by a monster truck I hope you ride my bike straight to hell pretty great getting hit by a monster truck i mean on a bike you would probably be able to go under the wheels of it like yeah absolutely
Starting point is 01:22:18 um i saw i saw a guy on like a raised like bigger than average wheel and I couldn't stop laughing. Like when it's driving around on a normal street with like, have you ever seen kind of like a semi monster truck? Yeah. It seems like something to be in yellow. There would be. Anyways, it's hilarious when it's just like it's your commuter vehicle. Like, oh, my wife took the car. All she left was the monster truck.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Everyone's going to think I'm dumb. Everyone's going to think I'm dumb. Everyone's going to think I wasted my money. But I need it. Yeah, because you're a monster. And this final one comes from Karen H. A week ago, I was waiting. Do you know Karen? Yeah. Do you know Karen? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Do you guys have some sort of club? We do. What do you guys do at your club? You know what? For some reason, I was Googling my first name. It's the... As you do. I have a Google alert for Karen.
Starting point is 01:23:16 I was waiting to know. What was Karen Carpenter up to? Oh, that's too bad. But if you... It's the name of a... I'm going to get this wrong. I need to like Google it. But it's a cultural group in – somewhere in Asia. Like I'm sure they pronounce it differently, but it looks like it's spelled Karen.
Starting point is 01:23:34 They pronounce it Rewind. And so what is it? Oh, like Kate. OK. You look it up. The Karen Association? No, it's like the Karen. There's probably an accent on it or something.
Starting point is 01:23:45 In the meantime. OK. I'm I'll read this one from Karen. H. Karen H. A week ago, I was waiting in the cashier's line at Whole Foods. Behind me was a man with his two young sons. The man was going over the grocery shopping list. It was clearly made by his wife. He read off the items, then commented on whether or not they got that item.
Starting point is 01:24:03 The list included coffee. Got it. Two steaks. Got them. Brussels sprouts. There weren't any. Then he came to this item. One gallon whole milk. Well, we got a gallon of half and half. Close enough. We got two gallons of half and half.
Starting point is 01:24:21 No, he did not. A gallon of half and half? They don and a half and a half. They don't even make those. He was just thinning out with water. Yeah, we just got eight little containers. Oh, man. Anyways, great.
Starting point is 01:24:34 He bought coffee, steaks, and half and half. Oh, they didn't have any Brussels sprouts. A couple months ago, I was at Whole Foods, and I got two steaks, and they were $36. Oh! So I... You went to the ritziest food fight in town. So I acted like that wasn't a big deal when the butcher gave them to me.
Starting point is 01:24:51 And then I did a lap and I put them in... I didn't give them back to the butcher, but I put them in the refrigerated section so they would be found. But it was embarrassing. The $36, please. Oh, good! but it was embarrassing the 36 dollars please oh good oh of course yes good perfect perfect pricing yeah 18 how's the karen the karen search it's uh going well see there's it's there's a wikipedia entry on the karen karen karen people it's spelled like K-A-R-E-N the way we would. And they're Burmese. Their symbol is a giant butt.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Oh, my God. It is a big butt. It's an upside down. It's an inverted butt. So what are the Karen people? What do they do? What are they all about? They're Burmese.
Starting point is 01:25:37 Yeah. They care. They're often confused with the red Karen. What? Oh, wow. They're from Thailand. The Cameroon Rouge. Some of the Karen have waged a war against the central Burmese government
Starting point is 01:25:54 since the early 1940s. Classic. Oh, man. They're rabble-rousers. Do you think that... I think you're probably simplifying. Oh, yeah. These guys are troublemakers.
Starting point is 01:26:11 You should send them an email and say, hey, I'm a Karen. Is this like, can I be a charter member? Can I get an honorary position? Yeah. You look, I don't like the Burmese government. Yeah. Frankly. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:27 This is pretty cool. Oh, man. what would the great what's the graham people's deal yeah uh there's a lot of like there's like a construction company named graham yeah i'm sure crack the cracker people i mean the shumka people are they're ukrainian dancers yeah yeah absolutely but i didn't know that there were specifically karen people yeah that's gonna be that's really gonna be in the hip pocket come some party where I meet somebody named Karen. Oh, yeah. Like you'll never guess. Yeah. You'll never guess what.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Let me draw the symbol of your people. Like I don't have a tattoo, but that's what I should get. Yeah. You should absolutely get it on your butt. I never get like their sign. This is from the Karen people. You wouldn't understand. The total number of Karen is difficult to estimate.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Absolutely. Well, no, yeah, there's new ones every day. And some die. Oh, sure. Right. Rest in peace. Rest in peace to Karen. Karen Carpenter.
Starting point is 01:27:19 On Wikipedia, by the way, I looked it up. The most popular Karen? Karen Black. Karen Black. Karen Black. From Indiana Jones? Is that most popular Karen? Karen Black. Karen Black. Karen Black. From Indiana Jones? Is that who she is? Airplane?
Starting point is 01:27:28 Airport? Air? Air traffic controller? The air up there. Well, now. Airbud? Airbud. Yeah, that's her.
Starting point is 01:27:38 In addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept phone calls. Wait, no, that is not. That are written in. We also accept phone calls. Wait, no, that is not. She's from. Who am I thinking of from the. Carol Kane.
Starting point is 01:27:56 From the Indiana Jones movie. Carol Channing. This woman is completely different. And looks like this. Looks like that. Karen Black, right? Yeah. Well, who's that?
Starting point is 01:28:08 She was in The Great Gatsby. That's weird. Oh, wow. Easy Rider, Five Easy Pieces. She just does easy movies. The Easy Movies. There you go. The Great Easy Gatsby. If you want to call us, our phone number is 206-339-8328.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Hey, Dave, Graham, and guests. I haven't overheard for you. This is Derek in Nashville. I'm driving. I just passed a U-Haul truck, like a big move-it-yourself truck. And on the back of the truck, the screen print or whatever is printed on it, it's supposed to make it look like you're seeing into the back of the truck. Like it's advertising how deep and how big the U-Haul is or whatever. But somebody had drawn with spray paint, or I guess they're spray painted, a dude, a stick figure guy, standing there with his arms folded behind his head. his arms folded behind his head and another stick figure guy
Starting point is 01:29:04 or possibly a bald girl blowing the other stick figure guy and they just made me laugh. Me too. Poor baby bald girl. It's like Oh man.
Starting point is 01:29:23 The overseas where the guy cannot even get through it without laughing are the favorite style of oversees. I heard him say, for a six-fingered guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Six-fingered people. But it's just like, I just love, I don't like a lot of graffiti, but I like a very specific style. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A person who's not good at graffiti, graffiti. But just like a guy seeing that and being like.
Starting point is 01:29:55 I got no time for Banksy. Seeing that and going like, oh, I got a funny idea of what people could be doing in there. Yeah. I'm not good at drawing, but I am gross. I'll put his hands behind his head. Well, I want everybody to know that he's enjoying it. Well, and I'm not good at drawing hands. They're very hard.
Starting point is 01:30:15 I can't remember how many fingers. Is it a six-finger guy? And now, if anyone has written us in, it was Karen Allen. Karen Allen was who I was thinking of. Here's your next phone call. Karen, get off my snake. Get off my snake.
Starting point is 01:30:37 We're good at impressions. Karen, we had a son. Come here, little boy. We had a dumb son nobody likes. Hey, Dave and Graham. This is Keith from Milwaukee, and I'm going to overheard for you. I work at a bar, and the other night I heard two girls who were at the bar talking. One of the girls had gotten into a fight with her roommate just before coming down to the bar.
Starting point is 01:31:06 And she was telling the other girl about the fight. And she said, I told her once and for all, you need to stop putting food down the sink. We do not have a garbage disposal. That's something that's like right out of the house kind of. Yeah. You know, this is your first place. Because your parents probably had a garbage disposal. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:30 Yeah. Why can't all sinks? Yeah, why can't all sinks? I don't know. I think if you crunch the stuff out small enough, it can go down the sink. It's good. Like, you have to be your own garbage disposal. You have to really crunch up those, you know.
Starting point is 01:31:45 But you can put like an asparagus straight down the sink, right? Yeah, absolutely. That'll go straight down. And eggshells are really fun. Yeah, and also
Starting point is 01:31:53 just bacon fat. Just pour it right down. I don't even think you're supposed to do that if you have a garbage disposal. It lubricates everything. A lemon apparently is a lot of,
Starting point is 01:32:04 it gives a good like aroma. Oh A lemon, apparently, is a lot of... It gives a good, like, aroma. Oh. Like, hey, for some fun around the kitchen. So freshen up your kitchen. Put a lemon down the garbage disposal. Zesty. Yeah. Here is your final overheard of the night.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Or day. Yeah. Hello, Dave, Graham, and spy guests. This is Drew M. calling from Victoria, B.C. I was on Salt Spring Island recently, and I overheard half of a conversation, a guy on his cell phone. He said, leave some room so I can buy Leo some dog food. Leo's out of dog food. I need to buy dog food.
Starting point is 01:32:41 Well, how about we tell your Leo that when he's out of dog food? How about we tell your Leo to suck balls? Oh, well, Leo can suck balls. Well, how would you feel if you were Leo? Dogs can't, by the way. No, no, no. They are physically incapable of sucking. Yeah, they're not stick men in the back of some truck.
Starting point is 01:33:10 I tried to give my dog a... A lollipop? No, it was... We were talking about steak earlier. It was some of that rope or twine or whatever they use to string to hold together some meat. Oh, sure. And then after I cooked the meat, I had this leftover string and I was like, hey, suck on this. He was like, no.
Starting point is 01:33:30 Suck on this, dummy. I'm surprised I don't go to the vet every day. Yeah. You haven't been feeding your dog meat string, have you? Got an awful lot of string in his stomach. Like more than most dogs. Oh, that silly string. He likes a good prank.
Starting point is 01:33:47 When was the last time you were sprayed with silly string? Oh, boy. Never? Karen, same question. I'm sure it's happened. I don't – It smells really bad. Yeah, very chemically.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Yeah, it's just like – you know when you go into some dollar stores, there's that smell of plastic. That's what it smells like. That's what it would be made of, yeah. I feel like the last time I was hit with it was a year ago, and I did not like it. I did not like it. Speaking of things that smell, we just got new wallpaper at work, and I was smelling the wallpaper. Oh, it's scratch and sniff. And I was like, oh, this smells kind of like a beach ball or a new shower curtain.
Starting point is 01:34:28 And my coworker was like, no, just beach ball. It's the same thing. It's the same exact material. Yeah, that is one of those smells, though. When you smell it, you're like, hmm, it smells like fun. Yeah. Like fun is imminent as soon as you're smelling a beach ball. Definitely going to have a shower.
Starting point is 01:34:45 And then the second that somebody throws a beach ball I'm like, I don't want to be around this. What am I, at a concert? Yeah. I hate the beach. Don't like concerts.
Starting point is 01:34:52 Don't like balls. I mean, I like it if I suck balls. Now, before we wrap up the show, just another reminder. This is week one of the MaxFunDrive. It means there's a whole other week coming at you.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Yeah, we just want to encourage you, if you haven't donated to Maximum Fun, now is the best time to do it. Head over to slash donate. We're very appreciative. org slash donate. We're very appreciative. What you do, your donations help us put on the show, help us,
Starting point is 01:35:28 you know, take care of our guests. She's drinking the finest water. The finest water out of a very nice glass. You can donate at a wide range of levels from $5 all the way up to $200 a month. You could donate more per month if you're just, if you're that loaded. And if you're just that loaded. And if you donate already, maybe consider donating at a higher
Starting point is 01:35:50 level and enjoying one of these prizes we mentioned earlier. Also, it's very easy to donate. You just have to go to, click on Donate. It'll take you to the page. It's like you could be done in under like a minute. Yeah, $10 a month. You're not going to miss that. You didn't build that if you if you're thinking of uh doing
Starting point is 01:36:10 it do it now don't uh put it off until or you know wait until the second uh episode or oh no i'll get around to it do it now because pause it welcome back um this is what you missed I was doing some sound effects with paper yeah but yeah please do go to click on donate and we appreciate
Starting point is 01:36:33 everybody who has donated the show it's just it's very like very touching that people do that and thank you for being part of the
Starting point is 01:36:41 MaxFun family well shall we wrap her up you bet Karen you've been a fantastic guest thank you for for being part of the MaxFun family. Well, shall we wrap her up? You bet. Karen, you've been a fantastic guest. Thank you for being on the show. Thank you, yeah. Glad to be here.
Starting point is 01:36:51 I feel like I learned a lot. Oh, absolutely. Favorite related tweets. I learned a lot about Yellowknife. Yeah, so I was thinking about the thing I said about Ulus is very wrong. Don't. I don't want to quote it on that. You don't make an igloo with an ulu.
Starting point is 01:37:06 No. Everyone knows that. Now, say that three times fast. Do not make an igloo with an ulu. I don't want to give off the wrong impression. I brought an ulu to an igloo fight. If people want to see you while you're on tour or find out more about you, where do they go? Where are you going?
Starting point is 01:37:20 What's going on? Well, I have a website, And this is coming out soon. Like, they won't be able to, like, I am going to be out in the next few days. Okay, cool. Then I am going to be at Calgary Yuck Yucks April 4, 5, 6. And then Edmonton Yuck Yucks April 12 after, like, 12th and 13th. Nice.
Starting point is 01:37:38 And then the Halifax Comedy Festival. Right. Yeah, yeah. Excellent. That's where I met Dave. Yeah. Just call me Shumka. Like, Shumka. I'm like, as if we're athletes. Right. Excellent. Oh, too bad. Did you ever do it? No. No, me neither. I did. They threatened to put me on this. Like, they kept changing my agenda a bit.
Starting point is 01:38:09 Like, at one point, I was supposed to be on the show, and they're like, don't worry. It's a lot of fun. And I'm like, no. No. And then. We're planning a food fight this year. Don't tell the principal. I watched other people do it.
Starting point is 01:38:17 It looked painful. And it looks like they just don't do it anymore. Fair enough. Good. They used to do a thing on a boat. Oh, really? Yeah, yeah. We've come a long way, baby.
Starting point is 01:38:30 And if people want to find you, you're on Twitter as well, yeah? Oh, yeah. Karen underscore OK. Karen OK. OK. All right. Karen acceptable. Yes.
Starting point is 01:38:41 And Dave? Let's just put all of our eggs in the MaxFunDrive basket. Yeah, absolutely. What a basket it is. Thank you very much for listening. Thank you very much for donating. And if you like the show, tell your friends and come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Peace. maximum comedy and culture artist owned listener supported

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