Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 318 - Chris von Szombathy

Episode Date: April 21, 2014

Chris von Szombathy returns to talk baseball pranks, shirt care, and Winnipeg....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 318 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who made Forbes list of the 800 under 800 list, Mr. Dave Shumka. Good. You got that out cleanly. You must be pretty happy with yourself. Why did you stop at 800?
Starting point is 00:00:43 I don't know. Couldn't you make the Forbes list of 6 billion under 6 billion? Yeah, I guess I could have. When you turn 801, then you're off the list. Oh, Noah was so mad when he was left off the 900 under 900 list. Noah. Gandalf? Who's the old guy from the Bible?
Starting point is 00:01:01 Noah. No, the old other guy. Job? No, he's got a name like Methuselah. I think it's Methuselah. He's like the oldest man in the Bible. And he didn't make the list this year. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:01:14 Yeah. One of those 2,000-year-old trees. He only makes it for infinity under infinity. Yeah. Millie old tortoise. The tortoise, exactly. infinity under infinity yeah uh really old tortoise and our uh our guest today uh returning guest after a long uh time away it was banned for a while yeah yeah too dangerous lifetime ban lifetime ban lifted lifetime ban reasserted lifted again uh dooping charges. Steroids.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Animal tranquilizers. Yeah, a short marriage to Sheryl Crow. Ger-animal tranquilizers. Very funny man, but also not by trade. You're an artist by trade. No, definitely not by trade. Because usually we have funny men by trade, but you're an artist by trade no definitely not because usually we have uh you know funny men by trade but you're an artist and uh our guest is a chris von zombaffy see did i say it right he said it right yeah that's how you told me he said it perfectly right
Starting point is 00:02:16 thank you my grandma be very happy she could hear this um why does she not listen is she not a fan uh she doesn't really know how to use the internet. Okay. It's never too late. It's never too late, Grandma. I can show her all that porn. She's been waiting for all that German porn. Will the internet still be the internet?
Starting point is 00:02:36 Like when we're old people? Or will it be like... I guess it'll have moved off the web and into our faces. Yeah, into our brains. That's what interface is all about. Ah, yeah. Because it's in your face. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Do we want to get to know us? Yeah, we do. Get to know us. Now, yeah, I'm trying to think of what the internet would be like if it was just in your head. Well, it's moving to apps from the web. But then it will be something that is just in your eye, like that you control with your eyes, right? Like it'll be like Google's last, but it'll be in your head somewhere. So if you're like walking down the street and you pass by a place like a Yelp review would come up?
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yeah, yeah. Like it would be like. Yeah, yeah. Like it would be like being crazy, but like... And it'll be really convenient except when you're old because you won't know how to turn that stuff off and you'll have to call your grandkids and they'll like poke you in the face. Yeah, you'll have to call your grandkids on your headphone. You got to pull out this molar really slowly.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Yeah, it's a dongle terrible because that means most if you had that I don't know how Google ass works but I'm assuming that Google ass Google ass yeah Google ass just sit in it and
Starting point is 00:03:54 sit it I don't know how it works but I'm assuming then if you'd walk down this if you had grinder in it you would just see people dicks all day if you walk down the street that's that yeah sounds good is that you can put internet a dick as your Then if you'd walk down the street, if you had Grindr in it, you would just see people's dicks all day if you walked down the street?
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yeah, sounds good. Is that, can you put a dick as your profile picture in Grindr? I don't know, I don't have it. I could get it. I mean, I imagine that, yes, that it would be all dicks. Yeah, that's one of those things, like Tinder. Yeah. Tinder, though, you're not, there's no nudity. What if you're a woman, though?
Starting point is 00:04:27 Then all nudity. I can see people not wanting to see naked dudes, but. Yeah, no, I think there's a no nudity clause. But who would report a naked lady? Yeah, that's true. Except to report how much they enjoyed it. Report this user. Thumbs up. Yeah, I don't know how I've seen
Starting point is 00:04:52 the demonstrations on like the tech gurus wearing Google Glass. I have no idea how it works, though. It's not just a camera. No. Like it does. No, it's like a screen that you control, like you move it back and forth using your uh pupils right i think that's i think you talk to it don't you
Starting point is 00:05:10 and then if someone else talks to you they can they can make you see weird things penises stop it my penis your penis Your penis. I mean, there's an easier way of showing someone. Anyway, this has gone off the rails rather quickly. Yeah, right into our comfort zone. So, Chris, you're an artist. You're doing things. What are you doing? Tell us all about what's happening, man.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Actually, it's funny you mention it because I actually was trying to make a list of all the jobs that i've been paid to do over the last couple years yeah and uh there isn't really a term i think that really fits well maybe just i guess like almost like creative consultant would be okay what i kind of do now so what does that mean uh well in the last little while like i've done some art shows and i put out records and I've produced records for the people, and I've done writing and sound design and directing and a bunch of ridiculous. Basically, I have a whole list of low-paying jobs that I do all year round. It's not a good strategy. How do you figure? How do you figure?
Starting point is 00:06:26 I think it would have been more comfortable if I picked the thing and just stuck with it. Like one thing, and I just decided that was going to be my forte. Yeah, but what would you have picked, though? See? Yeah, I don't know. No, I think it's shrewd. Shrewd. I believe it's shrewd. It's twice shrewd to have an iron in every fire, a chicken in every pot.
Starting point is 00:06:48 A car in every garage. A finger in every pie. So what are you working on now? Now, I just shot a music video last weekend. Like you directed a music video? I directed it. It was like, how can I put it? It's my first
Starting point is 00:07:06 corporate funding Okay Actually I got funded from Telus Telus gave me money to make a video The phone company
Starting point is 00:07:13 The phone company Did it have to be a song about phones? Seems like it No it doesn't have to be about phones it just has to you have to have
Starting point is 00:07:22 a lot of phones in the video Telus phones Yeah It's gotta have a lot of phones in the video. Tell his phones. It's got to be a lot of young people. Enjoying themselves. Enjoying themselves and their phones. Hey, look at us. Aren't we quite the multicultural group of hip young millennials?
Starting point is 00:07:38 Somebody's got to be on a skateboard. It's weird because it's the first. I think corporate funding for the arts is probably where things are going to go. I know I'm not your arts correspondent or anything like that. Basically, I could be your arts correspondent. Every four years I come back and tell you what's happening in the arts.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Oh, please. Somebody's fooling somebody. So it does have to have like the actual telus logo in the front of it i mean they own it i mean it's like any thing that any corporation pays for sure at the end of the day it's theirs basically to do with what they will so i conceived a video uh for a song that i had written and performed with my group, my band. Oh, so you directed, this is your own song. Yeah, it's actually my own song.
Starting point is 00:08:28 So, it was, I didn't really expect it to happen, but it did. And what's the name of your group for the listener, for the fan? The new name of this new group is Zoo Age. Zoo Age. Spelled traditionally Zoo. Yep. And Age.
Starting point is 00:08:44 But Age with, no, what does that say? Actually, I had that problem before because my last fucking band was audio, audio, audio, but audio is spelled three different ways. Yeah, like Tony, Tony, Tony. Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony. And then I had another, that was another band called Tour de Force, but force was spelled weird. My own fucking name is spelled really weird.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Yeah, Chris. Yeah, exactly. So even just trying to get people to go to a website was, so yeah, this time, Zoo Age. Did Chris Angel Mindfreak spell his name with like a C-R-I-S-S? No, I's c-r-i-s-s yeah yeah i think he just lost the age that's even worse take it made it disappear take it from another chris that's just really that breaks every rule i'm gonna look up what his birth name is you guys his birth name is chrissy he just took the y off it's actually just chris mindak. Now, what's the concept of the video? You have to, like, is it
Starting point is 00:09:48 Everybody's a phone. Okay, Chris Angel Mindfreak's birth name? Yeah. Christopher Sarantakos. Mmm, delicious. I will have three. That's a type of cheese. Is it really? No. It's close to a name of a type of cheese.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Sarantakos? Sarantakos. Oh, you're close to the name of a type of cheese. Saran Tacos? Saran Tacos. Oh, you're thinking of cheddar. You're thinking of nacho cheese, which is any cheese that doesn't belong to you. I'm going to be a dad soon. Yeah, no doubt. You learned that in dad camp. Rule number one. This cheese.
Starting point is 00:10:22 That's the flag of dad camp. Nacho cheese. Yeah. It's also the food of Dan Camp. Yeah, it's the official food and flag. Now, is this a video that's just the band playing, or is it like a girl is trying to find a guy at a concert? That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Let's use our phones. Yeah. That's pretty good. I could sell this to several phone companies. What's the concept? Or is there a concept? Or is it an anti-concept? Well, there's not.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I mean, obviously there is a concept. We had to give them a concept, but it wasn't really a story-based thing. And I can't really describe it accurately. I think it's something you kind of have to see. It's just Tyler who is in the video she basically appears in nine different kind of get ups
Starting point is 00:11:12 you say she's got a lot of extensive makeup I haven't seen it she's got a lot of extensive makeup done and then we just do a bunch of things to her basically during the course of the video she's okay with it she she was fine with it a real team player yeah yeah a good sport like
Starting point is 00:11:33 there were a lot of things that we had to cut out because when i realized we got corporate funding there's a bunch of stuff that was like yeah we're not that's not gonna happen yeah so about and so a lot of anti-corporate stuff yeah exactly well that's like, yeah, that's not going to happen. Yeah. Stuff about a lot of anti-corporate stuff. Yeah, exactly. Lots of when we blow up that telethon. Lots of melting and burning of phones. Yeah. Talking about low, bad rates.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Yeah. Bad customer service. That was the original name of the song. Yeah. Is it fun shooting? I've worked on a music video as a production assistant. I worked on several very low-budget music videos. But I don't recall it being fun.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Was it fun making your own video? No, it's not fun. All right. The record is clear. It's not fun for me. I don't like the pressure that there is with shooting on video. It's not the thing that I've chosen. Video is expensive, and it takes a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:12:32 There's a lot of pressure. Yeah. A lot of outfits, from what I hear. A lot of outfits. Well, that seems to be, like, the thing about music videos is, like like the bands never want to do them no and it sounds like the crew the pas hated them directors don't like them yeah uh did i tell you know who likes them teenagers oh man i loved music tell us i worked on a video where the lead singer He was super hungover the whole day And at one point he went to go
Starting point is 00:13:08 Like drink something Or pull the microphone out of the stand I can't remember if it was a microphone or a drink But anyways he smashed himself in the face And gave himself a black eye midway through the fucking video And he was the lead singer Like all the shots had his face in them So in the middle of the video
Starting point is 00:13:24 He's wearing sunglasses for no reason. All the close-ups were him with the sunglasses, and then all the faraway shots, he had no sunglasses. How fast does a black eye form? Well, within 20 minutes, but, like, it was in the middle of the day. But the song's only three minutes long, man. Yeah, that's true. We should have just shot some just exterior shots. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Just run through it really quickly, and we'll just call it a day i think he did it on like the third shot of the day too so it was uh uh why don't you just throw out the first two and then he's just the black guy singer was the black eyed peas yeah it was the black was it first it was uh taboo is that one of the black eyed peas yeah one of the lesser peas uh who's the other apple d app there we go all right um would you ever make a video for somebody that's not your band i have and the black eyed peas it was just fergie solo okay. Oh, yeah. You directed the London Bridges video. Is that what it was called? How come every time you come around my London, London Bridge, wanna go down like London, London, London?
Starting point is 00:14:36 We'll go down like London, London, London. Do you remember it? Where were you when you first heard it? Yeah, oh, boy. It was one of those wonder years moments um what was uh working like when you made a video for another band was it were they high maintenance yeah no they weren't in it because they weren't they don't live in the city um there it was that band um shout out out out out all right
Starting point is 00:15:03 i think there's four outs yeah i think it's Oh, right. I think there's four outs. Shout out, out, out, out. Yeah. I think there's four or five. Yes, I think there's four outs plus shout. Yeah. Yeah, we actually- Four outs and a shout. Are they from Edmonton?
Starting point is 00:15:14 Yeah, they are. It was a weird thing too because actually I shot that with AJ Bond, who I think was on, I think he was a guest. I think you guys had AJ a long time ago. But we actually, him and I did a video together for Audio Audio Audio and then we entered I think it's Audio Audio Audio Audio
Starting point is 00:15:31 is it not? yeah they're all basically felt slightly different and when sorry we entered that into a couple competitions and we won and our prize for winning was getting to make a fucking video for another band. Which was one of those things that I think.
Starting point is 00:15:53 For free. Well, we got a bursary to do it, but we didn't actually get paid. You got a taxi chit. You got a per diem. Yeah. It'll do anything but pay you. An honorarium. Yeah. per diem yeah it'll do anything but pay you an honorarium um yeah
Starting point is 00:16:06 but then in that case don't you just like split the money like down the middle go okay this is our cut no because it was it was
Starting point is 00:16:13 uh only for lighting so we could only we could but we didn't know what it was lights
Starting point is 00:16:19 yeah yeah yeah which I guess we'd have to rent it wasn't anything it wasn't buying it was a rental bursary too so it was one of the situations that we made and those those guys are nice guys, but we made a video. We realized at the end of it, there's nothing from stopping them to actually be like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:16:31 This video totally fucking sucks. Yeah, we're not going to bother. And we made it, and I think it did well enough. How can you even tell these days? They don't show videos on TV. Yeah. They don't show videos on TV. What's the last video I watched?
Starting point is 00:16:46 Probably that Lady Gaga telephone video. Because that was like an event. Oh, yeah. They interrupted the Simpsons for it. They interrupted a presidential funeral. Beyonce and Lady Gaga are in a video together. And Lady Gaga wears a weird... Cigarette glasses.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Cigarette glasses. She's in prison. Do you remember being a kid and there being like... A big event? Primetime music video debuts? Michael Jackson. He definitely did... I don't remember any debuts.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Black or White was debuted after The Simpsons, I think. debuts? Michael Jackson. He definitely did. I don't remember any debuts. Black or White was debuted after The Simpsons, I think. Yeah, and it was such a big deal. Was November Rain one of them? Or is that just on constantly? I don't know. Was there one that debuted after the Super Bowl? Well, Summertime
Starting point is 00:17:41 by Fresh Prince debuted after an episode of Fresh Prince. Very special episode. And Thriller, I think, debuted, this was before our time, but debuted in the prime time of our lives. Yeah. After an episode of Blossom. No, no.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Thriller was years before Blossom. Learn your history. Yeah. Or be doomed to repeat it, right? Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I i used to that was the thing like used to watch music videos like a lot like uh new music videos of every band and most of them weren't very good but because they were just the band playing and you and then you could buy the band's music videos on vh, like a collection of 10 music videos. And you'd, hey, want to come over and watch this video I've watched a hundred times?
Starting point is 00:18:32 Yeah, you want to watch all the videos by Fastball? My friend had one for Weird Al. Oh, yeah. Which was great. Yeah. How many times did you watch it? Every time he went over? Almost every single time. Yeah, I think, like, I didn't even know that I Lost in Jeopardy wasn't his original song
Starting point is 00:18:50 until, like, a couple years ago. Yeah. When you were on an archaeological dig and you discovered Our Love's in Jeopardy. How many, like, because there were people who owned, you know, collections of VHSs, but I think we had Don Cherry's Rock'em Sock'em Hockey. Oh, yeah. A baseball prank. Not even baseball bloopers. Baseball pranks.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Like a guy would tie a bat to the back of a car and then drive off. Something we got for free. My aunt gave a you know I don't know what kids would like and it was like what kind of pranks would they do
Starting point is 00:19:32 it would be the classic hot foot where a guy's light matches on a guy's foot yeah matches on a guy's foot he's you know the third base coach
Starting point is 00:19:42 is standing there for a while not really paying attention they light his foot on fire. And then a lot of just... Putting a bag of doggy doo-doo at the home base. Lighting it on fire?
Starting point is 00:19:55 No. Doggy doo-doo. It seems like it would go with the baseball pranks video that they would call a doggy doo-doo. It seems like it would go with the baseball pranks video that they would call it doggy doodoo. It was a lot of like, most of the stuff wasn't on the field. It would be like, oh
Starting point is 00:20:11 this rookie's getting interviewed so let's you know, pie in the face. Yeah, cut his Achilles tendon. Pie in the face during an interview. Oh man, this is all really good stuff. behind the face during an interview. Yeah. Oh, man. This is all really good stuff. It's amazing that back then
Starting point is 00:20:29 you could put the stuff on a VHS tape and sell it, whereas now you couldn't give that away for free. Like, you couldn't just like some guy's... Well, I guess you could
Starting point is 00:20:36 like some guy's photo. I mean, I'm sure that it would... But it would be on YouTube. Yeah. Yeah, I'm going to go over to... And you wouldn't pay for it. No. I don't pay for anything on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Don't they have subscriptions on YouTube? No, not pay things. Oh, they don't? No, no. You're thinking of pornography. Yeah, that's the one. That's the right one. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Yeah. I'm sure they have porno bloopers, too. Porno breaks? Yeah, the hot foot. So he just runs in and pours flapper? Let's light that guy's butt on fire. Oh, let's put a pie in his face. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Baseball play. During an interview. His butt is being interviewed for Butt Magazine. Why would they have video cameras for a magazine? For subscribers, you get a subscription to Butt Magazine and you get the special online feature ads.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Behind the scenes. And a football phone. Like a butt. A football going into a butt. Guys, we're laughing too hard. This is very funny. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:52 My laughter disagrees with that assessment. Woo. So, what's the arts world like? I can't get over baseball pranks. I don't know why that's so funny to me. I mean, were you the same? Did you have the same sort of four VHSs that you watched over and over? We had beta tapes.
Starting point is 00:22:15 We had hundreds of beta tapes. My grandmother still has every single episode of Three's Company on beta. Yeah. Your grandmother sounds like a pretty cool lady. She's pretty awesome. She also has every episode of Three's A wow yeah your grandmother sounds like a pretty cool lady he's pretty awesome she also has every episode of three's a crowd what's that you know it was the uh it was the uh spin-off three's company spin-off with jeffrey tambor what was the who spun off that's a jeffrey tambor was weird because jeffrey tambor was on three's company multiple times as different people oh he was like he came back they'd be
Starting point is 00:22:44 like oh we just need a dentist or whatever and like get jeffrey tambor next episode we on Three's Company multiple times as different people. Oh, that's right. He came back, they'd be like, oh, we just need a dentist or whatever and get Jeffrey Tambor and next episode we need a car salesman or whatever. But no,
Starting point is 00:22:51 it wasn't Don Rickles, but it was somebody like that. They had some older, because it was he, Jack Tripper moved in with his wife and his father-in-law. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Yeah. And it's not too much, I don't know how this- Oh, so it's Jack Tripper was the spinoff character. He was the spinoff, like he kind of, I don't know how this. Oh, so it's Jack Tripper was the spinoff character. He was the spinoff. Like he kind of, I don't know. He's living with his father-in-law.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Like the whole point of Three's Company was. Was it Jackie Mason? It is loosely based. I've Wikipedia'd it. It ran from September 1984 to April 1985. Oof. Good run. It is loosely based on the British TV series Robin's Nest, which was itself a spinoff of Man About the House, on which Three's Company was based.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Oh, yeah. That makes sense. Who is the comedian? Huh? Well, didn't you say there was like an old-time comedian? I don't know if it was an old-time comedian. There was an old man. Old men are funny to me.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Yeah, absolutely. So I consider his credentials to be pretty much sussed. I don't know any of these people's names Robert Mandan Mary Cadoret Alan Campbell He sounds funny Alan Campbell sounds funny
Starting point is 00:23:54 You can't click He played Easy Taylor Anyway Pretty good Anyway We We shouldn't talk about something we don't know anything about So you Mountains and mountains of beta tapes, this was all stuff that was taped off of television?
Starting point is 00:24:11 Or this was, like, stuff that you bought? No, I think most of it's all from TV. I don't think you could ever buy beta tapes, could you? I guess not. Well, maybe. You could only rent them and record on them and then return them later. That's why they lost to VHS. It wasn't their quality.
Starting point is 00:24:27 They had a really shitty program. Why? What? Because you could record on beta tapes? I'm just fucking with you. But it was... I'm trying to think if I had... Did I have VHS tapes?
Starting point is 00:24:41 I think I had a rented Stimpy tape that got a lot of play. If I had that baseball pranks tape, man oh man. The number of times I'd watch that. It was mostly stuff you got for free with a subscription to Sports Illustrated. So we had a football one as well and I didn't care about football.
Starting point is 00:25:02 But I knew all these players because of their pranks. That was their stats to you. That was bloopers. You're like, oh yeah, that guy, he got a hot foot. It was weird.
Starting point is 00:25:16 The football one had bloopers. I can't get over it. The football one had bloopers, but it also had people describing pranks. But it didn't have video of the prank. It would just have a guy being like... Like an old guy in a jacket. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:31 One time I went to hike the ball, but the quarterback wasn't there, and I hit myself in the nuts. Oh, man. oh man uh so like when you consider how limited the entertainment options were i'll watch that a hundred times yeah do you want to watch one of my four vhs that's amazing it's basically watching somebody else's grandfather telling you stories yeah basically well i never had a grandfather chris so you know there's a apparently there's libraries somewhere in the world where you can uh sit with a an old person and just listen to their stories that's true that's like an actual thing in some libraries i think in europe so some you mean like are they live like a peep show yeah yeah yeah they're in
Starting point is 00:26:23 a glass room you're not allowed to touch them. There's a box of Kleenex. You have to stare at them for 45 minutes and see who cries first. No, but you go to the library and it's like, yeah, this guy used to climb mountains or whatever. Do you want to hear his stories? Nah, next. Who else you got?
Starting point is 00:26:40 I'm kind of into baseball pranks. Oh, let me tell you We've got Ozzie Smith Who's the fat guy From the New York Yankees Used to be the coach Tommy Lasorda Yeah it seems like he'd be up on his baseball pranks
Starting point is 00:26:59 Not the Yankees What was he from He was from the Los Angeles Dodgers He had a milkshake for breakfast Another for lunch and a sensible dinner Not the Yankees. What was he from? He was from the Los Angeles Dodgers. Ah, yes, that's right. He had a milkshake for breakfast. That's right. Another for lunch and a sensible dinner. What do you think his sensible dinner was?
Starting point is 00:27:11 T-bone steak? Like, just a really good milkshake. He'd have a milkshake and then, yeah, just have like a regular milkshake. I had a milkshake for lunch today. I do not feel good about it. Oh, no, no, absolutely. Well, was it a diet milkshake? it. Oh, no, no, absolutely. Well, was it a diet milkshake? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:27:27 It was with my bacon and cheeseburger. So what else is going on, Chris? Tell us. Bring us back into this episode somehow. Why? I don't know, because I keep picturing a guy getting hot foot. And it keeps making me laugh. Like, you'd have to stand there for so long.
Starting point is 00:27:50 You'd have to be in on it. Would all the fans be like, hey! No, no, because the prankster on the team, Mel Gibson, would turn to the fans and be like, shh. I don't understand how that would work. Cut a torch to this guy. How, like, you'd have to, they put something, they spray his foot with something flammable or something? I don't understand how that would work. You could have torched this guy. How? Like, you'd have to... They put something... Do they spray his foot with something flammable or something?
Starting point is 00:28:09 No, you, like, slip some kindling in between the sole and the upper. He stands there for a week. Slip some kindling in. And then get the string, the bow, and start a fire all slow. You could jam a bunch of matches in there, I think, and then you light them all at once.
Starting point is 00:28:33 It's so funny. It's like, it's such a... I guess, like, it's... I never really knew how it worked, but, like, I guess if you have cleats on your... spikes on your feet, you don't necessarily feel... Yeah, because aren't they wearing polyester spikes on your feet you don't necessarily feel like that. Yeah, because aren't they wearing
Starting point is 00:28:49 polyester outfits when they just like melt to your skin and just be like just a pair of shoes. No, but if the fire got out of control. It starts as a hot foot but it could escalate into a hot pants. Are just very short shorts?
Starting point is 00:29:04 Yeah, because they've been burned all the way. That's how they were invented. Hot pants. Into hot pants. Are just very short shorts? Yeah, because they've been burned all the way. That's how they were invented. The first pair of hot pants. It makes sense. So yes, get us back into this episode. Yeah. So yeah, so I filmed the video. That's what I've been doing and yeah that's actually been
Starting point is 00:29:25 most that's been like my basically my occupation since the middle of February has been thinking constantly about planning and shooting because I was saying
Starting point is 00:29:33 really like I don't really like I'm a lazy person by nature I don't believe that so I am that doesn't seem I have a lot of difficulty
Starting point is 00:29:40 getting out of bed because I know when I do I have to face the day and be a responsible human being right I'd rather just lie in bed all day sure and i think about that like wouldn't it be great to go on a coma vacation where it's two weeks where you're just like in a medically induced coma and you just vacation yeah and you just lie there tricky song but wouldn't you just feel like you just went to bed and woke up yeah but wouldn't that be great though like well i mean they wake you up i. Why don't you just lie in bed
Starting point is 00:30:06 for two weeks? Yeah, I think part of the luxury of it is that you fight off waking. Oh, I see. Like, if you're asleep for a week, it's just... You could get a doctor to try and induce waking every day, and you could fight the doctor. Oh, yeah,
Starting point is 00:30:22 that'd be kind of fun. Like, every afternoon at around three, he comes in and tries to wake you up and you go no i'm on vacation and then if you're having a bad dream you could say i need a vacation but i don't know it seems like something that would i don't know it seems like something that could exist should exist and would exist if i was president do you because i'm i used to be that way but it was never like because i didn't want to take on the day it was it was just because it feels so good to be in bed like even if your bed is terrible like
Starting point is 00:30:59 i've never woken up and been like oh this this this bed is so bad, I must get out of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No. The only thing that pulls me out of bed is responsibilities. Really? Or else I'd just jab at the hut all day, man. It'd be great. Now, what is that?
Starting point is 00:31:16 Reverbing the hut. Yeah. Having a lady on a leash. Lady on a leash. Sending out bounty hunters to kill people for you. What was Jabba the Hutt's deal? It was a leash. Sending out bounty hunters to kill people for you. What was Jabba the Hutt's deal? It was a hut. But didn't he, like,
Starting point is 00:31:30 wasn't he the guy who paid the bounty hunter? Yeah. Dog. He paid dog to go after Han Solo. Han Solo. Isn't that kind of his whole thing?
Starting point is 00:31:42 Wasn't he, like, wasn't he kind of like... A bounty shark. No, but wasn't he kind of like a bounty shark no but like wasn't he kind of like this the equivalent of like a godfather kind of character beloved yeah yeah somebody that will take care of your kids yeah should something horrible happen yeah he's got a giant uh you know orange peel in his mouth. Yeah, no, but isn't he like, he's like a racketeer or something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Didn't he fix sporting events? Yeah, he's a bad dude. Yeah. He's a rude dude with a toad. Yeah, man, he really was. And also, like, why would he, because he's like a giant slug man. Why would he find a human attractive? Like, why would he, because he's like a giant slug man. Why would he find a human attractive? Like, why would he have a human slave?
Starting point is 00:32:30 Why wouldn't he have like a pretty slug lady? Right? Like, is it just like empirical that like humans. Ugly people don't like other ugly people. Well, no, but he's not a people. He's a big slug guy. He's a hut. He's a big blobbo guy. But so why is his like it's like being attracted to uh was he attracted to her well he had her done up in a
Starting point is 00:32:52 gold bikini what was that just to like to inconvenience her i think that's really like this is gonna be so annoying oh yeah she's not gonna like this one bit this is going to be so annoying. Oh, yeah. She's not going to like this one bit. This is really going to get her joked. You're put on this gold bikini. But he, like, I don't know, because he would eat small creatures. And, like, I don't know how he would make the distinction that, like, this is something I eat. And this is something I find attractive. I guess, I don't know if it was PETA. Or it's one of these animal groups.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I thought you meant, like, the bread. Nope. if it was pita but or it's it's what it's one of these animal groups one of these i mean like the bread nope uh the java was eating either pita or a little creature uh but on the back of the bus uh on a back the back of a bus there's an ad that says uh there's a picture of a pig yeah and it says food yeah and it's a super cute pig yeah of course it's food and then uh there's a picture of a golden retriever uh not particularly attractive and it says friend yeah and he's got barbecue sauce pouring on his head and then it says why it's a really jab of the hut that's a very that's a very north american centric Yeah But like why In other parts of the world it would have some dogs
Starting point is 00:34:09 That are friends and some dogs that are foods I think we just say food on both Well and some places They wouldn't eat the pig at all That's right George Clooney's house But I think like I just don't get Jabba the Hutt man
Starting point is 00:34:24 I don't get his whole... Because also, like, why is he intimidating if he's just, like, a dude that can barely move, right? Like, anybody could just go walk in there and just kill him. These people do his bidding, I guess. Yeah. Nobody did his bidding very well. Well, you've never seen him move. Maybe he moves really fast.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Like, he skitters? Yeah. well. Well, you've never seen him move. Maybe he moves really fast. Like he skitters? Yeah. Oh, yeah. He just, you know, he's really greasy, so he just slides. He's really greasy. It's like if you ever saw a slug in your house, you'd be like, oh, get the slug out of my house. But if the slug zipped super quickly across the room. It just left that snuggly trail.
Starting point is 00:35:01 super quickly across the room. Just left that study trail. There's nothing in the... I'm going to reveal too much about myself, but there's nothing I've ever read in any Star Wars literature that says how fast they move. They've got to... Yeah, Hutt's.
Starting point is 00:35:19 I mean, Hutt's got to move. Hutt's got to move. Hutt's got to move. Is there a Star Wars literature, I almost said Trek, with more backstory on Hutt's? Yeah, they hand it out at the library, little brochures. Yeah. Talk to an old guy and he'll tell you all about it. Talk to an old Hutt.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Tell me about the time. Have you read any of the literature, the Star Wars novellas? No, no i haven't but i have a star wars encyclopedia ah when you uh go home check out hut cross reference with speed the time encyclopedia work i don't they don't have any hot speed statistics Then zoom in and enhance. Rip out this page. Rip out that page. They don't have any hot speed statistics. Fair enough. It's not that kind of thing. Hot speed records.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Dave, what's going on with you, man? I feel like we barely scratched the surface with Chris, but that's the way love goes. Here's what's going on with me. I had a weird interaction with some employees at a store where I was buying a shirt. And the shirt is, it's made, it's from this, okay. The shirt is made of. The gold bikini Chambray I don't know what that is
Starting point is 00:36:47 It's like denim Okay But you can make a shirt out of it Alright But you could make a shirt out of it You could make a denim It's like a Canadian tuxedo But that's like a
Starting point is 00:36:57 That's like a jean It's like a thinner I don't I literally don't know The difference What's it called? Chambray? Yeah Chambray But it's like a thinner. I don't, like, I literally don't know the difference. What's it called? Chambray? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Chambray. But it's like a, the way that denim uses, you know, I'm wearing jeans right now, and they're blue on the outside and white on the inside. They use a blue thread and a white thread. Chambray is the same, but it's the same color inside and outside. Okay. And it's thinner. It's more like shirt material.
Starting point is 00:37:29 But I was buying it at this store that sells just jeans. Is that what the name of the store is? No. Oh, just chambray. And it's one of these stores where they're into the idea of raw denim. And when you buy a pair of jeans, you mustn't wash it for six months. one of these stores where they're they're into the idea of like raw denim and you you know when you buy a pair of jeans you mustn't wash it for six months right and then uh when you do
Starting point is 00:37:53 you can you go swimming in the ocean in it and roll around in the sand and stuff or like you wash it inside out by hand. This is your chambray shirt. No, this is, this is, um, jeans. This is like the,
Starting point is 00:38:08 the, the raw denim jean ethos. Um, but I, so I was buying the shirt there and as I'm buying it, there were like three employees and, uh, one was a guy and two were,
Starting point is 00:38:22 were women. And, uh, the guy, as I'm about to buy the shirt, the guy says, you know, you shouldn't wash this shirt for six months. And I was like, uh-huh. It sort of works with denim, with jeans, because you can... When they're super brand new, if you spill something on them, it just washes right off. Or water doesn't really absorb into it.
Starting point is 00:38:58 But you're wearing them. Yeah, you're wearing them in your butt. Yeah, like your butt is on them. But I spill stuff on my shirt every day. Sure. As as a policy that's how you test it before you eat it and so this guy is like uh yeah no you you shouldn't watch this for as long as possible and in my mind i'm like yeah i know i'm watching it immediately as soon as i might watch it before i wear it get the stinkier store out of it um yeah does that store smell bad do they do the employees smell bad uh no no it's okay but sorry why wouldn't you wash it um well like with jeans the the idea is that you um you get all these sort of like wrinkles behind your knee
Starting point is 00:39:41 and around your crotch yeah and they turn white sooner than the rest of the jeans. And it's like, you know how people buy jeans that are like fake worn in? This is how to make the most sort of authentically worn in jeans that fit your body the best. But with a shirt, I don't see the point. I don't see the point with either, really. I mean, no, I definitely think that if if something smells bad you should wash it right that should just be a general policy yeah it smells bad wash it um and so this guy uh and so the the and the guy said and once you do wash it after months and months
Starting point is 00:40:20 of wearing it yeah you should dry clean it. And then. Oh, Jesus. And then the woman, one of the women behind the counter was like, well, there's a few things you can do. And I'm just trying to buy a shirt. Yeah. She's like, you can beat it with a rock down by the stream. Well, he says you need to dry clean it. I think you could just hand wash it and hang it to dry uh and i was like hand wash it can i just cold water yeah uh and and then hang it to dry and debbie thinks you can only wear
Starting point is 00:40:55 it in the rain that's her thing so none of the employees agreed on this thing and um sounds insufferable and then one of them well the woman who was like you need to wash it and then hang it to dry she said
Starting point is 00:41:11 but if you ever do dry clean it you can never wash it again oh brother once you start dry cleaning
Starting point is 00:41:19 it can only ever be dry cleaned and yeah no I was I was swimming yeah cause it's like is it is it a type of person that's just attracted to a thing where there's a lot of i think i think you can be
Starting point is 00:41:35 like a jeans nerd oh yeah but like are they the same people that are like coffee nerds and yeah yeah they have to be like it's a type of person they've just focused on different oh yeah and if you're at a if you're at a job eight hours a day you can it's easy to fall into that like thinking that's normal yeah yeah exactly where you're like yeah i'm just gonna take this shirt that i bought with my money yeah and do whatever i want yeah but i want to cut the sleeves off of it and wear it as a vest i will and the thing is i i'm like super clean i i will like change clothes uh multiple times a day like i'll get home from work and be like i'm gonna put on other clothes now evening clothes i've been sitting in an office not getting dirty all day but still i would like to yeah i don't like i just
Starting point is 00:42:26 i've heard of this thing where you wear them in the ocean or whatever yeah you only wear them in the ocean you don't wear them just they're mermaid jeans i played in the beach they're they're mermaid jeans they don't have any legs on them you put both your legs in one giant it's called a mermaid fit it's boot cut at the bottom. I've heard of it. It's fin cut. But, you know, it's like the same. There's like people that make this artisanal coffee.
Starting point is 00:42:56 And they say, oh, you can't put milk in it because that'll ruin the whole flavor. And it's like, yeah, but I like milk. Yeah, it's my four bucks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But they get. It's so funny. And your shop still has milk yeah yeah you still offer that as an option there are places in town that don't have cream and sugar out though really i think there are that you have to actually ask them for it and then they still won't give it to you. Boy. Do you have almond milk
Starting point is 00:43:26 and some attitude? Yeah. You guys have cream or cream corn. I'll take anything. As long as it's cream. So I was buying these cream jeans. So I get the shirt home. This was a couple weeks ago
Starting point is 00:43:43 and it was a little cooler so i wore a couple layers underneath it because i was like well maybe i should try to wear this a couple days yeah and uh if i wear you know uh a shirt and a t-shirt underneath or a t-shirt and like this this uh long sleeve shirt underneath i can, maybe I won't funk up my shirt immediately and I can wear it more than once yeah yeah you let these chambray people get into you
Starting point is 00:44:12 yeah I did, so I wore the shirt it was fine, I wore it I just tried the same thing another time another day, a week later and I smelled BO on me oh no after having it, you know two layers of cotton between me and the shirt yeah no shouldn't have played soccer in it i should but here's the thing though it also
Starting point is 00:44:36 i mean how if i don't mind me asking how much would this shirt cost because this shirt costs like 800 then i'd probably be like i'm going to listen to whatever this asshole says but if it's just like a shirt price it was between a shirt price and $800 but it was not near $800 but it was an expensive shirt price it was a shirt price and a dollar what is an expensive shirt price?
Starting point is 00:44:57 for me anything over $10 this was a very expensive shirt yeah I don't know. Shirt price? I think $40? That seems low. I don't know. That seems super high to me.
Starting point is 00:45:11 I really buy all my shirts at the thrift store. So between $10 and $20, I'm like, all right. Canadian dollars? Yeah. Russian francs. This was a $20,000 Canadian dollar shirt. But it's fine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Yeah. Did you wash it? Yeah. Yeah. All right. I wash it every time I wear it. How are the wrinkles? Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:45:35 It's really looking like I'm an authentic rancher. Looks like a real denim tits. Looks like a real denim dandy. So what's going on with you, my friend? I went to Winnipeg. Oh, for the Winnipeg Comedy Festival. That's right. And it was great.
Starting point is 00:45:53 The festival was great. And it was cold. It really was cold. And it's April, so it shouldn't be. How cold is cold? Snowing and windy and like minus something. In Canadian dollars. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:09 In Winnipeg, even the people there were complaining about it. Like Winnipeggers were saying, ah, fucking God, it's so cold. Yeah, well, I feel like that's a thing. The winters are so long everywhere in Canada that you're wearing a parka until May in some places in this country. And people are excited about winter being over and they get mad when it doesn't end. Yeah, because when I landed, it was nice. I saw people in line today. Shorts?
Starting point is 00:46:41 I saw people, multiple people in shorts today. Guy in line in front of me for coffee this morning had shorts and sandals. Gross. Yeah. But, you know, that's the one we landed. It was so nice. And then I packed it in. It was sunny when you landed?
Starting point is 00:46:56 Yeah, it was sunny. No, like, I brought a jacket. I was like, great. Like, it was one time here. I'm not going to wear it because now it's warm in Winnipeg. And then, man, it just, whew, it sucked in and it got cold. And then I think that's all I talked about for the rest of the time I was there. So you were like a local?
Starting point is 00:47:15 Yeah. Everybody that I talked to, that was just like, ah, it's cold. Ah, cold winter. Ah, it's the East Coast. Ah, so East Coast is colder. Ah, I don't know about that. So much cold talk. It's a very Canadian conversation.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Well, yeah, but do we talk about the weather as much out here in BC? No, I think Dave's right. I think just in Vancouver, we don't talk about it. We just put on shorts and sandals whenever the sun breaks in the clouds, basically. Yeah. That's how you know. But yeah, I talked about the weather so much in the span of three days just to everybody. Like that's all anybody wanted to talk about.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Yeah, this weather. So cold. Is Winnipeg the kind of city like your hometown of Calgary that has ways to avoid going outside? Yes. Like buildings are connected through tunnels or um yeah it's all uh the hotel we were in was connected to a mall and that mall was connected to a whole bunch of buildings downtown that's all underground and because it is like we got lost trying to find the hotel one night and i just thought we were gonna die in the street it was
Starting point is 00:48:23 so cold it was just like yeah we're just gonna die here this is gonna like we don't we have no idea where we are and we're just like walking and walking did you have a phone yeah but then uh every time like the thing is there's all these diagonal streets and uh so there's like a lot of intersections where it's there's literally an intersection there called Confusion Corner. That it has like the most car accidents of any place in Canada. Because it's like all these diagonal streets converge at this one point. Oh, wow. And so you have to, sometimes you have to veer right and sometimes you have to turn right.
Starting point is 00:49:01 And you know what I mean? Like there's all these crazy options. Yeah, exactly. So we got lost. I don't like I mean? Like there's all these crazy options. Yeah, exactly. So we got lost. I don't like this city already. No, it's... Nope. Nope.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Come on. Hey, give it a second chance. Have you ever been? No, I haven't. Me neither. It's the people there are super friendly. And I remember the last time I was there, I got lost as well. I was walking with past guest Charlie Demers.
Starting point is 00:49:22 We were walking down the street and a bouncer at a club kind of stepped out of his position and came up to us and said, I'm pretty sure you guys are walking in the wrong direction. Like he looked at the two of us and the street we were walking down and he said, you guys should turn back. Oh, really? Yeah. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:49:40 wow, like a friendly bouncer. Were you about to go into the rough and tumble part? I guess. You're going to run into Rags Ruggles, the toughest kid in all of Winnipeg? We had just crossed over some train tracks. Oh, no, you're on the wrong side of the mountain. But can you imagine a bouncer being so friendly? Were you curious, though, what was on the other side? Oh, very much so.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Not curious enough to keep walking. If a bouncer singles you out. They would tell you. Yeah. It would just have little red lights. Polar bears this way. Maybe that's what he was warning us against. Oh, you don't want to go down there.
Starting point is 00:50:18 That's the bear zone, that part of town. Yeah. But yeah, so that's what that's what i did i went to super super uh freezing cold uh part of canada i survived yeah yeah you're rough and tumble yeah i'm like what rags ruggles rags ruggles that was uh an episode uh years ago do you remember rags ruggles no well we were talking about I don't even know. I think it might have been when we were doing the neighborhood nicknames segment on the show.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Sure. And someone called in and said that growing up the toughest kid in all of Winnipeg was named Rags Ruggles. I also saw a sign that said that Winnipeg was home of the Philly cheesesteak. That can't be right.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Yeah, I know. That's what I said. I'm like, no, that's impossible. So what do you do in Winnipeg other than shows? You do. That's what people do. They go out and see shows. They go out and like.
Starting point is 00:51:20 But what do you do? Oh, I watched a lot of television on a hotel television set. And because that's a treat. Like, I actually watch like. Oh, you don't have cable. I don't have cable. So I watched cable, just cable crap. Just, you know, all the shows I would never watch, never download.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Reality shows and such. Sure. You know, pickers, all sorts of pickers, all sorts of storage boards. Is there a local fair you watch on? I'll watch anything. Yeah, cable television comes on, I'll just sit there. A man of discerning taste.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Yeah, yeah. Like, even when I come over here, I'll just watch entertainment tonight. I don't care. I'll just watch whatever. Yeah, that's all we watch here. It's fun to watch TV, you know? It's the best.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, like, you know, you watch, like, a little bit of Batman Returns was on. So I watched some of that. Yeah, and I watched some local news. You know, that was great. Were they talking about how cool it was? Yeah, absolutely they did. You know, there was an unsolved murder they were talking about.
Starting point is 00:52:21 From 20 years ago? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. But there's some new clues now now with the big thought how can there be an unsolved murder in a snowy place there's footprints everywhere well you know it's like fargo right like there's going to be some stuff that the snow the snow hides until until summer but then you got to deal with the mosquitoes. And everybody's busy at barbecues and stuff. They're really taking advantage of the summer. Fuck that murder.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Yeah, nobody wants to solve crimes in the summer. Get your jeans. We're going to the beach. This guy's cooking Johnsonville Brat. Charlie Murphy. Yeah, so that's what I did. And then I came home on the plane, and there was screaming kids on the plane the whole flight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:08 And, you know, same old, same old. That's your future, buddy. Screaming kids on the plane? Yeah. When my child is born, this podcast is going to have a screaming kid in the background the whole time. The fourth mic is going to be a baby monitor. Yeah yeah yeah yeah that'll be fun and uh no you know like there's babies on planes that cry when it takes off i understand that when it lands big pressure change it's scary right but uh these kids just they went the distance they were crying
Starting point is 00:53:41 about everything and they weren't little kids either they were like oh yeah you know terrible two kids oh i remember i'm gonna say like eight or nine yeah they were 19 19 and 24 what's the age at which you're crying stops being like loud and obnoxious and starts being sad and like i don't want people to see me cry. I don't know. Probably when you passed grade one. I was a crier for a long time. Till what grade? Oh, boy. Three? Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:54:16 Okay. A crier just in general? Just like anything bad would happen to me, I'd cry and I would want attention for it. I won't want everyone to feel bad. Not for me. I just want you to feel bad. I don't want your pity. I just want you, I just want your day to be ruined.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I want misery loves company. I want you also to feel bad. Yeah. I don't stop crying until you start crying. I probably like, yeah, grade three. But that doesn't seem, I don't stop crying until you start crying I probably like Yeah grade 3 but that doesn't seem I don't know that seems still like An age where You know you're like a helpless kid
Starting point is 00:54:52 You don't know what to How to do anything Yeah but even when I was surrounded by other kids I'd be the wimpiest I guess I'm trying to think of like when would it, because yeah, when would it get to the point where a friend would be like
Starting point is 00:55:10 you're crying, you wimp. Like what age was that? No, everyone felt bad. I'm sure of it. Yeah, you ruined everybody's day. See, Dave was crying earlier. I don't know what about you chris you big crier i probably have more of a crier now than i was in school really
Starting point is 00:55:31 yeah because i also like make people feel terrible yeah yeah i don't know maybe it's like grade two or grade three i'm just trying to think of like what would be the age in which my as a child that my compassion would turn into ridicule and that would probably be about grade two or three is that when you start ridicule that's when you start kind of like feeling out your own cruelty i think because i at least for myself if i was remembering grade one a kid was crying i might be like oh that's up that's upsetting but i'll But I'll just walk over here. Yeah. I'll just go for a walk. I'm going to go smoke while you get yourself together. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Like, I don't have any clear memories from that period. So I wonder if I feel like crying still was part of the game plan. Like, I feel like it was still a viable option if things really went, like, if you lost at a sports game or something. I remember being on the verge of tears so much. And, like, fighting with my siblings, my sister would, like, see a tear welling in my eye. And she'd be like, ooh, so cry about it. And it would just really push me over but you were youngest yeah so that uh yeah you were being uh tortured they could still probably make me cry yeah see and i was the one doing the torturing talking about a girl i like
Starting point is 00:57:00 why don't you call her it's probably like really good advice why don't i call you um are you oldest youngest i'm the oldest yeah so you did uh torturing you were the one at the top of the food chain oh yeah yeah so there's not it's you don't have as much time for crying because you're funneling a lot of energy into cruelty. Yeah, that's true. You were the oldest as well. Yeah, yeah. So, like, I spent a lot more time causing tears than... Like, I'm about... Like, you can't probably read it on my face, but I could cry very easily right now.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Dave, don't. It'll ruin my day. It'll ruin all of our time. That's what he wants. It's fine uh one time in grade one uh i didn't do my homework i guess i did why did i have homework it was grade one you probably were reading trivial anyway someone brought in uh matzah bread for us to learn about Judaism. Yeah. I didn't get any, so I cried. So, like, because I hadn't
Starting point is 00:58:09 done this assignment or whatever, but then everyone felt bad for me, so everyone gave me a little bit of their matzah. Wow. So I ended up probably with more matzah than anyone. Yeah. True spirit of the Jews. Yeah. It was just a real
Starting point is 00:58:23 Passover tale. Yeah. it's just a real Passover tale. Yeah, like it really is like a story for the ages. Dave's Matzah Mitzvah. Not bad. Yeah, not bad. Do you want to move on to Overhearts? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Oh yeah. Hey, I'm Jesse Thorne from Last year we got together with some of our favorite comedians and musicians and put them on a boat. It was a huge success, and we had such a great time, we've decided to do it again this summer. The second annual Atlantic Ocean Comedy and Music Festival sets sail on July 25th, though technically there are no sales. Comedians will include W. Kamau Bell, Karen Kilgariff, Greg Barrett, Moshe Kasher, Kyle Kinane, Natasha Leggero, and more. Our music night is hosted by the great
Starting point is 00:59:11 John Roderick of the Long Winters, and you can check out Jean Grey and others. To learn more about the Atlantic Ocean Comedy and Music Festival and to book your passage, visit The Atlantic Ocean Comedy and Music Festival. Comedy, music, shuffleboard. Brian, spring has sprung. Spring has sprung, which means Throwing Shade is here. It's here every season. We've been here every season, but now we're here again.
Starting point is 00:59:39 If you don't know what we do, we take a look at lady issues and gay issues, and we treat them with much less respect than they deserve. And we do it every week. It's politics. It's comedy. It's absurdity. It's a lot of hairstyles. So many hairstyles. Absolutely. Just in your head, picture people with a bunch of wigs on talking smack and smoking dope. Overheard. Overheard. Overheard. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:11 We'll get in a segment in which, you know, you hear things. Oh, I heard things. I hear things. I hear things. Oh, you're doing your De Niro face. Where was that from? Meet the Parents? Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 01:00:25 One of his many comedies? Yeah. King of comedies. Now, we always like to start with the guest. That being you, Chris. Are you ready for it? Can you? I hear you have maybe one and maybe two. I definitely have one.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Why don't you start with one? We'll start with one. We'll go around. We'll see how you feel about that second one. Because the second one's not really... Anyhow, I'll do the first one first. I was heading out to the suburbs with my girlfriend on the SkyTrain,
Starting point is 01:00:52 which for anybody that lives outside of Vancouver, it's like a subway, but it's in the sky. It's in the clouds. It's a cloud. Atlas. Cloud car. Yeah, a place to download your anyways does it go underground at any point outside of the city i've never gone past metrotown so sure yeah yeah it does new west
Starting point is 01:01:16 goes underground in new west yeah it's the best there was a couple of young guys sitting behind us having this really amazing conversation of all of which was pretty good but the ending was definitely the best and having right before we had to get off when one guy says to the other guy really seriously he says uh i only got three rules to live by there's the first one is i eat right and i take care of my body second one is i pray every day the third one is I don't masturbate. That was really good. That's Hulk Hogan's theory.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Also, say your prayers, eat your vitamins. I guess that's part of it. Yeah, say your prayers, eat your vitamins. Don't masturbate. Hands off. Hands off of your Hulkamania. I mean, it's easy if you're Hulk Hogan and women are throwing themselves at you everywhere you go.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Oh, yeah. This guy didn't say that he doesn't have sex. He just doesn't masturbate. That's true. Did he look as handsome as Hulk Hogan? Was he as beautiful a man as Hulk Hogan? He looked like a very young King Kong Bundy. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Very handsome. So basically, he's getting a lot. Yeah, yeah. He's doing all right for himself. I don't know. I guess with this praying every day thing, maybe it's a religious thing. But I don't know if that's really healthy not to masturbate. Well, I don't know if it's...
Starting point is 01:02:32 Well, it's a health issue. I don't know if it's a health issue. I don't know if it's a religious thing. I don't know if you can claim to be part of a religion when you only have these three rules I made up for myself. What if it's your religion to think that not masturbating is unhealthy? Yeah. That's my religion. That's why I have to every day.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Just once? Before every meal. Dave, do you have one over here? Mine is, I was in a liquor store buying cider and I, there were, it's a, it's not
Starting point is 01:03:18 actually a liquor store. It's a cold beer and wine, which is different, but it's not government run. It's a private business and it uh there are you know there are three cashier places three uh whatever tills and uh it was a really busy
Starting point is 01:03:39 i guess saturday afternoon and there were so so many customers and so many employees, but none of the employees seemed to be doing any work. There were a couple of people behind the counter helping people check out. And then there was a group of four employees all sort of in their 20s standing around and chatting. And as I walked by, I heard the very important thing that they were chatting about uh when i heard one of them say what's up chicken butt is the original it totally is right well i think it's guess what guess what chicken yeah yeah what's up chicken
Starting point is 01:04:20 butt that's just something they used to say to be mean to this girl that had a weird butt. Yeah, she kept dropping eggs in the hallway. Oh, no. Poor chicken butt. Well, because there are many. Well, guess what? Chicken butt. Chicken butt.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Guess who? Chicken poo? Yeah. Or chicken stew? Guess why? Chicken thigh. I guess so. Yeah. Guess when? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Hen? Or chicken? Chicken. Guess how? Yeah, how? I don't know. Chicken chow? Have we done the five? Yeah. When? The don't know. Chicken trail? Have we done the five? Yeah. What?
Starting point is 01:05:05 Yeah. When? The fifth estate of chickens. Guess where? What? We haven't done where? Chicken's hair. Chicken hair.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Yeah, chicken hair. Absolutely. They're always covered in hair. Yeah, but the original is- Chicken butt. You know what? Chicken butt. What's up, chicken butt?
Starting point is 01:05:27 Graham, do you have an overheard? I do. And it's a little bit of a, have you ever heard of a restaurant chain? I think it's only in Manitoba called Salisbury House. Have you ever heard of it? No, I haven't heard of it. Sounds fashionable and expensive. Sounds like you could serve some very wet meat.
Starting point is 01:05:48 So Salisbury House is kind of like White Spot. Like it's a regional burger kind of place. But the... Regional Salisbury steak place. Well, I don't know if they even do Salisbury steak. I mean, I was in the airport and they they had a Salisbury house on the go. Oh, gross. I'm crossed out by this place I've never heard of.
Starting point is 01:06:13 And they have burgers, but their burgers are under a part of the menu called Nips, is the name of it. Seriously, classic nips and big nips. Nips are snacks name of that. Seriously. Classic nips and big nips. And somebody I heard of. Nips are snacks? I guess. Like, nibbles is the thing. Sure. And the one girl was asking.
Starting point is 01:06:36 There were two girls from a whole group of, like, I think they were field hockey kids. Anyways. Couldn't you tell by what was written on the butt of their track pants? They weren't wearing any kind of uniform. They were not wearing shoes either. They were walking around the airport in sock feet. It was like the world's biggest slumber party. I guess they had never heard of Salisbury House either,
Starting point is 01:07:00 because the one was asking if she wanted a big nip, and the other one said, nope. So there you go. A complicated overhe overheard but i got it out um well because i've only heard nips and in uh well i haven't even heard nips in the racist way no i just know that it's a racial slur i just think of it as as nipples yeah it's nipples if you say like oh it's the racist word for nipples. Yeah, as nipples. If you say, like, ooh, nips. It's the racist word for nipples. Yeah, exactly. But, yeah, isn't that... Yeah, like nip slips. Yeah. Upskirts and nip slips.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Nip slips. This is the whole economy. Nip slips. Upskirts and nip slips. At Salisbury House. Can either have a hot eat, a cool treat, a big nip, or an upskirt. You can either have a hot eat, a cool treat, a big nip, or an absurd. We also have overheards sent in to us from all points on the globe.
Starting point is 01:07:58 If you want to send one in, you can send it in to spy at And this first one comes from Brian D. from Los Angeles, California. Two girls shopping for groceries at a Trader Joe's. Ooh, so jealous. Oh, yeah, I want to try their hummuses. And they're talking about their roommate. One girl says to her friend, well, we said we were going to share food. And then her friend shoots back, yeah, but if she's going to get high high maybe she buys her own bags of poutine yeah right well maybe trader joe's has a weird bag of poutine you just add water
Starting point is 01:08:34 but if like add water and shake first of all i would buy that in a second if it was a bag and you just put like boil in a bag poutine wow Yeah. Yeah. And, yeah, if your roommate's, like, the one that's just always high all the time, then you're not going to foot the bill for all the cool snacks. Yeah. You should send her to the... Boot camp. Yes. Or give her a makeover.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Send her to Trader Joe's when she's high, and then she'll have a bunch of creative food ideas. Yeah, yeah. She comes back with nothing but bulk Skittles. Do they have Trader Joe's? Is it bulk? I've only been in one once. I've never been in one ever.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Never been in one ever. They have, well, it's not bulk. No. I don't know what the deal is. There's that Pirate Joe's place here. What is Pirate Joe's place here. What is Pirate Joe's? It's some guy who buys all the stuff from Trader Joe's and then brings it and sells it in his own store. Brings it across the border. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:32 And he's been sued by Trader Joe's. I think he won, too. He won because he's not... Well, he's not doing anything illegal. He's not stealing from... Yeah, he's not claiming that it's anything it isn't. He's paying full price, like retail price, and then bringing it across the border. I'm certain cranking up the price 10,000%?
Starting point is 01:09:55 Is this a place that's like, where is it? Kitsilano. Really? I had no idea. And what is, because they have their own brands. Is that the thing, Trader Joe's? Yeah, yeah. And then when they were being sued by Trader Joe's, they took the P away from Pirate Joe's and just made it Irate Joe's.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Well, well done. Touché. Take that. But are people, I guess it's just really. It is like the most sort of. Counting on people's laziness to not. I don't know. It seems. Well, I think, I mean, you go to Trader Joe's because things are laziness to not i don't know it's it seems
Starting point is 01:10:25 well i think you mean you go to trader joe's because things are cheap right i mean i don't know i they have cheap they have a brand of very cheap wine i know that which he could like that guy couldn't sell here anyhow right well maybe he can now because they're changing the laws but but there's like a two dollar wine and it's like good like it's not a shitty shrug yeah yeah shrug i don't know nothing but no wine me neither but apparently like people who drink wine will drink this stuff and not complain oh boy i need to get them to shut up yeah stop spitting your wine everywhere this isn't a tasting i gave you that in good faith yeah we're eating dinner here stop spitting that.
Starting point is 01:11:06 I think if you're buying $2 bottles of wine, you're not really the most discerning wine connoisseur. I can't imagine a guy who's got a real huge wine collection going to Trader Joe's and being like, I think you would get them if you were like, I'm having a party and there's a bunch
Starting point is 01:11:21 of people I don't like. Yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah i'm not gonna bust out my four dollar wine but this two dollar wine is apparently fine yeah yeah everybody says it's okay what's gato negro gato negro is uh like a five dollar wine oh i think it's like that yeah i think it's a it's the wine that everybody that i knew was like their first wine they ever got drunk on oh sure you got somebody to boot for you when you're like 13 or 14 it was like their first wine they ever got drunk on. Oh, sure. You got somebody to boot for you when you were like 13 or 14. It was like the only thing you could afford with your allowance.
Starting point is 01:11:51 The first wine I got drunk on was Listerine. It was a minty vintage. Minty vintage? Yeah. Blue grapes. I already dissolved a bunch of Jolly Ranchers in there. It was gross.
Starting point is 01:12:15 This next one comes from Matt R. in South Korea. He's teaching a camp full of middle school students from a rural area of South Korea. They were staying at a Metropolitan University campus for the winter break. We were discussing the differences between life in the countryside and life in the city. The students said that they enjoyed the wide open spaces of the country and that they like to play outside in the fresh air. When asked what they liked about being in the city, a student replied, well, we can go to playgrounds in the city. Anything else, I asked? A student raised
Starting point is 01:12:50 his hand and with great enthusiasm said, oh yeah, we can also use elevators. I guess it would be novel. Because all you would have in the country would be like, what, a bucket that goes in a well? That's like an elevator. It's a water elevator. A grain elevator. You would have a grain yeah, yeah. It's a water elevator. A grain elevator. Yeah, the grain elevator.
Starting point is 01:13:05 Yeah, you would have grain elevator, sure. What is a grain elevator? It's more like a grain escalator, isn't it? I thought it was just a grain storage place. I don't know. Is it like a silo? I thought it was that machine that's got the... I got burned last week for guessing what chaps were.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Well, I saw someone... I saw people getting mad at you on Twitter Yeah Because you don't know anything about anything Yeah but nobody knows anything about anything But don't listen to the show to learn anything about anything And then someone Was mad because you thought
Starting point is 01:13:38 It was funny that Kevin James was in a Mixed martial arts movie Well it is funny Of course it is Because Kevin James is Jim Belushi. Yeah. Well, he's,
Starting point is 01:13:48 uh, I mean, it's funny cause it's going to be hilarious. Yeah. Yeah. Cause Kevin James, he just does comedy, right?
Starting point is 01:13:55 Yeah. That's all I'm saying. Um, why people get mad at you for not knowing what chaps are. You're not gay. Yeah. But I'm not also not a cowboy. Like,
Starting point is 01:14:03 I don't know. I just took a guess at what they do. And, oh yeah, I don't know what their not gay. Yeah, but I'm also not a cowboy. Like, I don't know. I just took a guess at what they do. Oh, yeah. I don't know what their point is. Did they correct you? Yeah. What was the correct answer? I don't know. I didn't read it. I don't care. I don't care what chaps are or what they do.
Starting point is 01:14:17 There's a thing you need to ride a horse. Yeah. Or sometimes to ride a motorcycle. Or sometimes to be in... Really? The Iron Horse. Yeah, there you go. If you have something you want to correct us about, just say it into a mirror and see if you feel better. Write it down, put it in an envelope,
Starting point is 01:14:44 and shoot yourself in the face. No, don't do that. But yeah, I like to say it into a mirror. See how it feels to be on the receiving end of it. That's kind of like how they would test for witches back in the day. Be like, you shoot yourself in the face, and if you survive, you were right. Yeah, you were right. I don't know anything about chaps. Then I'll open up this envelope oh do one of those karnak bits oh karnak you know so that's a good bit still it was yeah that was a great bit but like
Starting point is 01:15:21 so carson is no longer with us why can't they still do Karnak? Like, why can't the Tonight Show still have that in their repertoire, have Jimmy Fallon doing Karnak or whatever? Maybe they do. Oh, yeah. Yeah, maybe they do. I know as much about that as I know about Caps. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:39 I haven't seen anything that Jimmy Fallon has done if it hasn't, you know, if it wasn't an impression he did with a famous singer. If it wasn't a rap song. If it wasn't a rap song, I haven't seen it. Fair enough, but this feels like it could be the new hot bit. Well, I guess will
Starting point is 01:15:57 Colbert do top ten when he takes over? No. No, probably not, eh? I don't think even David Letterman liked doing top ten. He seemed like he was past it But it is When I was a kid, it seemed like So adult To watch a show at 11.30
Starting point is 01:16:15 Like, all these bits were You know, very sophisticated and mature But like Jimmy Fallon dancing around This is for 20 year olds yeah like oh it's not for adults anymore it's not your grandpa's no that's what leno was yeah leno was oh boy that guy was just the greatest wizard yeah comedy wizard i wonder if that's gonna happen if there's gonna be a point where people are like, oh, man, Leno really.
Starting point is 01:16:47 You know, from that Hugh Grant episode on, he was it. He dominated. Well, people really loved that 10 o'clock show he did. Yeah. Sure. He dominated primetime and late night. He did it all. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Yeah. There's a guy who knows a thing or two about denim shirts. He washes it right away and then the employee at the store was like I heard something about Leno buying all of his shoes by the case like he has like
Starting point is 01:17:18 he basically has like a palette of the identical shoes dropped he wears the same outfit every day casually so he just has like a for of identical shoes dropped. Like he wears the same outfit every day casually. So he just has like a forklift come over and drop. But you don't throw shoes away every day. No, he does. He is a straight man.
Starting point is 01:17:33 He's like a rap CEO. He only wears it once. Then he throws it away. They do smell good in those boxes. The shoe won't wash itself. This last one is, I was in the cafeteria at my university. This is from Jack K. Jack A?
Starting point is 01:17:49 Which is it? Jack K? It's Jack K. Like Kerouac? Yeah. Oh. Oh. A guy at a table next to me was eating a plate of fries while he called somebody on his cell phone.
Starting point is 01:18:02 After a pause, he said, I just called to rub it in that I just ate a Reuben. Pretty good. What's a Reuben? It's like a grilled cheese. Yeah, with a cheesy sandwich. No, with a ham. Is it a cheesy sandwich? It's a cheesy sandwich.
Starting point is 01:18:20 It's a cheese-based sandwich. Yeah, it's got cheese and it's got ham and maybe bacon. And maybe sauerkraut or something? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's on like sourdough bread. Yeah. Yeah, it's like a real deli classic. If you want to correct us about what a Reuben is.
Starting point is 01:18:34 I think a Reuben is a pair of pants you wear when you ride a horse. You write down what it is, put it between two pieces of bread. Eat that answer. it is, put it between two pieces of bread. Eat that answer. Then put those two pieces of bread in your third base coach's shoe. Light it on fire. Now, in addition to overheards, oh boy, there were a lot of phone calls this week.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Oh yeah? Because we actually haven't recorded in two weeks. That's right. Because we recorded twice two weeks ago. That's how time works. And so I didn't get through all this week's calls. Like, the first three calls I listened to could have all been on the show. So the quality of overheards has gone up immensely over the years. But here are three I picked.
Starting point is 01:19:23 Here we go. Oh, and if you would like to call us, it's 206-339-8328. Now back to the sound effects. Hello, Dave. I'm Graham, and probable guest. This is Chantel calling from Vancouver. I work in a daycare
Starting point is 01:19:40 with three to five-year-old kids, and one day... Oh, I'm calling with an overheard by the way anyways one day last week one of the four-year-old kids was walking through the group and he looked really frustrated and walked past a bunch of other kids and walked over to his cubby where there weren't any other kids and made sort of a frustrated, like, grown-up sound like that. And he said to himself, all these kids are serious about butts. So I don't know what that was all about, but it was pretty great. All kids are serious about butts.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Until you say the word butts, then they start giggling. Guess what? Yeah. Chicken butt. Yeah. What's up, chicken butt? That's what I used to cry about. What?
Starting point is 01:20:23 People make fun of your butt? No, just butts. Everyone's got one. Yeah.'s what I used to cry about. What? People make fun of your butt? No, just butts. Everyone's got one. Yeah. I thought I was the only one. Well, not everyone. I'm sure there's someone out there. There's definitely someone who was born without a butt.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Yeah. How do they sit? We're not laughing. We're just saying we can go the lungs without talking, and I lost. Well done, everybody. I guess here's your note. Next phone call. Hi, Dave Graham, Impossible Guest. This is Josh M. calling in overheard from Chicago, Illinois.
Starting point is 01:21:11 I'm a dog walker here during the day. Cool. And I was walking a dog, a little bulldog named Lola, and we got on the elevator to go back up to the apartment, and there was a couple that got on on our way up, maybe early 30s, and they were saying how cute Lola was and how much clearly the lady wanted the dog in the couple. And she was trying to convince the boyfriend of, like,
Starting point is 01:21:34 oh, I'll take care of it. And you could tell he really didn't want to. And then finally he's like, okay, why a bulldog? And she goes, well, they take on the personality of their owners. And he said, well, then we're definitely not getting one. That's a really good sitcom zing. Yeah. Are you a fan of bulldogs?
Starting point is 01:21:57 Yeah. I mean, other than the... Drooling? Well, no, like a breeding that makes them... Retarded? Well... Yeah, they are right they're just like uh prone to you know genetic defects and early uh you know deaths early death syndrome and eds depending on the uh the type of bulldog like french bulldogs are born by cesarean. Oh, like they have to be?
Starting point is 01:22:27 Yeah, because their heads are so big. Oh, weird. Oh, crazy. Yeah, I didn't. And that's why they cost thousands of dollars. But regular bulldogs, they can barely breathe and stuff, right? They're like totally. So why?
Starting point is 01:22:42 They're just a bad idea. You breed a dog that cannot have a natural birth anymore and you actually have to do a cesarean. Yeah. It's not really like, it's not really even, where does it go just to cruelty? Well, yeah. Well, and if they can't breathe, that's cruel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So like if bulldogs weren't bred for big money, they would just die out as a species?
Starting point is 01:23:08 I guess they have a... Yeah, no, like all... And quickly, too. There's nobody around to give cesareans. That's true. There's a one... Well, no, there's... It'll be over in a year.
Starting point is 01:23:17 They had to breed another breed of dog that could give these dogs cesareans. Little surgeon dogs. Sharp teeth. But, like, all dogs all dogs are well they go to heaven first and foremost absolutely but the the way they're bred it's uh like completely uh what do they call it artificial selection the opposite of natural selection yeah but like if you just left it to natural selection they'd be like what just like labradors just be mutts. Oh, they're just... Dogs would just have sex with each other.
Starting point is 01:23:48 That's true. I guess end up looking... Well... They'd look amazing. They would look crazy. Yeah. But I was going to say they'd end up looking back more like wolves. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:00 I don't know. But I guess not. I don't know. There's enough variety now. I feel like if you took a Shar-Pei and a Chihuahua and a Great Dane, it's going to end up looking like a walrus or something. But would it end up... But would we still be domesticating them?
Starting point is 01:24:13 Or are these just going to be wild dogs? No, this is in the future where we just let all the dogs go. Just to go do their own thing. Like, we just... What a decree. Yeah. We all have decided, like, it's just, like, we're going to live with the dogs, but not in our houses. But the dogs will be our masters.
Starting point is 01:24:29 Yeah, in a sense they will be. Because they're going to roam the street. Then they can breed us. Oh, I like that. What would they choose? Oh, man, get a sharp face on a man. Yeah. Wait, that's not how it happens.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Wait a minute. They don't breed with us yeah your dr moreau experiment has got my future is my future my imagination takes me many places how far in the future is this happening 25 25 if we're still alive that's right um here's your final overheard of 2014. This one's a long one. It's a dream. Hi, Dave and Graham and plausible guests. This is Chris from Montreal calling. I just had a great yarn of an overdreamt featuring you two.
Starting point is 01:25:26 So Dave, Graham, and I had crashed an office party for Yogo, that yogurt company. And we were doing pranks, going around to pretending to be Yogo employees and just spreading disinformation about the company, saying that so-and-so got fired and seeing people's astounded reactions. Anyway, so later at this yoga party, one girl got very drunk and wanted to drive home, and Graham took the responsibility to get her home safely, but he somehow got stuck in with her driving.
Starting point is 01:25:57 She also didn't have a car. She just had a Segway. But it was still going really fast, and Graham was stuck on the back of this extremely fast driving Segway, driven by a drunk girl going down the street. And I remember this one woman gave Graham a very disappointed look, and he tried to give her a sarcastic thumbs up to show that he wasn't really liking it, but she didn't get it. So we tried to turn it into a double sarcastic thumbs up, which almost made him fall off the Segway, so he had to grab back on. Anyway, then this girl, because she's drunk, turned into the Montreal Metro system
Starting point is 01:26:33 and ended up crashing the Segway onto the tracks of the Metro. And then the Metro started coming, and Graham just barely managed to push her out of the tracks and then get out himself. And then cut forward to Graham telling the story on the podcast and john door was the guest and graham was saying yes so you know uh i i broke my arm and john door cut in and said yeah but you know not to worry she died and i laughed at that in my dream so that that's my overdraft. Pretty good. Wow. Seems like something John Doerr would say, too.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Yeah, it was a good John Doerr delivery. Yeah. I would love to help somebody home who only showed up to a party on a Segway. But still let them drive. Yeah, yeah. So I've had too much to drink. I can't get a Segway. I guess that's not illegal to operate a segue drunk, because it's just basically like walking I don't know if we've made laws about segues.
Starting point is 01:27:30 We should, because they're getting real popular. Yeah. Was it the creator of the segue who died and fell off a cliff? Yeah. Segway off a cliff? Yeah. Yeah. That's right.
Starting point is 01:27:53 He didn't segue off a cliff, yeah that's right yeah i think so i don't know he definitely was found at the bottom of the cliff and there was a segway involved the segway was arrested never not enough evidence to convict but But that's the ultimate in, hey, this product's never going to take off. Well, apparently all of his designs were to help people that were in wheelchairs get around. It was never supposed to be like... They really hyped the shit out of it. When it came out, I remember seeing things that were like, this thing's going to be like uh they really hyped the shit out of it like when it came out i remember seeing things that they're like it's good this thing's going to be announced it's going to change transportation forever but it became a joke immediately yeah yeah well as soon as everybody
Starting point is 01:28:36 saw it yeah because what was it like what like why did we need that what did it cost oh that's a good question. Probably super expensive. It's like the DeLorean, right? Like the DeLorean was supposed to be like the next generation in automotives. Because it was all aluminum, right? So it was supposed to be like lighter weight. No, it's not aluminum. It's steel.
Starting point is 01:29:00 Steel. Sorry, yeah. But it was- It was rusty. Yeah, it rusted and it leaked and the gullwing doors broke all the time. If I saw a gullwing door car, though, that was just made out of rust, that's pretty great. A rusty... It was like a homeless guy's sports car.
Starting point is 01:29:17 Like a derelict gullwing car. That's so cool. I googled how much a Segway costs. I wonder if there's any on sale on Craigslist or eBay. Oh, yeah. But there are multiple models of Segway. Oh, yeah. I just thought there would be one.
Starting point is 01:29:34 I thought there was only one. There's the i2, the i2 Commuter, the i2 Cargo, the i2 Patroller. The i2 Cargo? The x2 Adventure. If you could rent one for the day and just cruise around a city in it, you would, right? Would I? Would you? I don't know if I would.
Starting point is 01:29:53 You can. Here? I'm sure you can. From where? The Segway store? Do they still rent them? Segway Rentals Incorporated? There must be.
Starting point is 01:30:05 I don't know. I've never seen anybody on one. According to this website, they cost between $6 and $8 million. Wait, how many zeros is a million? Four. $6 and $8,000. So as much as a pretty reliable used car. So it's not a purchase
Starting point is 01:30:26 that's wise basically I mean if you have $8,000 you don't want it's a great purchase you hate money I don't know I think I could do other things with $8,000 you don't hate money enough
Starting point is 01:30:41 that's true I don't hate money very much yeah you love it you're rubbing some on your face right now I eat coins You don't hate money enough. Yeah, yeah. That's true. I don't hate money very much. Yeah. You love it. You're rubbing some on your face right now. I do. I do. Gross. I eat coins every night. Now, that brings us to the end of this here episode.
Starting point is 01:30:54 Do you have any – you've got lots of projects on the go. What would you like to plug? Well, I think is probably the easiest thing for somebody to hear and spell. Okay. And it has not only the new record, but it will have the new video when it's ready for release. Cool. And as well, it has also links to some other things that I do, but they're all way harder to spell. Right.
Starting point is 01:31:24 But that's where somebody can go. That's like the starting point. I think it's a good starting point. Is a thing? It is. Okay. Spell it. Spell it.
Starting point is 01:31:34 It's on your podcast description. And there they can see some of your visual art. That's right. Yeah, which is all great. I've got a couple on my walls. You're a talented young man. I'm eBaying Segways right right. Yeah, which is all great. I've got a couple on my walls. You're a talented young man. I'm eBaying Segways right now. Yeah?
Starting point is 01:31:49 There's a lot of Segway components you can buy. A lot of... I have a dumb Segway t-shirt. Something like that. Ask me about my Segway. I'd rather be Segwaying. Well, yeah. Gone Segway. My other car is a Millennium Segway. I sorted...
Starting point is 01:32:07 I just Googled... I eBayed... eBayed? Is that a... Well, why not? I eBay searched Segway and sorted by price. And the most expensive Segway thing you can get is $8,200. Wow.
Starting point is 01:32:18 Canadian. Yeah. Sold. Almost reasonable. Yeah. If they were like $100 dollars then i think it would have probably changed like a razor scooter basically yeah yeah if they were cheap enough that anybody or almost anybody let's say 70 of the population could scrape up enough to get one yeah then yeah
Starting point is 01:32:38 i think they would have been i think people would have used them they would have gotten over they would have been like rollerblades. What if they were $500? $500. That's more expensive than an Xbox. Smaller than a bread box. Yeah. But it's more like a thing, like $500 is like,
Starting point is 01:33:00 but still a lot of people could afford it. I think if there were $500, you'd see one every day. You'd see one every day. If there were $500, you'd see one every day. You'd see one every day. Oh, I feel you. If there were $500, you'd see dozens a day. Yeah, I think. I'd see one every day because I'd buy one. Yeah, I'd buy one too. I'd buy one for you. What stickers would you put on it? What? Did you say
Starting point is 01:33:16 what stickers? Yeah. What secrets would you put? What secrets would you put in your Segway? That I own two Segways. That I have a secret Segway. One for each foot. Yeah, I think part of... One for each foot.
Starting point is 01:33:30 Oh, yeah, Evel Knievel's going to ride two Segways. Oh, yeah. For the great game, and that's how they get it. What... Part of what makes a Segway so obnoxious is that it costs thousands of dollars. And if you see someone on one, you're like, fuck that. Yeah. You feel kind of like that.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Well, because they don't go fast, do they? I mean, they just go about walking speed? No, no. They go faster than walking speed. Well, how fast? 100 miles an hour. They go as fast as Jabba the Hutt. I can't Segway 55.
Starting point is 01:34:04 Well, if you like this, here you go. Wait, wait. I can't segue 55. Well, if you like this here show... Wait, wait. We still have... We still can promote that we will be in the... Oh, yes. We will be in Portland coming up on the... Let me get my phone out. I don't know when times are.
Starting point is 01:34:20 We're going to Portland. We're going to Seattle. Yes, we'll be in Portland on April 25th. We will be in Seattle on April 26th. Both of those shows are with Jordan Jesse Go. We'll be in Vancouver
Starting point is 01:34:35 while we live in Vancouver. With just Jesse. With just Jesse on the 28th of April. Ticket info is available on the internet. At Zoo Music. What?
Starting point is 01:34:51 Did I get it right? Was it Zoo Age? No, Damn it. You got us so close. If you like the show, head over to Check out the blog recap that Dave puts together to accompany every episode. Probably a video of hot footing or at least a photo.
Starting point is 01:35:09 Oh my god, absolutely. Maybe a picture of Jabba. If there's any videos of Jabba running. Etc, etc. Yeah, he barely moves. In the whole Star Wars trilogy he moves maybe 10 feet. Yeah, he barely moves In the whole Star Wars trilogy He moves maybe 10 feet Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 01:35:30 When they redid them There's a part where he goes Yeah, he goes and talks To Han Solo at some point He's moving pretty good He's moving just fine And he speaks in hot language And Han Solo speaks in English
Starting point is 01:35:44 Oh yeah And they understand each other So confusing He's even just fine. And he speaks in hot language and Han Solo speaks in English. Oh, yeah. And they understand each other. Oh, so confusing. They're doing a language exchange. Yeah, I guess so. They have some kind of Babelfish enabled thingy. And if you like the show, do tell your friends and come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. I said, actions be better than words do Alone, alone, alone
Starting point is 01:36:31 And you look just like a stray dog With all skin and bones So, actions play better than flirts do You know You know the radio How did you just steal this face go blind this time? I saw the actions but fell out of mind You're blinding
Starting point is 01:37:47 Now who is it mourning? Oh no I know, know, know, know, know It's gone Passions tend to go Then thoughts do And so Do you remember? I play doctor, you played me? How did that seem?
Starting point is 01:38:15 Well, some things are better when there's two, you know, you know. You know You know How did you just feel this face go blind? This time I saw the actions but fell out of mind You're blind ស្លាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប្រាប Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Listener supported.

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