Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 549

Episode Date: September 24, 2018

No guest this weeks as we talk Aerosmith, deodorant, and physicals....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 549 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who met a blind man who taught him how to see. He met a blind man who could change night into day. Mr. Dave Shubka. These are the immortal words of Stevan Tyler. Stevan Tyler.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Steven Tyler. This is, did Aerosmith still make albums? Yeah, but they make like, they do that weird thing that these old rock bands do where they're like, here's a blues album that nobody makes. Oh yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:59 No one's going to buy, no one buys albums anyway. So let's do, let's do what we feel like doing. Yeah. But that might have been like their last. I mean, was that post Don't Want to Miss a Thing? Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Blind Man. So we were singing this before the show for some reason. I don't know why, but it's good. Yeah, it's one of the more offensive music videos that doesn't have nudity in it, I think. Yeah, yeah. Because it's just a lot of people pretending to be blind. And we're saying it's one in a long line of tradition of rock singers singing about experiences they obviously never had yeah like i met a blind man who taught me how to see or like i went to the doctor and i said like gucci gucci
Starting point is 00:01:53 like like uh oh baby baby the doctor told me something you know And I told the witch doctor. Yeah. No, this was 1994. Oh, wow. This was the follow-up single to Crazy. Oh, wow. That must have been a real drop-off for them. Despite the song's moderate success, the band hardly ever performed it live after the Get a Grip tour.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Despite that moderate success. Oh. Is that Wikipedia? Yes. This is from the great Wikipedia. Oh, in 2009 the drummer admitted that it's his least favorite video.
Starting point is 00:02:46 He's what was his name something Kramer Joey Kramer Joey Kramer he was the basis of the character Kramer yeah I remember that
Starting point is 00:02:58 do you want to run out of steam in the middle yeah sure do you speaking of things that never like song lyrics that are apocryphal, I thought it might, it was very stormy yesterday,
Starting point is 00:03:12 and I thought I heard some thunder, and I thought of that song, because the Fleetwood Mac song that's like, Thunder only happens when it's raining. That's not true. No, that's not true. Thunder can happen, that's not true. Thunder can happen. Rain or no rain. And what's the next?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Is something about players? Players only love you when they're playing. No, and players love you all the time. They still can experience love. Yeah, I've watched that Hockey Wives show. Those players love their wives
Starting point is 00:03:39 when the game is not happening. Now, was that show that similar in tone to the Real Housewives? Are they bitchy? No way. You know what? It's a lot less bitchy because they're Canadian and they're... Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:55 And their husbands have to, like, face each other. So there's, like, a professional element. Yeah. Right now, there's a TV preview element. Yeah. The, uh, right now there's a, uh, a TV preview of the channel slice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:10 That's where the hockey wives is on. Yeah. And it's all, it's either a real estate show or a housewife variant. And now there's like probably 12 of them or something. Yeah. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:21 it's like the apostles, the 12 housewives. Um, we should say we don't have a guest today. No, we do. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Invisible? Is it Invisible?
Starting point is 00:04:31 Yeah. Invisible. Put that away. Yeah, that's gross. Yeah. Zip that up. Or button it up. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Oh, Invisible. I'm sorry. He's not invisible sound-wise, only visually. Yeah, but he doesn't have a lot to say. But he'll pipe up from time to time. Is it? Should we get to know us? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Get to know us. What's a song lyric about someone who didn't have a lot to say oh i don't know it was like that one about drink his wine that's another one of those oh yeah you never knew a bullfrog named jeremiah yeah it's uh it's like a dumb i don't, I always just think of that scene in the Metallica documentary where he goes, my lifestyle dictates my death style. And they all go like, yeah. Yeah, very good. And that's the end of the road of conversation about the lyric.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Yeah. It's like, and then they have, if it's a hit, they have to sing that lyric for 20 years. Yeah, well, I was, this summer we had some great fruit i had some peaches and i was thinking of the song peaches yeah by presidents of the united states of america yeah moving to the country gonna eat a lot of peaches yep they were put there in a can the peaches come from a can they were put there by a man in a factory downtown then why are you moving to the country? And since when are there factories downtown? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:08 The whole point of the country is to get the... You would think it would be fresh peaches. Fresh peaches, yeah. And also in that song where the guy says, I want to feel your peaches or whatever and shake your tree. Oh, yeah, yeah. Is that a butt that he's talking about?
Starting point is 00:06:24 What is he talking about? Is that the Joker? Yeah. But it's butt cheeks? Some people call me Space Cowboy. You're the sweetest thing I ever did see. Really love your peaches. Want to shake your tree.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Yeah. Lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey all the time. Ooey, baby. Let me show you good time. So I just don't like that song was on the radio the other day and i had always assumed that a peach was a stand-in for uh but or a vagina oh yeah well okay yeah and that's what i thought he was talking because isn't there like another no that's a lemon but the pit uh what's a lemon uh there's a lemon you know squeeze my lemon or something
Starting point is 00:07:06 till the juices run down my leg that's like a lead sapling oh god yeah and i mean the lemon in that and then it's like your dick's a lemon and even by squeezing it yeah is it like when that like when that YouTube channel that's just when they put fruit in a hydraulic press? Like he looked at his own dick and was like, lemon. That's like the closest fruit I can think of. Yeah, what's the juiciest fruit? Why is it so juicy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Oh, you'll find out. Squeeze it. Just squeeze it? And where does it come out? Everywhere. Yeah. It's a song about peeing yourself.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Well, cut it in half and then squeeze it. And put a little bit in your vodka soda. And like, you know, that guy's in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Yeah, under lyrics. Would you ever visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? It's in Cleveland?
Starting point is 00:08:15 Yeah. Yeah, I would. On what day of your trip to Cleveland? Your seven-day trip to Cleveland. Oh, boy. Yeah, I would recreate frame by frame the Cleveland Rocks opening of Drew Carey. Of Drew Carey, sure.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Uh oh. What else is in, go to Buddy Holly's house? Was he from Cleveland? He was from Lubbock, Texas. Damn it. He and Dr. Pepper are from the same town. Really?
Starting point is 00:08:42 Yep. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I guess, like, you probably just go through it really quick, because there's just, like, pictures of them, maybe, like, a jacket or something from. Yeah. Yeah. The jacket from Take Off Your Pants and Jacket,
Starting point is 00:08:56 the Blink-182 album. They're going to probably be in the Hall of Fame. Oh, sure. When did they? I think it's 25 years after your first album that you are eligible. And then isn't there like. But they haven't been eligible, but they've always been incorrigible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Yeah. I really like their last album they put out because it was kind of like, hey, we're all dads now. We're all grown up. We still like to rock we still but we don't like to rock about silly things anymore yeah we're at old men it's weird to like do you i listen to albums and i really like albums still and but i don't then i find they don't stick with me as well like i will forget all the albums i loved a year ago yeah how many here's a question how many in a year like how many albums do you like listen to like over and over and like actually
Starting point is 00:09:53 get into maybe maybe like 20 wow like uh yeah i like a lot of albums but but like is that a lot i don't know like i use like i don't know when i worked at cbc it seems like a lot of albums. Yeah. But like, is that a lot? I don't know. I don't know. When I worked at CBC. It seems like a lot to me. People would be encyclopedias of music. Yeah. And I just can't, like how can you love an album that much,
Starting point is 00:10:18 but you can't give it that much time if you love so many albums. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. But you're right. There's definitely these like music fans that make me feel like I don't, that much time if you love so many albums you know what i mean yeah yeah but you're right there's definitely these like music fans that make me feel like uh i don't understand music oh yeah uh like they've they've listened to the album by the person who inspired you know the guy who inspired the guy and you're like. I like that new Kanye album.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Steve Miller's greatest hits is. Got a lot of hits on it from 74 to 78. It really does. Yeah. But it's. Somebody like shamed me in high school for owning greatest hits albums. Yeah. Like somebody was like what are you
Starting point is 00:11:07 doing that for and i was this was before you could just listen to every song in the universe at will so i was like well i just want the good i don't want blind man i just want crazy uh blind man's probably on their greatest hits probably but like yeah no it's it's yeah but now as it made sense when i was a teenager and i was like i've heard about the cars yeah i would like to hear all their great songs yeah i like the three songs i've heard let's hear them all yeah but now as an adult i like, I've heard every song that's on a greatest hits album way too long, way too much anyway. That's true.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah. And then like, but sometimes I'll like, I'll like a band, but I'll like three of the, like three of their songs. And I'll just pick a random album. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:11:58 I'm going to listen to this album. I'm like, I hate this. Like, I really only like those three songs. Yeah. It's hard to be like, oh, okay. Well, what were you feeling in 1988 when this album came out? Like, oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, like, it's weird that there's people my age, our age, who are like, you know, discovered Bruce Springsteen late in life and can get into all of it. Yeah. I, uh, I went on a date with a girl once.
Starting point is 00:12:30 He was like, so into Bruce Springsteen to the point that it was like, oh, well, like, uh, yeah, you're going to be disappointed with,
Starting point is 00:12:39 with me. It's a, this guy's a blue collar hero. Uh, you know, he said, where's a real, a real nice pair of jeans. You know, his album cover is his butt.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Yep. Like, he's got quite a... Quite a platoon on that guy. He's got a real set of peaches there. Yeah, I'd love to shake that tree. Whereas Steve Miller, I couldn't pick his butt out of a lineup. Nope, no. Out of a peach basket
Starting point is 00:13:06 but uh yeah like um i don't know i would do i want to like do that i want to discover uh somebody's discography but i don't i don't feel like i have the time and then i always want to hear a song that i already know I like. Yeah, yeah. Getting to know a new song. It's getting harder and harder. Yeah. I mean, I like a song, sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:37 But then like, yeah, but you're right. Like the songs that you know, you've heard them. Like how many more times am I going to uh whatever song by the rolling stones like any song by the rolling stones how many more times in my life am i gonna hear start me up like involuntarily it'll just be around i won't put it on sure but like you're in boston pizza it's always in the store the game yeah you the game. You've just won the softball championship. Yes, absolutely. You ladybugged your way onto an all-women's team. That's right.
Starting point is 00:14:13 And then I took a ball in the face in the last inning, and they declared the game had to be postponed because there was so much blood. And you're like, all right, ladies. I mean, we bleed and we keep going. Am I right? That would be a line for one of those movies. Yeah. They don't make as many of those.
Starting point is 00:14:37 They don't make them like they used to. They don't make films like that as much anymore. Where someone pretends to be a different sex. Yeah, a different sex. Or race. Yeah. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:14:48 it's, maybe it's a genre film that's better left deceased. Yeah, I think, I mean, the only race one
Starting point is 00:14:57 I can think of, I mean, there were, I guess, it's hard, like, where being a different race is part of the plot as opposed to, like, Mickey Rooney just being Asian for no reason.
Starting point is 00:15:10 I watched this weird, well, because the thing that I thought of was a John Candy movie, Who's Harry Crumb? This is a very, like, crude humor. And at one point he is playing a, maybe an Indian guy or something. It's fair. It doesn't, it didn't age. Is it more offensive than blind man,
Starting point is 00:15:30 the music video? It's tough to say. I mean, as, and like, even I think when they did it, people on set must've been like, this doesn't feel,
Starting point is 00:15:44 this doesn't feel good. I remember when I was a kid, there were two movies that grown-ups always told me I would love. And one was the Naked Gun movies. Yeah. And they were right. Ding, ding, ding. Or the first one, anyway.
Starting point is 00:15:57 No one had to convince me to see the second one. And then The Party. Yeah. I never saw The Party, mostly because I was like, this is from, this predates comedy. Like, just from the look of this, I don't. Yeah. And it's, like, I've also never seen it.
Starting point is 00:16:16 But it's, Peter Sellers does a bunch of characters from different races. Yeah. I mean, from the trailer i've seen and it was the same thing as like maybe uh like an adult was like oh you like comedy you must love the party starring peter sellers and then i was like who's that and they're like the pink panther and then i just know that as a cartoon yeah yeah i was like yeah i get it he's funny yeah i remember the uh at the beginning of pink panther cartoons it was so rare for pink panther to be on when i was a kid you could never knew when pink panther would come on like sure you know bugs bunny would be on every day yeah and
Starting point is 00:16:58 once in a while you tom and jerry yeah sure yeah and then but sometimes and it would always start with that united artists logo with the U that turns into the A. Yeah. And anytime I would see that logo, I'd be like, oh, come on, Pink Panther, Pink Panther, Pink Panther. Nope. And like, what was the Pink Panther's character? I couldn't tell you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:18 He was cool. He smoked. I'm thinking of Joe Camel. Did they ever do a Joe Camel cartoon? Oh man If they did I would have watched it as a kid I remember being like Seeing that on the back of a magazine
Starting point is 00:17:32 This speaks When's the season premiere of Joe Camel? He's driving a car? He's got a human girlfriend And a human penis for a face. The, yeah, like Pink Panther is the same kind of thing as like the Hanna-Barbera. They had all those like weird characters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:58 That maybe they had their own show at some point. Yeah. Snagglepuss. Yeah. The Hanna-Barbera the main one was the Flintstones right and the Jetsons
Starting point is 00:18:07 yeah and then you would occasionally get a Snagglepuss or like Yogi Bear was kind of yeah that was
Starting point is 00:18:13 Hanna-Barbera and yeah but there's Snagglepuss and then there was like Droopy Dog or something yeah maybe were the Wacky Racers
Starting point is 00:18:21 Hanna-Barbera yeah but like that didn't make it into the 80s. No, but those characters would just sometimes, like, show up in a package of stickers or something, and you're like, yeah, I guess I'll put Droopy Dog on my lunchbox. Droopy Dog rules. Yeah, he was just sad.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Yeah. He was just a sad guy. And that voice, it's a fun voice. But there was, like, I was just sad. Yeah. He was just a sad guy. And that voice, it's a fun voice. But there was like, I can't remember. I never saw it, but I lived with past guests. Did we get to know us? Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I lived with past guest Sean Proudlove, and he knew all those Hanna-Barbera characters from the 70s. Yeah, he's a little older than us. Yeah, and he knew one like there was a character called grape ape that was just a babe yeah an ape that just was purple and said grape that was the whole gag i mean there's a guy who just says i am groot now yeah people are okay with that that's true um there's a guy who just says Hodor it's like yeah
Starting point is 00:19:26 this is the one of these tales this is one of these things that goes through all kinds of cultures right it's just like
Starting point is 00:19:33 it's an archetype and we all love it yeah I mean there were whatever it goes back to cavemen they just said
Starting point is 00:19:39 og or whatever it was that one caveman that only said og other ones they would say trog blog blog blog It was that one caveman that only said og. Other ones would say trog, blog.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Blog. Blog, damn it. I remember seeing the guy who did the voice of the Aflac duck. Gilbert Gottfried? Yeah, him on a morning television show and saying that he was updating his blob but he thought like he thought the word was blob and he kept saying it throughout the interview like well just go check it out on my blob anyways oh that's great yeah does it come for like are we far enough away that i don't know where it comes from does it come from weblog weblog i can see why they shortened it i mean but also like what i who came up with that i'm logging like it was a it was meant to be they started out
Starting point is 00:20:33 as just a diary this is yeah this is my web a web log. Like just the worst. Yeah, it's the worst. And then like. Really love your peaches when I shake your log. But there's still, there's still blogs, right? But I just don't know what they are anymore. But there's blogs that people go to like. Well, like, oh boy.
Starting point is 00:21:08 go to like well like boy I mean it became a thing where like a blog hosting service would just be a way for people to post news updates yeah yeah and so it was like this is it it wasn't a log it was just like here's what's going on like yeah there's a picture of sir Jessica Parker with cocaine on her nose. Yeah. Yeah. But like there was a, there was a point where I had like six blogs that I would just go on. Oh yeah. And now I don't, I don't know. I go on.
Starting point is 00:21:36 You, I still, I mean, I still subscribe to a bunch there. Well, there used to be Google reader. Yeah. Yeah. Which you could, you could Which you could keep all your blogs in one place and then they just stopped making Google Reader.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Right. And then you could, I still use one called Feedly. Okay. But most of the blogs I subscribe to I don't ever check.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah. But I mean, they still are out there. They're still, people are still doing them. Yeah. I mean, this is, this podcast is technically a blog.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Yeah, I guess so, right? Like it has a feed that updates. Yeah. Yeah. It's, I just remember like there was these blogs that I was just like when I was bored. We are old men. Yeah. This podcast is technically a blog.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Yeah. What the? Who is listening to this? Somebody out there is. You weirdos. Thanks for listening. Yeah. Keep it up.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Yeah, keep it up. The, but now I just go on Facebook. Like now I've just completely, I think I was doing better when I was reading content. Oh, yeah, definitely. And now I'm just like scroll fast the same eight pictures. Yeah. What have I become?
Starting point is 00:22:56 A different person in your group of friends giving up on their dream every day. I think I'm going to quit this comedy thing all right and uh you know there's a lot of pictures of of a couple holding a brand new baby and i'm like i don't know who either of these people are well why am i seeing this intimate moment? When we started this podcast, I was just like, oh, yeah. Listeners would be like, send me friend requests. I'd be like, yep, sure, anyone. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And now it's gotten to the point where Facebook is useless because I don't know any of the people in my feed.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I did just two days ago. I was like, welcome, you know, Christian Michael something. And I was like, uh you know uh christian michael something and i was like what the hell's going on or like they'll send you an update saying it's been eight years since you and this person you don't know became friends oh yeah well memories to last a lifetime yeah i'll cherish it um so what's going on with you okay well technically at the recording of this i know last week we did that we did a for our farewell to summer yeah it was great it's something unpredictable and in the end it's right um so uh also last week so here's what's happening i'm i think i'm losing my mind oh no because do you remember
Starting point is 00:24:26 a couple weeks ago uh we were uh you were talking about seth rogan doing the announcements on the bus yes and then the next week i was like so here's what's happening seth rogan yeah yeah well two weeks ago uh you were talking about going to the aquarium. And then last week, I talked about going to the aquarium like I invented the aquarium. Only when we released the earlier episode did I realize, oh, man, I'm just repeating what Graham said. But those are two of the great Vancouver things, Seth Rogen voice and the aquarium. I mean. But like, I didn't, I knew someone had mentioned going to the aquarium.
Starting point is 00:25:11 I thought it was like critty three or four episodes ago off air. Because I was like, that wouldn't be Graham. Why would Graham go to the aquarium? He lives here. That's true. So do I. Why would I go to the aquarium? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Yeah. And in the same time period. Yeah. Yeah. It is weird weird and it's like and but also like my observations about the aquarium it's musty yeah we're in the same as yours no and there's right right now in vancouver there's a big uh story about this uh whale that's like separated from its pod. Oh yeah, J50. Yeah. And they're like, well, we could capture the whale and like treat it and then let it back into the wild.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Would they put it in the aquarium in the meantime? Where do they put it while they're tending to it? Yeah, because they banned whales of the aquarium. Yeah, yeah. Cetaceans. Yeah. So where do you put, where do you put this, this creature? Yeah, because they banned whales of the aquarium. Yeah, yeah. Cetaceans. Yeah, so where do you put this creature? The YMCA pool?
Starting point is 00:26:14 Oh, that would be my nightmare come true, is that every time I would go in the pool, I'd be like, I better not let a shark in here. Do you know killer whales are dolphins? A kid told me that. Kids get all the updates on animals before that's true like i i still thought it was a fish yeah it's all that a whale was a fish if there was a kid's newscast that was on every day like as reliably as uh adult news that's what i'd watch kids news yeah what's going on and like which dinosaurs
Starting point is 00:26:45 now do exist we thought brontosaurus wasn't a thing and now it turns out it is yeah oh yeah you're you want to talk about who's first on the scene in dinosaur news absolutely it's kids kids 100 of the time and like you know um who's better shimmer or shine shimmer is uh what are the what are they they are genies okay genies divine okay shimmer and shine ah genies divine i uh that's how kids learn about middle eastern culture the uh is it like a highly produced show
Starting point is 00:27:33 no it's totally bare bones it's just these two genies hanging out in the basement well like the only reason I ask is because this morning I um watched like five minutes of uh beat bugs it was on past guest charlie demers yeah and it's and this episode it had sia was singing
Starting point is 00:27:57 the song in it and it was like this beautifully computer animated like super high budget but when i was a kid like i really did watch that old spider-man series where it was just like the same image of him over like a crazy tie-dyed background and they don't even have to make his mouth move because he's wearing a mask that's why they made the show and so i was like kids they did the the content that they're getting is so good. But do they care? But it's still like you watch a kid's show today and you see where they cut corners.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Because it's like Paw Patrol. This happens all in the town of Adventure Bay. Population six. It's like the same six people. Always getting in trouble. Always getting in trouble. You got, you know, Farmer Yumi. You got Mayor Goodway, the evil mayor from Scumberg or whatever. I forget.
Starting point is 00:28:57 You got Farmer Al. You got Captain Turbot, his cousin, Pierre Turbot or something. Francois. Francois Turbot, his cousin, Pierre Turbot or something. Francois, Francois Turbot. Anyway, and then there's the show, what is it? Oh, PJ Masks. Oh, PJ Masks, I know what that is. That's like little kids and superhero. Yeah, little superhero kids.
Starting point is 00:29:22 But they only do their battles at night when I guess the streets are empty so they don't have to draw any background characters. But like Paw Patrol, that's about dogs and cats that go rescue, right? Dogs that go rescue. Oh, dogs. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Yeah, it's a Paw Patrol. It's not a Claw Patrol. Oh, dogs. Okay. Yeah. It's a paw patrol. I just can't tell. It's not a claw patrol. That's true. But that sounds like a pitch that somebody went into a meeting and they had this great project that they pitched. And the guy was like, no, what else do you got? And they go, I don't know, dogs that fucking save people. And they're like, well, take it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:01 And they're all led by this guy, Ryder. Ryder needs this. And is one of them a construction dog? Yeah, Rubble is a bulldog. He does construction. So here's what the... This is the best. Okay, do you want to know what all the...
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yes, I do. Okay. Are there five or six of them? Well, now they've added a couple more. There's Everest, who's a cold weather dog. Yeah. They needed new toys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And there's Tracker. Tracker. Who maybe has big ears and can hear very well. Okay. But the main dogs are Marshall. Yeah. What does Marshall do? He's the head.
Starting point is 00:30:41 He's the head of the- Marshall. Just from the name. He, I don't know. He's a fireman's the head of the Marshal Just from the name He I don't know He's a fireman dog Oh right Okay fire marshal Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:50 So he's got Let me show you something He does a lot of Jim Carrey impressions He's got a little fire truck A little ladder Yeah He's a He's a Dalmatian
Starting point is 00:31:00 But his His Black spots are puffs of smoke Really They're out of everything. Oh, wow. There's Chase. He's a police dog.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Okay. There's Rubble. Yeah. There's Rachel. There's Ross. Will they or won't they? There's Skye, the only girl. Helicopter?
Starting point is 00:31:20 Yeah, a lot of, you know. Just anything flight. Anything flight. Yeah. Zuma seems to have a She teaches Zumba She teaches Zumba She teaches SoulCycle
Starting point is 00:31:32 Zuma I think Has a hovercraft And the other one Is like the recycling dog And that's when they started running out of like hero uh like okay well you got a guy that's gonna be a construction guy and police guy and helicopter indian chief and uh well i guess we'll have a dog who recycles who really divvies up Boy, what's his name? Starts with an R
Starting point is 00:32:07 Recyclo? Yeah, maybe Recyclo I can't remember Now, do you have discussions with your daughter about what happens on Paw Patrol? Or does she watch it and then recite back
Starting point is 00:32:25 to you the plot of the episode that she saw? Or these does, this is all from you watching it? Um, no, no, I, I'm, I'm watching it. Yeah. You watch it. And I'll sit there with her and I'll love it. And it's like every episode starts with the title Pup Save a Film Festival.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Puff, go to Tiff. Yeah. The Legend of the Merpup. Oh, nice. Nice. And then, what are they, five minutes long or something? Yeah, I guess they're like, I don't know, seven. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Yeah. Huh. But it's good. Does it look good? It looks better than old Spider-Man. Oh, yeah. It looks great. Yeah. There good. Is it, does it look good? It looks better than old. Oh yeah. It looks, oh, it looks great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:07 It's, there's nothing to it. No. It's not, uh, it looks good, but. Yeah. It's rotting everyone's brain. Yeah. Do you, you don't learn anything from these shows? Some shows you learn things from.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Okay. But not Paw Patrol. No. But like, uh.iel tiger is based on the works of mr rogers you learn about how to deal with your feelings okay the kids don't like it they don't like daniel tiger like i mean they wouldn't choose it it's like work it's like yeah there's this new one that margo has discovered on Netflix called booba. Okay. Which are like little three minute Russian, I think.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Silent films. They're like, there's no, they're like Mr. Bean. There's nothing. There's just one guy. Booba goes to the pool. Yeah. Yeah. Booba gets changed in front of a blind man.
Starting point is 00:34:02 We taught him how to see. Uh, so yeah, I went, I I went, I'm losing my mind. The other thing that's going on with me is, and I thought this might be just a summer thing, but I'm starting to stink. Okay. Like my whole life, I've worn deodorant and I've been like, great, deodorant works.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I haven't, I don't know if I need it, but I've been using deodorant and I've been like great deodorant works yeah yeah yeah I haven't I don't know if I need it but I've been using deodorant and it seemed like the thing to do once you hit puberty yeah yeah and then every you know every once a month I'd get a whiff of my armpit and it would be not great but otherwise fine yeah and like you know I'm aware enough of it that i'm not repeating the same clothes over and over yeah yeah and if i smell myself and it doesn't smell good i'll put more deodorant do a reapply sure every day now like i thought it was just the summer and i was just like it's a little too hot you You know, I... Yeah, I definitely, during the summer, I was like,
Starting point is 00:35:07 I was ramping up the frequency. But like, I don't know if my nose has become more attuned, if my armpits have become, are working overtime. I don't know if it's like, stress, like...
Starting point is 00:35:20 It might be stress related. Because there are commercials where it's like, stress, sweat, smells worse. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, but yeah, I've noticed that like, uh, because I used to, I used to use antiperspirant.
Starting point is 00:35:33 No. And then they said that that's, that's a no-go. That's very poisonous. Uh, don't do that. It's poisonous to your shirts. It's poisonous to. It really was poisonous to them. Some of my favorite shirts.
Starting point is 00:35:45 It ruins your shirts. It's poisonous to. It really was poisonous to them. Some of my favorite shirts. It ruins your shirts. Yeah. I mean, apparently, I know everyone says it's got aluminum in it. Mm-hmm. And that they say is linked to Alzheimer's. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Alzheimer's Society does not acknowledge that.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Oh, really? Yeah. So that's. that oh really yeah so because my friend when i one time i i uh made this uh barbecue uh chicken with a beer can up its butt yeah yeah and my friend was like oh you'll get alzheimer's from that and i looked it up and i was like nope nope alzheimer's denies this the uh but it will ruin shirts that is that is yeah 100 the also weird the, the Alzheimer's society is like antiperspirant ruins shirts. Yeah. It's weird that they would take such a hard line on it, but hey, they know it's true.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Yeah. Um, the, uh, but I've, this summer I had the same thing where it was like once a day was not cutting it. Yeah. Like I had to, I had to up the, and you know what? I carry around a backpack a lot of the time. Keep it, keep a stick in there. Oh, sure. I like, I, I, sometimes I'll buy my deodorant in a big stick, sometimes in a small stick,
Starting point is 00:36:55 whatever's available, whatever seems like the best deal. Yeah. I threw out a big stick cause I was like, maybe this is expiring because I, I'm not using it quickly enough. Yeah. Even with a fresh new stick, fresh new small stick. Maybe because I know I've heard that sometimes you've got to switch. You've got to switch brands.
Starting point is 00:37:14 You've got to switch products. This product doesn't work for you anymore. But so much of my identity is linked to this one scent. It's true. Everybody knows that you're a brute. Force. That would be the name of their deodorant line. is linked to this one scent. It's true. Everybody knows that you're a brute force. That would be the name of their deodorant. I am a, the thing is I always buy the wrong one.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Yeah. Like I never remember what I am. It's a right guard and I go sniff it. And I'm like, I'm not ocean surf. I am ocean surf. It's a right guard. And I go sniff it. I'm like, I'm not ocean surf. I am ocean surf.
Starting point is 00:37:49 I, uh, I remember for a long time I used that. It was like the gel. Uh-huh. Oh man. That was disgusting. Yeah. What was I thinking? I used that too.
Starting point is 00:38:02 It was like, it was like putting, uh, the, that like, uh, kindergarten glue, you know, that came in the like, the red tip on top. And it would be, because in the commercial, they ooze it onto their armpits. Yeah. But then the guy rubs his finger on his armpit and snaps and it's dry.
Starting point is 00:38:14 You're like, oh, that's fine. But he's like, oh, my eye. I have so much chug on it when I snap. But it is like, it's cold goop
Starting point is 00:38:23 you're putting on it. Yeah. I mean, there are listeners right now who are like, why put anything on, man? Yeah, just wave a crystal over it. I feel like every 50 episodes or so we have a deodorant discussion. Yeah. But you know what? For every one of those episodes, I haven't stunk.
Starting point is 00:38:41 And now I do. Okay. So now I think it's time to go with a whole new brand. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I don't, but I also like,
Starting point is 00:38:51 I don't know if anyone else can smell it. I can't smell it. No, I, yeah, I know. And I know that, that,
Starting point is 00:38:58 uh, like they say that, you know, BO body. Yeah. I, I'm, I'm pretty good friends with BO. call i can call it bo yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:39:08 uh it's it's more related to re like wearing the same clothes over and over right yeah which i never do no i mean pants yeah oh it's true i'll wear these pants. Till the sun comes up? Over Santa Monica Boulevard. All I want to do is have some fun in my pants. In my pants, oh boy. Oh, hey. I'm listening to this new podcast about the Smallville sex cult. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah, it's called, it's got a really bad name. It's called Uncover. Okay. You want to call it Uncovered. It's called, it's got a really bad name. It's called uncover. Okay. You want to call it uncovered. It's called uncover. Uncover. And escaping next view. And this,
Starting point is 00:39:53 uh, we, we had, uh, Paul Anthony was in here. He talked about almost getting in the sex cult. Yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 00:40:00 what happens in the sex cult? Cause we, I don't, I've only read the one. I haven't heard, I haven't heard any of the sex cult? Because we I don't I've only read the one I haven't heard I haven't heard any of the sexing Okay I've heard about the
Starting point is 00:40:09 Episode one they talk about Being branded And then I think episode two They talk about Just you know How they all Gave all their money to this thing Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:22 Yeah And like that sort of weird Culty thing in the beginning stages like people say about scientology or any cult at the very beginning is like it was kind of working for me yeah like they had these teachings that made sense and yes of course i should let go of my fears and whatever yeah well it's the same like uh when i was a teenager and they used to have ads for dianetics it seemed like it was like why wouldn't you why wouldn't you read this book dave mustaine endorses it yeah everybody's had such a good uh experience and it's like let go of this negative
Starting point is 00:40:57 energy something to do with the volcano yeah and uh yeah i can, like, you know, those get wealthy now seminars and stuff. Get rich quick. Yeah. Acquire wealth in a hurry scams. Like, people, they make them, like, get up and dance and, like, shout out their problems and stuff. I have BO all of a sudden. The right guard doesn't work for me anymore. I think it's stress related.
Starting point is 00:41:36 The, uh, but you know what I mean? Like you could see how, if you were isolated from everybody that you knew and you were in this thing and everybody else was doing it, that you were like, that you would get into the slipstream of it pretty quick. Like you would be the odd man out if you're like, I'm not going to chant. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And everybody else is like chanting.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Yeah. Yeah. Uh, they, uh, so, but the reason we were talking about not changing your pants. Right. And there's the leader. He breaks them into like a, I mean, he doesn't break them into, but there is a women's group where they talk about the women's role, woman's role. And a men's group where they talk about men's urges, basically. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:26 And he, the leader makes a joke, doesn't't make a joke but accidentally says something funny uh and it gets a laugh and he moves on he does like he's supposed to be so smart like he's like the whole basis of this cult is that he is like a prodigy he's been right you know his his iq is off the charts he's he's an human being. He doesn't get the most simple joke that gets a laugh. It just moves right on, which is he talks about the male orgasm and how primal it is. Men need to have orgasms. We have orgasms in our genes. And that's what gets laughed. And you hear a few people laughing
Starting point is 00:43:06 he doesn't even acknowledge it the i remember when i was uh uh like i don't know probably like 13 or something somebody told me one of the hell's angels initiations was that you had to wear the same pair of pants for like six months and i remember my friend was like it'd be all shitty and i was like why well you wouldn't not know how to use pants all of a sudden that's literally what they tell you how to break in raw denim so you'll get the best fades if you don't wash them for six months yeah but i remember thinking as a kid i was like that's too crazy it's too crazy what is like silly club it is the hell's angels yeah they you have to wear this pair of pants and i mean obviously jeans Nobody's wearing dungarees.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Yeah, obviously. You know, a nice docker. Yeah. I'm going to start a motorcycle cult. A motorcycle gang where we wear a nice chino. Oh, nice. What would you call yourself? Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:20 I guess maybe... Ken. The devil's Ken. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways, I just remember. That's pretty good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:34 So that's what's going on with me. My brain is falling out, maybe oozing out of my armpits. Sure. And that's what's up with you. Speaking on, yeah, health related things. i had to go get a uh physical done and uh was this for uh dude for a life insurance policy it is exactly what this is for oh really for for an insurance policy uh now i'm i took out an insurance policy on you yeah yeah a lot of people seem to have this whole this whole town seems to have insurance policies.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Everyone is a suspect. But one thing that we have, especially in the summer, is that we are too hot always. You and I. You and I. Okay. You and I, we're always too hot. Never too cold. You take your best shot too hot to hold.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Maybe we, like, I don't know when the last time you had a physical. Never. Never. Okay. So I got, this is the first physical I've had in a long time. And they did the temperature in the ear. And the guy was like shocked at how warm I was. really yeah and he was like he's like are you sick right now like do you feel like you have a fever like i don't have a fever and he's like have you
Starting point is 00:45:54 been tested for uh hyperthyroidism and i was like yes i have i do not have it and he kept he did it again and he couldn't get over it. He's like, you're like a whole degree hotter than what you should be. And, uh, he just kept it like coming back to that. He just kept looping around. Maybe you're like an exceptional guy who should start a cult.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Yeah. Hot hands. Yeah. The hot hands cult. And I put my sweaty, sweaty hands on your head. And people are like, oh, don't. Yeah. The hot hands cult. And I put my sweaty, sweaty hands on your head. And people are like, oh, don't. Stop.
Starting point is 00:46:30 I guess this is, you know, suffering is a rite of passage. Coming through your weird hands. That is something that I've done before, especially if somebody's got naturally cold hands, I'll give them the, the hand, uh, put them both on both sides of the hand and just let my, my hand warm up their cold hand. Cause these are always hot right now. Graham and I are touching hands. Yeah. You got hotter hands than I do. Yeah. But they're always like that, which is like, uh, anyway, so hot hand is something great. It's great to have in Las Vegas. That's true. And on the basketball court, anyways, a hot hand is something great. It's great to have in Las Vegas. That's true. And on the basketball court,
Starting point is 00:47:07 you want a hot hand? Uh, what does that, what does that say? And what does they say? What does they, what does they say in NBA jam? Uh,
Starting point is 00:47:15 Bazinga. I think Bazinga trademark. They get out of TM at the end of it. Um, yeah, you have hot hands. I have hot hands. You, and, uh, you're the hottest, you're the end of it um yeah you have hot hands i have hot hands you and uh your hottest ear this side of the mississippi but like you don't ever want anything during a physical like
Starting point is 00:47:35 you want the guy to be like you're the most boring you don't want him anything about you to interest him career-wise you don't want him to call you a specimen yeah. You don't want him to call you a specimen. Yeah, yeah. You don't want him to like jot down your name and then he's like picturing himself winning the Nobel Prize. Graham-Clark disease. Sounds pretty good. Yeah. I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.
Starting point is 00:48:09 So that is a weird kind of thing like yeah yeah are you insurable i think so i think i i think i'm gonna pass the the muster but uh should i have physicals yeah i think so at this uh this point in our in our lives no one's asked me to no but i think you go when i go to the doctor yeah it's because of a specific issue and and he never brings up you should bet you should have an overall yeah but it's not like super intensive like you just go in and temperature, height, weight. He presses on your stomach for some reason. I really think he went an extra couple pushes to see if I would fart. And I was like, ready to. I was like, if you want this to happen.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Like if that's what you're hoping for. Nurse, time this fart. I, well, because my dog gets physicals. Yeah. Yeah. I know Olivia cause my dog gets physicals. Yeah. Yeah. I know Olivia Newton-John gets physicals. Yeah. Uh, but like, no, they do my, my dog, they, he just, um, had a couple teeth removed today.
Starting point is 00:49:16 He's so high. He's got a fentanyl patch on his foot. Oh boy. And, uh, he's, but like when they take him in, they do a lot of stomach feeling. I've never had that done. Oh, no, maybe I have, but, but only if it was like a specific, like, I think my kidney's coming out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Yeah. And that's what the test definitely feels like. Like the doctor kind of is like, he's pushing something around. Have you ever had to turn your head and cough? Uh, yes. Ah, while they pulled your testes? Yeah, yeah. I've never had that.
Starting point is 00:49:51 And, uh, you know, uh, that was fine. What's that for? An ulcer? No. No, a hernia. A hernia. I feel like everything is hernia. They're pressing your stomach.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Is that a hernia? You got a hernia in there. And then he pressed on my stomach and then he had a nap on my stomach like a cat. Oh yeah. Yeah. he needed it yeah um and i just had to i had to just lie there until he woke up several hours later it was nighttime he panicked he was like i was only supposed to be up for five minutes um so i did that and then also i've had but like no there was no conclusion because i well like we've never had a thermometer until we had kids yeah and then a lot of fun to take your own temperature yeah yeah you do it in both ears because you know they're they might be a little different what
Starting point is 00:50:37 if i did it wrong the first time yeah yeah and but when i when i go back to normal i go back to normal like i'm not a degree like i know i complain about the heat and i run hot i'm but i i read as the correct temperature yeah this guy was very interested in me like like i say like even at the end of the thing he was like you know like stay cool man like yeah stay frosty um yeah so there's that and then
Starting point is 00:51:12 um over the last couple weeks I've had access to a car oh cool yeah so I've been I won't ask any questions you just
Starting point is 00:51:20 uh you can ask as many questions as you like what's the kind of car it is a Toyota Corolla it is a toyota corolla it is a honda fit oh a tiny car yeah i believe that is now this might be old information but i believe that at a certain point was the most popular car in the world yeah it's i've seen so many of them and as soon as i walk away from it in a parking lot, it instantly gets lost in a sea of exact.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Not only is it a popular car, it's also a popular shape of car. Yeah. And it's also just gray. I think they only make it in gray. And it's really fun. Fun having a car. Zipping around. I mean, gas. Oh oh so expensive uh uh but
Starting point is 00:52:08 you know how long have you had this car oh yeah we two weeks but how many times have you had to fill it up just once yeah but i was like when you were uh learning to drive did you ever fill up the car or did you just always return it to your parents on an empty no i filled it up and it was always especially if it was a weekend where like i had chauffeured around friends i would take up a collection okay and it would be it would be the most hilariously like movie kind of you know money that teenagers have all crumpled uh one you know there's a button all that kind of stuff in it i because we're not we're around the time we were learning to drive you and i although we did it separately and didn't know each other it was a weird transitional time in gas stations yes where it was like some of them take a card some of them you go in and you talk to a guy yeah some of them have a weird lever you
Starting point is 00:53:06 need to flip up yeah to start and no one tells you about it and then there was also like a weird i don't know what it was but it was like a little glass bubble yeah that had like balls in it that just raced around and you're like i guess that i guess they're doing the lottery drawing live on TV, but these numbers are not official until validated. And the thing back in the day, now it doesn't matter because it's all everybody's card all the time, but you try to make it exactly on an amount. Like that Jerry Seinfeld American Impress commercial. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:41 The perfect pump. And now nobody cares about the perfect pump yes you just although they do you have to enter in i guess so your credit card will uh yeah like pre-authorization yeah pre-authorize how much gas you estimate you'll be buying and you have to do a bit of math because you're like oh yeah the worst is when you're in america and you're to do a bit of math because you're like, oh, the worst is when you're in America and you're like, yeah, how much is how I have to convert Canadian dollars to American dollars and liters to gallons.
Starting point is 00:54:14 I was going to say courts, how many courts? Um, but yeah, like, uh, it's like a couple, uh,
Starting point is 00:54:23 restaurants that have gone to that. Otherwise I wouldn't go to because it would be like two buses or something. But I got a car now. Because the bus doesn't drive through. Yeah. What restaurants? There's like a couple little Mexican restaurants on Victoria Drive that are real, real good. But like. Dona Cata's not there Donacatta's not there anymore.
Starting point is 00:54:46 It's not there anymore. But that was, Same, same place. Oh, cause that was like the original, like,
Starting point is 00:54:51 we make tacos that aren't El Paso. Yeah. Like that was the only place in Vancouver that, Didn't make like crunchy tacos.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Yeah, that made tacos that were like, try this part of a cow. Are you kidding me? And, now it's try this part of a cow. Are you kidding me? And now it's the only part of the cow we eat. And then like, you know, this is probably all I have for you, but like sometimes you feel like I want an ice cream thing or something.
Starting point is 00:55:17 You just hop in the car, go get an ice cream. Who are you talking to? You could just do that. Yeah. That's like literally the life. Abby and I are, so the thing is Dairy Queen, their hours are just suggested hours. Like if they close at 9.30, but it's a super cold wintry night and no one has shown up between 8.30 and 9, they'll just close at 9.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Right. And you show up at 9 15 and they're closed and you're like but i have cravings yeah you were depending on that half hour to coast you through and my whole like like i go to the grocery store i look at the ben and jerry's they're seven dollars for a thing yeah you're like this is way too expensive i'll wait for the every thursday i buy low foods when they go on sale for 4.99 but like the the price of a blizzard is more than a thing of a ben and jerry's yeah and i'm gonna you have to eat that all at once a blizzard yeah yeah you can't, well, I'll just have a little. Yeah. A fridge. But then I eat the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:56:28 But so, uh, in conclusion. Yes. Yeah. It's great. Ice cream is great. I love it so much.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Uh, uh, I remember the last year I was having a conversation with past guest, Jessica Delisle. Mm-hmm. And she, she was like, what's your favorite ice cream oh no for some reason it came out that i guess she can't eat dairy right so she was talking about
Starting point is 00:56:53 oh do you like coconut ice cream or some stuff and i was like no i don't i like it my body's perfect i'm allowed to eat anything like my body i have no problem with any kind of food i don't want to talk about the weird lesser thing that you're you're substituting right and she was like well do you like dairy queen like yes i love dairy queen well it's ice milk oh what so what is ice milk i don't know it. It's fine. Whatever. I like what I'm allowed to whatever. I don't want to have these conversations about some weird marshmallow puff that is made out of a coconut. I want the best I can have because my body will allow it because I don't need to go to physicals. I don't need to do physicals. I think't need to go to physicals. I don't need to do physicals.
Starting point is 00:57:46 I think you need to go to physicals. I'm insured out the wazoo. I think the doctor's going to be like, how much ice cream have you eaten? Oh, every day? I did read an article, Doc, that said you can have ice cream for breakfast, and it actually makes nutritional sense. So we're doing three meals of it um but you know what i will say coconut ice cream i didn't think i would ever uh go in for that i actually like it
Starting point is 00:58:12 because i don't like coconut like coconut ice cream it's like a flavor a chocolate or vanilla i like it so there you go yeah okay i'm just fine you you would eat it if it was the only ice cream available you would you would eat it you If it was the only ice cream available, you would eat it. You know what? It's nice to take a break from ice cream. Maybe have some coconut ice cream. I'd say I don't eat ice cream two days a week. Same two days every week?
Starting point is 00:58:38 No, no, no, no. There are days where you're like, today's my cheat day from ice cream. Yeah. We ran out of ice cream, and I don't think I'm going to get more today. Oh, no. Now, like, I watched that movie about the founder of McDonald's. The founder. And the big pivot in that movie is that when he switches from real milkshakes to this like powdered whatever it's like some kind of
Starting point is 00:59:07 space age compound yeah mixed with water and it's like a shake um and is that still is that still what's going on at all these places yeah at the fast food places it's like some sort of space goop i don't know dairy queen does their own thing. Dairy Queen is a soft serve. And that's like something. Yeah. McDonald's does a soft serve and a milkshake. Okay. A few years ago, maybe a decade ago, they switched from regular milkshakes to triple thick milkshakes, which are too thick to drink.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Right. I'm in a hurry. But like. I'm trying to fill this belly full of shamrock there's places that just call them shakes and i always just thought like well then there's no milk in them well i thought that that was just like a fun way to advertise it but then i was like then then i found out that actually that is why they call them shakes because there is no milk yeah it's like some kind of i don't know what it is. A goop?
Starting point is 01:00:06 A goop. It's a gelatin. Yeah, it's some sort of cold gelatin. Do you remember when we went to Johnny Rockets? Yeah. That was great. Those for sure. That was a real milkshake. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Johnny Rockets at Young and Dundas Square in Toronto where Graham and I
Starting point is 01:00:22 hang out every time we go to Toronto. I think when we go for JFL 42, we gotta go to Johnny Rockets. We gotta make the pilgrimage. I'll go, but I acknowledge that it was bad. Yeah, but it's... Maybe the milkshake was good. Yeah, the milkshake was good.
Starting point is 01:00:38 The atmosphere is good. The atmosphere is boogie-woogie. Yeah, it's boogie-woogie. There's a new Johnny Rockets here. Really? Oak and Broadway. Well, it's boogie woogie. They actually, well, there's a new Johnny Rockets here. Really? All right. Oak and Broadway. Well, you know what?
Starting point is 01:00:48 Got this car for a couple more weeks. Drive over there. Why not? Get myself a milkshake. Then feel sick for the rest of the night. The difference is
Starting point is 01:00:58 my body loves a milkshake. It's great for me. It's something my body needs anyway. Your doctor, he gives you that test where he just brings out a milkshake and sees how long a continuous slurp you can do i wish oh if only the doctor was fun yeah like uh you know here's a here's a raisin that put it up your nose see how far you can launch it. Yeah. Like, now eat this pie.
Starting point is 01:01:25 No hands. Whee! I love the doctor! I just want to see how fast you can go on this roller coaster. Oh, boy. Should we move on to some overheards? Okay. Ballparker panel, we have just 30 seconds to prove to MaxFun listeners that we know
Starting point is 01:01:44 what the F we're talking about when it comes to pop culture Alright you guys let's go Famous Chris's Walk-in Karen what's the most iconic lesbian snack? The wings at Hooters The answer is fried green tomatoes Margaret what is the Marvel Cinematic Universe missing?
Starting point is 01:01:59 My interest Winter name someone who will EGOT in your lifetime Ike Barinholtz That's beautiful Top gear or top model? Sadly I have to say top gear Winter, name someone who will EGOT in your lifetime. Ike Barinholtz. That's beautiful. Top gear or top model? Sadly, I have to say top gear. The clear answer is top chef.
Starting point is 01:02:12 But top model taught us about smizing. Pawpocket, smart takes on everything. Catch us every Friday on Maximum Fun. Overheard. Overheard. Oh, boy. You don't need me to do one, do you? Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:02:30 I wasn't going to do one either. So that brings us to the end of Overheard. Anything to plug? We usually start with the guests, but there's no guests. Do you want to start or I can start? Yeah. Okay. All right. start um yeah okay all right um so this one i just it's a it's a uh license plate and i didn't
Starting point is 01:02:51 really get it yeah and i was i was driving a like half a block behind this other car and i saw their license plate and i uh i said uh yuppie and i was like oh what an asshole this this yuppie put has a personalized license plate that says yuppie but And I was like, Oh, what an asshole. This, this yuppie, but has a personalized life's plate that says yuppie. But the closer I got, I realized, Oh, that's not a Y it's a V and Vuppie V U P P I E. What is that?
Starting point is 01:03:17 Vuppie. Cause a yuppie, I believe it comes from young urban professional. Very. Vampire. Vampire. Urban professional. There we go. it comes from young urban professional very vampire vampire there we go um I don't know puppy puppy
Starting point is 01:03:33 it's it's not great I don't like it no but it is growing on me yeah and I think by the end of the episode we might be the the heaven might have gotten a couple more puppies because we're gonna we're gonna die yeah this is also this episode by the way uh we should probably promoted this a little bit more but this is our uh it's our
Starting point is 01:03:58 murder suicide episode yeah we always said we would do one yeah but we haven't decided who's gonna murder and who's gonna suicide oh yeah oh boy which, but we haven't decided who's going to murder and who's going to suicide. Oh, yeah. Oh, boy. Hey, you know what? Anybody who's doing that kind of thing, decide well in advance. Yeah. Like, did the doctor give you any idea how to do it? No.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Which one you should be? I also had a lot of questions about my changing body. Oh, sure. Yeah. Why am I suddenly so stinky yeah like am i supposed to be this lumpy and he was like no let me feel your stomach a little bit more yeah yeah it is very lumpy well yeah what's a good amount of nipples for like a guy like you really curl up on this belly and snooze yeah um my uh over uh-huh um was uh i was with uh an associate uh who was your very
Starting point is 01:04:52 mysterious life yeah it's a mysterious car that showed up and will disappear um but uh this this couple we were shoot we were shooting something on the street with a camera. Heroin? Yeah. And this blind man came up to me. He taught me how to shoot. Oh, boy. They were admiring the camera.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Who were? This couple. Okay. camera and then who were this this couple okay and the the wife of the couple then started asking the guy whose camera it was all sorts of questions about cameras and then i guess that by default i ended up talking to the guy of the couple i was like so what are we talking about now that they are engaged in camera talk so he talked about a cruise that he's going on. He's going on a cruise. And they're going to Japan.
Starting point is 01:05:51 It's a 16-day cruise. Oh. Yeah. Tell me more. They're cruising across the Pacific. That's the whole cruise? And then they go in Japan, and then they go up and down Japan. Just fly to Japanapan that 16-day
Starting point is 01:06:06 cruise it sucks yeah yeah but i feel like this is what they're into would you stop in hawaii i maybe yeah i mean i guess you know you could stop at all you get island hop this is how uh it's how we won world war ii we island hop yeah um and iwo jima midway One World War II. We Island Hop. Yeah. Iwo Jima. Midway. When he had had enough of waiting around for the camera talk. Oh, you didn't keep him entertained the whole time? No, I really, he said, and it was very like a sitcom, he said to his wife, Hey, Ansel Adams, are you done over there?
Starting point is 01:06:45 So that was my overheard. Is that maybe the oldest photographer reference? Yeah. But like one that if you get it, it's very rewarding. Oh, yeah. Hey, Herb Ritz. Hey, Dave LaChapelle. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Hey, Linda Eastman McCartney. Who's the other one that I'm trying to remember? The famous, she takes all of the photos from the Rolling Stone. Oh, Leibowitz. Leibowitz. Annie Leibowitz. Who's the one who does all the little babies that are cabbages? Ann Geddes.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Yeah. It's not good that I couldn't remember Leibowitz, but I could remember Geddes. What a weird thing that she... Well, I mean, what a weird selection of the most famous photographers. Yeah, that's true. We could name six of them. Yeah. And they range in quality from babies in flora to, you know, the guy who did the dirty video by Christina Aguilera. Oh, man. What a video i know um i watched uh burlesque was on the other night watch the whole thing uh is that the last thing share was in before mama mia here we go
Starting point is 01:08:16 again i think so yeah yeah she really picks and chooses and the last thing uh christina aguilera film wise and first thing, maybe. Yeah. Yeah, I think you're right. And it's great. It's great. It holds up. Is Stanley Tucci in it, too? The Tucci's in it.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Alan Rickman. No, not Alan Rickman. Alan. Rock. Cummings. Oh, okay. And you know what? Cumming?
Starting point is 01:08:43 Cummings. Yeah. Cumming. Cumming. Cumming. Cummings. Cummings what Cumming Cumming Cumming Cumming Cumming Cumming Cumming Cumming It's just great
Starting point is 01:08:51 If you have some time Burlesque Get burlesque Now we also have Overheard sent in to us From people around the world If you want to send one in You can send it in to
Starting point is 01:09:01 spy at And this first one comes from Nathan from Lincoln, Nebraska. I guess so. He was on vacation to Chicago and got yelled at by a dude on the street, apropos of nothing. He approached me and screamed,
Starting point is 01:09:17 fuck all y'all, I'm gonna get a cheek tattoo tomorrow. Yikes. Yikes. Fuck all y'all. I don't think. I mean, that's one of the parts of the cow that we now eat because of Mexican. Oh, yeah. Tacos.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Tattooed cheek. Yeah. Is a delicacy. You slow cook that cheek. Yeah. And that really brings out the tattoo. It really falls off the bone? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:41 The tooth? There's no animal's teeth that we eat. No. We're so, in a lot of ways, we're really backwards. Yeah, yeah. Like, it's like, why are you afraid that those teeth are going to eat you? Yeah. I guess we don't, do we eat bones, though?
Starting point is 01:10:00 Yeah, but like, don't people eat the whatever, the goop inside? The marrow? Yeah. Aren't the people crazy about that? Yeah, people will eat marrow. But I don't think eat the whatever, the goop inside? The marrow? Yeah. Aren't people crazy about that? Yeah, people will eat marrow. But I don't think there's anything in a tooth. I mean, if commercials have taught me anything, there's nerves. Yeah, and you would think that people would be like,
Starting point is 01:10:16 mm, tooth nerves. They're simply out of this world. We're a couple years away. We need the right food truck. Oh, yeah. And it's just, yeah, I can picture it. I can see people going like, oh, it's a part of the thing that we haven't eaten before. Oh, these tooths haven't been de-nerved?
Starting point is 01:10:37 Yeah. You de-nerve them yourself. That's part of the fun. You get one of those dentist drills at your table. Oh, can you oh and you gotta drill a tooth and just the smell of the burning but you can see how you know how like people who love pot they're like oh i love the smell of pot and it's like nah it smells like it's awful it's like a skunk yeah but like you love the thing so much that that's what would happen with tooth cuisine is people would be like oh i just
Starting point is 01:11:10 love the smell i love the smell when you start drilling i love the ritual yeah the drilling those tooth drills uh-huh they must not be like they're not that effective i guess because no like they really have to drill a long time to fill to just like make a tiny hole yeah and i also think uh a lot of and i could be really wrong about this but i feel like my uh dentist is really just like improv-ing whenever i'm there he's just like well this might this might end up being a real big problem. Maybe not. Yeah, it's a lot of like, well, according to this picture of this tooth,
Starting point is 01:11:50 there's a problem in here. Yeah. I'm not drilling into the picture. I'm drilling into the tooth. But I am using the picture for reference. But I didn't like, you know, there's no, I'm not projecting an image of the cavity onto the tooth
Starting point is 01:12:04 so I can see exactly where it is. I'm sort of like, I know my way around teeth. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw a picture earlier. I've seen thousands of teeth. At a certain point in my career, I hadn't. So just be glad you're getting me now. Yeah, and yeah, I looked at a picture moments ago.
Starting point is 01:12:21 I should be able to locate it. I looked at a picture of a tooth. It was a cartoon picture of a tooth holding a toothbrush, smiling, brushing itself. The roots were the feet and away we go. So like, is that
Starting point is 01:12:36 cartoon tooth that has teeth, they also cartoon teeth up in there? It's like that whatever they call that effect. Yeah. With the butter lady. What?
Starting point is 01:12:54 The indigenous woman on the label of the butter. Oh, she's holding a butter with her on it. What is the name of that butter? I want to say land lubber. Land of lakes. Land lubber butter. Land of lakes, yes. There's an effect.
Starting point is 01:13:21 What's the name of that effect? I wanted to say it's recumbent, but that's a type of bicycle. I also want to say it's recidivism, but that's the people who recommit crimes after they get out of prison. I was Googling land lumber. Land O'Lakes butter effect is what I'm looking up. And the first result will be the Drost Effect. Drost. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:13:49 That was way off. It's named after a cocoa label. Drost Cocoa. Picture in a picture in a picture in a picture. Uh-huh. This next overheard comes from Verna. I don't know where from, but, uh, this was Verna. Hey Verna.
Starting point is 01:14:11 This is an old overheard. Uh, it's pretty rare to see a penis on the big screen. That's true. That is true. Oh boy. Can you count the times you've seen it on the big screen for me? Yeah. I mean, I haven't seen.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Seen the pain? They have that flash frame in Fight Club. Yeah. I haven't seen any Harvey Keitel movies on the big screen. Yeah. And this one I saw on the big screen, the one that she's talking about, Eastern Promises. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:41 I didn't see it on the big screen, though. But she went to go see Eastern Promises with my boyfriend in a packed theater after the nude fight scene. What a nude fight scene. Such a good nude fight scene. Top ten. I leaned over to stage whisper, well, that ruined a perfectly good full frontal. But as the words spilled out, the movie got super quiet, so everyone around heard.
Starting point is 01:15:04 No. Pretty good. Yeah. You everyone around heard. No. Pretty good. Yeah. You were overheard. Yeah. You know, that's probably one of the most disturbing fight scenes I've ever seen in a movie. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:16 I guess. I mean, I don't remember that well. I know it was pretty brutal. Yeah. And it comes out with a knife. Yeah. While he's naked in a steamy While he's eating a steamy Instead of a hot dog
Starting point is 01:15:28 Yeah Okay French Canadian hot dog Yeah It's really slippery in there And there's a lot of Whoa Whoa
Starting point is 01:15:35 Whoa Yeah Those tiles are so slippery And it really had notes Of the three stooges It was Woo Woo
Starting point is 01:15:42 Woo Yeah Yeah And it's weird Because a guy these two guys were moving a piece of glass across the street somebody was uh there was a piano being lifted up and you you can imagine what happened next they were all naked too it was it's weird towards the end of the three stooges run that all of their movies were naked. Yeah. That it was just the nude Three Stooges.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Yeah. In the last couple of years of their career. But they got hotter bodies as they got older. So it was like. It's true. People liked it and it was good. And. Yeah, it was a different time.
Starting point is 01:16:26 I think I'd be a lot better looking naked, um, in black and white. Oh, that's interesting. I think I'd look better naked in a different era. Oh, sure. In like a time when just more people were eating more pork sausage all day. When there was more girdles, you know? Oh, sure. More, you look better naked in a girdle. Yeah. Yes, sure. It looked better naked in a girdle. Yeah, yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Those shapely curves. Sure. This last one comes from Ben O. from Buffalo, New York. I pulled up to the drive-thru window at Wendy's just now. The cashier opened the window while at the same time shouting fuck into her headset. After we exchanged uncomfortable glances i hand her the cash for my order while making my change she proceeded to say all into her headset no i've been clean since november i'm probably the only one around here who could pass a drug test well yeah i still
Starting point is 01:17:18 smoke that hippie lettuce yeah what a fun wendy's hippie lettuce never heard it called that before but i mean i've heard a lot of names for it the uh you know devil's lettuce the devil's lettuce sure uh you know call it join a left-handed cigarette yeah satan's kale a jazz cigarette uh uh uh Rolly Roopy. Rolly Roopy. You know. You know, tea bag vagabond. I also call it like the underside of the food. I call it, you know. Mary Jane, Polly Shore. Beat poetry. Mule. Mary Jane Polly sure beat poetry uh
Starting point is 01:18:06 uh muse fuel yeah um that's it for the show that's it
Starting point is 01:18:18 here we go I want to thank everyone for listening and be sure to listen next week when our guest will be uh Craig Kin will be Greg Kinnear.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Greg Kinnear. Greg Kinnear. Greg Kinnear is going to be here promoting his new project, Microfiche. Greg Kinnear brand Microfiche. It's the only Microfiche used in Greg Kinnear Memorial Library. He's not dead. No, but he sunk a lot of money. But he knows you.
Starting point is 01:18:51 He's afraid you'll forget about him. Yeah, so he's... He's gone ahead, sunk all of his Hollywood dollars into this library. Now, in addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. Now, in addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you want to call us, the phone number is 1-844-779-7631 or 1-I'm sorry, I remember it. Now it's no fun. Ugh.
Starting point is 01:19:16 SpyPod 1. Like these people have. Shows your brain's still working. I guess so. Yeah. I have moved the part of my brain that needs to know about the phone number to the forefront. And removed the part of my brain
Starting point is 01:19:32 that needs to make me stop thinking. That sends signals to your arm. Cool it guys. Alright. And these are our phone calls. And they came through the email. And then I met a blind man.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Hey, Dave and Graham. And maybe guests, maybe not. Aha. I was calling in from Baltimore. I'm walking to work. And it's the evening. And I passed a young man sitting on his front stoop with a massive retro boom box and, like, a big hat, and he looked pretty tough, and he had an aggressive kind of stoop-fit stance,
Starting point is 01:20:13 and he was yelling into a cell phone. And as I walked past, I could hear a little closer what he was saying, and he said, I said, I made chicken cordon bleu. Okay, thanks, guys. Now, is that thing a chicken where you put a ham in the chicken? Yeah, there's maybe even... Bacon on the outside? No, I think it's breaded on the outside.
Starting point is 01:20:36 There might be cheese in the middle, too. Whoa. I might be thinking of chicken a la king. Yeah, yeah, but it's... No, I'm pretty sure cordon bleu has a wedge of, there's like ham wedged in there. Let's look it up. Yeah. Uh, because I mean, it's funny that this thuggish guy was screaming about it. Uh, but I don't, it's also a kind of food that I don't think has been made in 50 years.
Starting point is 01:21:05 No, it's like lobster Thermidor. Yeah. Or, um. Clams Casino. Yeah, sure. Baked Alaska. Yeah. Oh God, baked Alaska.
Starting point is 01:21:14 Um, but, or whatever, like my boss is coming over. You better make chicken cordon bleu. Means blue ribbon chicken. Hmm. Here's what it is. According to Wikipedia. Wait, there's no Wikipedia article for it. How is there not a Wikipedia article for chicken grown on blue? Joey Kramer hated this chicken recipe. It was his least favorite.
Starting point is 01:21:39 It's breaded chicken stuffed with Swiss cheese and ham. Well, I mean, I don't know that that needs to have such a fancy name. Cordon Bleu. What is Chicken a la King? I don't know. It seems to be some kind of noodle recipe. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:02 Oh, okay. Huh. Noodle recipe. Really? Yeah. Oh, okay. Huh. It consists of chicken in a cream sauce, often with sherry, mushrooms, vegetables served over rice, pasta, or bread.
Starting point is 01:22:13 What about chicken Kiev? Oh, yeah. That looks to be stuffed. That's maybe stuffed with a partridge. Chicken partridge. Ah, who cares? Here's the next phone call. Here we go. Ah, who cares? Here's the next phone call. Here we go. Hey, Dave Graham and palatable guest.
Starting point is 01:22:29 This is Tim in San Francisco. And I was just listening to your Andy Haynes episode. And you were talking about how Sublime is still popular. So I wanted to share a recent Lyft ride I had where we got in the car. And the guy said, Hey, you guys like karaoke? And we were like, yeah, sure. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Karaoke's good. And he's like, yeah, I sing karaoke all up and down. You guys want to hear me sing some karaoke? I'm really good. At this point, we said, sure. And he said, check this out. I sing just sublime songs. I just found out about this band like two years ago.
Starting point is 01:23:03 They're amazing. And then he sang us a bunch of sublime songs. And he found out about this band like two years ago. They're amazing. And then he sang us a bunch of Sublime songs, and he was pretty good. So, yeah, still popular. People are still finding them. Oh, and this guy was like 50. Nice. So I don't know. I don't know how he missed it.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Thanks. But sometimes you do just miss a band. Yeah. And the guys from Sub through i think i was from sublime are probably 50 yeah i mean the surviving whoever yeah and like but sometimes a band was really popular oh sure when you were in the same time period that everybody around you was enjoying them and you were like i don't know, I got really into model airplanes at the time. I was mostly listening to Weird Al.
Starting point is 01:23:54 I didn't get any of the things he was singing about because I didn't know the real band. I remember seeing an interview with a Canadian talk show host, Mike Bullard, and he said he didn't like music. And I was like, that doesn't make any sense to me. Well, you know, I'm not that way. I listen to 20 albums a year. That's true. That's true. I like 20 albums a year is what I think I said.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Yeah. Too many. You like 20. You listen to more than 20. This is a narrowed down list. Well, because sometimes I'll be like, oh, there's a new album by a band i like i don't like this album uh yeah um i don't yeah that that happens too right where you like love a certain time period of and then you get excited about a new album and you're like well you kind of like wouldn't want them to do the same thing that they used to do. Yeah, that's true. But you also,
Starting point is 01:24:46 you kind of do want them to do the same thing. And at this point, what difference does it make? Yeah. It's like, I heard this album on Spotify.
Starting point is 01:24:56 It, uh, cost the band nothing for me to not like it. Yeah, that's true. They didn't lose a sale. I was never going to
Starting point is 01:25:02 buy a new album. Yeah. Yeah, fair enough. And then it makes it easier to just listen to a whole album too, right? Oh, yeah. I'm going to play some, buy it, unwrap it. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:25:13 Oh, boy. Do they still have music stores where you can go to a listening station and test out an album before you buy it? I don't know, but I remember that. Looking back, pretty gross gross Just a pair of headphones Yeah I'm going to be here for 45 minutes And my doctor said I have pretty sweaty ears
Starting point is 01:25:35 I'm a whole degree hotter I have the hottest ears in the city People are always talking about me You may want to check the insurance policy On these headphones because I'm uninsurable. Here's your final overheard. Hello there, Dave,
Starting point is 01:25:52 Graham, and possible guests. My name's Tim, calling from Brighton, England. Calling with an overheard. We were recently on, me and my partner recently, on a ferry, overnight ferry between Portsmouth and San Marlo in France for a holiday. I love this.
Starting point is 01:26:07 And we were walking through the ferry deck area, and there was a little kid running after his dad. And the kid caught his foot on the bottom of the door, went face first into the floor, and sort of looked up. We were all tensed for that moment. We were like, the child's going to scream. We all waited. The child looked up. He looked at his for that moment when a child's going to scream. We all waited. The child looked up,
Starting point is 01:26:27 looked at his dad in a very serious voice, said, Oh, no! Not again! And then just slowly shook his head in disappointment. Ha ha ha!
Starting point is 01:26:35 Bye. Cute kid. Yeah. Not again. When will I ever learn? Probably too late now. Yeah, probably when I go off, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:44 off the ferry into all the old english channel i do i do i knew you couldn't resist what do you mean i knew as soon as you started that sentence oh what well you know i summered in england one time You would love the party. I've been told that. You know what I did love is Love Guru. Oh, yes. Very funny. Excellent.
Starting point is 01:27:17 Excellent ode to the great Peter Sellers. Yes. One of our best hockey movies. Yes. Maybe Romany Malco's greatest role. And you know what? Any chance that Justin Timberlake gets to show off his comedic chops, I say, yes, please. A double scoop.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Bring it on. Omeletteville. Well, that's the end of this episode. This comes out. Oh, it'll come out. Yeah. A Monday. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:52 Not too far in the future. And it'll definitely be the 24th. So come see us tomorrow in Winnipeg. Yeah. If you miss us in Toronto. You miss Paul F. Duncan. Yeah. And it was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:28:06 You guys should buy tickets to Sight Unseen to anything we do. Yeah. Because you know what? We deliver the goods. Paul F. Tompkins will not be in Winnipeg. I repeat. And then the fourth. Oh, well, I mean, our Vancouver show sold out.
Starting point is 01:28:22 Mm-hmm. Are we doing that? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. We'll talk about that. Yeah. Fourth, fifth, and sixth of October will be in Calgary, Edmonton, and Saskatoon. And you know what?
Starting point is 01:28:36 Thanks for listening, everybody. Yeah. If you want to reach us, we're on the internet. Yeah. And take a little time every day to enjoy the view. And if you like the show know your friends come on back next week for another episode stop podcasting yourself maximum
Starting point is 01:29:07 Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Listener supported.

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